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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
.4, , r,-.THE -OREGON - DAILY " JOURNAL', -PORTLAND," WEDNESDAY -EVENIN6, MAY -31. -19051 SEPARATORS FOR MAGNETIC SANDS IN OPEN . . . C-ZAR-S-SOLDIERS REVOLT 'm-liaiS uwiM(S-sy-i Government Experiments Will (Contlnud from Pag On.) Look to Use ofj.Coast Re- , ; Togo: .Th. enemy's second snd third - Squadrons, snrrasstuily -overcoming th difficulties attending th voyage aat--7- want, " showed ' themselves," no " mean Tpower,- but your" squadron 'Intercepting '- them- tn- advnee of . their destination, t- put them - In, confusion and ' you do . , slrnyed,. or captured nearly aU-Jlhclx vessels. ' ... J.. . U- ' 'Your Victory does not end here. You " captured the nemy'sxQmmndei-ln- y chief. It 1 most grstlfylng for our national causa that you achieved such a victory. ? -'W -send congratulations- and take . occasion to praise the virtues of the emperor, to thank you and those under you fur initriv -fwMi entdtn over so many months, and to express sympathy for.ths killed and wounded.'-' - WARSHIPS LOST. . . Cwsnty-TW of Bnssla's rise Bltier i .:.'.. Bunko Captured. " ' - . ,.. " (Journal Special Bcnlce.) Toklo, May si. Reports from Adroit Tal Togo shed further light on th re ; , cent naval battle. Report states, that 4---- Admirals Rojeatvensky. Nebogatoff snd - Volkersham were taken-prisoner and : the total number -of vessels lost by the Russians is 22. . The loss of th Jsp- .1. aneae. jn men was about tpO though none of . the warships except ' torpeao dobis mir hkrtlT Hilured. Th armed cruiser Dlmltrl Donskol - -ran aground on Urleung island, the-.bat-tleshlps Osllabla, . Navartn and Btssot Vellky were sunk snd th coast de fense ship Admiral Oushakof f was sent " -to the bottom, th erw being rescued. The, cruiser Almas Is also supposed to have been sunk. - The destroyer Saxanaml captured off rrleung Island on, the night of May 27 the Russlsn. destroyer meaovy, on which was fbhdAdmrraTTWestvCTsky and- anutlier admtmttortttrTtvet'rty Wounded, together with M Kussl'snSTTn" eluding staff officers from th flagship Kntas Souvaroff, which, was sunk. Several other Russian destroyers and torpedo boats Wer sunk fry Japanese -cruisers. The offtclst Statement of -th Bus- -'lan losses -is as follows: - . -Following - six .- battleships sunk: Knlas Buveroff, Imperttpr LAlexander Zllt Borodino, 6slUbla, Blssot Veliki . and Navartn."- -. - ' 'KoUowtng five cruisers unkr"Ad- mlral-akhlfnoff. DlmMrf. Donskol. --Vladimir .Monomaeh, - Bvletlana -and Zemtrhug. " : " " ' '""U """II.' !oast defense ship'Admlral Oahakoff ,unk. j ' : .. " . "Two special service ships, Kamt , chatka and another, and threedeatrey ers also sunk. ' "J' '-. ...I "Two battleships. Orel and Im per tor . Nlcholl I. two -coast defense ships, Oen eral " Admiral Apraxlne and Admiral - Beniaviir, and-onr-destrbyerr Dtedoyy." -captured. ". 1 " " : . .-r- "Thus Russia lost altogether 22 ahips, ' the sggregst tonnage whereof amounts to 1(1,411 tons, besides the cruiser Al- - max; suspected to have sunk." ; . ; : 7 " . T DEPOSE CZAR :. raeA Cabal Womld la Tladlmi or -'- ' Michael cm Throne. " ""i" t . a Journal t perUl gerflea. " Berl In. May . 8 1. The . plot .la.-depoae. Cxar Nicholas which was disarranged by the assassination of Grand Duke Ser- glus is reported from Bt. Petersburg to have again been revived. It 'is stated on ektfellent authority that the plana of the grand dukes to - preserve the antoursoy by th ellmtns -' tlon of Emperor Nicholas have been carefully, laid and.-that Grand Duke Michael or Grand. Duke Vladimir has . been choaen as successor to the throne. It will be remembered that at. the time Bergius -was - sssaaalnatsd ths grand ducal cabal had perfected th plot ,20 retire th esar either by compelling him to fie into exile or by aasasslna tlon and in his place put one of 'their - own number who would ruthlessly carry -V out th bureaucratic Ideas of th reao- : tlonarfcrs. "T r.-. '.. Allied with th grand dukes Is Pro . . curator . Pobledonoatef f of th holy synod . snd autocrat"- of the Russian, churchr and 'Prlnce Meshtshersky, the 'Torquemada and Cagllostro of contem ' porary Russia. They It Is Who to fur ' ther their own designs sre now encour aging th cxar In hla policy of contlnu thewaiknowln-Ahe-urdeti is a hopeless one and that revolt will soon- be ripe throughout- Rueata.- a con - ditlon they encourage to enhance their own-fortunes and- bring about a con- summation of their plans. - Th head of the conspiracy is 'Grand Duke Vladimir, th senior unci of the emperor, and who. according to general ' report. Is the worst of the Romanoff ' family. He Is the father of Grand Dukes Bors snd Cyril, notorious for - their scandalous escapades. Grand - Duke Michael haa been a witness to all th great Russian trage dies sine the death of Nicholas I. He is a grand uncle of th csar, and son of Emperor Nicholas I. He was born - in 1831 and is a field marshal In th Russian army. ' He married . Princess - Ceclll of Baden. .?' . TO CRUSH LINIEVITCH. Oyama Begins March to Cut Busslaa Army Off rrom Znrope. (Journal Special SrTip. . Chefoo, May 21. Marshsl ; Oyama's army Is said to have begun a. march to Tsltslhar with the object of cutting the Trans-Blberlan road and. Isnlating Llnlevltch from Europe. When this has ' been accomplished the program is to close about th whole Russian army In Manchuria and crush it as completely Suiftptfilla enjoyi the & ; Unction cf being the great est caretive end preventive rnddkine the world has ever ' known. It b cn cll-round cecthe,1 producing its an eqssSed cfTects hy purify- ; ing. vitdlxlng end enriching the fclood cn which thi fcedth end ttrenrth cf every ;Orcnit tone end tbsae d eende . Accent no ti&stl tcto fcrlfccdi, tut t - .AJ3 r " as th Russian navy has been crushed, .and. Jthea Jn 1 set hf .whoU of Blberia. - It Is stated on good authority .that the Russian garrison. 8tVUdtYOatok 'consists of only: about 25.000 men and that the placels weakly JTortijCledl. hpon the land side.. Th Japanese program call fnr early.-Investment ef -the fert ress and Jt Is known that extensive op. eratlonr on the Korean coast not far out!)Lpfth; Russian fort have been in progress for some time. .j - . " The exact number of troops under Llnlevltch's command la not known but tt. Is presumed between 400,000 and 500,000. These are acattered along In positions south of the Sungare river and at Harbin. This-army la entirely dependent - for its supplies upon -the Trans-Blberlan road and upon the pro-' visions stored at Harbin and Vladivos tok. The Japanese program evidently Is to besiege Vladivostok and at th same time cut off all communication to th west of Harbin. "Provisions at the latter place are .not extensive enough to stand a siege of more than a few months, and it Is evident that should th Russians again be- defeated they cannot a third time retreat but will face utter annihilation. . FEARS YELLOW PERIL ' 1 OwMWl-w-iy proachlng- Sanger. ,. (Journal Special Hervlni.) Berlin, Msy II. Roje'sfvensky's de feat has revived Germany's fear of the yellow peril In the most panic-stricken form manifested slnoe th - beginning of th war. A dfatlncf' breath of Eu ropean Intervention to prevent .Japan reaping the full fruits of her victory Is contained In the newspapers which rep resent German official opinion. The battle of Tsushima Is described as not I only a. i(ttv- blow toRuwleipregttge, TnAaIs7" buf alao a crushing disaster to rne-entrre-wnii race, wnicn is pas sionately warned not to delay arming Itself sgslnst the yellow peril. Japan's triumph la described as so stupendous to stnk all jealousies and unite whit men, irrespective , of nationality, for protection against a common, danger. " ' (Journal Special servloa.) .-: - oklo. May - 21. Admiral - Togo - haa authorised Admiral Nebogatoff to sub-mlt-to. the tsat a report of th battle with a list - of - the ..Russian killed, wounded, or prisoners. The surrendered Officers of the Nlcolat Orel. Apraxlne, and Eenlavin will be release on parole. I- obssb btbw kaoiixiit, (Jesrnal Special Service.) New York, May 21. A 15.000,000 or der for machinery snd electrical equlpr ment for. Japanese shipyards and arss- The machinery will be shipped- overland to th Pacific. ;; - . i I.. . - rxosTZiro inu tm itboobbss: . T V. (Journal Special Service.) . Paris, May 11. A report- from 8t. Petersburg 1 say -that . Kamlraura - has engag-ed the remnant of the -Russian f Ieet-mt that:ghttnr U AtUtTh prog ress. o ' CAJFTTBB TBAXSrOBT. . (Joarnal. Special Service.) St " Petersburg, May 21. LJnlevitch reports that cavalry on May 2t cap tured a Japanese provision transport near Gangowatl. csab orrosxs teacb. (Journal Special Service. I Gla'sgow, May 21. The correspondent of th Herald, at Bt Pe'leisuUI gy wiles that th cxar la obstinately set against suing for peace. ' BIG MASS MEETING FOR LANE FRIDAY Preparations ' arv. practically complete for the great nonparti san mass meeting which la to be held Friday evening at the plasa. Dr. Harry Lane, the Cltliens' csndldate for mayor, and Stat I fienatOLCVQUlnghniwUl vw iuv ciiici yviiMvia. : fulmar - v -enthusiasm over Dr. Lane s csn- dldacy has been-demonstrated by th crowds that have thronged to hear him ever since the campaign - opened, and. It is confidently ex- . pected that th mass meeting w Frldsy evening' will eclipse all th gatherings that have yet been held. Lad tea are Invited to be present, snd the program will Include music ' This evening Dr. Lan will ad- dress the voters of Bunnyslde. Senator C. W. Nottingham will also speak. The meeting will b held in Boys' Brigade ball. STATE CLUB WOMEN MEET IN ANNUAL CONVENTION (Jonraai Special Barrlce.) WalU Walla, Waah.. May 21. Club women of Washington, members of th Stste Federation of Women's clubs, have taken possession of Walla Walla for their annual convention, which, was formally penll 4oday to continue un til th and of the week. Today was devoted to the reception of th delegates and th formal organisation of th con vention. For th next two days an In teresting program of papers, addresses and discussions has been arranged. The visitors ar. being, handsomely- enter tained by th local club women. BUBTUraTOB WZI.COKEI BOAS. (Special Dispatch e The JoarnaL) - Huntington, Or., May 21. When th Oregon Railroad Navigation company builds a lib from her' to Lewlaton it will open new country contiguous to Huntington and .aid greatly in th development of thla section. Many mines along' th route ' of th proposed road may be profitably worked, and the rich valleys of Pin -and Eagle will be pro-1 vlded with an outlet for fruit and other farm producta. The great copper mines of the Seven Devils country ar practi cal! y 1 1dle, watting for- transportation. Jhe- new road cannot com any . to quickly for local Interests, TO OITB CABTATA. (Special Dlapatck to Tbe JotmtaL) ' Corvsllls, Or.. Msy 11. Friday night tn,ths opera-hous Professor Talllandler, o( the Oregon Agricultural college. Is to give the sacred csn tats, "Th Wreck. ef the- lie peruse SEVERAL NEW MACHINES WILL BE EXHIBITED HERE Interest of ' Geological" Survey's 5 Work Assured Broadest Possible Scope. Dr. David T. Dsy of the geological survey has his work of .installing con eentratlng devices for-worklng - black sand well advanced. He Is opening, hla offices In the Mining building, adjacent to the Montana and Oregon exhibits. and thr h will direct all hla work; the location brings hint In close iown with all phases of mining operations at th fair. . As th machines begin to arrive, it is seen that separation of gold and rare metals Is not the-only, or probably th maiiu. object of this experimental work. There are - raagnetlo separators, which sr primarily designed to sav magne tite, which , has been regarded tarn proo- ablo future source oMron orf for th Paclflo coast. It was to effect a saving of this metal, giving to the coast foundries and factories 47 good grade of Iron close to th point where It was-to be -used, that largely prompted the ap propriation by th government. In sll of th sands of th coast slop It 1 said that a good percentage of magnetite Is to be found. In some places th propor tion running as high as 10 and 15 per cent. . -. Every possible encouragement has been given the manufacturers of mag netic - separators- to., exhibit " here, and demonstrate what they can do In aavlng this Iron .sand. That nr. Pay has been- well as in gathering a collection or ordi nary concentrating devices, I made ap parent as th exhibits begin to arrive. There "will be important work of thia character during thrfalrrandTio doubt, memorable results will, be' attained. L. BTMZI.TXB MZ BBTTTBV. "" (Special Dispatch vo The Journal. Cottage Grove, Ori7 May 21.--8. P. Fellman- -and - W.-; W. Adams ' havii re turned from Bohemia,- but nothing can be learned as to what they intend doing regarding smelters.'- It Am said positive ly that they are connected with th Ks wick Smelter company. 'On. a previous visit to, Bohernla, Mr. Fellman was accompanied-by R.- R. MoCloud, also said to be lntereated at Keswick. Oeorg W. Lloyd has gone to ; Portland, where he will take charge of the Bohemia and Blue river exhibits until June 20, when Professor Stafrordof th University, of Oregon wIlt'Take charge- for the sum mer. Mr. Lloyd was sent by the -Commercial club of this place, and ia also th. choice of th Bohemia Mineowners' association, of which organization he la a charter membea, "' ATT WOBX BXQUB. (Sjoclal DlapatcS t T Jarsal. - - Juneu, Alaeka, May 1 11. Const ruc tion work haa commenced vrr the- steam railway and big mill for the Alaska Perseverance company,' which operates in Silver-Bow basin, adjacent to - this city. ; Engineer Hooley haa lost no time In putting the property in shape, and already is working a considerable crew. By the middle of June he will have ev erything going full awing. Graders are building th road, and arrangements are being made for the mill work to begin. Men are being hurried to th seen-as rapidly as possible, and the manager of conetructlon says that the latter part Ko Juc will And blm employing 600 people. . nr umii coitjicbza. B. Howarth of this city, who is Inter ested In th Monarch Gold tt Copper Mining company, operating on Hall creek.-eight miles from Nelson. B. C. haa returned - from thw-pToperty- and says that development is -progressing rapidly. Th main drift has been driven 20 feet on the vein, and at th time of Mr. Howarth'a departure there waa a full fac Of ore, which had a good muting vaiue. l no arm oeing ex tended now Is ths deepest adit Surface work Indicates a large mineral sone whlcbthe nwners bellevn will . prove th best proposition In the entire dis trict Cj-tt Prescott-of -thli, Telly Is president of the company. VXT FOB WAOXS. " (Special Dispatch to Th Journals Baker City, Or., May 21. J. J. Joseph has begun action agalnat th North American Mining company to recover an amount due for labor performed, and ha filed application for the appointment of a receiver for the company, alleging that th company is insolvent owing 222,000, and. that ita property is dete riorating In value under present condi tions. The North American Mining com pany Is composed of eastern men, with Rheadquarters in Baker City. Th prop erty conalats of 22 copper mining claims near tsurkemont Baker county, and la equipped with a holat and mining machinery. SBXSOB WOBKB IMOOTBXT. (Special Dispatch to The JoarnaL) Granite, Or.. May 11. Continued suc cess . I reported from the Crane Flat dredge, near this plsce. which went Into commission a short' Urn ago. Since th pit has been excavated to bedrock and the buckets begin scraping the country formation, th real teat Is being given tht machine. It Is responding to the en tire satisfaction Of th management and for th early days Is handling a large amount of gravel. -It will probably be held to a eapaelty of l,S00to 1,700 tons In actual working runs. - COBTTJUsCI ' TBB 'A9JVSTMXBT. ; (Special Dispatch to Th Jot-rial) Sumpter, Or-, Msy 11. Manager L. R. CaKfornia -muitir d ha Maeofth butIacki fluror. jrTrrente has f 1 a v o r but brks teigtri. Schilling's Best : is the two mixed, lothmg esse, ho ""color. ThfJnext - best muatard sold here is weak but has good ftavor. Your grocery money back. I , : rjV -I I. I.tL1. L JOl IK. TX.- Jm.-- COHfER TO JRING UNIVERSAL PEACE Eleventh Annual Meeting fbf the ...Lake Mohonk Conference . . ; r on Arbitration. . . - PROMINENT MEhTWOOLD ABOLISH WAR'S HORROR Failure "of - Arbitration ' Treaties Negotiated at Wash- - - ington Considered. - -(Jooraal Spectal Serflce.) . - Mohonk Lake, N. T., May-21. Th large number of prominent men In at. tendance and the live Importance of the subjects for discussion oomblne'to make the eleventh annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk, Conference on International Ar bltratlon, whlrh opened here today,-the moat' notable session In Its history. -The sessions areOTKmttnuTT0ir.tir day . Judge George Gray -of Delaware 1 I-the presldna officer;' Other .prominent men - present "are - Andrew IX white, former ambassador to Germany: Oscsr 8. Straus of New York, Justice David J. Brewer of th United '-'States supreme court, Carroll D. Wright, tex-oommla-stoner of labor; Dr. Lyman Abbott, General Horatio C. King; -of Brooklyn, Robert Treat Paine of Boston, . Clinton Rogers Woodruff of Philadelphia, the Rev. Thomas F. Barr of " Milwaukee, Professor John Bassett Mopre of Colum bia university, Justice W. P. Potter of the Pennsylvania supreme court. Edward C- Moor' of Harvard and President E. D. Warflold'of Lafayette college. . On session of th conference will be devoted to addresses by delegates from numerous business organisations. Includ ing the Merchants' association and the Manufacturera' association of New York, the trades Unions -Of PhriadelphtaTThe Merchants' Exchange of fit. Louts, the chamber of commerce of Milwaukee and the boards of 'trad of Columbus, Balti more. Scrantoii and other cltlea. Atten tion will be given also to the situation presented by the failure of the arbitra tion treaty recently negotiated at Wash ington. Betlman-ofthe Ttirnagaln Arm Mining company is arranging to conduct work at th Cracker-Oregon property. He confirm, adjustment of the litigation betgeen the Turnagaln - Arm company and the KUlen . Warner - Stewart com pany regarding -Interests In the, Cali fornia Mountain .Mining company. Tbo exact terms 6? "settlement have not been Indicated, but' ir Is believed that the basis of settlement., wiy be announced soon, when Important changes In th control of the California mine, Cable Cov district, will be made. BVQXarSEBS XXAMXKM MHTJ3. v. (Special IMapatcta to Tbe Jnoroal.) Eureka, Or, May Jl. rThere has beeti a general revival of interest In the Im naha copper district as a result of th excursion here- of the Mountain Gnm steamboat, bearing -th--ngtrfer-tf the Eureka "Wining, Bmeltlng-A Power com pany and several capitalists who desired to ltiok over ths mining situation. The engineers will not Intimate the nature of their report until It Is submitted to the management of the company, but there Is every ' prospect that affairs wllj be-favorably viewed, : and work, will bo heavy through th year. . . UTTU9 OUT 01 COtJBT. ' (Spectal Dlcpatch te Tae JoarbaL) .: Baker-City, Or, May XI. The suit of Charlea H. Carter vs.. the Go I con da Mining company, In which application waa mad for. a! receiver,, haa been set tled and dismissed. - - Exhibits on the Fair Grounds. Will show up 100 per cent better Tf shown up on- one of our parquet or hardwood floors. Call at 2 Yamhill street and Investigate. Hardwood floor ing for sal. Portland Hardwood, Floor company.. : . - , ' ' ... ' , ' . Berry Pickers Wanted. WsKtedlTiOOtrawberry-plckers. Tor particulars apply. agent steamer Charles R. Spncr,. ot of Wah!netnn street. MICMfTf SNOLIM W l VRS M4 4lla MHIk hn. mmf4 -- 1 i miiUM Tat BUfttM SJS VI s a SabaUiadM m4 laill. D mt 'Use fwi uiM, .i.urr m 1 lanHaL lltMTHUWtlili. I.UM tMtt.T MsaHea mmm. tfuCt (-EtinYOoyjav.eU-W 1. Just Store V dosed -- Tomorrow Thopo io no Time to tVait- Ills not a 'lititle thing. "-" will not-" get wall bylfself " iTyoiTIetit alone.;Whiskey quinine and such things brace they don't cure you. Ask any inteUfgent -doctor easily; . He iyll say, " Because you are a bit run ..down." He means that the force which nature placed in your body - to krep- out-qisease gerrns-theresistiveIorce ia weak' ened. The door is open ajittle. way -toward disease.---- ' , .. , ' ri nere is nor a gravestone in caused by consumption or pneumonia or anyongtrouDle" whatever,-which did not start with What you call "Noth ing but a cold." . " A cold should not be beaten should be built up. cured ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY should be taken at the first symptoms of cold. It is a tonic for the whole body, a specific for sudden colds, coughs, or sore throats It doesn't matter where the cold is or how it got there, we know that Acker's Enjflish Remedy will reach it and cure it It is sold on a positive guarantee. NO CURE NO PAY. " you have a cold.-no matter hpw slight--it means something. Take Acker's English Remedy at once. ; Keep it in the house. If it does not relive you almost instantly, we will refund you 1 i - " me, price paia. - "Acksk's Emousr RiMtny saved my E ew constantly won and I finally bad actory at waiaen. l naa irequent Dieeaing spells, wag-examined by local doctors, prominent physician la lege. They all pronounced my cas hopeless. . I began using Acm'i English Rsmbov and a few bottles cored me. I am today a perfectly well man." (Signed) , A. H. SIMPSON,. Walden. N.,1C Acker's Kngllsh Remedy is sold on a post, tive guarantee that the purchase money will be refunded ia case of failure. 85c, 60c., ahd Jl.00 per bottle. The only dessert thst csn he fed to children with Impunity. Jt 1s brown, delicate and nour ish In wheat, barley and salt. :nrslOT( IO -cents a package. - AT Alt, GROCERS . WRIGHT Th' CTBaTTmO 9IITI1X that relieves aU pals In dental opera tloas. . -r S49& Washington Ut eor. Beveatk. For- modern dehtsl work.' ' World-r nowned speclsllsta. Lowest prices aanalatent with flrst-class , work. .... ' -" O ta-th ' '..-. NOW YORK DENTISTS rOXTBTS ASTO MOBaUSOW MTS. .... Ppen day And nlshti front 1.19 a. A the thing to wear at theExpositiorir LIGHT . " IN -. WEIGHT, LIGHT IN COLOR" AND " LIGHT IN PRICE- PANAMA AND "STOAW "HATS In Portland's most elaborate allowing .t . T:PANAklAS, in every quality of weave, from $5 to $2S ' SfHAWS, of Milan, SpUt, Snnit and Porto Rican Palms ; ; : J;:' ".-ji, $tso, $2, $iso, $3 to $5 The Greatest Crtiing Hosae It's a deadly thin?. It. yog op for the time, but why you eatch cold so ...... . any cemetery in ine woria back or drugged over it " : l : life, A cough, slight at first. to give op my work in th Knifa oh1 tftaa rranSMl hAalrh tsnri-li1 fA '.- I 1 1 n i y muv faiW avioViM MVSU M BUVU1V lw VP' 3 I I 1 1 ' . . " :.''.-.'..- - y 3jrJ I New York and at a Medical Col SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY S. C. SKIDMORE llorthtjBabv All goes well when the baby is well. Keep ths baby well by' giving- i:hlm - Meluo's - Food, it - wul' nourish him make him grow strong and keep him bsppjr. Ws ar sur f It try it. - Ask th mothers of -Mellin's Food children.4" Send for our " free book about Mellin's Food. Mania's FeeS te SStT lafsats Ve4. which retvel the Craai Prise, rrlse, I rwr BlgaV th aUheet award ef Ik LwiaaM rr caa asvMitlen. SI. Laals. 194. r taaa a gld aMdai. . If ELLIN'S FOOD CO, BOSTON, MASS. Ther has ben and will be ' no change In th prices : bt Mineral Water,. Soda Water. Siphons, Syrups. - etcf - th sam prices will be maintained all reports to th contrary ngU withstanding. v ' "Star bottu::cv:c:x$ Fhdn Mala S30. SS Xistt SV inrtbe Nortkweat , '-r : r: '''' V jfi ' 'i: 'v"": I -f Xk& 3 jT. " " !" " r I . -v DRUG COMPANY.. YOU'RE ON Solid footing and saf ground when your inquiries for hardware) ' of any description ahelf or heavy, builder1 supplies or tools are made hr."Hn't take long to satisfy the knowing ...awn's, wants here, because the- sto.k a vsrled snd the quality top notch at wisely msde prlceav AVERY & GO. . .-ss Txxms sraaaT. ; PACIFIC TENT 45i AWN-JO CO. lK rr sromraT n tt r : vv Bat. uraut Cwi , - Awnlna-e f e r Stnres and roal- dnna. 1'snta . ' 'I