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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
'. THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAIi. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY" 31. 1903. , FOB HT-KOUBEEZEPTNO) BOOMS. Oh rnssrtioa la this lltaaifloaUoa. ant "t wma lor i aia- CAMPOKOUNIMJ on Portlaad Heights; w bars the beet-located grounds loAthe city ther will be but few mpe sad no cbtldreo Bull Run water. phone and wood It dslrd plenty of shads. .Mala 6103. : . . nfurHlihedrgroontrfenl to nltcta lwr own trot. S3 Dor month: fin 'Wtilima imiaaa anala ' au rHr- llimptlH,t'Tn1t1uir grvuiuia,. auiaoor. raoae scan 0704. .yi'UMBHED boueekeeplng; eultee;. reasonable, - -. ign ono-tswnaryi artcs tmuaiBgj mocK mil L. car, Ult Kuaaall at., Alblaa. . . r-t ri'RMSUE! and housekeeping rooms at 4MS Nur Id Turuly -third. t.. aegr ttxpualtiuu gruunu. rnua rvet goon. . -TW som4e4ly- Garnished roomsv gaa. laundrr. t Plin ann pnoaat-seessaaBle. .'Bass atest Jb THB LINDA VISTA, nicely farntahed boasshooB. Ia aad single rooma roaaoaabla. 847'A Fifth. pop. rentfurnished moons. DURING THB FAIR, "- '.- Elegant euuur furnlahed rooma ar desirable, - away from city Boiac: all out aide rooms. - plenty j ot . freeb air, building fireproof; car at door tor all polnta; no' ralaa durlug lair: . lataa II Uai l tin phone, bath aad am Call or phone J. II. Palmar, Uuesell at Phon Kaat 8480. THB UARl.AKD - ,. . .'. Waahlugtoa. bat Nineteenth aad Twen. i i " i MM, leoem, at! -vmietflv- trls' light. Bboos, free batfes: BOe. Too, fl nor dajej rates by ward; eeataorsot In basement 870 SEVENTH ST.. near - Montgomery Wll furnlahed rooma In private- family, desirably located In nice residence district, convenient to ear 1 1 nee and near cantor of dtr; bath rooma -.v and ll bom conveniences;, ratea $1 to $2 per ,aay.. a'oone oos, - , v AR UK front room, jrrrrato fanriir f ldoiiy ipto preferred! all modern eonranlancea. roun walkini diatanrci on two carlinoa; rent .: feaaimalilo. law Eaat Auttii. i' , (THE HAMANN, 13S N. lth., eor Hort Nawlj t furnlahed roonia. SI. 60 no: oonTaolent location. - )& mluutea' walk la- alr- iounda; bhirrtaon car at union depot direct to huuaa. 1'hona H47U. ' FOR HKNT Two Urn furnlabed mo mar bath , and phone; contract during fair; on lihick - from reataaraot.r-ono block JXbrrd and Fifth Una M0NNA8TE8. 883H . rirat at.; alnfla ; rooma rrom II to fS; furnlanea nouaeaeepioi s - aultea from fl.TB to.tS per week; rooma par . . night. BO ana 3c; touriau aoiicileo. gMUHKfi b-waekeonlng nmia In rottaire; hot and cold water In kltcbeo and batb: : reaaonable. Call aftornuon Juua 1. 466 taut . Waahlngton at. illy laaataii pla ant aiirroundlnga: prlcea reaaonable: gaa, pnona and' batn. SOU Jefferaon at.v oppoalta clt JiaU. - - . XBWI.Y fnmlabrd rooma In new cottage three ; hlicka -from fait. groonda-ga aod electrle -tight, not and cotn trr .ham. rss iiurmiu, KICEI.Y furnlahed room In prlrate realdence breakfaat If dealiail; -wirltable-for two; aery raaaunatar .bain ud. pnonav 'UAROUAU HOt'SR. "44114 6th Rooma an aolta or alngle; bonaekeeplng rooma; gaa atovaa . Bain, eieccrie uguiax-iranaianLa aoucii THE . MAYFAIR Eleaaatlr fnrnlehed ' room a new bnlrdlngr modern -cmlTentencea.-20aVi Btark. cor. ririb. Main auoi. . -r . KEAT furnlabed rooma. reaaonable prlcea. for ... rent b day, week or monlhj Mrs, J ana, 823 . a tex, -ror. lib j. , . - 7IBSH TIWTIU near MorrlaonHandaome front .. A .. rwme. aay or urnj fmu uwujuwuih aia or niu. THE tSUtDRTONE 61H garter It., fnralahad Ivom unilrr now aanagoaaontr f uiag m- eonable. CLEAN, cheap furnlahed rooma and ledgtnga 340 cignteentn at., a niocaa rrom iair g rounoa. mctil.? ftirnUbed rooma IWr. THe per day; aleo nnlurnlahed rooma. loa Aortn rieTenteenin. t : CHEAPEST and beat located rooma In Portland. "- $1 weak and up. Oilman, Ftrat and Alder a la. i A r-t'RMKIIED front roojB an liable f nr . 3tJ8.9ic ranaonab fHK iniL Sewle-nrnlane rin; -rent Toa aonable; tranalot. U4a Morrtaon at.v-- - TWO nlroly fnrnlahed rooma, not -batba, S, t.i Wfek, fair alaltora. new rronf. NEWLY furnlahed rooma, aiirroundlnga pleaaant. . 50 Magnolia at., Woodlawn. .- t RtMiMH with donbla brda at 290 Benton at . - Pttona eJcott 6036. FOR RENT Nicely furnlabed front room. 8S1 Mill at. -- roa remt tmruBHisHED soom. .SUITE 4 tinfurnlahed rooma. water and tele, . phone; . ground f loorj $1.00; nicely located at unireraity lara. t'oone ncott lata or Eaat 67. . : ROOMS AND BOARD. S'KM. we can accommodate a few more table. boar den; home cooking and aeerytblng Aral - claaa. Aatar bouaa, Saaanth , and - Madiaoo. f bene Mam oz.u. KLEOANT ccommodatlona, ratra by day, week . or moatn: oining room; pricoa right, Tha , IrrlDg, cor. lath aad Irrlng. Main Mao. THE HELENA dining rooma, board br the day. week or month: reaaooablo ratea; atrlctly IiratwTiaaa. zii rirtn at., oppoaita city hall, ; THE LIN DELL New family hotel. Market, bet . Third and Fourth;' ateam beat, electric light porcelain hatha; exceedingly low rate. d0 MSEXEENTIL at..cor. Cllftoa. JortUnd . - Hrlghta. 'bene Main 4377. Take Hetghta bar. BOOM and board at Clay and Water ata.. No.' - 123. M. Jam. SOUSE! FOR REM rORHITTTRI FOR SALE. THE PORTLAND AUCTION . ROOMS aejla yont furniture for you at yonr realdence or 211 Vlrat at t or beat reaulia phono Alain SCM. MLfT UK HOLD 'Ql 1CK . Furniture of .7room bonae, cloaa In, went Ide; carueta and furniture all nearly new ; and good, rent I'M, nice yard, roaea. eta.; a big aacrlflco at I'lOU. Phona Main SMI. . FOR 8AIJC At a bargain, furniture of a Ji riom tranalrnt hoic; rent $40; dolus good bualneaa. 2iK4 Madlaon at . .COTTAGE -to rent cheaps furniture for aale; , bandy to fair. Call 244 North Fifteenth at FOR RALE Furniture of 12 -room honae, nonaa : for rent; alckneaa; anap. IMP riandera at. B-KOOM cottage, elegant furniture, rent S2S, elnoe In. Price 43. Call llWVa Third. .S-ROOM flat, new furniture, rent S3T.K0. 1T Third at. ' Call TOR RIT HOTELS, - FOH RENT Atoro and hotel containing 114 eutplde rooma on clwantyltth at., faring f main entrance and ealt of Iewla and Clark . fair. Apply to B. M. Lombard, H14 Chamber f r of Commerce, or 4i2(4 Twenty-alitb at- .FOR REHT TARMS. FOB KENT 0 acrea of tend, all In cnltlra I tloa, Eaat Forte-third and.Heatlon Una road. W. Q. Beek. SOT Tha Falllm. FOR REMT HOUSES. FOR RFNT Coxy cottager two hlncke from . Montarllla line, Weat are. Inq'ilra of Klrh. -; anleon at Oalmrn hotel.. Ur and.. arc.' and Aah. KADDERLY TltANHFER-OMMIHMinN CO. I'lanna and furniture mo red promptly by ax perlenred men. llu Third at Main 1683. - FOR ItK?IT Modern B room ban, furnlahed , complete, with gaa. hath, phone, from Jvna 1 to October 1. I'bona L'W 1 : 1 FOR RENT S modern T room bonaea on Eaat Tblrty-fourtk at. rent I'Jii;. W. O. Beck, room WrT The Falling bldg. FOR. RKNT-S hew modern B-roora Beta for . II. M. Including water; no. children dcalrad. J Mill ao.. . I FO It RENT Large, handanma bona and gmnnrM on top ot Ml. Tabor. Apply Hyaeou, JoarnalJ. - orrreo. - - - . - f n ., i i- , $12 6-ROOM houae; 'baaement torge yard. ' .key 0 NtU'a grocery, tor. Uuod and Grant, . BUSINESS CHANCES, rNVERTIOATB'arat Iban hay block of Tallow ao. Call and aeo nap, aamplea, reiorta froui mine regarding the work being done now, ' then decide. Far partlculara. U. W. MlUrr, luuvi Ulxth at FHEH LANDS H (IRKIKlN. - IFERTILR anil, Jura water, dellg htfulrllmate; Mad ni aiiaue. ippin buu, rw iuii Information addreaa the Columbia Bournem WorccBTef TiM a. Tiki la mi. A tADV or gentleman who baa a aaall a own at of money to tneeat aa partner to attend " to ofdeo bnalneaa Setting from $000 to SI.SOO -and upward per month. Call 23 li KorUi Biath at Phoue, Main 2tUU. .,- - ESTABLISHED milk bualneaa for aale on ac count of age of owner, who wlehes to re tire; for an ertlra man no other huatneea l)l yield aa nittch prod I. ea tba aneettniank -r4-SS,-coro Jeornal.- - THB NATIONAL FIXANCINGV. . CO Su Mir. quam nmg., rortiana, ur., naoaiee oonaa. . atoeka, mlnea,' flnaneoo icglttmata eoterprleee, furalabaa aata laveatmenta and eeeuroa loana. TBS beat location In Oregon for a good hotel , man with from S.V000 to $10,000,' In tha cen ter of the goTernment Irrigation werka. AO , dreaw A. F. Clublne, Merrill. Oregon. . 47-ROOM hotel with bar:' rooma full, dining room well patronlaed end' bar making money; Fordi a. loo 1, 4th at., room aV. fSAO BUYS dairy,- 20 rowa, bora and wagon, 3 cajOj - etcr S-year -Teaae; large hooae and barn, HI acrea good paatura, 1V BiUoa from , t none r lout' " goao. I ATTENTION, ce-rlage-palnter Wanted, part J...ner. at Dace; doing ruahtug bualneaa. r. C. jaoaaman, , Clt - a ira ana nMonam CONFECTrONrRT-nnd-etgar atoro -atockr -tnrea at Ineolce; tow rent; Urlng-rooma; alck ' nraa ana other bualneaa eanao. B 6. JournaL FOR SALE Confectionery, elgara, light grocer- h-e, llTlng rwma.-wtrri fomtrore; a bargain. - If r taken at aoce. - 681 Pewall, cor. a (ore. FOR HALK Keat eteck o arooarleav for SJUOt In good location, rent Sin: good reason tot oeHlngi Addraea & a.3, care JournaL DRI'O gtork and fixture, SO mile from Port land growing town; S phyelclane; at t2.S00. Addrraa D 42. care of Journal. BLACKSMITH and woodwork bualneaa. with - Block aad toola, cheap. Call Twelfth aad -r-KreeeM,- - .- - Mjood bargain, boarding, roomlng-houae. If (old at oncei no agania. rnona aiam soai. BONANZA aide Una for lire traTeltng man. eeorgo M. Colo Co., North YamhIU. Or. FOR r-aah.- an lulereat in Teal aetata office bualneaa good. ITS Madlaon at. FOR SALE Buttermilk . route and riff; price '..200, 491 Cook ara., Portland. " FOR SALE Extra -good reataorant wftb leaae, Bna location. 412 Morrlaoa at. 59 ROOMS, central, good leaaa; a money-makar. Call 10T4 Third. S-KOOM - rooming -honao r aale, $400. . .402 Madlaon at FOR SALE TAlMS J20 ACRES, moatly bottom land: S00 acre nndar rultieatlon, 6 acrea ceded, -ground .all fenced, new cedar- poata..-board and wire fence, " Urae S-room bouae. good barn, gratneTT,-mtlkhouae. : large " woodnouae and other buildlnga, flne water at .the bouae. fine etream through the place. 2 good teams of boraea, 1 cult, 110 goata, 8T bead of cat tle, RS head of hoga, doaen chlrkena, IS .. turkera. new waxnna. 1 selfblnder. 1 new ' aooweri- ! now baynrke. 1 " apring-tooth drag. . S plowa aad all klnda of garden toola.. forka, ahoTeht, wedgea. axea and aearythlng com- , pleta. Price 17. IKK); $2,200 caa atand at 6 per cent;- 8S mllea from city, next to laat farm at foot bill: ftneat range on- the Pacific coaat; .6 mllea from R,f St, - W. W. -XapaJx boom 1. Hamilton bldg.' : ' .. 280 ACRES 0 acres In grow log crop. -100 acrea nr timber, bal. paature, running at ream through place, eprtng water for bouae wear 'good lmproeementB, near ' tmbllc achool, rural mall and telephone, a Bna homo, -suit- ur wiiij r mw r.wu, gr.iii, irui., bopa or eagetablea. Price ,f 4.200; Sl.MiO down, bar. on time. Addreaa V 41, Jouraal. k-ta-oulUestlen. Iiawn Kuva lee na., - u. n.w ,vu. good road, nearby ail klnda or rruic, -at barna, - good S-room bouae. good water and wind mill. B mllea Boat beast from city limit pi Portland; will make term.. Arllliaa tL - Losacay, Milwesafe, Or., owner. a AfRE8 on Base Line road, near ear; all in cropa. 6-room noose, new end-modern barn, other outbuilding, fruit and be it lea, Bn water, no grarel, all farm machinery, team aad atflck. Eaay terma; would take bouae in trade. Owarr, room XI, 3 Flrat at. 10-ACHB farm, IS mile from Portland; email bouae, nam. cnicken-nouae, orchara, well; owner will go with aroapectle buyer, meen. Ing bualneaa; only t00; SA00 down. Inquire Eipoaltlon Leaalng Co.. 73 SiitA at. FREE LAND IN OREOON nnder the "Carey . Irrigation Act" Deed direct from elate. "Writ today. Booklet and map free. B. 8. -Cook A-Co.r 21 Alder atf PrtUnd,-Or. - MALHEUR COUNTY Improved and aftlmproved landa, acreage property, town tots, reeldrBcee, bnalneaa locations, etc. Don Carlo Boyd, tba real aetata Baa a, Ontario, ,Or. aw. U aeo. S2. twp. B. T. 8 w., two- mtlea from pitrebnrs, tolumoia county, ur.i will rut .Ooo.tXH) feet R, Ooodrlch. Taooma, Waah. Tlmber-landa for sale. , HOMESTEADERS W locate yon on wheat or . lrrlgatloa landa; real aetata for aal. Call or writ Van Clears Scholl, Echo, Umatilla Co. FRES landa In 4)regon; excuralooa ovary day. For Information Inquire nortnwtra Been Ti tle Co., SIS Oregonlao bldg. FOR southern Oregon reel eetate. large er a null tracta. lunar Clayton., auiaeniirgv ut. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TVPEWRITEBS Over' SO gaschlnes to select from, new and ellgatly uaed mark lure of Blasost any make to aeleet from, with terma to ault purchaser: prlcea guaranteed lower than elsewhere, Call aad examine our atock before nurchaalng and aavo money. PORTLAND TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 6,14 Msrquam bldg., Portland. Or. ICS CREAM, frnlt Icea. made quickly without .Ice, trilling coat; keep milk. Butter, etc., sweet In hot weather; full direction. 10a. Phillip Specialty C., Bog 204, PerUaad. BILLIARD AND POOL tablee for rent or for aale on eaay paymenta. . THB BRUNSWICK-BALK K COLLENDER Ca 44 Third at, Portland. CASH reglater, key-lock safe, hot-water tank, bar Bxturea, neating-ainres. comoipation gaa Sxtorra. ateel range, at half coat 234 Stark, eor. Second.-- 1 : WE print yonr name on SO caUlag- aardSi arenet aiae ana eijie, sic sou Dueioeee earns, fl, Brown A rich male, 22S Flrat, Portland, Or. FOR SALE Second hand boflrr and engine, 12 borae power; engine lathe, a foot; ateam pump. Addreaa A. K. Remlck. Kelao, Waah. 18-FOOT gaa launch, 8 H horac power, com pletely eguippeo. in . goon- eoeiauion; price 300. W. 1. Clemens, 278 Starh at -' FOR SALE S cowa hnd email milk mate; eeubllahrd. Apply 4x Eby at, 'Montarllla, any night after T o'clock. , - SCOW, new. 12x24 feet; en boat IT feet long, new, nttea tor gaaniin engine. Mrs. tow land, font of Mill at. . THOROUGHBRED rocker-apanlel pupplea. aire Black Victor. S30 Wllllama ara. iney ara FOR SALE -No. 4 Remington typewriter, good aa new; a aargaia. ASdreoa u 46, Journal NEW oO-plecs dinner set for people, eery -neap. uh mira at., north. Room 14. TELEPH0NR bracket and plnai Plonevr Wood iig. ro., b, -eerrnin. rnona Eaat 2100. FOR SALE Cheap, - aal (boat with complete esmplog estric met land Rowing Club.. COLLECTION Indian baaket for aal or change. P. O. Hog Z46. ASSAYERS. THE, J. H Flak Aaaaylng offlcs Oreeoley A crawTora, anaiyiicai cnamiata and aaata' lurglala. 2114 Wasktngtim et- fOR RENT FLATS. FURNISHED 4 roomed modern Sat In Sneat realdence porno on eaat aide, at reaaonable rales. Inquire room J, Chamber of Com merce. , ' FOR RENT--Ineer furnlabed Sat, 8 mom and alcove, gaa rang and water beater; adults; eaat aide, (30, ..Addreaa 0 60, car Journal, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WANTEl-vETery ono to know that tba North Weat Land Company la doing bualneaa at the trill rviiiii. VU Allaki blilg.i and that wa haw .iM,ri tn t.rtmr lu all barto of tha I'aclBo eoat country. - So If you are Viokliig for B location, we .can ten yoo au i - u. a k . , aiflwt of orooerty r'U want - or where you want It. ' We ha tba'Sooda and want to enow-thru. rnn Hirr-ri.tiiiiiUBiirTM ot 8 acrea highly iJiiproeed ground, l-rouin - k..h.,i..m- also a.niom oot- taee. abundance of trull aiidlrrlc! Ht Biliintea' rldo to city. Addreao oe call on ' 0. H. SchwerdtnaanB. ear l Star Boa Co. -phono Main S. roll m.l A anodarn corner brick block, S- atory -and beaemeat, 4 atororooma, 40 rooma . furulehedi 'wlll aell all or aeparata at nea "rock price;' aleo 1 modern -rooai realdaore, at oa Williams BTa. i good Income fHvteriy Inunlr Yfn-&tnl& -Tb railing blaff. -. 1 - I go OH 40 aeroa, SO mllee from Porttaod. -pert clear, aoue line BearerOABU-Jta aiuuipa or "graeV ry" flne aoll gud eaay cleared, near k. K. and boaUandlag; why pay TS to SloO per acre when you can get thlg at Ho on tout own tarmat Addraea f HI. Journal. FOR SALE 10 acrea ebotc land. IS mllr from Portland, aulubl fur a home; eaally Im proved, handy to B. B. atatloo. boatlandlug and good roa da; good soil. For particular addreaa A. R. Folkeubarg. Holbrouk. Or. . FIVE new modern houaea In Holladay Park mAAItXnn , a 1 A almlnat lota: afreet lm- - proeed. cement walka, aewer, or will build house to eult cuatomera; on eaay .tsraM. W. -O. Beck, SOT Tk Falling bldg. - - - rtiR. Ha.f-ie a mtpn nn-tn-dats new bouaos. 1 r-room and 1 6; gaa and electric; furnace dIdo: full- baaement! flna location; -view of . city; bet. 2 cat Unas; a bargain. Bee owner, H47 -Kerby at - . , . SEE, tat cbeip- bomea In city and country. Urge and ainall farnu In all parte of tha .ute.lluban Taggart. JOT-HUlh L WHY not buy a noma "when I hare ao many Sue ' cottage and houaea of all descriptions "which cad be bought on caiy terroa - Inquire -N. Mprague. 12a Vx Grand are., room 12. . FOR SALE S-room modern bouae. with or without furniture; flrat cteaa; cement baae ment, porcelain bath, etc. if. K. Martin A Co.. T80 Chamber of Commerce. . A BEALTIKIL S-acre tract, all In orchard; 16 yeara old; near Lenta; Juat .the plac for a fine home: IH&O ner acre, on Tory eaay terms. f Addreaa T SO, car JournaL FOR SALE House, T rooma, hall, pantry, bath, eloerte. '! baaement, ono lot eaat . aide, . S2.TM). Call Main S186 . befora S a. m., after 6 p. m. i)TS In Vernoa: -as them enr before bujrlng; take Vernou ear -to Hlxtoenlh at.. Inquire tit ' Ogden. on block aonth, .who--will -bow you lots sad furalsh prlcea. - SNA P 2 acrea In fruit and eegetablea; gond - bona, - cKtcrn - and outbulldloge ; S blocka - from car 11a. WlUlam Abbott; Montarllla aeenu. 117o 42l)0 W Ny S - per moath, bay ale - building - all; equal to three tote. t-non Eaat 8036. Addreee 411 Eaat Thirty-fourth. FOR BALE B room cottage, modern, lot fenced, fruit treee, 2 blocks from cir: caab or terms, " F. J. Ryder, MouUTtlla. Phona, Main 6WS. - FOR SALE Houee of 8 rooms, lot WilOO, Illgbland, -- terma Indalrs.- lluhnaa - Canning Co.. Kaat Eighth aad Dlelalon ata. A nui, rirn. nr.. . .- ZSrSTinV ioT.';i,TUOTYa-Tenr.U 84 iJOm. close In, eaat aldefTlny or all for aale, Installments; a rare opportunity to get a bonis. ,- CU -10TW .Third at FOR SALS or exchange, lift acre Improved, m mllea iron Montarllla car line, laquir - Umnmr, 414 Belmont ' 4-ORRAT lianoSi T-room -bona and' S lota - gl.K-fci,ii down, am-per nrantni inquire - BM) Eaat Waahlngton itu. , f , - fl.aao New 6-room eotraga and S large lota on eor. vrena an, bbo onaeea- lb wee owner. t4 Sharer at ' FOR SALE S-room bona on ear II n with era fruit tret,' ata. Iwrulre-Sol Keel - Sixth at - -'- : ' - KOOOLAWN. Highland Park; choice iota ea. lo-4 -stallBH-ota. B, C Mattkew. et LOT box 1 09 feet on TwaulTweina ' and ' Clln'i ton at., aat aide; 8400. Addreaa B 40. Jour. - B-RiHiu bouif. lat bl)f UJ: Ittmll caah ftarment . remainder luitallmenti. Call 107 U Third, 3.250 NEW S-room bouae on Wllllama are.; lot nuxiuo. .. tan luivt iniru. . . - FOR SALE Cheap, elehtlT lota. Lower Alblaa. - CalL owner, phone- ati FOR BALE : New modern 8 -room residence. Phone Union BIDS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR BALD or exohange, 10 acrea of No. 1 aoll, on mile north of Vancouver;-house. - barn, chlcken-nouaa and water Dined on Dlace: I juuat sell at one. louulrs IX- Van Xante, Wit tarrabee. Portland. A GOOD farm for aale, terma to aolt; will trade for city property or acreeg. close In. Apply 01 Brooklyn at - . . FOE SALE HORSES AND CARRIAGES, GOOD workhoree, 1,400 pounds; true and gentle. Marquam raucb, Maruuam bill, back of Port-1 land hrlghta. FOR SAIjE-t-S heavy wagon", good aa new, Frank Kublk. Woodlawn. Phone Bcott bOOO. FERSOV Ala, MANLY vigor reatored by Pr. Roberts' Nerve tiloouies. une monin s, treatmenx, e-e, s moot ha, IS; aeht " Ageuta, r oodard, 1 securely eeaieu or mail, Clarke 4Y Co., Portland. Or. BOOKS1 Here they are: "Decameron." "Hep- tameron," "A Hot lemeie. raany hiii," 'Twenty Yeara a Faker." "Forbidden Fruit" oc each; Rata free. A. Scam!, X First at MANLY vigor reatored by Dr. Roberts Narva - Globule. On month' treatment 82; 8 ' month, Sfl; sent securely seeled by mall. Ageata, Woodard. Clark A Co., Portland. Or. FREE eamol copy of "Matrimonial Reglater' for June to thoee calling for same at our nrftcMf he mall 'lflc. Interatate Introdiicltitf . Society, auot 24. Kueael bldg., 16bfe Kourtae LOST power reatored by the great Dr. Lnrena'a Nerve Tonic Tablet; 29c per box, 6 boxea for $1.2(1. Writ or. call at RyHell' Pharmacy. 22T Morrtaon' bet let and 2d. FLORIST Choice rosea nor per doaen. 10S2 Kaat Eleventh, N., Vernon car. Phone t nlon Snui. , BALU OP FI0S 'for all female diseases,. Alder t Phon Main 4682. OCCULT and Nrw -Thought book. Jones' Book Store. 181 Alder at t TO EXCHAX0E. EXCHANGE liso-acrs farm for city property, tain J2.MK1-, would like even trade. Equity 4n Biee home- foe person! -xmbnty on Alnaworth are., Highland Parki bal. at SIS per month, S per cent Interest Look v. "h'-W,- MIIXER. 10V4- .SIxlal at r - EMPLOYMENT AOXNCES. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EM P. OFFICE Real eetate, roomlng-honae and bnatnea cbancea aperlalty. 270 Burnalde. Mala SuriM. PACIFO COAST EMPIXIYMENT AGENCY Removed to ,,12H Nor(i Second St - I'bona Red 161. . ' - . . . ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. ' FOR MEN, M N. Second at. Phone Main 1526. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eontrae tor; help free to employers. 216 Morrison. HELP wanted and aonjnlted. male or femal. K. U. illtAh K, a"TH V) aamngtOB a.Liay eao. ALPINE EMPLOVMENT BUREAU Help fur Dlahed free. 1A2 Flrat at Phone Mala lull. IS MORRISON Columbia River Eanp. aeewcwj nkllled lbor furnlabed. I "bone Main tana. 1ST tHPORIUM. CROP. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait aad landscape artlat; Jnstrartlo la oil pelntlsg, water color, etc., and drawing; art gallery enanseted with atari log picture for Ml and framing to order. S46 Alder at Phon lUa, ARCHITECTS. 2. P. HOFFMAN, architect and nDeriataBdant I JSDfc JTUkt U torUajviJ. Or, A ASS AO B. U1MS LEE, xiert maaaeuee, glvea ateam hatha with - aalt loaa aewflrrieiiniaTlm. Mar (rum Wnmlng hou. 8 Atei 24. lluura from In ki II, VAPOR and apnnga-bsis wtth"wiaaage and . uiagnettc trcatmciita br exiicrli-nced ' young lady.--asiH Murrlaun at. room 16, PALACR Maaaage- Partora glvea vapor, aponge mu aivouui oaiuv. oa.i aiorriaou, ruooia a-a. YOUNO ladr dy give ma aaagjeVMipor and tub " Tig tba." inn. ' BANS nrSTRUBTENTS. CHAS. B. YORK A CO. repairer and plater, removed to 67 First, -8 blocks north, BICYCXX DEALERS. MWf .PMRT A, TRTB UN rT-ANtf'cR ESCE tH'?' ipnarim -ai taue. aVi, . i ut ud F.P. K EBN ANt 206 Till KD ST BLANK BOOK MANOTACTURIRS-. HOWE. DATIS A K1LHAM,, 1U-111 Second kc. Bank book menu fact urerai' agents for Jonee . Improved Looae-Leaf ledgers; see tha Saw Eureka leaf, the beet sn the market CEMENT CONTRACTORS. eluowgreaa and atralgbt bualneaa. K. 14. - Lundatrom, - 802 Commercial bl. CHAS. R. CARTER A CO., cetfVent contractor,' 646 Eaat Twentieth at Phone Kaat ISTS, Arr-xrorh- OOaTKISSIOV MERCHANTS.' DAVENPORT BKO8 Oejeral commlaalon mo - ehanUi fruits and- prodacel conalgnmenta s ' Uclted; prompt retaraa. - ISO Front at EVERDINQ A FARRELL. preduc and cnmmla. alon merchanta lu rroSLitPrtlaoilWr, Pboae Main ITS. ' , CIOARS AND TOBACCO. ESRERO-OUN8T C1QAB CO. Dlaulbutora of .... . FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CARPET -CLEANINO. STANDARD Steam Carpet-Cleaning Co. Carpets cleaned, reStted. aawed aad laid; mattreaaee, featbeia icuutaied. Seat Third, nurth. aao ' Parlnc ata. Eaat 20. Merrlioan A North. HA VB -your wall cleaned; wa clean papered and painted walla: aatlafactlon- guaranteed; - price reasonable; reference. Red 2032. J. ' HUNTER Steem ei cleaner. MO Jefferaon. rprt " end mattrai Phone Main 214. U3JtXMUiQ.AMBt.JiXSIlia.-: LpORTLAND STEAM CLKAN1N0 DTIINO Works: Drsrtlcal Batter in connection: reatnar boas and plume cleaned and curled by an ax- Part, 211 Fourth. 1'hana Clay to. . eiLOTHES cleaned and pre-ecd 41 per aaoath. Unique Tailoring Co., 84T Waabtngtoa at . H. W. TURNER, profeeelonal dyer and e lea Bar. 803 Jefferaon at. ..Pben Main 2918. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCHLEY BROS, havo removed, from foot of lnrvt at. to 4a p.erney-BT.,1TiBr sierantn.x h . dnd,.M In tha dlr kind, of wood and coal. -Phoi. Main B31. WESTERN FEND FUEL CO., cor. Front aad - Hurt ate., oealera In domestic, sod ateam coaf. blaekamlth coal, cbarcoal'"aad enka. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer In cordwood. coal and green and dry elabwood. R. M. and Al - bins- atawa. 8 blocka aaat of ferry. . Eaat BTA RUPERT FUEL CO. The best dry wood la town.' Don't forget tu phnnn-Exat t46. : SOS East Kig Btxrat.. eor. uaaiBonr STREL BR1D0B FUEL CO., dealer la coal, - cord wood and dry a lab wood. Phono Kaat 424. OREGON FUEL CO t all klnda of coal and wood. S44 Momaon.. Phone Main-no.- KIRK HOOVER 818 Water at., wood aad coat "CtAraVOYANT imtt PALMIST. - MADAME JOHtvSTQN CTa Irroyanl card reader: 1 ct ve facta reliable and 1 .. portant ea alt at BOc. 6S 8eventb t ea sll affaxca of rssl IU. Raadlnga at., aear Oak. 7R0CXERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE eoekee nd glai Hegele A Co.. 100 to 106 Fifth, eor. Stark at CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. A. J. AUTHORS and H. E. WOOD, carpenters Bad bolldera; repairing and Jobbing; store aad of nee nxtnree bunt . amop zoo Muamoia. - Main 629T. - T" CATE8, ERICKSON'S RESTAURANT Merchanfa baoch 11 a. m. to la p. m. voder new management, O. B. Evans, prop. Second and Barnald. THH OFFICE 29 Waahlngton at . Pboae Mala TT1. Samuel VlgneauXK. - DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR-C.B BROWN. D.V S..D.C.M. Dog. bore bo. pltal.xHT Bumtdde. Phone: Maln40H6:East SVig. DRES8MAXINO. SHIRTWAISTS, wont or waah allk, made for - 81-25; ahlrtwalat enlta, 83.60. 468 Kast Mar ket. Phone Eaat 8231. KRISTER'S Ladles Tailoring college: patters cut to meaaure. Aliaky hall 400. 268 Morrlaoa. MRS. McKIRREN, artletle dress aad ekoah. aaktBg, 651 MorrlaoB at DRESSMAKING Strict Iv designs. 4B8 Clay at p to data; latest ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 808 Stark It., Portland. O. K. for " everything la the electrical line. Phone Mala IBs. . PACIFIC! Eleetrle Co. Engineer, eon tractor, repairer, electric wiring, anpptlea. 64 Flrat eor. Stark. Mala A6. R. H. Tar, mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OPEGON Furniture Manufacturing Company MaBUfaeturer ot furaltor for the trad. Portland, Or. FURNITURE irfaaufarturfng and -pedal order. - La Rnvsneky furniture factory, 870 Froat at FURNACES. BOYNTON warn-Bfr fnrnkcea save fuet J. C Beyer Paraace Co.i 8A6 Second. Main 46 Tu FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. FOREST-nESKRV-eK)RlfrV -FOR--BALE A-, proved, nnreatrlcted, ready for Immedlat aae; lowest 'prices. B. F. A F. B. Riley. 606 Chambar ot Commeeee. . FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS. JUST opened to settlement: Apr. level, valley tanos; no stoiw or timber; ter na son Arst rlaee. Come In and -let ua locate you. Room 66 Ibbe bldg., SccontT snl W'aablngton. GROCERS. a'Waa, WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grooera, men. factnrer and eommlealea mercbaata. FsBrtb aad Oah ata. ALLRN A LEWIS, commlaaton aad pndues raee. chants Front sad Davie ata., Portland. Or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. anlldta opportunity te price. ias let cor. Aioer.- Mais 183. HOTELS. THE BiaXEVUE AO nenlr furnlahed rooms,' en aune or aingic. xi.iv aourin, cor. Salmon. 'Term reaaonable. Main Io48. THE LINDEI.L HOTEL Market, bet. Third and bnnrth, Portland; eutlrc'y aew; Eumpeaa aud American plan; BOc to $2 per day. Hotel Peadleton, Pendleton. W. A. Brown, mgt. HOTEL Pbrtland. American plan; 83, $9 pee dee. HOTEL St George, Paadtetoa; leading batal. BELTED. BATH EJJkJ lBMiaaalajujIlKsjdieaaav 0ARDENSRS. GARDENS made and 4 kept In orfi'r, brdres orders Joe Nobtf. UaU f " trtnitned."- Phon HOTEL, REST ARRANT AND CAMP S ARSES. HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES . Crlbbeu A Sexton A Co Seventeenth sad ' TTpanur ats, largrat atock hotel, restaurant ny w-ter-fiwhu aturaa xntfrrafngera- tor 1 tn city. TWBimrUAia. R0LLSJ:- Ji J. BORO, Banafaetnrrr of hnmaa bale mil, etc. 42o B. Ninth. .Phone Eaat 221 L IN8UEAM0X. faa,awa..a-ya. .'a-. ..----S -i- a-fca,. Mi p a b LAMBERT. W1IITMER A CO. Fir Iskuraac aad real eetate, aucvesaor to ArlhiU W Ijaon -.r office, west aide, 107-lue) Bbarloek 1 - Bldg., xaam louo; ee.i aloe uep. evs aHl "Aldr ItUseoe' -bau.1 Kaat eUl, 1M Xb'CrWIUTEv Bxe InjafancaT" Desb-a -"bldg. ' . JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers liability aad In dividual accident aurety bonds of all klnda Pboue 4T. 8o2 McKay bldg. . - B.--F BARTEIJt COMPANY Fire Insurance, 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregoe. PboneiCay82, LOCKSMITH. KEY fitting, eaat-tron braxlng and general re- , pairing., J. : H. Hlchardaun. a uurth-sr. Phone Hood 172. ' MONET TO LOAN. ' I, . TUB STAR LOAN Cfy. Any salaried employ, waga-earnar, eaa (el en bin note, wlUwmt mortgage - 1 - Month. M Month. Week. !.VI.00 Repay', xo aa 813 8.1 or $4.6.1 or 83.39 $ 816 or . $i.a3 -ea -11. S 15.00 Repay to' ua 8 4,00 or $2 00 er 11,00 210 McKay bldg. F1VB per rest money; we build yon bom or loan you money on yonr property; aeonthiy parmanta; inveatlgater open SstrrrdsT" even ing. Room 16-17 La Kb bldg., 227Vi Wash. MONEY TO LOAN en real, personal and col lateral e-oorltT; ipeclal attantloo to coattrl mortgagee; note bought. 0. IW. Pellet 04-S -Fen ton bldg., 84 Sixth at HIGHLY respectahl place where "ladle and I:enta can borrow .money, on dlanmade and ewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, tua Wash, ngton at" Phone rHacS -tl, . . $9 LOANS and upward on all kinds ef seen. - rlty or to aalarlrd paopl on their Bote; lowest - ratea 1 no publicity, no daisy - X1S Ablugtoa i- bldg. - PhoBS Red 1T21. - MONEY ADVANCED salaried people; teaaater; etc., without aernrlty: eaay paymenta; urg ent bualneaa in 4ft principal cities. Toliuaa, -' --"-r-T 1-Pg CHATTEL loan a la smnnnts ranging from 825 to $3.0ti0; roomlng-neuaoa a apecialty. New - Era Loan A Truat Co.. 206 Ablngton bldg. LOAN'S at loweat ratea on furnlturtJ. planoa; soy security nutss purchaaed. lUatsrn Loa tfflcs. 44B Sherlock bldg. . : MON-BY TO LOAN In large or aaull a mounts en good security: lowest rat.-, William 0. Becl SOT FalllnS bidg, . MONEV to- loan in anma trr aolt at S and 6 ner cent. ' W. J. Clemens; 878 Stark at-, Chamber Of Cominsrcie. '- .".' ANB--TuTBlfuTe.".p1froaT other securities, . Inweeti rate. 8. W. King, room -afl, Wash. bldg. IMaln-SlOO.. , ---' , ,-. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Ssrary 211 Orgoula WONKY TO L0AH on Clackamas ouaty landa. E. F. and F. B Riley, 60S Cbamber.of Com ' . mere. : -- PORTLAND REAL ESTATB LOANS. S AND 6 per cent W m. - Denholm, 828 Falling bldg. MONEY TO TOANTS per cVnt.KorOiruB: 45 -;K1ng." J10-2II" Commercial block. MUSICAL. SELF-PLAYING- PI ANOS Cedllan self play ing planes pronounced the beat by leading - mneiclana; sian ieeinan piaon-piayara, , B. V, I - wme Muaie nouae. Aiaer .bi BETOW-nANDmualcal Inatrumenta of all kluls st lowest prices, raab er iBStallmeats, riaBer Moaic to., ivo Tnira at. ill MRS, n. A. WEBBER, be lln. guitar Inatructlon Main 20S8. W.Park, LfiSSONS ffi" Piano, guitar, banln, mandolin, violin. 241 H Flrat at. Mra, Martin. . r i i 'i 1 ,i, .ii .ta-. i .. KAONETIO HEALING. MRS. L. H. HART treats all dlaea, etomach -"trrmble'. nervouansaa and functional weakaeaa. Crmaultatlon free. 811 Tourney building. NOTARY PUBUa PREPARATION of deed aad wrtgagss a apecialty; prlcea reduced. R. A. Frame. BIB, - the Marquam. - OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad meet a n- Ica clothing: anion made. Neustadtar Bros., maBuraeturera. Portland, or. PHOTOGRAPHIC MOUNTS. B. L. WOODWORTII. Mfg.. 166 Fourth at mi i a i a i j ut auuui irtairo. PLUMBERS. DON N ERR ERG A BADEMACHRR, saaltary piumraara. a roarta au nota pooBes. FOX A CO., eanltary plumbers. 281 Second bet Mala and Salmon. Oregon Pboae Mala 8001. PIANO TUNING. 4 KORUI. ANDERSON Expert piano tuner aad repairing, inquire riaoer Hueio to. uea uea. PLATING. EASTERN PLATING CO., 828 First Oold. ellver, copper, nickel aad bras plating. Jewelry work apecialty. . THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 181 Waah. lagton at. Phon 2375. Poltablnff. plating - and lacquering. -. - , . PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, F. B. BEACH A CO. Th Pioneer Paint Co.j . window-glass aad jtlaxlr.-. 135 t'Uat at Phon J834. ' - BASMUSSEN A CO. Jobber, peinta. oil, glass, aah aad door. Second and Taylor; ROOITNO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repelling aad geaarai lobbing. J. Loatll, 212 Jafferaoa at PEINTTVa. BUSHONO A CO. Front and Stark at., prlafe ing, iitaograpoing. bisbb Dooka ana .otnc supplies; work done oo time; moat complete printing offlcs id the weat Mala 104. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, piintlag, lithographing, blank book. I'bsB Mala if. i A Wee t PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. B. H. S. MULDER, expert acconnUnt. room 441 Sherlock bldg.; booka opeoed, adjuated and audited; booka kept for email enncerna; mode. - rats charges- Srst-olsa eefereaeea. Main VbdS.4 ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO Com eg FonrtaeaU sea orthrnp ata., Portland. Or. a.. XTJBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 248 Alder at.. phose- - atam iiu; runner etampe. Beats, etenrin, Brur gag, trad checks; aead for ratal, -cue. SOUVENIRS. '- ' 1 O-aaa.- ttStDn :'"fl(f "te 118 Second at. 84 floor. " r afannfaernrer and Jobber of Lewi and Clark Bonvrntra- bootha and treat aland fitted out rSuipWte. . . . STREET PAVINU. WARREN Construction Co. Street raving, ids walk and ecoeewetke. T16 Oregoolaa bldg. THE Trln'dad Aapbalt Paving Ca. at Portia ad, .-bfAoa SU W-tasstat bis. . - ' " ' - . . r ' ' i- SHOWCASES AND- TTXTUXES. V flJOWCASES ,f every dcacJlptloftil ban, be and etore Bxturea niada to loidsx. Tke Lulk Masafaetuelee Oaj.. i'lStteiJl. " SAFES. FOR epenlng lockout and site bargalna go, te J. B. Da rla. 66 Third at, ' ' - T0RA6E AND TRANSFER.' SAFES, plaxoa aud furniture moved, i ached "5- iiippiui' atm 1 twini'in sir worii" guaranteed; large. S-atory. brick. Bra-proof - waranwuas- us-atursxs. uim ie e ires at, C. M. Oiaen. I'bona Main MT. 0. O. PICK, ofSce SS Flrat at. betweea Stark and Oak pta., phone Red; pla no and. furniture if ecu -aau picaaa jut anipniugi cimiiuudluu1 1 nre-pir-ji, uncjtjai aueaie. - nmi - si t Clay -at. STORAnn apace tn let, la en new. building. ST4 Water at Slgle Milling A CoBunlaalea "' CUUIl'BUJ. 1111 " - -- - 1 TUBER, WE bar for sale Santa ', Saa Frenetee - Mountain foreat reserve;- thta will enter timber land: aleo 160 Slouz scrip, whlrg will enter Unaurveved land. Maglnnl A Bon, 227 Falling bldg. I 6AUI-T11O Bc.meatead rellnqulaaraeat - . I claims; noon' groein; win -avi, cuny, . . P. Nlelson. Hotel Rhvlnpfahea. " r - FOR HOME"XF;Ans.-ttmber ,d-1ms- sad aerl f PPly to 806 Commercial block. r- TYraWS ITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEAI)QUARTEIlS--r '82 Fourth . Street r- We Tt" fepalir, eell. exchange tv-pe writers. i. .. All sun pi lea for nil machine. . V Standard macblnea $25 and bp to $100. AW yon want a atrnowraphee or xvpmir . We have Hat of g.d appllcaata. Pbnn Black IS71. il ii . ii i i .in ,ii 1 1 STENnuRArnEns . TYPEWRITER BATHHOUSE ' will csll and get any machine and thnronghly eleaa with hen line for $1. Addraaa 84 Third at. Phone Main 2045. - BI-lrKENSDORFER tvpewrttepa. aopnltea. re. - pairing. Roe A Plo-a. 266 Stark. Mala lOTO. --T0WTL SUFPLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, Bonn, $1 per month. - Lawrence B roa.' Towel Supplf Co.. Fourth and Cooch. Phone 428. ' TRANSFER ANTTRAUXTNO." OREOON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Phone Main 6. Heavy healing and atorsg. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Inrtori at. Plim Main 9T No. SOOH Wad -T8 R R1SH T ATITTC DR. MOOREFIFLD nt Stockton. Cel.. ha a Turklah and ateam bath at bob rirth at ' VIOLINS. J. A. WE9CO, vlolln-maker and repairer; work H Huaaell bldg, thand Morrison. WALLPAPER. MORGAN .WALLPAPER CO.. 184-1S6 . at. bet Yamhill and Tsylor. . Partlsad. ;.; -... 11 35,1 FINANCIAL, PIRTLAND TRUST COMPANY or OREGON. NO. ins THIRD ST. The oldest Truat Company In Oregon, RESOURCES OVER JLOOO.OOO, ,-'. General Banking Bnalura ConduetadV;. " , Saving - Denoalts Received.' . . : Tim certificate Issued, aleo certificate ef depoalt payable upon 10 aaya call. SO days' can and call or 0 day' call with Inter eat at 8Vi, &" I per eeni per enouro. respectively, - van aend for. bookuSL-lUustrallnaai . a RF.NJ. I. COHEN. ....Prealdent- it. x; TrnnfK' Vlca-Prealdent Secretary R. LEE f'AGKT........r..... J. O. gOj-TRA-.j... . Aailatant Secretary FIRST --NATIONAL BANK. r r"0r lORTLANbTOSIOOlT DcalgaateiTieiiealtpry and Financial AgTnt at ' tb United 8tate. Pretrldetrt.r.. . . . ,v; -. Ar L. MILLS Cl-h'-f i- ''' J -W Ka'tt-LTlPlt ft.T,a,aa. , aa.a W. Ci AbVOitD Second Aealatant Caahler B. F. STEVENS Letter of Credit laaued Avmiahte-ln Europe " and th Km tern States. Sight Exchange and --Xelegraphle Transfers St, -Paul. Omaha. Saa' Franctaco aad tha brlnclpal polnta tn The Northwest Sight Slid time bill drawn in anma to ault Bn London. Parla, Berlin. Frank for t-oo-t he- Main, Hong Kong, Yokohama, - Copenhagen. Cbrlattaula, Stockholm, St Petooabaray Mos cow, Zurich. HonolnlB. - OoUeetione Made orr Favorabl Ttrmfc-':".; U SITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, " OF PORTLAND, OREOO. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAX ITS. Irsnaaot a ' General Banking Bualneaa, . , DRAFTS ISSUED AratlaM In All C1tls of tb United lute and Etirope, Uong Kong nod Manila. COLLECTIONS HADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS I'realdrnt J. C. A1NMW0HTH Vlce-I'realdaat W. B. AVER Caahler , R. W. St'HMEEK Amlatant Caahler ...A. M. WRIUHT LADD A TILTON, BANKERS. (I its Wished in l$5.y Transact a General Banklna Bualnaaa. ' Collecllona made at all polnta en favorable terme. Letters of credit - laaued available la klimna and alL.nulnta-in tha -L'nltsd Btstoa-I Bigut r-xenanga anu leiegrapnic tranarer pan OB i.ew iuri, n BBUingiuii,, VDlCBgo, Bl, xhiis, vmana, oau rrancisc Bag Montana and Brltlah Colnnibla. ... Exchange Bold oa London. Parte. Berlla. Frankfort Houg Kong, Xokebama, Manila and Honolulu. . . SECURITY BAVIN08 A TRUST COMPANY. 866 Morrlaoa St., Portland, Or. . Trsjuaete a General Banking Bueiaees, SAVINGB DEPABTXIVVT. lalereet Alleged on Time and Savtnirs ItepoaltL aril aa irueiee ror snaiea. Drifta Aad Letter of Credit Available la AD Parta of th World. - C. T. ADAMS t..:. .....rretldenl U A. LEWIS Flrat Vlce-Prreldeal A. L. MIUS Second Vice-Ureal dent B. Q. JUBITZ ..Secretary MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. r PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON Preside-.! R, U III KlUU Vlce-Prealdeat R. W. HO YT Caahler GEO HOE W. HOYT ....Aealatant Caahler Transact a enral Banklna Buaineas. Drafta and Lettera ot Credit laaued Available to Ail t'arta or the world. Collection a Specialty. M ORRIS BROS. A CHRI8TENSEN, 132V Flrat. Street Portland, Or,-' Otter Ollt-Edge. Inreatmente la Municipal aad Railroad Honda. writ or. CaU. MORTQAOE LOANS HO Portland Real ErtaU at tswsat Rate. Title iBBursd. AbatracU Furauhed. TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. Reem 4, CksmVer of Cemmeros. -r C0LUMBIA.R1VER J SCENERY Spencer Line Fast Steamer Chas." R."Spcncer " Dally rountf trip to Ths txtiles t f rorn "vVsahlnston atroet dock st ' 7 A. m., except Friday and Sun day. ,-. n I '. Tb witaaTUuia of Amerlon. .acotrt KHTR'Aoent BenneTT la th World. , SUNDAY EXCURSIONS 16 tha four-mllllon dollar -Cascade Locks and Return Leaving footer Y'aMtovLreet at 8 a, m nrrlvlns horns at I p. m. - .-- Round Trip Tickets T!.0O 1 . elphpn Main 1421. - - . s. w. strawozm, 'Oatiersl Mun8r, Portland, Of. - B-AXXSOAB Ttant ABLER, HA'Lf n DFfiOM A iSiioiiinn - iVUMiON Pacihc 3 Trains , to the East Paily 3 TTIrouB-TuWixtsndxrt and inajrUt Bias. Ing ears dallr to Omaha, Chicago, Spskaast loartat il,.nlin esrs dally t Kaaans Cltrl ' Uhrougb Pullmaa tourist eleeplng"care (perao. aiiy conaucteai wexair .nr. aiecuaiaai ehalr care laeata treel to the ' East dallr. UNION DEPOT, Leave. Arrltea, 1 rnira'i i rTn-11 BfEUISU. - For th Eaat via Hunt 7 In ton. 8:18 a. aa. 8-23 aw aa. - Dally. Daily. SPOKANE rt.TEIL Foe Eaatern Washing ton. Walla Walla. Lew 6:15 . n Dally. . 8 HBO a, mT:. Daily. -, latna, .Coeor d'Alene and Great 1 Kortbxrv points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. For tb Eaat via Hunt . . . Inetoa. S:1S . a. Dally. VMS a, sv Dslly. Columbia River Divulea. FOR ASTdHIA and way points, eonnerttna- 'wlti, 8:00 s. m. 1 tmrfor 4 1 wees end Many. e7-n About , -.00 norm nearb,- atr. Ras Selo,, A ah -St. dork. . Uturday. . ax. Suaday. - in:raip. re. Yamhill River Reute. FOR DAYTON. tJregoe , . . , City and Yamhill Rlrer TWa. m, Tertnta, atnsri. Ruth and Db'IF. " b"' doe.-- ex. Sunday. . (Water permlttlnet I - j T:86n. at Dajly. T ex. Sunday. Snake River Route, FOR LEWISToN. Id.. 4:00 a. m. and way aoJaU, from Tueeday ... Ripe rla. . Waah.. emrs. Thursday - About t pie Monday Wednesday -,- .n i.e wi. i o s. i n oa y . Friday TICKET OFFICE, third and Waahlagton.-, Tat-1 a e ;,W''; T,,f'0BB. CIF Ticket igeat, A. L. CRAlU.veBeral rangee Agent EAST SOUTH Lea roa. UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND -EXPRESS trains, fee Salem, Baa barg. Aahlaad. -Saera-mento, Ogdea, Man tTrsa- BiMn. Bk Y-as JB.M claco. Stock-ton, Lob As-f- gelra. El Paeo,- Aew We. Ua nt and the East, - Morning train cen- aecte -" at Woodbura dally except Baaday with trala for . Mt AnseL S 1 1 v a r t s a. 8 :30 a. nv. 8:10 p. st" Brownsville, Spring field. WendUng aad Natron. Tugenpaieirger eon-l trr st Woodburo with a.t. Mt Angel aad Sllvee- ton local. CorvallH" paaaeager. Sheridan, 'paaaengeri eT:Sn a. m. Hi?0 PyL 8:80 n. xa. S:2S a. m. Dally Portlaad-Oiwag Snburbsa Sarvtoe aad TaaaAtB: --" Dlvlaloa. .', . ' Depot foot of Jefferaon street. '-- I,sss-Portland-daily, for, Oewaea T-.Be a. xa t 18frirrn67-g-J6r BHM ,-. 46. Irfr6- . ars- rltv rexrent Bundsyl. 6:30. 6 0. 6 S3. 16:23 a. m ! 4:10, I1:S0 p. xa. Sunday only. 8.00 a." m. Returning from Oawero. arrtv Porttt nd dally ' II 16 p.- m. Dally (except nonaa T i n, T:xn, 8:80, 10:10. 11:40 a. m. Except xaonaay, u: p. a., Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. LeeVee from asms depot for Dallae end Inter- . mediate polnta dally 6:00 p. m. : Arrlre Port land 10:10 a. m. - - - Tb - Independenee-Monmonth Motor Una t operate dally tn Monmouth aad Atrlle. enn nectlng with Southera Psrl8 eompany'a tracka at Dalla and Independence. Flret-claea far from Portland to Sacrament .. aad San Frinctaco $20. bertha 86; aecoad - -fare $16. aecond-elaaa bertha $2 60. - - Tlckete to Eaatern point and En-ope, BM Japaa, China. Honoluln aad AastraRa.- ' City Ticket Offlcs corner Third aad Waaba Ingt.ei eeefa. Pbooe Mala Til C Wf STTNGER, W. R. COMAN, - City Ticket Agent. . Paea. Agex, . TIME CARD OP "DRAINS- Portlandi UNION DEPOT. Departs. Arrlv . Puget Sound Limited, for Tacoma, Seattle, 8:88 a. A. aad Gray's Harborl points. North Coaat Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle, Better - St Paul. - Ml. neanolla, Chicago, New York, Boa ton and polats 8 :00 a. m. T;O0 4;Sa. Kaat and Boatheaat Twla-Clty Exoreae. for Tacoma. Seattle, Spa. bene. Helena, St. Pal. Mlnneapoll Cblcege. New York, Boatoa and all polnta Eaat aad Sontbeaat. ' .1 Puget Sound - Kaneat Ctty-St. Imla SiieclaL for Tacomx.. Seattle, Spokane, Butt Billing. Denver. Omaha. Kansaa City, St. Loa la and all point Eaat aad Boath eaat. - i 11:40 a. arJ T:00 a. aJs 8 :80 a. st TOO a. ax. - All trains dally except ea Sooth branch, A. r. charltom. Aeatstant Oenersl PaeaeBger A seat EJB Mortlaon t, cor. Third. Pertlaad. Ofa Astoria & Columbia 1 i River Railroad Co. f luntt5 1 1 Q lOMt it. xrAXt I tail nouTia f Qi , ' Lxotbb.- TJNION DEPOT. Arrlre. 8:nr)a m. For Vhfrgers, Rainier, 11-16 a. av -DsllfV Clatakaale, Westp-irt Dslly. '' ' Clifton. Aatorla. War- 1.. reatoa. Havel, . Ila BMnd. Fort Stavena. , , '' Gearkart Park, Beaalde, Aatorla aad Seashore, 'T:raiV ' sPreee" olly.' D'" - ' tU Egprseat, tMm' " I , ' " "'. -V J. C MAYO, O. P. aad P. A., Aatorla, Oe. C A. STEWART, Commercial Agent, 8a Alder etreet pnoa Mala son. ,. mfmm Ticket Offie 128 Third St PNam SSS Trnnscontlnntul y bV - TralnsB Dally tV FAST TIMO TO 8POKANR, bV. TAVU tULCTU, MINNKAPOIJ9, CHICAGO AAU A1X POINT. KABT. ' DaVHsht trip through tho trBo-eeaa and Ro. ky mountains, for fu'l nlars, raiaa, foldrs, eta, call e . t Ames - , i .. .. . .X. vtsz . US TkOxd ttMW ii.ila;Ki