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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
-1 7,' V I- -.4--" 10 mu t.. - :.- ... - - : - I ' i ' oncr. RIVAL-EXCURSION1 BOATS COLLIDE fh.rl. R- Spencer -and - Dalle CitjrCrash IntoJEach - WERE RACING ON RIVER- STEAMBOAT MEN STATE -AcckUnt ;Jeaf.UttntoutsLihe PigiilatQt-Steamer Tempo- rarily Out of the Race. L Colliding: with tho Charles R. Spencer- above Unnton this morning. "the Pallas City was so badly disabled that . n will be out of commission tor a coupla of week ot more, Hat fantall and pltmaa-wero broken, and she loat " cylinder hesd. Sha waa lowed to Ports land for repair: r,r,ttr-siiiiiccr H i his bear wn" ' the collision ocourred. It appears uw the boats wera Jockeying aU. the way " down tha TsUlametter to wet tha lead. Ha. states that tha Dalles City ran de v llberately across hto steamer's bow. The 4 essals-atnickwlth-such- forra that tha 7y 'Dalles CJty changed ends and beaded r up atream. It waa posalbM for her to retain her position, but aha was unable ' to proceed under her own steam. -l-The-matter-.wllLbe officially reported v t Inspectors Ed wards and Fuller, and an Investigation le likely.: The steam ers are operated by competitive llnea between Portland and Tha Dallea, he - disabled. craft belonging to the Regu - v lator Una.. They leave here at 7 o'clock In the morning and nearly every -day race un and down the river.- -Ttia Bpencer Is tn command of Cap- tain- Allyri.- Captain Hcaromon nas charge of tha Dallea City. Officials-of the Regulator "Tin gave a different version Of tha collision, aaylng xnatthe Spencer -waa coming close in XMlles City and never stopped to learn tha extant of the damage. - Tha passen gers on the-boats were badly frightened, but no one waa Injured. Thoae on the Dalles City "were trough tback to Joxt. land on 'tha America. - ' - 7 ..- ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT -laderi.- wttlr-lumber the British -bark" f Dumfriesshire --left -thla;afterfioon, bound for Melbourne.' ' j For three hours thla jhornlng ihe steamer lone waa stuck on a sandbar at Clackamas raplds.u while bringing a cargo of .pulp iromlOregon .Cltyj- She . -wee no -damaged. -"-W"1"" , 'it- The ateamer Altona of the ' -fleet oper ated by tba Oregon City Transportation "company will make three round trlpa a , day between here and Oregon City. -' F. F. Cannon, traffic manager for the ''Pacific Coast Steamship companyls in Portland on a short buAineaav-trlp, Oen-1 eral Manager-Wv Kr-Pearce of the sum f tompanywtirTirrtvaonrghtrOmBaS L;,Franrlaco- " Carrying 50 toha of. freight' and ? paaaengera, the steamer Aurella arrived - last night. from'SajwaKileco. ' " . With I.0n,000feeC of lumbervTtKe barkentlne Kohala will move thla after noon to an anchorage below the bridges ftM will for tharriwnTTfffl' rirnTv v tomorrow. Tha,orWntallter"-Wamantla' shifted this morning .to the. Alaska docic whera ..aha will probably finish discharging nor ' cargo today. . - - - All of last night longshoremen worked r on the St Paul to get her ready for sail ing thla evening. .-; - -i Two sailors deserted from theGer ITaanihlp 'NIobe. Monday- night.- The veaael la still at the ballast dock. Advices from Tacoma stafe that Cap tain John 0'Brlent who was Injured by a fall ,a few days ago, will soon re cover, aa he la not so badly hurt as at first believed. . ' MARINE NOTES. ; ' Astoria, May II. Arrived down at t (. last -Klghtt schooner - Virginia. Arrived down at' 11:10 a. m., steamer "Francis H." Leggett,-with log raft" Rotterdam, May 21. Sailed,- French bark Hoehe, for Portland. ' Aatofla, May JO. Sailed at t p. m., ateamer -Aberdeen.- for Aberdeen, and , ateamer Alliance, for San Francisco. Astoria, May Jl. Condition of - tha - bar at I a. m., smooth; wind, northwest; - weather, cloudy. '- ) mrzmos to oust fabtt. Arrangements have,beeh made"-Tor tha ateamer Charles R. Spencer to carry ' tha open river delegation and congres sional party from The Dallea Saturday to, Portlartd. She la acheduled to leave The Dallea at 2:30 o'clock In the after noon and ahe will make no stop until :thle city la reached. Captain Spencer 4 eaye he Intends to turn her loose and lower all ateamboat records on the river. He doea not venture to name tha hour aha will arrive at Portland, " but declares that If all goes well the ' pasaage will be completed in almost railroad time. In order to leave The i Dalles at the hour designated ahe will ' aall from Portland at o'clock Saturday morhlnfc. . 1 . TCAXZ WAIT. . When the ' Masc6t reaches Portland tomorrow - morning from - lewls " river - aha will remain until 6 o'clock In the 'evening .in order to give the passengers an opportunity to attend the fair. So . . far no arrangements have been eom. : pleted Tor adhering to thla schedule, ..but it la stated that the aame plan j may be carried out en- all special days no .air. . . , There la talk that many other trnns ; porutlon companies will adopt the aame .policy, in tlua manner tba people llv Ing at tha varloua towns up and down the river will be 1n a poaltloh to attend . the fair and return to their romea on -H..Lhe same day,. - ofbv WATTm TsTomTmvI" - J. B. White, general freight and pas enger agent of the White Paaa Yukon railway, aent v telegram to L..M.Wleat or me racinc coast Jtteamahip com pany thla .morning, staling that navlg tlon la now open from Dawson t Atlln. lat year theUca did not break up until ,J iwHf , 8? . and consequently - the Tnkon boata wjll be put n commission almost a week earlier thla season. TXLIOBAFK, JMAXirfrOBT. . Aiirr innamg me aituation over Cap . tain U. -O. Scot t has decided 'not to bring tha ateamer Telegraph from the sound: he thinks the local ateamboat field la well covered. He will -operate her between Seattle and - ftellngham bay. She la now on the Everett run. It's folly to suffer froimthat horrible rmgue or tn nianti ironing pnea i "n a liniment c,ures quicaiy ana per tnarently. At anjr flrug store. It cent THE "'' N . " " ," 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 ii i -1 n w . .. (''. - ; . nnn rrr n nnn tfiiTH "fill 111 " U " .. I ll ! .II""1 " ., WILL CURE any case of SfKIDNEwYii; or BLAPPER DISEASE tKat'Is beyond theeaclv of medicine. No :medicinet cancamore' WIS G1YEH UPTttDIE. B. Splegei 1204 - N. VirglnU.' . Stl, Evanaville, Ind., writes: "Forever five years I ' was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused mamucb pajn, and worry. ' I lost flesh and waa all run down, and - a year ago had to abandon work entirely. . 1- had three of the beat phyaiciaepi who did roe ho good and zl '.Ja practicallygiTeanp todie, Foley's Kidney Cure waa recommended and the-first txrttle gave me great relief, an after taking the second bottle Lwai tntirely cnred.... -TW0 SIZES, 50c AID SiOO. SOLO m BEC0J-KEKSEO fit I Zne pavla Bras' Oompaay aaa Woodaid . . . piarva co. RIGHT JIME TO CURE CATARRH Woodird. Clarke ft Co. Guarantee Hyomei WU1 Cure If Used Now. - kThe' earlv summer, when the p esther becomes warm and rettled, is the best time of the yhole year to treat catarrhal troubles with the ex pectation of complete and lasting re lief. '-t . . - Everyone who has catarrh of the head and throat should know how foolish it is to try and cure it by drttcs'iner the stomach. i Until recently your physician wouia have said mat the only way to cure catarrh would be by a change ot cii mate,- but nowwith Hyomei you tan carry a health-giving climate in your purse or vest pocket, and ny Dream ing it a few minutes four 'titties a day soon cure yourselt. - xyefyune who lias catarrh, or even a tendency tojcatarrnahouia useJIyomci now for the benefit jwill be earned twice as quickly 'and the disease thoroughly eradicated from the svstem. -The. complete H vomci outfit costs but one dollar, and includes a neat pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper and sufficient Hyomei for -several weeks' treatment. The inhaler lasts lifetime, and if more Hyomei is needed, extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. , ' 1 In Portland there are scores of well known people who have been cured of catarrh by Hyomei. If it does not cure you, Woodard. Clarke Be Co. will return your money. nis is me strongest evidence they can offer as to their faith in the remedy. CLAIRVOYANT VAN CORTLAND ALW1TI COKSIXT THI BEST. Otben eome and go, but ya. Cortland remains. PBOF.TtaW COHTLaKD, S03K Wwhlngtoa at, comer of Ttfta. THK MOJirHT'yW E!TKB HIS PARIOH ni wn,i, tkix vou yoi r rtix namh. ao, ocnrl-ATios, yom mcitiikr s MAIDK?f NAMR. AND WHOM ANO WIIKM Von wiu. mnnr nS what ran nllea Int. wlibout aaklna a qaMtloni will UIl the nam or roor awcethoart of anrthlna foa want to know. He send yon awnjr mnea wtMt and sappier Uias wbea yoa called. . - nor. taw ooiTLAvn. . , STa Tears la Vertlaad. - Xke OUra, SOJ'4 Waaklnttea at., ear. rtftt . - i-jf an4 Waahlaswa at. , , LOW Fl3li LOW t'fid Ofao keais a, at. is I p. s., sail A (aaday, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,, WEDNESDAY EVENING, ' MAY- 3l'. 1905.' New Residence Addition Being Im . iLots vvill be Placed on Sale Fifty Men; and Thirty-five Teams Busy. Grading and SidewalkingJacksonPlaceron:Mount-. i " A 'largt fore? of -teams and men are enga'ged in cutting4owft-jitn9rwackywjg4acerthe new reddejqcidiYisionr t Tahnr far lineand4n grading 38-foot jstreeta- 'ilidT-fpot sidewalks.' The addition is bounded on the north and south by Hawthorne aVenue and Lincoln street, respectively, and on the east by West avenue. The Jpts will, be plaQect on j inlf Tnmrrr"v ' Vy ' Z--:.---::;""-".-: : -., ,. -::; ::;L:::' i'-..- with 1 ; Fioest, Jertile gatden soil; not a rockJn- it; well drained. . v . ; . . PaiKramaQf city--fair .ground illumina,jvV tion and .city's lights. . - ! . ... ' Incomparable - landscape of" verdure-clad - hills across VVillamette valley MountT -Hood towers above the. shoulder ol Mount "Tabor: .. . Only20 minutes out; Mount Tabor res ervoir cars run right past south boundary! "Morrison bridge cars close to north bound- ary.. 1 ; - -" . . . . Fruitandshade trees already on some lots. . - - .1 ' Rebate of $275The price of a lot thfirsti5urchaser-compIet!ria residence LtSfrrzrir cos iingT no iC5s,iiiaiipiJVv A. E. JACKSON, 2, 3 and 4 Hamilton Buildjn one:maIn PS; tagaaaiwiiwgiiai - The above plctule 'shows cupancy. on East Madison and Thousand Dollars,' and on good street.""'" Phone Main 422.' Farms and City : . Property : iao um all choice land, lays nice; s) acrea cultivated and In crop: 40- acres good pasture; 20 acrea fine timber; 20 acrea aome brush;, watered by stream and springe- house barn, orchard; 1 fine "team, ofhnares. 12 head cattle, all farm Implements; R. F. D.i on telephone line; 1 mile to store, creamery, echoo! and church; 10 miles from Vancouver. Wash.: under a -pressure, and must Bell at great sacrifice. Frice ror rarm, crop, stock and Implements, 16,800. - , B acres, all. Improved. 1 acre strawber ries, new 7.rnoni house,- near Lents car line, cneap at .iou, 10 aorOS rW4arld-pet4mproved4aw house, 4 I chicken yards; good weiwot house-Tma runnlnr Ttresm; tatlom)n car line on the land 11.600. 137 Bee,od"acres' cumVfctdrSarr seeded to pasture; good nouse and barn; lu miles from electric car line aiiwiia Creek; a good, cheap farm 16,8o0. SO acrea, ell choice land, and lays wn ail fenced and crosa-rencea: oa acres cultivated; watered by springs and brook: house, barn, orcnarn; miie to school" and church, on food road; 3 miles from river and rail transporta tion. Clarke county. Washington. A de sirable and cheap farm 62.660. lia acres, all nice land; SO acrea In crop; good orchard, good farm buildings, water with mill and tank; water piped into houae and barnyara; an iarm im- ulemanta; 1 wagon, i naca, w sneep, io logs. 1 cow. 2 dosen chickens; house furniture: sliuated on fine, level road east of Salem, Marlon county; all goes now very obeap. - -room Mouse, all finished first-class. line hall, china closet, basement, fur nan. alRCtrio lights: 100x100 groundav. concrete walla around the grounds, con crete warns, nice lawn, iruus. nowera, etc.; h6uee all well furnished, good car- fiets and furniture; fronta on car line; a overVhom and a snap. All sroes for aa.ouv. . - - . - 1U aerea. all In chhlce fruits:- Brie house and barn; between 2 car lines, on weat slope ox -Mount Taoor. Beaatlfiil ' eottae of B rooms, - plas tered, finished wild fine Ingrain paper, brlrk and cement basement, bath, not end cold water; nice porches; sideboard finished In dining-room; 2 nice lots In fruits and berries; situated on Mt. Scott car line; a sacrifice. Only 11,000. a-room new modern house, close in. on Kant Malj St. 2,260. ktana hoaMW-atl 4b fine flraeriIAOx rT0$'-ground; choice location on car line: nouse com a.iuj iv uuiia t.avv, oeit now 12.100. , . . - , -room new modem cottage, near 'car line. In Montavllla; easy terms; only $860. t ' . , IT Ice aew eettaa-e, bath, toilet, pantry, etc.j ox hj,L i&coii car, Una; a bargain, -room n'eW modern house, brick-base-rnent, porcelain Jath. gas, eemerit walks;' lol 42x60 feet, (in West Side 11,00. . -room hnnse. good order, on Belmont, west of 17th Bt, 82.000. f rina, larf-e modera bonso, nice -lot, fruits and berries, on Sunnyside car line; will sell at a bargain te aettle an ,Ut!' . ". msnLU "a, BARB, - . tit Ablng-ton Bldf. rortlana. Or. WAJfTIO AOim, AC.r.NTS WANTIO To sU oar sneerixr blgb grade Biirwr atocki nw and pompl.tS out fit fumlabM Im: ea.b weakirj WHte to- . dar t choice of territory, CeplUl 11 Kursexjt Cf Balam, Ofagoo. r-w j - - . km 3 I) TaboreservoirlCarJLxne. -i - JnrWm, ? a anH 4 -Hamilton building, 131 Third street. Phone Main. 1532. ;v ; --- Streets f being.- graded ; - screened ... i " ' - ..." - " f f -MaV-' three new eight-room houses Justcompleted ; tuidLjeadyf orof-. . East ..Twenty-Ninth streets. One is for sale at about Three terms. Any one interested call on James N. Davis, owner, 7 First :yr-- : r---:-i sjzz-. Cannori s Addition Suburban Home Seeker's .Paradise - This tract Is situated on the Oregon Wnt Power Railway . Co. 'a Una. one mile soutb of Mount Tabor, and Is practically 42S fret ahovo the city, on the aame elevation as the Mount Tabor reawvolr. thna affording stvery dralrable vlaw ot tha city and surrounding enun- - ... I- nmvMa with Hrlln. water, al.etrlc lights, IB.mlauta -aar.-narwlca. a-ceot rata ana only coiwouwa r nmuin vi your time ta rarh the city. Lots sro aelllas rrom -awn vo i, or .w-rc. o " " of -proparty located within tha same dlatance on tha went aide of the river. Time prteae will prevail for the next SO days, at the ex piration ot which time the prices will be ad vanced one-third. . ' . HooaM will be built en reasonable monthly payments on lots purchased during tba next SO dir.. abould the purcbaaxr dcalra. . 1'laua snd aprctflcatlons will be tarnlahed. Thla property la admirably .ltd. fed and bas many sdvantagce ovar otbor eaat aide property, via.: Service to this property by an electric line that croeeeu Madlaon a two bridge, and nln t Ita Scltia tba laat brldre no the rlvar. It la the leeat dlaturbed by steamers paaalng through tha drawn, Thla property la located on one of the moat proareaalTe ear Unca In tbe city. Insuring first claa ear eervlea for the future. Thla property la sVao la a direct line with the Colombia river and la of aufflcl.nt eleva tloa to Insure tbe beat of air that It la poaal ble to obtain In anr surrounding dlatrtct. Voo will find agents on the gronnd that will no plaaaed to abow you tha many advantagae of thla addition. Select this trip as your Sun day car ride and Inveatlglte three statements. Vou abould provide younelf with a building site for a borne In tho future while tbla prop erty la at lu minimum price la this growing dl.trlct. The mero f.ct that there has been anon bnuaes built within the paat three veare In thla dl.trlct la a demonstration of tire popularity of tbe same. J Taka tb- Mount Scott ear te Archer Place on Sunday, or call through the week at the office of I. F. Cannon a Co.. or If Interested write ue and we will call oa you. t F. CANNON & CO., - SOt K'ftAT IVTLSIVCi. THIRD AND STARK STS. HerelsSomething forYou : A food bakery, grocery and lea cream room in Woodlawu, Or. Price 81.000. . A large general merchandise business, all tha building, 2 acrea of land, teams and was-onB, In a thickly settled, thrtv Ing neighborhood. Clark county, Wash ington.' Price. 87,000. . . Two full lots, - 4 houses: will -bring 860. rent per month; west side, good lo cation. Price. 86,000. 6-room cottage, - modern Irtfproea menta, fruit trees. East Taylor street. Price fl.800. 60 acres, choice land: 2 good houses, 8 good barns, good orchard, 6 0 grave vines; a bargain; about 12 miles from Portland. Pries 87,000. . 40 acrea. nearly all In cultivation, fenced; good frame houae and barn, food well and springs; near town. Price 12, 250. .-. ,. . ,i , . , , , - . bRUNDY-MELRATH CO. , .B4"atTl0 It, .. aiooa. M,' ! -' proved Tomorrow -v , , gravel sidewalks. ' ' ' ' '' Bargains offered novtoinduce-earlyr; sales ; 'soon jwill- be withdrawn and prices, will -rise. - J . . ;, ": - - Lots $275 to $450."" Only one tenth dow-n;. "olilance twenty equal payments; without- interest; costs you nothing fdr abstract or title insurance; 10 per cent off for all cash." See tHefertynownpicktotl sale Topehs tomorrow ; positively no sales will be " made before June 1." will be made to Owner r 4 '1 R. M. WILBUR 306 McKay Bids;.. Offers for Sale -'l: Real Estate for 130,000, paying net on prlca 11U cent, or net upon cash required 17 per per cent. 30, 0OO,!n heart of city, value of Im provements not considered, yet paying 4 Vt per cent net on price. This piece Is right in the- very beet pert of the city 911,600, near-TVaahlngtonion 10th. net Income this year on cash required 8 per cent; aa.SOO Improvement .will bring 12 per cent on whole cost. Qnartar block for flats, apartment or boajdlna-hwirie. Ceritcr of city. Snlcn- dld. aurroundlngaSxceedlngly-deslrabla In every particular, would aen pare Tor aale, realdence and 60x100, oorner East 32d and . Oladstona -avenue,- 8 rooms, modern,-Kenllworthr-oov-track; cheap 82,660. 1 " Customers wanting to buy property on First. Front, Second and Third streets, apply R. M. WILBUR. ... . A Cottage I n For'Bmall payment down, and 210 per month. - Choice -lota 6100, 82 down- and 3 acnonth. Electric cars, 6o fare, j -AOXaTT OB raa OBOVBO. OBO. W. BROWN 03 VAXUBa BZJDCK Iraono XCala tiaa. i . 3400,000.00 to ' Invest In Portland . Income-bearing business property and first-class resi dence property. - Persona having this character of real estate to offer for Bale will please submit tha aame for exam ination to . , . rr S The puixN 1 1 LAWRENCE CO. 1491. nBSJT 8ITBBXT. NoOtherSnap Llk t)Ua'!)ust think of It; full si led lot. 60 100. right on Fourth St.. nalT" MorrlsonT present improvements now producing an annual rental or over f 2,00fl Almost in uta center or fort and' business district. Price only IIS. 000, half rash. ' Whera can you duplicate tola orrerr -l. G H. KOREIX, 211 Washington at. CURES CiaoiiHou - AMD ' Quit wTTwotrr orrrai oW by il Orutslsta.; saaai TKBS-eV EVELYN Ml M Jfr j . m0 Journal -Want AdRates VTTDT AST OLaSSmOATIOV eaeaet aituanaa wum Mate reaMue, a ckjiis ni weasnss . I weiaa r the Uaa. - ADTBaTlSIMIHTi for Hals Wantad--, Mala er fmala 'aaly, - Taasleia -ay- .Taiajnftati - vail airuATTOir irmi X; . eltfcer Mala w raaule, tnaertsa eae u iraa j r WTSKtT BATS T lnsartlona (taelnstaa eae Suaajr saws) S GiMTt pt llae Bar, week, : .. . VOITTRXT EATT naalaata all tWar issaas) ti CXHTS fee Uaa see BMlk, jpf HI 111 I all sjast-aa Is leml ' .-' business efBM ay I e'aleaawesaT ears aaat ay IS e'alMk latardaf sua "l aaf ta aseare nlaaaHaatlaa. he Wall Between You -and Wealth: ' Cna Be Brokea Down. - - ' - The substantial wealtb of the rich people ef the world caraa through strict babtta of aarlng and good teanagemeat. . . TKX OLDEST T1U8T COmFAaTT XX oaxoov," Resources Over $1,000,000 Will enable yon to set the niat returns en your nornr la largo or amaU amounta, for long or abort perloda. Tlmo wrtlflratee lasnea. tmo cerunratra oi depoalt payable upon 10 dava' rail, Sn daa' rail or fid dara' call with lntarnt at 3U. 84 at 4 per cant per annum, reepectlTely.. Call or send for book of "n&trSTBATJOBB," - - PORTTOITTRIIST COMPANY OF OREGON H Third Street. Fboae Mala aSS. BENJ. T. COHEN. r. V. .. .V. ... Prealdent Tl a. ri J 1 ' 'I IV. ........ ........ .Ylce-lTMiaeni aVLCS r.Mitri' wcreiarj i. O. tiOLTR A . . . V. .. r igglttant8ccrury Noticc Ox, Sale of i Unclaimed Freight Tbe Oregon Railroad A Navigation Cempeny. a onmnion camar. ana - wimimnriDiB wiinm tho etatn of Oreeos-havlna cerrleds transported. conveyed or atored seroia deacrtbed peraoaai property more then three months prior to the date or thin notice, ana saving ever since Been In the- po.a.aeloB of aucb personal property and Ita lust and reaeonable chartes'-ae such com mon carrier or warebouaemaa not having beea paid and being etlll due and owing. It will, ae provided by law, sell gt pnbUcauctlon for ea.h la band, to aatlafy Ita Ilea tor unpaid fretgtffc- and atorace charges, on Saturdar. the third day of June. 1000, et the hour of 10 lock a.-m., nt Alaaka dock, on North front atreet. fdot of Ollaan atreet. la tbe.cltr of Portland, county of Multnomah and state of Oregon, the following described werea, merchan dise and peraonal property, consigned aa men tioned, same -being unclaimed or t payment ot said chargea refused, to-wtt: One aenarator. two concaves and one foot board, goeelgned -to H. lrtekey, ferttand, Ore gon. . 1 Merrv-ca-ronnd received la ears - LfiANlft 18 fni and 4.SOI, eonatatlng of one engine en wheela. 43 piecea wood platform, 29 places wood braces, 27 pieces wood track.-SO pieces wood . srnu. SS piece, woo frame, IS pieces wood block.. 1 wood roller. I wood wheel. 48 pieces Iron braces, 18 pieces wheels and axle., 1 Iron ny wheel. I 'iron rear wneeie. S eteel shafts, gear attached. 4 piecea fire grate. 3 pieces Iron clamps. 1 caatlng. 1 knuckle coup ling. I uoara. ninge ntiacnea, 1 lire oog ooor. 1 Iron lever, 1 nhaft pulley, t pieces smoke- atsck, 1 Iron roller bearing. 9 place timber-. 1 wood plank. I Iron thimbles. S abaft aeats. 1 Irun abatt bearing. 1 gaa Burner,-S piece. Iron pipe, i- piece iron pipe, wire, attacnea, 1 trrm n..L. . 1 Iron bar. 1 kec future. I timber. bog seat attached. ST piecea. pipe. TS plecee wood frame, 30 places iron rode, 8S pieces wood. B packages roda, 81 pieces Iron, 1 ladder, 1 er. 4 bnies iron bolts, etc.; 1 ca. I beach. switchboard attached : . at.koe, 14 euahlona, 1 bundle Iron. 1 . rod. rollers sttacbed; 1 brake brace, S u. IS aeata snd backa. S covers for machin ery cog wheela, S3 wood poets, S wire screena. 1 engine. 1 piece anaei iron, s tooi rneara, J. wood braces, 8 wood block, 3 crates furniture, B niecea oilcloth. 1 leather belt. 1. cos .wheel resting. 3 piece Iron attached; I wheel, 1 fly wheel and an. it, m poiee, a seat oeo. i-ioot beards. 1 boxed plane. 8 boxes machinery parte. 1 bundle electric wire snd tor.. S bundle eanvaea tant, 10 seats. 1 barrel ana contemn, 1 knife, eooalgned to T. N. McKntght, Portland, TrlBREOOJC KAILROAD NAVIOATION COMPANX. , ; , Br R. B. Mltt.Bn, General rrelght Agent. Dated at Portland, 'Oregoa, May 10, 1006. TTOTICir TBI'BTEB'g SALS) OP HILL PROPERTY, Notice le hereby given tbat the undersigned will receive eoaled bids until StUr. tha Sd day ot ion., iao&. at 1 eclocg p. m., for all tha plant snd property (with the ex. - eentUM, Aff the hnoli aceountak of the RtveT' . aide Manufacmrlng company and Day A Fecbhelmer company (incorporated), altuated at the city of Portland. Multnomah eountr, Oregon. Bald plant eonsleta of a little lu ' exceaa of three scree of land, with valuable ' waterfront. g. la South Portland, on which la situated aaeh and door factor?, planlng Blll, dryklln, all In working order snd bow In operation, . lumber, material la course of manufacture, etc. Tbe machinery and equip ment Is practically new. Inventories of the property can be seen St the office of tbe anderalgned la tbe city or Portland. Ore mb. 8n.r.te hlda muet be made for the prop- ' erty of the reapeetlve rompanle. All bids . muet be addreaeed and delivered to the undet algned, ss trustee, by 1 e'clock p. m. ot tbe third day of June. 10. The right le re served to reject sny -snd Sll blda. A cerii- OeA rhAck or u nee cent of tbe amount bid. payable te the order of the undersigned, mu.t accompany each hid, to bo forfeited aa liquidated la the event the bidder ' doee not comply with the terme of ble bid. Terme, ceah. For further particular addree SECURITY SAVINGS At TUUBI luUfAM, . Portland. Oregon, Trustee. Dated May 23, 1006. . ... BIDS tNVITICD. Sealed -bids wilt be received t the office of the superintendent of tbe Oregoa etste -penitentiary at Salem, Oregon, until Thursday, June 23. 10OA, at 1 o'clock p. m. of eald day, for the labor of the con- : vlct enrmned In eald .penitentiary, under tbe provlalona of so set of tbe legislature ' passed is ISMS snd amendment thereto, snd for the foundry plant belonging to tbe Stat snd altuated within the prison walla. Blda - to be made eeparately on the baale of s Sv o ten-rear lease, beginning Augoat 1, -10S, on blanks "which will b forwarded by ' tbe superintendent oa application- i Rack bidder- muet Inclose with his bid s certified check la the sum of IflOO payable - to tne erae eg ine supenntenaeni, to oe . forfeited to the ett la cass the bidder to which the contract Is. let fall to enter - Into e contract snd sir tbe bond renulrvd by the' etatut within 10 days after the awarding of tbe contract. Tha right la reserved to reject any and BU OlO. -- - I . Further information may be bad. If de sired, by addreaelns the superintendent. lsted at Salem, Oregon. May 23, lOOS. C. W. JAhlKS, Superintendent. NOTICE OF SALE The undersigned, trustee In bankruptcy of th estate of A. J. will sell to th highest bidder for ea.h oa tne im day er June, lisio, ell or tne perennai property of aald benkrunt. cooshtttns ef stock of Jewelry and fancy goods., nlckel-ln-the-eM machine snd slso flxtare. Seated bids se - compsnled by a certified check for in per cent of the smoont of the bid to be presented te tbe undersigned at th office of Baaer A Oreena, 837 Chamber ot Com meres, Portland. Oregoa, before noon ef said sd- day of Jnne, ItxiA. Said sale te be subject to confirms tloa by ths court. Blda will be received ff tbe atock snd flxtore eeperetely er- Jointly. Inventory may be . mined at office of nn deraigaed. 1.. L. WtUXE, Xrustes la Baak. ruptcy, vtkaoi Plug, , BOTIOB or UNAL, efTTLRMKNT Motlce at sarabr (lTa that tba audcralauad, the admin latrator of tba aatata of Auauat Bladarmann. decaaaad. Baa ftlrd bis final aorounl In aald - aauta, and that tba eouutjr court of Mult no. . mab oont.r. Orrgon. baa act tba 13tb day -of Juna. 10OS, at tha-boar of : e'clock n. B. of aald dar. f baarlnt sny objections tbat may be nude tbareta and for tba final Settlement. Oberaof. . r- Uaud at forUaad, Orafloa, tta 10th daj " n tilr. ' Admlnlatrator of the Katate of Auif . BLadrrmann, deeeaead. . r NOTICI ef atoekholdara' Meeting The nni .nual BMllot of tha atocknoltlvrs ot tae Ortfoa. Iraa Staal Cmpyr4a-W Kal4 " - at the offtre of tba eimmnj, rooin &.Pi Barr - bttlldtns. - Portland. Oreaon. Juna 20.. LlluS. ,.lLe;'elock a. u.. for tba DurpM oc aiactiuf a ooara er oiracTore Tor "tne enaalns rnr, and the rranaactlon of aw-ti ' w - naamaas as -air wsmiy oo ma mcui tba naetlns. , i. rTTi'ufl,i Beereurr. PertUad. Or.. May 83. Ittoo. KOT1CB OS" DISSOLUTION Nottee Is BerabA , Uaa that the aletlakihtla Industrial compaujl -aaa thla day barn dlaaolrad. All paraons! -baring clalma agalnat It are raqnaated to pra -' aant the aame to Wm. Dnnrao at Metla. . kahtla, Alaaka, or to Thoa. N. Strong, at. ' tornajr, at room 13, Lahha bulldlnc, Saeonil - ..A nJ..Kif..,n ttr it Portland. Oregon, wltbia IK days of thla ditJT '. ' Ni vaiaa April n, iwv. : THOS. N. 8TR0NO. 8eeretary. LOST ABO rOTOD. LOST Poefeet-book eontalnlnt ' menMirandunf and $20 In gold, batwean Burnalde and the Oaka, . TueadaT. Flader may kp mono, but ,rtura Doekat-book to . J. Mustek. eara - V Joornal. LOST Lady's ' gold watch with nonograql ' I). K. B." and diamond, through back. Udi nd f. with nxnoram "J. J. kV' e lockst 21 Stark at. Reward. . FOCMD A pUo t aev hah mstrreeeee reoe- - vstsa sua rsturnM same aay. rnoa ataui 474. - Portland ttorktd Hair Factory. LOST Small grammar . containing land receipt, rinasr return to y inira si. Reward. ' HELP WAJfTYIraTAI,.' MANA0BKS wanted for ear etfleee te all large - salary and commtaaion ; cash deposit snd reff , ' MIHin, OAS, Grant Bldg., Baa Fraaclsco. ANY'-sersea Interested, la fraternal life I-- sursnce, oa the -legal-reserve basis, .csn secura . s paying poaltion by calling, at 426 Chambeg of Commerce, S to 8 e. m AMTSt tQtobefsndlrcllahl man to work arounu'iiiiiitnouee; wages a per aoaia Phone Msla 6208. School telegraphy A electricity pupil wanted! else posiuoo wan tea ror grnouata. sun isi. bKTKCTI VM M.a " to laarn; we guaraate - work to our-pupils. R SOI, 30S Morrtsoa SU ( WANTED Young" gdaa to run gasonaa Saw.-' rtouaion, t.ouca sr., near. a,iauiewma..v.. v . WANTED--Wovea-wIre SMttrees-weeveri perm- nent poaltion. Oregoa Furniture Co. WANTED--An experienced elevstot-bo, , Hoe. Bart-curtiB, zuo rourtsentn su . - HYXP WABTID riKALE. WANTED A young or mlddle-sged worn. a top do dishwashing tor one weea, srternoons snq evenings, st the cooking lectures to bs glveoi " st.rsrsons' halt. Nineteenth, aad Waahlns. toa '..k eommeaclng Friday ee larger aa. In this paper y, light work and good pay.. Apply at tha ball Friday morning bet. IO - sad 12 o'clock. r - .LaniEg'.r DEPARTMENT. ' Hotel, restaurant, off Iok store, bakery laaadrn, . and family patronage solicited.. - i ,.. HANSEN ft .XMl'LOYMENT OFTICsL 84SH Washington St., room T. cor. Berteth stg faoo mia scv. WANTED Experienced waitresses sbout 3d, yesrs or sge. Apply-et we uratuu, cur. -Washington sod Fourteenth .ts. -- WANTED Immediately, working bouaekeeper. w Mowers' fa ml lire: citT and. country. iJOVa Yamhill Phone. -Mala 641 WANTED Verjn Sret-elsss family -enok, with) rereracea; wages eu. aovamniu. THooai Mala 64IS. WANTFM A gtrl- for general-bwiaewnrk.- Ap" ply 707 Qulmby St., near iwenty-miru. WANTED Skirt and waist band. t. MoUes, S4SH Washington st. room l. COMPETENT girt for general housework.- Can 18 Eset lets st. - WAITRESS wanted.. HoteUrgv Tblrtetata and Alder. WAVTZP atALE AVD ITltAXI HKUP. MEN sad worn. to Isara barber trade la "' weska: bslrdresslng, manicuring; graaustsa, earn 816 to 828 weekly. Seattle Barbw C., lege. 131 Waahlngtoa t, Seattle. I WANTED At ones, a bright, eaergerle, pro. aentabl maa er woman, a gooa uiser, to . take up aa attractive neoposltioa. Inquire TSS Chsmber of Commerce. 0 s. m. CALLING snd business eerd. BO 100; S3.18U -. l.oua S04 Sixth st. - Atttomatle Card Press, ' UTTATI01f WA1TTID MALE. WANTED By , s young man. employment, permanent or temporary, se clerk, bookkeepef - or any position. Address Q 48, care Journal EXPERIENCED young man want . pnalrlon) as typewriter or ofOce aastotaat. Address ' E. B. A., 668 Front at. PtlSITION by practical and reliable engineer! etetlonsry or duokey.' lgretty. Address 63 care of journal. lOl'NO man, sge 26, well known in Portland, -would like position In fair groends. .Aosw.g-v O 49, cars JournaL . I, SOBER, experienced baker want steady Job. B . 21 1H Second it., Portland. - Phone -Clair -160S. Room S3. "- j SITTJAT10H8 WAHTED FI3ALX. A BRIGHT young bualnees woman, college edu. cation, wishes poaltion In an office or at fslc . f round, or would care for rooming-house, hoae Mala 1160. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position ss house keeper to widower or bachelor, In city or -short dlstanee of re. Anewer S 49, Journal. TO clerk la bakery, confectionery or grocery tore by very trusty lady of some experience . Box SO, Lents, Or. . A .MIDDLE-AGED woman wants B position In a small family or boarding-bouse. Pbona j Msln 683. " - ' ' .,- ' SERVICES of experienced none msy be hsd In confinement. Pbooe Et 88as or East 4T. - , WANTED TO REkT. BOOMS In sll psrts of the clt rf furslahed. Apply tiooonougn oiag. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BTJBBATJ.' TJndsr dlrectloB ef the Lewis sad Clark Fal . . ....... . . . Corporatloo. . , ,. pgons Mala 82nd, rTI bare calls every day for vacant boaaeg and furnished houses; list your property with . ns; we will do the rest. Uobea A Taggart, .101 BUtbsb. WANTED to lees for tha sc. son for ramping In Merrlll'i grove. Take Mount Tabor and reservoir csr. Inquire for C. Merrill. . WANTED By young mes. room with bnerd in - 5ond Iocs t loo; prlvst ' family preferred, .newer O 47, rare JournaL YOI'NOS mas attending business eollrg wsnrd - Blsce Ito work for board snd room. Address 68, ears Journal. . WOHll employed, want room with see of bath,.' Address O 6S. csr Jonrnsl. ' WABTID MISCILLANIOna WANTED More spraying and. whitewashing t . tbe only a saline eompreeseeT olr eprsylng ' outAton (he M. O. Morgaa A Ce Bid - Mflwaukla, st, Phnae East S3lf. WANTED Showcase,-wx figured, dresitorm, etc, tsllorlng or outfit. The1 Spencer Co., 126 Tenth St. Mala 6AM. - WANTED Two or three amis canarieat Mats sge snd pries. Edwards. 6Q4 Hswthome are. SHORT ORDER Printing Bouse P. J., Hraer Second and Waahlngtoa ate. Msla B6S4, "Vr0', . tr price reasoiubl. , I'bon laloa 1230. . T