The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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flowejSlStreWn Ion - Willamette
' ; ; In MemQfX-CiOTfrffnitnr-.
r ,...... Dead.';--' "
Processions In Which Old Men
and-Uttle-Children Join,
.Throughout Northwest. ;,:
L (BpKtil DUpsttfh te The JoarneU ,
1 Oregon City, May SO. Memorial day
"Is betnf cclebrateiOn i- ltjrjo-
.i.;,-..., urhini a larger aeale than
k.r.M Uoilt Doat no. ami
' Mead ReHefStorpa --N.
,t- ms iter-' la brg- . .
- The eaerclsee' begun at : oolock.
' A column of cltlxens and soldiers waa
" T formed on " Main Weet and at
' o clock marched to tha suspension
W....L,, fcridaa where f lower were strewn on
ttn weiere in honor-! -tha deceased
'fi1l"l. Thrn thr marcbad-AQ
TTBhivalaya opera house-where --P-";.gram.
consisting of addresses and vocal
t ajoloa, waa rendered; - .
' , ' . Then the procMtonjnoje4ao-4-XthT-Vtw
: cemetery whera tha i- A. K.
! rltusllstlo caramonlea wore parformad.
Tha offiears and comm1ttee of, tha
: post aad-csrpa foUowiComiBandar J.
!': y, Kelaoni dJutant,-3. A WHllama;
-officer of tha day. A. J. HobbWr en-
I arat eommiltea, Oeora A. Hardlnr i.
r-T. Nelaon, B. W. Medlam. Frank Red-
ner. , w. i. vuua.
i-rV TrMnrtrtft Rellefcprpa Prea-
" m.. mm. Lulna Kreaman; Wirnf
Mrs. Jennie B. Harding; general com
rnittee.'Wre. l-ura H. WUllama Mra.
; Vary l Bradlay. Mra." MarUia "Beach.
Prealdent of tha day. Dr. W. K. Caril;
grand marahal. J. F. Nelwnr chief -of
luff." Fred Jr Nalaoiw-aJdeaXJ. t WU?
-1tama. rrank a KcArtlwr; bugler, B. L.
ClrU.aA rratenul OrfniatloBa oU
- '";rVT: ' With a. A. B. TttM.-J
-rgpaewrDttPitcli l Jootart.)
E.i.m rwr-Mar-. On of tb pHn-
"tipai feature of tha day waa tha parade
f vhWh. waa headed by the Balem Military
" band and in which marched Company M,
Beoond teglment, O. N. O.; Sedgwick
-.. i a : AH and yeterana of
- Bpanlah war. Sedgwick Relief corpa wo.
X and dther organlaatlona. Thacoiumn
. a r 111 n Z T"5 aTnilai ftaai tl I If
View cam atery. whera v dedleatorr ad
(Ireaa was aeuveraa vj
" oral Crawford. Immediately following
-r B. an "W. n. v.
i An gaeellent prngram-a been ar-j
-m , U I
ranged for the aveninf
Mathodlat churcn. vean . v.
of W'lUametu unlvaralty ;wlU iPWit .
(get rJUpatek e tka JaaraaLI
rr-Medford, or ? My 0;-M"norlifv;if:
rciaa. were held- at-miimon a oper
; houaa. urrter Tt yperaloiof th
r cheater A. Arthur Poat. p. A. B.. ilW
. ih. Tha addraaa was by Wil
li. m rnlvla. of . Jackaonvllla. Th
' vifnrd Silver CornM band furnlahed
-BloctlonB. Mlas Edith Hamilton aang o,
. aolo and Mlaaas Agnaa Isaaoe an4 Irene
Bliton gav a piano duet. - Mra. E. B.
Oora bad charga of tha mualcal- pro
gram, which cloned with a piano duet by
vie. lora. Orer and Mrs. Aahurat. Tha
-rwTOiiton fornred-Tit-thrTipara bouir
' . . U aA tnr-A Mnwtrv.
lira Birtntu -.--.-
, bera the gravea of all old aoldlera and
r-allora wera decorated by tha poat' and
Kellef Corps.
I ilirrni in i - ta'Tni T '
CnrvalMa. Or.. May JO. Memo!
la being appropriately observed In thla
city. At l;i0 p. m. tha members of the
O. A. R. and W. R. 0. met in a line of
' march at tji O. A. R. hall and. eacorted
- by tha anttro cadet battalion of O. A. C
v under Lieutenant Quintan, and followed
by tha ' achool schlldren and cltiiena,
proceeded to Crystal Lake cemetery.
'. h.r. tha rltuallatlc services of thu
frni Armv of the Republic wera held
In tha evening, at tha Firat Methodlat
church tbara will - -an appropHat
nromm of a patriotic nature, followed
tot tha Freebytertan cnurcn. - - - -
- . ygDwUl CUratrk to The JmraaL)
Eugene, Or.. May 10. Thla forenoon
'proceaalon' went to I. O. O. F," ceme
tery, where aerclaes wereTield. In the
' parade were the old aoldlera, a detach
ment of the O. K O., the W.R. C..ttfe
- ladies tot tha Q. A. R., tha Bpanlah-
.American war veterans, achool children
' iwnt aocletv organisations, city offi
cials and cltlsena In carrtagea. Thla
' evening at the M. E. church Indoor x-
frcises win be held.
- " (Spwl.IPlip.trh to The Journal)
"r " Monmouth, Qr.. May 0. Tha
chuTchea "Of Independence and Mon
mouth united In the memorial aervlcea
- today. The membera of tha Q. A. R. of
Indrnendenca. General Olbaon Poat. No,
' 4, and members of tha Women's Relief
corns took psrt and -wera escorted to
-' r J the chapel by tha Monmouth cadet band
f and nntfortn team of w. u. w. Dr.
it k ThomDBoh of Independe.nca,-RevC Mr,
" Bvcafore. Rev. Mr, Qoode and Rev. Mr.
rW Wars' Jewelrv to suit rvehy ona's taate and puree as walL Many dalre
the almple and plainer atylea; while othera admire those more ornate, in
etther vnt we are prepared to eatlafy all, aa our stock la the lrgat In
wear. W invite a comparison of
B tor economy.
MTr- Jewelsrs. Oe. TWra and Waealagtoa Sts, Blemoad Importers.
Brown of Monmouth took part. - Frank
Lucas played and a male quartcnaB,:
VMttan VtMtui of Maay Ww Op-
eerve Day Flttlafly. ,w
(Special DUpaJrh tJtiJoriial.
JTVlodburri7 Or, May JO.; Memorial
w were m-ia -tn- r v. vr r .
nlng, There, was a '""rH:
program and an addresa hy Br. W'i
Bhasrs tiT VaiU'DUVeT. HUH, At 2 f- nr.
a-proeessl on--wsa f ormed-tn: -front" of Th
hall and headsd by the Woodburn lMin-1
and Company I,. -Third regiment, u. J.
Q. I1imwm- veterans of all wars,
ladles of tha O. A. R. and cltlsens in the
Una of march. Thora were aUo ex
ciees at Belle Isl cemetery. "-
iJoarud Sperlal SttIc.)
...Cottaga drove,- Or- May The
inembtra of . Appomattos pout, Q. A. Tt..
met at their hail at o'clock thla morn.
trnr with rolher aqctetlee participating.
Tha proceaalon. preceded by the, nana.
atartvd at 10 o'clock to tha cemetery,
whera the mual ordef of txrcuea waa
held and gravaadacortad. ,. In tnaftar
nooiv-na-.aomraua ana rruiiin
Corpe met at tha M; E. eh"3L4f-nredera:ta "veterana.
O. A. n. aeryicea ere nera. p. u
BtaTterJ.of tree well delivered the ad
dr'csa. ' : ' ' .
(Spni.l PUp.Uk to Tka JmVmLV -Bakar
City. Or- May aO.Decoratloi)
day is bilng observed In Baker City
mora exttnalvely than ' aver before.
Mayor C A. Johns delivered an addreea
at tha cemetery. . Tb " Preaby teriiii
choir fumbmed-mualoand prayer waa
conducted br Rev. E. F. HI1U
Tha a. i
Ar-R.---Hh blue and gray in uniform,
uniformed I. O, O. F., W. of W., K. of f jl
MrWrrA.:mkS hdTStBr"oraeri. clergy
lnjarrjagea ar.dolher flltlsens marched
to--tha cemetery,- wwnHi - A.- r. ruai
rylCBW- pcrfurmad.
spd.l btosate e The Joeeaat)
Junction Cltr. Or.. May JO. TMs af
ternoon the membera of the W. R. C.
will hold eervlces at the i. y. u. r. cem
etery, when Mra. o. JU Mooraneaa win
deliver the occasional address. As thsre
Is no post of the q. A. R. at tnia piace,
the work of decorating tha laat reatljut
Dlarea- of tha nobla dead fait to the
of tha W. R. C. ' -
' (Sserial JMai
Ontario, Or., May JO. Oeneral A. P.
Hovey Poat, O. A. R., f thie vity; deca
rated the graves of the nation's dead in
tha Ontario cemetery this morning.
after which the members attended in a
tSpeelal Dlapatck to The JoaraaL) ,
Pfaat Qrove. Or-May u Thla at
temeon Judg" Holil dattvwped- the ad-
dross of the day, after which the people
marched to the cemetery- ena-aeeoraieu
tha soldiers' gravea.: Comrades Brnv
rronln. Farber; MoNutt,-F1tch and Fair
hllda were Jn charge ol ihe deaorallon
(Bpoct.l Dispatch to The J our nil.)
"DaJvton. Or- May JO. Today the Q
A. R. and W. R. C. met at the O. A. R.
headquartera at 1 p. m. and marched to
the Yamhill bridge, near tha edge of
h.r. .rrlp wera held and
n .km exerclaea were neia enu
tThV"water strewn wltiirflowera In honor
of the naval heroea. From there, they
proceeded -40-the-emtery. wlioie---the
uaual program waa carried oui,
(Special Dlipatch to The Journal.)
Roscburc. Or., May JO. Decoration
rvri nere unaer tne
auaolcea of tha
Relief Corpa The. oration was deliv
ered by Rev. E. A. Hlcka of the Unptlet
church in tne opera noue. in na ai
temoon aervlces were held at the Sol
diers' home.
- - (Rtwclel Di.patcb te The Joarnil.) ,-'
Prsln, OTl My-30. . Appropriate
memorial services were held at . the
rmttn normafUfhoor'chupPl from 1 to
Tiff tfiday: The pupils volunteered
their services to help the veterans die-
tribute -flowera. at tliacemetery.-
(Snertal Dl.petoh . te The Journal.) "
Independence. Or.. May JO. Memorial
day exerclaea wera held In Independence
today at the Auditorium, from which a
proceaalon marched to the graveyard
and decorated tne gravra.
(Bnerlal pl.patrh te The Joarnal.)
Chemawa. Or.. May JO. At Chemawa
Indtsn erhool a service was -held In th
chapel at 10 a. m., "after which th
nntilla. rtreoeded by., tha band., marchefi
to the cemetery and decorated th.e
graves. , - --..Z-.
(Brcl.l Dl.patrh .te The Joarnal.)
T-Aurora. Or.; May .ao. A large prorea
alon went to the cemetery thla morning,
where the main Memorial day exercli
were: held. Bpeechea were " made TT?
Hon. J. r. Cole and aeveral pioneers.
our prices, for we know
their low
- at-NewYefk- Merrrflfjftl ,
,vSj.. ; Exercises.
t Showered -With II Blossom.
From All the Country'.
: (Joomtl Bpwl.1 Service.) ; -. ;.7. i,:
New Turk, May 10. Today wltneaaed
wb"4j,saprpbabiyth moat notabla ob-l
aeryanca pf M.m.iriui avar toio-xb
tha metropolis. The special and dlatln-
gulahlng feature of the day's exercises
was tha Joint participation of Confederate'-
and Union veterans in tha -day's
Ceremonies. Tha exerclaea in" New York
Centered .about Oram's tomb and were
participated in by thouaanda of veter
an.. Tha exerclaea wera under tha aus
pices of the members of U." 8.- Grant
Post, ft. Xi tL,- vrito-had-as 4law apacuu
guests '0' loeal -ramp
Tha aoareaa
of the. day was delivered by Senator
Blackburn of Kentucky,
This afternoon occurretl the UPVln (
f a magnificent bronaa statue of Major
Osnaral 4Itrywarnar- bioouib ai in
Intersection nXthe Eaaternparkway
and Bdford avenue, Broukiyii. -
Prealdent Rooaeveit, who is to speak
at the unveiling of the statue, arrived
at Jersey City from Waahlngton at 7
u'clock-llila- morning. With, -the- preal
dent were " Secrets r'r-t'Oeb, ' Drr-C.' K.
Stokes, U.,8.-N, Hfc-:-WMK na
T. K. Stone of the Vhlte houae woret
aervtcc force, and the uaual guard or ae
craY aervloe-men. The trip-fwa-Jersey
City to Brooklyn wss made on the Penn
aylvanla ferry. A committee from the
1'nlnn T.mgnn Hu' Rrooklvri eacflrted
the prealdent . to tueiuDnou,jwiii
breakfast was served.
The unveiling of the. monument waa
made the occasion of a splendid mili
tary pageant,-several thouaand soldiers
of the .regular army, state troops ana
marines snd. Jackles of the navy yard
taking part--wHh--JthethetBada-of
Grand Army - vatcrana. unveuuia
recemoniea were under the auspices f
h. rsmn Armv snd were witnessed- by
an Immense crowd , of spectators, who
cheered to the echo tne patriotic uw-ances-
of- President-Roseelt and the
Tr...VTM who followed him. -
' .7., 7 f -' spil arTe.)
w..l,lnton. D. C May JO. The ob-
nf Mrmorial day In the na
tional capital today wss along the lines
of similar obeervances of the past. Bual-
near -war everywnere .u.u -"
pubHcAnd JrtvfltB hiillillngs rtls
flags. ' At ail oi .inij.i"i"- -
Waahlngtonand vicinity the Grand
Army veterans and tne memo
other rpatrlotio societies neiq "PP"
prtftte-exerclses ana joinea .m. i.j.y
oratlgn of the soldiers' graves. .
At the, Arlington" national- cemetery
thVe was dedicated-with appreprlate
CMemaiUea-moiiument tf.,r00(, B,ver. Or.rMy 8L-H4Jgf'y,;r'. i.awaHrHl.lhtom.. rae.
, mntni Hi.m. inrmvr -v-uin
rosnder-lnchlef of the Grand Army of
the nepubllu. dalliettd the uialluu of
the day. 1 .;.
x oxa nw Bxa&Axs.
(JoorD.l gpedal h"l)
vi... Hit 10. There wn
..nanl obaervahce of Decoration
throughout Ne"" England
today. ,In
every city and town where a ursno
Army - post is located the vetsns
marched to the cemeteries and held me
mories services followed by the decora
tion of the graves 'of departed com
rades. In many places, loo. union servr
Ices were held in the churches. .
The day generally marked the open
ing of the golfing, yachting, canoeing
..Vv. Mn. unson. Rowing races
ami - i .v.1.
l. i nn tha tmariea rivrr n
...... a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i til ainiir anuri
and athletic contesta were pulled off.
At MirxT-S TOMB.
(Journal Special Bertlee.)
Carton. O.. May JO. Many beautiful
floral offerlnga from widely separated
e th country were received
here today to be placed on the tomb of
t. MrKlnler. Inrludrd among
.l.. ff.,inr. waa a magnificent" wreath
frwm the -White House nuiaei lalury i
Exerclaes at the cemetery were
Ff.1-?.?-?.. "rTnanUhVaV:
-n the guard of the regular
army stationed to ,tuard the. tomb of the
martyred prealdcnu
(Jooreal BpMlal sr1ce.) I
v Cincinnati, Ohio. May SO. Decoration
m K.rvt here bv a general sus-
nt ihualneaa. by a parade of
OAR. poets and Bpsnlsh war veter
ans, children of the public schools and
varrous civic organisations. The prin
cipal exercises of the day were held at
Spring urove cemwi.
V IJoarnal RpkUI Bertlee.) '
afHnmn. Porto Rico. May JO. Real
Amerlcsns and natives united to
day In the obaervance of Memorial day,
Th eravea of a acore of. American sol
diers here and at Ponce snd Mayaguei
were decorated, and also the graves of
a humbe of trorto Kican soioiers. ,
Journal Imclil Borrice.)
Louisville. Ky.. May JO. The veter
.n. nf the Spanish war Joined today
with the local Q. A. R. poata !nlth
decoration of -th graves or o.oon a tiioo
soldiers In Cave Hill cemetery. There
wu program of memorial addresses
and muslo- " -
(Jonrnal BpecUl Brrtlce.l
"""Hsgerstown,. Md., May JO. Memorial
day exerclaea on-Antletam battlefleld
today were atleiided"Ty aeveral thou
aand persona There was an impoalng
proceaalon, 'patriotic addresses by speak,
era of note and a 'salute from a battery
of guns. -- . - . - - -
(BpMlal rilapatch te The Joornal.V-''.
-Cbehalls, Waah., May 10 Decoration
dav was observed this morning by the
W. R. C. and O. A. R. of this city, with
many cltlsens going to the fhehsJls
eemetery and decorstlng the gravee of
the soldiers and sailors. of the civil wsr
and the Spanlah-American -war. in tne
afternoon at i o'clock publlo services
were held, at the Grand oper A, bousa
Professor T. ' rt. Thompson, superin
tendent of the Chehalle choola..w te
Orator of the day. There waa mjualc, an
-addrees by Bv. D. A. McKenale snd
exerciifea by tha Cbshalls ischool chll-
(SmcUI Mio.tck The Journal)
. Caniralla,- V.ih, May Memorial
day Is bring celebrated in thla city as
uauaji'-r Tha 'exercisea - today a,ra In
charge of the O. A. It. and tha W. R. C.
tha nnraiis .nil olll.r , lUlKJUonit.
fraternal organisations and school -children
wera. in the line of maj-ch. .There
was Scripture reading by Rev. J.. M.
Jlaakell and a prayer by Rev. C D.
Spencer." XIncoln'a 'addreag-at-Otrttys-burg.
read hr Frank: arasrmtiaio . by
tha band; aong, Mr. Charlea -Uravea;
racttaTton, Mrsr-Bowerr- ddress."- Hon.
u . U'Khnrf,. .nn ir - mjilj. Otiartfl: rec-1-
4-taUwi. Miss raiijiilu, aaisTRjayj.
ii.T&ompaoBr - -
t Spt.t Wipitch to-The-Joaraat.)
Olympia, Waah., May JO, Memorial
day services were bald here today under
the auaplces of Joe Hooker poat O. A.
nr The ceremony of aecorating ine
gravea-atabe ccnjeryasjield ."fJriaTrrorisOFhsa been run, and all things
0tIbckThTs morning and at : services
for soldier and eallor oeaa were nam ai
Horr'g dock. At J: JO o'clock in the at?
temoon Governor Mead delivered the
memorial addreaa-at the opera houaa
The members of the O A. R, post met
at their hall at t o'clock and marched
to Maple park where appropriate ex
ercises were held. ' - ' -
(flperlil DUpatch te The Jooraat)
Goldendale. Waah., May JO. Baker
poat O. A. R. of Ooldendale Is holding a
n.Ami ' Th n.r.d. started
"rni th county courthousaaJJULil.,clQtA
a, m., heaaea ny. me uummun.
followed by. Baker "poet and the W. R.
C Woodmen ofthe World and several
other fraternal orders and"tnapubllc
school children and their teachera. The
procession marched to tha Armory hall,
where Rev. Z. W. Commerford lad in
prayer. The-oratlon -was -delivered by
Hon. N." B. Brooka The proceaalon
marcKed to the I. O. O. F. cemetery and
decorated the grave .
"(pecUrbl.p.tch to The JournalT
- - - r. . - . t ir; ti?K?r
aabrrilayllO. ,P rep
aration was mads for a lormat program
here thie year. It has become a custom
here to decorate the graves of tha dead,
not sspeclaily those of veterans, on Me-
mortal day. The local camp Woodmen,
of the World Is making preparations to
unveil the monuments erected- to the
memory- of X)r-JJJ2-Woodjf.andJuhn
H. Peterson snd. decorate the graves of
departed neighbors Sunday, June .
-' (BptM.i nupjiga t The Joernal.) t .
Walla Walla. Waah.. May 10. Tha
fMtiiwtrf Decoration day-here 'waa-t he-
e.diraiLonl-lfegnng,' 'iL'hBerTadwksThereforee natural
Cemetery, giver, by the jovern-J "M of bTk wUh UyeT
meni to me luuai puw ' - '
The Grand Army mop, with cltlsens and
school children, gathered in the City
park. The old gun Is one of the heavy
cannon" In uae many years ago and Is
ni,ntMt m . solid eranite base erected
ny tn- tty. Addreaaes were maoe
P'ya-h&fncerrorm post" andTthe mayor,
Addresses were mini.?
Mood Bivsr Observes. XJay,. at Business
XoumU eteey Open. . ' ' v
Army post and
st and women or tne Kenei
rtlied li brldgs ovtr Hood
cuius ma-
river thla morning, wnere uowor Wci
scattered on - the water, in memory of
the sailor dead. Returning to tne opera
houae there were short addresses by
..v.r.l of the old soldiers. This after-
hOnn . there waa a march to Idlewllde
m.ii.rv share the ritual exerclaea of
thelGrandiArmywere. conductedovcr
the gravea of dead comraaea.
(RDeclal ril.uatih to The Journal.)
1 Th Dlle.-Or. May JO. J.- Wr Ne-
amlth Poat, G. A. R No. J2, and W. R.
n tnlned hands to make the day memor
able. Thla Is the first time that the
hlua and gray have united here to hold
their eervkAS inwether Poetand corps
TrSffmbTed at K. of P. hall at 12:J0-p. m.
andunder the eacort of Company D.
O. N. G..-- proceeded to the G.. A. R.
cemetery, wliere the eervlcea were held.
(BDeelal ritanatca te The Journal.)
Vale, Or.. May JO. Families and
amall parties repaired to the different
cemeterlea today and. in the uaual way.
teachers BTfdTJuplIg or tne punnc acnooi
of the city decorated the gravea of the
early emigrants, who died on the banks
of the Malheur river.
(Special Dltpatch to Th Jonrnal.)
Hillsboro, Or., May JO. Decoration
day waa observed here by the veteran.
Veterana and cltlxena proceeded to tho
waterfront and scattered floweri upon
the river- in commemoration of the
sailor dead.
(flperlal niapatrh to The Journal)..
McMlnnvllle, Or., May JO. The people
of this town met st Bums' hall, this
morning at :30 o'clock and marched to
the Masonic cemetery where-they deco
rated the graves. At- 2:30 o'clock they
igaln met at Burns hall, Where Rev. F.
H.' -Adams delivered fne - memorial ,; ad
dress. , -,. ...!-
: (Bpeelet DlspntU te The Jonrnal.) '
Albsny. Or., May JO At 10 o'clock
this morning the Grand Army and the
to cure "Indigestion Is largely due to the
nM ihMtrv fliat. when Abe atomArh be-
comesTnactlve It njwefn Something Jo
mechanlcally-dlgest. its contents, snd
rathnrlicfl, purgatives, etc., are used
which give only temporary reiiri, o.
cause they dlgpat by Irritating the lln.
In. rt thu ' Mtrimarh.
Modern science recognises the fact
that It Is the nerves that furnlah mo
tive power to digest the, contents of the
stnmacn. , . .
Th mrvH aarltato and mix the food!
and stimulate the accretions. When
they bei'omw weakened thry lack energy
ant inoigestion, oyapiipaia, ur wui
aoh result. ,
Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine
will relieve obstinate casea of indiges
tion, dyspepsia and stomnch trouble by
strengthening, these nerves.
"t had severe stomach trouble. rr.
Miles Nervlner- and Nerve , and Liver
Pills cured me? I can now eat anything
without trouble.7 U C O BRHlN,
Winaton-Salem, N. Y. . . I
Money bacW If first bottle falls
Beimont'a -Rrtt -Meeting -Was
Not So Satisfactory to the
P.ansral PnhUft. '?
.Thoroughly - Pleased rtht-
7- Large. Crowd ? Present.
(Jonrnal Ipeelil Irrrlca.) -New
Tork, May JO. The trit meet
at Belmont park has gone into history
and Oravesend now holds the center of
the racing stage inn r-""'-r--, waa" a aatlsfi
nnnaldared. waa a aatllfactury
the great crowd which went down to
Oravesend to" aee tt.Zz- '"T "
The meeting at Belmont park waa not
altogether- satlafaotory and wh the
bad impression may, in time, wear off.
it cannot be denied that a number M
happenings at the big track were un
fortunate. o. say tha leaat, and are cal
culated to have a bad effect on racing.
Of these the fight with tha book
makers lTrhapg the most unfortunate.
Anything which tends to bring the bet
ting feature of .racing too much before
the publlo la bad. It cannot be denied
that In every community .there la a
strong . element which is bitterly op
posed to gambling and care nothing for
hqrsa racing. IWhlle - publlo-sentiment
in New York City would not favor any
legislation" which " would - limit raeingv
it must be remembered that the city la
at the mercy of tha up-state legislators
and that publlo sentiment up-state can
readily be workednpt a pltchr whleh
would bdek drastic laws inflicting ir
remediable harm -on the sport. .
-The ftarht between the race track own-
era and the bookmakara of the. Metro-1
polltan association has endea in com
plete victory for the former. The Mets
have-given up-ths fight.
The action of-tha ownerg In bTertthg
oft financial dealings with the bookmak
ra ta a nice one. In view of the fear of
adverse legislation. If the jockey club
can go before the legislature With clean
handa It will be in better position to
light with success.
t m. I. h. annnnaad that the pub-
lie would be called upon'to .make'geod J
the auarter- of a million dollars wnten
h knnkmakera hitherto have paid, for.
In spite of all the talk about the big
men Irr 'racina; being in the apart, for
purejrfyejf ltajia.I gievaia-iwintj
nt dividends. - . - -
Tha raiatna of the price 0 admission
to II for the grandstand and $1.10. fotl
result it will have on the attendance
remains to be seen.
- As for the system of betting 'which
Is to -prevail there seems to be some
President Wheelock of the Mets says
that the present system of bookmaking
will prevail. --, , - - -
"Cash bets will be made as uaual
said Wheelock. "And I dont expect to
aee the nd ei-edlt ldeatirTtrogue"ln
this country The layer are -well with
in their peraonal rights, ai race track
speculation ! now conducted, and there
.this time.
ing men- say the bookmakers" must
ihn1h n,n hBttllia tu m,olei,t tueiu-
Ves-and that .this change is bound
to come. ' :
One of the most Interesting subjects
before racing; men In this section" last
week was the fight which is being made
against the reappointment of August
Belmont as head of the atate racing
committee. Opinion is ... about svenly
divided as to whether -or not ho-w4U
be reappointed. Governor Hlgglns, who
haa the appointment is said by thoae
in the know strongly inclined to ap
point some one else and the namea of
these gentlemen are mentioned: Clar
ence'"" MacKay, James" R.' Keene", Con
gressman -James W. Wadi worth and
E. R. Thomaa.
It was at first supposed that the op
position to Mr. Belmont waa political.
He la a DemocraU and the place, while
not -a- salaried one, carrlesmuch.lln-fluence.-
i According to one story, however,- the
opposition to Mr. Belmont Is not po
litical, but comes from certain racing
Interests that are displeased, with htm.'
ladles of the O. A. R., escorted by the
members of Company O, Fourth regi
ment, O. N. O., marched to the cemetery,
whr. tha of the veterans wera
f decorafed. . A" plcnld"inner wag held in
the afternoon.
(Bpedal Dl.patch te-The Jonrnal.)
remileton. Or., May JO. Decoration
day is one of quiet In Pendleton this
year and no official program is being
observed.. There were appropriate serv
ices this morning.
(Special Dlapatcb to The Jonrnal.)
LaOrande. Or., May JO. Appropriate
exerclaea were held here In honor of
the scldler dead today. The program
was givn at the Presbyterian churoh,
after which hundreds of veterans, school
children snd cltlsens went. to the ceme
tery, wliere they decorated gravee,
; (gpecUl XHspatc te The Joeraal.)
. aiiv.rinn nr . Mar 10. Decoration
day la being observed on a large seals' at
niivartnn today. The address of the day
... mill, bv Hon. QV B. Dlmmlck of
Oregon City. . The Sllverton band playsd.
-f Jonrnal Bpectal JerTlce.) "J
York, Alay-JO. Achllda- face
wna torn by the teeth of a mad dog on
Slxty-nrat str.eet near Heocma, avenue
todax. A polloeman was also badly
bitten. Howard Spedon, aged 4 yeara.
Is the tiny Victim of a bull terrier.
Haby Howard as sitting on a step at
the-tlmerr " ;.-
Several -men emerged from a neigh
boring house and the dog ran toward
them encountering Policeman Pfaeler.
The dog hit the policeman in the left
leg and tore his uniform - In " several
places. Pfaeler. rapped for assistance
and Patrolman Mclnerny xame-wlta a
drawn revolver and sent two bullets
Into, the beast killing It. " '
r.- . Tha ButcherV Flalat. . '
Lady (to deaf butcher) Well, Mr.
Bmallhones, how do you find .yourself
today T ,
Smallbonea WelL . I'm pretty wtlt
used up, mum. Every rib's gone, they've
almost tore me to pieces for my shoul
ders, and X never had sa jew leg a.
MEN'S -APPARELrThe. fin-st productlof the -,,
heading manufacturers of thia and foreign countries, ,
;J.L are on exhibition at your very door. No- need to' C
- send away for what you may need it's here for you,
.- .The acme of perfection for business wear," for tn
tforrnat dress- and'full'dres$.Priced-f 18.00-ta-
C 60.00 a suit. , "....""
C "MANHATTAN and E. & W. SHIRTS, cuffs'I".
jTtacheTanoT aetaedrgpH) to "f 4.00 -T'ef
' Mesh and Silks, ?10 to f 18.00 a suit . "r
y '-FINE NECKWEAR, 50 to f 3.00 a tie. JV,
I "MM MMMinMMItltHvvv44H
-J?And yitiu4onesome Jonesome I tV-Sund'y-day,-tamer
X It 'pears-like more'n any
OtlU, WUTI Uie OlrS,BnO OWipca auuvc, a-uuiwim u uc mu,
On tv'ry Soldiera grave I d
-I, " "i t '
' (Special DhtnaU te The Jonraal.) ,.
The Dalles, Or, May SO. Conalderable
anxiety la felt by the liquor dealers here
in regard to tha coming election, June
5. At this special election will be de
cided whether Wasco county wlU be dry
or wet. - ' " y-:'r-
It Is asserted that wages will be paid
Rebuild dailyr
thinker with . ENERGY.- You
think clearly because you are well -:
fed. ' Covered with, cream ; de
Day, '05
day I nearly ever see!
love to lay lily thare;
James Whitcomb Riley.'
to working men to ley off and Yote.
Money, It is said. Is being sent to the
Unuor Dealers' assoclstlon here, and
will be spent with a lavlah hand in order
to win and settle the question for some
time to come.
The cry of the Anti-Saloon league
is, "Remember John Crate" (who was
ehot by Frank Summers rn tha White
House saloon), "and get your pocket
books ready for the trial.",
Reoently in another saloon brawl Al
Nelson. proprietor of the Oregon saloon,
waa slsshed on the arm.
coltlvate rgood ""
10 centr a pack-
' .V.-.. .- I - '
" " J- - .- -
?J-J.. , . . .
' - 'V'..-' ;
. IT.- :-