The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1905, Image 1

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-X - 'V
fcThe Circulation-
' 1 1 i I . ' ...
Tha Wath-V - --r.--
" Tonight and " Wednesday, partly
cloudy, with Tittle rain; light varl-
Of Th journal"
Yesterday War
aDjtwinaa. . 'v. .
VOL. IV.NOr73r
One Rumor Has It
Wounded Sailors" Float
' ;
TCzar Determined to Continue Struggle and;
i: Abandon : Siberia1 by- Withdrawing-Linie:
; -:.vitch-Peace Efforts are ' Renewed - -
'"it ' Jeornil BpecUl Berries.) :
ib""- Tok1orMy 19. Bullettn.ftfflclat r.
- Iort-rom..Togo. who Mt out Inr pur-
ault-of the leelngRaaa,'atis, larking
," today. ,V It" 1 reported that he I aank
several Russians ships during a running
!rnnTTAftcIocTrirTa reported that
- Rojestvensky. ' who Tled-on-a-torpedo
boat destroyer; haa been captured.
(Juernal Special Brvlee.).
"St Pet.reburg. May 10. I p. m. Bulle
tin. Captain Chagtit -at the - cruiser
nested - the sinking of . the Datuesnip
Kntaa Souvaroff and that Rojeatvensky
under the peraonal- command t Ad
- lowered oar board h dtrnytr' Buiny. 'm traATgaJ!nrtiuwr. are umler the
i " J.ot yet reached -VMdivoaroic.
' The admiralty officially admlta th
Inking of the battleship Knlax Souvar
r.rt Ban ruUM. infl flint and the
repalrehlp Kamstchatka.,
l InntaiL .!"'' -"'" '
-London. May 3 0.
Admiral Toao'a victory
la : anprece
nmd In hlatonr. ; With aoh hour
cornea freah detalla ahowing the enor
mous losaea auatained by the Rusatane
and It-la evident that In no battle sine
the daya of tha-Bpaniah Armada haa
any power aunerea aucn a cruamn mu
.overwhelming defeat at aea aa hat aue
i.i hv Ruiiaia In tha defeat of Its
Baltlo squadron "by th combined" fleets
of Japaa. -
From toklo it Is announced that there
' were 1,121 caaualtlea on Ruaalan ships
which drifted aahor on Tauahlma Is
land and on tha coast of Japan. Twelve
hundred of th injured have been taken
to Baaebo. The survivors say that the
Russia (officers died bravely,but were
Incapable of defending their ahlpa or
. their Uvea, .t .
- It la evident that the attacks made by
Torn threw the Ruaalan offlcera into a
1 panic and. tha. they had no control over
xneii-ww,.yij" y; -
IlaasnlPa wera nmn tmiuieii- i
aaeouted. Fear-Mied many of th
eailora and It was almost impossmi to
fore them to do their duty. Seaman
unlit for arvlc threw themaelvea into
"theaearmaddened by th accurate lire
-rr-of th Japanesa gunner. -
Diirvlvnrm state that the aim of the
Russian waa - very-toor and that few
ef their shota told on th- attacking
forcea while nearly .every, ahell Jlred by
the victorious Japanwe left It mark
upon their antagoniata.
.Hundd of Russian sailors, many
badly wounded, are coming ashore at
Tamaguchl near the acene of battle In
mall boat or clinging t th -wreckage.
Fishermen the last two daya have
h been busy rescuing survivors tnat are
afloat on spars or debria rrom toe
i wrecks.- - n ' ; r '
Fighting still continue off Oktna, ls:
land, where Togo la continuing to press
his advantages.
- The fate of Admiral Rojestvensky is
t uncertain.' A telegram from a laBl at.
tache at; Toklo to government official
aaya it in reported - that the. Ruaalan
fl.iihln Knlu Souvoroff wa : aunk In
action on Sunday, and that Vlce-Admjral 1
RoJeatvensRy perisnea. " " -
A ' PH dispatch- received from
! Vladivostok Btatea that four Russian
warships arrived ther thla morning,
among them . the - torpedo destroyer
Bravh It -- la - reported in vtaaivosioa
that Rolestvenaky.waa aboard thla ves-
" 'sel dengerously wounded,,; tuff erlng
' : Lf-om lhlurie ' received. - J by . bursting
shells. He waa taken to tne .nospnai.
Th -protected' ruilasr -Alma -wa on
of the ahlpa thai was aaved by flight
A report from St. Petersburg states
that th Russian flagship wa destroyed
and that Rojestvensky wa badly
wounded and placed on. board a.- torpedo
destroyer. The wnereaooui oi tnt
". atroyer Is not known.
From Toklo It I reported that Ad-
mlral Rojestvensky haa been captured
with h torpedo boat deatroyer on
"'which he fled. . -1 ': --
I Hue, . ukmarlne ad Torpedo Boat
'- yuy rarts la" JmoUsWn ahlpa. '
j (Jmiratl BpeeUl ierTlr.) " ,-x
TnfciXT-Mav Iff. Saturday morning
I Togo, with th ntlr na.val fore of th
Japanese navy, wa at Mwampho, when
f the wlreleaa announced th approach
1 of th combined Ruaslan fleet A seo
lond mesnage-Oater atated that th Ru
I slsns wr aacendlng th eastern chan
'7 i irk. r . . n .. Imkt4itlv atarteit
. rim. in atii 'j - - - -
v ..11 anuil mrmtnA Trail Itftland. ahlf 'nil
Grounding the Island came directly across,'
That He Is Dead-
th f rohroOh Rulelan. whowera ad
vancing in-two columns.-" concentrat
ing b1a flr upon-the flank -of the west
column Togo spread diaorder amongth
Rualana7w1nBg ahlpa wer. , forcdg.gst
toward the Japanese coast. Togoavea-;
m WlffRedout one at allme The mani-
moth .warships of Rojestvensky' fleet,
and by concerted- -attek crippled or
sank six ahlpa, taking Admiral Neboga
to(t and t.000 other- Ruealana prisoners.
When night approached repeated tor
pedo attacka were, -delivered wit the!
Monday. -
The-Inner line or tn japan.
rommand of VtceAdnvlral - Kamamura.
Th llarht sauadron waa under th prr-
aonal aupervtslon of itaar Admlrml KSTKt
aoka. Th firat attack on th Kuasiana
w made- byth-1atr veagnla. -whttir
Kamamura- circled around Roleatveii-r
aky a anTBl. liuttli't ratHB
n-'i-'-g Ight re'' marked by
series of desperate tofp8i
Togo contlnuoualy preaslng the Ruaalan
fleet toward th coaat. . -.-.The
number of Russian veasels of all
descriptions sunk and captured la 22.
It la poaslble that other ships were
aunlq rumora coming- in cionatamly In.
Crease the number so that probably ,a
total of between-80 and 40 ahlpa have
befrlloat to Russia. Fending the con
clusion of the Japaneae purault and th
Identification of ships which . prisoners
report sunk. It would be Impossible to
make mora than a fragmentary esti
mate of the Russian losses, but enough
is known to confirm the victory as an
overwhelming on for Japan.
The ' following vessels wereunk:
Battleshipa Borodino and'Alexander III,
armored crulaera .Admiral Nakahlmoff.
Dmitri Donskol and Vladimir Monlmach,
coast defense ironclad -Admiral Ousba
kolT, protected crulaera Svletlana. and
ijemtcnug, repairsnip Kamtcnatica.
i. nruiur ir
eruJerlrte8rnr"three-le8troyers. The
battleships Slasol VllkfTTJrl and
Nleolal I, the' coast defenseironclad4
Admiral Senlavln and General' Admiral
Apraxlne and two-smaller vessels wer
captured. - The Russian flagship waa ae
rlously damaged. - -
t .. ,
Warahlpa Takes by Japan la Battl
Ar Brought Safely to IT aval Forts.
(Jcnrail gpectil Berrle.)
. Toklo, May 10. It la officially an
nounced that th four Ruaalan war ves
sels captured by the Japaneae- were
brought safely to naval porta today. The
battleship Orel waa brought to .the port
of Malsuru, the battleship Nicholas I
and the Admiral Apraxlne mnd Admiral
Senlavln, coaat defense yeaaels, have
been brought, to Sasebo. . I "
The report - from Kobe -that a Ru!-
atan cruiser has arrived oft Hamada-
100 miles northeast of th scene of th
battle. .1 confirmed. Th vessel waa
badly crippled and a whit flag waa
hoisted. Two hundred Russian sailors
were "aboard. The Red Cross 1 suc
coring the wounded.
Th Oriental Occidental company'
steamer Dorlo arrived her thla morning
and reports sighting th Russian cruiser
Taumrud and a gunboat, probably th
Kaaarsky, at aea. The latter waa leak
ing badly. - , ' ,
A telegram from Shanghai states that
a-Russian vesseL-evidently a cruiser,
haa entered that harbor. Tie vessel la
believed to be the cruiser Smnlenak and
la aupposed to have put in for refuge
and will probably be Interrupted until
the close -of -th war; :
It 1 how possible to give a aomewhat
connected account of th battle.. Vic
Admiral Rojestvensky squadron en
tered the Btralta of Korea on Saturday,
April-27. It wa In th afternoon that
they wer attacked by Xh Japaneae un
der Togo, near Okonlshlma, aoutheaat
of. 'Tsushima. i The fighting- laated
throughout the night, the' attack being
continued by the torpedo flotilla, after
sunset. - Four Russian ships were sunk
and other heavily damaged, while the
damage-to th Japanese was Insignifi
cant, .. - " . . . --
A pursuit of th northward-retreating
Ruaalan waa -rigorously continued on
Sunday and four battleships were com
pelled to surrender. ""Rear Admiral. Ne
bogatoff and 1.090 other Ruaalan, wer
taken Jrlaonra.
Th cruiser "Admiral Nakhlmoff was
sunk near Tsu. island Saturday, aeem
Ingly by a mln or aubmarln. report
Continued on Pag Nine.) ;
at. a i-p,.
i -' .1 --yai i n ;
3 .m 1 . ' -lr jsS' mmm , - - ------ - . ,.. .
isIanVice-Admiral Rojegtvcngky.Rtr)rted to Be Lying Wounded at
. HIS .1 - ' - ' .
rrirttn i li a " , ,
I . ' , . I ll Ht llll I III
A I - eN i rT I A --lV -., . I dealcre ia befoTl Mil it illlllil
ALL lo r( tl ALTY
Fair Officials and Cavalry Escort Will Meet thjice-JPresidential
1? Party -Roosevelt's Representatives at Opening of : --
" Exposition to Be Royally Entertained .
"Unleaa iome mischance should Inter
fere with th preaent achedul. : Vice-President-
Fairbanks and party . will ar
rlve In Portland tnmorro wm ornl n ef be-
for-daybreak, probably between -1 and I
when commltt. will call at th union
depot to escort them up town.. At th
same hour th congressional party will
arrive. - --'
Tft vlc-prealdentand hla party will
be met by Mr. and 'Mr. H.v W. Good
and the congressional party, by J. C.
Ainsworth,. 1-Allen Lewis and Henry
Ladd Corbett. Troopa B and D of th
Fourth cavalry wilt also be Tit the' depot
and will, with military honors, escort
the notables up town. Mr.- and Mra
Fairbanks will go at one to the Goode
residence,. Twentieth and" Flanders,
where they will remain as. guests dur
ing their stay. - The senator and con
gressmen have been provided for at th
Portland hotel.
Missouri has a carload of fine art on
the expoaltion ground and la experienc
ing great-difficulty In securing a loca
tion, the state building being overloaded
and. tha Fine Arta building-filled to Ita
capacity.-' Today the " commissioners
mad application to Oregon for a room
In the sUt building. butPretdent
Myers could not. receive an exhibit of
any description. .The paintings In tbls
collection are' aald to be valued at 1500.
000 ana it is icertaln that, aome arrange
ment made whereby they may
be displayed. 1 ." --? - ---J -;J'. . 4
The general presa bureau ha figured
out that at least 10,000.000 rosea will
bloom In Portland during the month of
June, or enough. If laid atem to stem,
to encircle th. exposition grounds. In
cluding the lak and' the" Oov.rnmeht
KnlMlnrra thre tlmea.1 It follows llmt
Ros-rnyrJ?PTlJuOUTdrBe jmagnlf&ttbeirraprbad cruabed 4lia borand- cut
cent success. .-. r
i (Jooroil Ipeelatr- arlce.)
London, May 10. The aenaatlon
caused by tha Foaalck - .mb.stl.ment
acandaj, when. "Alfred Foaairk. a well
known, solicitor living at Maidenhead,
waa charged with stealing 1(1,000 trust
funda. waa given a nw turn when, th
accused solicitor declared that loan to
Mra. James Brown Potter, the actress,
wa the rati of hla ruin:
He declare that a blum of money
went to Mra. Potter to back her the
atrical venture, aU of which were dirt
' The" wive and" families of . directors
of the exposition, who are to occupy
seats on the 'platform at the opening
ceremonies, are requested to meet la
Beoretary-Jteed's office. Administration
building:, nut later - than 11:80 a. m.
Dolnh has been -appointed .aaij
ststant to the""liecretary-of the epnal:J
tion and will alfo be attached to the
general press bureau.
Traveling Men'B day. one of th ear
liest of the special eventa, June 8, will
draw an excursion of 1.000 people from
tha -Pu get sound country.
. ( : .
San Bernardino. May 10. Henry
Armstrong. av Fish Springs settler, haa
given an exhibition of lron.nerv which
surpassed anything ever heard of here
abouts."" Armstrong- was bothered by the
depredatlona of wild anlmala which
nightly raided hla farm. Irt an effort
to thin out the peats he aet several steel
traps, three of them being for big game.
Two" wild cata and a coyote were
trapped the first night, three coyotea
the third night and a few nights later
Armstrong hurried to a. trap, attracted
by a ehrlll yell, and found a mountain
Hon. between the- Bteel teeth. He. dis
patched the lion, setting the trap again;
The teeth came togetherslnklng Into
the middle finger.
Armstrong waa imprisoned In such '
way that hecouid not open ' th trsp.
After firing his revolver and loudly
calling In a vain for effort to attract
attention he got. out his pocket knife
and deliberately cut off hla finger. Thla
was an easy task, though. paini;uiori
open the flesh.
failures. Last year more money was
lent Mr. Potter without security.
Fossick do aot w4v- hi Infatuation
of th artreaa aa reaaon-for hi un
businesslike aCQon. In hi confession
he gives no motive for being so lavish
of trust funds in backing Mra' Potter.
The a o tress' side of the story has not
appeared. '.
At the country home In Maidenhead,"
.where Koeslek a office are, It has, been
understood for om time that h has
ba financial manag e( Atxa, Pottax,l
Dr." Hill Says Voters Must
DecideTif Saloons
Shall Dominate.
And Are Called ort to Say What
They Think of Williams' Part
'nership 7 With" the" Cam
r" . .biers of Portland. ..' '
- To th. Citixen of Portand-::::The
niirB'ion iff ri -"t by-tTOr"voteM of
Fui Hand net Monday la not .' -&
Mayor-Williams a "member of General
Grant' cabinet?" nor "Did Dr. Lan
feed-the patients at th inaane asylum
H on boiled beef ?"; nor "Are the preacher
fPortland wicked monT The Issues
y -..wr, yHnl -i,r.nnhlrr "W(
a)reabout.tQ,- place- th stamp of -approval
or disapproval upon . certain
things. We are about to determine pol
iclpe whlch-will- largely determine the
futur WeTrafeoT our city and of thla
Pacific northwest. Let us face these
Issue squarely, that -r.njay voje'uponil
JJext Mwndnyr mtr are" to " 'decld
whether or ot.-l h : aalnog -power ahnli 1 f;
dominate tbia city. It 1 not a question
of saloon : or no -aalopn, foe whichever,
side wins th saloons win remaln.-The
liquor men are -determined ton" having
more. " They propose to controt.They
have outlined a definite campaign and
next-Monday they hope to win their
The organ of the liquor
ins some
interesting reading. Hero is an ex
"The Liberal haa no politics but H'q'ucAr
-t""Mrni Its sole object is the, protege
tion of the trade. '- . Irt other words,
the liquor men went Into the Republican
prjmarlea not because they were Repub
licans but- to protect their trade. And
now that they have nominated . their
man they are aaying to the rest of ua,
"You 1 must vote for our man or you
are not loyal Republicans." .
Here la another algnlflcant extract In
reference to the recent primaries:
"The people put the handwriting on
the-walt -o-platn-thaV aUr-may-seo-it;
even MrrrThomaaiVord, the moral cen
sor - of Portland. It la hla turn next.
He cornea to the guillotine In June 1906."
And who la Mr. Thomas Word? He Is
not a member of the Municipal asso
ciation, nor even a church member. He
la simply a brave, honest man, who Is
trying tod"r"h1 duty a a pubiiu om
clal. . But th liquor men donotwajt
a brave ana nonest man. lney.nave
decided thtiheywaht a cowardly, dls
h6hest"TOwliu w"nTie--Uiem to lo
cate 60 saloons at"lhtrneaiiJOjo1IT
great exposition. If they desire; who will"h)tooma.atTierd tyloYlngl)ands.
allow them to turn the town Into a red-I
light district and line our streets with
gambling houses. (Thls -week the splen
did city of Los Angeles will decide
whether or not a slngle-saloon shall b.
allowed within Its borders. Next Won-
day Portland will decide whether or not
the aaioon power shall be given control
of the city.
Another Issue before us Is the matter
of the timber land frauds. : For some
reason the Republican machine Is trying
to keep In th background. And ho
wonder. - District-Attorney" Heney, "the
representative of President Roosevelt,
Is reported to have said that-Oregon-Is
In the hands of the most corrupt gang
of - politicians In the country. .Who- Is
at the head of the dominant wing of the
Republican party In Oregon at the pres
ent timet A man who Is under indict
ment by the grand Jury for defrauding
th government. Who has been tba con
trolling factor In this city for-everal
year past? A man who-was discharged
from the office of I'nlt.d State marshal
the other day by direct order of Presi
dent Roosevelt Who' was it a few
evening ago that attempted with un
blushing effrontery to secur control of
a Citixen' meeting and to stampede It
for Mayor Williams? A man who la now
awalthig trial a a conspirator In the
timber land rrsunsr
Is It-eny-wonder
the-machlr-e " UHeepIfig m the " back
ground T When I was In Washington a
few Week ago In th Intereats of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, . I met" a
man from Oregon who ald: '1 shall be
glad when can Blip away from here.
Our state Is In disgrace because of the
timber land frauds." t am wondering
what th voter of Portland will have
to aay on thla matter next Monday.
Another Issue In thl election 1 th
Oregon lan. This paper 1a an essential
part of the administration now aeeklng
the people'a approval. At the time the
mayor' gambling pollry waa under con
sideration, a member of .th executive
council told m that th editor of the
Oregon lan had agreed to the plan be
fore It adoption. A reporter of the
Or.gontan told one of our city pastors
that he bad received order to say
nothing against th mayor's plan, but
that ho might roast "Chief 'Hunt to . hla
heart' content, IJ -1 becoming - In-
I - "
i"l-r;.i.; ?. ;-. -f '
....... i-rf,...v -' Vr-
.-' t
' ifc. .V'.' '.
r . ... - - -
v ft-
. r' ' '
: Mikaaiv! Flagship of tbrVktoria Japaneae Fleet.
rm ' T 1 "s 'aar aw . a . -s- a , ,
- ,. ... . .. . ' I """" ", r ... , ,.
Portland Keeps Green the Memory of the Soldiers of the Grand!
Army- SchooL Children Take Heaps of Bloom r""""."
to Lone Rr Cemetery. ' ' '
"Portland'a patriotic cltliens paid tribute-today
to tha nation's-honored dead,
lieautlful and Impressive memorial ex
ercises were held under the auspice-f
th Grand Army of the Republic and
auxiliary organizations and- great
CTOwda" of people, Including many chil
dren with arms full or tlowers, gatn-
red at the different cemeteries to assist
the old.veteranB In decorating the
Braves cT departed" Comrades. Every
soldlr'agrave waa banked high , with
Among the"""Vitrious organizations
which participated In th exercise were
th. George Wright post. No. 1. G. A. R.;
Lincoln-Garfield post,. No, .!; v Sumner
post. No. 12; Ben Butler post, No 67;
George Wright Woman'a Relief corpa.
Noi: 1;- Lincoln-Garfield corps.- No. II;
Sumpnr corps. No. 21; Ben Butler corps.
No. CI; th Indies Of the G. A. R.; the
Indian war veterans, the Spanish-American
war 'veterans and the Son and
Daughters of Veterans.
"Th of flee cs J)f th-;day appointed by
id Joint committee of arrangements
were as follows: Commander, D.'- H.
Clark; senior . vice-commander, A. C.
Sloan) vchaplaln. H. A. Barden;- officer
of the day, F. R. Neale; officer: of tha
guard; F. II. Coleman; adjutant. R. L.
Wolforth; chalrmanf.J. 8. Foaa.
'Grave Seokad Wltk lowr.
At 1 o'clock this" morning details frpm
George Wright and Lincoln-Garfield
Doata met at Second and Morrison atreets
land Trom therr went to th cemeteries
on the west side of the river. A large
number of cltisens and veterans , had
also gathered - and . accompanied ' the
aquada to assist In atreWIng -th grave
with flower. At the same time detalla
from $umner and.Ben Butler posts went
to the cemeteries on the east Bide of
the river to decorate th graves which
had - been-marked. t
""Flo wers , hat -been contributed - In
abundance. The " school children bad
(Jearnsl Bpeelal gerrle.) .
Bcranton, May 10. Nan Pattereon
headed a company which last evening
presented "A Romance of Panama'! at
the Lyceum theatre, th principal
amusement house of Bcranton.-,
The glrliwa. xtenalvely advertised,
but only two-thirds of th hous. was
filled and the. audience wa not repre
sentative, 'although - many i women at
JX-1 AerfrjuocjrluUeg 1
rzf-. : . stlu iff 1 - ' -
furnlshed ' several - wagon ," load : an)
citixen brought baskets and grmfuMB
to.O. A. R. headquarters-last night..
There were more floral offering than)
for any Memorial day In the history oi
Portland.. .,-'--.' .,
'xeRlse arXonaTlr. ...
' The Memorial day exercise wer held
at 1:10 o'clock -thla afternoon-ln Momi r
ment square. Lone Fir cemetery. The
veterana and other who desired met at -Sumner
post hall on Union, avenu- at '
o'clock, from, which point a procession
led , to the cemetery." "
. Veteran with gray: hair and bowed!
with tha weight ' of year marched tt
th beat of muffled drums. Other :
who wer too feeble wer conveyed in! -carriagea
to the .scene of the cere;'
monies. . - - '."!'. .
. The service were , Impressive and. r
many eyea were dimmed as they-wer)"""
reminded that. on-Myronj th old. vtl
erana, who sacrificed all in order to)
fight for the preservation of the union,'
were passing a way The exercise .
opened with prayer by Chaplain H. A,'
Harden 'anl waa followed, by a ong. '
,"Iar.Refugi . Never Falling, by thL
quartet.' , The O. A. R. and W. R. C '
ritualistic services were read, followed j .
by a selection by. the quartet. "Let thai
Dead and the Beautiful . Rest." Th
quartet also sang "Sword of - Bunker)
Hill," after which Comrade F, H. Bhept ,
herd read "Lincoln's Address at 'Gttys"
burg," and Comrade Tom L. Johnsoit
gsv 'a short address on "The Navy.' j" "r
Mr. and Mra J. Hamilton aana; a duet, I '
followed by "the ' memorial address by--"'
General Thoma Anderson. The speaker .
grew eloquent' in hi aulogy of th d.J
parted comrade and urged on- hi I
hearer that they should perpetuat th
memory of- th men-who-crlf Iced mt
much- f or-1 heir-country a cause,
(Continued on Pag Nina)
comady, proved nothing more than ),;
burleeque show glien a littl retouching,
to make It fit for woman In th audlanae
Th muslo wa good In spots, and somH
of th people rapabl. but th awdleaea.
waa shocked by th ahortneaa qf skirt):
and th lack of coatum. ' 1
A good portion of th women attend
a nee fled after tha first act, hence did hoi
e'Nan Psttenson, who appeared OM
in th laat act to, sing on song, -i j
J?fjaanc and wa rfhl apiaOdao.
. .T.-rf. --
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