The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 29, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    '- .,.-..
Incoma of Millionaire - Philan
thropist Much Reduced, by
Bad Investments.
immense Sums Sunk in Virginia
... Mines, -Trolleys and Real
Estate by Financier.
- - i ! r- (Journal Special- Service. - '
-NewTork.- May 29. Miss' Helen
. 'r.nnM'i. income has-been- much re-
1 duced by tha Investments' nlade by her
to heln out. har-brwUier.-Frank in Vlr-
glnla that one has been obliged -to-eue-
T tall her charltlee. Such JsthOtalfcltxi-Jiiili1 on ths lft-ajtr-Mntativ
4e pr a WTSonai menu i
standing and by ons wbo-has every op-
portuntty to know whfreoi n speaas.
since hs la tha head of tha organisation
ihrnmb which a portion . of Mlsa
Gould s benevolence rehedhe TPuMlcrf
Miss Gould has given mora In propor-
' tion to her mean than almost -any other
' L. multl-mllllonah-e. 'excepting Mrs. Iceland
Bianford, who gave, all ahe had. Her
- .personal fortune. Is- estimated at from
l,0W.-to-tl 5,900,1)00.' '
In tha last few yeara Frank Oould
' ' hsa been investing heavily In Virginia
1 properties, mlnesroUey lines, railroad!
and real estate. .He put millions Into
enterprise -which ha xpected would
'"'",' develop dlvidenf-paylng ., concern and
; make him tha trolley king of Virginia.
'But ha oon decldedthatJii Jnveat;--imenJwoTIld
Tfequlrs much more money
for development and Improvement. Hla
'sister furnished the money wanted, but
. - Miss Oould's money did not change the
5ZT Situation.'" -" : " '--'
Persons In a position to know say
that nearly every dollar She and her
brother put Into Virginia tympanies will
1 lost . - . -
(Special Dtepatek e -The Jooraal.)
Albany, Or May St. In the Christian
"." church oft'thls city memorial aervloes
were held yesterday. The Grand Army
- post and T Jb-.adiea- -the Q.Ajt IV
r" R.T-
' we're present in a'body, and all the mln
ltr .of - the city participated In: ths
"services." KV. .Cfark - of the
Christian church delivered tha sermon.
1 Th Church deoorated with flags
. bunting -ant flower and pictures of
-Abraham lncoln-nd TJ. 8. Grant.
" (Special Dlapatch te Ths Journal.) ' "
who puroftased h dirt -taken from the
- t lllllllllllliaillllll
fi that will appeal to V
- y ffijjil I your taste and purse I
-V TSuI And make you, through its service-giv- U
' $4 ln? Qualitie8 permanent customer, of 1
' ' I 1HaJ this store, is the only sort of clothing I
SS- ' ' ' .i-M-t AaJw you will find here.j Comparison is a
T l: ."asV' aura taiaT an4 An. .lmat,. mv.a
I 1 - li w our clothing price for prices far supe
L flffi -Men's-SacieSuits
Si ml i at$10 to $20 ,
''JxSSzJlsf M - ;- ... ..r, ,--ZjL"rKSSfi
' Im-single and double breasted models,
rA' : : ' . "-.we offer you a wide choice of fabrics in
."' V alLthe newest colorings and patterns.
' Oualitiealbatare dependablerrfcesathave no-comDetition
383-385 East Morrison "Street.
" VV'" 11 Everything In the
i . NLE, Corner Second and Taylor Street?
. :r t j L . ) JI(J f
y"rTSV "Ws'sS erVwa and brljta wort wltbMt sefa. 'tfymK"
vX ,or rrs ! Are Is plats work aa- f ft -V
- L ' a b" Tmt swoth eoaitartalily. f if r ' J
. f Dr. W. A. Wlas haa foo.d a aafa war te h ntV' l l
. . i i -!,"') eiWart teeth, abaahitelf without pals. .Dr. " . f T , ! Z
(A , A,-1, I T. P. Wat la as eipert at sola flllla aaa ; ". ;
l V l I erowa and briilre work. titractlsg tree 11 w 3
111 arhee plates er brldts are ardarad. tl 'N4 "'A
VsTiY WISE BROS., Dentists J
,1 ' V1 ' rattiss Bunls. ear. ThfaraT sai "Waah Sta aWe,'
I Cpea analtn ttU . Soaoaas Ina , t- v --
BE. T. f . WltJ. aa It. Or. Mala im. t. W. A. Wlig.
eseavatlop for the nelr John JVVoUmer
building at 44 eent a load, has found
fold In the ol. Th old bulldlng
which vni torn down wu 41 years old
an(L during Jlia early daya wa occupied
by John P. Vollmer's store and bank
and was jhe most. .Important.- trading
centi in U -1 nla nd - eCmplra. Minora
brought their nuggeta and dual here,
It Is believed that much If not most of
the cold Mr. Front la finding In thla
dirt was' lost during the transactions of
nloneer days.
In all Mr. Frost has purchased '40
loads at cost' of 120". I la has washed
out four loads In a alulrebox and tjA
aluai !! Iiu liaa ' IhMH liuggi'tr
ataiusdas high as $4.40 each, . together
with. .conatdeTHlfle-ftmrTrnld "d' tftceull
in anonyvMr says the -tnrrrttl net
mm iiou. . . .
, (Special ' Dlapatrh to The Journal.)
He-lena.-Mont., Mny 59 Montana wtH
tatlon at the gooa
. tinnhliTJri?l J'iii tlan J
June 21 to 24 next. Governor Joseph
. : r .Z . " " t.,.,
K. Tool has received1 a letter from K.
W. Richardson, secretary of the -Na
tional Oood Roods association .stating
that- aa thla Is -thsr- flrBt-'cjnyentton-tp
should be represented by a Is rge and
active delegHtton.tovernor-Toole fell
In with the spirit of the movement and
has named 64 delegates, or two from
each county, where possible he- has
nameB tha chairman of the board -of
commissioners and tha aurveyor for
each county -In- order that practical men
may represent tha state. '.
(Special Dlapatek to Tha Journal.
Tmgen, Or.. May 2. Ty B. Rockwell
who says ha Is from Chicago, Is in Jail
here charged with shoplifting. Ha and
city for about ar week. Kvery day they
have made, the round of tha drygoods
stores, making small purchases. Rock
well wss arrested Saturday night, and In
hla. room, at a' hotel was found a large
omount. of goods,' identinea py local
merchant aa stolen from their stores.
The woman ha not yet ben found. .
(Special niapatch to Tha Journal
"TBpecTanilapateB te The Joarnal.l
Hood River,. ;Cr.,"May . The
churche of Hood River unltW In spe
cial memorial service at the opera
house yesterday morning. Membors of
local rener corp anenoea tne
services In a body, and were addressed
by Rev. Mr:" Chambers of Portland,
Lwho-apoks-on--Patriotism. Past, Pres.
ent ,nd Future." There will be eg.
ercjseby the. Grand Army tomorrow
' (Spadal Dlapatch to Tha JaarsaL
Baker City, Or.. Msy 19. A. C. Leut
gnrt of the Columbia Engineering worka
of Portland has been In tha city for the
past few day Investigating the mining
machinery business with a view to es-tbllavijlB-
-bwvoh -house- bera-iB thl
line. -- . - :
Council Says ' Street : Obstruct
- tions Shall Come Down orV
. Be Torn Up by Marshal.1:
Determined Women' Sniff Scorni
fully When Warned and No
' ; ' Move- Is; Made.j.l:r
, Tha iiatecfflcj 'Pt Tha 'Jsarsal . M. Is
th .lor. ot Mrs. V. W. iKrmerr--
hlarrlaua lUnL
sTalploo Uaat 270.
- Whether tha oultf Milwaukia will
be aoon atlrred by civil war la the
problem that la "wrinkling 'tha foreheads
of-thariocat gotong-gnd-catinr abd
of and news over J he green pasturesoi
the place Grat'ton I to . make famous.
The street question is tha problem that
has divided the town, and whether the
Main tftreet cowpena shall be enlarged
and let alone or torn down snd thor
oughfares made through, their. muddy
pools haa been the queatlon. . .
'It is a queatlon no longer,' however,
for- the council ha declared that' the
street a block " east of Main - and all
intersecting streets shall - be 'opened
within 10.. daya.. Isi week notice to
thla effect wa'. served by tha "town
marshal -and hi reception wae almost
enthualaattonr several- instances. ,'H
waa invited -to go right out and taks
down the fence If he reit like it. the
Irate owner meanwhile rybblng a loving
hatuj-ovenir aJthIva. The marshal
has finished his tour of notlflcstlon and
In "the quiet of the long afternoon
tell the local gossip that there - 1
trouble coming.
Tha men won't do much, ' In hi
opinion "but the- women ar going to
out up considerable," ana tnen tne mar
shal, being a, mild-mannered man ana
emulate tosxi
task awaiting him.
Tha olty offlolala ar determined that
tha street shall be opened and tnat
provemenu may be carried
out the fences must come down. Ac
cording to the mayor certain property-
owners- in thoeenter-of town hay for
yeara kept vacant the beat building lota,
wtrtlw th town has-grown - for : mils
Into-t-ha country-along the i only-z open
roads. - However, neither tha -mayor -nor
councilman have to tear - down tn
fences, and this Is the thing that looms
big before the eyes of " lha marahal
IS fences. 26 Interested Intensely lnter
eated owners and threr score snd tn,
doas of high and low degree. ;It i re
membered how a nelirhhorhood was"t-
when -ona - small una- rence iwii torn
down and the .marshal gases on the de
termined features of the town? good
women and ahUdder. . .. . .
' jtiw tax will zartaa.
Tt la nrohahla that tha Bt. Johns I
CTuncll wnr'etne
some, compramlsa .will probably be ef
fected -tha-wHr-enabla tha -town- tor de
rive! revenue irora.iniaBQurcsjA sron
opposltiftn to the tax - ha developed
among Br. John professional men and
to a lesser extent among tha merchants,
but thla opposition, la chiefly based on
the Deuel mat inejcxpcnses ut uia iowii
.r totf high. According to tne
Inquiry of Auditor Hanks, who ha
secured the opinions : .or the ma
jority of tha bualneaa men on the spe-
cltl tax, th opposition is connnea to a
few who for political reasons are not
enthused with tha preaent council' ef
forts to ralae money. Mr. llanka and
aome of the . councllmen are convinced
that tha general business sentiment - of
the place Is' not against an occupation
tax, ao long as such -tat is necessary.
snd of tha latter premiss there is no
doubt. , . . i . '
' The campaign, against the saloon In
precinct A4, the large district
between Piedmont and the river. Is be
ing waged ss sealously as In any other
precinct. Tomorrow afternoon the
women wllL meet with Mrs. M. K.
Thompson, and r-campalgn for the- non
voting residents of the precinct will be
planned. Professional meri, '.ministers,
laymen, laborers, end even the. children,
have been organised" for 'the work In
precinct 84. -ThU precinct ? has
been built up very rapidly in the last
six months and the business interests
of the section and the number of resi
dences have been more than doubled.
No saloons are In the district, but It Is
fisserted that, for thlRStJen days
agents of the backers of the-, "red-Ink
ttrket" have been m ah! ngJt-Jiar& fm.
jalgnespeclaily with-tha- bualnesa man
on Mississippi avenue. ,
William Glass, a brskeman employed
by the Southern Paclflccompanyand
living in Alblna, f-11 from the platform
of an Albina car while It was nearlng
th stael bridge last evening, and nar
rowly escaped death beneath the wheel
of an approaching car. lie' was taken
to the Good Bamarltatr hospital,, but
was soon able to go home. . His wife
was prostrated by. the news of th sc
-tdentr-and"W-carried-to-the hospital
her husband had just left, but is quits
well again.
Teacher of th eaat side ar taking
much interest In "the plan for a rest
room at .the educational headquarters of
the fair. This plan was broached by
teachers some- weeks sro. but as the
county superintendent refused-tahrn
any chosen number to represent th
Multnomah fraternity the matter waa
dropped. Last week It waa revived,
and the visiting teacher from the 'state
and oountrytgenerally will find a nult
spot; Bi".injair wnere anejr can lain
shop and rest in peac. ,
. j..
. ' tix vr coi.mcBiA-rABK.
summer, and the plans of tha park
board as well as those of the railroad
company - ountemplata making thla
suburban pleasure spot more- attractive.
Th car company has built a large watt
ing room at the entrance, and th Vnl
yxslty Park Improvement league I
cooperating with the park board .'to
make th place presentable-'Instead of
merely a wild tangle of undergrowth.-.
Father and son were buried in the
same'grava at tha Mllwaukle cemetery
yesterday after on Of the moat touch
ing ceremonies ever held In the . little
town. Christian Albert Zanders and
hi JJ-year-old son died within a few
mlnutea of each other Saturday, and a
younger boy I riot-expected to survive.
Doctors In attendance were unable to
definitely ascertain th nature of th
disease, hut it is thought thai wrier they
dr linkway fcav been 4 contaminated.
Tomorrow Night
rrThe bov nnounoemnt ought to be
I'eihaps this will lie tnTat opportu
nlty you will ever have of hearing this
greateat ot all violinist, as well as bis
famou accompanist, . ' 1
M. Jules' De Befve .
A stated before,, this will be ona of
tha greateat musical treata of the sea
son and should - be generously patron-
Ixed. .- . '
The Knabe Piano
sw-hpTrTfraTTlh e 110
concerts given
this season by Ysaya.
twt of eourse wtl
Wa handle more of the hlab-grade nla
noa used by artists than any other
house. n fact,' we have-built up the
largeat.and most' substantial-business
in the-- Paclflo northwest by handling
pianos ot-an estaonsnea reputation.
And, -what-is best or all, we are in a
posttlon to sell our planoa. at ,-a -much
less Dries than others chars for tilanox
of less reputation. ou will have -no
occasion- to; complain if you - buy your
pianu irom u, uur saay. payment plan
applies ,iu ail.
Allen & Gilbert-RamaKer
Rev. F. M. Fisher waa in charge 'of the
funeral service, which waa held at the
Evangelical church. Schoolmate of the
dead bpy formed the van-of a large
isslnn thai aaaomponled the bodies
to tha grave. The Zanders family is
well known one in tha place, having
uvea tnere many years. ,
.la&WAtTXZB bajtd imni.
At fllwAlllclA ITYMav Jivknlnv tWm
Crelghton Choral society entertained a
nnmber-of ltg-frlends. " The entertaln
ment was under- the auspices of . th
Mil waukle -band
The opening number wa a piano and
cornet duet by Mis Kejl and Mr Kem-
men Miss Ferrari, Mr. Oowanlock and
Mr. Ferrari aang a selection from- "Bell-
ario, - accompanied - by - Mra.- Everest.
piano solo by Mia-Matid -Belrwaa
another Interesting feature of th pro-grararns-XJirv
Dream of You." and Miss Chase "and
Mr. Hellyer rendered a piano duct.
Others on the pTogram were:. Miss
Hulda Bukemerer, Mr. Matthews, Mis
Laura Caff al. Mis Florence Kemmer,
Mrs. Moody, QUbert Moberley and Will
iuehL rr:
-!- (BpeeJatT)rapatch te'Ths JooraaL J- '" '
Salem, May . Willamette ' Uni
versity commencement program, begin
ning today,- Is as follows:
May 2 Graduating recital at-
o'clock j; m.: by the college of oratory
In tha chapel. ..
June 8 Dramatic recital at t o clock
m. by the college of oratory In th
Grand opera-house.
June 6 Undergraduates' recital at I
o'clock p.- m. by the college of music
at the First Methodist church." -;-",
June I Graduating -exercises at I
o'clock p. m. by the college of oratory
at First Methodist church.
June J Dramatic reading St 8 o clock
p. m. by. Henry Lawrence South wick,
dean of Emerson college of oratory, at
the First Methodist church. .
June 10, at I o'clock p.-m. Intercol
legiate-track, and 'field meet Willam
ette university. University of Oregon,
Oregon Agricultural college and Pacific
university, at tha state fair grounds. .
At I oclock p. m. Public program
by the literary societies In the chapel.
June 11, st 10:30 O'clock a. m. Bac
calaureate sermon by the -Rev. Bishop
David H. Moore. Ds- D.. or th First
Methodist church. - ' '' :
At S o'clock p. m. Farewell meeting
of x-Chrlatlan assoclatlona - in - society
haUs...... 1 ----- r
At S o clock p. m. Andrews to Chris
tian Association by .the Rev. H. D.
Kimball, D. D , pastor of Vincent Meth
odist Episcopal church,- Spokane, Wash,
ington. - - - - -- -
June 1Z Examinations at 9 oclock
p. m.l graduating exercises of Ihe col
lege of music at the First Methodist
churchr" "
jiTns""i TrsmtnAnftfis-"gttoviocit
sfrai7i'aBfSiiesiwSiA.s ivm avirv a anaaaa
$2.50 for 50c
Woman's Exchange J
Cook Book '
Over 500 Pages of Useful
- Economical Recipes - -
Bound in oil cloth covers,.1
Tublishers' price, $2.50 r bur
. ,irT,, :.- price. ;
.For-This Week Only.
Booksellers 'and ;.
..... Stationers.
Great Things- at Lftitle Prices
IN f LR E ST 0 (l G: P EC D ' '
c'- " - i ' n
. .i . . .
j, -Bucks
If , A-TL'--f I r fix V1 ta-.H.111 ...
Have you a Go-Cart' for the, baby? If
not you would do -well to see the ones
; we're, offering at prices that make them
' exceptional bargains. AH this year's
'patterns: with" every . Go-Cart- conven-
.with or without parasols. t.:.
25 to 45 Per Cent
Off Regular
m.t annual me.
tee. - : ' . - -:
At I o clock p. m. waauanng exer
cise of .th norma school and. .prepara
tory department Addres by th Rev.
T. - B Ford, D. D., pastor of Methodist
Kplsco'pal :hurcti.r SunnytdPorUanar
Oregon. ' '. ir-:Vr
June 14. from 3 to 5 p. m. Art ihl-
bltion at the art studio.
At J:0 o clock p. m. Business meet
ing of the alumni In society, halls.
-At o'clock o. m. -Reunion of th
alumni In the'chapeL -
June 15. 10 o'clock a, lm. Ci Y,
on the campu. -1
. At B o'clock o. -m. Commencement
addres by Hon. CvE. Wolverton. chief
Justice of the supreme court oi univu,
at tha First Methodist church.- ,
Athena, Or.. May 19. In the colt how
held her thero wer 160 entrle. di
vide into-three claaaes light harness,
draft and coach stock.
Charles Bodley won first prise in light
harness class, owning a fine McAlropa.
The premium was a set of, fine single
buggy hs mess. William WhltlocK. with
a Del Norte, won seconfL, prize, a lap
robe, while Casper Woodward, took third
Place, with a McAlropa, winning a
halebone driving whip, in tna orart
You get
s long as you pay rent a
bunch of receipts is all you
have to show. The first .Step
toward independence -freedom
'from tfiecar
havingfybur rent increased,
or having tocmqve, is to se-
cure a lot the rest will then -
can be of service to you. )
, " '. L . 1
The tendency nowaiayrTf
to h a ve "a hom e somcf placd
in close proximity to busi'
ncss'. and, yet far,, enough
away to avoid,,thj(
ie numerous
nuisances of the city.
7 llg'1l (Cf B 11 ' IT I CLOSED
ALL DAY. STtT j TOvStfeiU t . I ALL: DAY- '
tlngofboar4 ottnw, lr Df4- BiE.-.l TT F?X LI
. '" . . . - -. - L- -- : ---77"- : 7'
Buy Now While the Prices Are Low
- - Lots can, be had from $250 . up. ."'Either for cash or on the e;asy payment plan; ThefjS
are-many good points about City View Park that we: cannot mention in this space.3Ve
will be glad o txplain more fully to you'if tr will call at our office, First and Alder streets.
Oregon Water Power Townslte jCo.; 134 First St.
., - . , .... 4 - . - f . ... I
: out IV ja u u a -
T WE WILL. DELIVER and set up In your : -
kitchen any pattern of Buck's Range. 'yYo'u 1 :
pay $5.00 at the end of 30 days and then $1CP -
a wcck. vjoou oner, .
$5.00 IN
Tha scnjaTTzno
relieves all pain
in dental opera
tion. 4ay, wsah gtoa
i, eoz. Seraata,
17 VO Tat rO.Vt ST.
Bat. Bui Ida at Ceuaa.
Awnings' 'for
stores and " resi
dences. Tents snd
camping v outfits.
Oet our prices.
Vhona Mala 181.
class A. B. McEwen took first prise,
a suit case; Robert Jamison of Weston,
second prise, a cathedral .clock, and John
Keller, thlrd,-a Pendleton- blanket, In
the coach clnss W. A. Fraxler of Milton
won a sliver cup. ihe first prise, and R.
M. O'Brien, second prise, a "lap rob.
Preferred Btook Oamaed Oooda,
Allen Lwls' Best Brand.
.-.eV-JJ i ri w
a better grip oh life
When youlstop tfie Rent Habit
and become Your Own Landlord
It is less
from FirsnOVashingt
it ,'a.v n
sn i iw - - ,
For cxnodern , dental work. ' ..World-rtW:
Ldwest price consistent, with flrst-cTasa
; v. . .work.
.' ' v.-- . Go to th , :-
Opn' day and night, from I.JO a. m.
, until fo p.. m. -i . ..
Glosing-Out Sale!
W-ara -retiring -
from business and
will close out all of
f . our Ladlaa and
Children's Fancy Dry Oood at
.5..J-WSB.Ta-.COeT. ' .'-
Don't mis it. Come now whll lines
m- ar unbroken. y.
L. MINQ & BROS., 88 Sixtfi St.
(Speelal llasatch te The Journal.)
Moro, Or., May 29. Memorial service
were hold here yesterday. in th-M. H.
church ".under th auspice of W. T.
Bherman post No. 4. Q. A. R. A -Isrgo
audtencav, was present and a uitabl
program was rendered. Rev. A. J.
Adams preached the memorial sermon.
" . "' ' ' i : :
City View Park I
Solves the
than 10 minutes' trolley ride
plciididlyiJQated.iIt is on"
high ground and commands
a fine view of the city. .It M
has manyothef advantages .'fi
pure air, Hull Kun water,
cement walks and curbs and.
electric lights. There is .not
a. plot-of ground within a
radius of miles of Portland
ill equal; .City Vie-fl
tnat w
- i .' . , :
';;-.; . ". ""';;
- 4 "
"J '
V ir