G' OOP EVENINO, . lyTjlX ' ' -ThCircu1atIorvbf70Af Jt" V olou,,'r! winds mostly northwesterly. f.'. J pfLjg ' ' " " " ' a." " ' ' " ' ' BY FLEET UNDER TOGO vgf- : " ' ' M Muscovite FlagshipandH Sunk or Captured-Battle Is Still Progress- ing - Witbr the -Japailcse m - Pursuit . ' . ; JlTokloMZ-2J. A. btU besun trait between lhJajnM ttft . Heet under RojeatvenskT.la atllL In proree-The Japaneae' are- purait- - tag the Ruaatan warahlpa, which are widely scattered. Russian losseaT;,, '4. reported up to this evenlDK ara 14 vessels aunk- or- captured. Ttesldee . 4 aumeroualorpeilabi).tandlestrojrfrB,Tb .Jpanei Josa. ia.jfeporteda 4 - to ba three cruisers and twelv deatroyera. Elht captaipa of - the-de e e stroyed Russian ressela-drownlth-tha -alnklng : ships. - -, Mora - than 4 1.000 members of the Russian crews 7Vhiun&9ithivinHrz&lii ofTauahlma Saturday after-- e noon he waa Immediately engaged by. waitn Japanese' ahlpa. The e a battle ha been cohtlhuout are altie,' Tsasela n afc a TimcJ'.T.aoanja of . battle hya ahlt4a-KrthH-rtfaarrr7 It laUnda,-nearly J00 jnUea-rom. where- -fighting- waa iegua Saturday e(,Jt la reported that only a portion of the Ruaalan squadron entered the aLKoreantraltai..thealower-golnfjyesela.moylnf out Into .the Paciflotto . e the aaat of Japan. . -' , .:. . - - e , .rollowing is tha report concerning tha fate of the Ruaalan veasela: " Battleahlpe Borodino. Alexander III. flagship KiUea8ouvarexjmP.rel, . nin.irirxbal ' AdrnlrafKakhlmoffl Vladimir. Monomakh; v - ; - - : 1 a protected cruisers Svletlana; Jamtchug;cpaat defense ironclads Admiral W -O-Ouahakoffaunlt; Ironclada SenUvtn and Oanasal - Admtrat Aprailne. e - battleships Orel and Nlcholaa. captured. . . a It la omcially announced thla afternoon that Rojestvensky'a fleet la practically annihilated. - (Jonmil Ipwlsl gerTlce.) . Toklo. May 29. (Bulletin.) A late re port aaya that Rear Admiral Neboga toff has been captured. It is estimated that --J.000 . Russians have been taken p rl sonera. . , ; London, May 20. (Bulletin.) A Cen tral Newa dispatch from St. Petersburg . states that - It- la reported thertu that -Rojtvnaky'a flagship, has heena unk and the admiral wounded. , J (Jourssl Special BerTte.) London. May. 2.T-The Central Newa la authority for the statement that the naval L I in ucv wrn huumi.i . "iiv tha-shlpa ot Rojeatvenaky'a- squadron . 'was rtlll -progressing at nightfall Mon- -. day, the- Japanese pursuing the fleeing RussIsfiTTwarsTirpsr; MessHgea from Toklo announce - that official, . reporta - state that - th - Russian losses ara 14 vessels aunk or captured. Ac cordisrT6Trprlvate telegram which the Central News quotea the Japanese lost - three cruisers and 12 torpedo boata and deatroyera, which were either sunk of disabled. Klght captalne on Russian vessels which were destroyed In . the battle - drowned with the ainklng ahlpa. The crews - rescued from the 1 water were . made prisoners. During the battle f itlng Swn plainly heard On shore. All Toklo- la -deltrloua with. Joy. ' Scenes Of the wildest excitement are .being enacted-.by-the Xl9'orjrr"ft2,?!ll enthusiastic populace. Admiral TbgtVit complete report Is awaited with feerlah Impatience. . ' Tha battle began BaturflAr m the utralta of Tsushimawhen the Japanese fleet engaged the Baltic squadron. Free , use was made of torpedo boats by Togo -ln his attack on the ships of the fleet i ' On the morning of May 27 the Russian V fleet appeared In the Tsu atralta. entcr f Ing the channel between Tau .slanS - and Klushhti. wher31h"Tapanes fleet " waa awaiting them. Cannonading lm- mediately began. The Japanese - fol- AS H. W. SCOTT SAW FRANCHISES THEN 1 When the charter .board was In ses 1 slon and the subject of franchises was under discussion, II. TV. Scott, '.who waa Z, one of the members,, had this to says -Th next proposition. Is that the city shall expressly reserve the right to go Into these various lines of busl . !Das on its own account, at the cxplra , tlori of the terms of these franchises. 7 Now, I do not want the city to extend 'Tits functions to these branches f busl- mess.- nor- to- hold -axil- the- promise -or hope that It will do so. In my' Judg ment, stclct limitations of the func tions of government Is ss sound a , principle aa It ever waa.. 'It Is admit ted that the city must supply, water, for .- nobody can lire without' water, and in ;a city a full supply of water la an abso ; y lute necessity of . ill and. sanitation. ------- .- '--1 -- - t it, rfV" " . . Tin . . 4 - , -v ., ' - , Bat ur5y - afternoon.- In - th KorM.n under Togo and the;Kuilan Baltlo - hare beeq taken prisoners. I lheJapsnese picking off Russia lowed the plan of attacking the ves sels one at a time, torpedoing the War ships repeatedly and riddling thorn miln their long range guna. Reports of Jap anese losses . are- vaguer but- undoubtedly were far heavier than given out by the Japanese. The battle waa renewed ea,r!y at dawn Sunday morning and continued through out the day, and. at -nightfall today "is 4 rtlll lBinrogassi It Is rirffrttd thai bt rHuanlan fleet waa divided, part ot It going through ' Wis Korean atralta, whllj the alower-golng vessels sailed around Japan. ; . t . . A dispatch from Tslngtau states that the battle has reabhed the OJ1 Islands and It 1s believed to "benercer than the one In the Stralta ot Fushima. Oil Is 200jnUea nortbpfthe.jitralU. Iha Japanese losses so far reported, by Chinese telegrams are stated to be one cruiser and ten torpedo boata. Reporta are current on the stock ex change, reported to come from 'authori tative sources. . that Rojeatvensky's flagship, the Knlas Souvaroff. la among tha veasela aunk and that Togo la fol lowing up the Russians, picking off ahlpa one by one. According ' to reporta the following Russian vessels ware sunk: The battle ships Borodino and Alexander III. the armored., cruisers Admiral Nakhlraoff and Dmitri ' Donskol. Vladimir ana Mosomach, the coast defender . Ironclad Admiral Oushakoff, the protected cruiser Srietlana, the- Jentehug, the repair ship Kamtchatka and the cruiser Ireessln. The following "were cahtured: Tha battleships Orel and Nlchplas. the coast defense Admiral "Seniavln" and General Admiral Aprlxine. The BoroUJno, Alexander III and Orel are first-class battleships of , the latest design, -each, -of 18. 8M tons displace ment, with a nominal speed of 18 knots with a complement of 760 men eacn. Tha armored crulsera Dmitri XMnakol (Continued on PagaThroe.) But water. In- this regard, stands alone. It la by no means,, regarded as a neces sity that the city shall supply light; and public lighting and commercial or private lighting - are -so conjoined that It la scarcely possible to srparats them. As to street railways. It la no part of the business of the city to' transport Its Inhabitants from one place to an-1 other,- and no more a part of Its busi ness to cary them In cars than to carry tfiom In hacks; and no more a part of its business to do either than to distrib ute milk daily at the doors of its cltl ens. While,, therefore, I fully -agree with the committee, and with others, na ta taxation of these franchises. I Inbiect th. nrnnntil tht tha n!t abill um-r dertake to operate them, or that 'lti.W. Nash, tti, emeper millionaire, la not shall hold out the expectations or prom ise tiat It will do so." III v'.ir .- r -r. . C C7r 111 ' .114 - - 11 : ii'L - mi iimii .H- . . . j PATHETICS-NOTE IN-: SUICIDE'S POCKET State ; Owes . Naught; but; Burial " in Potter's Field to Life- ; Long Cripple. "-1 " ' " " -' ":" ' . I.. j DENNIS BLANIfl WRITES ; " AND DRINKS DEADLY ACID NothinizJOiowrLisfManM Took His Life at Albert Dock Today. .-4 i-'?Crlpp less, hopeless, without the means of sustenance, unable . to earn our Own rUvTng at .the kind of WOfk' we'VB been used to, we are at the end of our meana and the future looks .dark and gloomy to us. Hope Is desd -wlthlrt us. When times were different and we had money we spent It' nOtwlsely b,ilt too-freely. We are now reaping the consequences. But let us not repine at auch a late hour. The state does not ' owe us a living, but It does owe' us a burial In the potter'a field. This is all. ' (Signed) "DENNIS BLANK."-' 'We have got no- relatlvea -or even acquaintances In this , city. " We have been dead to what ' few relatives -we have for a acore of years or more. May Just aa well continue bo." ' - In an envelope addressed "To Whom It May Concern" the letter was 'found on an unidentified man who committed suicide on tha-AlbrB4oclc-FTtmr'ind IxveJoy streets, at & o'clock this morn lhg. . He had . swallowed carbolio acid and died In the patrol wagon, . ..Nothing la known here of the man aside from what hla letter tells. , Otto Brands..an emfffitye of the Albera Mill ing company, discovered him lying. on the dock, and notified headquarters. In his pockets were found a' bottle of twniine, a bottle containing a little carbolic ' acid and fhe letter. ' The man was apparently 40 years of age. At police headquarters the name of Dennis-Blank waa placed on the rec ords, though It la presumed to be fic titious. r- : ' HEARS ARGUMENTS IN :lvr:"!i MINNIE HEALY CASE - - (Special Dlapstek The JoorasLV' ' Helena, May '!. Arguments were heard In the supreme court todsy .eti the motion- of the Amalgamated Copper company for rehearing In the noted Minnie Healy case recently decided rn favor of Helnse. Each-side- waa given sn'hour and thetr lawyers made forc fut "" addresseaT-dwelllng particularly upon - Mrs. Brackatt'a ..oonnection with the esse. The matter was taken under advlsemsn. i ... i..;- a. IXELTII XCXXUOsTijma BTOTO. i . (Journal HperUI Berries.) OmnlllL Ulav it Tha condition of K. bo favorable'" Unlay! It Is not Delisted ic . Bojeitvehsky'g rvr WHYDOES: MAYOR. Wl DODGE r , . . Ona-wekao-The-Journal aakeda number-of questions xif Mayor Williams relative to the Tanner .creek, sewer scandal. - These questions - the mayor Ignored." In all his pretended explana tions - of. that iniquitous . Job Mayor Williams has studiously dodged all ref erence to his own 1 personal resopnsl bllltv for the acceptance -of the sewer and hla persistent 'disregard of the. pro tests, of the- property-owners. 7- - Onoe more the mayor, is asked to an swer- these questions: testjit aresponslble i property-owner against the acceptance of the Tanner creek sewer .was read, be fore the . executive board, October 21, 104. alleging gross defects and offer ing to. bear the .expense, of .an investlg tin. AAA vnn .At rim-lare emnhatlcally eleafc--frlend.Xtna,t-tn.lnatter had been delayed long enough and that the contractor ought to have his money" T . j ' - - T. Atthewam mewtliigafter the protest- had beent referred o commit- TROOPS MAY KEEP. . SALOON DOORS SHUT w ... ' - , t .. : ' :. Folk, Plans, to Enforce Sunday : Closing by Stationing Militia- : men at Doors.- .. - . . . l: ' (J6uraal Special BerTlee.) 'Ht.'l ILouls. w Mar 2. Governor FplK Is aald-to-have-'made up-Tils" mind to send the state ; mllltla to St. Louis county, next-iSunday to enforce the BundayJloslng law against saloon And liquor shops. It,!" tha plan tosnd battery A to St" Xolils. nfxf Saturday -night and' to place four men at each saloon, two at the front and two at the rear door from midnight Saturday un til midnight Sunday. The law was openly and flagrantly violated- In Bt. Lauta county yesterdsy bat no arrests were mad. Practi cally every saloon In the county except at Delmar, and at Merameo Highlands sold liquor' freely' In the city several arrests were marie for violating- the closing law ana it is charged that many saloons . did back door business under police protection... .:- - LlqUor , men are openly boasting that the -"lid is off and that the decision of the court of. criminal correction ren dered Saturday to the--effect, that the excise commissioner cannot, revoke a license without a trial by Jury, robs Governor Folk of the only. weapon he had to nforca thaorder. ' . .- MINERS' CONVENTION - DOES NOT REACH VOTE . ."'" . (Jparnal Special Rrrvlre.). Salt Lake, Mar: It- A vote ; was not reached here"- today In the eonventlon of the Western Federation of Miners on the question' of breaking away from the. Oompera and "Mitchell - - factions 1 and Joining the Industrial. I'nlon movement. Speeches from - many delegates de nounced the American Federation and avored the complete breaking, awar - I . ... -1" I I Fleet, Rcported.Destrdyed n . Battle With Togo's Ship -of jWv TH ESE QUESTIONS? .1 . - ' - - tee a nl -the -a-Uarney-for the protestant had -left the room, did not the executive board, with your approval, -reconsider Its action and accept the sewer? ' S. At the same meeting did not 'the executive' board refuse .to accept the bid of the Rlners for the construction of another sewer on the-ground' that al though theire' was the lowest bid the rumors - about the Tarmer- creek sewer werasuc.liaslto mske It Inadvisable to let any more work to them 7 " - 4. Did you not (hereafter, publicly pnd jrlvatelyoppoaethasxtion.of -the coum-it 1rt ordering an investigation of the Tanner creek sewer, declaring, that the action of the executive board ought to be final and that the council had no Jurisdiction in the matter? t 6. After-two Independent expert An vestigatlohahad conclusiv1yitbi llshed the defects In the sewer and the culpable responsibility of the city engl neer. William C. Elliott, did lou nut write to him In the following terms: CONSUMPTION CURED BY MIXTURE OF OILS Ninety-Nine Out of a Hundred Patients Cured by. Use of 1 New Discovery. (Journal Special gerrlce.) '. .. . LNawTork.Majrrl. DT.""Oscar M. Lelser. who announced during the lat ter part of .last year, that he had dis covered a cure for, consumption, said yesterday that eight months' use of the remedy whtah he administered by in halation had Increased his confidence In it. The doctor has revealed" the gradients ofrme"' remedy. It is a com blnatlon of fclls and the ingredients are these: Oil of gaurthierla,- oil ofr-tfeyme, oil of eucalyptus, . pine, needle o)ltand hydrocarbon oIL -The oils a re "prepared by aproceas discovered by C. B. Benson,-a -chemist, who has made the cure of consumption a lifelong study. There Is nothing secret about the procesa, and Dr. Lelser says it will be made known to anybody who ran ahow ' legitimate reason for wanting to learn what It la.'. r " . . "We 'have treated 100 sufferera from the disease since we began," Dr. "Lelser said. ."Of those patients.1 only one has died. The' tuberculosis germs have en tirely disappeared from S8 'and about 40 have been able- to resume their sev eral occupations. . We have relieved the remainder tOT-suelvA.an nrxtent- as- give ua great hope.' Several of my profes sional friends are listng - the - remedy with considerable sacess." , " OHIO ' OOXALIatn; MXXV. . . (Joonral Special fUrrtrs.) ' ... Columbus, O.,. May :lt. A atate con vention of 'the Socialist party, opened In this city todajr with delegates. On hand from more han two-aoore organlaatlons. The plirposis of . the convention, Whlrk will continue over tomorrow, iai to per feet plans for he .coming state cam palfB. .. . ' . k 1 -; LL AMS -'The clamor against you about the. Tan net"ereek -sewer-amount s to-tht s sand nothing more--that in the multitude of your duties and trusting too much to your subordinates, you did not give that sewer the clos personal attention which the magnitude of the worn and the cir cumstances : under which it waa con structed seamed to have required. - The mistake might have been made by any man In your office with half a hundred contracts to look after at the same time. The kickersj knockers and fault-finders, howevscclamonouB or-nnisy-thsy -nay have been, have not haken my confidence- in you. because I know better thsn any of them what you have had to encounter with , Inefficient eubordl hates and unreliable contractors"? .Is It not true that If you had had youe-wfty-4hre would have been no In vestigation of the Tanner creek aewer. and Rlner would not have had to pay taottnr-toafne cslonhffTepalrs that have been made? WOOL HIGHER THAN . FOR PAST 25 YEARS Farmers in Oregon Rejoice at the .Great Eastern. and Foreign;. '! Demand. - -B.-Tr-Judd.-fesIdent of the Pendle--ton Woolen Mills, and a member of the firm of H. C Judd 4 Rood,- wool deal ers of Hartford and. Boston.' Is In the city. Mr. Judd occupies the peculiar position. qjflw,ool dealer and Wool man ufacturer. : - Wool i growers - will make moJ'e,noJ,'Jr tbs season than they have ln-lin any fit tlie past 2S years, according to Mr. juua. in uregon wool is sciung 40 pet cen higher than It did a" year agov Then4 it-was worth 18 centa . a pound; now it is worth 10 cents. 1 ' "The-price of wool has gone up," he said, "and -may go higher. "Many of the growers contracted for tholrr wool too aoon to receive the full advantage of the advance, but a major ity held long enough to realise the full benefit. Thelncreape""ls due "to the fact that a number of eastern buyers have purchased alt the wool they could jet. There has also been. great de mand from the foreign market" . i MORE LUMBER WORKERS ': LOCKED OUT IN CHICAGO -' "(Jonraal Rpeelal grlee.t .. " Chicago. -May 19. Drivers for a num ber of additional lumber companies wers locked out today In accordance with th decision of . the Lumbermen's associa tion. , All members of the aasoctatlon but one are now hauling with nonunion drivers. Efforts to Involve box manu facturers In the lockout' failed. OTTO KAOOOVOAXI. SBAD. J ; . (Jnnmal Special arvie.) 1 . i- -Winnipeg. Msnltobs, May !. Hon. William MactViusBll, -first; provincial governor of Manitoba-, died tbdajr. AMERICA CAPTURES -1 THE KAISER'S CUP Captain-Barr "Pilots Yacht At- I antic' to . Victory in Big Race. REACHES DESTINATION , AT EARLY HOUR TODAY - - . ; - s 1 - QuickZIIme; M adal Results Jn L.f Committee Being Caught- Napping. . - - tJoarnil Bpeclsl-Sertlee. ) ; Scllly f Island, y Lighthouse, Station, England, May -The American Jj-acht AnanncTTJaplaln Charles "Barr com manding, owned by Wilson . Marshall, passetfr to the eastward of the signal station here at :45 o'clock this mori Ing and Is apparently the winner of the KlserB'"cup.The've8sel made a fine appearance under a brisk southweet ., breeke. - She should reach the Llsard, tha goal. at ..o'clock this afternoon. v Fatal rocka"lie about ft mile from tha coast Just on the edge of the 20-fatbont line, and are barely visible -sxcept at low water. The onlyi friendly warnings to the mariner are two llghthouaes.-witl, fixed lightselevated 20a feet above, the sea,, and , visible I t-mrles, but In thlek.. or boisterous weather, notwithstanding the beacons, -many fln ships, bravely commanded and i adequately manned, have gone, to" their doom there. 'No light- -ship Is outside to act as a guide. ' i High up on the cliffs is the Marconi wireless telegraph station, which ' has warned many owan liners since It has been established, but it will be of no use -tc- the sailing yachts, which will not be equipped with wireless apparatus. -- They must run In and report to ahore. Ko" one will be; on' board themte ae- knowledge their arrival, and atgnalliut to the government' station will be their only resort ; , ; There are 11 boata that made tha Start In tha race ' from Highlands on May IT, the start having been delayed one day oh nccount bribe -weather." The run. therefore, has been made ' In less ' than 1 days. The ocean eup will b given by the Kaiser personally to tb owner, at Kiel, at he beginning f Kiel week.- - I . Tha AtlShtlor-la a three - maatel schooner end. with all ' her kites draw ing, she spreads nearly J0.00 square feet of canvas was built, from as signs by-Qardner and Cox In 108. She, Is Hi feet ..over all, US feet on .the water line, St feet Inchee beam'ej4 16 feet -draft The JlaAburg. wTiTc Incoming steamer report as probabl, . tha second in the race. Is k Oermait representative. She was formerly the schooner Rallbow, and was built In 1IS by Hendersons at Olasgow. Either the Kndymlnn or the Alia wilt be third, according to accounts rH-etvel by wireless. Both are American Ves sels, the' former a schooner of lit i,k hurdr nd 1ST fet In lenlh, owned t ' George louder, Jr. end ths lslir a. he wiu recover, . .....:-:... - ' I1"