The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 28, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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. - -. - - 1 -
k Opening Ceremonies to be Hrett
i Lewis an
and Stata- Will Keep th
owntra Agrea to Close -Their . Stores.
VicVKreside7n by 10,000 Soidiers and Cadets," a
gcori , rf Bandsr the CJeMenof-theNo
west and. a Record." Crowd.
Tbst great Interest in the opening of
the Lewis and t'tsrk expedition Is ""'-1
feated . lu AVaaTOhgton. D. C. la -waa.
plain by a dispatch from tha capital
stating that when President Itoosevelt
yuaat, i Hgwg,iwr -X":
Wg 'g now, ins inurerj
in tn-w2u HoM-4trt wtn fir the
raidnnt'a salute of 21. suns, Simulta
neously the artillery on the government
T"entnhulalU Tira l-gunrln honor of
i .Vice-President Fairbanks. . .
' 1Uj-MMim -tor the-weening day -of
lua expoaltlon. u ft ten Win mars a new
epoch in-th l7rf7fceptlo Of tn visitor lit thff exposition!
L-le praoUatly-complete, and H Indicate
r thaf the festivities attending that event
" vt eventa will be aa notable aa ever an
sxpusltlnn rrti- " '' K-wl
- happen next Thursday, when the whole
7 cfly will quit commercialism ' and--pay
""T.Iiomaga to the memory of the pioneera
cfthr-Oregon-country. ,. - - ' .
. VlM-Presldent Fairbanks and " hla
-party of about -people-rilF arrive, it4
' la hoped, n Wednesday, aooui i noun
. ahead of the hour of opening. Mr. Fatr
tanks will be met at the Union depot by
- president .Goode and other officials and
',- escorted under military guard to the
residence of Mr. Ooode. FUnders and
Twentieth atrVets, where the vlce-preal-,
dent wlU make hla headquarters during
-fcit ty-i. . ; : "
it Opealnr y Osramontaav
. " " The opening ceremonies wilt begin at
-r i:80 a. m. on Thuradayr-:Miv Fatrnanka
and Mr. Ooode -will be conducted by an
r dence to the point where the parade
-forms, on the Sixth street aide of the
Portland .hotel- The committee of iO
"'T directors of the expoaltlon will In the
" - meantime Jiav escorted the comrres
- atonal committee, governor and others,
'to the same pointy The parade will start
-promptly at "KPVclock and without a
." stop will march to the expoaltloa
grounds and enter bjrthe Twenty-eighth
T T-Btreet' and "Thurmail avenue - entrahoe,
thence along St. Helena road to the
New Torlt state building, arriving at
Jt:30 a. m. The cavalry ana infantry,
which will be a conspicuous feature of
Trrh-roeatoTt;-!!! march to positions
"Zr.L -assigned them -in - the -victnHy of the
ceremonial platform, while the artillery
will follow the Trail and oroaa the I
-f- Bridge of -Nations to the peninsula.
wnere It wiu prepare to lire tn -various
salutes when signaled.
.. . . A committee of ; tureeilrectors wtll
lescort the women of the congressional
j -party" to,.fr. Goode's j-ealdence to call
for Mrs. Fairbanks and will proceed
tt orrrer-to-therTexpoiimairaTOanas. Where
seats will be reserved lor distinguished
. The vice-presidential- party will aa
etnble at the New Tork bundlna bv ll
o'clock, and 4i minutes llater Ita mem
bers will walk to the platform en Lake
view terrace. Promptly at 1 J o'clock
boon the ceremonies will begin. -
Blggart Day for rortlaad. '
There la ho exaggeration in the state-
tnent that Thursday will be the blggeat
'"day 1ft inciiiiitory of th Paclfld"north
west. The. military parade will be. mag
. yilflcent. Inasmuch as. 'regiments of the
United - States army, the Oregon Na
tional Guard, -cadet' organisations and
civic bodies will participate. It is ex
pected that upward of le.000 troops
' will be in line. Colonel E. Z. Steever,
the grand marabal, has already ' an
nounced the line of inarch, which is a
follows: , ;
From the Hotel Portland. Sixth and
-Morriaon streets, north on Sixth to'AI
der, thence west on Alder to Fourteenth.
- thence north -on Fourteenth to Kvrtu.,
thence west on Everett to Twentieth,
- thence north en Twentieth it Overton,
thence west on Ove'rton to " Twenty
fourth, thence north on Twenty-fourth
to Savler, and west on that street to the
exposition' grounds.
The parade, which will start promptly
" at 10 a m.. will be led by Colonel
nuciii "u i-Ui -Mil me rumm '-""" I
W. Fatrbnnka, Fpeaker Josepk O. Can
non of the house of representatives,
-grover-nor of several states, offlctala of
-thw Hty of Portland, of the exposition
Nearsightedness of any pain
orweaknes9 accruing there-
: from instantly and perma
nently relieved by the ail of
ip C.O per and : depcn,lkble ?
XJlasses that are jjjade from
perfect correcting of sight,;
are (grouiid-on, the- premises,!
- - insufing accuracy. The ,
aretheJtcst'modcls and Tit
exactly fight for ease, and
comfort. All of . these opti-
. cal requirements aredone to
give absolute satisfaction,- $ei
. that patrons can'recommend
our work to their , friends.
e Day for; Rejoicing
and prominent cltlxcns will follow In
c5lagef,lTh8nslinled .band of . the
Fourth cavalry, the Fourteenth tnran
try, companlea I and K of the Tenth
(nfantw h.' mmiAtnln hatt.rv tkt ' til
u.aiBa nut n imu'-.wm uumfw
-: , .
coiiver- barracka and' companlea 'of In
'antry, cavalry and artillery of the Ore
iron National Guard, and Ilia cadets of
theWsllngton college "- will- constitute
the. remainder eXlbe. .military '-feature
ot lh parade. - , '.
The mont minute, "detaila forniie re-
grounds have been completed Is esti
mated that to, 000 people will be present
Alarge randaUnjtasJ)fiawaracted
on the Xakevlew terrace to accommodate
the noted apeakera who will participate
In the opening ceremonies. Xhouaand3
wltfcongregate In Coumbia court,, be-
tween theAgTioulture and Foreign Ex
hibits buildings. This space will easily
accommodate 100,000 people." Innes fa
mous military Jand will be . In attend
ance, aa well as be Caprlo'a -Administration
band, and the musical organisa
tions of the military bodies.
. Tali Is Beady Vow.
.' Th fair might have opened laat week
and been more. nearly jeadjthajLOthcr
fairs nave Deen on opening .flayxViiaa
flie gates are' thrown open next Thurs
day there will be a completeness about
the expoaltlon which will delight Ore
gonlana, especially those ' who have
stood by-the project with-mgnny nrt
good cheer, and who have great hope
for Its successr '
Departing from 'the precedent., set by
earlier fairs, the gates will be, opened
on June 1 early in the rooming,- in .or
der that , the crowds may assemble be
fore the exercises. ... - .- .-. -
; At . noon- the Immense chimes In th
top of One of the tCO-foot tower In
the-Govemment building on the penln
lUlS-lS-auild' lake .will 'peal forth
"America," proclaiming to the awaiting
thousands that the western world's fair
Is opened,
Al 1 :S4. 6'ClacJsa'lta 'if Urnooa-44-le
expected that tlie ceremonies - will be
eomHtided; The offtcrat-guetS"s,ltt to
to the New York building for refresh-
men ts and at 7 p. m. dinner will be
served there in honor of the-vlca-presl
dent and-congressional, representatives.
At 11 o'clock in the -evening there will
be a reception to the visitors -in the-n-4
nex to the New Tork building.
tnsr general ljifotmatlon will
be in Operation Monday niorniiig at 126
Third street, where- J stranger may
learn anything' of Oregon and the sur
rounding country,' from' " a -telephone
number tip.-v J. Bhlpp. who has. been
In railroad 'ticket offices most of hi
tire,, will ce in cnargv or me oureau. .
. r: Drag Store Will Close.
This . following self-explanatory com
munication has reached" headquarters:
We, the undersigned drug stores of
the city of Portland agree to close our
plaos--of--BUlnes-TWHn--r a n;-ttntlr
p. m. on June l05r on "the: opening
day of the fair. ,.' ...
Rowe A. Martin, WoodArd, Clarke , ft
Co., Blumauer-Frank Drug company, S.
G. Skidmore. & Co., Frank Nau. Frank
P. Barber, Fabian Byerley, Cottcll Dru
company, . Joseph Klcen. o.- p. - B.
Plumrner, Watts Matthleu company, Si.
C. Tuttla, Nichols dt Thompson, Simmons
tt lleppneiv W. C. Cable, C. A. Watson,
Marks Drug company, A. W. Allen, Ned
Munger,- Fred Beal,-B.- W. Ball.- J.A.
Clemenson, lauo), Davis Drug company,
Albert BernfO, H. Ray. Imperial Drug
company,-R. A.- Preston Model - Drug
tore. E- A.. Wilson Brooklyn
pharmacy, Janckey Drug ' company.
Gradon tt Koehler, Murphy Bros., Al
blna pharmacy, W. S. Love, H. W. Vlets.
Strelbig & Jessop, ' Knight Drug' com
pany, O. Bettman, B. F. Jones & Co,
Eyssell's -pharmacy," John - I,T "Vestall,
Brooke Drug company, Red Cro
Bli. i.Miiifi if. " 1
George Jacobs, A. IL Wlggans Dfug
company, -
. 'jien the plumbers made new con
nections for the courthouse water ser
vice ' yesterday, they discovered work
done 0 years ago that was startling
tn its evidence that there were grafters
In thoae day. - - -'-
It wa found that the water meter
was placed on the ' Fifth street side
of the courthouse, with a pipe leading
In from the street main to the meter,
-plp- leading -back-to - Fifth street,
along Fifth street to Main, down Main
to. the center of. the block i and from
there Into the courthouse; and that
another pipe led on the other side back
to Firth atreet, along Fifth- to' Salmon,
.down Salmon to the middle of the block
and thence into the courthouse.
Why there was such -waste of ex
pense In th days of 1865 is not In evi
dence. . ....
The plumber are engaged In making
connection directly from the street Into
the courthouse, and will no longer carry
the water around the whole neighbor
hood before delivering it. The coat
will be about fed
(Speflsl Dlapatcb to tin Joamtl.)
' La Grande.-Or., May 7. A district
convention of the W. C T. TT. was held
in La Grande today. Much business of
Importance was disposed of, and a very
amroDrlate 'nrosram rendered. fr- -
Among the Visiting members are Mrs..
d. M. elevens, national president;
Mrs - Anna A; .Gordon, national vlce
presldent; Mrs, Lucy Addlton,' ktate
president; Mrs. Oarlock, prealdent of
Idaho; Mrs. Mattle Giavea, national lec
turer, Central la, Washington; Mrs. -Jean
Marrow, Malheur county, Oregon; Mra.
Prescott, Nam p. Idaho; Miss Kstelle
Rhine, Haines, Oregon; Mrs. Thomas,
Mrs. McUee, Mrs, Parker, Elgin, Oregon;
Mre.-C K. Pralnard, Payette, Idaho;
Mrg. Jfowler. Milton, Idaho; Mesdamea
Clark, PurselU Wolf ahd Miaa Wolf,
I'nlen, Oregon, and Mrs, Merrltt, for
merly state oreantaer- for Ohio.
t The conrcntion will hold Sunday er-
- i?.""- -'
i ' g
We Are
for Shur-Oa y Olas. lorlk
ZBa fnd InTlslbU - Btf ocalfc
We" insure yotir. glasses against
- breakage for one. year without ex-.-
tra oost. -'
- v... - ... - - --r - V
Oregon Optical Co,
1T3 Tourth St, T. K. C, A. Bldg.
Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish Haled Into
Court for Refusing to Pay
-rn Furrier's - Bill.
Jury Returns Verdict irt Favor of
New York, May 7. Adelbert Jaecket,
a furrier, obtained a verdict tn the city
court yeaterday for . f 1,600, -together
with the costs of the suit In an action
against Mrir Stuyvesant Flsn over'th
value of a "Russian sabl muff and
tippet. - The evidence on the part of
the-ftrrrler-wa subst ajt tally- that-M re.
Flah ordered the furs-and gave explicit''
Instructions not to furnish her wtth
any that had been dyed. Severer skins
were sent to her and from eight that
she selected the two -pieces were made,
Mrs. FUh waa la court with her hua
pand and seemed Annoyed..- After. the
muff and tippet had been appralaed at
11,000 Stephen Keating, counsel for the
furrier, called Mr. Fish to the stand.
When .asked hie salary a president of
the-Illinois Central, Flan replied J,about" ,
Mrs. . Fish , hia FTarge personal
eatate,- he-sa4d, 11tndan.-lncomev-i
supplement her income by presents on
Chrlstma and on Her mrtnaay:
He said that he paid all the bills for
arrtciM tooughtr fo? the 'house, but did
not pay his wlfe s personal puis.
"Do you mean to say that you do not
pay for her clothingT ' asaea JK.eaiiog.
"I do not." replied Fish.
"But you allow her a certain ' In
come?" asked Judge Delehanty. .
"I do not. She has her own Income
from her Investments," was the reply,
Mrs. Fish denied that she had worn
th furs te a reception, but said that
on the morning following the' arrival
the furs she took -them downstair to
show aome friend.- She did not tell
her husband about the fura at the time
and acorned the insinuation that she
had any dispute with her husband about
the price1.
Th witness declared that she never
consulted her husband In the purchase
of goods; that he did not. pay her bills
and that she had an Independent in
come. Th Juryi after blng out five
minutes, returned a verdict In. favor of
the furrierJorlht..fuU.Lamount-f
11,600. . '
(BDeelsl DltpatcB te The Journal.)
Drain, Or.n May 17. Today was poul
try day at Drain and a plonlo was given
by the Drain Poultry association. At
10- o'clock : the erowd assembled t
feddeir delivered
an address of welcome and F. 8. Barsia
delivered an address on "The Poultry In
dustry." The Happy Hooligan Glee club
and orchestra furnished music.
. From 1:30 to i:J0 o'clock p.m, was
given over to amusement features. There
were race for the young ladlee, married
ladle, the old men and the boys. - Suit
able prises were given the winners. The
poultry exhibit was -good. 1
- .. .
jrxwa rKOK DSAXir.
(Special Dlrpatcb te Tbe' joarnai.1
Drain. Or., May -Irs. J. M. Smith
of The Dalle died here at the home, of
tier aunt, Mra, u. K. Hasara, alter an ex
tended illness. The body. WttSLShlpped. to
The Dalles for Interment.
Tha Southern Paclflo company I
building a new ( watertank
at this place. - An addition Is also to
be built to the depot. The Improvements
will cost .15,000. '
The Skelley Lumber company has
again resumed operations on the flume
and It will "probably b Completed by
July 1. . ' .
Joseph Lyons of ' Portland visited
friends here' this week. '
The SQUthern Pacific company has tin
loaded about 30 .cars of steel rails at
this station.'- "',
Is one of the constitutional
diseases. It manifests itself
in local aches and pains,
inflamed Joints and stiH
muscles, but it cannot be
cured by local applications.
It . requires constitutional
treatment acting through
the blood, and the best b a
course of the great medicine
which has- permanently
cured thousands of cases.
For tdrnonkJ ot rwnarfcaM cur
Mod for Book en VJtoimutinn, No. f.
- C L Hoo4 Co LowtQ, Mgst,
: u jy u S-ml lLll i . .
- - mm m mmmmmmmmmr' mm m ai si . , . , m m m SB mm m mm aw a . . -t-.r - -. : - - i
I .... S ,
A truss should not be selected
piece of merchandise. On Its being
depends He value. .
exist, the chance of a complete cure
Th Woodard. Clark A Co. fitting-
Mnr. 1. In nkirn ' fexnert fitters so t
Fitter .competent that leading phylolans of
Portland send patients to us to be fitted.
fr" A la-Tr7"7ITOr7BTctlTeS"ne
Attendance .WuSO? WtliWttmtMlH
- W hav an Immen range of tock, and alto
manufacture trusaea-to order. .. Many truaae are
applied dally by us, and our fitters are accustomed
to meeting hernia in Its most yarlou and com
plicated, forma. . J .. , r ---r--
;'' 'pororderlnr by malr":wrajuritlsh.prtnld .la
structlons so' complete that any person no matter
Jweraf away, or how DaflirrTuptured.-. can' take:
maarement, . -i..- - - ; -'.-,".'-'-; - .-rr-
Home Medical Batteries complete, $6.
TaCPTOia OT SUFl'UU Dull, dragging .
naln. usuallr felt first tn the legs.- some- "
times extending to Jh..end . Pt
no enlttveness In th ruptured part. Lxter-;.
najly there can be found a protuslon. observabU .
chiefly - when coughing -or lifting, absent when
-lyingnown, except m case which have progressed
fceyond the erlltt tage.
Vapor Batrf Apparatus, allkTnds7$4 up.
truss furnished by us is not comforublci or not
entirely aatlsfactory In every way
w will either replace tne truss or
1 I una l lie muiicj. ,
- i p. n (
t imlv to fit urupwrly. but tu satlaty. - t- graaunyP!OmvsieQ.
Anv money we accept ror a iruss
merely held by us in trust uniu
customer. Is thoroughly satisfied
until then" does the money become
ut- -
Trusses bought by us wtll be at ,
prices just aa low as, or lower, than any druggist
can sell them, and we hold ourselves responsible
for th quality and fit. - - '- -f '- 7 -.'v
-For adults" ixceUent' truse' can be purchased
Xor $1.00 up, for youth and Infant, tl,50 up. - r
Prescriptions Expertly Filled. Purest, Freshest Drugs. -Called for,
f ' ' " "" ''-' .aw...... -. J"""T ' ' " " ' ' " ' " ' '' V ' . ,. . ' . . ' "- . - . ai ""
Senators Visit President to In
duce Him to Change An
nounced Program.
Passage Of - a Good BijlMeansgagei .moat of Jlh summer Jn prepar-
Defeat of Solons -Through
Railroad Influence.
i - .-
(Speettl Plstwtch bj easd Wire to The Journal)
. Washington, D. C, May J7. Follow
ing the atory today that the friends Tf
the railroads generally wet beginning
a campaign to induce the president to
give up his Idea of an extra session to
regulate the railroads, Senator Elklns.
chairman, of the senate committee, and
Senator Cullom, also of that committee.
got irom unaer cover today and came
out agalnat an extra session, especially
In October, th data kh prealdent had
elected. , ,., .
Senator Elklns visited the president
today and they had a long talk. It Is
not stated.' however, that the president
ha yielded and it Is not seen now how
he can yield, a Secretary Taft, In hla
Ohio speech, talked positively about an
extra session. -
The scheme of the extra session ob
structionists Is not very dense. Briefly
stated, th senate committee has. made
numerous volumes out of the .opinion
of railroad magnates In self-defense
RKBinsi ins presiaeni aa ia me rcguia
tlon of railroads. Senator Elklns sn
pears to hav -secured the testimony of
nearly every great railroad manager In
the country and had him give views
directly opposed lo those ot the' presi
dent. ,
There la enough matter In this testl
mony to keep trw senate at work on It
for an Indefinite time. . 7
There Is no hope of "getting down to
railroad rate discussion at the next con
gress until after ilia Christmas holidays,
and next year. It la well known, there
will be an Intense effort on the part of
all Republican congressmen to get out
of Washington and fix their, fences.' To
many of them th passage of a good
railway rate regulation bill would mean
eertaln defeat ao far as the railroad and
other, corporate money could effect de
feat. '' " ,' . . - , '
. It I th plan therefore to begin con
gress at the regular time carl In Do
cembe.rVand.t4lk the matter of rat leg
islation to death and adjourn without
paeslng, a bill. The view of the obstruc
tionists were summarised In the follow
ing little talk from. Senator Elklps to-
" ' i -
"I told the president that w would
be prepared to report a bill pretty close
to the opening of either a regular or
extra session, but that I hoped there
would be no extra cession, as congress
would1 hav tlm to enot th right kind
og legislation during th. regular ea
ion. ... Thoae of u who have been working
here until this time don't feel ,J Ike com
ing right bark and getting In n. harness;
again especially .whan1 we wlU b. n-
the sams as a
properly fitted
; rmrsropeT Titling ;
will not only aggra-'
vate the condition, ' -but
'Is' positively
dangerous, and like-
Leather-covered, spring
tat pad .with extension, kld-coverad
'cushion, pad 9 4.oo Dancing
Bait - and socket, leatner-covered apring
strangulated hernia.
Kara ruDDer -truss, coase s improvsa aa- - -
Jutabi 77.. v;.,... ivrrr .rrrri.; .2.00
Hard rubber trussFrench adjustable. .....S2.00
A well-fitted trues will not slip.-It will ty
where It is. placed. uj, - ::
When a properly""
fitted truss Is ap-
piled as-eoon e-the
rupture Is known to
r good. ' .
2,000 Artificial Eyes In Stock. No two
alike. We match nature. 7 -. .
, Luxury
For the
.iiln wearlnf of
yv ry'l'l Dn of youe-flt,- -
-will mak It possible lot yoa to exercle t a walk",
off your flesh, inatead of being afrald to walk
"too much for fear of exhaustion. ' ; . ,'
the srettO
A well-fitted belt can
ppearance of rotundity
I .- ' j . .fa I
Invalid Chairs for rent.-per month, $5.
For sale, $25 up. :
thirty days any- I veuu wwana
to the wearer,'
re- p , .-. ;
nnr ri LB ,ri K
is supporter. . jn n..u
, neiO ruunsr .m
not ... ylabblness and add immeasurauiy to ftiraiffnt On '
-the-eomfort-of avery-dajrexlstence.'
-Trust -
fitting of the upporter; will bring
to a fleshy figure in gtraignt
front effect.
' - Complete lnatructlon for ordering
"Write for catalogue :
"TiAbdonlmal upportera "In " stock, alj" patUrng
and Ue9,0.fldPWB-tflL$U. ', - '
v -i w r .
1i ihj, -t3'.:
'' ". - 4 7 4 " ' '"',:
ing in; wora. wa nave aireaay ocen ao
(ng. I believe It I a somewhat general
wlah that' an extra session may i be
avoided. If it Is to be called, then I
hope the president will make It a late
as - possible, andI told him so. - The
regular session will have plenty of time
In extending
table, cloth
and dishes
need nof be
removed. :
'':. l1
. 1 '.
Victor Dining Table
truss, Frsncb sero- :
Ik pad, mdlustable. watar pad . .713.00
a. . V
Abdominal belts furnish a support
that nature yearns for. Corpulency
can be made comfortable by th.
a Woodlark supporter.
for knee
. aown to it
tak On third 'Off th
- - ..... ...... -r.
.uh, pi uiuuui, v I ..... viivi vr ss w m. svwa-
ctlvlty On
livilin M 1111 inm can
- ---- - . .
vr an erastio-auuuniinar-rmqvr
, .
uivuii, " v
rr - -
rnnt U..J
Effect of Chlcagd Is more complete. nd none in th
' - -northwest Is nearly so complete as ours. An ln
by mall, r- finte7varity- onJianjC and w. are In th mar-
to consider, all legislation. .recommended
ny mo presiaeni, ana will w so. - -
Blronrrxm txszts o&tibtza.
7' "... (Raeelal Dlspateh te The Jrarnal.)
Olympla, Wash., May 17. Major John
Mlllls, United States engineer, visited
. ... With Patent End Extension . . . .
ExtendedSbowing Position of Leaves
of Ooeration. .
- T 1 -
S . .. ..,. ,.
PnlZOO aSd Up
Weak or- bulging ankle can b
trengthened and made shapely ny
Woodlark elaatlo anklet, knit fit
hea anklet, Knlf xfgttnTs
AthletlCS' akin, underneath the stocking, and
' are absolutely Invisible from the but
aide, holding, the ankle a-strongly and firmly,
and so. easily that they are a Joy to wear.
, Men and women who
cannot wear low ahoea
comfortably, either for
dancing or - for- ath
letics, will thus find
Varicose Fi,-itt
elns, sprajns, 6,HBI ;
i1.".".- nd Hosiery .
weak joint are
rel leved a n d E asy tO '
cured with silk .,.'
Ustlo hoeryk ylean .
Complte meas-.-urement
. Instruction"
forwarded or -win- take -
measurement in OUT;
T fitting room. - ' -
-Elaatlo Hosier Is
asy to clean.
.. Complete- assortment
- In stock.- from $10.00
' for thlrh hnaa.
hose. 11.00. for legglns, 11.71 for anklets,' -:
oenia xor wruueia.
Crutches fox rent, per month, 50 cents.
' For sale, per pair, $1.50 up. ,
. Arch Instep supporter mak possible greater
the feet; alao rellev palna .whtgh. :
, . many piople jiiliix: rcause3nby
rheumatism. Frloe. each 11.50.
Body braces, shoulder braces..
..! tnM Braeea. ankl. bradea.
hncu mJ .U muMmtl
ket for every new appliance tha moment an lm
provement 1 perfected. ' ;"-";"'""' T; :"' :'"'i" ' : '
Delivered Quick
y ......
s -
OlympUv-today and- wlH-recommend ex--tenslve
improvement to the harbor. A
new channel will be dredged along the
west side to accommodate Increased de
mand for ahlpping. .
Several new- residences costing from
If.OOO to f 3,000 esch are being com
pleted in one part of H000L JRlverJ
Ho. leaves to
be removed
in extending
77 J table. "
Can be , ad
justed In
stantly and Is
always ready
for use, """
and Method
" t.
i' ' -
172-174 First Street
1 1
' t