- SECTION TWO i l l v AC5 13 TO 24 V 3 MONDAY-BARGAINS. GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT FOR rUGSZTANDBUNTINCrOR MEMORIAL! DAV DECORATING; T" FOOTNOTE" MEMORIAL PAY Jo- " .' '. i ' .. . 7'!: V;C " ':-- :m'.Vv , '(1. . I j 1 n II . f .. I - i-iwip' i m .. m r " pj Barg la accordance with the invariable and time-honored custom of this "Old Homestead" Store of "observing ALL holidays by a recess from business duties, we shall, of course, - remain closed -ALL DAY-TUESDAY-"Memorial Day,' as a mark of homage and respect to the 4t0ld Guard" who've gone on before to that bourne from which no trav eler returns', and their comrades who offered to their Coun try all that man can give in defense of our Country's flag. -Longrtnay-they live to enjoy that peace their valorwon. i I'M i .-. rjr fmam unttifwrTTFfrrr j ... , run iwu iwf uouna w war I t . V ' I .1 '1 V ' 'A V -Sl J I I did isV.ll- r . A 1 X v 1 V Vk. II Ik v Sirica , - .n Xook from the rear of rathing train, how th road seems to mxtow flow ok, bekrkrttU tba teacka to com tofttw. . Tk f1". txJ-IrirToiInf; loilif U foftor color, m thong-k MOfkt- but the ckuooal ol tbctr erwtloa war toft M4 tkat. fatlf loslaf in lntcasitjr. ..'5 .. lonr cry back to the korror jrw of 1841-Br kok to; tb y wkB ;brotkr9FPod' "bnrtktTi-wkcir-cTtm '-th toads of ehnrokT xaiw- met la all eaaaa ataad tkc atrala. Baok bitter day lorcd onaa falllnf nadar tka daadly flra of as aaamy,' and tkat Mtmr our kiaamaa la aatloa and omatimaa ia vary blood. : To tka eombataata tbaa tbara waa aotklaf of rl-kt acroia tka Unaa Bottka jraafi of tka Slztloa 'Bra tUausad lato maUownaaa. Our kaaa frlafa ara baooma aaHowad mamorlaB. our saadi And tka Bin aad tba Dray, ona la blood, oaa la tka Oraat Bayoad wkara tkay ara bow, akall yaar aftar yaa ba hoaorad by hnak of oommaraa aad act of rararaaoa. ; - . , .r , . On Thursday, " Lewis and ' Clark Day " AI1 Coods Bought on Credit Accounts Mondaq or Wednesday Will Be Chanjed on June Dills The store, with its hundreds of helpers, will join with all Portland and thousands of visitors in celebrating OREGON'S natal day at the Exposition, and letting the world know that the "ROSE CITY" is a burgh of "live ones.'STORE CLOSED? 0F COURSE t - A Whirlwind Finish to the Ba Ever Done b Any Portland Store PRICESJIIIATIAVEREUADMITTBPUY STILL7FURTHER REDUCED TO SATISFY QUR DEMANDS FOR, THE ' aREATESTRRIIra3IONTM IN THE STORE'S HISTORYMONDAV AND WEDNESDAY W OAIIN DAYS IIS A Cl;ASS BY.THEMSEL,VES-PAR EXCELLENCE Fortune, favors thebraye,"- and it required unquestioned courage to undertake the colossal stunt we shouldered a week ago; of handling, ontop of already heavy summer stocks, oyer $100,000 worth' UK I uujuuiia uiciuiauuisc, vuujiu even as u w, i utji ucmcnaous saennce iroin raonuisciurcia woo luucrca wngicsaic cantciuiuons irum vuivagu b duu&cm iwuhi . wvi ,u UK Ef Goods in process f manufacture in the shops-and factories when the orders were canceled received finishings touches and were hurried to iis by express. Reldymorr6wT6r0urpatroris, 1 marked at 1 fjl Hfk-H) I P receaentea prices mat represent put mere tractions ot actual wortn. rwm Dcrcasyrcrowaingra weeirs Dusmess-into-tour'aaysj-rs must tnts wecK wnenvsucn pargawa.auyunu., Y y I tremjenaous momcmum, ana .every minute oristies-witn new values. A partial ust ox-raonaay oargains are pnntea toaay. more win iqiiow in mongay mOTjiwgpaycii.--- .- y . Monday ains MAT MtJS AITBAOT Ulll A1TP Tixaxr Eounnimi to Bawttcalaf Aargalaa la Fratty : Toilrtta Accaasoriaa, Monday la Jewelry-Shops-and-Leather Goods: Alelea Weit Annex Flr( Floor. $t.aSISrnaiBaal-0r Crumb Pana and ficrapfra. with ebony iTnrrni'ni regular raiua l;S6i apaciai. - Mlokal-laU BaKlsr SUa Ma. Nlrlcl-Platrd Baklnir .Dla'h" and Cover. - l1h top cover, wltA .ebony knob and aide hundlea, S plreea with lining; apactel -at; each - r. i n 98 Maad Kmerf4o. - Fren-plt-handtr Titan Mlrrora. with nickel (ramea and back; aperlal -- at, earh .j ....... .45 Decorated Tltreoua Oataa Slaaer Seta. With rmboaalnira.' sold traced and full , Kld lined, email pink f lowra with ' ' learea and vine,- neat - and . dainty. fancy ahupea, flaring cupa SO piece aet: regular value fft.SK: ape- rial, aat-v-i. 7. -rr.'.vr. .$4.85 M' piece act: regular value $.S5; ap- - claU set ......... . ..... .$6.55 100 piece set: regular value 112. 45; epe , . clal, set . $9.85 113 piece aet r regular value I1S.E0: apa." clal, eat,. ... .v $12.25 117 plce ft: regular AnluaL420-J5: ene- clal, eet .... J.. $16.00 -1 y-rtm-N.-- Wen. . Waw Snmmer Olaaawara. - - -' Ilnndla leinonadea; apeclal at. doirn . . . . , . .. .. . ...... .50? "Berry aets or t piece's; apeclal at,- set 'S5 Water sets, with tray and glsseea; apeclal at, net .... . ........ .60t ! Complete71Ilne of .. Colonial in high grade pressed glass, bright and bril liant. , - v " ; tnUASSnr0r - MOVSAT BABOAIlTf ' . iw'-x'-; . . ; Table Damasks, Bed spreads and "Long-c(khM Unen Shops and Domestio ' A files V First- Floor. ; rIT S3.15 TabU Damask Sa.aS. : -v Ieavy bjeached 'satin' Table Damask. 13 Inches wide, 3 V yarda. long; regular .value $3.15; special, each .....$2.48 .' $1.3?,. Damaak Vapkias SI.OS. " ' BOO doien heavy bleached Damask Nap- kins, maiJwapeclally fur. restaurant nse: regular value. 11.35; special, dSn -, thTTTTi,tTTI $1.08 ,i Bedspread at t4o smb. - - 500"" heavy, crochet Bedspreads', large else, assorted patterns; special at. ' each . 8-e) . i - IMS BagUaa Xrfag Clot too. : , - About B00 10-yard pieces English Long, Cloth, chamois finish; regulsr vslna 41-34i.jipolaCaacliJ.i..JAj.i90.. Handsome Ribbons v WOBTB 15a FOB 15. ' n .' First Fleet. , ' - - -- All silk Taffeta Ribbons, very soft and brilliant, In red. blue, white, pink. - lavender. - roe and all ;nw- shades;; good value at Sfic; special for tomor-' '".row's seilfng'at, the yard ........ 15 T 7 - Jewelry i xuia is Uie season o the year . when Shirt C walf Plha, Beit Plna, 'Cuff Pins and Stick j Pins, are most In de . mand. i , Taking this fact In to consideration, wa offer for Monday soma specials In these -illnawhlch- ara 'aura in aitrac aiienuon. i 5 . SHIRT WAIST SET8 llO.I n blue; our lie V ir. - value; special - at v V. . - the set , ....lit PEARL SHIRTWAIST SETS, In three slses: triced at. the net 15 25e 350 STERLING SILVER , SHIRTWAIST SETS, in pretfy new dwslgns" j-t. ; -r-- - Our 35c value; epeclnl at, tha setT. . .... ..'19a4 xr.Our 5e value-apacUl at, thati4T'TWfVTTTT-.39 Our 7 Be value; special at,' the-aot- .49 JEWELED BELT PINS, first quality rolled gold plated, heavy. strongplnsv-erx aUractJyetyiesj-si ' ... Our "3c! .yalue; sp'clal a each .T. .190 Our' t5o Value; special ad each, .............. .390 JEWELED CCFF PINSrveVy pretty assortment; our . 3S'j value; special at, the pair. , a ......... ...t.190 FAJTCT XXATBXB BEX.TS. A splendid opportunity to buy a very fine quality Suede Leather Belt al a great special bargain price. .. a.85 Leather Belts at S1V A lot of pretty Suede Lenther Belts In tan, green, navy blue and brown, with bhiln. neat rilt bucklea: our regular $2.26 value; apeclal for Monday at. - each t. $1.89 , ., .,. $U Belts for 6o. - "'' ' A lot of neat Le.tther Belta In white and black, with plain gilt bucklea; a perfrot fitting belt; our regular 11. JS value; extra special st. each....- 690 One I't of fine Burnt Leather Shopping Bugs, assorted designs , . t. Our regular 11.00 values for.. .,,...690 - Our ll.SS-valuea for. 89e And the $1.60 values for 980 Superb Undermuslins v Underpriced tttt7 FOB' MOBS AT AND WESBB8DAT SXLUBO. ' Annex 8ecoad Floor. Greater Beauty thaa Brer la this Week's Big: Waits ":Lz:Vf7- :...:;rr Ladles' Oowns of1 fine n.tlnsook or cambric,' low, round . ellt over neck, elbow sleeves t In kimono style, trimmed In torchon val. lace' or embroidery edging, trading and draw ribbon; regular price 32.00: spe- ; ... rial jtajcajni-ai ; ................. $ 1.2 T- Ladlea' fine cambric Petticoats, deep Spanish flounce of j lawn.'clusters of tucks or blind snd open embroidery., ( lac lnsertona Jnii.edgingL.fegular.'2.4o"speclMi - at . : . . . . . . . ....... . . . ; . -990 LadlesFfencb Tiahd-embroldered Drawers of Tine, soft llnlshed English nainsook, deep ruffle and hem. stitching; regular price' 14.50:, special at.... $2. 19 'Ladles' Corset Covers In a great variety of styles of nainsook and cambric, all In full front, trimmed In either lace or embroidery Insertion and, editing, iad- Ing and fine tucks; regular price tic; "speci-U , --at ,... . , y ,iir4"i((i liti r' t , , i y 670 XSiesrnsiaIhsoo1t; Br raftn?IdrwerB,rTmmed"ln Point de Paris. Duchess. Val. and Cluny luces and ' embroidery, fine letnntltched tucks and ribbon; regu lar pricea t2.2S and 12.00; speflal at $1.39 Ladies' fine, muslin knee, Petticoats. Jeop rambrto ruffle and 3 clusters of fine tucks; regular price 5c; sne. ' clai at i ; 49e Ladles' Oowns of fine nainsook, low, round, slip over neck, kimono style, elbow sleeves, trimmed st neck i. and sleeve .with embroidery torchon or valenclenne " lace end diw ribbon; regular prft-e $2.00; speclsl at , ....990 '; Itt WASXXaaTOaT WIBDOW SIITUT. Grand Monday Bargains in Ladies'-Pretty -Collars and Summer Gloves -x First Floor Shops. FBOTXDB FOB 3CBltOBIA& AT ABD "BXyO. OFBBIKO FtmOTIOBB. . 1, i :i' $'wi.OoUars sis.; z-''. ; , '..- Lad Us' fins white-Embroidered Collars, ell new and dainty, soma wUh-ICngltah- velet firk. soma ylth lacsedgf.omwirtr,btind n broidery, some wltti tiir-hnltsrlori han4-WfaTyvxtea--uwwrtnntn 86c-valae special, tomorrow at,; 'e&ch. . . .... . .4 . . . ...'.- ....... X j., ,,-.,. - i tlsla Olores Wortt soo, SBo aad T5o for 48a, LadlesVflne lisle thread Glovea with pearl or fancy' claspa; all are new and ' very desirable goods; our1 regular-0c, (5c and 75o values; special tomor. " row at, the pair ....... ........i.. 480 A SUPERLATIVE MILLINERY OFFERING MONDAY ! AIL Remaining iPatter n , Hats Half Price rr.-- a -rs-" ' Bljon ' Salons eeoad Floe Aanez. . - The next announcement will draw a record-breaking .-. throng of particular and dressy -women. Selling the past month hss set a new record for May, but atocka are atlil large and styles even more advanced than a month -ego. Assortments must be kept up for Ex position visitors, but will be ever 7 changing, ever up to the moment. It's no longer a queatlon of values, how ever, on our superb, magnificent pattern '.hats. They have filled their mission. served their time, and must go. " An ex ceptional opportunity ' for buyers, cora- H-oes upon the ev-of Memorial Day- and Exposition Opening dress parades, - May we say "Better be early for fullest choice." New Sailors on Deck Monday Ftur,the Irst time. More than a score of pretty, chic sndT charming styles; among them the "Expo." Sailor at .. ..$1.49 New Auto,Ontlng. Tourist and "Expor Cnps ; :V. ...... ..v.5O0750 980 -v- mi i - it i o . v -Mil h HMvr A OBABD BABQAZB FXST ZB TBB Big Apparel Salons SXCOWD FT.OOB.1 starrest aad Foremost Garment Bs . tabllshment - West of - Oaleago. AB OTBBWBZUtXBO OABBTTAL of TAx.trxa FOB L TWO DAYS ONLY - MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY An Entertaining Sextet of Lessened : ' , . , . Trices. . - 7 THB FBOOBAM. 'a First Bumben Any Tailored Suit in the House at One-fourth Off in Price f SBTBTWAIST , SVITS BZCBFTB9. Every correct etyla, - Including Jacket, Blouse and Eton models: - every. wanted -' material ambrae ing Chevlota-Broadclotha. i'snamas. Im ported materials and fancy man ntsh mixed -.aultlnga. Plain -colors -and fancy mixtures. Black, "browhs." Mues, greens, grajra, lansr atn, All aliading light to dark. . Plain , tai lored and fancy effects, Including trimming Idess too many and .varied for detailed description. . Values from $15 to $175 at One-Fourth Off The Suits comprising this offering are In handsome taffetas, browns and - imnt In changeable effects and plain, blacks. Walsta have shirred yokes '"and are bog-plaited, with leg-o'-mutton sleeves. In fancy effects and .fancy-stitch trimmings. Skirts are In the popular round Isngths, with sTltchlngs. shlrrings and plaltlngs to match; 333.60 and , . 1 A no 125 values feu- 3 days only. at. ........ . J) 1 T'sVO Ladies $5.00 White' Lawn Waists $2.98 Handsome white lawn Wslsts. beautifully-trimmed. In embroidery and tucks. . Some are trimmed and tucked fronts, others alt over trimmed In pretty embroideries, narrow and wide effects; regular ti values. . 1 AO Special .todsy for , i , . . ".ryQ. SPECIAL Tor continued list see Monday morning paper GO WELL SHOD TO THE EXPOSITION 1 rf -f - I".. Shoes BLAST, ' 't" TTXXSX ABB BBTXOBw - ABU, A TXATT7BB OTZ Koroiri s B ABOAZBS, "Fair-Way ' Bool Shop, 'West Annex First Floor. . As the ocean voyager notes first the tip of the top. mists of the approaching vessel aa she rises above the horlson, so one notes first the hat and the feet of those they meat. A- pair of neatly drueood feet excuse-av- multltude of faults in other dress. The" "cost Is trifling, If you watch our soles. These specials for Monday for Men, Women and Children Monday-Bargains xb BTBBm strsntzB bzbss abb tox. TOVOBBB FOB atOBIAt BAT PBIBS. SxeepUoBALBargalas fdr Monday's Buyers. THE BIG SHOE STORE ON THE FAIR-WAY ', ' 'First Floor West Annex. - . Women's $6.00 Boots for 94-tO. Ourenlireatock of Women' custom-made- Louis XT . Boots, made with vamps of choicest patent kid and glace kid tops. These boots are all new- and atyllah and'we have them In. all sixes and width's; our regu. Uac 3&.00 -value; special-for Monday's selling at th pair . S4.90 Women's IS.00 Kalf Shoes for M.0. - Women's all patent ideal kid Half Shoes, with thin ' turned soles and Louis XV heels; swell shoes, made : by Wright r Peters of New-York? our regular 35.00 value; special for Monday at, the pair $2.90 Meo'LtS.OO-Bhoes for 13.SO-1 Men's high grade, all patent colt akin Half Shoes, the Oxford style, made by FLORSHEIM CO. of Chicago, celebrated shoemakers of the smart Bet; -our regular - - 3 09 value; special at, the-pair $3.90 Boys1 tl.BO noes for $1.10. 'Xlttle Gent's" Shoes, here in box calf and vlct kid. - style, the mannish shape so much wanted by -little men; .built upon honor and sold regularly at - 11. SO; special for Monday's selling only, at. the . - pair . v.. $1.1Q ,, , , Small Children's Shoes, . - 4 Children's Shoes, with vamps of patent ldl kid and r-white,- pink -r- We- kid -tops, turned soles.' button style; the very finest grade of shows.,. Sixes 1. to B; our 9 1.25 value; special at. the pair -..901 ; Sizes I to S; our $10 value; special at, the ' - - - - - alr . ii.uL,t $1,05 Wonderful Silk Verities For 3 Pays' Selling In the Annex South First Floor. A Fair ef Wonderful Inducements) to BUk Bayers, for Monday aad Wednesday only. A Great Fre-Bxposltloa Sale. ,-fi Our regular 31.06 quality of Chiffon Taffeta, ChlfforT . Messallnes, Glace Chiffon Taffeta, Peau de Cygnes, Glace Peau de Cygne; colors are whiter ivory.cream llght hlu, pink. furquolseC Nile, Resada, Cadet, plum. ' tobatf, fox. champagne, mode, Havana, and seal brown. iruyal and navy, bluer also a Is rge 'assortment of. t-changeafele-ef feets; speclsl for Monday and Wednea.; day onlya tKeJyard . . '. . .... .... ............. .&44 Oar $1.86 Bovalty Salt Silks, for Moiadey aad Wedaee- . h day only, Tto the yard. - i- t.SOS yards bf the newest Novetty Suit Silks ever shown In Portland. In LonMlenas, Chiffon and Olaoe-Taf fetas. Imported French Messallnes in Ombre stripes, hairline stripes, self-colored figured chiffon taffetas. Illuminated figured chiffon taffetaa. eto.; special f or MondajT-andT'TV'ednesday only,' theyard. . . . T9 ; " ' ' Women's; Kerchiefs for a Third Less ;ta KOFDAn BABOAZB 3U.X.B TCUT FZ.OOB. Fure Irish linen Handkerchiefs. Richardson's manufso- ture. sheer linen tilth fine embroidered initial: laun dered ..ready for use; I In t box; reguftr price, in box. 75c; special sale price, the box ........... .60 In the '"Haberdasherie" West Annex ".':'.- '-'. first Floor, - - ' V i:s.---- Meal's BOo Tfaderwear 38c Men's new" ' fancy balbriggan, ". Jeraey"- ribbed, summer weight . Shirts and Drawers, In brown, blue, ecru and - flesh; regular value 80c; speclat, r each . ..sj. 38 - Or . suit. j.,,,,uii..u,..7& - 'rr; Mea'g aso Ties jt0'-J--j----.- -A1 line of Men's Ties In- alt-eoterav- fool ards In dots and figures and grena dines In plain colore; regular value 26c; special, each 19d . Mea's Wo Box 1 to. A broken line of Men'a fancy cotton Box, all sixes and styles; , regular value "SOc? special, pair ...19 - Mea's 3LH and $1.TS Oolf Shirts TSe. Men'a Oolf Shirts; regular values 31.50 U 1 ,i ,F. . 1 , - Wa mua ., mvwuu, sca ........ i vf r MOBBAT B ABOATsTS BBOXOB BTTT. BBS TO Knitwear and Hos- ?eryAisles - Womea's tfaderwear aad - Hostory, faata1 Boss, Caps aad Waists for ' the IMtf irsar Memorial Say asl I te the Bxposltloa, First Floor Shops. So for Womea's Tea BUk Tests aad " Tights Worth $LSO. J . Women's white vega silk Vests, fine Swiss ribbed, medium weight, neatly trimmed, long sleeves, tights to match. - knee - length. lac - trimmed r aplendld ii.xo ana l.5 values; special at. the garment j "V -05 Women's too Testa for lViS. ; Wonlen's white cotton' Teats. low-'T. shaped neck, sleeveless; our regular 30o value; special at, each ....13 Ymim'i Ia. T.ImIa am fiOi Women's black lisle Hose, prettily era.' - broldered 1n -colors; also some ern " broldered with black silk; a big loa value; special for Monday only at, the ' pair . ..33 r women's ISe Oottoa Boss IBs. . Women's' plain black cotton gauss nose. " with ffdnble sole and high spliced heels; our 36e value; special at, th palc . 1 . . y ............... 18 t Infants Hose 33e Boss for lsa. ;2jjt7r.-.-Infants . mercerised Hose; hxce striped , and plain, seamless. In blue, pink, car dinal and white; our 3to value; spe .. clal at, the pair 18 Caps and Waists for T 7 Little Men" r TSa sad 0e WalstB for toe. "Mother's Friend" Walats for BOys. In . light and medium coldfrar pretty fancy stripes, laundered ready for use; our regular 75o and Ito values; special at, each Boys' too Caps for Se. 6oys Cloth Caps, new Tuxedo snd Auto. . mobile styles, la plain colors and ml tures; our regular 10c vslue; t for Monday at, esrh --''-1 ..I - t ' i'