The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 28, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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J .J
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.' -' ( 7 ijr... - V
- - This afternoon the work of loading
tha British bark Dumfriesshire- wtth a
lumber canto-will be completed at th.
North PaclOo mill. Roughly speaking,
the shipment will measure 1,300.000 feet
of Oregon nr, and wilt be valued at
J2I.000. The vessel will clear for Mel
bourne..' - .'-.'
- It la 'the largest . cargo to be. taken
out of here this year by a selling ves
sel. However, she Is crowded closely
by the German ship .Anna, which sailed
- r I
Pasisenger . Traffic Will B Very
Great in th Next Few " -
. J Months.
Growth" in " Business in Coos
County Remarkable in Past
Few Months. '
- Before next 'month Is far advanced
the Indications are tharihe California
Orrgnn Coast P'"""'ntt company
wlllimt-auother boat on th coasfr
route to assist ine, in umi
1 car of ithe : trade. . General - Manager
- Gray and Consulting.. Engineer. Hough
are In the east and. It la understood, the
principal object of their visit Is to se
cure another steamer. '
"1 P.Baumgartner.i local -a gent - for
, the line, returned yesterday On ho.
Alliance from Eureka and Coos Bay.
"-where; -fee-went, to make inquiries -Into
the business prospects for the seaaon.
Ho saya that everybody Is coming to
-the4-Aiewl and -Clark fair from--the
Coos Bay ; country. That will mean
that Coos county will have a repre
sentation at Portland In the next four
or Ove months of at least' 11,000 people.
Mr. Baumgartn.r estimates that J, 190
people- will come from Humboldt
county, of which Eureka Is the capital.
- If these figures are' correct the two
counties touched regularly by the Alli
ance will send total of over 16.000
- to- the exposition. - The only direct and
easy . mode of transportation Is by
boat. The Alliance makes the- round
- trip Avery seven or ten daya, and the
K. A. Kllburn. does about the. same,
whlle .tha-Bnsnnln tom-hea those points
every two weeks on her return from
Angeles.; Since the company own-
' Ing the latter craft has purchased the
Newport to-look after the tradeat"the
mall porta along the' coast it la gen
erally supposed that the Roanoke will
- atop at only Ban Francisco; from Tow
on while en --route between Portland
and the southern California city.
' rnnnal event there wIH only be
three ordinary 'slsed steamers-to take
care of the bualnesa at the towns be
tween here and the Bay city. "They will
be unable to handle the passenger traf
fic, and as a natural consequence other
-teamerawrtll be placed on the" route.
... Mr. Baumgartner says for some time
bis company has contemplated another
"vessel on the route. -.Vt " i----The
Coos Bay country," he aald, "la
one of the finest of which the state
of Oregon can boast. It ia marvelously
rich In agricultural resources. On this
- trip the Alliance brought to Portland
a couple of sacks of potatoes' which
will be placed on exhibition at the fair.
- tOach Back contains 100 potatoes weigh
lug lOOpounds to the sack. - They came
' from four-acre patch of land Trom
which the owner haa sold thla.yer
' potatoes which netted him a trifle more
. .than 1 400. - And-, titer are thousands
of acres, in that locality Just like It.
'J---'Ever j lumber mill, In the county Is
running to its greatest capacity.- Fur
niture and sash and door factories at
North Bend are operated every day In
the, week, as Is the new creamery plant,
- The prospects for trade In that sc-
tlon were never brighter, and the
country is only In Its Infsncy.T -;r
Tsis Week Will's Offered for gale to
taa Xl-kest Bidder.
' After spending 111,000 In a futile at.
' trapt to ralaa the ateamer George W,
'Elder-whlch-strock-on th rocks near
tJoble the underwriters have decided
to aell the wreck to the highest bidder.
Bld will be opened at the office of
Henry HeWett, Lloyd's sgent, next Trl-
The- Kldep was- built at Chester. Pf hb
. aylrshla. In 1174, and the same yeawaa
brought s round, the Horn. The greater
part of her SO years ; career wss spent
plying between Portland and Ban Iran"
Cisco. January XI of thla year she went
on the rocks In the Columbia near Gobie.
A few days later the Hsrrlman Inter
ests to whm she belonged and the un
-lrwrtterg begsn the work of trying to
float her, and they labored until about
three weeks ago when the vessel .was
turned over to the underwriters. Archi
bald JuacKrlni' the representative of
a ' f
- British -B ark-Dumfriesshtre.-
on January SI for the orient with
shipment of 1.289.000 feet -of lumber.''
jThe Dumfriesshire. Captain Krmeaux.
arrived from 8wanaea with a cur 30 of
coal on August' 2. When the coal was
discharged she was placed on the market
to earryj groin to -the United Kingdom.
The owners were members of the -union
and declined to accept the freight rates
offered,-which were less than iU -M.
rthe figures fixed by the combine. Con
sequently; the vessel had to be tied, up,
lhr lindwrwrlt-rff, rrts to
save the veaset. Hs got Inge thar a rnnv
plete wrecking outfit, employed the bent
of mechanics to assist him. arid worked
hard. to get her off ths. rocks, without
aucoeM. lartamghtrniataTleosr
half a doxen Portland mn will bid on
the wreck , and jtheucce8Bfui-imewlll
proceed to show how the craft., eao be
raised. 'Among those spoken of In this
connection, are Captain EWV Bpenoei
and J. II. Roberts. The former raised
the old ateamer Telephone, sunk at the
month; aftheWmiamette rives In llil
lp Al feet of water and gained av local
reputation: Mr. Roberts waa success
ful -4n-rJaHelng--the eottrmba--'Ttwr
lightship whichwent ashore- near - the
mouth of the-- Columbia Several years
aav-while many others had failed In
the attempt. He hauled her over a
small projection of land nearly half a
mllniand slid Jer Into, the, aea without
a msshgpl '.. '--,
tjaptaia Delude of . northwest u Ja-
ZZZdlt i to Work la Alaska.
Captain Delude,-who has been com-
ated by the Keliogsr1 Transportation
company for4hTat tuai'S, tcnderijd
his resignation yesterday and will leave
June 1 for the upper Yukon, where he
haglaccepted a similar position with the
Northern Commercial company.. Cap
taln "A0,l'Kruse will now-oave-xharge
at the Northwest.
Delude will be accompanied north by
Z0 deckhands from Portland -who twill
be employed on. his boat and , otUarJ
steamers operated by the cotppaay. The
men 'will receive free transportation
north and $100 a month during the sea
aon. When navigation is ciosea oy me
Ice In the fall their fares will be paid
to- this city, and hey expect to return
aa capltaliata,
Several other Willamette ana Colum
bia river skippers who have been steam-
boating on the Yukon for the laat six
or seven years left several days ago on
the - return trip with the new steamer
Delta,- which -w II I-shipped to the
A..j't. ln.u.V-.Hnwn f Arm tnmorrow
and from there to- 8t MtclmeJ-arHl go a
big crew of ship carpentera from this
city. . After, putting the crart together
thay will work at -their trade tn -the
yards at that place, which ia said to be
the -busiest on . the coast while good
weather continues. The Delta waa built
by Joseph Bupplr and will ply on one or
the tributariesi-theJfukon, probably
the Tanana. V
Captain Kennedy Saya Steamer Is Too
X,arge for rnfftt Sound Business.
Captain Kennedy, who was here from
Beattle yesterday looking at the steamer
Telephone with thrview of buying her
for a Puget sound company, reports that
the craft Is rather too large for the
route on which it was the Intention
to place her. and consequently the deal
ia off. lie explained that ..the run
picked out - for her was short one, j
and the company wanted a small and
swift boat.-The opinion was expressed
by the visiting skipper that the Tele
phone . would -undoubtedly answer the
speed .requirement; in fact, in nearly!
all respects he was very favorably im- i
Dreaaed with her. He will go home to
day. Captain Scott, who accompanied
him from the sound, will remain at
Portland for a few daya. It la general
ly believed that he Intends to bring
the ateamer Telegraph here and run
her as an excursion boat during the
fair. The owner declared yesterday
that this plan might be carried out, but
as yet he was unable to say definitely.
He says if he brings her here he will
operate her himself, as she Is not for
sale. ' ,. - . - t :
- T-o- - give ..her an overhauling the
steamer Chester -was" brought up from
the CoWllts yesterday. She completed
the run of miles in five hours, which
Is considered a .fast , passage for a,
steamer of her else against ths cur
rent. Bhe only drawa aeven Inches,' and
Is said to be the lightest draft stern
wheeler In the world. ,
Yesterday, afternoon the steamer t.'n
dine pf tlirt Kinmm l'r-" -- l.
fronTthe. ways of the Portland ship
yards. It will probably 'be a week or
10 days before she Is placed In com
mission, i j V
On board - the- Jeaste - Harktns ' the
members of the graduating class of
the Holmes Business college took an
excursion trip down the Willamette and
Columbia bat 'night. --rt-
Arrsngements have already been
made for Is launches to land at the
large f rOat-Captalit -Crowe haa butlt at
the foot of Stark street. A big number
of tipuseboats will moored In
. i. . . .. -v '
, "
and not- until a ahort time ago was aha
chartered to take out a lumber cargo.
In-the matter nt keeping his sailors
by him durinr'-the long stay In port.
Captain Kernel ux' has been more fortu
nate than the majority of the skippers.
There haye been but two desertions, one
the first of the week and the other last
night, when Carpenter Treed departed,
but the- -captain aaya ha knows where he
la staying, and will Indues him tq-rs-tum,
. . ', 1 - -
r business on Tursday:
Astoria, May J7. rArrlved at 4 and
left up aL(:3U I. m. Steamer-Alliance,
from Coos Bay and Eufeka. Salted at
t a. m. Steamer Columbia. - or San
l"ranclsc04-landltlon-of the bar-at 8 f.
m., smooth; windsouthwest; - weather
cloudy. - ' - ; ; m'. '
flan-Praiiflsfti, MftT"yr. BaU'edTari
a. m, Steamer Auretlar: for L Portland.
8a II erl jb t a. m.--lL H..ravenu cutter
fahlol Manning, for Portland. ' Arrive44
at s- a- ra. Steamer Fs A-Ktl bum, from
Portland and coast ports. ' Sailed at
poon Steamer St, Paul."" for Portland.
Yokahama, May 25. Arrived British
steamer-Sandhurst, from Portia
We are now aole representa
tives for the above and several
other standard makes of pianos
and need not comment on the line.,
as 'It Is welt known and acknowl
edged to be the best In the city.
" We extend to you a cordial In
vitation to call and inspect our"
-stock and know-that we-have ttte"
instruments that will please you
in,- every-respect-and -at prices "
and terms most' satisfactory.
i (Stelnway Sealers)
i "extracting, cleaning and examination
FREE during all thla week. The Bos
ton Painless Dentists will give the
lowest prices .ever known lnf Portland
for strictly high-class .dental . work.
Don't put It off, 'but come In at once.
Good work at low prices, guaranteed
for 10 years, has, .made a world-wide
reputation for the 'Boston Dentists,
JJ1H Morrison street.
Bxtractliig and Xxaminatlom V..PBJ!B
SILVER FILLINGS w.... ....... .3R
GOLD. CROWNg-i . . r. f il.OO
FULL SET . . . . j . J t.,$3.00
BRIDGE WORK ............. ..03.OO
Other dentists come 'and go. but the
Boston - Dentists remain the same re
liable, up-to-date dentists. ...
" -eT1
5 AjIsjsElS
. Boston Painless Dentists
91)i Korrisoa Bt, Opp. Kelsr ft rraak
' , Hi Old Bostornoa.
HorRS trto i. m. to I p. 'ml Bun
day, 1:10 m. to 12:10 p. m.
there's a great showing of Summer
l.-tiTii.. t. ... ...1 L. J "A- -'u'-J-X
iratlivc wc nave
fivery piece
out-door usage. There are chairs and rockers of all kinds, benches, settees, tables, etc., so
that you'll be sure to find exactly what you want. : ' - ; r
Prices are not at all high In fact, you'll be surprised to see how low they really are
marked. When you're thinking of summer comfort remcrnber that you have an Invlta- : ;
tion to call here. - We'll be glad to show you around.
- "MOSS OREEN" and "FOREST GREEN" are two new finishes In oak furniture for -out
of doors. Both suggest cool comfort for hot daysTheMEW-DES10NSln-MAPLB-Tz-rflreaUractlvetheyrare
flrilshelnreen nd red cnamelsrThls-ls the llghtraslly-moyed
furniture. FIBRE and REED FURNITURE Is light andalryjooklng equally suitable for
indoors-or outdoors.-OLD-HICKORY'FURNlTURE ls'always good the kindthat never i--
wears out and can't be broken.- AVe, make
Oak an and Maple Rockers $1.60 to $10.00
J)akjnQy!apIeJette$6.00 to $15.0
Reed Rockers and Chairs $125 to $15; Settees $15.00 to $25.00:
Old Hickory Rockers . .. i $3.25 to $ 6.25 Old Hickory Chairs .i. $ U5 Ojo $10.00
Old HickcblSSH5O(L$6:00H0Id
a '-.-.-1 r I
Easy Running
If you've ever used one of the old-fashioned, hard-running;
lawn mower9 you will appreciate the ones we have provided
for you. The running gear is so perfectly fitted that Jhey
runsmoothly and easily and the blades are adjusted so per-
iectly that-they-ut-a.-pejjecUyeyen swath. We fit therri
with the nevTgrass-catchersthat catch-ALL the grass. You
don't have to bother cleaning the lawn after cutting it.
PRICES $5,23 TO ?I2.00
Prtjr, bright-colored hammock In various lengths, with or with.
out 'fringes. - Thejr come In Roman stripes, floral and geometrical d-r
, signs and plain colors. Host of them have' the new. full-of-comfort
pillows. -- - -' ;. - r , ' ' " " " .' .... , " "
Pretty Patterns
; MAY 30th
ci, iiau w uiicra
IsTrest - InvIting arid biiiiffor comfort at the same
M Jf 11 JT 7-yi s l atT at a as- f tsS'iH
j 'J "VI .
fi' i
. J
:Lawn Mowers '..
$2.00 to $8.00
I I SMI 1 1 -Tw A
si I I
Furniture here this yearby far the most at-
- . , ... i . .... . r. ; -
special pieces. to order.
... - - I,. ,,,,,', i , ( T-P- - 1
Ever pay a good price for hose and! then Have It split
after a few weeks wear? 'Aggravating, isn't it? Well, you:
needn'tworry L about Jhat withourhose- Every foot - isr-
-- guaranteed." If it splits from any defect, we'll give ybu new :
QsejJustTemember tha
you buy- here-JQonjplcte outfits with rejel and sprinkler at
the same pricesyojj pay" for unguaranteed hose. :
The kind that cut down your lea bill.
Th. coot, cleanable, comfortable kind,
. The kind that will keep the perish-
able food weet and dear as lone aa
there Is a pound of ice In th lea box.
' Let us show them . to you.
Price $8.50 to $75.00
time made to stand
l .. ; .
Garden Hose
JUNE 1st
. . ' M., ' . ' '
.... . ......,,