THE V OREGOfK SUNDAY " JOURNAC. fcORTLAlJDU SUN D A Y M ORNING, - MAY " 23" 1905.- :;, EDUCATIONAL. ' Filipinos, Bright Students.,.. rniajrkablerec our niplno students at Purdue unl- '."JJ.Z XVerstTjrr showing the-quickness - with which -the ' young men -of the "Islands eresp American ideas. - The four sons ,- ....'iOf Philippines have been at Purdue '. . only one semester,'- but -already stand i near the head ef their class. Thar are ;' Ildefonso Patdu. ot Basolor, Peir.panga, ; T Phtllppine.islands; Joss Rivera, Lsjuna, ;Phlllpplns Islands; Sllverlo Apoatol, Iba. -. Zsmbales,i Philippine Islands, and Al . . fonso Tuaeon. Manila, Philippine Islands, i .'While all the young men come from -i Luson.' they are from different local 1- .. ties, and though their vocabulary was TT- somewnat auae tney naa trouble in talk. .t Llng to each, other at the outset. Now S they use a combination of English' and ' - : Spanish and have no difficulty, la under. t4-standing each other or. talking- to their v Carnegie to Weliesley, ;-rsrrrr - A. glf twfrnjn Andrew Carnegie f 11J5.. t60 for a. hew imraTTtWllealey--coaIigharyd " "smokers when arrested: some ' legs on condition that the college raises ' ""'en'1 equal - amount was announced la i chapel' recently. ' There Is mch rejole- Ing over the prospect of a new library : an .addition- for . which . WeJlealey 3haa ( Jong been -amiouely -waiting, but the Tajoy Is tempered aomewhat by doubts : as to the ability of the college to meet . ' ' the condition imposed. Colleges for. ; women find It extremely difficult to .i raise money owing V the lack of wealth among the graduates and tha compare : tlve youth of the Institutions - - An .Aged Student. " ' "" . ' a mora energetic, loysl, enthusiastic stu- ' dent than M. Bx Oreensfelder, the oldest , student. Though SO years old,- Mr. ' Greensfelder is "one of the boys," ssso- ' -''"g with t1""" 'i-"' leeletles t and even - in tha 'gymnasium. Thers -'tis no more popular student in tha agrl .;, cultural college, in which tha ?'old koy,' . 'as Mr. Oreensfelder Is called. Is taking special work. ... .. -' .s.. Professor Graduates Self, ; Superintendent Crawford of-theAr ' " llngton. Ohio. schools -will - havsth unique privilege of poasesalng a, diploma . .T ; granted to hianseir : by niroseii as -a " . " T graduate of tba high-school.- Mr. Crsw- . ' ford was, -supcrtnlandent-ot achoola be- , fore the high school was started, and . ..' . . . aa soon as it waa argantsed he began the course with, tha young peopla,- vr; ught-Mcd FacJ: . W ..' ;.-Forthaflrst-tlmerln tha fclfltory-of ' tha-ancients orsanlration,-5- thj-'Med lyaearof Harvard -rtinlTersltr-wera-l - taught redhanded in one of their expe ditions recently." Benjamin -Joy,-s proml- ,nent senior, was arrested on the charge "and waa held In 11,600 for tha grand "lurjf Professo Beale.fnrnlslied balV j Carnegie Aids Negroea. y -, Tha Rev. O. W.' Klncald, president of tha- Western Pennsylvania Colored In dustrial school, located near Newcastle, has received a f 1,600 check from, An drew Carnegie as a gift to the Institu- tion.-V The school Is in prosperous -coa- dlthm. harrnr received a stats approprla- tlon of 1 6,000.- " " INDUSTRIAL. Turbine Battleahip U.Tbs British admfralty has Invited en gineering firms to make tenders for tha construction of turbine mschlnery : Intended for ona of tha new battleships to ba built In tha government dock- yards ' The specifications demand that tha engines "develop J J.000 horsepower. . - ,- - .Tralna" Acroaa Alps. - . Tha famous Jung friuT "rallroajl.-: m Bwltserland, is making steady progress. Tha railroad has already been completed 'un to a height of .10.I40. feet. Trains are, now running up toTthaElgtrwanjl station. . . . w. . . . Another African Kauroafl. , ' SYTgrtTiiraeBe-avenimcnt bl railroad from Delagoa bay to 8 was! land. This adds- ona- more to tna many "onenlnca UD" In Africa. ' SCIENTIFIC. Waves Direct Torpedoes. Dtanatehee from Puerto - da Hants Maria on tha bay of Cadis announce 1 that experlmenta mads there with an "" Invention of Senor Balsora, an employs of the telegraph department, for direct ing torpedoea at sea by means of Hert lan waves, have proved highly sue- -- I RELIGIOUS. r "ZA Modern Noah. ;x ' Benjamin, of the JTlylng Rollera.-a 77Huee rellgjoua sect which is building - the City of Pavld. Just outside Benton ' . Harbor. Michigan, is collecting a variety of animals .which, he Bays, wilt ejual - that of Noah, when all living -creatures " '- were ared from the- deluge.- Benjamin aays the dbj.ect of his work Is the Same ss that of the patriarch of old, for It la I prophesied that the- world will end , shortly. Benjamin, hosu .collected up to . this time a monkey, a parrakeet, cocka- toos. parmts. Australian pigeons, a large - ' number of -song- birds. r Bellsntnr, Australian sheep and a gost. lie has . contracted also for an elephsn and sey 7.1 ersl lions, togetherwlth-tthpranlmaIs " j bf the Jungle. He proposes to Save all ef them when tha time comes. J ; . - Pastor Can't Resign. . - 7- Alt Hough- the -congregation ef- t. Luke's Evangelical church of Louisville. . Kentucky, has Informed the pastor, the Rev. W. F, Wernhelm, that he haa mls , , represented the state of bia health and . that of his wife to obtain releass from his charge In order to become pastor . of a church In Buffalo, the members refuse to permit him to "resign. . They '. ssy that Mr. Wernhelm can lake a vara. , , tlon and his expenses wilt be psld, but - that he must return and preach. 'They threaten to bring the mattef before the ynod. : , , ' v . . .'. To Blackliat Millfonairea. ... ... - Dr. Washington Oladilen. moderstor of tbe national council of the Congress - tlonal church, has declared for a black Met of America's wealthy-men.. It was the substance of hie interview that as fast as. financiers are shown by regular legal proceedings to .have made their millions. Jay oppressive and illegal anett.f- ods the church should and -Will, refuse to solicit gifts from motley for charity at their hands. . -...-I' - - : .... - Chaplalo'a Queer Prayer.' ' The chaplain or the Hawaiian house of representatives, the Rev. B. L. Desha, is In trouble becsuse he prayed alqud In the houee that., God would forgive the members who had . voted for the new Sunday bill and passed It over the governor' reto.'i .vu- ... V..- LEGAL AND CRIMINALT Cigarette "Law Troublesome. No other law ehactsd in Indiana has been the subject Of . ss many varying constructions as-as - the . sntl-clgsrette law. of the recent session of the general assembly. Borne Judges have held that It applies only to dealers and have dla- have held"thst It appll' If they are 'found wli ,ndlv4duala they are 'found with cigarettes or cigarette paper In their possession, and some haw held that even amoklng la a violation and have fined persons guilty of tha offense. Others still have held that while the law Joes not spply to the- Individual smoken he cannot legally give a cigarette to another,- and convic tion has been had for this cause. FOREIGN. A Popular Cheat. Whether, 9t n& Wiiaaschieved a I artistic success It Is certain that the Hon. John Collier's, atrlklng painting. "The Cheat." at thla year'a Royal acad emy exhibition has . become - the most t.llriM nf pltiir In TnMnn kt all the clubs where bridge ,1s played it is a staple toplo of -conversation and at af ternoon- teas, , aacrto-femininity,-it has. provoked mych acrimonious discos-, sion. Some time ago an article was written in-a popular magaslne accusing women bridge players of being much addicted to cheating. ' Itavoked a atorm of. Indignant protests. In- Mr.-CoUler'a picture .the cheat la a woman. But' no- body-has srlsei to ilsnounce jjfcas--an4 -unwarranted aspersion on, the ex. rrora which It msybe- Inferred societynow concedes that women some women at least do cheat at bridge wjieo they get the. chance. . - - 1 ' ' '-.-' Europe's Oldest Woman. Maria CandtdaMa galhaes-the oldest woman In Europe; celebrated her 115th birth- anniversary May .20. and Is proud ly showing Jetter. from. Queen Amelle of Portugal, who" some time ago visited the home zor aged women-in .which, she is-living1 and -apent-lialanhourin AAHitanintlftw L i a T r fnli aft s hsUf "Wee p an ay wwwwT warssrnTBsssrasrT. u .4 - - a' " v g-1ernr-tn-posse9illF-f all hefrTaculi ties sad declares she . does wot feel a day older than aha did 60 yeare ago. She often speaka of the battle of Trafal gar, which abe remembera as If It had Just happened. Bha has spent, most of her life ss a domestic worker and at tributes 'her- good health - to the ; fact that she has always taken plenty ot exercise and always beena jmuderte drinker of- wine. Eloped With Family. -"' After having eloped with four daugh ters of Mrs. Petra Herrera de Floras, beginning with the eldest and finishing with the Youngest. Ramon Rlvero Is iow In Belem Jail, in Mexico City, where he was lodged on complaint of his four time mother-in-law, who stated that aha feared he would try to beguile her Into running away with him. Rlvero Is al leged to have enticed the girls awayt from- home, - one after-the 1 other; and to hare deseTted-etrch In her-torn when he wearied of her.,. After each deaertlon be would reappear at the home of his mother-in-law; and in a few days there -wele ee .one- jess i JtB family of. eUris. . World'aNewest Island. - The - latest addition ' to the " man of (he Japan sea la a little IsTandTonly two snd three-quarter mil es-ln clroumfer- I 1 i "'Ulna -uvv ICVi WUl ML 111. B.lir at Its highest pornt. The Island, which lajfjirolcanla origin and possesses a. boiling lake at the northern end.. : It is about three nautical mllee south ot the Iwo islands and has been claimed by Japan. It was doubtless caused by the ssme disturb a nee i that waa lately- responsible for such a grave loss of life In India, and la by no meana the first island to make lla appearance In these waters. ; ... . Spain Has Famine. 1 - 7 Tha Bpanlah government has granted further credits to the amount of I4(0. 000 for tha construction of light rail ways, with S.. view of relieving the pre vailing distress. . Tin the province ot Seville' the tradesmen era refusing to sell food because the local autHorltea sre not fulflUlng-thelt-promlses to-re-J I m bums them. If tha present state of affairs continues the children and aged persons who are living In shelter pro vided by the autborltiea will be deprived of food. , ,. ..,.-..- : ........ ..... ' Australia Land Unsettled. ?- - As the New Booth ITales government Is strongly-desirous of removing the impression thst Immigrants are not wanted In that state its agent-general in minn--commencea lmmeaiateiy after .Easter, a series of addresses In the agricultural aismcts or England. It In estimated .thstt over tO.OOO.OpO acres of "first-class wheat lends, "readily ac cesslble by rail,, are still uncultivated. !- -'t - ' : Argentina's. Gold Reserve Argentina la piling up gold received for Its excess exports."' The conversion office 'now holds 6(9.000.000 gold, the most it ever held, partly sgslnst the republla'a paper-money- Bo much,, money lying unproductive In causing anxiletv to the governments - Tart 0 It may be .sent to tngiana anausea, Fine Dog Stolen. ' Barry II. the finest dog at the nesplce ef uBrrnard. in the Alps, a descendant of the famous Jlfcsaver Barry, haa been stolen. . It is believed that the thief is en Itallsn lay helper In the monas tery. The enonks Say thst a strsnger coul not have decoyed thedoj away. France JQaina Territory. 7 ' France haa Just enlarged her territory jtoy an ezthange wltlt Belgium, , The T. . . S'aT7"1", MONKVILLE HAPPENINGS.l----:--o: . . ; - -r- r-'-- . " ' (Copjrlfht. 1B00, b W. R. Brant) ' - " ' ' " -' '-' ' i ' -.;... " " ' -. e : I IWWj1 VTA A r .Wak. . Ml - IrJ ' V. - - - ? Say,JVyhattth)Trouble Over Jtf . ' ' villi- -- : . . 1.:. ; ,: - ,- --- - . ', jl . Aw, It'a the Head Officials of the Monkville Life -Assurance Society Holding a Meeting. ' Parle -awernmenthas-ecAdBdnreaaemhfty nlsa - King Leopold s sovereignty over La-Netjvllle-aux-Tourneurs, receiving IhaaBjappUli as jompsntatlowi pTowssTesattr-tnaeTrTteflaT a-ggran- Isemeat ef-franee br W equare-yayds. Lafayette Statue. . " The large equestrian statue of Lafay ette, offered by . the Americans to France, which Is to take thepJaceof tha-tempOTSrlly-erecTed plsster cest, will shortly be placed in the square au Louvre. - -. ODDS AND ENDS. Cape Colqny has borrowed tl0,76.O00 for rallway workaUJcal improvements, etc.." : In 1818 earthquakes were felt In Aus tria on 2& days. w J -Ths shah of Persia has placed another order for six high class automobiles In Paris. - The value of this order is sai to be 2,00. ; : : -w It -la estimated that BO 0 molor-QmnU.1 buses will be running In London a year hence. Drivers of horse-drawn omni buses tare toelnr'-tratned "for the " new work. -Smfeltlm me ago iEu roea n woma n at Peking presented the dowager empress with a sewing machine. er majesty was sq pleased with It that she ordered 100 modern machines lor tns laaies ot the Chinese court. - " ..'- , One bf the strangest societies In Japan Is the cult In honor of Sir Isaac New ton formed among the graduates snd undergraduates of the Tokio university. -Cerebro-eplnal meningitis r Is spread ing to all-parts of north Germany. By a large-majority the French sen ate recently voted 18000.000 as ait In- Miss Candace C Stixnson, the Only ' I'. -' s3pi . ,' .. m-'.s,v '.(: .. t . , v ; . Ocean Yacht Race From Sandy Hook to the: Lixard. She Is the Daughter of the Owner of the Fleur tie Lys and Passenger Aboard That Yacht - ual pensions granted by Napoleon I i r r It ls"annrmwd -w Wretersbtirr-tris-tl the-arrangement -for -the' exchange of postal money orders between Great Brit ain and Russia has been officially aanc- tloned. By a decree of the khedlva lsaued recently. EngIIshla - admitted las the Judicial language in the Egyptian mixed tribunals. As an Indication of . their hostility toward the government SkPetersbuxg workmen are said to have- resolved Ho boycott vodka, which la. manufactured by the etate. ' ". ' '. . Attached to a goat, a new bullet-proof shield, the composition of -which Is a secret, hss been tried by the Swiss mili tary department with satisfactory re sults. - Here Otto von Btruve. a noted as tronomer who discovered 500newstar In the northern hemisphere, has Justt died s,t-Karlsruhe, Germany. . . .. Built-20 years ago at a cost of 18.- Wales, has never been utilised, snd la now..tobe . converted into-an -agricultural college. ; .'" : . sr-w 1 "i ' " ; -riieavtn ir S w ttxe rland rf or - A merlca-a Swlsa-ntered Into a conversation with a stranger st Kale, whom he discovered later,. says.the Burner Volksxeitung, was previously. - . To be printed In the Abyssinian lan guage, the negus . has ordered .4.000 copies of the Book of rsftlrts ' through the Abysalnlsn mlsson, . at-present- In Constantinople. - . .. .. . v .. " The Canadian government . will dis patch the steamer Neptune, Commodore Low In command, to make an. effort to pierce the Northwestern passage. The Woman Who Sailed -in . the Great Halifax, TJfova ; , . Thaselght jnrtn whlh nlku 1 1 1 1 mltrtlons confined under the govr ernment's bill are London, Lelth. New. haven,. Grimsby. Hull,; Harwich, South ampton and -the Tyne.' ' M. C. Oesterberg of Stockholm has been appointed Swedish tutor "to Prln cess Margaret ofrTOnhaugr7TrwhdIs eif gaged to Prince Gustav Adolf, tha eld est son- of the crfiwn prince of Sweden and Norway. found in the Jungles of India. It Is an unusually large insect, the combs being often I feet long,,,. 4 feet ' wide and from 4 Inches to Inches thick. MISCELLANEOUS. Corset Carried Whiskey. The business of smuggling; liquor ScrOsS 1h r.n.rtl.n jln h. Kglivld a heavy blow by the detection of a big French-Canadian in one of the border towns wTio was a walking tank. He had a sheet metal corset, made double and cpntainl,n's; which, he "smuggled liquor right past the eyes of the United States suthorl tles. Suspicion fastened on him when it was noticed that men whowent up and spoke to him eventually became in toxicated. An Inspector decided to warn him, Tapping him emphatically on the chest the inspector fell the metal cor. set.-nearched the man;- and obtained his ciinvlctiun as a sTrnrggreTr m e was hinged In front, buckled in the back, snd had a spigot at the waist for drawing off a drink under the front of tha coat. ; J -- - ' Will Retain Queue. ' j There will soon be a Chinese laundry at the Jefferson City (Missouri) peni tentiary', and It will be in charge of the-Only '. long-haired- prisoner In -ths pen. . At least, thst is the plan of Judge Rogers, who sentenced JI. G. Young, a St. Louis Chinaman. ' to three months' Imprisonment there for:passlhg"a split bill." Judge .Rogers thought Young might he a useful person In the laundry, and requested- Marshal -Morsey to ask the penitentiary off lclala -not to" cut off Young's queue If they ran avoid It. ss it was a matter of religion with . the prisoner Young had pleaded is be al lowed to keep his queue, -snd was pleased when told that there was a chance thst he would be allowed to keep It. Ha said Ms-ancestors' would never see. him In heaven if he lost it. . , 1 ' :., . t. . . w --:;:z;; Kick Killed Murphy. ' In trying to resist arrest Harry Mur phy of Indianapolis, Indiana, was shot to desth by Pstrolmnri. StreltnjL pecit-J liar manner, ,-viurpny . was wantea ror sssnult and battery. lie sew the patrol man coming and ran out or a saluonil where he was drinking. The patrolmen fired Into the ground-to. scare hlmr Mur phy Jumped a high board fence, but Slrelt caught Ms coat tails ss he was halt over. "Murphy, lying across" the fence, kicked violently to get loose. Strelt still held his revolver and nKe nf Murphy's feet hit It, snapping the expedition- win leave Scotia, early In June. an inch boarJ Into his right aide. HeTln,"r. " oc ' died an Instant after- the patrolman helped him down. j Gave .Frog Banquet , " As the result of numerous' t about living in "Frogtown," J. J. Moon ey. an insurance, agent or Toledo, Ohio, was the host at a unique banquet. -1 trolt men had been having, fun at Mr, Moomrya-expense-concrrntng frois,-sfl he gave them a dinner in which every1 possible uss was made of the amphi bians. In- the renter of ths tsble wt six-foot' square frog pond derorsted with. moss, logs and reeds -from the msrsn t ana sioraaa wnn jnvs, irogs. -ilYhlle the guests ate the frogs made merry trt the pool,' splashing and -croaking. Rubber frogs were used as place cards and tha ice cream waa molded tg.reprejmt frees Lincoln and Davis. . . ' ' - A novel plan of filling Kentucky's two vacant niches in Statuary hall is suggested by members of the Kentucky colony In official service at -Washington... Inasmuch - as Abraham Lincoln Trd--JeffersunPav1g wererhrttver-of Kentucky it Is proposed thst their statues be plsred side by side as the .offering of the - Bluegrass ' common wealth- Colonel Bamuel M. Ual nee, a Veteran ex-editor of Kentucky, who Is now In the treasury, depsrtment. was tha first to-advance-this Idea, and -it has met with- such- general- epprevat'Tthaf It Is "probable thst an appcoprlate bill will be introducea at the next session of the- KentuckyHjegtslB' Doctor's Long Sleep. '- . . " CrfirafTn rT FIsrhf,a phystdsn of PlttsbuEg, Pennsylvsnls. has been asleep almoat-connnuously for five weeka,. and it is now. feared, that bf will never awake. An oneratlon of trepanning has been "performed by Dr. Csrl Beck of St..' Mark'g hosrlsl. New X&tVc but It Is feared Dr. Fischer's llfe-csnnot be saved. T Wbeh. Dr, Fiacher flrat"Tett asleep his continued - unconsciousness was attributed to- -overwork and the strain of anxiety concerning severer Im portant cases in his cars. Ha received every attention -and-hrother physicians and specialises were consulted. no diagnosis ' of the esse, however, could be made without an operation. . ..." .1. . ' . ; . ' - TT:'-'-- Fixed for Death. September 1, because all of the cIarr-4 voyants of Omaha have so predicted. Mrs. M. Brstlein, residing in tha Martin flats, has frorthermeagejr funda bought S shT6Tidina Is now saving money- to buy a casket. Ho thoroughly is she im bued with the Idea that -she la to pass away un llutt date- that, fearing abe cannot save a sufficient amount irons her-usual income for-the casket,-she hss selected. "mottoes", and pictures of the Madonna which she Is selling from house o house.- every penny -thus-derived being plsced in a bank, .which. She jasi9usizauaiautsv. -k ft Want a Nice "Jan.-1; John Packham. who' Is serving a Jail sentence of a year at Macon. Missouri, and nine other prisoners have sent a communication to-- thai local-ministers; requesting pra7Tg that the hearts of the members ot the .county court mignt be moved to build a Jail fit for human beings to ltve In. "The purpose Is, said Pack ham, "."to attract the attention of Christian -p6ple-toa.'-eond4tlo -which should be intolerable In this . era of humanity and the spread of the-gospel. For months; the newspspers and jjltlsens hav$ been pleading for a new'buildlng Wltn proper ssyuary cunuiiivns -. lighted cells. ..'-.-.''."-. .:.!' ;J.'"' : 'I'.'" -' " a In Honor of McKinley. V , ' . On September 14, the fourth annlver- sarjpOhe desjtA of WJlllsm McKinleyJ the cornerstone or-ins naiignsi monu ment will be' laid on Monument hill at Canton. Ohio. - Justus William R. Day, president of the McKinley National Mon ument association, an intimate friend ghbor-of Prs id ent McKinley, 111 Dlace the cornerstone. It ia the present plsn of. the sssoclstlon to hsve the .monument completed end the dedi cation ceremonies September 14. 107, the sixth snnlversary of President Mc Kinleys death. I . , W Negroes in the Army. . , Msny of ths applicants for enlistment at- the- United States srmy recruiting statlon-ln-Kansaa-Clty-durlng tha laat few days have been negroes. .They are being assigned to the-cavairy division of the army.- There are four regiments of negro soldiers Tn theregTilar army, twn nf ""'"I' and w infnjry?ToH which Two negroes, grsdustes of West point, have reached the rank of captain. One of them, Captain R. A.-Young, is a military "attache In Haytl. jonn k. Lynch, a negro, who entered the army as avolnnteer.-le-a-paymaster mt Omaha with the- rnk-of -captain. sumption Causes- Dhri Andrew Herman of Detroit, Michigan, haa brought divorce proceedings against his brids of two months, on ths grounds that she has consumption and that should he live with her he would be in dsnger of contracting the disease. Ills wife protests thst when she mar ried Merman she did not know ehe wss afflicted with tuberculosis, snd even now is not eertsln of .-Bhe notos tnst Herman Is bound by his marriage vows to support her. - . Only Broke Fingers. - '" Fslllng from the eleventh etory of a new skyscraper In course of construe tlon at" Memphis. Tennessee. L.onnis Stroud, foremen of the-plwmblng forces of the SeldoaA Breck Construction com- psny, wss nuriea seemingly to aestn. but lives to" tell the" tale. -' Stroud- lost his balance and fell through the elevator shaft. His cnmpsnlons hurried down, expecting to"flnd a mangled body, but Instead Stroud rose to nis reet-ana exhibited three broken fingers ssthe total damage. ...TTl '. New Ambrose CanaL Brigadler-Oeneral MacKensIe," chief of engineers - of -- h-armvr has beew tn formed -by Colonel Marshall, the army inspector oNrivars -and harbors In New Yorkv-that4he--new-Ambroaa ship-chan nel will be open to navigation next year. irhnugTrit-wtrt not be fully completed for -several years. By next year the channel will. oea5-feet-deep. and -1.60 feet wide.--The contract --calls for a depth of 44 -feet and a width - ef 1,000 feet. ' , " w - Frank Barker, a' hoy murderer, con. fined in the Nebraska penitentiary un der sentence of death, will touch the button which will spring his own desth trap. Because Warden Beemer. the offl- auntsrla hangman for the stste, whose duty it is to spring tns-trap at an legal deaths In-Nebraska, Is too tender-hearted to perfoitn .the -operatin,, em the boy. (young Barker has -volunteered to be bis own liens ' -T - ....... - - :.:-:w w Boston Stamp bourse. v The Boston Phllstelln society hss voted to. establish a posts ge ... stamp bourse. Tt will be the flrat stamp bourse In the United Statea, and will be superintended by James H. Lyons. It will be open for business at regular meeting nights. There '. era- postage In several" orhe muss Cities In Europe. The- eldest- and Tnost V hnportant ta-tg TarlST' .- ,w . " Good for Evil. Charles 12. Hunter the new president- of the Rough Riders' Reunion assoc'a- tlon, - contributed $60 to the Snyder,. Oklahema. relief committee. The fetrtld- y; lng of ths town of Snyder cost Mr. Hunter f 20.000. He was the. owner of, . . the townslte ot Mountain Park, tbreV mllee from Snyder, and ths town of Mpuntaln 4Park was ruined by Snyder's -growth.' - ' ''.- -, ,,; at - . Buy Cherokee Lands. 1 "" y - It'la -stated upon goM authority that" MuakogeaIndlan Territory real estate dealera are buying Cherokee lands re gardless of their restrictions,, basing the legality of their action upon a recent decision of the 'United Statea supreme court whlcH" bolda that when an Indian " haa beeA'-gTven title to his allotment he la no longer a ward of the govern ment. : , -.' - - W. rg Unconscious Prophecy. . ' '- " To test the . love of his sweetheart. ' -. of whom -He-waa Jealous, Bert Brown of Dubois, Iowa, wrote a letter to tha girl, informing has of his death on the railroad . and signing to tt the name of the man whom ha regarded as a rival. With tha letter In his pocket and before ha had time, to mall It Brown suffered almost the death which he had pictured, r A Mushroom SpeciaL Aius;uipr3peglarrwhtch-'teft'I)ay: ton. Ohio, over the Dayton eV Xenla Tractltm-ltna. before svnrise on Morning, carried 200 enthuslastlo hunters of tbe fungi. Most of tha number alighted at a; convenient- orchard-and scattered in all directions. It waa the first mush room speclsl In the history of the coun tryres far as known, and proved a popa ' lsr diversion. ; . , . Novelty: Lnlwill -,- Z2- ' ...One of the oddeat wtlle admitted -4- probate was that of Edwin Hellerlck of j Reading Pennsylvania, who wrote and T algned -It- en- hour before- he died - In " a local hosplul this week. It resdr "t TjT give all I own to" my beloved wife, ex-"" cept all my cigars to a friend (whose nsme he mentioned), jnd I hope they get It" -.-'' w w " - ''- -. A Missouri Alligator r Nosh- Beery, proprietor -of the Com --- mercial hotel of Leavenworth. Kanaas. ' and Oeotge Buohananand Riley Miliar, - two Mlssourlana caught a 42-inch alll V gator In Mud lake, Platte county. Mis- " sourl. across from Leavenworth. .The . 'alligator waa taken in a - , but not Jaefore it liad torn he net Into : ribbons. -. -" r.-X.- ,- : - ,,.;.T;:1-: - Millions More Coming. . In 1904. the number of arrtvale "at Ellis Island was 104,000. the number for -the entire country being S00.000.--Of -thess ICS, 1 SO- sett led In New-Tork -city, arid the great majority.-el -the- remain-- der Went to other cities es lsborrS, where they are not needed. ' -- - : ------- V Killed mPrlsenghter. 1 r- Edwsrd Kelleher wes sentenced to IS yesrs in the Missouri penitentiary re cently for killing "St. Louis Tommy" Sullivan, a prlxeflghter. Sullivan was shot-in saloon and died several days later at the city hospital. Kelleher mads a plea of self-defense. v. Wanted to Help -Pope. Believing the representations of ' man named Koch that he wee an emis sary of Pope Plua X, a woman living at Muenater. Westphalia, parted with $2,(00 on the understanding thst she waa eon- trlbutln o a loan, raised by -the pope. she'wss to rscelve 100 per . cent Interest. - . - ..- According to Age. i According to the government statie ticIanT'of-T NewSouth-Wales,-when - a, -woman marries at the age of 20 she. msy expect to have five children, at tha age of i thiec tlilldisu. at lhaags of 22 two children, and at the age of 27 one child. .- ., .j., w Three Sets of. Teeth.; - Mrs. "Wtlllanr Coyle of Beaver Brook, Pennsylvania, agsd 10 yeare, la cutting a third set of teeth. The teeth are. appearing on the upper and lower Jaws and are perfectly formed. Mrs. Coy is is aa active as a woman It years heg . Junior and is enjoying good health. Lifeboats Busy. . - - , - -- -Lifeboats were launched on . service . no fewer than 294 times on the Ameri can coast laat yesr snd saved 419 Uvea . Tbe fleet of lifeboats numbers 28s. 'VJLLY BOOK AT BI0 niCS. --i - From 'the New Tork'Sun. The famous copy of Joseph X. Ire land's .Records" of the New York Stage,' whirl) is said to have cost the late Au guetln Daly 130.000 to extra-Ulustrale, waa resold by the Anderson Auction company yesterday. 4 The original vol umes were extended to 49 by the Inser tion of some S.eeo portraits, autographs, play bills, etc.. and tha set Is In hand some binding by Btiktman. It was bought . at the Paly sale on March l,'l00. by J. O. Wright eV Co. for t8, 125 and was afterward transferred to EVert 5ansen Wendell for about I?.- t 600. It. was sold yesterday bf Mr. Wen- " dell's order, and after spirited bidding was knocked" down to Georgs D. Smith - for t.l4. . 1-r : --------j-- There were two very Interesting Foe , Itema One wss a two-page folio letter of Poe to hie uncle. William Poe, datsd -Philadelphia. August 16, 140. In regsrd to a projected magastne, JThls jiroilght tit. Tlie other Hein waa "tha original manuscript Of what if believed to be an , unpublished poem of nine lines by Poe, beginning; ,. i Elisabeth, It Is In Vsln you say ' Love' nothou sayst tt In so Set at . W'r. ' - . -, ' -.'. And signed with his Initials. E. A. T. - Rome of the other aalee were: Original autograph. MSB. of Etlsahetti Barrett Browning's alterations and emendations for "Aurora Leigh," en II octavo pages, sach sheet, being, heed-! Aurora Ilgh," and a nee en sn r signed E. B. B.. 1240. Boi;ht ty I lead aVCn Autogrsrh I" . ft I Barrett r ...... H