The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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' - Tl ft
n . - i M
a " t
: Photo Shows tiie
City Officers Strictly Enforce All
Local and State Laws IL;
T" 1: to Secure Funds. -
nm-i ,i i.i ; :
ill. Illllllll
. . I Peddlers. Wife-Beaters, Resorts
and Visiting Disturbers Help
ry PayT Billsf or May.'
n rttt M file of Th loflrut It. t
tb tor of Urt. F. W. llrKlaiwr. 380, Kut
algrrtws itrMC Tcleptaou tut 275.
' Th mean which St. Johns flrtda neo
rasary to pay official aalariea ara'. un-
'r)riii Xorce"Tlj-bccupatIonrtax, f the
regular tax collection' ar not In hand,
no ealoona ar In the place and practi
cally all the usual revenue sources are
closed; The' expenses of tbe city arenot
large, considering- tbe improvements am)
-population, but they are more than $20
a month at the lowest,- and to meet this
expense haa been the problem of th9
new city sovemment. One of the
sources of revenue la Cedar Park, and
. after much tribulation. -the park has
been licensed- on af flt rate basis, the
council tacitly allowing: It to run on
Sunday, the- proprietor paying the II-
-ense oiKthe basis of a line. - But Cedar
Park also provides Incidental revenue.
Recently - Marshal Organ arrested a
Portland man who bnA followed his wife
to the resort end. vented his aneeri)XL
'. Slapping her publicly. When haled be-
for Recorder Hanks, the man admitted
his guilt and Urged In defense -that when
he had gone home the children were
unwashed, . the breakfast dishes -dirty,
there was no dinner, , the house was In
confusion and his mother-in-law , had
advised him to seek his wife st Cedar
' Park, and there he found her dressed In
her best and enjoying the maxy waltx.
L U--J -- - - . 1 - J- . .
. Trass Mark Bssisureii -
Gray Hair Restorer
bisaeelrrmstkariril! TMtratbaer4(1iiaIee1nr
tsr,as4 UiUt kaJrwnbnut iri ta.t II I. par.
w sotMicAf or grea... aa I ranaot vm
It Ma . a friaad ak linn and
fa tall urn Waawra. a 11 lia botu. II ..)
It .o. wmm4 a.aia mm aailfa. aaa vawtll aa4,
la alaia wrapaar. ahnluval, Ina soMaa sola,
aaucS lor a fm4 trial oa oaaapa. Ba turaaad
amtioa erlitiaal aoloref salt Iaaa4 aaamle it
li. Il ) alaraal
MARY T. GOLDMAN, f ' , ,
- Far sate try Waasari h Clarlu Oa. sad
all laaaiaf ataraa.
Free . Free,,
; im''"'''
. .'
. "l . "
.-. C.-:.( ':.'p ' v :
t.nin . - (.
i" 1 1 ' - I , .., ; . .. ; v :
Cambridge Blook at the Corner of Third an& Morrison Sts.-
e recorder-. le4V-ewryjrut . xsWaJ
added to the treasury-:
A huckster was brought Into court
this week.fdr selling without a license.
Ho alleged ftl produce was grown In
his garden, and the recorder was at a
loss how to extract any revenue 'from
him. An Investigation of the wagon
followed, and several doxen.. oranges
were found. Again the treasury was
benefited-.. Occasionally some city, vis-I
ltor causes a disturbance in the town's
peaceful limits.
With the fines that can be collected and
the various licenses desired by peddler
and amusement) concerns,, the ; munlcl
pallfy is worijylng, along until some
steady source of revenue- can be Intro
duced. --j-t'J V "". 7"
IkkssJ Optloa Chief Zssne la, Vunibsr of
. Besldeno Sistrlots.
The - local opt Ion lsBuewtir" be " th
chief election day -question - in eight
Portland precincts, and In these both
-the Antl-8aloon league and the - repre
sentatlves or the liquor men are can
vassing the voters and campaigning vig
orously.- The precincts in which this
question will be voted on are 37, 40, 41, 44,
54, 6B 6i and it, all residence districts,
H.ninnjMrttwaor th" IflrgT suburbs. I
and the sentlmentof the - voters
learned by the temperance workers 'Is
against the admission of more saloons
and In favor, of ousting. those already in
the precincts. The- anti-saloon workers
are confident that' In every precinct
where local option will be a question the
precinct will vote against the saloon.
BAsTrs sara causes coitcxvT
If a - bank robber secures the funds
of the Peninsular bank.whlch will soon
be opened In St. Johns, he will have .to
wreck the town.- The safe Is the lateat
model of the manganese type, having
Been -patented -last .Owtober. - It - looks
more like a humpbacked electric dynamo
than - safe, and has enough chilled
steel in - its composition to supply a
foundry The thing Is arranged an thai!
the farther an enterprising burglar ex
plores into Its tough depths the thicker
he will discover the walls, to be. and
the heavier the projecting locks. -
WiU J. Partlow died at his home.: 104
Kast Twelfth street, yesterday of in-
HamBwtory rhaumatiam. He . was horn
and raised In Portland, and was prob
ably as well and favorably known among
the east ride, young people as anyone
of the district., He" was the son of
James M and Louisa, Partlow, and was
born August !, 1871. For 'the last two
years he has been , a buslnes partner
with the flrmjofPomerpy ft Co. The
funeral 'will be"! held tomorrow aft
ernoon ifroan the . Hoi man -undertaking
parlors at t '-iO o'clock.. ..
- The clt J recordpr 6't ,8t John.ha re
ceived -Hii" copies - of - the- special laws
governing the city, as passed by the last
legislature. -These form the new charter
of the townr andv over them has beerr
much argument. Copies of the charter
pebllshed lu the town' were found -to
be-THes.Hy .different from the charter
aa passed the legislatret.-"-H-'"r"
The street improvement era has struck
St. Johns, apd for the first time since
th organisation of the municipality the
streets sre being brought tq grade, side
walks are'belng laid and msrsdam Work
tatted. In addition to th improvement
v- ; :. i-.-.
1 VI
I ;:
f of IjWsey .. e t reetrthe-TorinclI : lias com
pleted speclncatjjitis -for the 4mpn
ment of Burlington street, . between
Bradford and Phlladelnhia, The trt
ordlolvanhoe will be merely
graaea ana curbs- and walks put In.
Philadelphia will be topped with gravel,
The "Coat of the Improvement will be
about $3,800, according to the engi
neer's estimates. Richmond street will
be -graded t cost of 1900, nd -other
thoroughfares will be added to the im
provement list as rapidly as the prop
erty-owners desire to pay .the-special
levies, .
nrooa is ilm sujMBLaJk
Owing to the peaceful nature of Bt
Johns, Marshal Organ has temporarily
given up his place and Recorder Hanks
ha been appointed deputy,- combining
the offices of Judge and marshal.. Mr.
OrgairhaaTiot-Teiilirnearas It wan" the
desire the council to retain him! and has
merely delegated his authority to Mr.
Hanks.- At present. Mr. Organ Is grow
Ing prise - strawberries and - working at
hi trade. " - j
rxAsss or xxBsxoirAmT won.
The. Rev. D. I Rader, -D. D.,-editor
of th Pacific Christian Advocalewt
prmuMi - in xmyivr - Binn ' meinooisx
church tomorrow morning and . discuss
some phases of the- missionary -work.
At the evening .service Dr. Short '.will
have' for his subject, -"floes the,' Old
Gospel Ring Truer' Dr. Cummlngs-wlll
lead the great chorus in song.
roianrrxEms or; akexzoa.-
At Gospel Siall, 387 Ankeny. street,
on Sunday at 1 p. m. a social gathering
will be held. At -8 p.. m., service and
song. Open air 7:16 p. m. .
- . -. - r- .'-
toy ligation Will Oaly 5trngtb
to the Proof We Give
, tri Portland. , '
How can doubt exist In the face of
such evidence? Read here the endorse
ment of a representative citlsen of Port
land: James Peterson. , employed by .., J,, C,
Havely of the O. R. N. li. R. Co., and
living at Woodstock, says:. "In my
opinion, if any sufferer from backache
fails to find relief In Doan s Kidney
Pills there Is uno relief for him on
earth. However, I don't believe any
case exlsls which Doan's Kidney pills
will not heln. I hud severe backache
and a weakness of the kidneys for years.
My back ached at. times so-that I could
hardly get ud from a couch, and the
kidney secretions presented very unnat
ural appearance, and -deposited a heavy
sediment If allowed to stand long
enough, I spent lots of money when
living In the east In trying to get some
thing to effect a cure. I came out here
to Portland twelve rear a an. thlnktna-
the change. -of cllroata might benefit me,
but-the trouble stim clung to me. I
fald one doctor In1 the town 176 for med
clnes. but I "might. Just as well .have
Oaken so much water, io far aa any ben-
ent was concerned, i used nve bottlea
of a well-known remedy manufactured
In the east and received only temporary
relief. '.I finally saw Doeri's Kidney
Pills, advertised and one day I bought
a box and used them only a, few, doss
when I knew they hsd gone to the root
of the trmible. I-continued their use
until I had used -three boxes, and ran
say cheerfully? that they did jnore for
ma than all th other medlulnes put to
gafher." -
re? pais nr an aeaiera price ISO
cents. Koster 4 Mijburn Co., Buffalo, N.
I., sole agentsVfnr th United Ststes.
Remember the name DOAN'S and
. 4
take no other,
' tc
. ... .Jr.Should be
( . the largest
frinakelow -
Our Universal Ranges Must Not Be Forgotten
. . United States
. posittaveDy
oip BDoflldleiP
builds riiplthe
orates tne wnoie svstem. -
Verbosely Denies Charges'orrn
competency, bin Does Not
- Refute Them,.,, V
Bitter Abuse f orThose Who Do
t - Not Praise the Williams
' Administration... :J.
Angry abuse of those who have criti
cised his administration was the main
feature of the address delivered last
.vnln. rv Mavnr. Wllllama h.fnr. '
aatherins; of about, 1 no pen, Wpmen and!
couaren ai wooaiawn. - .
"Liars" was a term frequently on his
lips when alluding- to his critics, and
he appealed to his hearers not to believe
the "lies" published about him in The
Journal.. He declared thevt the "preach-
era had desecrated their pulpits" by de
nouncing; him, and he declared once more
that th . executive - committee of the
Municipal league Is made-up- or -"liars
and scoundrels.
There was little, that was new-in
the mayor's speech.- As tie the Tanner
creek sewer he gave once more the ex
planations which do not explain, care
fully omitting all reference to his own
persistent disregard of the protests of
the nronerty owners, agauist the Accept
ance of th Job. , He said nothing of the
attempt of .the, executive committee and
himself to force the 4oo on the tax.
pay e rT In the face of tha known rtafarta
In the work, or of his determined- effort
to discredit th objection of the ex
pert who had examined the -sewer.
There was no allusion to his own letter
to City Engineer Elliott, in which he
denounced the protestants as "kickers,
knocker and fault-finders." Th mayor
made a labored effort, to convince his
hearers that Rlner's . profit of '$16,000
on a job which cost only $20,000 was no
more than he was justly - entitled to
make. Turning' to "the subject of gam
bling, Mayor Williams ealdr ;
"I deny that wnen i was a candidate
for mayor three year ago I made any
promise to anybody aa to what I would
do. I won't promise1 anything now. Tou
must trust to my judgment I tried to
put down-, gambling, but I couldn't.
Don't fool yourself with the idea that
Mr. Tom Word.hM stopped gambling,
for it' not. stopped now." ,-;
The mayor Indulged In some sarcastlo
comment on Dr. Harry Lane's can
didacy, and assailed his record as su
perintendent of the state insane asylum'.
He appealed -to Republican - voter - to
stand by him as the party' nominee.
and concluded by assuring his audience
that there would be no attempt, during
Ms administration, to reopen the gravel
pit tn Wood lawn. - -
Representatives of the federated r1uha
ef the city -spoke and read papers at
fhef Woman' club yesterday, it. was
reciprocity day, and each club told of
It particular, line ef work. -
Mr. A. H. Wlllett and Mr. Martin
everyone' ambition, this of all the year of their lives. Our ttock
In the cityTand some new features this year add to their value bul
Our Fox and
-The-bst-Furnaces madeta great deal smaller-price thajr:aTged"by the regular Furnace dealers. "We con-
iuct agreafHardware and Tinware busmessnrrconnection-with our furnace
figurerlri this part ofouretabll8hment:
No other Range on earth compares with these.
but throughout thwwnrM..
World Beater In Hardware, and Edged Tools, Tin ware and Kitchen Goods.
the urinary organs,"
-kidneys and
a A "J 10
00o and 01.00
dlflsease "LTiorLiei
"Rapp autflned IbenSTstory of the John
I: ivy Walrolor -plufr-tharhad several
ffpietures hung in the clu brooms.
! "Forestry- In Relation -to - Stream
Tnow," was the "subject of. a paper by
Mrs. Wallace Leroy - Whitmore,- who
represented the Forestry club, and "The
Origin of the English Race" was dis
cussed by Mrs. Warren White, who rep
resented the '"Tuesday Afternoon Club,
Mrs. Edgar . B. Piper - represented the
New England club, and told , "A Musi
cian's Complaint." , People "constantly
made requests of musicians, she said.
that they would not, dare make, of their
tailor- Mrs.WdUS- xepreaented the
Mothers' and. Teachers', club of Brook
lyn, and she told of the work, hope and
prospects of. the. organisation.
'The Home 'Training association- was
represented by, Airs. .J. L. Kingsbury,
who resd a paper" setting forth the par
ticular lines of study of the association.
Muelo was t provided by Mrs. Susie
Oarobeir Whltehursev--accompanied - by
Mrs. Warren E. Thomas.
The Woman's club endorsed W.-1
Brewster as - candidate- for school dl
rector. A benefit matinee will be given
st the Grand theatre next Saturday aft
ernoon, for the Sacajawea Statue aaso?
elation, -,'
It Is estimated by 'dealers in furs that
the species of wolf known as the Oregon
coyote If. being; 'killed at the rate of
15.000 annually In thls-etate. But the
number living is on the Increase De
spite the removing of th state bounty
from coyote scaipa, more sains are re
ceived in the Portland market now than
ever before. J ' ' , " -'
One Portlandftrm bought 1J.000 .coy
ote skins last year. Many were shipped
direct to the east by dealers In smaller
town and the total marketed last year
was not-less : than 16000 Tb skin
bring from $1.(0 to $2 apiece. H. Llebes
of the firm of H. Llebes V Co. said;
'We receive more coyote furs than
si did five yeara gn, The, prlre has
advanced In 'the last few years. s The
skins-are used for making sleeping robes
and for other put-poses requiring cheap
furs." , .-' . v .- .
This evening at' the Salvation Army
hall. 1 J First street.' Major and Mra
Fynn and ..the corps officers, assisted, by
local ' talent,:- will present , good pro
gram of v0cal and. Instrumental musla
Refreshments will b served. " Tomof
row . I the teat day-that Corps No. 4
will'' conduct services at r its present
hall and all friends are urged to come
to the great 'farewell service , at
o'clock. 1 . 1 '
t Third etreeV .Dlatrtlmtoig
fjjft HavanaCigars. , I I .
:i jSiytPZ'-y ill
'. -a.,.'- i-'
Magee Hot Air
Talk as they may. THE UNIVERSAL leads,notpnly,In-ihe
1 ' "r '
any case
Patsed Stone and firtwl
A. H. Thurnes, Mer. Willi Creek Coal Co. Buffalo. 0'.-writa - -
.'Iliave been afflicted with kidney and
Ing trgver or stones with excruciating
give rener. Aneritainj ruui s
invfe-J",,?rl8,7: A few
. and now I hsvo no pain across my
OLEr s KiPNEy cuRe m
Ko Othir Rimidy Can
-7-"' ThosTVCarter, of Ashboro," ff. C, had. Kidney Trouble and -.
ns lottlFOLEYJSHCIDNEYURE effected perfect ctnnd
-Jie says there is no remedy that will comparawlth ir ' " - 1.
. -P' T
:':. - i f .-lav I
Naturopath ; ' ; ' .
Tou, perhaps,'""Kave'la'en no end of
medicine, and for a long time; -or it
may be that you nave triwi uste
opatby, Massage, Electricity, Vibra
tion and what not. . '-
It seems to me the fault Is with
your doctor, jiot tbe method of treat
mrjfit. 1 t .
I have hundreds of case just such
as yours.- In fact, most of my pa
tients have tried doctors of .this.
that and the other school till they I
are sick ana urea or me wnoie inue.
Now, at last, they are with me.
Not' a few of them. '.My-offlo , la
crowded alt day -long. -
Have they now found aftoctor who
seems to understand them and who
helps them to get well?
In answer I will say that my pa
tients Improve almost from the first,
and they SOON GET WELL.
You don't have -to take my word
for this Ask some one -about me,
ndyou will soon -find that I am the
most widely-known doctor In Port
land or Oregon. - - - --r- -
Here' is what a grateful patient
says of me: . t '. . ,. . . ,
7 After 12 Lorip; Years
' "Dear Doctor: I had been slrk 11
years with asthma, heart and stom
ach troubles; sleo had a large tumor
In my side. Had an unusually- se
vere attack and was not at first able
to go to your office for' treatment.
Was in bed sick for' four weeks be
fore beginning treatment-' at your,
parlors. During ; this time I was,
nursing "myself under your direc
tions. I was Anally able to-rlsl you
ragularlywandx aJter jeveo.. weelca'
treatment , am restored to Derd-ct
health' '
tl Beech StrfeeU Portland, 'Oregon.
DR. N. J.
Boom ao-3 lewis ldr.
I. . Fasae tfabj tlt.
- Aa.. a .a a a
Sat, I to 11. Open Monday at 8:10.
Offlo Closed Ail Say Jna JL -. t
of lawn Mowere is probably
nt to iha pic. Ifbtiifding-
department, hence our ability
v r
olr COdliniey.
iLII.e ceacCn
With Eicruclttlni Palni!
bladder trouble for years, pasa-i
pain, t Other medicines only
MUiNti uuKti tns rssuie-wai
kidneys and I feel like new mao.
msi,ooo wonh or good.
Compart With It
Do You Patronize the
Jf Vou Don't, Vou Should- "
OooC teeth sre essential to proper
Without good teeth ther cannot be
thorough mastication there '
cannot be perfect '
Without perfect -digestion there cannot
be proper - . , - - ' -ASSIMIUtTIOW
Without proper assimilation ther can
.- not be i -
sTUTaUTXOaT ' .'
WithoUt-nutrltlon thera-aanot-b '
nuti - '. " . "' -v -.-:-z:
WJthout health what Is
urif. . t ..i.
Qall and consult a reliable and coma
petent specialist In Dentistry.
kt nni
cku ciown
MS i,.,,. ......... 5.oO
nam -r.. . . ...... $ 1 .OO
OOZ.O rix.xji7oa
KHiYiK rnmroi soa
New York
Dental Parlors
. Fourth and Morrison Sts.
r"Over: Sealey-Mason's.f :
Open day and night, from ;0 a.- m.
to 10 -p. m.. - , 1
Headquarters for
Elastic ; u
-.7 and
Thlra and Yamhill Sts.
. t " '".''7-r
"' Neat, clean and artistic
printing ' our ; HOBBY.
t" ' r tt " ' .'----i v s" - -. - -- ' ,
; No! , doubt . to 'iatisfac- ,
tion r if done ' by the
v J.' iSrtrptJoIttiin r Trra
47 'ROJ4T ST. Ttl Msin ijj
0 m"-