The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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    "' "" I -i
... - j
Little Albany' Girl Sustains So
gradually tightening Its colls around you,
A. HousAccijiWhitflLRiding
Lung ujseaoo
I 1 Man'm VyhftM. -
whether In the form of Cough,' BronchltlsTLa Grippe, Pneumonia
or consumption. 5QW!yputjweiyjncreases its hold, nntll at
last, comes death. i - r' : ..- . :r
r: There is only one genuine r tung ' Specifier which posltlrely
cures ail these Diseases, and that Is . -
Governor Chamberlain Delivers
- Address to Graduating Class ',.
(D J2?S
--- " r at Lebanon. . v
....-.4 - r. ..... .. i... ......... .
' , ,: (Special Dispatch to Join ml.)
Alhiinv fir M.v 27 Arteln tlla little
-year-old daughter of Harry 6rawford,
linotype1 operator in the Herald of
.' flee, while riding a bicycle on the street
." lam night, 'foil in such a way . aa to
V break her left arm below the elbow.
' She rode a man's wheel and on turning
the corner lost control of the machine,
the' result being1 a" fait A-physician
w at once summoned and the frac
-:. : tured arm set and the little girl. It
said, will soon recover the use of the
. injured member,
'. During the last few nights some prop-
erty belonging to the county court and
. stored In a vacant -lot near tha coort
- house " has been stolen and av search for
- - lhe thieves Is being jnado. wo-wheelS
yyrvraertdTXo replace those worn out on
one of the -oun.ty.roud machines' were
among lha stolun property. One -of
them was fuund a bloek away but- the
' other has not yet been located. It Is
"T thought that the theft was the work of
. mlschlevoua young men.
The seel bridge across tha Wlllam
ette river at this point baa been re-
. '- opened after being closed for some
, weeks. . The repairs have been com-
r pleted. sufficiently to permit travel.
li'Xha bridge lt,au been, redecked and a new
approach at tha Benton county end lias
been built.
. j, - The Urangers of this section are de
- lighted with the news that the state
- grange will meet In. this city next year.
This county has mora members of the
- order than any; other county In the atatfr
and the vialtors will be entertained
royally r.when thty , corns--hera next
Member of the Grand Army visited"
. the publlo sc-nool yesterday afternoon
... and ttrllvered patriotic addresses to lhe
children. ; TEecommlttee- consisted of
TC. H.Walker. M. E. Pugh, W. P. Small
. and John Catlin. Tomorrow memorial
aervicea-wlll-be hId 1n-'thy-Christian
44uSch, and on Tuewday-thr Ustial-Deco-r
ration day exercleea wir b HeM.
L Ueorgd T.. Pratt ot thfs city, who was
recently graduated from the Auburn
" (New 'York) seminary, returned home
'yesterday for a few days' stay When he
goes to ulendale where he wilt assume
the duties of pastor' of the Presbyterian
church. He U a graduate of Albany
college,- , ....
- .Uoflerfol' Oeorge. E. Chamberlain went
o lyelwhon ywtrda y-f t.nioon, where
. last night ha delivered the address to
-he-Traduatllig class of tlie High school.
-iThls Is Governor Chamberlain's Old
aa and ha la Terr popular la all parts
of tbla county. . i-.nv ,
.1 called to thepulplt of the JrebyUrlan.
Muurcin i Lebanon. Ileaucaeeda Bey,
V Li. Greene who rerntlv reuionm tn-...
lo(f Ilia Koina mTsalonafy Held "and 'wlll;
. rHiKica oj junction uity,
Creswell and Cotugo Grove. Rev. Mr.
'Ureen . yeaterdsy moved - to . Cottage
. viro-, wnere pis lamuy win reside.
V ' jselel Dlspatcb taTa learaaU
ISeattle, Wah., May I?. Attorney
unnru AluniUD, WOO JIBS JUSt r-
turnea rrom a trip to. Pennsylvania,
spent yesterday In Seattle, and In tha
course of an .Interview stated that tha
atate naa already exceeded the . con
sntutionai limit of Indebtednena and
he proposed to go into court to prevent
"Governor Mead from further . Increas-
. ing it.
In his tslk he comes out sauarelv on
the Port Townsend water bond iaaue.
which the -board of land commissioners
-voted to purchase two months ago and
which the governor la trying to prevent,
'as he says. In order that tha
hus to be paid out will be available fol
Attorney-General Atkinson says that
nerearier ine atate will have to pay aa
it goe. There is no question, ha eaya,
regarding tha validity of tha Port Town.
- send ootida, - and : tha surplus In th
cnooi .xuna can be invested in - this
. wsy,
(Special Dtepalcb to The' Jooraal.t
8alem, Or., May IT. The state land
board held a meeting yesterday and au
thorised Land Agent West to advertised
Tor Dirts, for the purchase or a limited
amount of base secured .through the
creation of the Wallowa! reserve. There
are about 10,000 acres pf this baas avail
able at the present time, but It la tha
Intention of the board to dispose of only
a umitea smouni. wnne Jt win grf to
the highest bidder. Btate Land Agnt
A est announced that none would be sold
xor less than 15 per acre, '
orzKATiov rom clob-toot.
(Special DUpateb - te The JoaraaLI
-Enterprise, Or May Guy Cramer,
a sea years,, son or ex-onentr cramer
, , of this county, was operated on today
Tr. .ngenltal club-foot. Tha operation
was successful and his surgeons, Drs.
E. R. Seely and T? K. Anderaon, state
that the results wilt prove perfectly
i satisfactory. ' '
U ! I J IS)
j ; - ; 4 .' ; ,., ,
UnfriniY Dnrrrlnr
aUUUIIIg I uuuui
Sold on its Dorits
: : . Purity," healthfulness,'" good
results, - lowest - price, -honest
4 goodsall in one are'sjsissured
7,the user. ; ,, ' " ' :
; -- " rnr M'Vitotr'2' . ,
Grace Datbyr4h "Asylum Venus"Who Eicaped From the: Tiunton. Massachusetts." Insane-Asylum: Withr:
th Assistanct of Attendants. Is af4n tha Hindi of Frienda tn Bangor. Mai
.Wat Unjustly (Confined in the Asylum and That There Was a Conspiracy to Keep Her Behind Barred
t boon. ' ' ; V 'J.-' ''
It acts directly upon the Inflamed lung tissue; heals, strengthens
" and makes It well. I ; : - : ; t' :' :, . vyv; ,
nad Not Slept for Months.--" My .wife," writes Z. T.
Gray, of Calhoun, Ga., "had not slept for months, because of an
artrravatinsr coutrh. Two of the best physicians failed to help
her, hut Dr, King's New Discovery gave Instant relief, refreshing
.Ci.ll for Frit Trial Bsttli.
n i . r . j at mm . uo'i MU a, auu a ao w viduv m
frlcijOuO IBB 51.08. 8leeprndLfintlrelyiured her
Inston; ltv. Ir. A. A. Morrlna,. MfMr. Holy
rmmiinUm. K a m. : mornlns service. 1(1:80
a'rlwk; eVenlus M-rvlr., S o'clork; : Raaday
i. bool, 12 Bit . !
St. . D.rld Holy eommunlon,"! a. m. t
matins and aerniiin. 11 a. n.; erenmnf wnA
ftrm(n, 7 :m o'clock. Mwnlnr lre
lude, "AUslo" (Lb. Cnlllni; anthem, "o Iid,
K. the Utile" (Goiinud) ; ' f fertory (mint.
'Reee.elon.1" tDeKoren): ponthid. "iHnuet"
(Handel), Kvenlnf Prelude. "Melodle". (Beet
hmro); offertorr. "Bolllude" (Gutltrd); post
ludel'Bortle Man-he" tlhibota).
rirat rf .ml Mad)aiw alieetarTtef IT'X.
Home, I. Ih. t. -10:30 a. m., "Wherein
ll.n Reaemhle. lind": T:3I D. m . "Hal (lxl
(Htldene. Itt Menr't-ironday aehoot at IBvIS
p. m., . i. Mine. auiMrinienaenii i. r. n.
v. k. at ilrao finer1
ralverlty l'arh AHIaaq Temple Jortl--mouih-Kir-v.-t.-OrrnWT'ir.
Ifa. m.,
Iieroratlon week-fair week, "iMt We forfV'i
Hundar wbooL ID i. n. -
HlshUnd Cene-peeaewtt and ga.t-Slilk
.tiwt. nnrth; He. A. M. Rnrkarood, panor,
mmdaf-hnnl.-10 a;"m. ; 'morning aervfe.. It
... J'a. to Aa. at.MaUrUllam";
1 .--m.j- Jantoii-Ede.iroi 7:48 . .r "The
Man Who Kind. It Uard ta B. )ood.
mmnyalde Corner of East Taylor alM Kaat
Thlrtr-'oorth .Ireert: R.x. J. J. Btauh. paa
tnr. 11 a. m., "(ilrdlnf for the Race"; 1
p. m., eerrieea In rharf. of th. Men', lea toe
ht lhe ehnrrh.- iHth aneelal natrlutie muale
tir memhera of the- league, ana Memorial ail
dreaa br the paator on "Thn TrO. Teat of
Charaeter"; Bunday aehonl, 10 a. m.. . C.
I'ler, aiiperlntendeut: Junior Chrlatlaa Kndearor.
8 p. m.. Mlaa Edith Toe, aup.rlatend.nj; Henlor
KndeaTor lueetlnf it s:3 p
teadeT, 'T." " 1 ' '
Si aW .at aW ST aT J J m M M
;nqeiu j wenioc
Wa liaTTobt
Rn1nT.Avnrt Corner UttAnT "iTnna" and
Knott n-fM; Aiurn r.nmon, ministvr. 11 a. m,
WANTS' $25,000 FOR
Theatrical Magnate Sued by a
: Variety Actress for Preach "
of Promise,
(Special Dispatch ta The Joarsat)
Seattle, 'Wash., Mar J7- Kate Rock
well, a variety actress, yesterday after
noon filed In tha superior court suit to
recover $26,000 from Ales Pantages,
owner of--tttaaTnsTugevWatBeatre
In tha city, alleging"-breach ot promise.
JL.Bha saya aba picked up Pantag-es in
10 when he waa a -waiter In a dance
hall at Dawaon and lifted him to the
position of theatrical msnaarerand a ng-
ure In the vaudeville circuit of the north,
west. In March, 1 906. Pantages mar
rled Lola
ACheTto the complaint are lettere
written by Pantages' partner, Cohen,
ashing for money. Cohen, tha woman
elatms,-wrote, sll of Pantagea' letters.
Pantages at first denied that" ha ever
knew tha woman, but later said she was
a "farmer acquaintance of his. i.-J-
(Special Dtapatch to The Joornal.) .
EJnterprlse, Or, May J7. -A negro
giving his name aa A. Swackhanner, la
touring this county aa a Holy Roller.
He claims' to hall from Haytl and alao
meetings In the Willamette valley, when
tha Holy Roller . held high carnival
down there. "
Swackhanner Is a mulatto about 10
yeara old, la alx feet tall and wean a
coat reaching nearly to his ankles. His
method -In this -county la to secure a
church In which to lecture and then to
open up a series of service which
sually close .the-r second night.-The
first night a crowd attenda through
curiosity and tha next night people re.
main away through disgust. The , col
ored Holy. Roller takes up a collection
t hta services, thus enabling him ot pay
nis way hi ine leaning nuicia.
Olrar.r Corner Kaat Klghth and Eaat Grant
aireeta; a. LriK-e Mack, paator. 1U a. m.,
Hlbie aoi AO t, under tb. leadarahlp of 1. Yi.
Howell: 11 a. m., "Th. flac. and Importance
of th. Rellfloua Newapaper la Rellgtoua Work";
t to 4 p. m., Kible achool and preaching la
in. German language; :& p. m., Young I'eo- sLta".T.i.i,". . a
ple'a uivdns. eundurted Uf i)lae- iter(4,-'l-4 , ''JT ,1i5 ,.,iL
nese-mlHivnary for th. elty; 7:30 p. iTThT f' C'V" . mftM" ! .
lea of . Great Feople." The mualc will be 1' ' 12 ,8 " '
Whit. Tpmple Torner Twelfth an4TajlQt
li I'eia, Rbt: J". Whlte-oTno "BrougTier, P.l). ,
paator. 10:30 a. m.. "Th. Hecret of Baptlat
I nllr and Hucceaa"; Blnl. aebool, 12:10 p. m.;
B. V. P. V. meeting, :20 p. ta . trader, Mlaa
Merl.'Wooddy ; 7:30 p. m , "Croaalng th. Coun
try, or rrom Oi Cart to Pullman Palace Car."
Mualcal program: Morning Organ Voluntary.
"Prayer" ( Wagner! ; anthvm, "Uod. to Whom
We Unk I p Bllu4ly" m baUwlekt; lo, -"Hold
1-hou My lianrt (BHifgai. MIm Kthel h;;
poatjnde. "Allegretto Graaloao" (Merkel). Keen
ing I'reiuo,
IMimaacU. Trlnmnh.l llr..h"
o Thou Suae Powr"
sraAmox iroiAn loimAx.-
(Special Dtapatch to Tha Journal.)
Spokana.i "Wash., May J7.The " trus
es ef St. Luke's hospital have decided
to double' tha capacity of tha hospital.
Tha cost of the Improvement will be
about 121,000, and will be in tha nature
of a wing weat of tha present hospltsl.
When completed th hospital will have
00 beds. - -
The present hospital and surgery cost
40.000. tine 'of the prime obtecta of
building tha addition Is to -care for.
maternity case. t .,
.."T Lmmm ooxnrrr szxixrT.
(Special Olapatch to Tae Journal.) . .
Chehalls. May -17. Trf forentnneT Of
the Jewla county exhibit at the Iewla
nd Clark fair has been shipped to Port-
nd snd more things are dally being
gathered for shipment. As the season
advances It Is expected to get togethf
a, fine- agricultural dlaplsy. Thus' far
'j manufacturing lines, ., '''"- ' "1
onartet. Mlaa Rthel l.rtl. Mlaa
Etbel Bhe. lrofeawr J. W. Helcher, H. K.
Martin. Profcaenr Helcher will -lead alngiog
with "fllorr I'borua.v
Second Uaat boreuth and Ankeny atreeta; B,
C. Ipham. paator. 10:3o a. m.. Memorial day
aervlcea, eertnon, -"The aoyaLHacrlfle."; mem- the Wnmen's-QA. U. gaalatkna,
tha Wlaalow Mead 0. A. R. elrcl.. City Point
U. A. H. elrrl. and the Shlloh a. A. R. elrcl.
Ill attend In a body: 12 Bible school:
0:45 p. m.. Young Peoil'a anion; 7:48 p. m.,
"Poea It Make Any IMffennr. What a Man If H. I. Mincer." t The muale of tha
day haa been arranged by i. r. "Bam fore.
erganlaC: and choir director.
Imtnannel Heconn ana Mead, etreetar Iter.
M. M. Hledane. paator. la th ahaene of th.
paator the service, will be-., follower 10:30
a. m., K. 8. J. McAlllaier, attorney, will glr.
an addrea. on the them. "CItIc Rlghteoua-
7:40 p.m., Mra. p. J. Adamv aaalatant
l.alnnarT. will haT. fhar.
Central Kaat Twentieth and Baat Ankeny
trekte; William K. Randall, mlnlater. 10:.')
a. an.. 'Th. Tragedy of a Careleaa Hour"; 13
m., Bible school; T pi m., Chrlatlaa gndeavot;
T IB p. m., "A Man In tha Making." ProfeMor
W. V. Wmehknl, mualcal dlrecwe; Miae liuth
snogreD, orgaaiai. .
Central Corner Buenell aad Kerby atreeta;
Key. y. L. Young,- paator. Morning service,
Ki BO e'eloek; Hundav wbnol. 11 m.j evening
aervie., 7:4S .'clock ; Knworth league, :45 p. m.
Outenary Corner Kat Pin. and Ninth
tre.ta; William II. Repp. t. I)., paator. 10:80
a. m., aeeond sermon os "The Itplrltnal Ml.
crobc-Proof Uf"r 7:45 p. m., Memorial ser
moo to 41m- lmaee O, A. R.-pujit and the
Women's Relief. corp.; 12:15 p. m., Humlay
acnool; 4 t. m.. Junior league; n:M p. m.,
Kpworth devotional. HpeclaF muale at each
servlc. by large chorna.
Tar lor (Street Dr. Francis Burgette Short,
paator. e;au a. m., claaaea: io:so s. m
aernton by . Rev. O. U. Rader. D. 1.
la in p. m., Hunday school; :SO p. m.V Kp.
In-. Short,
Worth" league! 7:80 p. m., evening sermon by
"Itoes the Old Oo.s.1 Kin. Tru.l'
in. great enorus win aiug.
Grace Corner Twelfth and Taylor atreeta
Clarence True Wllaon.' D. D., paator. 1U B0
a. m., "The Intermedial. Btate"; at 7:Bo
?. m. Ma aermon before th. Grand Army of
h Uepnbllc will be' a Memorial on. on "The
A.. K. auaxtet win
:.K) a. u.i Mund
Kpworth leagu. at
D. m.
Hnnnyalile Tamhlll. between Thirty. fifth and
-muiyBiiiu aueeiarirr. aorn, paator. li a m.
the Benjamin F. Butler pnat of the O. A. H
and the W. R. C. will attend th. .ervlc. In
a body; sermon. "The Nation a Honored Dead
appropriate, mualc; aeruoa la th. evening by
the paator. '
Kpworth Corner of Tenty-thld and Irving
airrria; tienry -r. AlKinann, paatoe. ,' Memorla
services., attended by valerate and W. R. c..
at 11 a m auliject.. "Th. Immortality of
teeda"; Epworth leagn. :4S p. m. ; 7:43
p. m., -Tnoogni Tor MemorJ
Flrat Rev; Kngar P. IIHI, D. P., paator.
lO: s. m., "The Spirit of th. Eiplor.."
auggeated by th. opening of th. Iwl. and
Clark eipoaltloa. In Ih. evening Rev.' B. T.
Allen will preach bla laat aeruoa aa aaalataal
paator. -.
Calvary Corner Klevenrh and CTay afraeti
Rev. W. R. Gilbert, paator. 10:0 a. m.
"Knowing Whom We Tru.t"! 7:90 s. m.
Memorial aerli-ea for th. Rpanlah-Amerlcan
war veterana. (quartet nnder leadrrahlp of Mlas
Una Lln.han: .11.- V.. Mllllgma, organlat.
Hellwood (Corner Heventotnth etreet and a no.
aan. avenue: ttev. u. - a. IDompeuo. paator,
Babbath aebool. 10 a. ai.. W. n. Moon, mm
l,L,.n.n, II M TV (1 1 1 . tZI, .it. .
I p. m., Chrlatlaa EDdeavnr; anion Mamorlai
aervlce at the M. B. Thurcb. corner Fifteenth
and Tacoma atreeta. at o'clock; .Blabop Moon
mn pr.arn.
nrat t nlfed sirth snfl Montgomery atreeta.
1 1 annua
n twrnal
"i bm wh tar bfvwti, wg,lf mmA my
Vitygra l
Wtalrh I
roar C
rimpiat ft r'i ri9V mophrg idr a.
hft romniendd tini to mil mf frUaaii mnm
jntM ft fT hftv- fnond r-lUf,'r
C. l. Pack. MT ftuM A, WW ToTk Cltf , K. f ,
rw wfts eoTro with pJwpIm
font Cftvrti ftticl irAftt wm nf Jot wb th
f?7 "t for'" -t'
( s Th Dowel, i a"
S" Camoy CATtisarnc a
school at iM p. m. Mlag Emma laa Aoder
aon of our India mlaalon will apeak at th.
morning service,
renrth Finer and Olbba atresia. 10 SO a. m
Rev. D. A. Thompson will preach oa "Jobs
Knox": 7:45 . an.. Reawneratton
Third Kaat Pine Snd Thlrternlh atreeU; R.v.
Andrew J. Montgomery, paator, 1O:0 a. m.,
"Temptittnna; Their Illation; What to Do
With Them"; T:4 p. m., "ronndatlona."
Marahall-atrevt Corner Mamhall and North
Sevanteentb aeU; llav. CV W. Hay, paator,
Bunday achoni, 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11 a. m.
and Bp. m.; a prala. aervlce will be held lu
the ev.alng; T. P. g. C. B. siMtlng st 7:19
p.- m. - '
Or.a4-Av.nne United .-Corner Waaee and
afreet and Grand avenue. II a. m.. aermon
by paatoe,; 7:45 p. mf.7 Mlas Fmma Iean An
deraon of India will glr. a talk oa mleetona.
Mra. J. H. Glbaon will Interpret aermon for
ooac .am mi qoi. rvicea. Neciai mualc. na
n, a a a .,...L. te..-a. Aul A. AmJ
Hmt 8irk.n, Waak.n or OrVp. IN. e. He K.v.r
aold In balk. Tk. gen a Ine aahIM atamr- 0U0,
Oaaraato.4 to aara or your m.n.y back '
Sterling Rarn.dy Co,, Chicago er N.T. too
ixrju sxle, tex musa COXES
Piedmont Corner Cleveland avean. and Jar-
rett atreet; Rev. Myron Rnoarr. paator. 11
a. m.,- ''Tb. New Parr lot htni"; Sabbath aehool
at 10 a. m., Charles Y'oaprr. anperlntendent.
Arlior lodge Chanel Corner Bryant and Cnr
tla atreeta. Bahhetb school at s p. m.j aer
mon by R.v. L. Myron Boostr st 4 p. sa,
- 'x xriKorix.
St.- Mark's Corner Klnarasath-saA-Oulmh..
itfeefl; Ry. J. B. H. Bimiainn. rector. Uoly
communion, f s. m. ! holy eommunlon and ser
mon. 11 a: m.; evening orayer and wrtnon a
.'clock; Sunday school. 10 a. ra.
Uood shepherd hellwood atreer and V a noon.
ver avenue. .. A Iblna ; Rev. ioba Itawwm. rector.
Bunday vhool. lo a. u. ; morning prayer and
litany. 71 o'clock; evening prayer and sermoa,
O'elOCk. - : -.- .-T-
St. Andrew'.; Rev. John Pawaos
In charge. Afternoon aervlce, o'clock.
Bt. gtephta'a . Chapbl Tblrteenlh and Clay
atreeta; Rev. II. M. Haroaey, prleat In charge.
Holy communion, T:S0 a. m. ; Bundav school,
:45 a. m. morning service. II e'rlmk; even
ing eervlre, 7 :W n'clock, when Rtahop Mnrrla
111 admlnlater fhe rite of confirmation.
Aacrnabm Cbaiel Portland llclghta. Rev. BT.
M. Ramaey . In charge, Craning prayer at 4
e'l lork; Bnmlay school at s p. m. -
Our Ravlor Woodatorh. Berrlrea at 1:30 p.
at. : Bnnday achoni, t:o n a. h
Irlulty Lbapvl Muctaculn mitt, star T'aik-
Tim hpl.lln Bnalneaa": 6:4 .
day school; 8 45 ii.-mi i'ou"! i'roille'JI aoclety
of Chrillau Kudraror; f.'45 m., Vfurlty's
Promlae. ' -
tvntral Kaat Twentieth and Salmon atreeta.
Rev. F. WaldeA of Be. tile. WaahlngtoS. will
preach at 10:45 a. m.; Rev. J. K. Gbormley
will ipaak : 1'
Mundae .flKatl. ili
o. m.: Nenlnr Fndeavor. 0:45 P. m. . Special
innate: Mrs: MrPhnwea-'Oals, cherlatet: Mill
Eva'Ryan, organlat.
" Flrat Corner Park and Oalnmbla atreeta; B,
RMiicSIeyT)aTof:T0;3irk. m "Talng What
W. Ilava": at 7:45 n. m. Oliver W. Bt.wart.
formerly chairman of tha national commltte
of the Prohibition party and Illinois legislator,
will deliver a aiieclal addreaa. There will be
appropriate mualc , t -
contaJns neither Opium, Morphine nor other N arcotio
" Its tag-e islts'giaitrTf
tvnd allays Feverinhness. . It cures Diarrhoea and TVlnd
H-. -'Colle. ' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatioa
rnd Flatulencye It asslm Mates the Food, regulates the-
Btotnach and Bowels, jiving1 healthy and natural sleep.
Chndren's Paiiaeea The Mother's Friend. .
""Flrat Corner Kaat Tenth and Hberman atreeta.
10 a. m.. Babbathschoor: 11 -a. m., "Tb.
Herolam of th. Chrletlan I.lf."; 7 p. m., k.
L. ot C. E. meeting; Bp. m.. preaching.
B.cond Corner Fargo and Karby atreeta: Rev.
I. Boweraoa, paator. Bervlce. at 11 a. m. mnd
7:43 p. tn.; aubject fiar morning, "Onr Loved
and llcrolc Head"; Bunday a. biK.1, VO a. -m.;
junior Kndearor. g p. m.; K. I.. C E.. 7 p. aa.
Bt. Johna Corner of John and Ivanhoe atreeta:.
E. E. McVlrker, paator. There will be no
preaching service at the usual morning hour
on account of th. anion memorial Steele, -at
th. Methodtat church; 8 p. m., subject, "Matar.
Men"; Bunday aebool, 10 a. at.; Senior K. L
C. E.. I p. a. . '-. '
Synod Corner Fait
Tenth and
so .v.ulog
Cr.nt atraeta. Hervlce. at 11 a
arvicea: Kundnr aebool at 0-20-A
arrr-jgiuea'-'rTngllah Corner Weat Park and
Jefferaoa atreet.; J. A. 1-eae. paator. Bervlfv.
at 11 a. m., conducted by the paator; Sunday
school at 10 a. m. .,...( ....
Norwegian 5 North Fourteenth street: Rev.
J. M. N.rvlg. paator. Bervlrea at 11 s. m. and
Bp. m. ; Bunday school at 0:45 a. m.
. TrvKJnca iouti.
Flrat 17IH--"eond .treats-Frat.ra'
E. R. Mowre. paator. 11 a. m.. Memorial
icra. ro wnicn all aoiuiers ot
th - rebellion, federal and confederal.; tb.
veterana of the Spanish-American war, mem
bers of th. state militia, ladles of Red Croaa
or ot Relief eorne ar. Invited; Bunds y aebool.
10 a. m.: Kpworth league, T p. m. ; lr. U. li.
Stovall wll). preach at H p. m. . ri.....
sieat Beottlsh- Rite- cathedra 1,- Moirlaon snd
Ixtwnadale: atreeta. Bervln-a 11 a. m. and 8
8. m., "Ood, the Only Cause and Creator'
nndar aebool at eloe of morolng .ervlc.
Becoud Auditorium building. Third, between
Taylor and Balntnn atreeta. Bervlrea 11 a. m.
and B p. tn., aubject. "Uod, the Only Causa and
Creator"; Bunday school 11 a. m., In th. raid
ing rooma.
3emndJotr Have Always lgghran3hlch le
- in'nso for over SO Tears, has borne tha sifrnatura oi
and has been made under his per-
sonal snperrision since Its infancy.
'.z.zzzrzrr! Allow no one to (lecelve you in this. -
All Counterfeits. Imitations and "Jast-asgood" are but
" . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Clilldixiwl!zperilenc
Ctoria' Is'Cliarniless stihstltule for Castor QU, Fare
troTijIpsrMdzSootliJia. Is PTeasantrrH
cenui n E-CASTO R I A AAvn
The Kind Yon Havft Alwavs BonM
- ' m llaae-. a"aa.j .... ? '"-.'
in vbo rwr-wYcr ou i caroa
seairr. W sh-siuv aracsr. saw voam err.
x "The 'Following Prices are Retail, Delivered to Consumer
Flrat -Tamhlll and Beventh atreeta; Rev. O.
C. Creeaey, paator. 11 a. m., service with brief
addeeeee. on "The Kffeet. of the Civil War
on American Llff'tr (ieneral T. M, AaJersoa
Rev. W, . KIM and . Dr. Creaaey j Buuda)
aebool at 12:30 p. a.
Y. K. 0. A.
Andltorlum. 117 Fourth atreet. j. 1:30 a.
Bunday -cluh for men will be aiiilreased by
K. 8. J." McAllister oa ','The Clty'a Honor."
The Association Ulce club will alng, . -
, T7V rriss ALIIT.
Flrat Eaat Conch and Eaat Eighth streets:
W. K. Bcwatr. pastorr it s. mr, "The Ckorch,
th. Worklnamaa and Brotherhood": 12:15 s. m..
Bunday achuol. --i ,
th. Bible-. Bnlrttual BoHety A. O. V." Wr
hall, B'-lllnglllrsch bulldlag, corner Washing
ton and Weat I'ark atreeta. Oenerai meeting
at 11 a. sa.. teal, snd abort talka; lecture st
7:4a p. m.
der direction of Profmwr Charle. H . Mills. i HunuislUe Quaker Churcti Cornea-Thlrtyvflftb
and Kaat Main streata; Kdward 1. Bmlth. paa
tor. Banday . school, 10 s, m.; preaching -by
paatot. '11 a. m. : t bilatlan F.ndavor. 7 p. m-i
evaugellstle servlee, g p. m. Tent meeting
in progress at inta, an-aay meeting Sunday;
Qenrg B. Car will pr.ach at 11 a. m.
The Hint Bplrltual Buclety Artlaanaf - hall.
Abtngtow bulliUn Third atraet. near Washing
ton street. Conference, 11 s. m.;o Mrs. Flor-
ance white at 1:40 p. m., alau tbs saostbly
f TeacockRock Springs 7.50 8.00
Kemmerer ; . . . ; ; L 7.50 8.00 1
other eosls proportionately low. Do not pay mors than tS.OO for the
beat screened eosi.
The Pacific Coast Co.
S4 waakliiftoa St,
Telephones SIS an4 837
Fit Guarantfd. Priemt $I.SO Vp. 1
Com and Contult Our Exptrt.
Laue-Davis Drug Co.
ds. t. r. wigs.
We ao crews and bridge work wltsoot pals.
Our IS fear.' .sp.rl.ncs is plat, work es
able sa to fit your mouth comfortably.
br. W. Ai Wle baa faand a aaf. way t
attract teeth. atiolitely wlthont pain. Dr.
T. P. Wise is aa .iperr at gold flUIng ae.
crowa aa4 -rWee week, - Ratraetlag free
when plate or bridges ata ordered.
WISE BROS.. Derttlsts
Fadlag Building. Kr.. Third an4 Wash Its.
Open swalngs till p. m. Bunday from t
- to 11. Or. Mais' low.'-
DB. W. A. WlgX.
. Millennial Daws Services fl. A. R. ball, cor
ner Hond and Morriaon atrMta, Jl.dO.p. m.,
"Relr.aed From the Law." ,
The rnriatian and iMisstonarv aiiiancii eee.
. 11 .... I
Man's TJareaeoaableneaa ...
Is often as a woman s. But
Titos. S. Austin,' Mgr. of tha -Republican,"
of Isvenworth, Ind.. wss not
unreasonaMe, when he refused to allow
tha doctor tnr operate on Ills wife, for
female trouble. "Instead." he eaya, "w
concluded to try Klectrlo Hitters. My
wife was then so sick she rcmltl hardly
leave her bed, and five () physicians
had failed to relieve her. After taking
Electrlo bitters, she was , perfectly
cured snd rsn now perform all - her
household Oil ties. Ouaranteed by Red
Cross Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak atreeta,
on lbs way tu ih poatofflca, .. A'rlca 40
end and Jefferson atresia; R.v. C. D. BawteNe,
eitperlntandent. 1(1 SO a. ni., "Th. Fight and
Victory of Faith"; Btimlay erhool at 13.10
f ju-i afangallcl sanies at Ii3U P- m. .
oniuu As;-ptnoriKim
. ....... SMMMMM ', - "
1 (Special Dtapatch to Th Journal)
ChehallaJ Hay ST. Work haa begun
at -Chehalls en, the park Improvements
that here be a planned- vmdar. tha aus
pice , of tha various civic bodies ot the
town. At a meeting of the committees
from tha city council, tha Cltlsens;, club
and tha St.' Helena club arrangements
were made to st ones proceed with the
work. Over It, 100 has been raised for
preliminary work- "The grounds shout
the McKlnley stump near th Northern
PnCino depot will be beautified, the
woodwork of th ra vlllon there
neatly repainted . nl other Jnjprov-
r ' ' -. .. ..... . '
ments msde. " Before tha eaat aide park
Is Improved much a landacspe gardener
will ba Invited to plan design for the
woi-V," so that all future work done will"
be' along the line of working out a de
fined plan. vAt the West side school a
neat park will be made of whk-h part
Is to be used Or a playground f,or tha
children there. ' V
tTO M-SlitBCiaf - -
(Sperlat PI pat'- to The Joans!. "
Aberdeen, Wssh., MsF ' tl. A. A.
Armstrong, tha mtirrlerwr -tif ' J. R. rat
ion, has been tsken by Sheriff ilr
ham to the county "Jail, from Willi
Walln, ,to be re-sentenced. Ciavern-.r
Moad declined to Interfere, and B (be
suprwms court sfflrmed th. ronvi,Hr,o..
Armstrong onlr swalts ra nieifi,s 1
pay tin Penalty o.' fc! cii.'na. r "
U'i. L.