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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1905)
' , t . :. . v.. . . . .... , "27, iecj. 1 - '.' ', v --' SATURDAY TIIE'DREGOMTDAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. EVENING, MAY TMRIvTELEPflOriE;: aNaBk4aaaaaaMslaalMjaaBA MANY LIBRARIES . sjra t : v;: "FOR fiORB RUN DOT VIDE OllEGOfi -Sattl-Mn-Com to-Portland Reports to the Stats Organiza , tion Are of a. Very Encour- .; 7 7"to Look at the Speedy .". ". 1 Steamer aging Character. COORDINATE FACTOR HAS MUCH USE FOR HER . WITH PU8UC SCHOOLS Sit, .i .-us - -.-r, - ft Many Local Owners Are Anxious -to See the Vessel Leave These i Waters.; . . Captains', tV" B. Scott and If. B. Ken nedy arrived from Seattle thla morning to makeji examination ofthe steamer Telephone for the purpose of buyfngher "" ' tot a Pugok aound company, If aha la (or ' sal. . Captain Kennedy- la manager of ' the Port Orchard lino of steamers, and atated -title morning that he,4 repre : ' sentlng a northern firm in the matter - ot entering into negotiations tor the Telephone. He declined to make known ; ' .'the identity of the; prospective pur ., . chasers. ..... . V ' The Telephone wai built1 at thla port ", mora Ihan , jrear, aso, and has ;never , been tn commiaalon. 81ie la tied up at the Haseltlne sock fully q nipped, with c the exception of a few furnishings, to go out on run.. ' . , '- '"" ' Captain 8cott la". owner of the .Tele ; Z.rapn fdr'whlch. lhe3egulator itns-bas been trying to cloae a deal and bring . Z i excursion - Jttoat. -Thel-P w ne declares "." 1 that be baa decided not to aeir her. and that if ahe la brought here--front the aound he will operate the cYaft himself. '"He strongly Intimated that he might -bring ber- aroun4 -to- romano. suorwy. nd while here will Inquire into the local steamboat demand thoroughly. The .-Telegrapb haa long been heralded aa tbe . "fastest stern wheeler In the world."" Should .Captain Kennedy close a deal . for the Telephone It will lift a, weight from the minda of local mariners who have been Indulging In all aorta of spec ulation the past year aa to What was "going to be done with her." 'There im no i route on tha river- on wmcn nw -uraii. be placed without running inoppo. to the Old esiaousaea hikjjuv v"" rs would like to See her go to the Sound. ' - -. ' -- ABANDON THE ELDER. A.McTarlaae Says Fallare to Bales Bar 1- Deep water marinera. will soon have ; ui ppportunitx of buylng the steamship Elder, where ahe-lea hanging -on . the rdctnisir Oorjle: "The under wrltora will make no further efforta to raise 4eiv- - . i A. MacFarlane estimated thla morning .that the aunv of fll.OOO iiad been snent "ln trying to raise ierf"He haa for wardad a cablegram to the underwriters explaining the ettuatlon, and aaye there 1a no doubt that they will aend Inatruo- lone t discontinue farther apsnaUons and will ot far, for aala where-aha Ilea. - - -"The steamer can be ralaed and would "Iiava been yeaterday,-aald Mr, MacFar lane, - nf the local ateamboat ownera 1 tied not apparently worked against me. -rnnrtlrally all of the water naa Been pimpeffbuTi and; ahewaa coming nleelr-when a at earner came by under full apead. -Big swells were rrTM1 f "H th. unffTrfum waa flooded - with water. The Elder, rocked back and , forth on the wavea, and all of our work ' came to naught. In order to regain lost ground all of the pumpa 'we had were operatedL tothelrTull capacity, and aa usual they were auMected"lo-auetr a heavy strain that they broke down. The passing steamer caused all the trou ble. . ' 1 " never received 'BUch dlaeou rteoua treatment from ateamboatmen aa I have " here. With scarcely an exception every ; vessel that went by there ran at full speed.' I expostulated with tile captains and the pilots but 1t did no good; they . continued to go by at a great rate of speed and created-wavea which. played havoc with the cofferdam. The failure of raising the ateamer la wholly" due to their careleasness or indifference." WAR RATES-ADVANCED.- -Am ISoreaee Tbrea Jar Cent la tbe yaat Twantv-Tonf Jtonra. M. C Harrison ft Co. report that war risks en shipments of freight-to cer ' tain porta In the orient have advanced r to S per cent, an increase of 1 per cent ..,wMhln the past 24 hours. No risks will" baasuoed-on-frelggolng to -any port In the far eaat at less than -- : tH per cent.- TheseTlgurea apply only sellings; nut month a stilt fur ther advance la anticipated. - - The Increase is said to be due to the 'fact that the Russian fleet haa been sighted at Wooxung. a short distance - fnerth of Shanghai. - Shipments going to thai section of China will not be in aured at leas than ( per cent. The Numantla. which la scheduled to - nail from thla port eafly In June, will probably have to go out not more than half loaded;-as yei: therr Is acarccly .sny demand for apace on her. . - 1 REPAIRS TO CHESTER. - ' Xda-htost Draft Sterawpeeier U World Will Cam Tlnalas;.Ior.A,Tim"srZ - ,k'L--Today the steamer Chester, the llght- st draft stemwheeler of her else in t tha world, will be brought up to Port land from the Cowlit.s to be recaulked a nf overhauled. -When light she draws .but seven Inches of water and1adrt to ' he' full capacity 40 tons draws 14 Inches. r Tho Cheater is owned by tha Kellogg -Transportation , company, and pliea be-1 tween' the towns of Castle Rork and Toledo, the head of navigation on the Cowllts. At the former , place ahe eon necta with the NorthwesT from "Port land. She-Is lt fet long and 20 fe ,V beam. - Although 'thS stream aha navi gates " la ' extremely lowt during the - -greater- part -of the- year- theateamer - -ery-arely misses trip. It has been two years since she was here , for re ' pairs. While ahe la on tho ways people on the headwaters of the Cowllts will have to go without ateamboat aervlcs. 'j DISTRACTING SOUNDS. -weepl la.-Meigliberkooa vt goiHofbw-hetd In; His Orscrltf. E. ihurch at tree Srldge Vave neaty of Them. Btmboat irtenf and others In - the -vicinity ef-th Morrison Street bridge say tbe noises produced when tha draw Is opened and closed Is wearing oa tbe4r 4- t-erveo. If some plsa Is not devised to do away with tba tnharmonloue aound the people who have to listen to them -will soew be e ad Ida tee for the "foolisb otiae" r . . Tha bridge engineers, and tenders de clare tba grating noise, Is caused by the brake when It ta applied for tha purpose t f regulating lb anted, of the drsw. A '..V ' -PhotogTgpb'oi Gcorce Wood, Hia 3Tfey.TW6od'iefen8e-of Dual Identity in His Trial for the Murder of George Williams Has Attracted r ; WrdwpadtentiorjLjromJLawyeri and Alienisti and the Trial Was One of the Most Celebrated in Legal History. Wood Pleaded Guilty to Murder irr the Second Degree and Was Sent to Prison for 30 ; YearsT ' -.---:" 'f; ; V : : . '. ' heavy friction results and the ear-apllt- ting aounda aa of breaking or grinding machinery . are ' produced.- It is said there Is no remedy, and all will have to live and learn to bear, it as best they can.: Local Manager Boyle of .the National OH aV Transportation company haa been apprised that the oll-carrler Roaecrana, which baa - been making regular calls irrthlapoir'aaflhjriha past yearTwlll be employed all keaaon transporting il Would fuel for Nome- and St. Michael. Towed, by the : ateamer -Dauntlaas the barge Monterey i will hereafter, bring -oil to- JprtlandJrhe.cxaf t - are expected to arrive on - June t - and - will ; bring The tugboat Vosburg, which haa been towing bargee of rock- from the Banker Hill quarry to the government Jetty aj. jtbe mouth of the Columbia, came up to port yesterday evening to receive pnlnor repairs. .,(- - ' - With -a, full cargo' of general freight the steamer Alliance will arrive early porta. - ' r - : L-ij' Towing a government barge the United States ateamer Arago left down last evening- bound for- Blualaw rivers "At that point a lot of governmSnt property In the ahape of toils ..will' b picked tip and taken to the Cociullla. where npn'ra- Up-rt"ia)wtH l tn. I- t-i -4 -of -lut provlng thechannf)l and harbor Another United States revenue cutter, the Daniel Manning, left Bah Francisco thla mbrnfngfor Portland to renialnTn the harbor during tbe greater part of the Lewis and Clark fair. , MARINE NOTES. Aatorla, May 17. Arrived at 4 and left up at 8:30 a. m., ateamer Alliance from Oops bay and Eureka. Sailed at a. m., ateamer Columbia for San Fran cisco. .- . - . - San Francisco, May 27. Sailed at I a. m., ateamer Aurella for Portland Sailed at I a. m.. United Statea ateamer Daniel Manning for Portland. Arrived at a. m., ateamer F. A. Kllburn from Portland and coaatporta-alled at 8 p. m. yesterday, ateamer Redondo for Portland and coast ports. Astoria, May 14. Sailed at p," in., schooner Jrene for Redondo. - " Tokohama,' May 25. Arrived. British steamer Dumbarton from Portland. Astoria, Mar 27. Condition of the bar at a. m., smooth; wind south; weather rlnutly San Franciscb. May 27. Steamer St Paul Bailed for. Portland at noon.. -BKrnBX SKip.coimra. Meyer Wilson dt-Co.- nre-xpectlng word of "the-aatllng Tf thy Brttleh ship Plnmore from Ban FrancfaCo for Port land. 8he - haa completed discharging TieFcargoT6r""the triercharila IrT tho Cal ifornia metropolia and the membera of the.local firm have been expecting to hear of. her sailing for the north for several days.. A portion xif the cargo she-- brought- from Hull-wtll rbe - dis charged at Portland. .Another vessel, the British .bark Thistle, having cargo consigned to the same firm, reached San Francisco Wednesday. After 2,000 tons ot It are dlacharged at tha. Bay- City the bark will sail for this pert. Bhe Will be given quirk dispatch and 4t la tnonght she will reach the Columbia rivet1 al most as quickly aa the' PInmofe"." They are the next deep-water vesaela due to arrive here. KAVAX.X.O OOIH0. - TO SOVITS. ' When ahe finishes loading lumber At "the Inmni-Poulaen mill, the British atenmrhlp Raimllo will go to the sound to complete her cargo before proceeding to1 Calcutta. " The shipment " In - the north supplied by the Mukelteo Uiimber company, - She will take 1 1.800.000 feet frnrrt' Portland and should be ready to aull for . the sound on or about June p. BXTXTAIi XSTZOZS. "The aeond ' week's aarmsir'eysnfel-J latlo services, held In the Grace M. K. church have come to a close. L4iat .even ing after-Mr. Rotter-had spokw about IS persona stepped forward and pro fessed th?lr faith. Never have the Ger man Kvangellcal churches of Portland experienced auch A. season of blessing. The choirs of tbe German Reformed and Evangelical churches t and laidor Schlet rendered fine services. 11 Tomorrow Mr: Roller will does the Icmmoalan. The afternoon aarvlce will 2:30 o'clock.-and In the evening In the South Portland German Baptist church, corner Mllfand Fpurtb streetaat T:4i o'clock. ID AWD WXTTB aOaT. " - The aecond In the aerlea of lecture on the Indians of tha Pacific northwest will be given tonight at the Men's Re sort and 'People's ., fnstltml, corner Foorth and Bumslde afreets, by Thomas N. Strong. Tlie special aubject la "The Red and White Men." A ahort musical program will precede the lecture.' ' .... 1. Wife TnTHiCrandmotherr Taken in POLICE PARADE AND TTB U RG LTARSB U R G LIE IArcl .-, Kftaiiaairl i iSlf I Chief Hunt, waa on parade thla forenoon, a thief entered the home of F.'Bunday at the corner of Belmont and Thirty-second treats," and cafrled away arportion f the household affects. . Mr Sunday waa absent from home, and Mrs, Sunday was attending to some work In the back yard when th.e robbery, waa committed. i J-Whan Mr, -Sundajr-eame home-to luncheon -It waa;- found rhat nariT n SURVEYING ROUTE .'..---.- ROAD Northern- Pacific Off iciala Leave kior-Westerrv4daho to-Push-. the Work. ' , HILL AND HARRIMAN WILL BUILD RAPIDLY Men Are Staking Ground in Sal- -mon- River- CountrylBetweeaJ ; Crangeville and Huntington . ..... . . . i C. M. Levey,, asls tan t to tha prealdent of the Northern Pacific; J. B. Balrd, chief engineer, and B. 1 Crosby, assist ant chief engineer, departed last night for western Idaho to push tha work of surveying that la to determine the route they will select for the line from Lewis ton to Grsngevllle. Reports from west ern Idaho aay that aurveyora are seen through-the-Sal mo lirlvercountrybs- tween Grangevllle and Huntington, and It la aald the truce between the Hill and Harrlman-forces Includes the whole ofwestejrjdaJundjtafitrrires and that there is to be more railroad extension under Jointagreement J.after the Grangeville-Rlparla line la In (oper ation. Borne weeks ago General Man ager Bancroft of .the Oregon' Short Line made a trip of Inspection over the road extending from Welaer 80 mllea north to "Council, andshortly sft er ward the road wr purchased byC;arjyp;lcflippany, tha Jury. In tb. superior court ner. wHo-Is aupbbscd to represent the Short Line in the transaction. Mr. Van RiDDer announced that he would Imme diately- carry forward an extension of the .road , to Meadows. . which had Deen projected " bjr the , former owners.- Meadows Is Just over the divide, near the headwaters of the Salmon river, and at the entrance to a rich country Btretching more than. 100 miles. north toward Grangevllle. It Is said the rail roads will continue the Grangevllle ex tension southward to 'connect at Meadows with the Van Ripper project. Another rt-port la" to the effect that the Oregon Railroad ft "Navigation com pany will soon carry out the Mohler lilpa uf a water grade1 line from Hunt Ington to Lewtston. to give " an easy grade for heavy freUht traina and avoid the three mountain passes that are en countered on. the present line between Huntington and Pendleton. When ibe Northern - Pacific ultimately builds its water grade line down the north bank of the Columbia -river, from Pasco or Walltila : Junction - to Portland, and places that company In a position to compete with the Harrlmsn lines for Idaho-Portland business, the Jlarrlman people will build the Snake river water grade line. It is said to be only about 80 mllea farther by . such. grade from fl ant In gton-v la- I h river -and . Le w Is t on to T'mattUa than It lit by tiis present winding route . ofthe :51I R ' J roro Huntington through the Blue mountains to ITmatilla. The present JltiS requires helper engines a large part of . the dis tance from Huntington to a poiht west of the Blue motmtatnar-- - BAILWAT SITBTXTOBS BUST. '(Sneclsl Dl'petch to Tie Jon'raal.) ij-o1dndarer-Wash.r May" 2T. A sur veying crew arrived-tiers last bight and la running lines toward Prosaer. It it the belief among the people of Golden dale that the aurveyora represent the Northern Pacific, and that Id all like lihood the -Columbia -RlVor ft Northern will be extended this fall from Golden dale to connect with the main line at Prosaer, " or some other convenient point. . .- ; . - , .; - 'Ashland Tribune! Since the saloons have been banished . from Ashlsnd the town has breit mors prosperous than svef ,BeXors, t - , V A the jail at Somerville, New Jer brtcot-brac had been taken." '! tried fof two -houra to .gela po liceman to look Into the case," aald Mr, Sundayrbut-oould find no' off Icer-iu our part of the city. I called up the central station by pAohe, and wanted to apeak to Chief llunt. but could- not reL hla attention. I waa answered bv some Impudent fallow,-w he-dtdn't cre to pay any attention to roe." . I auppoae I tv.rT .i P rrl'm' n "ty " TRAVELING WORKMAN CAUSES COMMOTION Black smith! Approaches -i-Van- couver Marrfor Loarr andi - When Refused Gets Mad. (Bfedal Dlntrh te The 7oq j Vancouver. yvft.-May- ejlnKbJaamlthusedonalderablfl commotion on, lower Main atreet yeaser day afternoon. .Going to the blacksmith ahop of John R. Marsh, he demanded a cash" loan and, upon being ref used, started to grab Marsh. - Bystanders In terfered -and Chief of Police Bateman waa - called. Tho-man refused to -be quiet when requested to by Chief Bate man and showed fight.." In some .way .the chlefa "billy" slipped from his hand and the disturber caught the officer a blow on tha head. But In a 'few min utes Bateman landed his man and lodged htm in the city Jail. Thla morning he waa ahlpped across the river on the ferry with instructlone not to return. MRS. HELEN CURRY AWARDED DAMAGES Jury Allows Amount Asked for -Against Railway Company but: I" !' 5- . . , . exonerates express. .--'-.-er. ' " ' ' " '- (Sp1it BUp-tch to Tbe'Joaraal.) Vancouver, Wash., May. 27.--ln. the case -of -Mrfc-HehMj-Curry-agalmrt-the fortlarfd Railway company and the Merchants' Kx press and TransDortation yesterday returned a verdict against the railway company 'for 12,000, .the amount asked for. The express company waa exonerated. '. The Jury waa out less than half an hour. The suit waa brought by Mra. Curry for-alleged Injuries received from the collision of an expreaa and passenger car on tha long trestle lead ing to the ferry. COL WOODS ARRIVES - AT THE BARRACKS Sa1dtrartrWlltenew1vTat5f Evan's, ,Wh6 Will Co to Philippines. , 4pre!al PI -patch tonTbi Jourml.) Vancouver,. Wash, May 27. Colonel Woodi . arrived at Vancouver barracks yesterday from tho Philippines. While nothing official Is given out In regard -to his position at this poat, it la .under stood that he will take Major R. K. Evans' place bare aa military secretary of tha depsrtment of the. Columbia; Major Evans to go to the inlands. . Wherr-fntsrviewed,- Major Evans u thorlied the statement that, while Col onel Woods had been ordered here, ro official notice of hia own tranafer to (he islands haa been received. - ' 'am to oxoea sowar. Vancouver, Wash., May 17. Starting June i. the Waahlngton and Oregon- mill will be ahut down for four daya. Be sides giving they employes chance to visit the opening of the Iewls - snd Clsrk fair, the-ehutdown will permit of severs 1 Improvements In the mill The new engine, which - waa ' recently In stalled, will be mads ready for use and an additional planer will be Installed. The orders have piled up to auch an eatent at the mill that It has been run 1:20 o'clock p, m. and hereafter will run Sundays until the orders are taken care of. Even under these conditions the capacity of the mill, haa been greatly Increased of late. ' . ..... . . ... - . ' .y - With More ofThemlWflWQuld Break -Record "for- Culture and Refinement. The report a brought in to the meet Ing of. ths Oregon library aaaaolatloi this morning from the smaller towna Of the atate were Indeed encouraging and- ahowed the rapid growth In lmpor tance of the-library. -- ---- .-- --Tho - public - library of Eugene re ported Ita organization aa a circulating library In 183, by the Women's Fort nightly club, with' 274 books. U han now ' over 900, la public, the Carnegie offer ' haa -beenaccepted' andTrie-" build ing will aoon be commenced. . From there came also the report .or the, unt veralty of Oregon -library,-with. 18,000 bound volumea, and many unbound roag- aalnea and pamphieta. Salem a library, made public a year agTV haa- now l.tti books, from av begin ning of 200. It also waa started by the Woman i cluD. ;r Pendleton reported ,000 Tolumeanrad a plan to enlarge .the building. It la aasoctatlon, which baa kept It alive. Troutdale haa a email library and reading-room of 631 volumes. . Oregon Agricultural college haa 4,040 and some 10,000 unbound pamphieta. Facinc university baa about s.000. and Ashland, under the auaplces of. the tpworth league, 1,780.- . Salem reported a email library among the Odd .Fellows and the Masons, com posed mostly of fiction, because Its pur pose Is largely for recreation. All of these were the outgrowth of amall col- lectiona of fiction 'mostly, out of which developed theeducationaX" - Professor F. O. Toung of the eoclol- Qgy department of the Ualvoralty of uregon. gave the paper of the day on ,The -Funotlon-of the Public Ubrarv 1 Among the Agencies oe Boelal Better- I meni.-- ne spoxe or tne coming or tbe American Library association to Ore gon aa a mlsslonarxjnotimenCi-Whloh should awaken the atate to the value af public libraries. . Ita signifies ne, however. laylargely.ln Jta cooperation with other agencies and organisations ot progress. Every congress - or convention that meeta here - this year," he aald, "Is of material benefit, it arouaea an . lnvestl-gatory-splrH-tn-'thoae intereated.rrin tha libraries can be found, the best In formation - about all the assembling bodies, and here, to, will be found -their reports.- The exhibits also are educa tive and wil- afford opportunlttee for library progrcss, Massachusetts' ' ex hibit consist largely , of her library work; because It la her pride that' of her i&O towns -and -cltiea none -la with-- put a publlq library.. "Llbrarlea-and schools are coordinate factora . In education, and It la not aq muth what the cWld feamS"! hat "mea sures the success ot the school, as what he learns, to-love. -The school should ItO - outflt - Oregon with pubHo-llbrartea, tne literary ' taste. we should strive and even if they aeem to be the allies of material progress alone. Ideas and Ideals will aoon be In the saddle. Instead of mere things, and then Oregon will Hreak "the record for culture and con- At the afternon session W. L. Brew ster, president of the Oregon aaaocla-tloiv-apoko-of -the national-conference. Rev..!?,'- A-Thompson on -the small li brary, and a number of teachera on the school libraries. A question box con ducted by Miss Isom closed the day, TATKXB AJT9 BOW DIB (SpeClsl Dls,natrS ta The JoeroLt Oregon City,, May 27. C Zanders and Paul Zanders, father and aon, are lying dead In one houae near Mllwauklc Mra. Zanders, wife of the former, and another fever Is said to be the causofthe mortality. . The funeral will be held Sunday af ternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence. and the burial will be at tha Mllwaukle leinelei.i The ZainderB famllv la well bnAim f he home Is Just south of the town Of Mllwaukle. snnmn raw. (Special TNipatch to "Tne JoaraaL) Oregon-City, Or., May-27. In the jju.l.t-cCjy. E. Wilson against Krnest Caae, a demurrer "waa filed -yesterday by the. defendant. Wilson haa the poa- aesston of -the entire building at Fourth and Main etreeta and conduct, a saloon on the ground floor. Six montha ago he aublet the upper floor to Casewho rune a lodging house.. Several daya ago Wilson braught suit for possession on tha grounds of non-payment of rent. Caae demuis on the plea that his eon- tract gives him possession of the prop erty throughout the remainder of the year. s.H The mmtrs of Oregon City Aasem TV- United Artisans,--will -visit Sellwood assembly of the same or der Monday night. It la expected that nearly all the members will attend Pfffjp AMD FADE HUMORS T " Cl'RED BT -J- Trmmtmmnt 78o rTtoto..rHW."-,l aiedleated, antlarpHr; SklBkeBlIk inlnt.t. 2rr., to kill rerms, heal the akin, ami Sklahealtlt Tab. eta.Bftcto epl bnmor serma. All drnrfl-'. - Hirflia goan for fho Coaaailealuii. for pimplra. hlarkbeads, red-teaa. rrmaKnMa. b.f Ing, chappln. rooib hands. Kntblo will lit Suck a speedr cure. SSc.t S eak-a. erle. "nl So, pnata for Free Samplva aad booklets to Ttmjn RAT CO., Newark. N. J amj m nairmni poaii-veir mire daadraff. mtnm gray hair, and gmwa In, thlrk balr. arse 0O. bottles at leading dnifflau', reatorea Large WOOOAaVO, CUBXI ft CO.. Fonrth U WaahlngSo-. S A pER DAY THBPJUI,LJVlrVlPALACBINNr a- JV C One Block North of Main Entrance to the Felr. 3 U C A clean and quiet plsca for a night's rest A new building with new furnish Inga throughout.- Tha only place In the city of Portland lnaurlng FIRST CLASS aervrftaTtrirtn--tha,-"l.--ilT" .t JtAA n Amy your reaervaOons early. Addreas ' ' PULLMAN '. A. J. MAXM. Star. ; .. Klotei Famr ..... -''.-2Gth and Upshur Strectss !.-' ' '. " Will Be Open for CuestT . " Only absolutely, fireproof hotel adjoining grounda, equipped -with- electric eallbella -and special telephonic oommnnlcationg for patrons. "Uni formed porters snd bellboys at all hour st guests' service, . ... Rates .$1 a Day and Up W. H. LATTIN, -ISO. Elegant Rooms Qpea for GossU This elegantly equipped hotel,' newly - and completcly"fur- . nished !: throughout, f is now Hota'Detroita I rv-- OPENED - MAY ; Sr: t jiIlffl t " Z" (Tail m sal rn " I """ISTilnFewA operfto the priblia.pNB.BLQCK from main entrance ta Fair.- ' Rates Reasonable." Special Rites to Permanent Quests' - Msgnlflcent free observatory tor guests, overlooking Fair Grounds , and cityTsks rM" streetcsr from' Union depotdlrecitd.HotslDa- trott " ; - .; tT;. -'-' - ; - jrCGR-TFIN,- Proprietor Cor Where they serve JJiose JuDdsr-TreKll Ulnners, with wine, tor i. . ww a pit! ivTsnniirtNn for FIRS! TIME IN THE CITY-OK PORTLAND NEW ORCHKSTRAIj MUSIC HARP, MANDOLIN, UUITAK, TC, Suites with baths, hot and cold water and- telephone In evry room. OmCl 380 ALS11 STBT. DIPLOMAS AND MEDALS FOR CLEVER PURJLS ., . -;- r Graduates -of -the- Holmes - business college received diplomas snd medals at tha Marquam theatre laat night The theatrs- was - filled -with their friends? and the stage was charmingly decorated with flowers and potted plants. Those who graduated are: - - Combined course John M. Dressier, Grace d. Mathewa, W. A. Wlldrlck. John P. Carroll; Hattle A. Brandt. Althea M. Wheeler. Sarah E. Stone, Mra. M. R. ljwrsllus, ff. Isyie yrewman, qeqg E. Talbert. Wistar Morris Adair, Magdaline C. Amacher, Maxwell M. Page, lyle Spencer, Almeda Rodlin, Agnea M. Dun can - Sarah M.- Jones, Mas 'McMullen, Hallle E. Currle, Verena Card, Arthur II. Day. ' Bookkeeping cours---Maurlce R. Bab- cock.' Darwin D. ' BrlHaln, Florence L. fltITord.t Volna J. White, Mark Oold- teln. David Frances, Lottie Fisher. . j Bhorthand course Helen F. Rush, Julia C Burke, Dora Branham, Celia Chernls. George Mapel, Delia M. Ma son. Emmett.C. Huffman, Margaret Lee- aton-Smlth Wlnnlfred B. Evana, Alary Otten, Lena Moser, Frelda Park, Paloma C. Blumenthal, Viola Hutchtngs. . Dr. Clarenca -True Wtlaon dellverad the address to the class, and Rev. Ed ward M. Sharp pronounced the Invoca tion. Diplomas were presented by Mrs. Q. Holmnt Lawxance, principal of the school, and C. W. Lawrence presented tha modala to tha honor student. Med als were awarded as follows: Maxwell Page,. Bhorthand department; Sarah Stone, beat writer, and Darwin. Brit tain, greatest - Improvement in - writing. Misses Jtrrta C. .Burke. .Helen F. Rush snd PalomS C. Blumenthal and John M. Dressier took part in the literary and muatcal exercises. . A . - i miTTTAXi at nmtaasiTy asz.7 Rev. J. ' R. MoComb will conduct a two weeks" aerlea of-evangelistic meet ings st University Park, commencing tomorrow evenlnVr AD the churches In the park have united for these serviced and a large tent his been erected near ) in- jwrn KiHiii'n, wiiiijn will accommo (date about '709 people. ; . THIS 18 TUB PAUACE INIS ' - rOBTXAJTD, obsoos..: ,' DID Qeneral Manager - 26th snd Upshur Btrasts Twenty-seventh and jrhuTmn--Sta-4 c Portland PORTliAND, OREQON. . Amsrlcsn Plan $3.00 Day and upward. HEADQUARTERS ' FOR TOUR IST8 AND WMMr0lCJAirL. TRAVELERS." - Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. A modern Turkish bath eatabllahment In the .hotel. - . M. O. BOWZXS, Maaager. . "HOTEET SPECIAL RATES. bytheday: oraveek, Beaeked by the Oregon Water rows U By. Co. TroUey IUbs. Write or. Phone.' ' ; .-- Xa. B. MA1TI1TI, Maaager - Bstaeada, Oregon.. . PALACE HOTEL, Whether he goea br land or aea, the traveler will find Hit a delightful trip to Ban J- Franclsco. where he ahould Q stop at the world-famed - PalaceHotcI rr tQ snd enjoy Its many attrae- f tlve feat urea. For fuller J Information write to, thi 2- Palace, or see L" 7 . J " ; , a STBSSllT H ! st the Portland i-lnforma- 3 tlon and Booking Agency, m q Hotel Portland. . ; C . (The Steel Residence.) " , MRS. F. SHULTZ and MRS. A. BROOKS, Manarera.. S5 Sixth St., Oot. Madlsoa. Phono Main (260. Elegant Modern Furnished '--v Rooms With , Board Single or en suite. Prices Ret x". "" sonsble. - Closing-OutrSale! WS sre , retiring from bnslnesa anil III close out all of nnr Irtl..' a Children's Fancy, Dry Gwxls at. " X.BSS TXAXf COST. Don't miss It. Come now while lines , , . srs unbroken. I ailvrl s. rnrtr- . . .. . iZ Le minu s DKUd., TO Mxm M. f oyimt - II a si i.i II II f I 1 1 s hmi a I si 1 1 j MsJuinm ii-riiT mum j i - Estacada The . Woodland I . - ' . u