The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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its -7
Bel ace...
' Kmuin. ; .Vi..":; .
irsnd j,.,..,......
Hakar,, j,.,...,..
, ."Th Heart f Maryland"'
;;-.;"Bler Blow '
...,"TIm Heart ef Vlralnla"
,1 . i. -j, Vaudeville
. t!. .... Vaudeville
;4 vio!iiu
il man-
inaton. vIco-Drealdent and general man
ager gfJhaltIxlmariJtoBiuiit-Cgoc
""Waahlhgtuii ami Idaho? will be. given
tnts evening at ine;roniana nam m y
-pat vsiiws v friftiiirt exi
high regard tor the departing general
-manager, who leaves Portland May SI,
' to become a realdsnt - cf Pittsburg.
While his friends rejoice In his edvanoe-
ment they regard the change as a dla
. tlnct loss to Portland and the Pacing
northwest. His policy here. has shown
him to be progressive, far seeing, and
..An.lH.rm. nf thn mnnM-in arc
constantly made by public opinion on
- the railroad fraternity. ' The banquet
-.. th1 evening will be attended by score
" .or more railroad off iclala. - - v
. .j. . u, .
- - Bids for 11.000.006 feet of lumber ta
- . ;- be used inrfsonstructlon of the Panama
-r--canal have been opened at Washington
'"'' by the purchasing agent "of the Panama
... canal commission. ... . The Paclflo .coast
bids were the lowest, and J. J. Moore
Co. Df San Francisco la probably the
- : successful- bidder, for 8M8.888. Other
.. i bid were: - Eastern Western Lumber
f company, Portland. 82I8.8O0t Pacific
' T"rEport --Lumber-- eompany, Portland,
i-Z- f338.ll;,Ta6oraB Lumber mlHa. 8840,
. Ill; Arthur Gamwell. Seattle. $!6T.T0;
.... ... Belllngham Bay Improvement company,
' ' $228.U. - ; -
rrpSThe pioneers" wea the' subject Of a
- deeply interesting sermon by Dr.
, Stephen 8. Wise at Temple Beth Israel
r-Jaet night.- He spoke of 4he privations
and .hardships endure by Lewis and
:.. jCiark. the explorers. After recounting
- the pupose and details of their Journey
- - to the northwest he told of the great
- - assistance rendered by the Indians, and
especially by Sacajawea. The pioneers
" -' tf today are pioneers Of religion. The
. . . -work they have to accomplish la Just as
greatand important a wa that of the
explorer 100 years ago,
',"' " ' George Wright Post and Women's he-
- i lief Gorpa -will attend-metnorlat serv
ices on Sunday at 11 o'clock at Ep worth
ZZ M."-Erchurch,-orner-of Twenty-third
and Irving etreeta. . ttev, nenry x. ,a.i-
i klnson wHLpreagh OlLTh Immnrtslltyp to--rjreshim, Oregon-Clty- awd-C-
- t i , .11 wt,a .nllura nA ullarl I . n - n , 1 ? . A t.l. Ta
of Deeds." All bid soldiers and sailors
and memberaof posts and corps are;
Invited to take part, and seats will be
- reserved " lor them. The cnurcn nas
- been appropriately decorated and the
" ohoir . has prepared -iuslo - In : keeping
with the day. - ..-'T;
i .Wlth"eh mall the exposition nffi
lal. raiadvled or prospective exour-
, . slons on s large scale to 41
Clark farr. On Spokane day two spe
- 'Clar tralnawlll bring toi Portland the
prominent cltlsena of that town. The
- Salt Lake Commercial club' will attend,
400 strong, by special train on ftah day,
and will go from here to Victoria, "ar
" rangemerUa for thla trip having bees
made by Herbert, Cuthbert ef the last
-re named city. -
T511vefWrT51ewart :bf CWcagS-
' oreach at the Rodney Avenue Christian
huren, edrner Rodney avenue and Knott
street, tomorrow a,t 11 o'clockv- At ?:4J
t o'clock he will be at the First Christian
1 church. corner L I'ark and - Columbia
streets, and will give one cf hla charac
teristic addresses on how to handle the
'liquor evil. Mr. Stewart Is a brilliant
speaker, and he was formerly. chairman
. of the. national committee of the Prohi
bition party. ' ' , '
When you feel the need of a tbnlc
or a bracer, there la nothing like good
liquor to do it. When you 'have taken
old and are threatened' with grip or
pneumonia, taken quickly, our A. D. U.
Rye Whiskey will stop the chills and
aave your life. If you need anything
In the line nf wines and llquofs, 'call
: Main SS2S and your order- will be deliv
ered free to your address. D. Germanus,
the family liquor dealer, 221 Morrison
1 street .
: In the graduating clasa of Washing
ton seminary, Washington, D. C, that
held Its closing exercises last night,
.were Miss-Judith Margaret Scott and
Mlss Elisabeth Coleman - of Portland.
Their diplomas were delivered by Postmaster-General
Cortelyou. Mlaa Scott
read an essay on "The Obligations of
Cltlscnahlp," and ' Mlsa Coleman on "A
-; Plea for tha Juvenile Court."
i Last Seaside excursion, Sunday. May
IS. for $1.60. via the A. St C. railroad.
Get your tickets st 24 Aider street
' ' any day during tha week and avoid
':-the Mnt "the "tmioHdeper-Sunday
mine-.--A - ticket aeetires a .sent, a
good time and a square deal for every
body. 'Ticket salea limited to aeatlng
capaolty-of tra ln- ; - ; -
Professor A. S. Hobtle and his class
gave a delightful slther concert last
evening at ArlotV hall. An attractive
program . was- rendered,- a feature of
; which wis -tho-Lewl and Clark Cen
- tennlal Exposition March," composed by
Profcsan Mobile. , The concert was fol
lowed by a dance, , .
The Southern Pacine'e schedule ex
' tending the run of the Albany local to
Eugene will be put Into effect Msy 2,
instead of June 1, a previously an
nounced. This j will give people of 'the
Eugene district opportunity to come to
Portland In time' for the opening day of
the exposition,
A moat enjoysble' excursion will be
given next Sunday. Msy 21, by the Sons
of Herman to Ladles' Island. Steamer
and barge leave foot of Alder Street at
s:80 a. m. Round trip 7 Sc. children S6c
Dancing and refreshment! on board.
- .- ' At the White temple last -night a
special entertainment was given to wel
com DrJ.-Whltcomb Brougher on ls
- return ffom St. Loula. where he at
tended the1 general convention of th
, Baptists of America. It was one of the
Producer toConsumer
Per Ton.
Choice Feed Oats...,,,
Rolled Oats .,
Whole, Corn
Cracked -Corn
- Middling, ,
- Short .,-, r.TVjTJV-. .-T.-;
Bran - I
"Wheat,! t..... ..........
Dairy Chop .
Timothy Hay l
- Idaho Ttmothjf Hay . ,V.
Alfalfa Hav . .-.
11. OO
: For delivery add 80a per ton
Above rrleeg Are "Koaey-Sarers.
t - Telephone Main 1107.
' Ooy. trhirteeata aad Kearaey Its.
j largest lnl- vert -ever-given at the.
whit tempi. tne program cuihibibu
of the" following: Th Lost" Chord,"
W.- O. Haynes; "For All Eternity," Miss
Hawley; duet. "Across th 8 till Lagoon,"
Misses Cytle and Sheas reading.- Krcd
Jones; violin solo. Mis Barker; "Island
of Dream."-TrByaaWciaa4lT3C;
Dr. Brougher. . ;
Btrawbcrrle which rival those of th
prtsa Hood rlve Cjatches'"- are - -being
grown in tha city limits.- iT-MTOllver
today exhibited boxes of berries from
his acr patch In University Park and
TmarketuIlB season. The berries are of
4 - . i .
perfectcolor and shape -and 1efeet
flavoTr tfaualljr-tJerrtes -of large "Btxe
ara .tnallform and one-aided, but these
,rftwn ,
- l.j of
"Fred yrlts-T proprietor of" the' well
known north end resort that baa figured
so- much In .the - courts In the past
year,-yesterday was "Hashing" Williams
money on the street, and seeking taker
of the short end of bets he wss anxious
to make. Frlta finally preaaed hie offers
with such apparent anxiety to get rid
of aome of his money that he deposited
1180 agalrwt $&0, and stated that it waa
hla opinion s well as wish, that Maor
Williams would be reelected. " V.IX. .
- The New York State society held Its
regular meeting last evening at tha clty
hall and transacted business -Tf - im
portance. '.Several member were n
r41e4 and much nthuiaam was shown
over the prospects of the society. Mr.
J. Kenworthy read n original poem on
New Tork and George H. Hlme del)v
ered an. address In which he gave the
society Information' concerning many
ef Or(' imUntttJrhi amt Iron
New Torki - - r, -. ' :, ,
Opportunity knock at- you door every
time you read one of our ads. You canno
find an qul to- our 3 suit any place
In the city. They are up to date In
every way, the materials are durable,
the workmanship, fit and style are guar
anteed to be right. Every suit In tha
house 2. any pants . 87.00 -no more,
no lea. Unique Tailoring company, 47
Waahlngton etreet near Seventh.
Seaside on "Sunday. Two excursion
trains will leave the Union depot tomorrow-
Sunday at 8 a. -m. for Seaside via
k. a m. r r ft. This is the last
chanee"lhr" eaon to visit the beach'
for 11.10. Every passenger assured a
seat A fine ride, lot or fun, a Jolly
'crowd nd a square deal guaranteed
everybody.- Get your ticket at the
lL"lAJl?0OlLlhejnornlng. - .
Tomorrow trjojleytrJpapn the Q.rW,
nemah Park, 2& cent round trip. To
Boring, Eagle Creek and EstacadariO
Cents Open trailersattached . lo ,all
motor car. Dancing at Canemah and
Estacada . Parlt. ,. .. D'Urbano a Royal
Italian Band will furnish music at Es
taeada hoteL v. : .' ' '.,--;-?--:-.-.''-
"Joseph : Johnson,-employed ""-In the
basement -f "the Oregonlan; building.
lng and received injuries-that will-confine
him to his home for several day a
He was working tinder the elevator,
which , Started to the bottom of the
haft.-and knocked him from a ladder.
Oregon City boat.
Sunday trip from Taylor "treV:
J 1 -.39 .-m. arm s:s-iv-nr : rr
' Returnlne; J:80 and 1p.m.
tound inrr-SBc. Good -outings
Your family. Take thera along.
DoiTt fall td ask for Lewi and Clark
Fair Guide." Savings Bank department.
Title -6uarantee--V-Trutt-t'ompairjr. 7
Chember of Commerce. Bank open Sat
urday evenlng-s, 8 to 8 o'clock, to re
ceive deposits...
If you want a rasor that 1 absolutely
guaranteed In every respect or money
back, call on Albert Bernl, the drug
gist, and call for hla "Lewi .and Clark
Special." Every on warranted satis
factory. ... . r
We are still fitting: those 82.80 glasses
for 11. If yon need glasses It will ba to
your interest to call on Metier Co
Jeweler and. opticians. Ill Sixth atreet.
Cafe des Gourmets is the best 40o
coffee on the market; three pound for
81. Call Capital Coffee company. - 388
Ankny.glxejt. -Pfloo West 148.
Liamberson' launch landing at east
end of Msdlson street bridge -a place,
to keep launches, houseboat and all
boats. Term on application.
The Oregon, Portland's new and Modern-
hotel. Is receiving guest. Corner
Seventh and Stark streets, l
TOe" riw ITotct-Or?gon. cornerSerr
enth and Stark streets, ha hot and oold
running water and long distance tele
phone In very room. ...--;
DTrbano Royan t Tt n "Bah (TarTIs
tscadsrliotelrfhmdayr Rotrnd trip rate
50 cent. ,.-
.Dr Amoa. surgeon. Ickcn tmllalmv
Antley Printing Co.. 188 Oat, ' -
The women of the Pennsylvania soci
ety gave a delightful aoclal last even
ing st the room of the society In the
City Hall. - Nearly 100 member and
many visitors were present. ' At the
business meeting It wss decided that
tne swieiy wuum cooperate wan in
official, of the Lewi and Clark expo,
the society would cooperate with the
sltlon In entertaining distinguished
rtnpy1"-"1" 'ti" mtu h fi,
Recitations were given by Mrs. Pet
tlnger and Miss Mort J. W. Euston
related humorous stories. , Dr. Ma , l
Card well read' an entertaining paper on
women f - Pennsylvania who have
gained national fame. B. 8. Pague gave
an gddresa on Molly Pitcher and told of
her- (TPHon at tha battleof Morf
mouth. Wallace McCamant -enad a
ahort address on features of Pennsylva
nla hlstoryr! Dr.'Ney Churchman gave
a humorous reading and the remiAls
cencea of George H. Hlmes waa Inter
esting and instructive. Mrs. Munra, 74
ynars of sge, and Mra. Graves,' 88 years
old,' acted as hostesses, and assisted
Mra Sarah. H. Evsns, the t-halrman of
tlieeyenlng. In welcoming the.guests..
' Up-to-Date Vaudevill.
- The Orpheum theatre throughout the
Week ha presented a most entertaining
program, which ha drawn exceptionally
large -hou. The Pony Girl1, ballet
ha made a decided "hit" An presenting
their sketch. "School.", These very pret
ty girl evidently divide their time gen-
reueljr 4etween-thelr -book , and twyiux.
ins uii, -uniivnw mi wirinuii are
well received-" and " the entire bill haa
been much of a success. An entire
ly new. program will ba presented next
week. The price to this popular house
I but 10 cent and hour of continuous
amusement. ' ' "..''
The .Olregontat'e .board of Optometry
met In Halem on Thursday for the pur
pose of 'organising. E. O. Mattsrn of
Portland, aa chairman pro tern. Dr. C.
W, Lowe of Eugene was- elected presi
dent and Dr. H. W. fiarr ,of tialem
secretary. . . ' t -.
F7B7Cib3oh Tell Why He and Many Others Have Cone Outside of
' Party Lines to Make the Election of the Demo-'
-oratfa Candidate Sure
W-C, Munly Says Administration i Under Williams Has Been Cor-.
,1 rupt and That Mayor Wanted to Pay Contractors - . f -
Who Did Poor Work on Tanner Creek.
- Frank 8- Gibson; 4a lifelong Tiepub
Hcsnprestdcd over th Lane meeting
In Sellwood last rflght. and before be
Introduced the mayoralty candidate told
the-audlencaahat.Althoughrie was 40
years old and had voted the Republican
ticket ever"lnco-tio hadTeched: hl
legal majority, he purposed In thla city
election - to -Vote.- for-. Dr. - Harry iane.
And the audience, composed of more
Republicans -than : Democrats, cheered
his sentiment -to-the echo. -
nTtommoh tvllh Hiuusands-f -Re
publicans." said Mr. Gibson, ! am sup
porting thla xewmovementr a movement
thgtl make' for "abetter, government, a
movement' that ; 1 natlbnal irt It
cope, and that haa swept throughout
the- country. It coflsplcupu head 1
President Roosevelt, standing there In
the White House and asking-tmly tine
question before determining what shall
be his off lelal act -the question:
'What I th will of the people a ex
pressed In .written statute?. It. Is a
movement that haa atlrred a doxen com.
monwealth and shaken the stronghold
of - thepollticaf bosses who -have been
using ths machinery, of partiea to aeoure
their private ends, who have conjured
wth the names of candidates put up to
attract the voters yet controlled by
those who do notjgrdublleffJce
l a publlo trust,
Kesped for the Xa'
"Never before haveTtood before an
audience to- indorse a Democralc.nonj
lnee. I hold loyally the party Idea of
th Republican jartye- But. in thl mu
nicipal campaign, you know a well a
I do that there are no-Jssue that trench
on party distinctions. Tou know that
It 1 a question of respect for law, and
that-Dr, Harry Lane stand for th
thing in hi present contesV . r.
And T went In anneal, to tne wnmen
to ssslst in thla battle.You are more
vitally interested In the, issues of the
campaign than are -the men. -You who
have children whom you -riairto guard
against tha influences that might drag
them down, you who pray for help in
SuiYotindlng" those children with condl-tlona-that-will
make It easier , to - rear
IJlEin- as Ihey should -b" reared- 1 aay
that vOu Should add to th force that
are backlnr Dn-Hrry-Lan4-rl
palgn I0r mayor. -. :
"Eyery person: who know him know
that he ia a man who .wiM . keep ' hi
nmmliH.-VIUI Will STlV SVCTy Pr
rs'on in
i'ortland -eiuar -oeei.
-. --. - - -
-TTbelieve that' I apeak the aentiments
Of eudugri"Republlcan who will vot for
Lane to lnure hi election." .
Aa he spoke there were repeated sal
vos of applause. It was apparent that
he waa expressing the views of those
who heard him, although the Republi
cans were In the majority In the audi
ence. .-'',' -J
Duty of ETery-eiiUe-L ;
William O. Munly waa Introduced and
delivered a strong address, - -
"I believe that It is the duty of every
good citizen to get .behind Dr. Harry
Lane in thla flght."i laid he, "not alone
because of his winning personality, but
because of the Issues he represents."
Mr.Munlythen j-ead the deductions
drawn from extended argument In an
article in McClure's magaslne, treating
of the crime statistics, and aaylng In
conclusion ss the view of the editor
of that publication that the recent In
crease tn crime waa dua to th corrup
tion - by - corporation -and -contractor
who thought It cheaper to cqulre franchise-
by bribery of official than by
legitimate purchase, to politlclana' dls
poaltlon to debauch the electorate and
thele -efflolal positions, and disrespect
for law grown ad common that It haa
become a vital Issue In every corner of
'The conditions set forth In thl artlsJ
bl7V ald" Mr. '.Munly. "wouia o ais
count -mr vr-re not for the rising tide
of protest thst Is sweeping over the
country. fwhat gave President Roose
eUuchrimenjlojiijmaJorltjr jHSt
year Was It not the popular belief
that he would enforce thw regardless
of th station In life of the cltUen- In
volved? . '
leopl Are Aroused.
- "Study th conditions- in- Wlconsln,
with It IaFollette fighting for thl new
idea now obtaining the ascendancy
throughout the country; consider Mls
.nuri ith ita JoseDh Folk, aupported
by the people without respect ot pouw
r.l lines: learn of New York, with 1U
Jerome, going out to fight for the teo
nl laws and caring nothing whom they
i r . . ... , v,a . .k.r,
l?"' -
i. ihrmd in this land a new idea which,
,rrr.Pd in these concrete movcmeiM,
means that the people propose to come
Into" possession of their own at last.
"I take pleasure In quoting from our
mayor himself, hla words spoken In 18D8,
when he waa upportlng General Bee be.
the bolting nominee for the mayoralty,
and when Judge William aald: 'We are
nil boltere thla year j' ther 4s iu room
for psrty politics In a munlclpsl csm
palgn; the only question Involved Is the
good or tne. peopie,. maier. a"'""""
efficient administration, anit the neees.
slty of Ignoring the will of the party
bosses, who always try to whip us Into
line with the cry of party regularity.
"Judge WIlltarasr supporters say that
he has been a great man in th paat
We are not Irylng him now .on the re
mot past, tut on the Tecord of his ad
ministration Just closing. That -Is his
present cause In court, people don't care
much what happened 80 year ago. They
care very much about matter of th
Immediate present.". r - '
Mr. Munly-broughlant-frint the mayor
wanted to pay for th delinquencies of
th Tanner creek wer contractor from
th tax payers' general Jtupd and Jhe re
turn of the rs.800 deposit of the origi
nal lowest bidder for the front street
bridge contract. Speaking cf th mo
nopoly given to a, few gambler by the
administration. Mr. Munly saldr r
JTooadatloa ef ulclde' gkuU.' '
"The luprvme court denonnred gm
bllng and said that It outrage public
decency and disturb th publle per-e.
and yet the official proposed to build
up the financial fortunes on a founda
tion ef suicides' skulls. Not ill the
verbat flowers from the mayor" vocab
ulary can sweeten thl foulj thing thst
they hav done. Th mayor called the
preacher and the Scotchmen ' ' liar and
scoundrels.' As to the Scotehmn, ey
have given the world the best municipal
administration known to civilisation, and
the clergy-R-slnce. th thunder ef Slnal
were heard hav they not stood for th
be t-thing-hat- ha, -come to mortal
man? ? r- :-v' ,-
"I have no-word of personal abuse for
judge William. He la' an old man, per
.haps in his day of senility.' But against
him We gladly place, with hi pleasing
personality. Dr. Harry Lane, a man of
firm convlotlons and atrong In hi devo
ttnh tn the right." V - "
.. . xnd Cheer f pje Xaa. -
And "then came Dr. Lane, cheered
time - and . . gln,-.and -renewing -hls
straightforward presentation ef bla po
sltlon en th current-Issues. He spoke
kindly "tf Judge William.-nd yet aald
that "the time had come when the peo
ple of. thla.lty-ahould demand that the
government have a responsible head, a
mayor who acknowledged that the acts
of his appointees must be taken a hla
own acta, and that it waa not compe
tent for the chief executive to saddle
upon someone else th blame ferwrong-
dolng'in the administration. i
"T amTreelO aa'fhat ir the good
people of Portland' see fit to elect me
mayor, I shall accept the responalbllty.
and expect ther men whom T appolnt to
answer to me for their acts
candidate. - "I believe that if. an execu-
,ecrM meeting-
and adopt, a -course, that waa Utterly at
variance with "my idea of what wa
right, I would get a new executive bord,
I do net mean by thU that t would-be a
crank, or that I know it alt. ' I am not
claiming that' I am the blggest-thlng
that ever happened, and that others do
not have good ideas. But, as I read the
charter, .can: see the plain-Intention
to mske the mayor responsible. or. the
executive .department. andlionesUy be.
lleve that whoever hold .. the
should irot attempt to evade that respon
sibility." .
- "Make Good" With th Andlence.
Dr. Lane wa finely received by the
audience, and quite apparently- "made
good"-with them.
Councilman A. F. Flegel followed nr.
Lanerrwitrj ther-f rank dertaratTOTr-that
ha.w&nted the peopleo iq;uttnl hla
three-year record aa a' councilman from
thTenthwaroVan-4fUut aort tf a
cltv-leglslator pleased theinh would
regard It as a high honor to be returned
as a councilman at large.
TlTe-ratrsefl; enthuslastlOTipprnVnl whfn
he referred" tothe cowardly roanner-1n
which th member of th city council
yesterdayS evaded the Issue raised by
3.000 citlseng in reference to the pro-,
posed repeal of saloon licenses near th
exposition, advocated tne two mm tax
to pay lor street fills rtd bridges cost
ing more than 816.000. end counseled the
voters not to support the amendment-offered
thl year which h declared would
enable the tTeet railway companla
secure-f ranch tseg In piecemeal by ordi
nary ordinances. j
Thomaa Oulnean and Dr. C. B. Brown,
candidates on the Cltlsens' ticket for the
council, spoke' .briefly In closing the
meeting, which had crowded th Fire
men's hall to the very doors.
' D. M. Donaugh called the meeting1 to
order, and In a happy peech Introduced
Mr. Gibson, the president of the evening.
JC dlnlng-csr will be added fo the
Oregon- - Railroad to Navigation com
pany' train 3 and4 .nexj,Mondaila.
and out of Spokane, and Supt. R. Fryor
of the dining-car service is in Portland
arranging for the aervic. The car will
run between Colfax and Spokane, and
patrona will be served with dinner on
No -t he afternoon train coming out
of Spokane, and breakfast on "train JNO.
4 ' a-olTig Into Spokan.
. The Northern Pacific' new traliOh?
WKeFSounr limited, which .will bo put
on June 4 between Portland, Tacoma
and Seattle, will leave t Portland dally
at 4 :s0" o'clock. On-the same -date tne
North Coast limited, between BL Paul
and PortlandiwJiL change Its schedule
and leave Portland dally at z o cioca in
stead Of I o'clock.
Hundsy, June 18, the running time of
the New York Central'a train, known
as th Twentieth Century limited, from
Chicago to New York, will be reduced
from 20 to 13 houra The train will
leave at 1:30 p. m. instead of 13:30
o'clock as at presents-There wilt ba no
change in th train westbound, which
leaves New York at 3:45 o'clock.
Mayor William has vetoed the ordi
nance providing for-a meat Inspector
. n.i at Urlrm nf tl2& and
8100 armdnth, -respecttvely. Tlj veto
will Km ya A ml h next meettnff Af the
teltr council.
The mayor objected to -the ordinance
on the ground that It provision lm-,
posed too many regulations on meat
daaUrSr and subjected them to unneces
sary Injhor and expense in providing their
nieftt' for the market. He was of th
ooinlon-that-'-t he market -IrmDCCtor-t
dently appointed at a salary of 38 a
month could see, to It that meat mar
kets were properly conducted.
"1 do not believe 'that, as a general
rule, meat dealers of Portland ere in
cllned to sell diseased or unwholesome
food," he continued, "because self-interest.
If no other consideration, would
Induce them not to engage In that sdrt
of business. It eems te me that
Plain and simple provision In an ordi
nance providing for regular and constant
Inspection of the' -meet shops of this
Is'al! that ia necessary to protect peo
ple from buying diseased Or' unwholf.
mm meat."
Band Concert at .Estacada Sun
tfy D't'rbano'" Royal Italian hand." Mo
tor care with trailer from First ; and
Alder atreet. 7:10.':8o, U;39 . m.;
1:30. 3:30. 8:44 D. m.. Ticket must be
ptirchssed at theifflte, First and Aider
atresia, . - - .; (,.. ,. . .. . 4
- , . .
: It's weU worth your while to Investigate the merits ot JOlMALWANTlDi." Forrent-
lotr roomtt, dlspoalng: of or
aave time, temper, as
Charies F. McGlnty Said Not to
jB tM arrie djto. Woman "He. c
Assaulted.. - . .
She Is' Reported to Have Left
Husband In California, With- .
-t""'-out a. Divorce. - - -
Because', of a legal technicality it ia
likely that Charles F, McGlnty, tn first
candidate for the whipping post under
the Drovlsions of the law that recently.
became affect) ve, wlIT "escape afloggln g;
However, hla aeap irom tne numuiai-
fmir paniiihmentnnay 6 the causeTT
nis- arrest on a more serious cnri
. McGlnty Jive at , 88 Flft street
with a woman aupposed to be his wife.
Both haveibeen wallers In the elty, 1I.T
attacked her Thursday,-and the marks
of BerThlurIes,were stUIIplelninrl evl-
rdenca-when she appeared in the munici
pal -court -yesterday. McGlnty rwaived
an" examination and waa -held to the
grand Jury In the umjofJIOOj.
'The woman. Stated that. b.a . had . In
sisted on her deserting the narrow way
In order to Increase till income, and
that her refusal caused the attack.
McGlnty offered no denial of " the
charge of assault .and , battery,. "and
court attache and others who were In
terested In the execution of the law. In
stantly perceived in. him th first vic-
I tlm of the -haw law. Sheriff .prdwJ
prepared t deputtxethe1 woman to do
the whipping in case the court imposed
the penalty, and she I aald to hav de
clared her , willingness W .'pert orm--th
operation,' ' .
Today, rtowever. it was PTOUghl LO i
tfia altenlfun of the onicil-hat-the
man could , not ba punlnlied lojr ylfe-
beatlrxcr although h pleaded guilty.
Official were Informed that the woman
I hot ths legal wife of McOlnty.
A year ago MeUlnty, another man and
the woman fell Into the clutches of the
police on a serious charge. In order
to avoid a-penalty of six months' labor
.on. the rockplle McOlnty married -the
woman. Theyhftve-llveiT together alnco
that tlm. , -
The police now say. that one -year
prior to her marriage to McOlnty the
woman deserted her husband in Sacra
mento, California, and came to thla city.
They also state that ahe did not -secure
a divorce. The chargea will .be Inves
tigated. .. - . .- -
Opening of the .Belasco.
At t:15 'clock thla evening the' enrtata will
ring up at tbe lirlaaro theatre on tha sew
Belaae twk enmpany -I tke tnlttal .tort pf .
rurmanee f - ioe Heart er Hiryland," ParM
of tbe Unit moceasfui war .plays,' and baa only
prerlouily beea sees when presented by David
Helaco' own company. A large company of
actors of recoxnlaed ability bare bera, -
embled ndT tbe Metamii banner, sad tbefnll
atmigtb of tbe company will be sea Inr thla
trrnlns production, augmented by a eorpa ot
well trained auxiliaries. Tbe theatre haa been
thorough 1 renoTQttdy and ererriblnc la - in
corapkn reaUlnoaa for tbe ecenlns tbla aren-
Dunn'g Lecture.
one or tbe Bool tnrllllnc lectures erer
llstenad ta by an aodlenc ta thht eounfry hi
tnat mlilrk will be evilrered by Robert- fe
Dunn, tb war correipondcnt, at tbe Mr, on Monday nlfbt. Mr. Putm was th
firnt correspondent to reach the front - tn tlm
Huneo-Japaiieae war, and wltned tbe battle
of I'hcmiiliw and photographed tbe Incidents
whirl have made that greatest of modern
naval battle famona Ilia lecture ia lllna-
irt.d by more than lno view of thr tlfhtlni.
mad hr hlmaclf, during . tbon flrwt crowded
d.v of th war.. Seat are now atlllu. Popo-
lar price win prevail. --..
Advance- Sale fui OkulL'-
Caimcer Olcott ba alwar been welcome
In th rit. lie will appear at th Mamuam
Drand theatre nett Wrdimday, Thunday and
Krldar nlsbta In a superb - production ef
AuKustus' I'ltou'a romantic comedy-drama. "A
Romance ef -Atblone." This Is ronaidersd the
best piece In Mr. Olcott lift repertoire, and
H IM Sr.: prmtiictlon In- New-York It ran for
nearly are months to th theatre rapacity.
Mr. Olcott a sons ace very catChr, aa th
sreat aucces of .."My .- Wild Irish ttne-. eon-
nrm. which he jsroti expressly tor this play.
Tbe advanre sale ot seam will opes next MunJ
day morning at 10 o clock.
."A Wicked Woman."
The new week at b- Kmplr will opn to
morrow sfternoon. whvn tbe company will give
for - ths ct tlm -la . rortjanil -the" startling
drama,-"A Wicked Woman. . ,
The Grand Theatre.
' Todar and tomorrow at pntltlvsl the ver
last chance there will he for th,'. to
see ths (rest Indian actros. Mt)na, at the
- Millions of dollars a year are
lost. byTn'fit- usiag Schilling'
Best ' ' ..
and "nobody gains by using
anything else instead.
I '
Tsssssat'( sMsjsysaoa.. "
rentlnff your property, you'll find
well as shoe-leather that's worth
s Fast Steamer
Chas.R. Spencer;
" Dally round trip to Th Dalles
" frorn Waahlngton treetdocli-at-7
a. m.ggcepV-Friday" and 8un-
-SajvT'.-. . - - ' . - ' ;'
Tha fJwttaerlaad of iaaioa,
Most Jaag-allloenl Soenery la ta
t . world,---
to th four-mllllpn dollar
Cascade Locks and Return
Leaving foot of Waahlngton street
- - at a. m.r arriving home at -
-rr-:::rr,,-, - g.m. , ,- ; i
. - tEgeept Sunday. -
HeavyJTlgure Denote P. M.
Hp. Trt, w Trip.
: 7:00 : Portland .........
8 :08 7- Vancouver .i ...,,.,..89
8:25 Waahougal ...... ....7i3a
Ttr8S rancade LoexsT
7 IT5yBteVenoirrjL.ii. .'..-.... 8 3
laioa Caraon ...8:40
lias White Salmon. ........i8
133 Hood River .....das
t30 Lyle .....
. g lOO The Dalles am
r Uvtit Bataa.-: raatert Tlma.Tr
Telephone Jdaln 142L
x awarox:
General Ms n gett Port land--rv:
-ytT1 f " C'ttJl-?
I 1 t-i-i 1 II PKCC
. JCxtractlngr-cleaning and examination
FREE during all thl week. Th Bos
ton Palnle Dentist will: give the
lowetprlce-ever- known !n Portland
for strictly ; high-class dental work.
Don't put tt -off. but. com In at onca
Good . work at low price, guaranteed
for 10 year, haa made a world-wide
reputation for th Boston Dentist.
8 1H Morrison street. -'""
Batraettaa', and Bxamlnatlea
r-rr; BBB
f 3.00
iii.m.t.... . .BS.OQ
; Other dentist com and gov but the
Boston Dentist remain th ssm re
liable, up-to-date dentists.
Boston Painless Dentists
Q8IT4Korrisoa itTOppTltaUx at Traai
aad Old Voartonio.
HOURS 8:80 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sun
day, 8:30 al'm. to 12:80 p. m.
firand theatre In her play. "The Heart. nf
Ulrl." Th little clarlet Is strikingly beantl
ful and th woman'a work In It Is of th
hlshest order of eiceltence.- The rest ef th
Mil la clever. Neat -week tbe program will
be headed hr Kmerson's minstrel maids, i
bevy of eight beaitttfal womes who gtvs rrf
ular ailnsb'! show. '
At the- Lyric. -
There remains but tonight and Simdsy t
W I tns the scssun'a success at the I.vrlc. "Tha
lli-art of Vh-alnla," which has ba a eeeord-
bri-sr, both from a box office and aa artistic
.standpoint. Kiln Wilson and Thomas a.
1 urae carry oir im nonorv. immvni, w
piVroW from 1:80 IBtll 11 o'clock.. Next week,
Idaho." f
Ni C. Goodwirbat the Marquam.
Kit C. Ooodwln plus at th Uarqnam Grand
next Bitnrday matinee and night,. . His. play
tor the matinee will be I. N. Morris' clever
comedjr-drsma. -"Th fsurper."" and for th
eveninc "A Ollded Fool." Both prodoetlon.
wilt b ataged with the sasal Uoodwlnewlae
'""'"' At tjie tar. ,
Todr and tomorrow ar the. last opportanl
ttcv to s IS Btrnsg vaadrvlll bill st th
H(sr tlirstre. The Barlow do eiren Is.fooa,
and Montxoinery and Cantor ar making a- bit.
Neit week Jobs L. SulUvas will sppssr at th
tar. '
. . m..iii..i t
At the Baker.
'i'oday sad Bun day wilt be th Iis' oppor
tunities of witnessing the all star bin kt tbe
Baker thl wek. A featnr ef ths fln show
is th. Bskeroaranh.i sbowlaa VTh Nihilists.
VnnttMion Henday freOi I ' e'emek; unlit
o'clock.'- - --- ,
, ,. 4 - .
Last Time at the Empire. ' -
.The last production af th great comedy
drama. : "Blow for Klow," will b gives at IBS
Rmulre- toolxht. The plsy baa at with
he artr rcDtlns at every performance" thl
week. Th Empire atork company costinaea
lo grsw In favor.
Royal elrota K 838, Women of Wood
erofty last Thursday evening reelected
th present orrirer to nil tneir respec
ttva g tattoo for th nxt Urm,
T" nCTU rtrrw
10 o'Ctocfe-Tonfght
them Invaluable. They'll
consideration, Isn't It?
: .'. Blaeteeat. aad dlutpaaaa St. 'i-
-t r- VS. 'v.''
Game called f:80 o'clock.-
- - Sundays, 3:80.';--
Oeaeral Admission, SBo. Children. IB.
Grandstand for ladles free - every
day but Sundavs and holidays: men 25a.
ladies' day Friday. .
Telepbon Mala 811.'
(Formerty Columbia Theatre) Itth and Wash.
- Beslnnln Bsturday Evening. Msy 2T, Ra
lar Matins Saturday and Sunday. Special
Matinee Tneaday. May .80, Pecnratioa Day. ., ...
By Bpeclal Arranirement with th Anthor,-
wm jtaiaaco.
The Heart o
lint Appearance in . Portland ef
.. block (company.
Prices Kvenlnxs, Ine te TSc matlnss. 15
to 0c6sta now aalllnc. ---' - ----- "
TjnxrZ"Tjat cxjtbii. .
"T.t - Clyde Tltoa'a mastsrplso. - .-. -
' "next week
ronnrrHO mokdat. vat at, :
.. - x . . - -
John L Sullivan
' BlOQJtAPH, . ,
AU Prsvtoas Bsrords Broke. -
HlDfilflU otn --w. T,
Vana-I. aaa. Baa.
THEATXX Pkeae Mala m
hforrlsna Street Betweea Sixth and Seventh.
Russian-Japanese War .
'By Robert Lee Imna,
Colller'sWeekiy' is mo us War Corrs ponds t.
Popular Price Adults 80e, Chtldr Bl.
Advance Sal Opena Saturday.
Milton. W. Seaman, Resident Manager.
Teaterday's record Packed to breathing
room twlc. Empire Stock Company la th
great e-act eomedr-drama.
-blow ro BLOw-."
MaOoce vrr day 1:1B. Evenings st 8:18.
. Ksvsv ba sq salsa for the pria.
KeaQng Flood, Managers.
JiThe Heart of
Keatln A Plsnd. Mar.
-' " 's - THE B AEEBOOBAPH . - - -. - -r7
Prise ef admluloa, ONE SDU, Batlaee ,aa
Xifht. -. J ,
How bna. Tak Portland Helxhta ear and w
off at Hawthorn Terrace, oo block from car
line. Ko elltnhlncj Elortrls elevator. -
Most magnificent vlw la Amerles.
bsastlfnl affect ef powerful ssircbllsht hum
ton et tower. Open a. at. to P. B,,,., .
A " Dramstig - Ssaaatlsa MArOTTA. '
tbe Belaae4 .
Th inaian uiisssj iw nwn wi n win. -Writtsa
Espsoially fsr Majuaa sy Opt Bssd. J
HAMCT BICE, H4BPlbT. . ..j. -
MM, Jot
Mrs. R. B. Webber
The great, historical TRIBE) RKAPirB
and discoverer of tha tribe sf Iaral. at
Allaky building, room to, comer Mor.
rlaon and Third streets. WTLt. and CA.V
track; your .descent from Abraham, and
111 your.trtha free for iw day to
Introduce this rhost Interesting d
derful history thfogl a TlXZD UATf
4h aaa P1IC0VWUUA
Portland !
-i .
. i.