The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1905, SECOND SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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' T .
Woman Owes Return to Health
;,to Most Remarkable Surgical
Operation on Record. '
Ulcerated Tooth Caused Hole as
:- Large as Half a Dollar Which ,.
"..... Is Now Restored. r '
downl' Special Service.)
7 N TorSnTi 7."
-Mil. Pl I'm
kin. wira of the former pugilist, owm
-lies redact o ssJUi swtl pi'shshly Hfe-j
to a remarkable operation which baa
supplied "her with a new roof for her
mouth from tho breastbone of a young
chicken. ... It la tbe first successful opsra-
tton of tho kind hi ths -tilatory of sur
gery. She speak plainly now. whereas
a few weeks ago sho could hardly make
herself understood, and suffers noln-:
convenience in eating or drinking. .
Ag ulcerated tooth diseased a bone in
Mrs. Hawkins mouth and caused a hole
In the roof of-ber mouth. The hole
e.n Kx-ema aa large as a half dollar.
rrv, e.ninr ears of the bone let down
: tb support for the nose, which fell and
flattened and Her mourn was au
. out of shape. '- . '
Doctors performed a ' bone-graftlng
operation. Two chickens four weeks old
w.j .. o be xraftPd and
whloh would qsslfy and form a Arm roof
for her moutn." A great qusmny 01 "'"
caused bona was removed and wheit this
was accomplished the chickens were
killed and the ,bone-formlng,'afclnlike
substance taken-from the breast and
Uha bones- grafted -to- the -undiaeaaed
: TheTgTafted "crtnage has hardened
and the mucous membrane has grown over
almost all of the formerly bare spsce,
and Mrs.- Hawkins' mouth ha la new
roof. In the course of a few weeks the
operation will be a perfect success., ,.
JJsarseUgpwlil rvlee.t
Chicago, May 2 7. Representatives of
many churches and creeds are gathering
In Chicago - for ,: the - tenth general
: of the Cohsreas-f Kengien. an
outgrowth of the great rellgloua con
gress held . in this city - aunng - in.
- . world's air. The congress will be for-
mally-tpansnv tomorrow -morning" at the
"r-Abrahanrljtncolit CenteTTTindteesi
- aions will continue until Jurta- 2. Among
-the subjects tor be .discussed are:Ihe
relations of the'woman's club movement
to tha oomlng'church. Institutional-work
ee a means of church salvation.' the
coming church and commercial crlroi
nale, and tha ktnd of a church that will
1 enlist tha sympathies of the laborers. In
itm cosmopolitan character and TMUte of
subjects the approaching eongress
T.mmiae2tooutreach all former sea-
sloris." -" . . .
xwotu uoxov nr wieTOsT.
(Journal gpeeUl Service.,'
wsrtkaa Wis, M-ti
quadrennial congress of fhe Military. Qr
aer of thaoyat-I.egloa of the United
fttatea, composed jpf Jrepreaen tatl ves --of
Twenty- two stale-eotnmarxler lea, began
Its sessions hero today. It will eon-
tomorrow. Gen. t. McM. Mc
Gregg of Philadelphia Is commander-ID
Fisfaiisd WJek OaauMd ooda.
Allan A Lewis' Best Brand.
Pays 4 per cent on certificate! of de.
posit. , , " " ' : :
Accepts your deposit account sub-jccUtocheck-
and allows, you -3-per
cent interest on daily balances.
Iw. M.Udd,.TBurklurCr-l
J. Tborburn Ross, Frank M7 Warren,
. Georga-K-Hill. " -
Banldnf Hours.'lO a. m. to 3 p. m.
Sarqrdays, 10 a. m. to 1? noon.
: Saturday evenings, Vto 8 "o'clock.
' '7 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Or.
i 306 McKay Bldj., Offers fer Sale
' Real Estate for
esOvOOO, paying net on price llu
" cent, or net upon cash required 1?
30,000, in heart of city, valuj of lm
Vrovements not conaldered. yef paying
Vi per cent net on price. This piece la
V. right In the very beat part of the city
11,000. near Washington, on 10th.
:,. hei 4ncome tht year on cash required
I per cent; Sa,6O0 Improvement will
Dring 11 per cent on wqoie cost.
Quarter block tot mats, apartment or
itd surroundings. Exceedingly deelrtbtef
in verypartlculare'VyoUl(l aelUparU
Customers wanting to bu
o buy property on
Ttfst. Front, Becond
and Third atrcaia
ppiy it. m.
A Cdttage in
yor small payment down and 310 per
month. Choice lots 3100. 33 down and
II a month. Electric care, to fare.
..Aostt OB m osoras. '
rkoas MUU Bias.
- ClteB.ewPaf-k.--
View' Park is
lamettc fiver and commands the most beautiful scenery on the Pacific
sloped Sidewalks laid, streets graded, electric lights, telephone ser-'
-rvicCr-Bull Runwater,20 - minute
with street car
suit purchaser.
Oregon Water Fwer Tq wnsi te Co,
Real Estate For Sale
... i.TRUST CO.:
s level lots on the Peninsula, all
clear and i more adjoining, for S00, or
the 1 lots for 1500. Title perfect. Com
plete abstract furnished. - -.
Fine corner lot at West Pledlnont, near
SOtlUU fe aildTiouae- roomi"
Jahm cur line, near corner M
on 1 Et.
Johns car line, near corner juaryianu
ave. Terma half cash, balance on time.
80sl! feet and cottage 4 roomHn Mis
sissippi ave., bet. Simpson and Jessup
streets. - ,
looxioa feet and new house f woms. at
nia. an gas Tk '
JrOini. -T WW, ,pt- sfviiiiss.
beautiful "butldlng slle. I5xl9- feetr on
K. llth and Tlllamooa; streets impruvu.
KOxlOO feet and house rooms an bath.
Plenty -irult trees.. J E. ?8th t. near
Clinton, one block to Car line. . Terms,
go xaehf balance on im. '
170O ::
car line, SOxlOO feet and houao fcxoomayi
fruit. .
Bunnyslde. near two car Ilnaa,. new cptH
tage t room, bath, gas, large attic, iuu
basement; easy terms.
Pine st., n ea rCtrand Tfcc housa t
rooms, gas range, linoleum and shades;
uivo casn. paianco in, .
cent. w - -
: 82600
Wllllams-Ave. Addition, between J car
lines, lot 60x100 feet. and -house T
rooms, large hall, bath, full cement
basemenf, gas (or lighting and cooking.
Williams ave., bet. Mason and Skldmore,
B0xl20 feet and two cottages, rooms
and rooms, respectively. ' ; .
E. Ith and E. Oak ate., central -East
Portland, lot boxiuo reet ana nouse
rooms; streets improved, concrete side
walk, sewer- Thle la most accessible
only a short walk from tha business
center, ana can do oougni on very
easy terms. .. . -: '
, $3900
100x140 feet In Broadway Addition, with
handsome new Colonial residence. - 7
rooms, bath, numerous closets, fireplace, I
rurnare. tilDed rnr m ana wirra ror
electricity ; small canti payment and bal
ance In easy monthly payments. i
"Everett St.. near 22d st (West Bide), JOx-
100 rent ana nrst-ciass nouse s rooms.
with every convenience, plumbing new
and sanitary; rents for ISO a montnv
Davis St., bet 14th and lfith sts., 40x100
feety verycholca property. i .
9AA9AA fut n.n. WMtt ivt Mf Tllhor. I
about one block from car line; nne zruu
trees. This is "beautlf ulp roperty and
tha pries Is very low. .
7th St.. near Jefferson st, 33x1.10 feet
and house ( -rooms, 33.000 caah, bal
ance at per cent: rents xor sob - a
Holladay Addition fine corner lot (0x100
feet and house of 10 rooms.
.. $3800
Mt. Tabor, near West ave., new Colonial
house 7 rooms, furnace, mantel and
frate. gas and gas fixtures; .grounds 86x
00 feet.
ABSTmACTtl rvBsnsnD.--
. & TRUST CO. .
. And 7 Chamber of Oonuneroe.
"Produce and fruit market, doln
cash business over 1100 per day.
sell Interest to good party or sell entire
Mnes. - .-7-.-.- - . - ..
fine s
acre tract, within city limits; a
subdivision proposition. Can be
boHght at -right Trice." -"
Two new. modern, room nouses,
iilr-ai In nn -a r Una M1V terms.
Houses and lots In all parts or.tne
city. ,- -
abobteb moi ajto AB-Aaxz-
We havs some lots In these additions
for sale on payments or s per month.
Why continue paying nign rents? ee
us . regarding tnese. .
HO eooBd treat. -
geogrsphical rr.riTER -or rort
'The most I)E8IRABLB and Only
isnn. Tn
KXCLL'BIVK residence district in the
eltjv , . ... .
Has Improved - streets, gas. electrle
lights., water mains, trolley llees- And
sewers. - ,
lts sold nn advantageruib terma to
hnme-butlders. Beeing la Uellsvlng.
The Oregon Real Estate Co.
. H rkunt kv. Boom 4, 1-ortlaaa, Or. .
own; - City
located south. ofPortland-onLtht
For- further particulars wfiterxall,
7 Thbovicture ehtmythTee'hevvigrTf-roomr houses just
"cupancy, on East Madison and
Thousand Dollars, and on good
- street. A Phone Main 422.
g " ' .
Corns out and sea thiTTlnest BUBBANjroptrty on-4h'tnar-ket
lAU lots In cultivation in BERRIES and - FBUIT TREES, per
fectly level, lying high and lghtly-l,reairable"i parties - wanteds to
butld-H0M3S In this most. beautiful suburb of Portland.. Price of
-lots,- SilOO.OO and" up."7Tefmiter ault purchaser. . . J ;
i f- On MT. SCDTT car line. Oet "off. at . KERN PARK (and REg-
"call at our city offices, 223-228 Front St., or Phone Main 4t.
1 ;-t - ,.,.";.. ""' -
Managing Owner
Suburban Home Seeker's Paradise
-Tbts trirf ir altatd Mi' the Oregon' Water
Pownr A Railway Co.'s Una. en. mile Sotilh
ef Moont Tabor, and la practicallr 425 feet
abov. tb. rlty, on the eaa-ie etevatloii aa th.
Mount Tabor reaervoir, thue sf fording s vary
desirable view ef th. city and surrounding conn,
try. Tbl. tract la prortdrd with eicllent
water, electrle l!!it, Id-nilnute ear aerTlce,
ft-eent fare and only eenauuie. 20 minute of
your ttm. to reach- the city. Lota are eelllng
frotai $175 to .'K.-r one-tenth of th. prlc
ef property located within th. same dlatance
on th. weat aide of the rlrer. The, price.
Ill prevail- for tbe Beit-Wears, at th. ei-
plration of whloh time the prices will be ed-
vaneed one-tnird.
- Honaes will be built OS' reasonable month!
pajm.nla oa lot. purchaaed' during the next SO
daya, ahonld the purchaner dealre. I'laoa and
peelflcati'm. will be fnrniabed.
This property I. admirably situated and has
many advantage, ever other east aid. property,
vis. : Servlc. to thla property by an electrle
line that : rrosae. Madleon alreet brids. and
owing toit. being the laat brlrtae up tb. river,
It la th. leant dlaturbed by steamers, paaalng
thrnnsb the drawa.
TM. pinueiij ta Ineated -err-rtne-nf thf ttvoat'
prosreaalv. car Use. tn tbe city. Insuring flrat
claa ear aerTlce for the futnre.
" Thla property la aleo In a direct line ' with
tbe Ooratabla river and It of aufflclent elec
tion to Inasre th. beat of sir th.t It I. poaal
hle to obtain In any soTronndlns district.
You will find asenta on tha (round that wfn
ha vle.aed to .now you th. many advantage,
of this sddltlon. -Heleet this trip aa yonr Hun
day car rid. and inreatlsate thee, atatementa.
Ton ahonld pro t Id. yourself with a botldlns
sit. for . borne In tha future while this prop
erty I. st Its mlnlmaa price la this growing
The mer fart . that ' fher. has bees 1,000
hTlut built within tha paat thra. years In this
dlatrict la s demonstration of the popularity
ef the same. ' - 1
Take th Uosnt Rortt ear te Archer Place
on arradar.. or call through th. weeh at th.
office 4 m. r. Cnnns Oe., or If Interested
write as aad we will call oa yea. r-.-
sot but BViuma.
- ride to Portland's-business
inutes. Lot for- sale oh-terms - to
East -Twenty-Ninth streets. -rTwo2re for; sale : at:.about Three
Any one interested call on
on ground. For full particulars
Oregon Cooperative
Home Association "
Will build you a house, pay off
your mortgage 'or "start you inf
business apd give you long
term of years in which to repay "
your loan. .--
4 Per Cent.
Interest Charged
: The only way for . the . amall
- wageeamer to become tndepend--!
enl. .... Call at - :Li,.r-(L"
For full particulars,
t5e Gem of the East Side 1
Lots $400 to $700
, .s' terms' to snT. ; . ;
Wakefield,' 7 '
..Fries C& Co.
339 Stark Street
H H. I
Portland, Or.
completed-and 7ready - for oc--
James N. Davis, owner, 7 First .
i Notice Is hereby glvra that Ih. state Land
Board will reel-. ' sealed bids uIl 2
-orJorx vrta..m Tfirnr to. isiib. for tt
ehsM of tbe followlnf described school land.,
AU .al gaa.aie, T. 10 8.. B. ' -U ,ir
Tha N. H ef N. H sad HW. W of NW. U
er itec. 80, n .11 ef Sec. JS, T.-IS B.r .
1 K. -
Ths S. H of See-. OT. T. 8 .. R. 15 B.
-AU t Bvu. 14. T- SS ,M- R. IS ,
The J.-Ss- NW4 of Bee, -. T.-84 .;
K. 18 B. , .- .
Tb. 8g. M ef NW U ef Sec. IS. and H. V,
of gee. gB, t. 7 ., R. 14 K.
The 8. u, end H. V. of NB. of See. 16. T.
i n. w . or dec. so, t. zn D . tu i. m.
The NX. hi of Sec. Id, aad all of See. M,
T.: W .. R. 13 . l,..'.:-
All ef gee. irS, T. )M g., B. 14 S.
AU of Dee. id, and N.. H ef See. So, T. 17
a H 15 E. -
Tbe W. u of Sec. Id. T. 88 8., . 11
The NW. H of NI U, NB. U of NW-. 4 end
UK. M of 8B,J4 oi. 8ec. Id, T. 28 .. B.
14 m.
Tbe SW.jrof See. M. T. 88 S., B. 19 B.
N. H of NE. Vi. SB. Si of NB. H. NB..U
N. lirNrft of SB. of Bee. IB, T. 89
30 X.
Tbe' 8. 4 and 8. H of N. of See. 16, snd
all of Sec. a. T. M 8.. ft
1. a a
Th. N. u, N. Vk of HE. H. 8B. H ef SB.
H, N. Hi of 8W. U and SW. of
of Sec. IS. T. 87 ft.. R. 22 B.
H of SW.
The N. KB. .nd HWJi ul BW. 14 or
"R.e. Sd,
S8 8., R. 22 E.
The NW. 14 of NW. W and NE. of 8W.
of Be. 36, T. 8 B. ZZ K.
The HW. 4 of DW. i of See. 26, T. 40 .,
R. 17 B.
The Kf W, . H of MW. U and. W. H ol
HW. v. of a,- m. T. 40 B.. R. 21 r.
Tbe W. H of KW. of See. lfl, T. 41 S.,
k. ihb
All M'U mutt be accompanied by a rrgnl.r
apiillcatioh to purrhaM in accordance with
tbe law for the al. of school land, and T
ea.b- or .rberk-for at one-flfth of tbe
lprle 1 ffered No. bid. -4e- tr-4.-err
urn will lm cMn,mnr. . uw iiku. ... .
Jrct any and all bid. is rwrvrd. Appli
cation., and Mda ahould be addrrarad to O.
. Brown; Clerk Htate lend Board, Salem.
Oregon, and marked "Application and Bid
to I'orchaae School Land.."
- - O.O. BRO'M,
... cit state iJind Board.
TJatFd Olli 234 day of War, 1900.
BIDS INVITED. Hcalsd bide will he eai.ed
at tha tiffin 11 f I Mr iifrtW,''a-T" of the
Oreson'.ut. penitentiary at Baiem. Oreson,
nntll Tharaday, June 22. l(Xo. at 1 o'clock
p. at. of said day, for th, labor of tb. con
Tlete eon lined In .aid penitentiary." under
.the proTllon. et an act of the leglalatura
passed In 18DS and amendments thereto, and
- for tb. -foundry plant belonging to tha .tat.
- and attsated within the prison walla. Bid.
to be mad. separately en th. baal. of a
tee or ten-year, besinnlng August 1,
1808, on blanke which will be forwarded by
. tb. superintendent on application.
E.h hMrir must lnelnae with hlB :bld S
certified check in ths sum of SAOO parable
t. th. order of the superintendent, to be
forfeited to the atat.
1 in. ei
ease tb. bidder
to which the contract la -let falls to enter
Into s contract snd sire the bond required
or.tne eta tut within .10 . daja-sftsr-. in.
awarding of th. contract.
- The right Is reserved to, reject any snd
all bids. .....
Further Informs tins may be had. If de
sired, by sddreealng the superintendent.
IMte at Kslem. OrefAnr May 22, 1906.
. tx W. JAJdiLB. Hupermtfnaent.
. hereby si Tea that tbe Rlrerslde aUaufactorlna
Company baa transferred to tbe enderslsned
" sll of Its property aa trustee, for tbe bene
fit of all of ita creditors pro rata according
to tbe amount of tehir respective claims. Ail
persona having claim, against said corporation
are nereny nomieu to present ion sama i
' the undersigned st Its of fW Is tbe City of
Portland, Oregon, duly wined, within three
months from th. date hereof.
ef Portland, Oregon,
" Trustee.
Portland, Oregon, May It, 1908.
hereby gives that the Day", rcchhelmer, Horn-
pan, uicorporstao.. saa u-aaeseeeaw- vo iu. mw
dm limed all ef Itt property aa traatee. for
the benefit of sll of Its creditors pro ta
according te tha amount of their respective
clalma. All aarenaa having claims against
.aid corporation are hereby notified to present
tbe lame to the undersigned st Its office In
the City ef Portland, iirogna. auir verttHra,
within three months front the date hereof.
of Portland, Oregoa.
w Traetaa. -.
Portland, Oregon. May It, 1BOB, "
IfnTtra of Stockholder.' Meeting The as-
nnal meeting ef tbe stockholders of the
inens Iron A Rte.1 Company will Ke held
, A,. f rice ef the emnpeny, reoas 8W Sber
lock building, Portland. Oregon. Jun. 20,
lie, at 11 o'clock a. to., for the tmrpnae
of electing a board of directors, for th.
ensuing year, and the transaction of snch
. other buatness aa may legally come before
th. meeting. . .
A, . o. MrAlu i.ief, ircCTwiar,
Portland, Or., May
WANTBD Money to Vaa oa real estate ae.
. eiirlty. R. I- Kirk wood, . 611 Commercial
blk. Psoas Clay 4T. -
Branch, Offices
ADTZtTISEMXKTS will be received
et regular mala oflce r.tee st the
following plaree aad aent to Tbe Jearnal
is Urns for pubUeatlos Is the seat leseet
: XQXTKa '
: B. A. Prestoa. drugglaC tSd ssd Jbsf
, awn streets. ,
Mob Hill Pharmacy. 680 Ollssa street,
n cecsae flat. - . ....
-Lav . n,vaah-aWBBniwH ana 1:1
Bhall afrBla. .
. B. B. Jaeke, eaerecttoeeryr 600 Wash- 1
Ingfoa lUwt, eorsar lOtb. -
, B- P.- Joae. f..- drugtlat. Treat'
and Glbb. streets. ' . ,
.Vottel Drug Compaay, first ssd Orsat
suasta. - -: ' 7ir-.
Tttle',- leg MlaalanUve-
sue, corner Bhavet arrest.
Nlcbol. Tnomuaoa. 128 Busssll Stnst.'
corner Alblus avesue.
-Janck. . Drug Company, cocas. . Hasr- :
thorn, aad Graad avaasea,
i. A. Dick, tobaceos, 824 Crosby (ass
.nd steel bridge . . -
B. P. Pulton, onnfertloaary, ST4 Bast
BMraaldii eeraer lielea avsnna.
lsgram A Bush, tobacDaalsts, lag Orasd
svesss. - .
Brooklys Pharmacy, aorser fow.Il
. aiuwaosie a leasts. . ' , , -.
The annuat -meeting of the atock holder, ef
j thn Buuker Hill A Sullivan Mining A t'oocen
. tratlug romuany, for the election of s board
: ef directors for the ensuing year, and for tbe
' transaction of such other a. may
' regularly come before them, will b. held at
tna-oioce-of-ih. companx joom. Sol and 804
vt'hauher of Commerce building. Portland,
' Oregon, n "Julie 18.-11W6;-'St--lt o'clock sees.
-Secretary Bnnker IIW--Sultrvag -atlutDg
A Concentrating Company.
. Portland. Oregon. May 24. 106. --
' aTZ:
Bl'MNER W. R. C. NO. 21. meets the first
and third Batnrdsy,of each month at p. Sa
In I. O. O. y. ball, cor. Grand ave. and B,
" Pine at. Minerva 'a. Tewc., praeldent; Ida at.
Mardman, ecretary.
PARTI.OW In this city. M.y 26. isno, Wil
liam i. Partlow. aged 84 year, funeral will
- tmka nLan fi-nna llnlman'.-' smlerlakliig iwr-
lor. Sunday. Ma.v 2N. at 2:80 o'clock. Krlenda
are Invited tu attend.
rment at Vone
108T AKD fOTTlfDi-
Either Lest r fssnd advartlaem.sts, rate "11
wards for IS emits.
Pft'WI A ulace tu Have BrTlr BIlTTreaaed aue-
ated-gnd returned same day. Phooe Mais
JT4 I'vrtland Curled Hair ractoy, : s
UWT-llvcr watch mad , by M.
B. Wright
- Co-.lsansa UH ato.,
"Twelfth. ,Tel. Kaat 101W.
FOUND Bay mare, amall sis.. Tel. gsst 4.
MANAUKK8 wanted for our offices 1a slf large
cities, thu ughout Oregoa we pay rent, liberal
1 salary and commission; cash deposit and ref
- err mas I required.. Address .Msoagsr," 816
Grant Bldg.; Saa Vranctaoo. - -
NTED At mice. ,000-itr.Wberry-nlckws at
Hood RIVkt-U s.od Dsy; tsks Regulator Use
f camera from foot of Alder et., daily, T a.
m. Call at dock -and gat baggage tags free.
Phone Mais vl4. - .
WANTR1 Hustling solicitor; references good
addresa; accident or life laaur.nce .iperleoc
preferred; mlaht diepoae half Intereag Wright
party aaarasa r:
ANY neraoa Interested la fraterssl life la-
I surawce, oa tnaegal rwirti basts, cts seenrs
B sarins nmiins 117 caiuna ! w Maaw
of commerce, s n s 1
WANTED A good aHopathlev phyaldas sad
. aurgoi.n, to take the glace- of -a retired
" phyaiciaa. Inquire st drugatore, OleseM." Or.
STANDARD SpeclOce, men', true spedallat.
cure ell chronic oise.eca. - aiecincai appli
ances, batterlea. Delta. Headquarters 1H lab
BRIGHT young mas, 16 to IT years eld, for
drygooda buaineaa; one living ea the esat side.
Address D 4S, care Journal.
School telegraphy A electricity: pnplia wasted!
alae position, wanted for graduates. S06H It
BOATBCILDRR8 wanted. Graham's boatyard,
foot Bast Pins at. . Good workmen can apply.
DETECTIVES Men te leers; wd gu areata.
work to oar pupils. B suit S88 Moerlsoe st.
YOt'NO man wanted te work arosad a table;
muat work cheap. 286 fourth at.
WANTED Slgs painter, SIStt Wssblagtoa at.,
upstair., cor. first.
Hotel, restaurant, office, etore. bakery, Isasdry
and family p.tronag. solicited.
S43V4 Washington room T. cor. Seventh st
... I'hone-Mals 2602.
WANTED A girl to do cooking la .mail family
and aaalat with housework; s good bom. and
food wage, tor th. right party. Address
. P. Ulbbana, ears Tongu. Point Lumber Co.,
Astorl, Or. .
WANTED Aoong Isdv of good spnesrsnce end
well educated to demonstrate fond products
st the lnwl. .nd Clark fain muat have good
references. Address D 82, care Journal.
wiNTVn Three ladr demonstrators:
nent position at good wage.; attraetlv. work.
Call Monday afternoon. 410 Pekum Bldg.
WANTED A bookkeeper and atenographer;
- mast have good refaresees. - Apply ZflT Mor
rison at. Andrew Kan A Co.
GIRLS wanted te work Is endy factory. Ap
ply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., Twelfth snd
Levi.. - -
WANTKD-i-Oirl to work ea coats. BoA Ton
. Tailoring Co.. KOVk 6th St., spsulrs. room 2.
WANTED Good girl for .general housework;
small family. Call Sunday, 821 6th at.
WANTED Pi ratals as cook for- restasrsnt;
lady preferred. Apply 126 first St. .
WANTED Skirt snd walatm.ker.
843H Waahliigtos st., room 1.
I. Moller,
WANTED A yosng woman for gensral keasa.
Apply so.
Alder -St.
COMPETENT, girl for general housework.
lKfl Kaat T8lh It.
MBit tad wotnes te leara barber trade Is
weeks ; halrdrentng, manicuring; graduate.
-earn 16 to 26 weekly, Seattle Barker Col
lege, 121 Washington St., eeattl..
WArlTKD At otic, s bright, energetic, pre
sentable mas or woman, a good talker, te
. take up aa attraetlv. vproposltloav - Inquire
T33 Chamber of .Commerce. a. m.
WANTED Very nlala-eM eeupler-.U anmster,
to board an old man: bouse free, with ether
con.lder.tios. Call 7.18 Montana ave.
SHIRTWAIST laundered - on abort notice (
rnsk orders -Snd tourlat.' work a specialty,
400 Davis. Phone Mala 1B88.
CALL! NO sad bnstnaas cards. BOe 100; SIM
1.000. Mtt Jlxtb at. Automatic Card Preas.
Laindry Co.
aad dlatributer. Valoa
srrnATioBS wabtid txmalx. '
WANTED Py a ; teacher during vacatlou, a
position of Sny kind, at reasonable wages.
- Address M. 8A North frost St., Portland.
TV-errk In bakery, -cmtfrctlosry or grocery
.tor. by very trimly lady ef soms sipsriracs.
Box 80. lnta. Or.
SITUATION wanted by a competent lady st
fair f rounds, Call or address 124 8 tan ton st.
TOt'NO lady desires position la office, with
five months' experience. D (8, car. Journal.
WANTED Pneltloa by young lady as stenogra
pher or geaeral sfflcs work. D 68, Jorsal.
grruATiom wate male.
B a flratlaaa clothing and furnishing good.
. . maa; eouatry tows preferred; aoulg Uk. full
- charge ot department, also office: could else
handle general, macchandlae; Portland refer.
ob E 62. care Journal.
STENOGRAPHER snd bookkeeper with 12
years' ctperlenea, capable ot taking full
charge or correauond-uc. and handling maa,
wanle a position. I'bon. Kaat 121W.
SPECIALTY selesmaa wants permanent poet
tloo with reliable house: ie a rustler snd
" "jaa sell ths goods. Address D 40, ore ot
Journal. . ... , .----i --y -
WHO wants a ruatlee-for partner st falrl
r1" P" "gg?XLJWtVjllltl.l ad
WANTED By siperteneed laaltor. poaltloa ef
- ssy kind; reference., Addresa 0 &u. Journal. -
8TBADY-young maa w
on farm; rsferencea.
aild like te set poalttos
Addresa 4 Joum.l.-
f IR8T-CLA88 cook want, position ln private --
family; good wages: C.H st 146 Stanton el.-
ROOMS la all porta of thd city, fiirnlahsd.
Apply 220 Goodnough bldg. -EXPOSITION
I'ader dlrsetloB et th. Lewis snd Clark fair
. vorporauon.
Phona Mais 6266,
WB have calls every day for vacant kouse. .
ana furnished sou as.; list your property wth
sa; w win ss ui. reet. neosa Taggart.
lot Sixth at. . .. .... ....
WANTED One unfurnished room, walking die.
tauce from 8th and Waahlngton. W4 4th .t. ,
AGENTS WANTBrwrer-sen-our eupwln klgb
. grade nnrsery stock ; sew ssd complete eut- .
tit furnished free; cash -weekly; write to.,
day for choice of territory, -Capital City -Nursery
Co., Salem, Oregoa.
WANTED Mor. spraying and-
the -only gssolln. compressed" ' air spraying
outfll oa th. osit.-M. O. Morgan A ., ;-
MUwaakitr PheWS Beat- 281T; ; xr
BBRTAUBANT man wants eh.rg. dining-room 1
similar positions otner tairs; aaisry or com -
aores. - , -care Journal.
WANTED Snowessea, wax figures, dresafdrms,
. etc., tailoring or dressmaking outfit. The '
Spencer Co., 12B TVnth St. Mala 6690.
WANTED Good young bora.: must b. sound
and well city broke, weight 1,180 pounds.
Address O 60, rare Journal.
SHORT ORDER Printing House P. J. Ryder.
Secoad and Washington eta. Mais 8686.
WANTED Baby) to ears for, price reasonable.
jobbibx fcovsxusBive booi
OsataaaAtaata thU aiaasitoatlwfc rts -l -
CAMPOROUND8 es" Portland Heights; w. the beat-located around.- In the - -
I there will b; but tew Camp, snd no children)
Bull Bus. water, phone end wood If desired; '
plenty of .hade. Main 6W8. s
TENT5. ttu'nlshed ear unfurnished; ground rent
to pitch your owg tent. psP month;. -floe-,
private grnunda. Lewis and Clark camping
. (reuses,- Mt. Tabor." Phone Scott '8754.
TENTS, furslahed or unfurnished; camping fa. '
rlllric; l.rg. grounds, charming views,
hcaHbfe4 resorts. Switt -8TH4. Lewli and"
Clark Tasting Grounds, Mt Tabor.
TWO completely furnlahed rooms gas, laundry,
bath end phone; reasonable. Psoo. Kaat I".
TUB LINDA VISTA, alcaly furnl.hed housekeep
tag ssd slngls rooms reasonable. 24744 Ftfta.'. 3
-. Elegant aauay furnished rooms''' are dealrsble,
sway from city sola.; all outside rooms,
pleoty of fresh air, bulhUng fireproof; csr
at doer, for all points; so rales during fslrt .
Tate. 61 day; free phone. -bath aad gas. Vail
or plwne J. H. P.lmet-20H - Ruaaell au
Phone Beet 8486.
THB BAMANN, 186 North 18th at., corser
Jioyt Newly fnralahed. jounau- 61 80 and bpt-
eonvenlen location, 16 ailBntee'- walk to fair '
J rounds; Morrlaoa at. car at uaiea depot runs -Irect
to bouse. - Phone 8470.
NICELY furnished room la private residence
.ultabl. for two gentlemen; with or without
- breakfast; also one small front room very.
- CMeouablet bath snd phone; beautiful sur
roundings. 'Phone East 8630. .
LARUE furnished room, priests family, walk
ing distance, sear ear lines, cheap, for one
or two ladies or getuiemeat breekfsst If de
aired. 411 East Wth at. Phone East ,1219.
THB M0NNA8TE8, 286. Klra alngl.
room, from 81 to 68( furnished hooeekeepfng
suites from 1.T6 to 68 per week; rooms per
night, 600 snd 26c; tourists solicited.
rUBNIBHED room, with .very
venlance in detached cottage: bath oa asms
floor; quiet place; one block from csr. Phone
Mala 4727. 126 North 17th St.
TWO furnlahed rooms with board, la family la
suburb.,. oa car line; bath, phone; rate, rea
' eoneble; ran accommodate, 2, I or 4. Scott 744.
MCELTl furnished-front - room to peraiansut
party; reasonable rent to th. right party;
close In, ea.t .Id. Address D 64, Journal.
MARQTTAM HOI SE. I46H 6th Room, en sultej
- or. unta. nmiseasepius iwaiar see "vt
bath, electric light.; tr.nsleuts solicited.
or. unta. nmiseasepius iwaiar see evoTe-e,
fCRMHHED room, central location, pleaaant
- surroundings, price reaeonabl.; gaa. . phone
snd bath, 41 Eaat Eighth St.. north.
THB MAYf AIR Elegantly furnlahed transient
rooms; new building; siodern conveniences.
2WSt srerkeot. Ptftb. Mala 20ST.'
LA RGB front room, furnished, double bed:
J blacks -trow- twe-eae II lies. 426 XiatXttrit.,
betweea glxth and Seventh.
fOR RENT Furnished front susny-eorser
room; central location; bath, gas and phone.
Call at 861 YambiU at. ...
NICBLY furnlahed rooms, alngl. sr .nauite, for; 60c. 78c. 61 per day. 210 Jaff.f
soa at., opp. city halL ,
FRONT parlor, on first floor. Including plsvto,
nicely furnlahed for light kousrkeepiog. 226
llth St.; central. . . -
THB GLADSTONE 612H Savfef St., furnished
room.; ander new management; price) rta
' aoneble. - - -
112 MONTH 8 nice unfurnished housekeeping
rootna; also furslahed bedroom 61.80 per week.
CLEAN, cheap furnlahed rooma and lodgings.
848 Eighteenth St., 8 blocks from fair groasds.-
TWO furnlahed rooma; bath, gas and phone;
twe blorka from car line. . T2l Ea.t Tauihlll. '
TWO furnlahed rooms, each convenient foe two, -near
fair grounds, $S week.- Ad. G 46, Journal.
NICELY fnrtilahert light rooma; bath, gas,
housekeeping If desired; reaeonabl.. H6 front.:
CUBA PEST and best located rooma In Portland,
11 week snd up. Oilman! First and Alder at a.
fOR BENT Nicely furnlahed front room. 8.11
Mill .1. .
SUITS 4 unfurnished rooms, water and tele.
phone; gtotind floor-. fv.OO: nicely located
at University .Park. Phoae Scott 1282 or
East 870. e
FOB BBNT--flnr. aew, modern, 8 room boas..""
Unlod eve. - ear Una, houss No; 878, to
responsible party, 68 per month DO small
chlldrss. Phone Suburbia T21, ev.nlngs.
A NEW modern t-room houss on Mallory- sr...
Bear Going, eae block front 1'nloa ave., eaf
line, rent $20. Apply W. G. Beck, 807 Fail
log Bldg. " ' .
Pianos snd furniture moved promptly by s
)ler1enced men. 110 Third st Mais 1088.
FOB RENT Mddera S-room house, furnlahed -I
cannpiriw, w,a bbh. oeiu, pnone; rrem June
to October 1. Phon. Union 6062, : -.
FOR RKNT fl-roora cottage ' snd barn, new
with water In house; rent 612;' st Oatmea
- station, Woodstock carllne. T
FOB BENT At Besalde, daring June and July.
. 4 -room cottage and sttic; fine View ef ocean.
( ell 10T Front it,
FOR BENT Large, handsome. bmiee and grounds
ea top of ML Tabor, Apply Hyssos, oursal
. 1