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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1905)
-- J!. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. "PORTLAND. - SATURDAY - EVENING,--' MAY 27, 1905. ' 13 1 y e wa4eaw' W . Eatared at th poeteface of Portias ear transportaUea tknwgh Uv Mil a claaa matter. . - 1 Portland. Or. i Foetag. tUt SinglS COpl! Tot , 10 t Sage paper, 1 cent; l.Ul M lIMt J OeoUl to 44 pel, casta. -Ruiiom.- ;. dlterlal jM,iU M'luaa tUaxra.... . ' i-obeio ABTiiTiuiia tirBiiziTATrrk. -, Vrwland B.ugsmla Special Advertlatn Agency, v r. iimm ureal, m aersi i - :'-VBtoKirnoa rates. "- ' . " . Xante ay Oantaa. '- : - f. Pallj Ita wlia Saadag. I im.tafTM 4b;P' Journal, 1 .ar .. J W -Tib Laiiy Jouraat with Buna, t awotbar jU -Ibe Dally eWna Saaoslbe. Tka pally Journal. wUk Sunday.-1 auuatae. 1" Tk I Dally Journal, I moutha.... i -J Th ball Wiul with. Uuiulir. 1 month 'The Dally, pet , weak. O.U taxed, Bnda i -- Included the Dill, i nit, dsllvvred. fciaaaF unutatl .io Tana by Mail. . Dally Journal, with Sunday, t I'0, Dally Journal, 1 yaae... ...... ........ J Lilly Journal, with Sunday, mouth. T The Tha Th The Daily. Journal. montha. . i, 1.7S lb bally Journal, with Sunday, aaeath The Dally Joernal, I month. Tka Dallr JovuL with Sunday. 1 aaoet. l-lrO-4 i.40 .M Tba Dally Journal. 1 avaath..... Tba Bunday Juuraal. 1 yeer. J- Tka Sunday .Vuraal, 8 Bwatka ........ a-ue Tha Beaal-WeaeUy JearaaU. Thi Semi-Weekly Journal, to IB page -.- , .. eeefc laeue, lllociraud, full market r- C-t, 1 yaar.. ,..,........" mlttancaa akould ba auda by dratta, poatal aota, ainraaa ardara' and aaiall anwunts ara to 1 and Kaat wSSSm. , P. O. Bot 121, Portlaad. Or. IVKIBX- IK. J0UBJIALT MAXlM JftlWD. rkaNJoonial aa ha feud c aaln al RfllllWlu I1I.M.! OI8H. IDAilO H. BaUar Ca.l W Uo. - lntyra.. :Z . . v-.-- - CH1CAOO Poatofica Nawt eoaapaay. 1T Daar born atraat. DENVER, COI.O Kandrlck Book BUtlonary compaar. 81a gaaantaantk atraati J. iaca. --Biitaantk and Curtla atraat. Kasha a rirv v.. k.. n. . .aian. MINNEAPOUS U. t. Karanaugb. bv Soath j nira arraat. NEW vnftif rrrr m. tthIab anaar. OMAHA MUUrd Botal Nawa atand; Magaatk tatlonary eomnaar, 18ns Faranaa atraat. BALT UKK CITY kmran Hotal Nawt atand Bamifr Rroa 41 W..t (Uoond atraat. aoatk, BT. LOUIS Philip Hoader, ! Laouat atraati K r. ana riii ..m . BAN FHANflsCO W, R, AMInaV Palaaa BoUl rrawn atana. ana 1008 Market aareat: waio- Baaa Sja tkuttma irpML aad Balnt Franei bote; roater d Oraar. rarry bulla- ' la( N. Whaatley. maaaabla nawa atauO. cof nar atariet ana SEATTLE Ralnli nmm U.rh.f .wa rtM.a EATTLE Ralnlav Nawa ataail: Ik i Paauka. Hoiat Heart la K'w ttand. T BP0KANB. WASH Joba W. Orabaa A Ca. TACOMA, WASH Cantral Maw aaaapanyi Hotal Taoaaa Nawa atand. - - VICTORIA, B. O. Vlctaria Book BUtaaaarf aampany. . r . 'WrATHJR RtPOBT. - ? LiftC'ahowara bcrnraad yeaterday In aoutbem laano ana along ma tnrornia coaac, aiaa "whera la tba at a tea waat of tba Rorky BMran talne fair-weather praralled.- BHumn rta alas - reported at nearly arery atatlnn la tba mlddla ttrM . mA Itnn. im Mail It la warmer thla aaornlna in tha . annea Mlailaalpnl ralley, and enrraepondinf ly cooler in waatera Maw lore and areatara pranayu aaala; elaewhere la tha.t'nlted Btatea tba tan). . paratara baa remain. nearly atatloaary. Ttfa Indtoattoaa-ava oaartl- eleada w In thla dlatrlet Hnnday, with probably ahower in aortbweatara Oregon, waatera Waulnftoa ana aoninera inano, . .. - WadalBf card, - wr O. Brtltb Pa., n lag to blag., nor. Pourtk aad Watbiagtoa Waab. la. .BONOltXT May' Id. JpoaQnnl, TW; MATTHEWS May . to Mr. aad Mra. Darld - p. Matthewa of Caaliy. Or., a da tighter. WAGNKIa Mar ft, to Mr. and Mra. W. V Warner, litm Knott atreet. daughter. ' J.IMDAD May a, to Mr. aad Mr. N. A. Lira- bad. 4A Twenty -aerood atreet. daughter. STRATH May its, to Mr. and Mra. Jacob - Kurath: 004 Third (treat. Boa. RAGtiERTY May 26, to Mr. aad Mra. Tom Haggertr. 294 Clay atreet. a daughters . JAMKS May 2d, to Mr. aad Mra. Richard K. J a mra at Northern hotel. daughter. BERINO May-, tn Mr. and Mra. Bamttal A. . Henng. 1 jonnaoa atreet, . eon. . j ' w r " C0VTAOI0VB BISXABXB. ' "AKBY0tf Way 24. Maeite, Ma reel and Muriel . . ., Akeyaoa. FKteentk atreet, eklrkenpox. KARH May 2t. L. B. Waak, MO Beat Flrat . atraat, typkoia rerer. - r -. BXATES. ' ; BTANT0I-MT U. Henry 0. Btantoa, aged 22 ye ara, aos uiiama arenne; cause, aepkriti. '. Burial at lam r lr cemetery. . CONLEY May 2B. Loella Coaley. aged 28 year. -- at Opea Ah- eanatorium; rauaa, tuberculoala. ' Hurlal at lab Fir cemetery. MORHB May 24, Henry C. Mora., aged T ' - - BIRTHS. . ' r-4Iry'Bd- MrrJoha - r yeaea. at Bti Vlaeevt a boapttat; earn I .' ' nenhrltla. Bnrlal at Multnomah cemetery. LAINU May 22. George Ilng, aged year. - - - at Good rlatnarltajt boapltal; cauae, axterlal areterotorar. Hurlal at Greenwood cemetery, t B AGE Y May 22. Peter H. Uagey, aged 75 , ..yeara. Witch Haael bn tiding; cauae. Injury tot t.rTn rrom accMeaU Burial at H)lla boro. Or. " . r THOMAS May 22, Mra. B. Tbomaa, aged M , U eara, at roraat Oroee,. Or.; cauae, eld age. .. nuriar at crematorium. i BRAIN ARD May 24, Rugen B." WtwIlllM. . aged 2T yeara, at uooo namarita koapital cauae, typhoid ferer aad tuberculoala. Burial at crematorium. TAVANAUGH May . Roe Caaanangb, tged an yeara, at t. tineenta Hospital; can uremia. Burial at Mount airary cemetery. BIPMHER May 2ft. Emm Hlpaber. aged XI yeara. Kaat Thlrty-flrat and Raat Gltean - aueetal cauae.. cerebral menlngttte. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. I0NI.EY-lay 25t Martin Van Baraa Dnaley. aged 80 yeara, at Damaecoa, Or.; cauae, cerebral hemorrhage. Burial at Multnomah eemeterr. I t 'lERHMAJfi-May 2S. Celll Herrman. ared T2 yeara. ftftft Serenth atreet: cauee, rerrbraf r- bemorrkag. Brll - t Beth Israel cem ..-- - tMV. . . LA CR0T May . Trhan I Crny,, aged 28 yeara. at tit. Vincent a noepitaij ranee, perl . ' tonltla. Burial at Oregon City, Oregon. wti ynrwi cxxxxxbt- Ingl grarea ilo. Family lota $TB ' to . . . Tha only cemetery In Portland whlrk . perpetually malntalne and care for lot. For full Information apply to W. R. Markanala, WorcMter block, tfty. W. M. tadd. praaldeat. r "' '" Ciwmatorlaa aa Orego City ear Una. hear Sail wood; modern, edentlfle, complete. Charge Adult. IMr children, I2S. la I tore a. m. ,4oo p. nv Portlaad Cr.mitloa aaaodatloa, I artland, Oregon. The' Edward Bolmaa Undertaking eaanpaay, faneral dlraetora aad embalmera. .2. Third atrt - fboa DOT. - " -- 1. f. Flnley A Son., funeral director and ' Kbalmern, corner Tblrd aad Madiaoa atraat. Olflc aC eoaly aaroaar. Telephone Mala . Faaeeal wraatb aad et flower specialty at Roe. City Graenhouae, Twenty aaeoad d Baat Marnao, opp. caaietery. '- ert"Bro7 fo flower. 2s Morrl eoaetre L J-. i BXAI tlTATB TlAMSTIl. e. W."TTWwa to 0. W. Cooke, lot 11. " block 8, -Laurelwood. ....... ...... .t A, Harold tn B. Mathews, lota 1, 2, : block 1. HoVltt :..r 100 28 ,...0. ArTldaoa and wife to J. Grady, Iota - . J", lit amneon a aanxllTlaio ax owe - . 18. North Pet. . Jubna. .. -, ).-Pelel4y thi wtf o i bltner. lota 5. a; block a. rnchaae 0. M, Spencer ts O. B. Stratton, north west H of lot 4 and aoutbeaet V of lot t. Mock 18, J, Jobna addition.... . TSO B. Rlnahelmar to 3 Ran and wife, lot ' " J. Mock 1ft. aubdlTlsloa Proehatel ad- 1 dltlon i r n ann iti .n 1 1 u . i , . , Tr. ? " 4ftfl Charles flleaoa and wife to A; H. laua, - Kta 12, 19, block 1ft, Lincoln Park ad-' - dltioa ....i .... eno 'B. W. Mnnnaatea and wife t a. Frl- wald. kt 8. block M, Couch'e addltlaa 21.400 Bbeairf taj A. i Stout, parcel property In aecttoa 14, towuablp 1 aontb. range a 2 east - 18 C. t- Hall and wife to L. token, lontb 81 ft of lot S. hW-k 118. city.,....- - 2,000 T. B. Fdwarda and wife t T.. A. Lead, lot 8, block T. Irrlng a Frret addition... ,000 f, W. tarerso to O. Mcheen, pare j , REAL EGG PRICE : U l flllftTFl) llllillFRI no 1 " V l. Vl.l I I . : . '. 1 Exclusive Houses Fail in - Effort to Check " Quotations in Market This Time. GREATER MAJORITY:QF- SALES"AREATAD VANCE Prospects - fori Additional Rise - Puring Coming Week Forces . . Trad to Buy. ' Front Btrwt. May ST. Tha principal (aatvrca I 1br fortlaud wbolxaala markata today ara; fiattr-r damand kalpa fit marljat. Poultry market ali(btly up.- - " -. . I'raaard vaal wtalua Ita weakaaaa. - -Draaed kuca costluua krai. . - mob nulla tka ww tin. batter market la only fair. Salmon ngbt la getting warm. . Twaatyelkt canu top far wool. '., New California oalona cheaper. , " Strawbarrle bold ap with email receipt. Meyor toe meat ardlnenca.. Differential la cblttlm bark. I . Good ckarrlaa bring tba top. . liuod abtpmeat Florida to ms toes he " " Better. Demand Help Egg lUrkt.'J . AUbougb it la flulta trueA tbat one or pos sibly two dealer kaew larger eupplle at egga tkaa- during tba past-few daya, tha" general market M akowlug aCSrcWy. .".Jfictualee" egg kouaea hare been fa tba country accurlng larga supplies which ara said to- be for aturage pur poaca. and for . thla raaaoa they do not care to bar the price g noted abay. It centa. and at tbat Ogare they would like Itr coaatry shippers to bellere that tba market I weak. Along Front atreet today tba majority of the housea tkat kandl egga aecurad 1H centa a dcaea for eyery case tbry aold. With the ex- I ceptlon of )uat one dealer, who baa quit heayy auppUea, all legitimate egg bandlera on Front atreet agree that Tba Joarnal'a report of k eeanlty aad conseouenl adranca In the egg market tj m ceota yeaterday waa cor- that tba market la arm at that price, ooa l theaa,' a "man noted (at fcla bonaaty, saying that baker bought doaaa at iiiu. TfWil rrom hla piaca yeet.rday baeauaa - tba market waa etronger and bad erary tendency toward making farther adraacee during - tka coming week. Of conrae, It muat- ba nnder atood-tbat tb hlgheat prtfa la paid- okly for krat claaa gooda, thoaa candled In tba atorea her.. Tboae uncandled Mil at half cant under tha top. . On dealer oa fha atreet yeaterday made aala of egg at lBc.abut thla waa an axeeptloDal. caee; ao raonot be. uuatad. aa I ha market. Al 18 to 4oi ccnta tha egg market la aH hat coM be- drred-trwlay, tlie latter Hew Tollag today la amy ciaen'-out , of "ten". I Poultry Xaikat but Slightly W. A waa told In Tba Journal yeaterday, tba poultry market baa much better tona. Tola condition la a bowing coaatant bettering. Ke celpta ara ant light, but atlll they ara ander the 'demand.' The large Influx of Ttaltnre ng- larnar-Inoirtry-and a-good market la anticipated during tba next few daya. For young geeaa there rulee a good demand, but td wreck -are wnnewfiir Reelected. - Bothold too; -young 'cucki Mayor Vetee Xaat Ordiaaao. mach elated today when the' announcement waa made taat the' mayo bad vetoed the prop set d meat aralaaacav wklek would anas. It impossible for farnieea tp Mp their atiwfc. tn Fraat alnaot. . Th. la mmiw m t. the mmmm II but It la generally believed, by th atreet thatl in etecoHT'a head. - Th market on dreaard 'real today remain qolte weak on,, account of tba larger recalpta and the warmer weather. - lietall butcbera are well filled up oa real, and large number of camaaa ara In cold storage, - Toe price la dull at et cents for tn top. -. - Tber still remain - quit a good demand for dreeaed boga pa account of tha scarcity la both liTeatork and oa tha street, frwea re main at th top. . Bop Bail Try Another Tack. Aa waa cxclnalrely told In Th Journal yea. terday, tka bulla la tha hop market are mak Ing every eadeanr to bold the market op. Their plan to tie Bp tha 1B06 crop. If auceeoe- rully engineered, would fore toe market for 1904'a crop to a higher point. The mala raaoa why th past seaeon's crop la ad dull 'aad waak la becauaa tba brewera believe they.caa buy cheaper bona next aeaaoa. Charle uveeley, dealer of Salem, aaya: I havfc been ogered fully 2,000 balea of beat Taklma at 24 and 2ft cent, but caanot take them." J. t. Metxler of Seavey A Metxler of thla city aaya: "I bought let bale, of choice hope from a grower on tbe wet aid at 24 ceota. Ihaaai were for aa order iraeelvad .aavaral weeks ago. At preeent, order are Very acarce. ad th market cannot afford ever tbat price." Salmon light I flatting Warm, Tbe email rua of. aal moo la tba Columbia I creating trouble - among tha . ear tone packer. mn ka become ao email on the Lpper Columbia that dealere there are paying T centa a pound fur chlnooka, ateelbeada or bluebecke, There la tight oa la that region for control, McOewaa and Warrea both paytngi eihorbitant agnree la -their esTort to- -force - tbe -Columbia River Packera' plant away rrom Rooster Kork. The two former have plant at Warrendale. former price are readily maintained. Differential la Chlttim Bark. The' martet for chlttim or caacera bark la c.uleai dull, bat dealer ara offering fully one half cent better for the old bark than fot the new:' Ih price for the latter la 4 centa. while for the former high aa 44 centa la being offered. . Orange Ara Held y inner. Tbe orange market la -firmer. A car of extra trie Mediterranean sweets cs me thla morning and waa quoted at 82.00 to 82.75. - Orseas berrlee were a hoot the only one In th market today, and aa atocka were smaller than tha demand, th former price were easily maintained. Th oar of Call forms, anion which came yea- it nd. 100x10. beglanlag 2no feet aontb of Intersection of eonth line of Ksst " - Stark and east line ef Kaat Flfteentk.. 1.400 F. v.. Goodwin rt al. to V. i. Adams. lot 11, 12. block M. Sellwood ... i.,80p M. R. McTullorh and knsband to H. Hen.'" ' J tinaln. Iota , .10, 1ft, In, btock k, , Willamette 1.200 Pacific Realty A tnveatment company to J. Hoode, lota- 21. 22. block ft, Stewart . 0. Jenseil' W 'ft1 n: Willberg? uSdlrliied ' " H Intereat In lot 13, block SS, Sell- wood .' - ISO W. Strykey and wtfe to A. C Feegtl--" son, lot 18. block 1. Waahlagtoa addl- " ' tlon .n. 1 A. O. and C. K. Sage to R. Walling, lot 7, Jkvrk B.1. Hcepnen addition..,., 1,200 E. Scott and wife to Victor Land eom rsny. aundry Inta In aundry addltlona.. , 1 0r Grant and wife to J. F. Wilson, lot ' 4. block is.. Lincoln rarx annexe..... T. J. Hammer and wife to C K. Handle. pa reel ..lajtd. neginning 74reet .rmm northeast corner of block ST Bernhardt I'ark .. . .- , . ao A- B. Oulbug to G. R. RCId and wife. . ..... lot 7 ana enutn to . okicb la, Js'ortlk Irving ton rM e - - Oet rowr- hmrenc and abstract to real ett from tbe Title Gaaraatee A Treat aaa aaay. Chamber of Commerce bulldlag. v BTILPme BBBMITl. " :-; LEADBETTER Msy SH. Mr. Iad hatter. . re. , paira to store, ih ana xan rront atreet; coat. 82110.. , . ---a.. .. ....-. . W ALKER May 2. M. A. Walker, aoto abed. oret-nn street near i nioa avenae; coat. gin. FITF-HIMMONS Mar 2ft. - John FHaalmmona. eotteae, (.aereeoem avewwe net wee a Cook evrnne and Fsrgo atreet: eoat. 2-. OWEN'S A MEIL1 May , 21 IHrena A Met 11 hooth. Tkarmaa. netweeaj Twenty. roorth and Twenty 8ftb atreete: coat. 8!. JOHNSTON May 2. A. K Johotton. cottage, Manhattan atreet aear In Km s venue j coet. fl.iC", . ' .... PFTF.RHOK-Maf in. !f. M. feteron." atoeea. corner Fst inittietn and u lads tone atreete; coat. 81 10. r 8ABnr.LI) A P'RRTK May 2S. SirsneM A li Krien. par, n iinaoM avenue netweea ra swat aad' TbJ rtt coat, 150V -EL- SATURDAY PRICES IN THEWHEAX-MARKgT i 4e niT""r riinaafcesiSaTirrra .1 r 1 t n New Xorlt -Wft. Z a Mlnncapolla X... 1.20 B 1.0H 4 e Duluth -. ; . . ( , . . . 1 1 Vb f H 1 Vt .-- a 8t. Ixiula t.OO'A -4 a 4Knaaa City ..1.00. .Tt - e ."San FranclBco... 1.82V4A l.ttVb , - ah n(-rabar. i,, , , : . i a) ' la a 44 a e 4 4 4 terday wer of excellent aaallty. the beet yet received. ' Tba price la lower, with. larger (up. pllea,.- Today' wholcaala nnola lions, a follow : . rain. Twu and Feed. . WHEAT Nominal; club and tad. S4Q8fte; blneatcm. 0J9Ic; yalley, STc. - BARLEY Feed. ao.Ui railed. 224.001 brew. COBN Wbola. 124.00) cracked, "t2J.8 par !aTE-11.5S per cwt. J ( OATS No. 1 white. (28.00; gray, FLOUR Rasters Oregon Patents. ( 56414.83: atralghta, 83.711; exportat W.mqj.Mi valley t.iu: graoam, . es.w aue, r-ai,iat Sua. tS-uo; balea, .Tft. r- - MILLSTUFFS Bran. $1 00 per teat- mld dllnx, abort. . Co D try,; . chop, lis.00. HAY Tlmatby, Wlllsaeette Va.iey, faary, 113.00; ordinary, I12.U0; eastern Oregon, 113.00; mixed. l2 00i cloear... Ill.OOi grain, IU.IW, cheat.' 11140. .v ... v ButUr. Zgga and Poultry. IH'TTWR- PAT Street, BtlTTKle CH grade. ITUaJWc: outside fancy, Wj21Vie: ordinaxr. l7)U2Ue; California, 184c ato.-. UKtr EUUB iv a. freak Oregon, candled. Kit IS'ac; mifiBwni, iwi. 1 , HEB8K New Full cream, twin. 14 He; Young America. lOHc: eastern. I4kl4'..l Call, fornle..- 14Het t beddae. 1440. POl'LTBY Chlckena, mixed. im13crper Ih; Bene. r per in;- rooatere, aid. km per lb; young, - IXe per lhi brollcra, SMfJSx lb; fryer. 22peT lb; ducka, - 84.ooqw.uo per doa; gaeae, -siitBe per lb; turkeya,. iTejisa per lb; . draaaeid, 20t21V per U; atjuaba, 2.60Oi00 per aoa. Bop. Wool aal Bid. HOPS Contract, 100ft, lc; 100 . crop, 25e for choice; 22U24 , for ' prime and medium. WouLJbob dip-- taller, coatee la medium. 24s-tMVac; fine, 20VkO28c. aastara Oregon. I4i224e. y HH EUPHUINS Mli.artna lB-fHOe! abort araaVL 2ot3(ic; medium wool, Sde&uc; tuag wool, ftOciallOOeach. - ... ALiXJW r-rltoe, p4 n, igsc; no. ana grease, satue, . CHITTIM BARK f34K per lb; baying price, rortiand. . HIDES Dry h!dee, Ko.r I.-. IS . fb ed a. 18Q18H per lb; dry kip. No. 1. ft to 18 lba. 14c; dry calf. No. a, onqar ft Ibe, ISQlSc; dry aaltad hldeev-eteere, aovnd.- 00 ken or aver, 8Vtl He; to to M lb. kGHVie: under SO lb and eowa, 8tJ8Vc; ataga and bulls. Bound, 807e; kip, IB to SO lba, Oct aound. 10 to 14 lba, 0 Vac; calf, aound. under 10 lba. OyitSlIc; green taoaaltedl', 4 per Ik laaa; call. 1 nr lb leaa hides, -aaltad. each. -11.8631.75: dry. each. Il.00ai-ft0:-colt hide, each. 20100: goat akin, -common, eacn. lOQlftc! A a or a, with wool obi aoh, Xctlfl.OO. ' : ' .- ' ry tmiu aad Vegetablea., - P0TAT6k Jleat Oregon. 1.161.20; -car rota, f . .' country, $1.00;-aeeond grade, 1.00 per sack; buying, car lota. 86c; sweets, Crated, 11.76; new California. lHo pay lb. ONIONS buyera" prtcea. country. 84.18: new California, 2j2Vic; Texaa Bermuda. t.M); aarllc. U&xlOf tier Lb. i Btnii rKL i rn Apple-exrr rsncy. e "o; : . . t: : : . , M... fancy Orui. 11. no 1 ue-- tJBXTtliaTgTadeav 1)60 per box; erangea. naval. 24ki13.00 box; bauaoaa iaUtc. par . lb lemoaa. choice, 12.60 box; fancy. 1:.00 box; Umea Mexican, e ner ' 100: utneannlen.- rg4.ofhmft.OOlraabar rlea, eastern, - lll.oo per bbl; strawberries. wmaenwra-- Taircy. jnyar; aioow -. -i-ir."TrnfiiiylyailIa HaHway . . ' l:i:i't 1 H:iV tier imi; I aer i lair; t.'allfornla, .rt.oTcpi-tbjvr; ' - - - - B'V?.1!'':7.?; rtrnlp7hi I . V". uer aack: rtrrati. X 1 IM)1(1 1.10- beeta,' . 11.28 per aack; Oregon ; lehea. : 2fie . nee . . doe rabbkae. gun,. ., per' cwt;" Clltfofnla. lHOlVic; green peppers, Tc lb; CblU peppers, ioiuuc m; celery, - - per crate; tomato. - Florida, la.ftu: fallforal. I2.UI: i. Sl.0llul.20 string beans, ZaiUc: cauUflower.V California, 1.763.00 crtit, , rhubarb. Itfl Vr par lb horaeradleh. T18cner lb: loronta. t-y chokea, oQ5oc per doa; botbene lettuce, fto17nc: head lettuce, to. ner doa: greea wnlone, 10c per doa; asparagus, 75jH5c do bunchea; Walla Walla. 1.2o01.oO per, box aplnach. 9c per lb; green corn, per doa, peas. Oregon, 7Mc; California, 6c pet lb; en ru miters Aoealtl.UB ner dua. DRIED FRUITS Apple, evaporated, TCJSe per lb; aprlcota, 8Vail3 per lb) aacka, H per lb leas; peecbee. bJ12c per lb: peara. - Kr lb; prunee. lUlUn. aVtOH Fr lb; ench. 1HJ4H per lb: 8g. Caltforala black, lUSWa ner lb: California whit. pe lb. pluma. pitted. per lb; da tee, gold, per lb; farda. I1.S0 per 1ft-lb box. . Oroeeriee, Vuta. Eta. ' SUGAR Sack basis Cube. 8810: powdered. 15 M; fruit granulated. V Mb. dry graaalated, 14.B6; beet granulated. 80.76; extra C ftftjia; t olden C, 14.24; bbla, 10c; Va bbla. Zoc; Doxea Lo .advance .oa aack basis, laaa 2a- peg cwl for eaah. IS days; maple,. 1401 V 1. . HONKY 14a116c. C0FFKB Package, braadav 11 4.7ft. - SALT Flaw It alee, Sa, ka Ubie. dairy, ftua. 111.00; 6a. 10a. 11.80; 10.70; im ported Uveroool. 60s. 117.00: loua. IIS.60 224a. 810.00; extra flue, bbla. ia. 8s, be, loa. 14.60tj5.oo; balk, 820 lba, f4.tw4jft.00s aacka. aoa. avianac SALT Coaraa Half aroond. 100a. Bar toa. 17.00; koa, per toa. 17.60; 1.1 rer pool lump rota 11B.60 ner tin: kO-lb rork. 17 OO: loOa. 48.76. - (A Dove price apply to aaiea 01 lew tbmm ear lota.' Car lou at special prlcea subject to auctuatloaa.l Ull t- Imneetal J.nan No. 1. tkC WO. a. 4 He; New Orleaoa head, 8c; AJax. 4c; Creole, 4Vac. .s 1 - BEANS Small white. 2 4 Vic: Urge white. IVi pink, ac; bayou, c; umaa, ac; Mexican reds, . NUTS rant, Tc; jam ooa, art r" raw. Oatloc ner fb: roasted. : cocoaauia. kfteOOc per doa; walnuta. 14Q1S par lb; pin nuta. -10O12He per lb; hickory note. 10c per lb; ebaatnuta, eaatera. lftOloc per lb; Braall aula. loa per 101 Siberia, lotjioe per id, i.ucy Pecaoa. 1401S per lb; almond, issim pk u. Paiata. Coal 0U. Zt. , , ROPE Pare Manila, lc; atsndard, ' li; alaaal, luVo; utla brand alsaL c COAL Oil. rear l or aairai Laaea, aub per bai watee white. ' Iron bbla 16a uer aaL woodea 18 par gals headlight. 170-drg, caaea UloUUna OU ueg, WW. per gat. iron bbla. 'Me per gal; ewvea, caac 24 Mr per gal, iroa-bbla loc per gal. TCKPEN TIBB in caaea, via per gai; woooea bbla, 04c per gal; Iroa bhla. lo per gsL BENZ1NB Brf-oeg.,' case ie per gal, iroa bbls 18ve per gaL i , WUITI Its joa, I vav per 10, twit lota. TA"per lb; lee kit. 8e per lb. WIRE N All ireaenx oese at liiu.i LINSEED OIL Pure raw, In bhla. 83e pet gal: caaea one per gai. genuine acme ooiii-o. ease TUc per gai, pout noo per a , grouna caxe, ear lota f&Ov pa toa, lea ibaa car aula 4ju.u H laavi '. .. . Meatta. Flak aad Provlaleoa. FRESH M SATS Front atreet Beef, ateen. Banc pe M; pork. Block. TVie per lb; packera. 1o per lb; bulls, aiitfto per lb; caws, 40Ciper lb; mutton, OHia'Hc per lb; lamb with peue. aytajoc par . ui: real. eitra, 6'BOVtcs ordtnaxy, tw per ID; poor. tunc Deri lb. - -r r t . .7 . a. WW .1 , ,.- .. rlABin riav".'. a. i .. nwiianw pacm .waif bam. 1 to 14 li. 124 per lb; 14 tn 10 lba live pet : 18 to lba. )2c per lb; eottagt lba. ic per lb: brextiasi oecon. latjinc per lb; nlcnlc. Se per Ibi regular abort c leant, aa tmoked, Ho per lb; amoked. lu per lb; clear backs, nnamoaeo, ta r" . eiowaeo, luac per lb; Union batta, 10 to IS lba. anamnkea, a per lb :-amoked, par lb; clear b.1 Ilea, aa amoked. lie per lb; amoked, 12 per lb; boulder. Sc. . ' LOtlAL LARD Kettla leaf. 10a. 10 e per lb: 6a. lOHe per lb; oo-lb tin. I0c per Ik; ateam readered. 10a. S per lb; ka. Bite awe lb; tuba, ike per in; tm. an. per in. CANNED SALMON Columbia river 1-lh tall. tl.K6; 2-lb telle. 12 K; fancy, Mb Sate, 82 00; b-lb fancy Sara, l tft; fancy l ib evakt, 12 76: Alaaka tails. Pink. IfttJOOe; red. ll.6or awmlnal 2a, tall, 8200. 1 FISH Rock cod. Tc jter lb: lonnder. le par lb; halibut. SVic per lb; crabs. II 60 per oV.a; trlped base IIHt per lb; ; estn.h. e pel ih; aaimou. cninooa. we per id;, oe per lb; hlnehack. Sc; kerrtng, 6c per lb; aolee per lb) ahrlmpa, 10 per lb; perch. 6. par lb; ah id. le per Ih: roe ehed, Sc per Ih: ahad roe. Sue per lb; black eod. Te per Ibi alleee, 1 per- lb: tnnetere, 16c; freeb mackerel. He per lb; erawfmh. 2&e peg dosi floaodera, ft per lk; turgeon. 7 per lb. OT8TEP.S Shoalwattr bay. per gaL SZ.28; r aek, 8' 70. I CLAMS Hard ohell. car sax, 12.00; raaor save tr aoa. j Demand for clusive Houses BUSINESS New York Stock Market Shows 77 but Few Sates in the Ses sion of Today. . 7 PROBABILITY OF BATTLE , , : CAUSES UNCERTAINTY N e t C hangej - In Mark etTAre -r -r Small Many Stocks Do ' .4- Not Open at All.--. UlNSES. : . l4'Clie.apeak4f H . VtKirest Weatarn..,'.. H Amalgamated Alton ........ C. N. flT. Krle .... i.m, taui. .-. - t I Mexican Central. ..j m kluuourl-Pai'lfl' T. lenlral.,,. u Ontario A West. V'Ri-adlnc r. uae ..'...,77.'...; V. 8. Steel do prt-fcrakd.... il'reaaed Steel. .77 .. .uthi'rn H. olflc. .. SiUuiou Pacific... ADVA.N'CHS. ' P.?.1,l"orJf' . ' V I Norfolk HUnola Central.... v,Hk Island...... K'a'ar.!.'1.'.''' tolT.'f""9 UletT ' t'lacnnn Cntral 1. I .1.. 1 Tanadlau Taclflc.. 1,1 " ' (Furalshed by . Overberk.; Starr-A Conk a Co.) Wall Street. New York. May 21. Ixwan A Rrtsa, sy The prohablllty of an engagement la the far east In tbe neit few days' tended to-reetrlct huelne aumewhat. The bank atate ment waa voneldered fsaorable. and waa without effect en tha market. The tendency eeetne lower, but the large abort Intereat. however, may be first ran lu befor any material de cline takea place. :..,. . Today's official stock market: DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mlntng C-o... nalgamated Clipper Co ....1101 70l,i 7I Atchlaon. cam. -d preferred. A ma. Citr- A Fit com 1plA;10IHl10IVlloiS, -.--TTTI.-.T . . f.-. T..T "'T1 ST(,fa7vij BT I tl 132a lM2:isi l;iava loo loo'a Hsjiiiiui. 118 ill 111711171. A mer. Hngar. com.' Auier. nmeit. com . , , . . oo prererfed ... I ..... . Bnltlmor Ohio, com Brooklyn Kanld Transit. lil7V,tlu7t4U7i,H4.7 6N4k r8i' anadian ratine,, com I hirayo- A 144. , 14.'. '4 t-mcago w oum Chi., Mil. A St. Paul. IhV lTOlT2ftilTl4':iT2it rhK-ar N. W.."com.7T. uio..iiu.. (iioia rbeaaoesko Ohlo. . . 47 40 47 h 47at 47a, j to)o. Fuel. - A- Jrew.- eeea. ". 4 - do Zd preferred. do 1st neaferred..: Dela.. Lack. A Wrat... 77 2T WS osn Denver -A R; G:,-cm.-i do preferred..-. Erie, rom.,...,nUnw 40- do 24 preferred. k..... do 1st preferred...... 77 V, niliwle Central -ivisii.: 1C .(Jfi flSH,tifi fmntavllle Nsthrtlla.. Metropolitan St. Ry. . . . Motibattail Ranwayrrnr ia2vait'lVtJ42y 1u2Tajju2tiHu'lT4-lrttvt r 1 ldii 4Z14:allU i ashuiiuu xv.iiw.t... t .t. .. i, . Mlaaourl Pacific M . K. A T., com.. asCl snvii 24u I 'I' -do urefKrred.' . "S" New York Central. lllSWt.lM i:ih1 1H Norfolk A Weat., eom i 78m ID 1 7vt w . x I '"'". ' 1.1 . I1.H.1. roDle"i XTeaatl et. l ap, do -tarafevrad?. Pacific Mall 8. 8. Co. .fi 844 KeaUlng.- 0m..... Hep. Imn A ffteel, win.. -TT lfm it' oo preferred .... . . . ,-. . Rock Island, com. 7.,.. Sootbem Ry., pm,'.. do preferred. , Southern Pacific St. L. A 8. F., 2d pfd.. St. Lou la A S. W., com. dir- -pTcfrrred -t . . V-r. Texaa A Pacific... Tennessee Coal A Iron.. Tol., St. L. A W., com. do preferred Cnltr. Pacific, com del -spref erred ....,.... TJ. 8. Leather, com..... do preferred . . C. 8. Rubber, com do preferred.......... TJ. 8. Steel Co., com... do preferred W. A Lake Krle, com.. . do 2d preferred...... do at preferred W'leconeln Central, com. w. V. Telegraph 71 H 2S5 71 KM', as 2HVi, 28 V. 2H til eat 83 to 21 RCA R2 T4 ftft nilfriii; Tft in 37 74 u P7 T ru oo no no 1IW wo 0?V. ,0 11 vl loflH MT W2vt 8TT4 20 Ba ;v 10A 24' Si.'a 20H 21 .1x14 o 82H 2 02 Mi vs anaan, com in do. preferred.......... Rubl miner t.. ISoods 24 I S4s; 4s Total sales for day 104.400 aha rea. T0R0PAK MIBTXa STOCKS. l- San aaclaeJi Mae-417, Tmiopea- etoc hi. of. rjclat vcloae, lorenona aeaeton: Hid. Montana .......$1.o2 Midway 1.80 McNamara 4:i Belmont 1.24 North Btar . .3 Rescue Gold Mt . ... Jim Butler . Nevada AI. .14 Miimbo Ex ...... .14 I Black Butte ,:I7 (Silver -Pick r1 .S5 ,xy rHolden A tick nr.. :t Red Ton ..1M IHay O'Brien OA .6.1 ' pklr Ton ...... .:r7 ,:t7 lo. Bull Frog..., ,2 Goldfleld Sandstorm . . . . Sandstorm Ex. Ione Star .... Cash Boy .I4A IIMamoodfleld .14A Illume .20 l .42 .oft BOSTOa" C0PPIB STOCKS, lUeton, May 27 Official cloae: 1 Bid. i . Bid Adventnr ...f 2 HO Michigan . Aitonea ao.iai 4iin jiominion 60 on Arnold ...... .00 llaceola MR I Hlnrham .... 27. T.I Parrot 21RO 1 oo T 2ft 42.S4 .124 20.60 Calumet ..... 615 OO Centennial... Ik.SO Copper Mt.... 4ft. (at Phoenix , Trinity , .U.kb ..u.u.a n Inona ...... Wolverine Rrltlsh Col.... U. 8. Mining.. Copper - Rang " an. 00 " iaiy weat... . 12 an riotn. Coal.... 14 on- Grarthy ft. Ml oreene ........ 34. on Mae. , 8 25 AV riAMCIBCO LOCAL STOCK. , i,Ssn Francisco, May 27. Local stocks closing Bid. A.k nprtng vaney water . Mutual Eleetflr ...... ..... 87"4 7"4 12 124 S. F. Gae A Electric. .. M4 .. "S 1 . .t-SM r - 15' .17 .. T1. .. 22 " T4 ..I0H Hi ..'". 67 80. io'i RXl, .1Z W' 84 Giant Powder Hawaiian Commercial . tinnnnee emgar '' Makawell fvigxr . . Onome Sugar paanha Sugar'..... Ala.ka Packer' ......... (Hforn1 Wine Aaa'o ... Paclnc Statea Tel. .............. .loaii loft llutrblnsoB-- Sugar . ..i.., ldi, Iflt KtW Tokx BABK BTATIsffrlTrT. . . ,., , - . i New York, My 27.- -Bank statement: t Increase. .. 2.2-46.R-.21 .I4.27(V ........ ...... .42'l.4iai '. . 651.4.10 1.2ni.fal lO.H-.-ioiiO , ' 627.400 Reeerv Reserve, lee U. S.. Hpede .,...,., 1epoalta Circulation .......... Decrease'. :. . P0BTLABD BARK STATIMEHT. fleering HalaBcea . . . t r . . , ,-r, ty, .V..H."T. ! - 1I4.2B.1.1M) inr, tobx corns mabkit.- JCew. Tork. May 2T Coffee rloae: 1 , Rid. A.k I Bl.r A.k May , .1 i 8 44 November ..WMI MM Jin 1 1 1 W 4-,4' tlttl win t 1 rr- ) wV - T,tl July 0 M e ,vv Jsnuarv . 7. on . 7 on August .... a no S .aft Fehrnarr ... T. in I u September .. S 7n .0 74 March rrrr:. T.10 T15 October. .... 8 SO- 6.MI Wew Tarh Calk Caft. - Near Tork. MT 2T.- 4'aab, arw? ...... ! K0.r,I Rto.Sce-'iVa.. kantoa, - 14S,I144 - 1 1 ' "t- r -..... 1- . ' - v- . , . . . - .., z V, ...(A 84 HMTtaj kit Bid. Adama ....... ..1 irr hlnhawk ........ .IN I male in I Kendall ........ .20 K'olitmbl Mt ... .An Uuanbo nr-.-. -s.TT Eggs So Much Bettei' That. Ex Fail in Thir Effort to -l4old - ce-at-Eighteerr Centra Dozen. --v- PROFIT TAKING T00K-0FF PRICE Wheat Has Held Firm All Week ' and the Reaction , Was rGiuite Natural. - THREE AND A QUARTER , ( ' : r IS LOST; BY THE MAY )uly Option Also a Heavy Loser ' Heavy Receipts Shown jzrrrr - in : Corn. " ." "" , I Loaa Sat. . SATCRDAY 'WHEAT MARKET, . . Oliell : ' Cltaie. Cb'S '. t' , Ah." Sat. . Frl. May. , ,,, .j,,, .l.tiat4JLul aUJ.i;)'. Joli .tn li .10 '.4 r.01 Septeaiber .so '.a. :'.S31.. .W!a ..ut t Furnished liy ."Crcijbrcarf'arr A Cooke Co.) Chicago. May ifT.--Logan A Bryanrnayt ajtc price fi r beat baa been well eustalned througb the week and It will be but natural, that jha profit-taking by the holdcra over th holidays would. develop at an me tline during tbe eeeaina. News aa to crop damage haa been somewhat conflicting today and dnubtlcaa had eonietblng ta na ttljr dV.-iaing fcoliWra oOwng-wbaat-lB taking profits.- - larn JJora juaaipta In cora there, acre larga recclpta and further petering out Id tbe May deal tended to ahaka tha confidence of the bulls In th" future, on aa. the day progressed lliiuldalion developed. Today official markets; " C" ' WHEAT. Open. High. Low. May.,.,. 1.0214 .iv .WH Cloa . t 1.0I- - .' ..HA '.kiV jiutmit Haj .ia Ht-pt... .:is 1 Dec...... ' M CORN. .Out. Wry.'.... .nH-' ".BO .4i .-404--.4Nt.,A ,4H - ".4Ta." , .4H ' .4.1 A Old Jnly .4-" .4t'4 ,4H' New July 4U' .4M New Hep ...... '.4M14 ,47a Old Sept f.4Vi .41 . AH New Dec ,4ft , ,44(4 ,".45 . Old JJfc May, '04 .444 OATH. -wwyr: July. . Sept. "T'V .en A SOU ." ---'.SOU .SOSkB .2H . .2oVa .28 "Bay..... 18.25 . li.Tft 12..W July..... 12.4S 12.4.V 12.40 Sept.,.. 12.07 )2.TO "13.85 ' J.A Kit. T.1! -: T.lSs- .. -7.'J - -v 7.2S T.4S T.42 T.4S t.o , Mar.Trr'T fS July.. 7.. 7.W Sept.i.' -T.42 Oct......" T.40" SHORT RIBS. W ,lf 7 2 Brpt,.... IJii,- 7.48. . 1M I.4.1B EIGHT TONS SOLD ,T0 EACH ONE HELD (Furnlahed by Overbeck, "Atair A Cooke Co.) aayii-. Therai baa .bean very atcoug- feeling dlo jilaycd in wheat t.Mlay. The le'pmlier iiptloa waa In good demand, selling at l..10. There jk-Lwag-a: jcai.-Uunii-La5ta unrpalllng-j in ajKH ooilltlim rvn.aliia atrona. lua Aliijf shorts have eettk-d a few out r acta, but It ia thought -there are manjr mm-e who will have to- riu. iTlLire eaefDi. n.unujiu i.uivru asay at flzv, tottay with-Buyera willing to pay iaere ia jiow ptieo inmit i,-tnwi two weeka ago: . Todsy'a official tnarhriit: WHEAT. ' Open. Hlab. . Low.- Clo. H-62S A -1.30Ji7 .88i B May.'... A 1 8 Iee..v...i l.kOVa - l.iW l.S04 - - BARLEY. - Deo. ,.SSy B - CHICAGO ORAJBT CAB LOTS. Chicago, Wheat . Corn Oata ..... May . ST. Grain car lota: CrS' Grade. Eat. 1004. 12 10 II 20 .............. Wl Wl 004 . 8M US 41 104 ' 172 Liverpool Oral Market. ' - Liverpool. May 27. Closing: Wheat I i higher. . ... NO STRENGTH SHOWN IN ANY LIVESTOCK Hogs Are Very Dull While Both Cattle " and Sheep Are Quoted Weaker. Portland lata atocka recalpta: Stockyards. May 2T. Llve- LH-nrx Carried Sneep, . 7 27ft 142 . . . 64 l.ftiMl Today .... v eek a ao Previous week :2iw 2. M noli agn l.m There n nothing doing in tbe llv.-atu.-k market today, no atrength lielng abown In any Hue. Hogs are very pilet and unchanged aa to vaine. none pom cattle end akecp aru weak. Official price lor liveatock: lbiga Beet eaatern llrrrn. 80.00: blockers no t btn fata, - K 24; wockees and feeder. 4.0',l4.7ft. ' ;-. ttie Beat eaatern Oregon steers. It.oot 4.23; light and medium sterna, t.l.ftO'aa.;.".; old and light cows. 2.sin2.74; aUtrkera and retnera. -.' taij ntttia, 11. B0. ' Shiwu Beat fancy sliecn. 1.1.40J! 3.7B; ewea . on; -apring laniQa, a c. ? teaCo.Kl n-a I. 124" to ,475 pound, 4c: nd heavy; 2H:ic ;j l aires i;oimi lougll Ttt BE0IK TO BREAK (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Enternrlae, Or.. Mar 2T.-AWoolgrowera are preparing i.r int. annual rug. Mhearera ar arriving dally' aod the niaebl.ue are being pre- pareo rnr wore to negin in aaout one week. 1 ne Hormy weather which haa prevailed for weeka haa broken and good ahearlng aevera aeaaon la nrellclod. 4'he clln wlil he Itrt. tnongn tn eaceeeiveiy damp eeaerirr will cauae a Unlit welrbt clip on account of tha. absence ... , k. ...... I .. ..II . COTTON FUTURES TWO - TO TWELVE ADVANCED (Fnrntshed by Overbeck. Starr A Conk e Co New York. May 27. tot too futures, cloned 2 to 12 points higher. t- - 1 Xou4 a flllal -eel toe mark err . V I wpen. IHTII. low. t'loee. I ........... KITS KI7 WARMER WEATHER IS . RIPENING BERRIES ISpectaf Dispatch to Tin Joaj-ael . . Hood . Illter.. Or., Mar 27. Warm weather la rlwnlng berrlea raptillr. and l.fHNi eaa are leaving here daily. The ftrat refrigerator car was I'Mded Tbitraday. nlgbr and sent eeet. Frlce kave bee maintained. well lhl,aeastwb lea-.wUk carload aklpmenta berrka are etoeeted to beemme rn.apef. Irlca entllng anrg-aome nf the ehlppere dl1urnrd the sltuat lost eaciy to the week, hut tkw FrultgmYraL 'kaaiieiatl.n ba had 'tb alt ustlon well in htntl. and Manager Hhet.srd re port, a ntg tmrenae In net vortfrnav t. the grower over this same period laai year. The . relation la. enf.arelr rlgM lnape-tloo of al fi-ui; atot aal audrr Ita braail, and ha 12.80 , 112.4'B ; -il.Unr 7 ass t 4 7.4S - bof wbear Tor tin tnwt He luiit nf iiulaTanil-Tnfil Tl rfl rT aj4.w ikj' Ita; 1 1 growing arp are lint aa taeoeaine a they, mare I . , L , t I Ho Iren-dava arv Those, beat lioeted eatimate thel x I .-. ... .. ...... .-'-.I a, I, w ills I'liiu al mill n rm nrwn m iiiona ui I HQimry ............ Kits Kt7 b77 - Ct ltd March M'l H4I SIT n 44 4 llay .............I,. sfS'rsas m mvutl June i Too- fun anT.w July,. -4wwy.- mt noTi klft Suaiiat mis HIS eoft HlJ-l.t sefitcmber ;.... ...'. sun hi.'., hoci ' hi'.ii7 IVtooer .....kll Z4"iatll 2itZl N.enioee .' ltl aid - ar lMHvmber ; K2I Hit H2I B;aj.u Wa treat aticcearullr all prlvat. ner. YOua kiid-.throrda dlaoaae. of moo; alaO blood. atQmarri, lienrt, llvarkiunay aii4 iruuuiea. w a cure 0 111 111.1 at (without mercury) to alar ourad for ever. In 20 tov 0 x dava. W remov Tj rJTHcxURfi without operation or pain. n jo aaya; sij - . , , - vo atop aralna. TTTjuiit of aouae. immediately. v can rea luae l ativ.tntn vnilir fij .,,.u,,. t i,.. i .....7--r1 giuuii.g I. ouraelvoa. w WejCurti Gonorrhoea in a Week ' Tha (innvrvea tkla I.Lll4..a. -yearBxr)eJTlence. navo been, known ln - Portland tor-Ik yearnr-bave a raputatton v nmiiiiwin, ens wui uuuurtaKe-fia. unleaa certain curb cam ba affecte.! VV'e guaratuoe a cure in every case wa tindertak or charge no feo. Consulta tion free. lyetterV.'Mtldentll. Inatruc tlvo BOOK FOR MEN rnalled ra In .V4tln wrnppar. W cur th worat caaea ot nllea In tlon. Cura suarantood. -- eo"sifulOU ' " mc wrtt -fflcrj titmrsrto t Tindrrt. ZBunaiTys anaonaa DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Office In Van Noy Hotel. 62 V, Third Btreet. Corner Pino, Portland. Or. uVeUtuL tlila y ar-4hat -k grower putrfng nrat- tlaaa-uek will -not he rorivd t.. hla piwliict ltUU-inaa potting -up. it wde l ' -Naw Tork-Landon Sugar. New'-'' IteHn.d r changed; raw... ateady and tmehauged. oyi ooei. nrm vm may ana June 1 . SERIESOFMEETINGS AT GRESHAM CLOSES Many Converts Are MadePre . paring for Decoration 'yr,: Day."', -"v ; (SpeclalTlspatch to Th Journal.)' Oreahamrdr., May t7.A aeries of rellgloua meeting' t "Is.plaj'eJantlnK, 10 tlayg, undof tTVo IraoVcrHnlp ? EvuiTge list J. L. MrComb. cloned on Wednoaday fllwht- Wlth a grand rally at tha Baptist church. Fifteen peraons hava begun a.l religious life during; tho rneetinga. - One Alias - 1mrI - Itlaelliigav- mas tb ffiftn't meeting on--Monday night tn Jtegner'a hall, at which 80 men wtt'ra . present, crowding; thohall. Many of those-prea-cnt 'took active part In' the-meeting. Tha llnanrea of tba meeting were well managed bythe locaL committee, bav Ing money pn hand after meeting-all exponaea ancl liberally paying the: evni- gcllat. , - . -. ' The-old 'soldiers of Orekham' snd'Tt- TTtn ny inorTBTutHtlayrnr om pie ted jtrrangerrienta for tha removal of M. A. Rosa . poat. .O.- A. R., from Tleaaant Home to Oreaham. '.' j.. Memorial 8u nday will - be" observed by . special servicer In the Baptist fchurch at .11 o'clock-a-m.vclth-RevW. C. Heater, a comrade, aa speaker. - On-May 10 the member of M. A. rtnaart CTL-BLllttnthe aV.UmSn'a..lBi. jlefrcorpa ULAlia.0. Ai R. -haH-aTr Pleasant Home ar t p. m. fot approprl ato-oxercliw,. f oltoweH by 4ne -deep rating oj the. graves. -' . : )AUG )SmT0R MrTCHELXl, T'nltdl Rtato Ronutne Th. 7T Mtth- ell ia In Tacoma, where with other rel Btlvfs he was at the-deathbed of his daughter, Mrs. 'Jeskle B. Chapman, wife of Judge W. O. Chapman laat night, Apbendlcltlsv which attacked her on Tueaduy. Is said to have been the cause of Mrs. Chapman's death. . HOTEL ARRIVALS. t' At' Ike f rmoer'! Phil Aahfnrd, Llvermore. Cel.; J. T. Flood. Elaa Dorm and Anna John son. - San Francisco; S. S. Morlti. Dayton, Wb , W. IL Shed. Denver: J. R. Uulgley. Aahlibd; Mra. A W. Ellla. Bumpter; aire. U.I if. ieurica. nnverton; a. m. t annoa, Kalem; ir W.. Mareh. luteal Orove; O. W.-Pbelpa, I'rndleton, U. U tioodale. I . H.' X.; Mr. C. W. I'helpe and Mra. Uda Fraaler, Berkeley ; F. R. Wall, Saa Francisco. . At tke IVrkina; Dugue free. Mlnneepolla; W. C. Cutler. Mt.,S. B. Stcvena and C. U. Ballard and finillr. Seattle; H. B. Kennedy. Seattle', W, H. WHhton Lo Attgelea: R. W. i RlggaKchoi S. Z. Ilcnilcrauo, Enterprise:, Vl F. Alameda. Boston; W. II. Ecclea, llon4 , It Iyer- R. Duma Walla Walla: W'. H klnt. The Dallea; U. B. Neidhardt. Chicago: B. Lan- I' . v v u . I .. k . tl . 1 1 . 11 ' II. . rr-Ti-' McMnrphy and Wife. Fulls City; W, B. Mcisua anil ltr raua city: L. A. , Mansur, AatuHa. - At tbe Portland: P. L. McDernott. New -V.urkl W.-r-eVJSvaua, Pblladelpbla; II. A. John-1 oui CtHeago Mrw. M. W. Hawn. Bath; II. at. rininiiioti. 7timeia; .. i iiempiwy anu - J, thjmpayTrnlstetv-MkOiA. i. Wateoo, 4 I biragn; U M. Rice, Seattle; "T. Mat--, doticll. Montreal :C. D. Hl.wuin and wlfe jnd, W, Kt. Iliilcumli, Ban Francisco; , Mine E. ! II. U. Brrlon, St. Louis; H. S. liuneton. I'hll adi'lphla: 1 harlea Stewart, Kanaaa City; O. K. earner. New York; O. W. Stewart. I'hl. ago;. R. A. Eddv and wife and 1. 11. Amea, San Fran--ciaci; J. M. Jolineon, Chicago: J. 11. Arnv atrong. Boati.n: U. J. WhUe, B. C. Faulkner nd W. K. Hall. Mew Vork: J. J. Harrlns and wife and Mrs.- I. Waraon. San Francisco; W. B. White and II. I'.. Lewie, San Francisco; J. T. Enrlght and wife, Kalem; D. Leadhetter and wife, San Francisco; K. B. Dlehl.. Ihmaatlea. I'a.j K. J. Horenaen. Sumpter; W. D. Leather maim. Fort Worth, Tex.r K. 1. Burke, Pendle ton; J. A. Clbeon, Ixi Angelea; C. H. Barlow, Kan' Francisco: II. M. Burgh. Rock Island; J. L. -Fuller, baa Franctaco; H. -S. Topllta. Se attle; J. A. Sward. Chicago'; yL p. Fergu. eon. Cincinnati; A. J. Albrlng. Spnkane. TTJXZKAL V0TICX. - i - .weww. Tl r.KK.11 A in mis euy, aaay ao,. iwa, m two family realdence. BOS Seventh atreet. Clllle ' Herrnianr-aged Tt yeara. beloved wife of . Ilerrnian, oiotber of Samaon W., leaac. KaiSnuel. Ella aanVSImon Herrman. Faneral ' Suutiuy morning at 10 o'clock. KII LIN On tbe 2th inat . Bentc.n Klllln. aged 2 yiara S montna. Iirfieral from realileBc. corner Columbia and Thirteenth atreeta. at . lo o'cloca. Sunday. May 2s. Frlenda lu-1 vlted. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Foe fnflanimatloa orCatarrkof th. Blad.ter and Tilteaaad Kid tiers. SO 001 SO FAT. Care .luli-kly aad aarmanentiy Ilia worst Caere of ilea armat and (Slaw, ae metier oi how (ong standing. nimlM. Sold by drugglM. Flic tl OS. or by mail, posa aid,1.0,beaa,ka.7A. . . THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO. ' Balarfaatalaw, Ohlev ''V.ywV, Tor ' Sal by Woadard. Clarke AO.'- SURE' CURE FOR- PILES fTTHINiJ PllM rroaluvw tBAiBtur MtMtJSkwIfabthlnsT1 Trita form, wu m jsiiiuk, wwubc ov rrpMTivi iMldrst svi-wi (mpavi t Or. aots4nito'a iM ItMmsMi in top tiilT.f .4 bi4ira. aitoMrWiAtsMr. (Vac al VMOrttllllMOi Sfll "I mSMA. ATtalUaWITsXwVni4 mm 4vbyul jemr . -ffet M 4W r Kaw IF OVERBECK, STARR Cz COOIIE CC If em bora .Chicago tfoard of Trad.. ' QKAIsT, rmOYISIOoTS, COTT0BT. BT0CXB AKU FCTTJ , .182 Third Street, McKay Bulldtnav, Portland. Of. "". VI SO A ITWOTIT cork:: :; t i: " Continue" Market by Prlva'e Wlra. i Oulca; Few F - - - . llton, bankers, sod L . 4 i;a . j . . . at .. r -i" i two e .... ...i , .-- " P"' uegtton blank." Homo trestroanl suo- ; OONORR1TOEA. OLEET, - STPHTL19 AND TlYPROt'F.T.K, VARICOCKI.K. IX1S8 OF MANHOOU RHKITMATIHM. ECZEMA, -ASTHMA -AND HK1N DIS KASKH. i We want -every man nfTHcted with the abov. dlaeaae Co honently i-. veHtlgate our sperlal system of trent menL We Irtvite In particular all who hava treated elsewhere without au.. cesn, all whoae caea have - been abondoned by family phynlclana and ' called 'UPECIALISTIT f all whoae trou bles have been aggravated andmnl worwe by the nje of BKTTS. FREM 8AMPI.r5S. TRIAI. TREATMENTS and so-called SPECIFICS. We will explain to yem why auoh troeteaeeit ha -fellet-tn cure ymi, n-nd will dcnuDtrata to your- entire- Satisfaction tbat, we cam " n you anfeiy. fiukjynajef rojj: SftTlnTiePwIll coat nothing. and we will do by you aa we would wjsh 10 a tiy us ir tur en wee were i e vwraed Write for our tiomo" treatment" If you cannot call. - The DR. LIEBIG STAFF- Booms and 7 Wlnohtr Hoiis. TWrd -And Bnrnald Sta.. Portland, Or. , --rr rBTABUBHED 1876. " JL C.-OEE WO The Qreat Chinese Doctor ... . Is called great be cause his wonderful curea -are - aa well known throughout h5 Vnl ted-ejtatwe and baeauaa ao many, people are thankful "Tr btm for eavlng -THelfllves from i - OPERATIONS : " He treat any snd -'all dlaeanes wltl 1-imtertu; Chill ana il-JifbB-TpotB, but! a. , -eatiuanu vrKcuoict Uirxiaarar that are entirely tin- r knovirrr to nicdli-aJ-Llenca In thla eoun. try, and through th uae of these harm- -less remedies. This famous doctor knows THe action of over J0o Hjffereiil remeell" that be baa auaceasfully used In different diseases. -Ha guarantees to cuae catarrh. asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner vounes. stomach, liver, kidney, fe male trouble and all, private disci see. Hundreds . of teatlmonlnla. .' Charges moderate. Call and ae blm. i COKSTJIiTATIOaT jrsTJJ.. - Patient out of the cltv write for blank and ctreular. . Inclose stamp.- Ad- - -reas ., A '., t : , ., -THE C GEE W0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. - K 111.. ..tri.i1..J akw. : 4Da. 1.7 w Jiiurr k i --., at .m . am iiu. vr. n r" way of 251 Vi Alder atreet leads to of Boo. Mention thla paper. dr. Guritrs IMPROVED, LIVER PILLS ONLY ONE FOR A DOS! Ours HgAOACHB by removing the cause CURE BILIOUSNESS . by tudiiig digestion 0LKAS1 THI 0OMPLIXION - by purifying tbe blood . BEST FILL ON EARTH BOLD BT ALL nRUOHtTSTS, OR ITklltW . 7 RJtCElF I' t'F FaVlCS. SOn, fM JOX sinonamk row rnnm bampli box DR. B0SANK0 C0 PHILADELPHIA, PA, U.S. A. Evory Woman uwwta ana immia srow noui in vonasmti MARVEL WhirlifMi Sfarsv I Th new Taglwal aytek Jttift- sr-rms. ua Bar. --Moat Cotivenieat. lak aa araaaart far H. If he cannot anpolv tl Stkltk'Ka.. accent no other, not send atamn fi lllnalratod book tt full narttculara and .Itrectinr. tn. valuable to Udlea. M tRVKI. Car.. AS M. aad ar.. Batta- a ..u ' FOB . SALE BT W00OAJLB. CLARKE A For Kldnev B. rjmm , x uidaocr i trouble. Cures In B a aa at , URINARY discharges! Each Cararal bear the aamcsa IpErinYROYA II jry-Z oHalaal aad O.ty CJM.tae. I IPrAXAFE, a w...i..m. 1.41 .. Ie4 1 Tl5-a. sat CHItsHkTKKH FXell-II 1 to NEB n4 aaAlallka wkBeatftt- aVBaalssv IUl siaanaaee. Tekenoetkee. B.ruea kMli.alM. said Iwitt. I anawtli ' Ummt. S.J t-. 0.M4.W. 4 4. wMe. nV F.elewlM, . ... I..4Im.m w,.w. It r Vwes Mi, I tut l-tw-ai. .I4 f ' I hrac'r" ' 4 lf.Mt.r I keetleal OOWVIgtl, BOFE188 A) COw . tk.tbllahed lilt.) yPat AK) BTOC BB0KIBB." ; 4 sVwnai . 0rwaal Tlif, .- CIAMlkB OF COarkTtimCaT. , s4wr .-i . " Bn j ' --Js'f' ii 1 ' ' i-l- lrv--r iiirJ. Tjrjwr'V-.-.r.- i - JkUhm4uMXhS'i& ': rx, j- it 'g a. ,m rUt jk.'vcs.imvh. m iwi?ST,MVf in iitvS'Rw&y;. V V'w VHNi - -l - eavi tail .Tl dwi V. I ''ijr. A.r g ' AT to.