The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1905, SECOND SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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SATURDAY- - EVENING. MAY .27. , 1905.
:' ; . 1 r.. - ,: '
With" Value of Portland Con '
solidated Company. T
Superintendent of Tramways of
Scottish" City , at New York
- r- tn K'ouTeto Chicago. .
4-Warships Leave Saddle Islands
andAre Passing" Through .
Cowardice of Councilmen Kept
TherrTAway From Yester.
They Also Believe That Portland
and Oregon Have a Very
Shorter Hours; Better. Pay'for--Workmeifaod
Cheaper Rates "
; for the People.
' .n:.:a c aiuean Cnsastelcs arid
Many Excuses Are Given . Dy
J VUII'',,a T
TTr Manchurian Froritr""
Some of Recreant Officers
Rosy Future.
!; for Their Absence.' , ,
nnttiair Ct AC RACk I s"
h - -
1 t- 4
t .'
f, 1
- -v. journal ".pedal Service.) - -,. n
T Nagasaki. May tl. Bulletln.)--lt It
- reports ItoHW Ruaalan fleet ""
J I Ing IDs TsdshlmaSJtfrthe
iitJuii as, at nociC-
iJasnwl Special erU.) .
.Tendon. May 87.-A Bnminu
that-were off tne oaaai ,
. .1 . 1.1 .h jla I Afl
, lslanda
c Hongkong advlcea state that-thTOrlt-;
- l.h steamer- Saint Kllda arrived there
t UKlajr from Japan and reporta elghtlng
' early Wedneeday morning 46 Russian
1 vessel. J 1 0 TO h south- to southeast of
. the Saddle ialande. . Tha R""ln
..stationary when first elghted, but tub.
J - sequent ly steamed northesst-
j -A- Salgoa dispatch say a that iht Rue-
.,.!-. arrival off Saddle Islands
-. j in h direction
i aiay , nu jm..-
1 - k .(niii nt Korea. - :
y a neat nas dmh bib"'
Mlriit islands "In -thw ertratts-orxo.
i i. ranorted that tha fleeti
fltTogo and Rojeatveneky hay engaged
In Damp. - .. .
-'to credit the report that-lbs Russian
'" .-arhlpTeatWB6un;. Thay aUta
the anipareporieji . nr -"
of tha tranaport neat wunoui
apeeial - flhttng valu-andJJva . Dean
aeht to conuaa the Japaneae. '.
. Chlneee crulaera In ehanghaFwatera
- hav-rleared for actloiKnd ara prepared
noenTbree the demaTSdl Of tha taotl that
.the Ruaaian ahlpa Isava aritntn 14 iioura.
It la rumored at Shanghai that the vea
.aela of the Ruaalan equadron are In the
nelitliborhood-f-ruahnrirovlnce of
Vladlvoatok, golnf m a aoutherly dlrec
. . tlon, '
:--trfMar meporta Bnaatu mepmlae" and
.:.v- J,lBieTeh Poeawolt Ttotory.
t r' (Jourul Bpedil Mnct.)
London. ' May' IT.-
Toklo dlapatoh
. thai
r--tata thit- Oyanu eportai- on" May . 26,
aa follower "Our cavalry-la driving
-body -of Buealan-cavalry -northeaatward
and ha a occupied- Haumlencheng, II
:mi!ea. north of Changtu. - Otherwlae.
withtha. xceptionotamaU-oUlalona
iwnen dalafhed rerVf. agnation
it iinohfLnfed." - ' - : -x
, Nwe of a aurceaaful cavalry: raid
. bv Mlchentk.ol Jtporttd. byWnlevlUk
"in "a dlipeth dated. May 16. The--Coe-'
aacka engaged the enemy May IT, rt-
nulRlng thrnLJOJthft gouthward J)t JSUu
ich-d nie:rgkomrrToad.'urtiTng
and auppileaw On May,l- a Jap
aneae force waa attacaca ana annini
lated. . Several forcea of. Chinese ban
"illta were alao diaperaed. A road on the
right, of the Llao- river waa aelied, a
traniport' train .deatroyed and telegraph
lines demolished, many prlaoners being
taken. ' : ; . ir. . -
Flagship Chicago and the Boston
(and Marblehearf Ordered .
to Portland. -
-Rear Admiral C. F. Goodrich Asks
W. K. Patterson to Pilot
... , ,:z-, Crr-Vt- Ooodrlch.-rear-admlral-eora-".
' mandlng the Pacific squadron, United
Slate navy, has written W. H. Patter
son of this. city, atatlng that he would
1 ilk to-ngir the latter f pilot of the
u f lagehlp - t'hlcago .from - the - Columbia
river bar to Portland, and .aaylng the
ahlpa would arrive at the bar about day-
Ught on June 7.
v Thla la the flrt direct intimation the
'expoa'tlnn offlclaig have heardregard-
ing the coming ot united States ahlpa,
v other -than the MCulloch. to thla port
"'"for the fair. Admiral Uoodrlrh edda
, tht the Unltil Btatea ateamxhlpH Boa
. ton and Morblehead will arcompany tha
.flagahlp up the river and dealrea that a
. pilot be. engaged for each.-;
Qovernny Albert B. Mead of Washing
ton hae advised Secretary Reed that
- among the dtlaena of that atate who
.i r will accompany "tilm to Portland to at
,. .jl j tend the opening of 'the exposition will
i le Lleutenant-Oovertiof Charles K.
Coon and rw4ors JE. M. Rands, - i. R.
OUonnell,1 wrtllam It. Morae. C. F.
... t'lspp, C T. Hutaon, Oeorga A. Kennedy,
, John 3". Welah and J. W. Lyons. The
party will come by special train and
-Tj , will And time on the ay of the .open-
lug tn AfillMta ths ..VaaihlngtnBtjt
' DUIKIing.
Manager Frank L. Merrick of tha pub-
, llrlty bureau recently sent -out a clrcu
iar- letter, aaaing sailors or etfstern
papera how many paaaea. they would UaJ
. aire and at w Hat. time they . would prefer
. to have them. The result la startling
. It lndtcatea that thousands of editors
are coming to Portland for tha expoat
tlon and thnae esst of tha Missouri, river
want to get here the flrat month... In
-,i 'olumbu, O.. a Lewfk and dlark exo
-!2n r'uh Lhj!S!L f ?mjd,. enxemdOuuilriwhae-Mnaa-Jlvay
' 1 ber laying aaide so much money every Tnalghborhood. The -animal is pi
. . weea to ooiairi tranaporiation to Port
land There are several of theae elubs
- ' !: In San Franclaeo also, the executives of
a whwh have charteredl Ooats for tit trip,
' (Rprrlal tlixtr te The JuuruLI .
Orleni, Or.,' May JT.-p-Roy. son of Da--.
vld Wolfaof Boring, fell yesterday while
" pleyiugvn the School grounds, broke hla
1 arm helnw trfe- -etbow and fractured the
' shoulder -blade. - -
Prefenrad Steak Caaaed eeds.i'v. ' .
." Allen h LeU' Heat Sraaa. . '
All "doubt that merabera of the city
.n.,nML italibarately remamea awj
teaiiii the gH!tlBl mewrmrfl"ei""
oit HitanUr for me purpose- ti
foattnar tha movement., or xne
who deelred to eubmlt th queatlon of
ravoklng Ueen-ea
ntranea to the" Lewie and Clrk
ln election, naa, imn rinyu ww.2:
own atalementa. "f
Councilman Trad T. Merrui naa o.
i.u h ka waa out of tha city, and
had he been In Portland he would not
have cared to attend the meeting.
would not De pany rwr,
in nv auch outrage that contem
plated by the Antt-Ualoon league on any
elaaa of ,cltiana.; whether they were
aaioon men or pretvchera," declared Je in
hlmaelf for hie a.b.
... iht aaioon men' affected byl
thatTpropoaedTTirdlnance have lnveaiea
their money in ci;urii.-
ia nf the atate and Of the city and
wKn- tliepermtaalBH f "the, city coun
cil. They believed tney woum u i
lowed to do bualneee. and to revoke their
Heenaea tt. thla time - would he a, cow
ardly art forr any rount-iiniiu -wui.
aequleaced, aa we all dld,ln granting
theae llcenaea In the Uret plaoe.".
Councilman Matthew oenr wa o
the aame opinion. He Intentionally re
malned away from the meeting, aa he
thought he would be compelled to vote
tof the ordlnance.tad he been preaent.
I itM-nnt: bellev n TOlina lor Mil
" nkl he today, "aa U would F
drive theae people-out of puameaa arxer
they have been allowed to inveat utir
money.' Theae people ahould hav U
tempted to prevent the aaloona from lo
cating I" thla dlatrict lnateajlorwaltlnf
and for thla
reason I remained away from the meet-1ir-yesterday,
and I do not care a con-
lln.nlal trh fennwi It. : -
- Councilman' K-Rnmelln" pleaded
thatli did notJtnowtlu.t the meeting
... Wb-held' In-the wrnln;,OBt
thought. the council .would convene at
tha regtllar-hotir h iterno---
I went to Vancouver in tna momma.
M he. "intendlna to return in tne aii-
ernoonJa time forOh meetlnav:-! waa
hurrying to the city hall a few minutes
past o'clock wbn I met aome one who
told me that the meeting had adjourned.
did not-intentionally remain r away
from the meeting. - Had X been-there l
would havQted against aiilwntHIng
lhleflUMllon to th peoplo.becauso.i
thin. It would be ap outrage on the men
.Ka havw Invested thousanda of .dollara.
believing that they would be allowed to
conduct aaloona In that vicinity."
Councilman Sherretl couia nujn
e444fennd,-bnt It la undsrtoofl-tha
to the -voter
Councilman IouU Zimmerman la at
tha Luck Boy mine, where he went sev
eral days ago, and an - expression . could
not be secured from him. '
Councilman Sharker action in leav
ing the city ball at the recess yester
day morning and falling to return waa
b -severely criticised by the cltlxeus
aa that of any-of the abaent members.
They believed that he Oelloeraleiy at
tempted tothwartthe proceedings by
moving" to" adjourn Immediately .after
the council wascalMd "lo order by the
mayor. ' '
The eltliens who are behind the move
ment are -ettll undecided as to what
steps they will take. They can do noth
tnr more with the city council, and the
dnly thing left for them will be to call
a apeclal election, which they may do.
Many of the Leading Musicians
Will Take Part In Fine
. Program
The big charity concert to be given
thlaT morning under the auspices of the
Chamtnade club promises to-be a suc
cess both in Its pigram and aa a ape-
rial event. The namea of the lending
alngera of tne city will Insure the first,
and tho pre-engagement of the boxes by
social leadere Innuree the aecond.
The Travelers' Aid soclnty Is the ob
ject of benefit on thla orcattlon, and the
public-spirited women of the city have
responded generously to the cnll for aid.
The asoclatton will be of great bent-.f It
to-men'y B-trhr-whO coma here seeking
employment. Many girls here In Port
land arso will reap the benefit-of thla
organisation, tot financial difficulties
are Increased for them with Wrger ex
penses and unchanged wages.-The Trav
elera' Aid will attempt . to give them
homes wuninineir means. j au tins
needs a large, sum of .moin-y.-and much
has already been aubeorlbed by mem-.
hers ana rrienaa or tne association.
Tho alngera , on tonight a program
have done their ehare by giving their
talent, and Mra. Roae Bloch-Bauar, Mrs.
May Dearborn-Schwab and Mrs. Walter
Reed will be among the soloists. The
Chamlnade chorua of soma 10 voices,
under the direction of Mrs. Rrigar E.
Coursen, wilt esslt in - two rharmlng
oontetes. "A Daughter hf the .Heal' and
"Twlltght Pictures." The boxes have
WOakfOy Mm. W. H. LatliViMra. T.
H. v licox, , Mrs.- v n. Ayrr, inin ran
Ing.-W, I. Wheelwright qnd Paul- Wee-
singer. ,- .
" Detective Redag waa aummoned to
Hi Front street this morning to kill a
dog which, was said o have bitten
owned by
C. La -at-apde.' a .gardener.
Flndlnr 7 the ' dog was aomewtiere
around town1 -with La' Grande, the de
t'ectlve made, an , Investigation of the
charge. ..lie waa told by Mra. La Grande
that the'dog wss'tiot vicloua, but that
th"rh1M natci Ttmivmeen bitten pulled
Its tall and If turned around so qulokly
that Ita head struck her on the nose
caualns that organ to bleed,
A- further Investigation will be made
by-' the detective,
If anv one wants shad, all he has to I
de la te go down te-4'.iMi tay, where hf
can catch doodles of t hero.
1. STftANQtR Would you mind
.lle this valuable dog up In your
minutes while I attend to aome Important business T -.
MR. E. Z. Oh, I'll be standing here for that long.-
I'll Just hold him for you.
mmmmammammmmtmmt . . i s. tsBSBaBasssassSBaaasaasVsBssMss m - 'rwiyywj
-S.F1 RTTRANQtrreturtrnffl WHATT;
'You Bvs my valuable dog to a stranger who eald ;
"It was his T That dog was worth two hundred dol
lars! Pay ma tha money or I'll havo you taktns
for a maglatr for aselstlng a thoft. ''iiIiJ-.
MR. E. Z lr, bo calm. I realise I did wrong.
Maka no fusa. Hara la your two hundred dollars. -
4 H H JM Hi! mtfM it Mitt t i 1 1 1 I M t IM
Mayor Calls Out Police and Fire
Departmehts, 4 and Plja;
Canriy Politics.
Mr. Williams Slyly Tells the Men
' to Remember Who fin- .j
creased the Force, i '
Thousands of people gathered on the
atreets today to view the flrat annual
parade of the Are and police depart
ments. It was nearly a mile In length.
and while devoid of spectacular feat-
urea, ahowed the real strength of the
departmenta on which Portland-has to
depend for the protection of life and
property - . '
The parade formed at Sixth and Sal
mon atreets promptly at 11.15 o'clock,
and started 15 mlnutea later,-led by a
iBr imnt; gai ueu y
In aa new uniform, marched at the head
of the column of police, and dassled the
eyes of all. Tbs patrolman - ware di
vided into -two oomDanles. the flrat
commanded by Captain Moore and the
aecond by Captain Bailey. , Each Com
pany was composed of four platoons of
in men each; mounted officers . under
Officer Hammersley made up the eight.
In the rear were two patrol wagona.
The men made a very fine appearance
In their well-fitting uniforms and were
well-dlBClpllnedr Much credit la due the
officers of the department and Captain
Moore, who has been working diligently
with the new patrolmen for more than a
week to prepare them for the parade.
rirs Department Gets Cheers. , '
Following the police department cams
the fire department. Chief Campbell
and Assistant Chief Laudenklaua headed
the first division; Battalion Chief Young
headed the aecond and Battalion Chief
Holden the third. The men were neatly
dreaaed and the apparatua appeared to
be in perfect order.8he powerful, grace
ful horses were apeclal objects or ad
miration. Along the entire line ot march
applause add .cheers were frequently
heard from enthuslastlo Individuals.
The. line of march lad north-on- Sixth
street to Burnslde street, thence eaat to
Fourth -street, tlrpnce south to Washing
ton street; thence east to Third street;
thence south to Morrlaon street; thence
west to Fourth etreet; .thence south to
the city Ball. Immediately after pausing
the city hall lie different pieces ot Ap
paratua of the fire department returned
to thelt respective peadquartera and the
police department lined up for Inspec
tion by Mayor Williams.
. After everything waa in order Chief
Hunt said: :
"Mayor, the police department Is ready
for your Inspection, . . .. ,
Mayor Congratulates Thaam. : -
Mayor Williams. Big Blrhel and Oen
erat Charles E: Beebe of the police com
mission marched up. and down the line
of officers and scrutinised them closely,
after which Mayor Willlama addreased
them la Part aa follows: ,
"Oentleraen.) I want to" congratulate
you on your appearance today. -.This pa
rade la highly creditable to you, to tho
chief, to the police committee and to the
people of Portland. I believe tlila is tha
best organised and the best disciplined
police department this city has ever had
"I take pleaaure In seeing, ao much
I pride shown by every member In ta de
I partment.
very, offocer will .. con-
allowlnd me to
yard Tor about ten ,
-of a attttr dog around here I some-one naa stolen .
him from me. Why, bless my yesthrs h ls.l
, demand you to surrender my property; sir. -
' . JL mm M I. . . . . . I. . k. I ' a . . 1u
mn. C. abff IT
holdlna him for
ininis age. wani
at the station. Two
setter dog took tha train back to town.. Thay. were .
laughing to kill ' themselves ' about -getting eaey
monay- I hope Why, E-X, what la tha matter;
have you a tltf- r. ..V,,v , . . . '-; - j -
::': r" "'
Another big rally will tike
place tonight at Burkhard hall,
Eaat Burnslde street and Orand ' d
avenue, where , Dr. Harry Lane-
and others of the candidates on.
-the Citlsens' ticket are to speskt-w5
on the issues of the campaign. ' d
Dr.'Lane's meetings have been ,4
-remarkable both for numbers and
for enthusiasm, and a crowded
house la expected tonight. Iri ad-. 4
idition to the- speeches there will
4 . 'be 'a " fine musical program by
4 Mlaa Llna Linenan and toe laaiea
of the Elko quartet. The. meet-...
Ing will be nonpartisan. ' d
aider that the success-of this depart
ment dependa on hlmaelf it will be per
fect. -and the-peopls will have a police
force In which they wlli take pride. Tou
ahould feel that success depends on the
Individual-support of everyjnan. This
la the - flrst- time -1 - pave seen tne
polloe department alnce it has Increased
In numbers, and I reel mat tne people
of Portland are much gratified at the
showing made today. '
'Of the fire department I desire to
say there naa oeen a greai increase
since- I became mayor. Whether this
was due to me, I wiir TIOW you TO-tie
thai jnrtge: wt-sMr havaa aplendld
department, and I was surprised at He
strength and the discipline of the men.
I doubt If any city on the Paclflo coast
has such a strong fire department aa
la the Words, of IT also.
"On the police and fire aepartmenta
depend the Safety of the lives and prop
erty of this city. Take them away and
we would have nothing. to protect our
homes or our property. Portland ex
pects ..every rottcmafi ihd - every ilre-
man to do his duty, ir you do thla tne
people will not be disappointed in you."
General Charlea .F. Beebe addressed a
few words to the men, as follows:
"I want to earnestly indorse every
word ther-mayor has spoken. He strikes
a keynote when he saya that the suoj
cess or me ponce ana ins nn anpari-ments-
depends on the individual efforts
of the men In the departments. These
are-golden worda. Let- them alnk into
your hearts and be governed by them."
.. Immediately following the close of the
Inspection the department marched west
on Jefferson to Sixth street, thence north
tk Oak, thenWeaet to headquartere.
, (loarnal Bpeetsl Bervlee.) '-'
- Bait Lake, May - J7. The report of
President. MoVer of the Western Federa
tion of Miners was made , public today;
It acores ths tlomperg and Mitchell fao-
tlons of American organlxed labor.i
The convention today dlscuseed a com
plete break with Oompere and Mitchell,
and affiliation with the Industrial Union
movement fo " lie launched at Chicago
June J7.' X . .':-- . , ' - . f'
r axbtxsw ajsAsvATate.-
(Hiierlil ropatrh td Tke JearaaL) - ..
-' Falrvlew, Or., May t7. The graduat
ing exercises of the school were held in
the Artisans' hall laat plxht. 'There was
a largo attendance, of - citlsens snd
friends - to -bear --the fine- liters rj -program
given by the pupils. -'
- There were' three graduates Chester
Kronenberg, Ora Bnover and Delia Itob
blna. Alto -Wlloox, with her.easay on
''Kindness to Animals," won the price
of It offered by Napoleon Davla, one
of -,th directors. The other directors are
Paul unburn and II. B.-Htne. The
teachera, II. V. Rverett and Miss 'My era.
have closed a successful years' work.
STRXNaCR DTd-yocriegrrythlfi1
ne IB yure, unm nimt , vaj wniy
a man who passed here q few m-
n iniian pi(inti
K. 2- I Juat aiwftnnyTSTnr
flash-looking atrangara with a j
II M t , M M H M I -
Governor Refuses Extradition
Writ for George Randolph, -
After Officer Starts.
Mart Wanted Here for Uttering
False, Checks May Gain
Liberty In Buffalo.
ellevlnf that all arrangemenU had.
satisfactorily maae ior tne ibbu
nf extradition nnpers by Governor
Chamberlain, and eager to reach Buffalo,
New Tork, before the authorities snouia
grow impatient and discharge their pris
oner," Detective Joe Day left last night
to fetch George Randolph, wanted for
obtaining money by false pretenaea.
Now that ho has gone a serious nucn
has arisen;-in the proceedings. Extra
dition papera hare-not lee4laauadby
Hie governor and there la av. prospeet
that none will be. In such esse If a
friend of Randolph In Portland ahould
notify him of this fact and he should
reslstextradltlon. ths trip- of the de
tective will be In rain, and somebody
will have to stand a heayy expense.
The governor has not yet signed ex
tradition papers." said William Catena,
his prlvste secretary, this morning,
"and, moreover, does not Intend :dolng
so- -unless- $ 469. is first deposited with
District Attorney Manning aa a guaran
tee that the state will be reimbursed in
the event that Randolph should suc
ceed in settling the case after be reachee
here." - .,.
Randolph is charged with P"lnf
worthless check- fo,r 6s.nBen Belling,
snd other mrt?hots ars said . to nave
lost money through him. . The aggre
gate amount he is accused of securing
L. ... IH...1 mawavtai I al IZfll.i ' - .
U J JllL'at mcau aa w"
. ((pectsl Claoatch to Tba JearaaD
Troutdale. Or.. May 17. The school
at this place closed yesterday, . The
graduates are Harriet Hubbard, Myrtle
QrirtUhsr-Ruby Ross, Chris L. Hamp
shire Leo W. Reber and Philip--Btllaon.
The pupils havemsde-sr specially,, good
ehowing. Mlaa Hubbard averaging 62
per cent In her studies, and no one fall
ing below It per cent,
Therteachers- are -P;" O.- Huehapan,
Mlaa Jenet Mackay and Mlaa 'Lulu
Georges The directors are D. K.' Bux
ton II.. H. Wright aha J. B. Hudaon. The
board met and elected all of the teachers
for snother yenr, Increasing, the prin
cipal's s-ttary-tie a month. The board
Sacided to out before the district the
nroDoeltlon to eaUbllah a .ninth fcradavl
yha average attendance, this year has
been J00 and it Is expected that ah ad
ditional 'teacher, will be hired- for. next
yr. ''. " j -' - ' ,
7 T-. ' i ..." ' ' 1 , .)
A telegram to the Portland chamber
of commerce from Vice Preeldant Fair
banks snnouneB--th-ne will . arrive
without fall In .Portland on Wednesday
morning of next week, and will accom
pany the Tortland delegation to Celllo
on Marurdayv4 oarticlpata In the -formal
opening of the portage toad. .
, Repieaentatlvea of Sellgman Co. of
York, -r. fl.rWa aV Pn nt Phlla-
delphla, among ' the moat Important
banking houaes In the eaat, have com
pleted an exhauatlvs examination Of tlx.
properties, titlea and franchisee of the
Portland - Consolidated RaIlVay , com
pany, and have made highly favorable
report Paxton, Beach 81mon, local
arranging matters preliminary to their
purchase of practically all the stock of
the company, on a baals of f .009,000 for
the company's entire capitalisation of
14,000.000. -- ,.f r -
"We are highly plessed - wltnlhe
property,-and . with Portland," said Mr.
Clarke today-"Thls Is a beautiful elty.
a ndy oiL.ha va a gooa street - railway.
We are more than delighted with what
we have seen here and with tha recep
tion given us. -We have completed an
examination of the street 'railway sys
tem, and have talked with business men,
snd we are entirely satisfied with the
proposition. AC a will leave tonight for
home and make- report of everything
to our people. I have no doubt , that
there will be a prompt -decision. The
transaction wIlL be cloaed by wire.'
.- Carefnl Znvaatlgation.
"Tha vl.lln,. with AnmVukP
of the most responsible and conserva
tive bualnees men here, aside from ear
rylng on a personal investigation of
the properties under- consideration.
Their (nsoectlon has been -rigid and
searohlna. ghelrexpertJaccauntarits
ana auuuors nave ' gone inruugn nil
books at the general offices of 'the Con
solidated, their attorneys have examined
records arid franchises for. possible
over every foot ot the lines, and looked
at all the real estate, water-power sites
and other-buildings. - t -. - -t
: At every step they-have been favor
ably impressed. They have found -the
physical condition "of the property In
far better condition than expctd.The
substanttal manner of eonatruotion and
the heavy rails being laid oh many lines.
tha finely built . cars, modern power-
houses, -and the valuable real estate,
have Impressed -the visitors strongly.
Far from a broken down system, whose
owners were looking for aa opportunity
to, let go, they have found -ana of the
best' street rallway properties in' the
country, 'for ths length of its mileage.
wnose stocanoiaers are nut lime Dis
posed to, part -with their, holdtHgacjsfeJ
The inspection - waa enciuded mis
mornlngwbert-crT. Swigert, superin
tendent of the system, returned from tha
Little While Salmon river; accompanied
by H. L. Clarke of the Philadelphia
banking firm, and F, -Aulllvaa, art expert
engineer whom the eastern men .brought
from Bcranton, Pennsylvania) .to examine
the electric Tower' part of the proposi
tion. They inspected the power site and
adjacent land held by the Portland Con
solidated on the Little White Salmon,
with a view to -harnessing the water
power there and transmitting It to Portland.-
They also examined the Portland
General Electrlo power plant at Ore
gon City, from which the Consolidated
receives some of its current, and looked
at a power site on the Sandy fiver. ' '
The purchase of the company's prop
erties is being -done by the usual process
of buying the stock' from Individual
Itockholdera. - It Is said nearly all of ths
Portland' stockholders-- have been eon
suited, and have consented to dispose of
their stock-at a premium of 60 eenta on
ths dollar. . Final arrangements ' were
msde todsy, and when the eastern men
leave for home tonight they will have
everything. in ahape to close the deal by
wire within 24 hours after thsir. arrival
In New Tork. Frank L. Brown of San
Francisco, who has negotiated the deal,
wllLj-etum from Portland direct to Ban
Francisco, M r, Brown represents a
considerable Intereat - in stock of the
compsny held at San ' Francisco,
Where the Stock Is.
- The bulk of the stock Is held by Port
land people and eatatea represented by
the First National bank.
- Ths bonded debt of " the company
amounts to I2.60T.009. which la re-
garded as-Jeaa- than .ana fniirth tha .real
value of the property as street ranroau
properties are . commonly viewed.- or
flctale of the company ssy that more
than 11.000,000 .of new money, not de
rived from ths revenues of the system,
haa been Invested in betterments and
extensions in the last two yesrs, and
thouaanda of dollars are yet 1o be ex
pended to. complete the Improvements
now tinder way. v
"The ilnea as they now stand repre
aent an actual Investment of more than
14.000.000 In cash," said General Man
ager F.- I. Fuller. --
The New York men finished their
business early today and the afternoon
was spept In seeing the Lewis and
Clark exposition grounds. This evening
they"rib-eTttertalrre at-dlnnr-at
the Arlington club. They will .depart
tonight at 11:80 o'clock for the east. ,
" A sale was concluded today by bavld
H. Btearhs by which Walter J. Burna, of
Balfour, Guthrie ft Co.Jjpurchased from
Catharine -Daly 7s By 100 feet at tha
northwest corner of Sixth and-Main
streets, for fl 1,100.. The ground Is-occupied
by four residences. . i
a. Frlewald, who formerly .owned the
controlling Interest In-the Star brewery
and disposed of a large parrot his hold
ings to s Cincinnati-Chicago syndicate,
la investing considerable money Jn Port
land property. Ha has purchased from
Cr Tabor 6t by 71 feet, occupied by an
apartment house, at the corner of Yam
hill and-Seventeenth streets, for llf.000.
He yesterday bought from H. W. Mon
naates for $21,000, a lot at ths corner
of Third and Flanders streets. The
ground le occupledbytwo Xr,,n.-tor
II. Wemme yesterday -bmighr a' three
atory building on FireW betweeh "Wash
ington and Alder streets, ror xio.voo.
TrvT-y-"" Yswri afcaura.lL,
- At J the 1 People's Forum, Dr.- C. H.
Chapman will speak on Williams versus
Lane, at a meeting Sunday evening at
I o'clock at Knights of Pythlaa balL la
the Msrnnam building, -t- - j
I B-! t
Ormatpm, Quito, prwitory.
- - -' (Journal Bpaclal Service.!
New Tork. May 7-.1imaa ri.l)rym.
pie, auperlntendent : of tha . municipal
Jramwaya ot Glasgow, arrived today ortf"
the liner Campania oo fata Wsy o Chi
cago, where he will advise with Mayor
Dunne pa. city ownership and the opera
tion of street railways. A public recep-' "
tlon ' will be given '. Dalrymple at
tha Hoffman houaa thla -' evening..
Speaking of what .municipal owner- k
ahlp of '-. traotlon , companies has
avseompllshed - for i GlaagowrrcriMr,
Dalrymple. in an Interview, said: .
-"Tha tramways of Olasgow have been.
under municipal operation.' since 1804.
There are 70.S4 miles of double track In
a city a little mors than, one third the '
else- -ot Chicago,-- and -the aer-dee -Is 1m-
proved electric, the power being sup
plied by'the municipal works.. .
"The Olssgow tramways always have
been the property of 'the municipality...
Under the tramways act In 1870 tha cor
poration borrowed the money for - the -"common
good" to construct the lines. ,
Originally they ran - through several .,
suburbs, but with the extension of . tha
city lri 131 all the system was. brought
within the boundaries. - The lines were
leased in 171 to the Glasgow-Tramway
4 Omnibus company. -
'Flvs yeara before the expiration of -the
lease the. company sought additional
powera from parliament and entered Into
negotiation with the corporation for a
renewal of the lease. After jnijott dla:
UUtnrion 1 XfiTK
were submitted. The -
negotiations, however, were broken off
In April, 18JJ, and, In tha following year
the corporation decided to provldW mw .
nramlaaa.-slant, and BOUloment-for th
81 miles vt duubla tracBndThavs the- J
undertaking complete by July 1. 1814. It
was a big task. - If tne tuna spent in
preliminary arrangements .1-t. acqulrlftBT
sites Is deduoted and also the trial
period before starting, It will be found
th constructive work was carried put in-
-The sueoess af -tha- nsw-asrwioa a
8sur4fj-omUjfirsL m .MitODeiw
1888, ths overhead system of. electrlo
traction waa started on an Isolated line
of two and a half miles of double track,
and Its auecesa soon was demonstrated.
In January of the following year the
work of Installing trolley throughout
the system was started, 'and tn, tool all
the Tiorse cars Juid dteappea fear " .' -
-.htr-Tnajuilty'-ot laagow-s cars are
brrthr douWe-decltr alnglttructt - pat
tern, for passengers. --
"The hours of labor, havs beeiijeiir
reduoed. Under thvompanneinen
worked If hours a day. Uey now work
nine hours a day nd six days a week,l
Every man gets live days' holiday ;wu.l
pay. - Every man now has j complete-
summer and winter . nlfdrm provided
free. Every man is now on full pay
whenever he enters the service. Former
ly a man. might not be in receipt of full
pay tor monthe. Motormen now receive . .
a bonua tor freedom trom accidents."
Judge Hunt Sets Free Ten Cit
: izens, All of Whom Have
. Ballots.' '
Policemen's Efforts to Keep In-
ebriates Off the Streets Frus
. '. -r trated by z Chief. :
t-may 8' wi8 Chief of. i'ollcs. JlunW-
ex-offlclo Judge of tne Kangaroo court,
in trying to learn tha detalla of the.
parade this morning, he did not overlook
making votes for Mayor Wllllams-by .
holding dourt and gladdening the hearts
of 10 prisoners.
The first culprit before the kangaroo
tribunal was Julius Caesar.
"Where la Marc Antony?" queried tha
venerable chief. --'j
The colored "ge'm'rt" who answered
to the name of,, ths,, Roman dlc,tator
rolled his eyes. -
"Dunno, boas." he confessed, glancing
around. ''H may be In dls bunch, but
he auttonly waan't pinched In de com- ..
pany of dls here chile."- '
The charge agalnat Julius Caesar waa.,
"drunk." He admitted his guilt, ssylng:
uDere ain't no use, boas. In renlggln' .
when de hooks is on you."- When he
was dischsrred his mouth spreac in a
grin reminiscent of the orescent gaah in
a watermelon. Tbs following were also
shown the favor of tha kangaroo mag-
James Turner.. arrested by Patrolmen
Seymour "and Smart at Third' and Sal
mon streets;, drunk. . - -v.-
James Walton, by Patrolman Patton,
Fourta and Davis streets; drunk. -7
Charlea Treote, by Detectives Snow
snd Kerrigan.! Third and . Jwrnslde
traets'S vagrkndy.
' Henry DasayJ by .Patrolman". Welch,
Union depot: drunk. ' -
T. Barrister, by Patrolman Gibson,
Park and WBSblpgton streeti;yer
drunk. . ' . ,
Tom Morris, by Patrolman O'Brien, ,
Park andWashlngton- atreets; drunk,
Worse tban Barrlater. .. .
Fred Whltoomb. hy Patrolman Por- ,
ter, Front and MaVket atreets; drunk,
alao tn class A.
Qeor'ge Anderson, by Patrolmen Jone
and Courtney,- Fourth and troiieft streets"-"
sfter hours, - , .
William Hansen, by, Patrolman Jones
and Courtney, Fourth. and, Couch stretta) .
sfter hours. - 1 t -
Harry Brockwell appeared In ths "
poltcs' court this morning to answer a '
charge of larceny,' preferred by A. F.
Fuller. He was arrested On warrant '
served by Patrolman Jodoh. It Is al-
leged he etele two suits of clothes and"
an extra waistcoat of ths value of SI '
from Fuller who lives at the .Albany
house, Sixth and Burnatde streets. Hesr. .
Ing of the case was postponed by Poilca
Judge Hogua to next Monday, . '
' ,