The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1905, Image 1

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1 -.-
r T The" Weather.
RhowerS,- cooler tonight;
psmy-rionay, ni - onaoijr
4.--..t.south .to west winds. ,
' VOL. IV. NO 71, ' . ' -1 - , , - - - - - PORTLAND. ' OREGON gATURbAYEVENTNGrM AY 27, 1905. SIXTEEN "PAGES! "'T .
-,. - ' , - ,,- ' .- ann ,i i - . l- . i T -
Report That Kinf Oscar
Has Refused to Sane- :
1 tion : Consular Law. ;
- Entira :Natibn 1 Ablaze - Witrv Pa
1L-1 triotic FervorTand , Ready
to Resort to Arms to Se- ; .
cure Separation. 7" ",T
' Uounul BpacUl &rrrct ) .
Copfnhfn, May II. It 1 reported
r t rom iCJiristlana, that. Kins , Oacar jei
Tuned to aanctlon the law proviaing sep--arate
eotmular gervluff for Noray7anJ
- that the member! of the Norwegian gov
ernment have redlgned,
tt "th-- report true-It tnean" that
i- probably Norway: wtttTeaort 10 force to
-obtain ita Independeace. for jthe country
1s united in ita demands for aeparate
" eoneulatea. - - For month. - preparations
have been made, for- the- crlala- which
confronts tlie nation, srtd it Is probable
--thBt-the-sjorthinB-wiH-at once appoint
' ft temporary -comraittee 'td' aasume th
- :-relgns of power In Norwsy pending; the
- election of a president..
- It Is not known what course will be
followed by Sweden, tut it la probable
that King Oscar ,w4ll attempt armed In-
terferente to iiruvent irm Wltndfawin-or
4lf his -kingdom,- 8w'etlert has the ad -
T vantage of a navy " and could at once
: piirran effective blockadfl rnToforce, bat
" invasion by land will be stubbornly ton.
; tested, as Norwegians have laid In ex-
' - tenaiye supplies et ammunition and pro
""IT visions at .border, f ortresees ' and art
ready for a;n aggressive campaign,
"Bridges across theTjlommenTTV?rtn.lld iin.rfr.m' noltia.
e4ik-tbe--lmmdar tiave-T1t)ecT)rtinaejr-T
mined. Torpedo-boats are patrolling
-tJhriaMana- fjord day said night to guard
against surprise. Th9 fortress artillery
has been 'ordered, for service six weeks4ue Bnd. buildings. '". The teamsters tare
earlier than . usual. In order . that th
men may be at their posts.
A fund of I2f.000.000 Is available for
instant use In defense and there will bs
no lack of troopa, as throughout the
country patriots have been drilling for
th past year In view of the approaching
storm. Patriotlo feeling Is running high
and only crushing defeat at arms can
' defeat; the determination of the people.
-In case a president Is elected, the
most likely candidate Is Frldtjof Nan.
2 sen. tle Arctlo explorer, who has played
a- prominent part In- legislative- proceed
ings of the storth(og., and been most ac
tive In his opposition to Joint consulates.
In esse a kingdom Is decided upon.
which Is not thought probable, Prtnc
Waldemar of Denmark may be Its ruler.
rftV Ct r rtVtl IIITr 1' garnering iuno, anu it m iiuiiTu m
BOX. Ur.UTNAMI I tlrals $l,000.aoo by July 1. Kvery. local
, ' . (Jeornal BpecTaT Bervlea.t
Kew Tork. May 27.-.-A deliberate ef-
fort was .made yesterday evenlngto
-'blow up a box of dynamite within two
feet of the walls of the New. York city.
"" hespftal. It .. would have j' reckeda
large part ef that tnwtttutlorr Hiid led to
-rtfatalltles among' the hundreds of pa
tients. The attempt was jmad by a
-- man who. with a stiletto, tried to stab
the man guarding th dynamite. The
latter seised a pickax and, after khouk
- ing the stiletto put of the man's out
stretched hand, nearly broke the pick
handle over, Ms assallant'a haad'--"-
- -Recently-thera has been much-trouble
among tlie workmen, and those who
left have several times stbned th men
who tooklthelr places. ''
" t
(Jcmrnal Special service.) " '
- . Montpeller, Vt., May 7. The euprejns
.sanst today denied' the spplloatlow lor
new trial for Mrs'. Mary Rogers, con
Tinted of the murder of her husband and
who Is sentenced to be 'lianged June 2.
ans un
- And all their funny brothers will ;
b in tomorrow's Journal to set
th children to laughing. Having ,
th first color comic section, Th.
Journal was abU. taJuyth pes -
to be had for money. .. ..
The Workers' Magaslne. special
articles by th- leading-writers of-i-th
country and of th world, a "
crowd of exclusive features, mska
th magaslne section th best , In .
""Oregon. .
As' for th nwsV..""f virybody.
j. knowa-that tbere'a-WtbtKlng -ove--
looked by.Th Journal. W. W.
Iaiighton, th great sporting
writer, furnishes the pest weekly.
' letter published on th coast,- Th '
only special leased wlrs In Qrer
..brings the news of every quarter .
of th globs Into Th Journal of-
flr and the .best local staff In.
the city covers th news of Port-"
" land Us no othef psper ran coveft
It If you sre Interested In any
of theethlnfs you can find them
only. In i '
. ' Sunday Journal
- snowers,
Two-Unionists ghtinglSen
tence for Contempt of Court j
More Rioting but Few
.... Are Injured.
- (Joeraal Rpeelel Serviced ,
Chicago,- May-7. The. action of the
building iTradeg aasoclationln dlnoon-
Unnlny ..nlrlhutlnn. tn th tea meters
strike fund Is regarded as a serious blow
to thejeamsters In thej-coridust of the
strike.-. The withdrawal of support. I
Said to be due to a'eontroVersy between
the -teamsters and- the- structural -Ironworkers,-
who-- claim the - teamsters 'are
la ttye habit ef handling Iron after Its
delivery, when It should be turned oyer
to the other union. - " ' -
Aside from a few small concerns there
was no- material -extenslon-omhetrtks
today. . w... Z. - a :. . . .
- rig-hl Contempt Prooeedlagm. '
Attorneys for the unions sre preparing
to ask for writ of habeas corpus-for
Jamea II. Donahue and Bernard Mulll-
gSn,'- tlie .two union' men sentenced -ta
1 or-ttempt-rrr-yefqslng-to answer
questions. . The examination : or rresi
dent 8lw. was continued before Master
tn Chancery-Sherman,, until Mondays --
- " Moro rioting i oooutred today thoogtr
nobody ..was .seriously; huft.- Several
vicious fiKbtat. took--place--l--twrtouB
Dsrtm of the lumber district, whtch com-
sympathisers made a number of
attacks- upon- wagons with bricks, stones
and. sluriaabota and sroull air rlflas. fir
ing at th . polje. irom oenine lumoor
disappointed that' in striae .nas. not
spread more ' rapidly ' throughout the
building trades. : No official action has
been taken by any of the trades unions
looking to active sympathetic support.
Th decision at the meeting last night
to withdraw financial support thst has,
been given the teamsters thus far-means
the loss of $1,000 a week. ; ;""'fTv'
Mo Troops sTeeded, Says Dunne.
.There la no movement looking toward
a settlement of the strike and it is ap
parent that all efforts-in this direction
have1 been abandoned.: . Mayor Dunne has
reiterated th statement that there is
no necessity ; fortroops-and points-to'
the comparatively peaceful -condition
prevailing as proof thst troops are not
The teamsters irer sending-mgents-to
all parts of the country for the purpose
union In th United mates will be.via-
I ted. The drivers now on strike! re
ceive $10 a week. The Express Drivers'
union will pay $12 weekly - beginning
Monday. , . .
-Bmploye-rs Grew AggTsslT. -- i-
Attorney Levy Mayer, representing
the employerev lefT todayToiFNew "Tork
iKi -business In connection with the
strike. It was reported on good au
thority that Mayer was summoned by
Senator Piatt and th move presages a
determined campargn-'againat union ex
press drivers by the express companies.
The Employers Teaming company and
Stat street department stores today
nognpd Chief of Police O'Neill that they
would refuse to accept any mors negro
policemen as guards for wagons, ss they
say th negroes-draw the attacks of
mobs. O'Neill .decided to bar colored
pol Icemen. i -.
Organized labor In every line In Boa-
I ton has been asked by the American
peeraim or ijaDor - to-iaae- sip -immediately
to financially assist th Chi
cago teamsters to win the strike.. Th.
Boston Tesmsters' union will 1 meet to
mofrow e lake action en tire 'f-eejuesti -
." ; ' ..
(Journal Special . Bervlea.) ',
Baa Harbor, I I., May 2T.-A torpedo
which will. It Is believed, revolutionise
naval warfare, a powerful destrOctlv
engine, with aim a true and rang as
wide as a modern neavy gun, sucn is
the Invention of Frank W. Leavltt, con
sulting engineer of th E. W, Bliss com
pany of Brooklyn. - - -" - "
. The torpedo Is deadly In aim at, S00
yards, and a good percentage of hits has
been mad at more than twice that dis
tance. Th (Contributing mechanism ta
th gyroscope, perfected by Leavltt, to
make the control complete. ." ,
- Th torpedo travels at a Speed of 40
miles an hour, when submerged. Two
of the new torpedoes hav been-par
chased -by - the- United Btate - -government
and are now at th Newport naval
station. Exhaostlv experimental tests
hav demonstrated all- that Leavltt
claims for his Invention.
(Jearaal Speelal Nervtee.)
' St. Louis. May 27. Th 'Frisco rail
road offlrtsls here- hava-reoalved a-fies
ssge stating that a tornado struck Pot
ter,. Indian Territory, last night killing
five persons, injuring mrrnher of others
and wrecking -a number nf buildings.
Th 'Frisco etstlnjt waa tMsed to the
ground and an wires ar reported dc-wu.
Withdrawal; of $1,000 ; 77V Apt fl
a Week bv Builders7 " : -1 I & .k V YV H'!?feM7 S
- i aa w ;- x i j v w aw "x. aw . a - ki iin r -aw --ar- -. ' i .
j - i -. w . . z . .r . j ---- , i - i -wv . ts-ji w w -til si ii Tfrs'jr - f a
Sketched daring the recent rioting
-The portrait is thatrof Asaistant
Is in personal Charge of the forces
-SpeciaLOfficet Bulgejv Apppinted-by Mri-WiHiamr After Having
v .... . geen Dismissed From Police Force on Many Charges," . 7
; ; n -1 Unmercifully Beats
-WUh his head covered., with bruises;
and hlr-scalp laid", open so badly that
eight stitches were required to closs the
gash, an ugly cur overalls eye and" his
.wrist swollen: toftwlc Its normal slse,
Dan Lavell wag taken to the city prison
last .alght bg i Special Of fleer F. W.
Bulger,, 1 -- ' -
'T Tha Bian'seondltlon was due to a
beating glycn by Bulger; who, It Is
claimed, was under the Influence of
Hquorwhewe rrt-i-ed Ice
station. - The special officer, admitted
that he had used his '-billy" on Lavell.
not once but two or threj times, and
between beatings stood up at a bar and
took drlnka with him. r. -"
Bulger. . formerly a regular ' po
lice officer, was In trouble' on numer
ous occasions, and was finally dismissed
from th force. He wss recently ap
pointed a Special policeman by Mayor
Williams. His conduct In this Instance
Is deemed so grsve that an Investigation
la to follow the court proceedings. Chief
of Police Hunt , has been Informed of
the circumstances surrounding the "af
fair, and Is said to be awaiting the ac
tion taken by Police Judge Hogue be.
fore drawing the case to the attention
of the commissioners. 1
Judge Hogue learned soma - of . the
facts "befor mounting. the. bench-this
morning, ; ' and questioned Lavell at
length... Believing that-- complete In
vestigation . was warranted, he post
poned a further hearing until Monday.
Lavell appeared in court with his head
bandaged,- but his wounds were ' so
deep that the blood had Mowed: from un
der the cloth and trickled down his face
and neck. . . .
(Journal Special RerTlee.) .1 -'
Chicago, May 27. In the case - of
Holmes s gainst ' th Chicago Under
writers association, Judge" Brentano
today handed down a decision branding
as detrimental '.to ' publlo Interest; any,
attempt of an Insurance association to'
create a monopoly or enhance prices-and
holding Illegal' th enforcement. of -the
association - rules restraining competl-,
tlon in bidding. - , .
sxxr TmuiT arzsaircB.
(Journal Special aerrtre.r
Omaha. Maf t7 Th.. tiH.r,i ;
Jury-today completed Its. examination of
witnesses In ; the' bee fl trust Investigation.-
Th evidence will be forwsrdod
to Chicago for use there. ... . :
Mayor 'W
"I have been a Republican forJQ years, - I belie've in party integrityf
nominees," said Mayor Williams in
In the city campaign of 1896
X nominee, Q6vernor"Pennoyer,-nominated; by the Democrats "arid General
f' didate. George H. Williams supported General against the Republican nominee and in a speech ift
ix.. ISM V. ..M. -" ..."'. . : i .;-
v mj f sv'w- asw waivi
"I expect you all know that I
X - my obligations to honestyr decency
year for bolting: and we are all bolters together and we are all, or most of
T ;by our party obligations, are-trying to rise above those rules and regulations wh thetpavbQa,sei 4t9k'sZ
-oos urian'sia and da that which is good for the whole.cotmtrv. .Whr don't we throw off these Party
ties snd ohlis-ationa? . Thev amount
cares for the candidate because he
to be a Republican or S Democrat,
in uisj tuy government uui iiviitsi auuiiiiuiiauun, mn iiuucst uiiuuiicmtnt o( puDiie rawntyrun auiiiiu-
istrition of a man who is free from
T 4to you to say when yotl go to the
ests, the prosperity and good name of. the city, or whether you will stand by
dislike because he is your party nominee. ' ' " I ;'"".-
X MHHMOMlmWHHm4WmHil44H44tM -?
by striking Chicago teamsters.
Chiefrof-PoliceSctiu";ttler. vrhar
of the liiw. "
Dan Lavell With Billy.
The row Met weentha" suocULV affluer
and Lavell Is sntd to have arisen In a
saloon at yront and flay streets -about
midnight. '". By Bulger's own admission,
he was at th bar drinking with Lavell.
who became tipsy, JJulfccrt-old -hltnrhe
was awiler-arrestr but Lavell TefUFetTtfi
go to-th ' city prison with him. and-the
bea.Unjr. followeAr-itrta-zassort by' the
poiica ituu wuen iiuiger saw tire errect
produced by. his blows he changed -his
rmtnd about taking th Injured man to
the city prison, but was forced to do so
by the arrival of. Patrolman West. .
Dr. S. C Slocum, the assistant city
physician, with the assistance of Sta
tion Officer LUlls. dressed tHe hi ans
wounds. About $0 minutes were re
quired to stitch the cuts and stanch
me now or. Diooa. .j
There' were several officers st notice
headquarters st the time who assert
that BuIgeiTwas sufficiently under the
Influence of liquor' to talk garrulously.
Asked why he had used his billy so
freely on Lavell, he replied:
"Because, he was drunk; and refused
to come up here with ma.'''- -
When Bulger wrfs appointed a special
officer by the mayor, notwlthstsndlng
his unenviable record when a member of
the regular police force, the older mem
bers of the department expressed their
sstonlshmnt,-and -passed-severe" strio
tures on the action of Mayor Williams.-'
As 4 patrolman Bulger was constantly
In trouble and Was accused of many of
fenses. .Among the charges were that
he secured whiskey and tobacco tor In
mates of the city prison.- His-dismissal
from the force Is said to hove been due
to his lnsultng a domestic employed at
the house of a preacher.
(Jnarnal Special SorTlce) ,
. Pekln, May 27,' Minister Rockhlll. In
an address before the Chinese ohamber'
of commerce, 'declared, the new American
Chinese exclusion law to be more lenient
than the old law.- It would aim to only
bar coolies, and makes no reference to
other; classes of Chinese.
. (Journal Special Service.)
Kansas riljir,
May i It Is repoitel
that a tornado struck the town Of Coir,
bnrt destroying several houuaa.- Colbert
Is a town of 60Q persons neaji the Texss
...... .
a speech last evening at Woodlawn.
there were three candidates for mayor,
. , . . ;.-.'.-,.. '-'''
am a Republican: I respect the principles' and policies of my party,, but :
and truth are higher than my obligation to party. This is a jgood r
to nothing this Tear: nobodv is" Davins
is the regular-no mineerwho carr forthe xandidate because h ia said 1
so far as the city officers are concerned? There- is nothlag'lnvolved X
the condemnation of any party, ring,
polls whether or not you will stand by
' President i Considering Postponement of Special Session of Con
7r gress for a Month Past the Date in October Set for
r' .--1 It, Says Senator ; Cullom. 1. .7 ;.
svrJoaraat Spaeiat Serrlre.) "
Washington, -; May 87. President
Roosevelt Is seriously considering -.the
postponement of the. data for the prom
ised -xtr session of tcongress' from the
middle of- Octobar-nnttt -month later.
Senntor Cullo-av wh tha presl-4
dent --this- morn In
liev ther would be sn extt-a session
until after the fall elections. If at all.
Senators' and representatives . who
called st the White House have been,lm
pressed with the earnestness of lhe
president's purpose to hav -legislation
which will solve the railroad rat quea
tion and enable the raising' of sufficient
revenues to meet the expenses of the
government., -
reductlpn older heads In congress look
Tor some serious work In regard to the
finances) of the government. The treas
ury is In good shape today and can be
drawn upon with no inore disturbance
of business than would com from tak
ing government-bonds- out of national
banks In New York snd elsewhere. This
Is a matter'whlch does not primarily
concern the government,; as It has a
legal aa well as moral right-Ko use Its
Own money when It sees lit. the gov
eromrnt deposits being made not to help
th banks, but morely; to 1 prevent- the
. (inurnal Special aervlce.) .
Healdsburg,' May 27. While study,
i., ii nlirlit Miss Mitnd -fthlre, a
r-riiali. schooLatudent 7-ottli-s
city, was suddenly, stricken blind.
Shli;s Is only 17 years old and very
pretryi- She has long been regarded as
a brilliant scholar. --
Iist ntaht. as was her usual custom,
she was preparing her next day's les
sons by lamplight. Suddenly she called
to her mother that the light had gone
out and her room was In darkness. The
mother cam to the room and. Seeing
the lamp burning brightly, thought th
slrl was Jesting. When her daughter
rain declared that the room was In
darkness Mrs. Shir surmised that some
thing was wrong and summoned medl-
cal-ald. Doctors fear the girl will nevef
see again.:. .r. ...--.j
(iiWinal SiieUat nlis:f
Herlln. - May 27. Emperor William
returned today after a nine weeks' ab
sence."" Ho looked well and was beartilX-
'cheered, by the crowds.,
I don't bolt ..the. Republican ,
D. Solis Cohen, the Republican
-Beebe, an "independent can-,
ua who are not blinded or bound
an attention to them. ' Who
clique or faction. I leave it
the reputation and best inter
some man- that you despise and
' r'-'T'- ' ''
-The Circulation -
7 Of iWJouma!
Yesterday Wat
oorrp two
x.wu " w
CTtppltng of Tiualnea-LnyLlha-withdrawal!
from business -channels of so . large' a
portion, 6t the circulating -"medium,'
, Durlna tho twelve, months ending
June !0 'next Uncle Sam will spend
approximately. $20.0U0.0OO jnore than he
win recolye. 1 hat. Is.. not.a, dangerous
cohjrtloii- of affairs, --provided - It Is a
ttsmporarf one." If lt"went jmforlevea
years at the same rat it would about
wipe out th good old gentleman's bank
account,. It' would make stOjtb)e. In a'
good deal less "time, because the opera
tions of th government are so enormous
that it requires a working cash balance
of $60,000,000 to $100,000,000 merely to
meet current demands. ' '
Last year's deficit was $41,079,(00.
Addlng thls'-to the-tndlcated deficiency
for this year. It will be seen that In two
years of his governments! operations
Uncle Sam has fallen behind his in
come to'-the tune of '$0,000.000 In round
numbers. This approximately equals th
deficit for 1894. during the darkest days
of the panic, and that deficit was fol
lowed by a bond Issue which swept th
Democratic party out of power. There
Is no danger of a bond issue now to
provide money for current expenditure.
There may he a bond Issue for the
building of the Pannrpa canaL. but that
is. a work entirely aside from the ordi
nary ope rattons-of-ttie government. -
ri!aghliiweir',a Son- hint. Content 1
, I
. ,tYxn uiti ot Dig ronunes,
-i Robs His Parent.
i (Journal Special Service.) '
New York. JUay 27. Aged Jeremla
Fltxpatrlck of . Brooklyn, ' personal
.friend of Archbishop Farley and a noted
philanthropist, formerly the greatest
glass manufacturer in th United States,
has brought suit against his son,' James,
and his daughter-in-law. Margaret Fltx
patrlck. to secur ' restitution , of more
than $1,000,000 In bonds, securities and
realty which he claims has been wrong
fully taken from him. " .
. In many -respects the suit-1 of the
father sgalnst his son Is without paral
lel In legal annals. It Is alleged that
when he ret (red -from .business he.gave
his son a controlling (1 merest In the
glass 'company worth t$500,OOO and a
pewef 'of 'attorney over all other prop
erty, worth an additional $500,000.
Recently the father, had loecasion to
Sell propertjtjn Hoboken worth $1S,000
and was surprised to learn that the
property had. been transferred by his
son to his; wife , for a consideration
of $k
The old man revoked the power of at
torney, but It Was-a useless precaotlon
fori.'the other, property had all .been
diverted In "practically a similar man
ner.' (James Fltxpatrlck,. th . so n de
clares that he will Indicate himself in
courU ' , . : ' w'.
(Jmirnal Sperl SerTlciJ . ', -. ..
CleveUind Oiiio, -May 27. A private
hank run by Joseph Lenso and Ignaslo
Trantlnklll closed Its doors today. War
rants have been. Issued for-' the- two
bankers. Thousands of dollars had been
deposited In the bank by Italians.
(Journal Special Set-vie.) '
Cincinnati, May. 27. At the Cincin
nati 'Commercial club last ntght. Secre
tary Taft ontllned h pollco, of tha ad
ministration, stating that supplies for
the Panama canal were to be bought
where they rould bs obtained cheapest,
regardless of whom purchased. Husl-
nea principles would obtain throughout
th construction, though other things
belnf e'Uial, Americans will b faorvJ,
rrwTC oi nuir iw wrwt
Bench and-Bar. Unite ill
Honoring Memory of
Judge Bellinger.
My Eloquent Speakers Tell of .
"the SpIendid'Characteristlcs
That Had Endeared Him
- 'to Hosts of Friends. T
Judge Charles B. Bellinger's memory 7"
was honored this morning by th law
yers. of Multnomah county,-when me
mortals were pTeafnled and -amloglea de i. -
llvered by men who for many- years :
associated with th lata occupant of tha - ' -federal
bench. The courtroom of depart- .
ment No. 1 was .filled with members ot -the
bar, And Judge J. B. deland, preside -
Ing Judge In tha absenoo of Judge
Fraser, and Judges Oeorge and Sears,
sitting - an banc, - heard motions, which T '""
placed on -the- - recrds---ofthsrre1rcuIt .
court the " written testimonials pf the
regard In which' Judge. Bellinger .was:
held."-- It 'wss a tribute such as comes'
to few men. -af Jer death.
, C. A. Dolph presented th "memorial . "
'drafted by the commute of 4h Bar
association, and - fouowed - tts-reading - -
wlthbriefj(remarks-lit-i.whiolii ha
pressed -4a-affeetlun he entertained fur - -tha--
man whom-they- had assembled tn -honor.
- F. v V.Holman followed - wltU, '.''
an address In. which. b referred to. the -r
legal, attainments of the departed Judge, '
John M. Oearln dwelt on the lesson of
Judgs Beillnffer's llfw-,T.. O. -Oraene- of---
fared resolutions drafted for the al
of - tha law school of the iTnlvrsltyof "
OreguBuand Senator Ian J. fclalarkey onl
behalf of th law students of the uni
versity" paid a tribute to him as on of -th
Instructors whq for It years gave
his services freely to assist In building
up an Institution which he loved. ,
. t ' Others JPrals ' aTlnv . -j '
WT; D. Fenton told of th days 80 .jT,
years sgo when Judg Bellinger .aided r
hlm-aa-a-law stadentT and said that,
with other distinguishing qualities, ha
"possessed a wit that would hav "
charmed the court of Franca In Its days '
of splendor." Wallace McCamant, C. F.
Lord, Jerry Bronaugh, n.' R. Dunlway
and W. W. Banks spoke -briefly, and
then. Jidg Cleland mad tha adoption
of the memorials formal by - asking tor '
a vote, and also gave a short sketch of -Judge
Bellinger's life. It was a beauti
ful tribute to the "official worth and th
lovable personal character built up hy
Judge, Bellinger, and was marked bry '
pertinent I observations '.that- expressed
accurately, the. .characteristics ot , thar;r
man ha was honoring. .: Li
"Others In the raca for distinction "'
have forgotten th ties of kindred and
the claims of frlandshtp ana may have
allowed ambition to usurp th plac al- '
lotted to - domestlo affections, said
Judge Cleland, "but he did not. Wlf '
and children, kindred and friends h -
bound to him by the cords of affection.
Men tmlrfd hla J"biic character. J-hy
loved his private characterr
The resolutions prepared by th corn
mlttee named two weeks ago and read
by Mr. Dolph follows:
. T "ftesolutions of mspofc ,
"Judg Bellinger was born In Maquon.
Illinois, November 21. 1839, and died at
his horn In Portland, Oregon, May 12. ,
1005. He occupied many publlo post
tlons. alt of which he filled to th sat-T
lsfactlon of the public and with credit
to himself. . ,. ..
"He.wa a man of vigorous Ihtelleot.
strong convictions and generous' 1m
pulaea. He was a pioneer of the state)
and closely Identified with Its legisla
tion, with the administration of Its laws,
snd with . Its educational . and.. J.hartta
(Continued on Page Two.)
.-. '-" t -:
- -- (Jinrnl Special Sarrlc.) ' a
4 New York, May 17. A despsr- "
- but unsuccessful attempt-
e was mad at 1:30 o'clock this
--' morning to blow op ithe new . '
e Pennsylvania railroad draw-
e bridge over ' th ' llackensack e: . s -
.river. The dynamite was placed -4
on a raft and allowed bs, float "e .
against the "bridge, but Instead '
" or Striking the-centef pir aa in- ' " "
tehded. It struck hidden Jog;.. .'.
and exploded. - -" -- .. .
Th attempt followed seversl . .,
letters threatening President .
$ Cassett with death, together .
with the destruction ot railroad
' property, because of the refusal ' '
' ot tRK .company Jo employ Iron-"
"worker affiliated with th Sai "
Parka gang. ' . . V
. For some months Pretdant ' ...
Cassett has been receiving let
ters marked " with skull snd i
cross-bones and other lnslg-nla I
of death, warning htm pf tha fats '
.that was. 14 store for him,
Officials 4J . the Structural
Ironworkers' union deny th eon- )r " ;
nectlon of , th union with the !
sttempted dynamiting and state e
thst no memlMr of Cm union la r'
g'ill'y either of tt nr "f the tin- '
' " mernus threat, "fli- v s'e tlie
..dvnaiuillng prtjlu' 'v .1 n I v
a.ima H iuv lis r m vt tit 11 . - 1 1 .1 . 1 1 1 I
employ e.
ef A'' - Aor