The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 26, 1905, Page 13, Image 13

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- - T-i-f TTT7rT7 -, , , , - , , I, ,i i ii. i .
' r . i . 1 1 .1 a.
-.j .. worv ai 113 ior uo? n rgnest"
-Price in Years.
iggrHtgher with SffiaTteitocfcs
and Better Demand Foul-. '
. 7 ' try Tone Better,
grout rirrtCMxr 19 The prlnrlpsl feature
mt the fortianit wholeMtoriT IwtaJ'-traT"
. ...Hop proopocU BOt M Bad.- n
; Wbnt I dull -and nominal.
s - ABelcuta In larger sopplj.
' Car orange .In thla morning. , '"' f
.... Car potatoes and ear onloua In. . ' 1
. " far Merced eweyt potatoes arrives, .
'. Highest prlra la atd for wool. . .' .
i',- Kggs Sighs, with HajbtC receipts. . "
r'miltry la ftrnier but nax-kenged; .
...:.-.VmI 'inakn with warmer weather.
- v Hull beef cnmli'g faster. ;'
I HnlnioB receipt continue Small. -j-
1: Beene . tad rice gala firmness,. -'- z.---
Butler Just fair at Isst wees' rlaa. ...
f thaeee market a trifla waaker, -- '
XigUstf ric la Paid far Waal. ,
Aad aim gutng up. tTaa wool miriet la again
'oa the op grade, rrivee now being 'paid ara
sensational Inaainurli aa thejr ara materially
- abaad ofN tBoee ruIlngMn tbe various market!
, of tba eaat aa well aa Europe. Dealers brre
..ara excltt-d and do Dot know Just what to
- i effer. -. Meanwhile, sum of thena . ar getting
.' thetr-wlte abnot and ara going lata tba market.
These ara offering an advance err tba printed
(Jtlotatlnna In ordr to fill aoma urgent' ordera.
TU following from Uarrallu aiplatoe tbe-elt-
- Harlan Ih the Wlllaraetta rallej:
Corrallla. Way 2a - There waa a aale of wool .In
tba Corrallle market yealerdar tbat baa eiclted
: auurb eaoiiaent, not aiactly en aceouat ol tho
-vrlrw "paid," whlrb waa ' 3Xv per awand, the
: blghear Bgnia reached In the wool market In
4rrgnn In proablr 28 or 80 yeara,bi.t Jtaoral, BL'CLa,R aefc- baele fh.V.IOj pewdrred.
'rO fact -that the
, .. made bj a lad le- years rf.4nvk
f trom live pang w- aaeep wiww rfwui vi
- gin 2fh Tit aTrrmre per head waa 4,a4I and tba
. .I a wave weight pa laeoe- waa 13 poaader-The
fire abaep were pata that the lad bad taken
eepeeto.1 ear . pt and. the. aala la aboift .the
: -T beet reported In thia aeetloa ttiU) eeaaon. There
- -are 'only email lota of wool eutatandlng here-
ahmita at present, aad tee prtre retard, te
. 8e only Wedneedae, atandlng at that figure
-i am today. The boy who aold hll clip "la Kd
-.etlaaae . ' n. - . ... : '
' jlop.Crep 'Ket-Be-Bad. i"
V . ; X-' - f'Pb'ta to The journal Indicate that
Ttto nop crop or uregon not in auca tie a anape
aa kadr bee generally autlrlpeted, especially
hr the ball Iradrri at thn ma. 1
generally-atae that many hllte ara mlaatng,
" hot the are Wwtly ol eery old yards, or new
onea. Alt reporta lodlrste that on an areraga
tb bop crop la now In belter rendition than
It waa t nils tliua far egov At thaftlme
, aoine rtlhjrlllea gia tirlr opinion that the
be lee. while this paper ha e ateedlly eeldthet
- the, erep-weoM g oref T&OOO or W.Uno bllea.
Tba market at the. mment la eery quiet. Ne
, mntraeta are now being writ ten 'for the eiy
mA r tht the rleir irf the aril-n andht
g rw el aia t ' I "mU'cb. 'kpact. obi UbL- auoject
Vhen It romua to -prkrea. Tbuae rent r acts
lately-fllUd -were-mede aome time ago. art. do
Mt .. Manaf leC . mi Meal -4hei. ' JlDraant ' altaatioa-
' ' Mnf IMhie .MMrte u. In 4 be.' nreeene emn
yewnHoaw ttJ comb frny laWT.Xar, .a Bng'
!- 'Er Hlghe ltn I am liar lUostpta. ,i .
"'-I Smaller reeelpta aad more liberal demand
1 hae combined te make the tone of the egg
; - market streager. Thla "ceueed aemewbat of a
. short age In aoppllea gad -the reeolt la- that
'today the prlcee were adranced He to IS He.
Tbe market la eery strong at tbe new flgnre.
1 acandled stocks aril at He a dosea , under
, thla amount. - . V '
'r - ---- Pomltry Market la Seed Shape.
There la a Very good tone ruling In the noolu'
.('arket. today. llecelpta are materially de
creased and demand la somewhat better. Crery
' thing that now comes to market la cleaned np
. at ! preralllng prices. Some dealers hare at
tempted to adranee their quotations, but eo far
this morement baa proTen Weucceseful. -
,tt Butter Tai at Last Week's Else,' 'V
, " There waa only a fair tone to the ereamery
' .batter market today. - No ehange appear la
the prices since - tbe -adranee- quoted tn aU
' grades a weak -age. Tbe beat era dee are aell.
ritng on the street at !He anw thla same ortce
la ruling today on city creamery product. Coun
try store la firmer with no ehange In value.
r The demand rontlnuea from the eooth.
Tbe. ebeeae market la showing a tendency r
weaken and aome dealers are making eoncaa
Alone In prices" 4a order to moe slocks.
L Several Oar ef Froduoa Arrrr.
,. Today - aeeeral cars - ef produce - eeie im-
-'- loaded oa the atreet. A ear of Mediterranean
sweet oraneee mrrii
rEraltfornla red enlDTai came. Htocte were of
better quality aad the former price held.
A car of potatoes from California la on the track
"tnd W W quit ffltclytlrat lt-wtH be aewt waeth.
Auother car Is due either this afternoon or to-
morrow morning. Rereral care of kllnneeota
potatoes are drawing near to thla city. -
' Aeparagua la fluctuating rery badly la rain
Tbotwllbatandlnf that etoche are Juat as amaU
--' ' MApTLwta are la muck larger aopplyand the
, market la eaelcr. . ,.
Veal UTeaker Wltk Warmer Weather.
The real market la weaker today on account
i of the warmer weather. Reeelpta are larger
, and price are being cut l many instance la
-1 Mller"' to- WW." v1 -;! '" .
' Bull beef la coming In much faater and oe
- Jmand la fair at former Bgyrc.
, Ureraed hog Vara alow In arriving, wltb
. demand today fab?.-
rt.T- wholesale nnotatlon, a rlaedr-r
... InllnVI- r
Oral. Tear aad Teed.
I ir rt i- it ' vominal i club and . red. MaS5c:
, blneet.-tii. 80&f"i T'v. ' . '
b) A R L E If Teed. IM.MJ1 rolled, moot brew.
.,ntf)BN-Wholar .SorckedT $23.80 'er
ton. , 1 .' t
IIT1! M p ew.
OATS--NO. 1 white. SMO"! gray,
- r'" t""B 0r'""r.!"a
etralghta. tl .n'.t.,3 Jf :"""'
; graham." 1100; 10a.; jjt,
0e. S5.0O; bale. $i.T5. ,
Mlf.LTt r-rS Bran. SIS 00 pr ton! mid-dle.-.
SS.00 Lahorta,-ouutry, $2S.0OI Chop,
"haT Timothy. Willamette " vaiiey. finey,
1S on; ordinary, 1100; ea'tern Oreboa. a .00,
i,mlM. SHOOS ekrrer,- IH.OOi (rain, $11,00
cheat. 111.00. .
. . Batter, ilgga and sultry. "
- r wi'TTl?R FAT-lHweet. JOc;. anur. IV. " '
Bl'TTKIl ("tie rreamery, heat. 21Hc; aerond
tsflc.- ITMiaanc: "butaldg-Tancy. aofjzic;
' ordinary,
r7a,30c; California, 11.c;
Ilium No. 1 freab Oregon, eandlrd, 1SV;
HwllntlMl 1C I
t llUCHrT New full "creain. twin. 14Hc:
Toting merlca. ISHc; eastern. Hf It'Mi taU
f.inils. HffHHc; Cheddar. 14.
" - TO!' f.TRY Chick ens. mtred, ttr pew li
hens. l2U,t(ISr per. lb; rrooaters. old, l"c per Ihi
ennne. ituiliv nee Ih:- broilers, anl22 Ih;
irr.rar. t 2So pee Int. dnrks, 4.00t9.0O yper
ReiM pee lot mraera. treriwe
.DOlrwnff, BTorxm n oo, -
IKaUbllahed 1IS.
rata at Asnv itocinoiiu.
Boom 4, Ortmnd FleM.
oun or oomumo.
U Member. Chicago Bosrd Ct Trscls. . r " - ! M
, 101 Third Street. McKay Buildlbw. Portland. Or. 1-- t .."
'' -; ''- wa BO A TBIOTI.T COaOOBaTlOlr BTJBI1TXBB. I -
Cootlnuon Market by rrirmt Wlr. Quick errlc. RErERKNCKflleSdil
Tllton. atABkers, sf4 JUbU4 IUIm Natlocar BanA of Poitlsnd, I
: ', . e-. . ' '' ' r'-- - " ' : " V
' 1 - I .. -..-.,
per - lhi dressed, toeUHe er tbt aquabg,
U-tOOiou-per doe. . - t ' ' . ...
..-.; Hops, Weal aad aide,
WOI') Contract, ln.- -lo 1WV, ' crop.
(Re for ' cbwkm; I3?4 . for (irlmea so
medium, .
- n UU-illW ep. .ley. -.Mill
lftjfcc-'""' "fl"" l.aU'fa'if'' '"
att'ti AiK-enominai, auajaie.
SH E Ki'SKJ N a boearlug, ISO! short wool.
KUie; medium wool, SOOluci long wool
bocri a 1. 00 each. '
TAl4,OW l-rljneseAaA-dOBat-Jli
JgCaiaae, sb U nv
prlr?. t'orUand. . - ' -
HiuKLir aiQ9i not I. i mm inq
104118 He per lb: dri kit). No. lv 0 to 15 loa.
Ur dry calf, Ko. t. unarr 6 lba. MQlSc; dry
aired bide, steers, eound. SO roe ar arer, 8 V. Q
He: Mi to SO lba, S(X8Vic under eo lb and
rows. SQSHc; .alaga and balls, sound. OTei
kin, IS To SO lba, 6c; aouno. 10 to 14 lb. BO
uci calf. Bound, a Oder 10 lba. SHSllc: green
(uasalled). Je per lb lead: culla. lc nor lb I!
borae hldee. salted. : eaebr' l.ffll.TS; dry,
eseb, tl.0uOl.S0: colt hldea. each. 5oe;
wnnoaB.mJ3lcb,.'n2Bcet. , , ""
- POTATOES Seat " Oregon, S1.1SOI 1 ear
lota, f . o. b oouolry, II. 00; aeroud grade,
$1.00 per aack; ' buying, car lota. Roc; aweeta,
crated, 1.79; new California, lQlKe per lb.
OMOSH i.VSi.l- liiiTara' ,,rlc. ruinlll. g-,.13:
Hew California, Xttli'ac; Tuas Brrmuuaa, la.bOi
garlic, el'ic per IU.
TiBn rrltTTrpa: Apwiag'-eatre'' reaey, -ui
fancy OrrgbU, $2.00 per boa; cheap grades,
II. bo per box; orange,' novel. I2.0uiaa.00
box; taaaoaa, dUU5e per lb; lemoua. cholv,
12.60 box; -fancy, 3.00 box; limes. Mexican,
HV per 100; pineapple. S4.0fla3.o: erauhee
rles. eastern. fll.ou per., bbl; .atrawberrlea,
Willamette valley,- 12Sc; Hood Hirer. 12S4c
per box) California,. (1.2A per crate; cherrtia,
11.00 per "box; aprlcou. 1160; peacbea, 11.71;
plums, II. 73, .'
li;K rx Hl.rn Tornloa. new.
tier aack; ca'rnta. Sl.ooigei.lO per: sack;
oeeta, SI.B
per- ackl
Oregon rad-
ll.hea 23o - - Bee doai eebbane. - Ore-
got,, per ewtt - California, ...-HieiMfi
greea peppera, 7c lb;. Clilil peppcra,. l&ulic lb;
celery, peg rrau; - lotuatuea. Florida,
l.l.oo; California, t2.bOT pafaulpa, l.noi(1.2!;
airing beaua. Tigluc; cauliflower. Call tor ula.
Sl.7bd2.oo cratv, rhubarb, llVi per lb;
horseradish. 7&Sc- per lb; atrouis, ; artl
cluikea, doaooo per doe: bolaoae lettuce,
bo7Bc; brad lettuce, loo per do; green
onions, lor per doa; aaparagua TbiiSc dos
buucbea; Walla WalU. gl.kot.1.60 per box;
spinach, 3c p. lb; green corn, per doa;
peaa, Orrgnn, 7ync; ( allforula, C per lb; cu
cumbers, MM-l.m per don." '
DBIKU e-Ki lTo Apple, evaporated, TCJS
per lb; apricots, gfeijjl.'lc per lb; aacka,;
pee lb less; peaches, gillie per lb; peer.
per lb; prunea. Italian, fttO V. IbS
rrenrb, IHQ4Ue per lb: Ufa. CaUfornU black.
SH per lb; California white. ,pe lb.
plums, bitted, per Ibj dates, goldea. Sc
per lot farda, 11.00 pr 18-18 tot. . "'
Orocsriaa. aTuta. " It. " :
eo.woj iru.t graaoiaieu,; orr areDeH,ru'
beet grasuletwl. extra U,eo.4s;
tuldea C, tb.M; bble, 10c; H bbb. Xfrc;'eola,
i-e adraace ou aaefc baala. Zleyef ewt
for eaab.'ia dayai mapM .Jl4alM "
MONKV lavakflSc. I
I'llllKK I'krtiK hrande. 11111.
" SALT T lt baTee. ga.- lla.-we, ea. 10a.,
table, delry. fee, $11.00; l'tot. I1U.75; Im
ported LlTsrpool. ' Mm, llT.oo: looa.;
lUee, fld.ou; eatra Bne." bbla. ha. is. 6a. loa.
f4.aotiS.bO; bulk, SIM lba, fl.uuOS.00i aacka.
aye. eoaade. .- --
- eVAl.1- Cearee Uatf-geaaad, l0a,. pea ban,
17. 00; Mia, per too,; Lieerpool lump roc,
l.oo per ton; bo-lb rork. ST.oo; low. 78.
(Abore prloea apply . to ' aalee of lea tbaa
ear lota. Car kits a( apeclal prices eubjeel
to flurtjatlone. 1
' I tin k i v r. " Tr. ere no too.
Tbe I'lWliriDii. Imu.-i.i. Jsue- to. 1. btacs Ne. 4
4V,c; New Orleans bead, oc; AJax, 4c; Creole.
"itKA.N Small white. Sfi4t;c: Urge white,
ci.- pli'kWI0U-Jfc;iJU"e4)cj
alcxrcsn reds, ' ,
U Id r-eanuu, IWei lumboa. SVi per r;
raw. bQllie per jbi rimatrd ; -fwMi,
SoCiSOc per doa; walnuts, 143 16c per lb; pine
nuts, lO&iaVc pee lb; btrkory auta, 10a per lb;
chestnut, eastern. lSQloe per )b; BraaU not. I
ioe per .o; nioeris, idvih tuj
4-perana, ltDjl
0 15c per lb: xlDjoode. llgiae par to.
tatarfloal- OUs,-- Bte,' .
ROPE Pure Manila, 14c; standard, 1141
alasal, 10c; lstls brand aueal-efce.
COAL Ollc Pearl or Aatral Cases, S4le pee
gat; water white. Iron- bble 13c per gal,
wooden lbc per fai; -beadllgut, IJO-dfg, aaias
latac per gal.
U ASU K K -deg,--caaes -Ste' per 1 gal.-trow
bbla. 20o per gal; atone, esse 24 fee per gal.
Iron bble In per gaL
TUBFEN TINE la eaaea. STc -per gal; wooden
bbla, 04c per gal; Iron bbla, 1 per gaL,
BENZINO-oJ-drg.. casea 25e, per g.l, lros
bbla 18We per gaL - 4
WUITe) LKAter-Ton loU, 70 per lb; SOO-lb
loU, 7c per lb; Iras lota, be per lb,
WIRE NAIL8 -Present base at 12.70.
- l.l.NHKKU OIL Pur raw. In bbla. 63c, per
gal; -caeee- Sac per gal, genuine kettle bulled,
casea 7oc per gal. bbla S5c per gal; ground cake,
car lota AMt.Oti per ton, lea tbaa ar Wie lo vu
per too. i c ,
Meats. Tlxk sad Prevlsleaa. i
FRE8B MEATS Front atreet Beef; steers.
Sttoc per lb; pork, block, TVie per lb;
packers. 7He per lb; bulls. 4tfoe pr ju;
cows, V per lb; mutton, CHuiMe per lb;
lawb wltb pelta, V,,dc per lb; , seal,
extra, Uc; ordinary. -600 per lb; poor,
istbc ner lb. i
UAV1A. 11AC0. ETC.-Portland park local)
hams. 10 to 14 ! 124ie per lb: 14 to Id Iha.
I2c per lb; Id to 20 lba, 124a rer lb; cottage
e'raC per IU. oresa. aei oacou, mifpiao per lb;
picnic. So per Ih; regular abort clears, an
amoked, He per lb: smoked, loic pet lbi clear
backa. uosuwked. Si4c per lb: smoked, lOVie
ar lb j Colon butts. 10 to II lba, unemokeo, a
per lb: smoked, be per lb; clear bailie, an
smoked, lie par lb; smoked, 12e per lb;
ebouldec.. Sc.
LOCAL. LARD Kettle leaf. 10a, loe per
lbi- As, 10H per lb oO-lb tin. 10 per lb;
ataam readerad, 10a, e per lb Ba, t per
lb; ube, e per lb: loa, e per lb. .
TASCO 8AI.MON-ColumbU rlrer l ib tails.
1.83; 2 lb telle. I!
Va-lb fsoey nats, I
a,;, fancy, l ib flats, S2.00;
is. Il 26: fancy Mb ovale. S2.fa:
Alaska tails, pink, SoCOud; red, 11.80; nominal
go, tall,, 12 00. , .
FI8H Rock eod, Te nor db; Sounder. 6 oar
lb; halibut. IMr per lb; crab. $1.50 per dos;
atrlped base 12Ho per lb; , eatftakt. , oe,
Ih; salmon, chlnndi. Be per lb; ateelheada, Se per
lb; bluebark, 7e; herring, be per lb; aolee Ac per
Ibj shrimps, 10a per lb; perch. Be per lb; shad.
So per lb: roe had. Be per lb; ahad roe, Soe
per lb; black cod, Te per lb; el leer smalt. S
per lb: lobsters, 18c; freab mackerel. Be pet
lb; crawfish, 2&e per doa; flounders, bo per lb;
eturgn,' 7e per lb. -
of STEP. Hhoalwatar hay, per gaL 1123;
per aack. IMS.
CLAMS Hard ahelLj rer box,. 12.00; rasor
clsms. 2.0O per box.
an Francisco, May 26. Local stocks closing,
morning eeaetoa; .- ,
..." t Bio.. Aak.
Spring Valley Water. ............. ,17
xftrrmrl Ettrlrlr,
UTi , 12V
at. '. Oaa A Electric.
i;lant I'oertcr ......
Hawaiian Commercial..
llonokea Sugar
Makawell 8ugar
Onimea ffugar. . ..
I'aanhau Sugar
Alaska racker'. . .
California Wine Assn..
fsl. FmTt
I'acldc Htatea Tel.,,...
()cesnlC(rsiesPisblP. .....
zf- sav,
lSVs 10
87 as .
22 ' 2.1 -
101 3
San Franc hi co. May M. Tonopab stocks, of.
Iclsl close, forenoon, aesaloa: - -
Bid. I in' Bid.
..:i.02 lAdsma $ ,07 -
rr l.HA I Mohawk ....... .27
.. .4.1 initle .20
McNamard ....
Helmoot i i. . ,
North Star ....
nold Mt .......
Jim Butler
Nevada .IA),..,
Ton. Kx (A)..,
Bed Top .......
Irolumbla Mt . ,
.17 .
.2S -.4S
.18 ;
Jnmho Ft
Black Bntte ....
sneer. fli-k .....
(loKlen Anchor, ,
Ray . O'Brien....
Dnblr Ton ...j,..
0. Bull rroei..
Sa-ndatm-m ES
Imamonddeld ...
Ion Htar......14i 1
Home ..........
taah Boy-c..e .20 I
Clearing . A... .... ........
Ha Is ores , .-
' .'i ... 'Americans la Lone1 on.
i tindon.'-Sfsy'.io.-l-J p. m. Amertcas atocks
a, erase v, to point nianer.
Twenty - Eight Cents la Paid for Wool at;
Corvallit This". Is" the Highest Tigure for
"Over .Twenty-Rve.Yearsr. ZTZ-'
M ay Option fs Sensational to the
Bears and Pleasant to the
-72 Bulls. ; :r;rr:r;:
J Qnlv. a Thousand Tons Are Piled
' ; forfDelivery in;! the :'Bay.'
City Barley Up.
(rumiahe.1 by Overbeck. dtarr A Cooke Co.)
Ran Frat.lla.-o. Mar a. llutlon A Co.
er.dWT"T!" "There, hawbeew--great deal of trouble
r"" '. I a .i . m. . .h..i aodee. roe aome
day they bare eeeu the danger.- but hav bad
hope tbat aomethlng would happen to let
them out. - - . ' ,' '
. The failure of Oregon' wheat to arrive baa
entirely upset- their plaae. It la , flgured now
that no Oregon wheat con reach thla market
before June a. aa May will paae Into history
before thla time arrtva. ' There eeeme but oo
thing, for the shorts to do tbat la to walk up
to ine captain a tines ana weues as ,ew, w
ei.n. ' '
- 3-bere la piled -up fee delleef abetll LOOO-t
tone. , Tin wheat wouia eommana n oeiicr
price, but i tba owner baa aold It for May
delirery and wann6t afford to take chances
of selling eeen at better prlcea tbaa at present,
for be knows not at what price be eonld cover
bl May comnilimenta. Tbe leaeon given May
wheat and barley aborta will be a good one to
the chronic beat In thla market. Today's
May wheat la np 8c per cents L
Today's of flclal 4 1 :30 S. a. xaarketl . : . ..
- -. ' , Open.- High.
May.. fl.M 11. M
IMcember 1.MI1 1 S5
- lVow. Close.
" S1.B8 f I. KB
1.S3T4 . . 13S
May. . l oo ... Ill ,. : , 1 1
December 7 -.80 M - M .8
ClosinShowS-a Fraciional Ad
vance Oyer. Yesterday-t
' ' Small Changes.' -"
. .;-: . , . . ADTAJCCKB. -..------
Amalgams led .... , t 'Baltimore
Atchlaon . Ik.Erle
Mlaeonrl Tac ..... N Y. Central ....
Heading S'l nloa Facllle .....
JJIeel, pfd hl . ,
Smrltcf' ..........
(slUlecl .....
southern i'acinc...
(Furnished by Overbeck, Starf A Cooke Co.)
Wall Street, New York. May 2. Tbe stock
market closed -but- s - tree Uoaw-awt tee than
yesterday. - I '
Today's -pfflciah market:'
- .-Jtld. . Aak
Amalgamated Copper C
:.;.. 7 74
Atchison, com
7i ' 7S-.-
American SugafTcom
An.eri.en Mto.1
BaltrtA.u-1 "A Ohtorrnm
.ItrTl, 17S
Brooklyn Kspl.l Transit .......
Canadian I'acldc, -com
Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul
Ktle, com -l ,-,-rr . m-.-. .-....
Illinois Central ........... . .
Loulsrllle A Nashville
172 li
143 M21,
MeuopoUUa, Btrert. Hyi..
114 4
Miseourl facioc
New York Central
Norfolk A Western, oom
I'enuaylTanla By ....... ,k ..... .
People'a Gas. Light A Coke-Co.
Reading, out
Rock Inland, coin
.. HO
..138 Vb
.. B "
., S
.. 'A
. 2d
Son i hern Parlftc ..............
Tennessee Cal A Iron .....
I'nton Paclflc, oom ,..,.....:...
t'nttrd Htatea Steel Co.. com .....
do preferred
.. S3
' San Franctaco, May 2d. Official close, mora
ine .aeeeloa:
, Bid.
Bullion ...a-.. .13
Belcber ....f... .23
Con. Cal.-VA.... 1.70
Ophtr ......... S.7B
Caledonls ...L.. .50
Mexican. .......10
Andes -.22
I .88
.07 J
Savage ...
I nion Con
Jacket.. .2S
ICxcheqner 60
Hal A Nor cross 1.80
Scorpion .11
Scarcity of Hogs Finally Creates
a Better Demand Sheep
Are Weak.
Portland Union Stockyard, May 2d. Lira
atr-k eecelnts:
' : Jlog f Cattle Sbeee
Today 44 . 28 471
Week ago-.-.-..... ;.. 100 I2 7B0
Previous week . t SoO
Montb ago 114 28 4KS
On a.-coont of the email lecelpta for o
extended e period there waa a better eall for
bogs today, but price were no better. The
cattle market la fair, while aheep are weak.
. Official prlcea for lrrestorh:
l(os Best eaatera Oregon. Id.OO: blocker
and China fata to.23; elockere and feeders,
14 SOW 4.78. -
Csttle Best eastern Oregon steers, I4.00Q
. .. . . . I -. S. Rill, a ,
S 3u; lignt anu nieuiuo. mm m. .uvise.i,
rid nd Hrhr-eows, S2.oO2.7Br stocker sod
feeder, 12 '10; bulla, ll.ftO.
Hbeep Ht fancy sheep. l3.80fJI.7B; ewes,
S.tfiw0.8O. aprlng laiul.a. 4 He. : r
Calvea Uood veal, lit -to- 17B pounds, 4c;
rongb and heavy, 2,tJ.
Chlcaeo. Ms SSre-LlTeatork reeelDtei
-.- . ..- Hog Cttle Sheep
Chicago ...-i....o3.00O . 2.000 . 6,0i0
Kauaas flty.... ,oo0 ,B.nO
Omaha .................. 1 1 .'"0 2.000 - 2.600
lloga opened steady. Receipts s year ago
were J7.0i3-. Price: Mixed. 15. 23 (da 60; go.Nl
and heavy.' 5.S60.46; rough, f4.SOQB.2V
light. So.2MrTS.o0. ,
Cattle Strong. . . -Sheep
fltsedy. . .
(ruroiahed by Overbeck." Starr A Cooke Co.).,
New Yotk. May 20. Cotton future closed
to IS points higher.,'
. Todae-a efflcUl col ten market: '
Ooen. Close
I. . ......3I 823
Msy . ... r. .--. rt -rf,rT'"
Jnlv ;..,.' li
Oetohee SIS S
December ...... i.T. ......,.B2S- S23
T i" ttvrpi'eOir Kitswr;
UverpooCMay 28. Cot to future dosed
8 point Bigner.
" . Terelgs Oefiee Ifsrkets.
New Tork, May . Havreiffee sboet
higher! tlamMirg nnenangeo, ,o- enor.
rslpu are 8,0i bags. Price nnchanged.
- - I. ' ' " r --"'
" atnxbnia tbasii botco.
f-f (Journal Special Service.)
' CMi-sa; Msy TtiS AsoclsteJ
Btilldln; Trsdes of Took county, with A of 2I.S00 In rsrlmis crsfti.
win meet tonlsht. to dlSclinn Ih e)iis
tlon of bnycoUIng; all buildings, where
unfair matsrtsl Is used. ,
Chicago Wheat Market Has a
Mixed Tone Today -Others
zz:Zy':r Show ' a Cain. :
Further j Reports of Damage
Come and Southwest Is - ;
. Still Buying Heavily .
- T"day
Today .-
Thur. Today
Al.od ,02
.wH' ws
.3 ;-.oo4
ijj v . ,.i . e
Low., . - ;;t -
. (leurnlabe'd by OVerbeck. Starr A Cook Co
- Chicago, May M. The market todar waa very
erratic for wheat, the May ahowlng a decline
oi wan 0010 uiy. ana Bepwmoer ea
vanced a,., ,
- Thefbeea-liowd: froSthr1 WITtfitorl.
light frost la Dululh and heaey at'Ht. Paul, aad
dry throughout ' tho' northwest. Temperature
ar all lower except In tbe OMe valley. There
la lee gaoler urs throughout the west ' end
eontbweet, end moisture ta ' pretty general
throughout the Ohio Teller.
- The market continue excited by crop damage
reporte. Tbe trad see ma to give aome evi
dence of being overbought. It la a broad market
and an excellent trading affair.--
Tbe corn trailer a last nlabt were ratber In
cllued u raise their prerloua opinion o4 the
contract eon, that will ba available 'for the
May. delivery. It is plainly shown that they
will eren overrun the cash Bcured on. Borne
of the rerelvera esllmste that there would be
at least 1. 000 cash deltrertes tn Chicago dur
ing the few remaining daya. The mixing e le
es lots - are -now- ouyuig- it tn-o,-- s
avsllabl at 4 to Be below -lb May.
iooay S-OinciaL marxti:
V HliATi
One. .. Utah. Tow. n
y I ,..vt-l -. -irJ-i.-n"ii-4
Inly. I.-.. St U, .ot4.1 i
Jept JSlL,... .MI-fi-.1.Al!.
O. July.. T.dSU -.ess .414 .4li
0.-Septr-.48-.4Haj -,4T nr.4(4 -
- r oats. .
Ju1yu... .SOH .30 f, ' .SOS, .SOUj .
MESS PORK. .-.I-- .--
May..... 12.47H 12.47H 12 43H - 12.4TH
r- OxnoAao oeaixt oak ton. -
Cblcago. afar , Oraln car lt!"'-"V
Care- nran Batlflft4.
v neat .............. ... ... 9 12
Corn SOI - SSS - 40 Sod
Oats 1S 41 ill 77
Large Attendance and Much En-j
"'thusiasm, at . BTennial
- ' Convention.
(SpecUl Dlapatch U Th Jooraal.)
- Dallas. Or- May--Jl. The third blen
nisi convention of tha Chriatian ' En
deavor union for the west Wlllnmetts
district, comprising Polk, Yamhill and
Washington counties, bgan a tw days'
session her) yesterday. ,
The , delegation this year la larger
than In, any other convention ' yet held
by this district. The Thursday even-
Ins session wss held in tha Presby
terian church. There waa a large
crowd In attendance. Rev. Oaycombe
of McMinnville opened the convention,
Professor D. M. Metxger, dean of the
Dallas college, la president of the as
soclation. ' -
ThursdsT evenlngr's session wss
ORfoentaCl : o'clock with son service
and at I o'clock the convention sermon
by Rv.J F. Clsyoombs 9f McMinn
ville. closing; with a solo" by Professor
H. H. Dunkelbercer of lallas.
-This morning the session began st
1:30 o'clock with th enrollment of.dle-a-ates.
At I o'clock' devotional service.
conducted by Fred Henry otLaFayette,
followed, by business and the appoint.
ment of committees. At I: JO o'clock,
"Ways f Attaining- ths Highest Stand
ard of Spirituality In the Meetings and
Work of the Society,' by a member of
Frlende" society of Newberg-. This was
followed by sn sddress. "Wsys of Em
ploying and Winning- Associate M'm-
bers bTlgg:BessiB roung jor ijayt
"Wave of Securing tha Most Effectual
Committee Work In th Business of the
Society ." by ReTi-iL:. QllPStrlo rIIJUls:
horo. and "Ways of Doing the Best
Work- for Miswions."-Mrsr- M. U Bar--
dnn of McMinnville.
Adjournment was then taken until
1:10' o'clock In the aftemoonrwhen the
convention opened with devotional serv
ice. conducted by William Robb of Cem
tervllle. Oregon. . A paper on "Junior
Work," was .then read by. Mrs. Marls
Cutta ef Newberg. and an address on
"Intermediate Work," by O. O. Arnold
of Dallas, followed. A conference on
"The Two Subjects Presented," fol
lowed by an address, "Informing ths
Toung People About the Church," by
Rev J. A. Brown of Monmouth , was
.,.. "Training. Our Toung Peopls In
Religion," by Rev. W. P. Wacdle of
Dallas, was next, 1 followed by 1 "Clirl1
tlan Endeavor Work : ai Baltimore and
tho Lewis and Clark Fair," reports of
committees, pledges for 1I0B snd 1907,
and election of officers followed, and at
S 'o'clock adjournment will be taken
utntll 7:48 o'clock. A aong service will
Anen the evening session and at t o'clock
an address by W. if. Boyd ' of Forest
Drove, followed by a song by the La
dies' quartet will close the sessions. .
-1 - ' :
, A Step in the Right Direction.
Thst ttrloen In commodities and neces
sitlea of mankind are sold- -ss 4ow In
prloe ss In any other city In the United
Btatee during the Lawla and Clark fair
la a. fact.-but tha public is apt to gft
tha Idea that prices are high. The Chi
cagothe hlg store In the middle of the
block. 11-71-71 Third street., between
Oak and Pine is making a special sate
of Fins Suits st 111 tljst cannot pe peat
anywhere in the United Slates. Several
t...eidrairf 81 K. 111 SO and 111 SUltB have
been plsced on eeparate table And wilt
be sold At 111 for chance, Tbaa splen
did suits ara all high-class hand-tailored
in- sU-wool -eerge. - claya. twas., cbv
lots. . homespuns and . unfinished wor
steds, btsck, blue, grsy; uray mixed,
alan neat atrlpea, checkni broken. black
and respper and aalt mixtures. Ths Chi-
cago will ahow to all visitors that Port
land is a. eltr of sharp and live compe
tition, where the highest (quality mer
chahdlss mads Is sold at the lowest pos
sible prlcea. 1 Tha Chicago tnvltea all
lodge of clothing to examine the won
derful bargains offered In thla grand
stl, now In progress. No better time
for a thrifty man to save pn his spring
suit ths right now.'
- Ff eriad sTboek Oaaae fra.
Allan dk Lewla' Best Brand,
Eight Wives Tell Judge Sears
That Their Marriages Were
Mrs. Eva Hall's Story Arouses
Desire in Hearers to Lynch
rr Her Husband.m.A-
Eight sggrieved wives -told '-.Judge
Sesra today about their cruel and In
human husbands, snd to each one was
spoken the words thst unmarried there.
The customary quietude of a Friday
morning : in court, with btack-frocked
lawyer carrying ponderous tomes and
ClerkiTiurrying hlthsr an Thither, and
uninteresting exparte master xioming up
for the Judge's rulings.- -wss broken
when COurt'Crler Ttrwetl armoimced that
ths honorable circuit court of the stats
of Oregon for Multnomsh county wss
now in session.. . ' ' - -
Usually st: this momenH there ls ;a
shuTfllng of liesvy feet -and a lot of
nonchalant men arise to pay tueir. re
spects to the Judiciary according to ths
long estsbilshed custom.- '
-Thla time Ik wss different. When "tha
crier sent forth his announcement, there
waa a rustle of silk skirts and a bob
bing of wlda-brlmmsd picture hatsrsnd.
before the Judges en pane, stooa an ar
ray of feminine beauty such Ss hss not.
been seen In the dingy, old courthouse
for many a -day. r -
The 'ludgea and" lawyers," whits not
rosing -yietr t sense of dignity and In
nowise violating the traditions lof the
court' presence, nevertheless manifested
no little Interest- in the solid phalanx
of the gentle sex who had come to storm
the matrimonial barriers thst sepsrsted
them from i freedom from a, :. lot
of husbands, every ons of whom,
according to the complaints. -. had
been -. gulHy of - cruel . nd Inhuman
treatment of their better halves, naa
el..rtH jfirn In iiffar cll.eef.rel nf llielt I
marital vows,' and in most Instsnces bad
refuaed to provlds.Jorthe upportor
Wivea and children.
udse Sears heart! all the esaes.-sna.
although there might have, been soms
comedy features ss viewed by the care
less observer, there -we plenty of Tragedy.-aa
Vlis plaintiffs And their women
friends ss wltnesaeg related 'stories of
lnhumsnlty. : - " ; ;- -- -
Eva Hall told Judge- Sears; ge gb
brevlouslv hsd recited tn her complaint,
that shArsjknarrlsd at tbe-age-o 11-
in Rainier, Oregon; that her husband.
glng camp, and crrmpelled her,-a mere
child, to perform all aorta of mental du
ties -and -to do- tha wssnmg-ror mm
and other loggers. Her story wss
enouh to cause the young men arouna
the courthouse to orgsnlxe a posse ana
search forHbehusbandwhQAftsr-suoi
vreatmehtrbrought his wlfo to Portland
and" compelled her to assoclste wxtn per-
aons of bad character, as she atsiepi in
her presentation of the case.
other, heartrending tales wsrs related
and at times tesrs appeared aa the wife
told how her husband hsd made false ac
cusations agalnat her and made ner 111
misersble by his bad treatment.
"The divorces granted were: Eva Hall
from 'Eddie Hall, married In Rainier,
Oregon, March 14. 118: Julia Bell from
Charlea E. Bell, married in Pittsburg,
Kansss. September 10, 1101; Myrtle con
ception from John D.. Conception, msr
rled in Astoria December It, 1104; Hel
ena Moot from Albert Moot, married at
Mount Angel. Oregon, May xo. 101;
Mary FUsgersld from Michael Fttsger
sld, married In Vancouver, Washington,
November 27. Ills; Eva h. tsrooKs x,roni
August Edwin Brooks, married In Sid
ney, Washington. January 10. 1100; M.
Hossfleld from S. Hossfleld, married In
Portland, November S. 111; D. Gee
from I. Gee. married March- 1V 1M4;
Many Saleh from Afsfl Ssleb, msrrled In
i,rgma mTBg to
The Oregon Llbrsrr associattort1- will
holds Its second meeting In the srt
referenc roorn. of th foniana udiic
library tomorrow.' Repreaentatlves from
the different llbfarles of the ststs are
Invited to attend, ma morning sesion
will begin at 10 o'clock and tha alter
noon meeting at 1 o'clock. Ther will
be speeches of Interest snd discussions.
Joe Golden wss tsken ib'oard -the
NorXherii-PaclflB; trlrithliternoon to
be conveyed to Victor!, H. (J., wncre n
wtlranswer-tha-! charge of raising a
postal money order from -17 cants to
140. inspector J. it. ursenneia anu
Sergeant tarle'Mulhern"arrtTd -this
morning to take Oolden.
of the diversity and quality-of
this hardware, dlaplay may cost
yyow -many Ht-dollar:when uyng--tims
oomca. It's wisdom and pru
' denes for you "to know It now.
Ws'lt gladly inform you any ,11ms
- you' call. , '7' ." f ''j " ., -
aa Taums rmaaT.
Dr. B, G. "
Th) Btinaxirio
DKBTTiaT that
rellevea all pain
In .dspjal.epra-
XaiV WaaklBsrtoii
BW sea. sweats.
W Treat successfully all private Bar
voua snd ehronlo. diseases of msn; slso
-blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and
throat troubles. Ws curs SYPHILID
(without mercury) to stay cured for
ever, in 10 to - days. Ws remove
; STRICTURE, without operation er pain.
in is aays, .
W ateb drains, the result of self.
1 aauss. lmmsaisieiy. 1 ws rgrrrktoT; Tni
sexusl vigor of any man under 10 by
means of local treatment peculiar ,to
ourselvssy-l , - - -t f
We Cure Gonorrhoea
In a Week .
-Ths doctors of this tnstttute are all
' regular graduates. have had many
yeara' experience, nave been known int
Portland for 11 yeara, have a reputation!
to maintain, and will undertake no casat
unless certain cure can be effected. "
. - We guarantoe a cure In every case we
-nriilertaka. or chars no fee. Consults-
llloaf re Letters. nfldnHl. Instruct
ttive BOOKFOR MEN mailed free- la
nlsln arrannar.
Ws cure the worst esses of pllss la two or three treatments, without opera 1- '
tion. Cure guaranteed. - ---
: 'fuf.0" "kno cal' M mo w'lts for uUon-blank. Home treatmsal euo
0fllce hour!. to t and 7 to I. Sundays and holidays. 18 to 1J. : .1'
Ofnees--tnr Vsn-Ncrr-Kotst.- 82 K Tblrd Street Corner Pine. xVirtlarvt. Or. -' "'.
IHlotel Fairmooot
t - ; - ' :'.- '. - 7-
: Z. 36th and LJpahur Streets " . 1 ;
Will Be Open for Guests, Thursday, Hay 25th
Opposite Main Entrance to Lwis and Clark Exposition .
-Only- "absolutely" fireproof hotel adjoining grounds, equipped ' with "
electrlo rallbells; snd speclsl telephonic communication for patrons. UaV
formad porters andbeljboya at all houra at guests' servicc-; r - -
Rates $r a
150 Elegant Rrjoms. Open tbr JQueata
Jlielegantjyjrralppetl hotel,
newly ' mn& completely - fur-
-nUhcd throuahout I- now-.
-cpen to th publicONE BLOCK from .main entrance to Fair.
Rates Reasonable. Special
MsgrilfloenTfree observatory for guests, overlooking Fair Grounds ,
and city Take -"M"-stretcar front Union depot direct to Hotel -De-v-troit.
- ' '- -
J. C. ORirrrN. Proprietor.
- "extracting,' cleaning and sxamtnstlon
TOEH during all thla week. Tha Bos
ton Falnlass Dentists will give ths
lowest prices ever known 1b Portland
for strictly hlgh-clgss dantsl work.
Don't put It off, but com In at ones,
Good work st low prices, guaranteed
for 1 rears, hss made a world-wide
reputation for tha Boston Dentists,
ttl Morrison street 1 ..
Xartraetlag amd BxamlmaUea . ...TBSI
..Other dentists come snd go, but ths
Boston - Dentists -remain the -same - r.
liable, up-to-date dentists.
Boston Painless Dentists
tlH KorrUom at-, Opp. atetar Fran
. aad Old Toe torso. -
HOURS 1:10 a. m. to I P. m.
day, 1:10 a. m. to. 1110 p. m.
For" modsrn dentsl work. World-renowned
Lowest prlcss consistent wltb first-class
. work. ;
Go to tha . , -
TomtTs Aim MOMuaoaT ita-
Open day and night, from 140 a. in.
until 10 p. m.
it nornTxf xmav
Bt. BuraalS A Cek,
Awning f o.r'
stores snd resi
dences. Tents snd
camping ' outfits.
Oct our prlcss.
raoae Mala 1M1
Park asif Wsnhlngton, Portlaod. Orafoa
.Th School of QuaHtyV "
Ops sit the year. CasaJegwe free : 2.
A. P. ARMfTIONQ'. LL. B., tiCfAt.
Day an d LXp;
General Manager
-36tb. antl UrunStrgetg '
Rates to Permanent Quests
twenty-seventh gnd-Thufman Bta.
Beaonsa by tk Oregon Wntes
Power k By. Oo. Trolley Urn. .
Write or Phone.
IV, a. MABTxras, Manage.
; Xstaeada. Oregon.
KA8KH. Ws want every man airtlcted
with- the above diseases, to honstly ln-f -vestlgate
our special aystem of treat
ment.. Wa Invite In particular all who
have treated .elsewhere without - sue- ,
cees, all . hoge casea havs been
abondoned by family physicians snd so-'
called "SPECIALISTS1'; all whone trou
ble have been aggravated and made,
worse by the une of BELTS. FREH !
so-called SPECIFICS. We will explain
to-you why auch treatment haa failed
to curs you, snd will demonstrate to'
your entlrs satisfaction that w can
cure you safely, quickly snd perma-1 '
neatly. Our counsel will cost nothing. "
snd ws will dq by you ss ws pvduld wlnh
you to-an ov u n our caaes were re-.
for eir , home treatment
you cannot call.
Booms and T Winchester onse.Talrd
- and Bnmslds gta-. Portlands Of.
BlTHUinO 187S.
Tha Qreat Chinese Doctor ,
Cftl- Ve". .Se a - 3w r
Is called great be
cause his wonderful ,
cur ar so wil-T...
known throughout, ,
the United 1 Btatee. -and
becauae so many
people isre thankful
to hlrh fof saving """i
their uvea rrooa
Hs treats any and " ''
all dlseasea with
powerful C b I n
hebe. roots, buds,
barks snd vegetable '
that sre entirely un
known to medical sclsnca tn this eoun- , -
try, and through the us of th harm
lens remedies. This fsmous doctor knows
th action Of vr 100 different -rem e(tr
thst he haa aucceesfully uaed In different
dlases. He guarantees to cure e trh.
asthma, lung troubles, rheurrtstlam, nr ,
vouaneas, atomaoh, liver, kidney.- fe
male trouble snd all prlvste dlsse.
Hundreds ' of tlwcinlls t l Charges .
moderate fall end ee h'm. '
-Psttsnts out of the city write f -if y
blank snd elrculsr. Inclose stsinp. AI- 1
drsas , ' ,.
thlc. oee wo c:::;::i:n
MED.-cir.a co.
lit Aler atre-e. r-'" ' ' ' '
way ef IMS t 1
tv. illl. I