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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
"T.1 TOE - OREGdN " DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND FRIDAY f EVENING, MAY 28, 1SC3. " 4 12 7 aoafnal - Bsteree -af 'the "pamtot 0c of ,. Or.. (or IrtMiioruUM wroai If U the HW a bb4- riaat lb allot. filu tor alngle ropiest Toe SB 8. l peg imimt. i we u w so sag, tziiTHOirri.. Foltotial Wtmg " IiulwM Otic. , ; sm v.? ...... - Vrel..l S.o.a. 1 Aaw'I,Df."C,I 1M Kaeaar street. V.w -ark; Xnlnuie aWU4- '-'lag. CU& - vBScmirrioH batbb.- , re i.ii J-wul n suejar. i fear IT W t.Wl S.JS 1. 00 3 fee iny iioorui,. i Jr Jim iMiir Journal, with Sender. . snooj the Dalle Journal with Suadar. aaOBtbs. lb Dall Journal. ontbVjJ"'iiffi'"3! fta,4'"r ""' . e. muwi In-!,.. ..IIH" i 3B JJailjr, pa w-- itii"t j' '- Mjatilaa ........ T-ur,.-.....;. Terms MaO. . " .. Ta Dally Journal. with Sunday. 1 3 a. Dalljr Journal. 1 ear ....... j;""" Sts 1 lie IMUlr jourual, who w i lb bally Journal, IH ball? JournaC ...., ha aitb emmlaj. 1 swatha, L ninnlha, ..... i..;jj 1.00 1.40 Ik. Uallr Journal, wits buudajr, 1 atoau.. . lu liallr -unrn-L. 1 B-lk. ... . 7 vunaaj Journal, i r'.r -a Mundav .VriirnaL V UuDlAa. .. I. .... i.00 ,. Ik Bae.Wkly Jeuiteel. ' . ; "gh Bml-Wekle Journal, to 13 Pf ' . earn leaue, Uluatratad, full Siaraet ELL' abVuk. W nUoY bV ij ... . nr.wa and amall aiuounta art ocuubl ia 1 ua tent Prjg'ar- -1 ar-gar-tttrTirT . nll", ,wlIU TUX JOUKVAL KA M Orraon . J- Z : Th loaraal cma bw oond V ; I'HICAUO PMtotflet' MewrwBp7. 1TI !...! tEKV"llft:oU,.--Kendrlli Boob i. UtJo compasr, SIS Sntantb strati 1. Uc, ' BUrtaralh and CurtU Unala, KANSAS CITY V Nor Nwi eompanj. . ' . MINNEAPOLIS M. J, KaTanaufb. H Wamo TBlrd stmt. .. - .. . l - KKW YORK' J!TT RiwUu'i. tjaloti aqaaraj OMAHA IJlUard Hotal New Itandi Magaatl " Btattoavra ccMnpaay. 1S0S Faniaaj atrat. ALT LAKH CITY Kenyoa Hotal Nawa aiand; Barrow Broa.. 48 Waat Second atnwt. aoata. T. LOl'IS Philip Hoaxer. (It Locuat Itraati r-.- E. T. Jtt, rVM Ollra atreet AN KRANriSCO W. B. Ardtnc. Palaca Hotal : dm atasd, and lOOS-alarta aaati- Oold- amlth Broa.. 230 Sottar atraat. and Saint . v rrancki botalj roatrr Oraar. rrrr bulld - Inn: N. Wbratlar. awntaabla twari taad. eor- .- ' . e Mariat and Kaarnor atraata. . BEATTLK Rainier Grand Nawa atandl W. I manka.TBntel Seat i la Nwa atand. SPOKANB, WA8H. Joba W Orahaai Co. - - TACOMA. WASH Ontral Nawa aoupanr; -:-i Hot-J Tacoma Now atand ' ,TICT0BtA. B.-C VkturU Book SUthmerf ' romnaar. . . .- . - : "WTATHEB BEPOBT. . with t. .icntlno of scattering tnander- rHrwTlfi loothern Idaho yealerdar afteniooB tm rain of eonarquanca baa ocrurrea la im norUi Paeltte atataa durlns the laat 84 boor. LLaht abowani are r.artrd la th Saeraaiaat valley and alone the California eoaat. -Xroa Kan Franelae aoulhward to Han Uleso. : It Is warmer -this morning In eaatefn or. aim n Waalilurtcn mil Iiliho. aanwhiri In the Rocky aioontaln and Pacific coaat autef - - the ehatxra in temperator bar been amall arm animporram. , . . Th. in4i.tinna ' for BmBettled. ibower weather In thla dlatrlrt Saturday, with lower trmtxiralarta girnry-aterwav --.--- r at ABBU0X IJCEXIES.- Whirred R. Cobb. Sm ..'-a afolk.-. jtfharlr I. Prfchari, M: laabei r. rk. 34. e'Wta la-arr. h R-H'fr!r.f8qIi: T.diuHHa: FreuVnicIetl.L3Ja.B, KMlt-2J- r Anthony K. -Ujidv-, 21; TOta ADdciwiiTlU. w -ut Im. u. Kohlar. 2fl. Willamette j.' Jooe. 22; lloreac K. HalU- Well. l. j.j.h n. KMi M: Ijnra R. " J.-hn A. !!. -, Ullla. M. Oullea J..... Albert I. Cete. 24;. HeurietU aV. laeyax s. . WMlrHna Carda. W. O. Bmltb C., Waab- Inatoa hid., cor. Fourth and .Wsablngtea St. - FOI Rir.R May li to J4r. and Mr. George J. rn-ri-r inn atrect. a daiurbter. -. fiRKlorrRT W. 22, to Mr. and Mra. Oecar tireuqueal. Mi2 24 h, itrret, a-danahWr. MOXNA8TK" May 21. to Mr. an Mr. Sidney n -1..-. . ail Nabuaa atraat. a ana. - LAW80N May 18. to Mr. and Mr. JJougUs Lawaon of .Portland, a daughter. iiicp.nnKAVMaa If), to Mr. and Mrs. OMffe Khepardaoa of Cowilts, Waahlngtoa, B oanrnrer. KMMKKT Mar in. to Mr. and Mra. Henry J. -mm.t Af Waodatoch. a dauahter. BrRWltrK May 25. to Mr. and Mr. J. EL Burwlck, KS Berth wick .treat, a daughter - COVTAOIOUa DISEASES. . KE1J.FR -lar a. Mlltoa Keller, 44T Sereath all-.!, lueaale. " JORR May i..Jda Gore, 311 Shermaa street. . diphtheria. , - BITES TOW CUfETEBT. . tz - Slncl srare 110. Family let ITS to . . at ram. .Th only cemetery In Portland which iMTperaally maintain and care for lota. For .nil Information apply to W. R. Mackenal. woreeater, block, city. W. M. Ladd. praldat. rramatartna oa Orecoa City ear Use. sear f -ii--t ; nodarn. aeintlfle. complete. Charge . Aduita, oo; eonare-, aw. wuw. w . ... - to S p. Biv Portland Cramatlea aaaedatloa. lortlaud. uregoa. Th Edward Hoimia rndertaklna compear " fuaral direct era and embalmera. X20 'l nir eueeu Pbeae SOT. I. P. Flaley A Son., funeral director aa emharmera. enrner Third and Madison atraata. Oltlc t eoaaty coroner. - TMepaea Mala . j - - Faneral wreathe and eat flower s specialty -at Roe City - Oreenbooae, Twenty aacoad aad Mat Morrlaoa. -epp. cemetery BEAL ESTATE TBAKSFI1I. "J. k. Harelr end wife to th TH1 Guar antee A Truat company, paigl 1 land be glnnlag at.aoatheaat corner kt'27. and . parcel land begtnnlna sontheeat cor- ' uer lot 2T, Palatine Hill t Buckmaa to AVJ, Buckmaav Week 19 Lrdla Buckman addition A j m....l .ml wife In 1 Klr , n.rt eoutheeat 4 of eaat H of aoutoweat of aoolhweat wctloa 14, town-: hlp. t, and other ri property r u. iblnarm to I. Oroner. .44 acr ' beginning In nortbeaat roraer of B.-Long . donation laud claim, aectloa' IS, town- BUip 1 KWIB, r.npe r , f 00 Rh-rlff to p. I Wlllla. lot IT. block Halrh addltloa ' . S00 - KlIeaT Kroner tq Ernaat Kroner, eaat 40 feet tot 4, block 14, Holladay Park ad dition .. :.. tVeieeut f-and eompanr to 0. A. Cnttlnc. .. lot 4, block k, Ktyaton add! tlott ...... S. 900 R. R. nanlel to A. HurdlcK. KU IB and IS, Mock 4. Orchard Place : 100 Sberlaf l W. M. I.add. anntn 4T feet l.,i 1. block 12. Proauatal's aubdl- rlalon , 13 W. J. ftroww and wife to l-W- aad A, . K. lota 30-33. Inclualfe. block 132. l'-reltr .Park ... . ... . . . . .... ..v J.W E. llelMleraoa M r. aiagiure. en.i -jo reei . fc.t S and S. block 22. McMlllea addl- tion , ISO K. Ollrer and wire te the Title Onaran lee A Treat company, lot I B. Inclnalt. block 4; lot lnclualre. block ; 1H 14. lnclualre. block 19. Weal Pied mont ..j,ri,oe A. r. Khepnhrd So tr Br TOTBana. parcel Tmid Uwinnl at . northaaat cvrner lot 4. tlm It. tlrWMir' Second addition. William 11.11 and wife to B. C X parcel laud beginning at aortbeeat mr- -loer lot 4. block 11, Hoaeber'a addition . T Cc"iriTier to W. W. Kdwarda. aontb Ji 'm of nectlon S4. eoutbeat k of ec. !' JUV, -twhlp 1 north, range eaet . A. I.. Piper and wife to J. Rrades. part . aectlon .13. owaehlp 1 stk. range 3 - eat l T. M. Tlhenlg and wife P. H. Tyna.--,tJ A and. a block SI. Holladar a addl. sno Una . 3.125 Set-urllr e. Tinge a ttwm roaapasy to itena t; Swlaert. k.t S and 4. block W. Willamette Kelglfa 1 tr. lonacoy and wire te I B. Ullllkam A HeroM to A. R. Leader, lot T, Pala- ' tin Hill No. 1 J O. Prtailr tad huaUnd to M. Mnrra, , lot S. 1 ( etilar AddHVm aenet ., J. Hew lit aai lf te WIlUaJB Aldt, HUABORPUPILS . . , .VrTi..! aa nwffin pe eripus ivienatw lu' Healtli. ONLY RELIEF IN SIGHT - -IS FR0M-ANNEXAT10N Interesting! Budget of News' From Thriving Sections on the East Tba a'aat aid ofStVof Jrba U'" ik. mf- w- bl(;Klnnry. W Kaa kaurrlaoa atraat,TeIB115Hi Eaat STS. A casual Inapwction of ths aanitsry condltlona In Mount Tabor seems to ahow that danger of contagion Mists, and so aerioua has ths matter become that not only th citlsens but th school bja.rd and theiish jlubfnyw:Uvelyln- tereated In the campalKn f or anhexatlbhT which wHr-provlda aewers anowaior. Th sanitary conditions at th main school, where hundreds of children of all awes spend . moat Of their wakrnK hours 10 months every yeAr, sr badj. At th berlnntns of the year th school board planned tojiut-m septic tank irro nriLflrrr-t6 met th needa Of the ariooTrbut such a Unk would 'y considerable overflow, and therwaa no way t -csr for thla without flooding th property west of the achool. It was feared the property owner rould brinaj suit, for damage ana, s iter an invean- rt!onr the board decided -to uae tne oia lyatam -for. another, year, xa th nop that annexation would b brought about and s permanent sewer eyatem instaiiea. Though sanitary conaitiona au imuumi Mount Tabor ar-bad In many aaea hlllsld , oeaapool. overnowui: on ne lands below, th most serious danger is believed to be from conditions at th school. Bom1- provision must 'be made before another school season Is opened. and should extensions of Portland sewers be denied the district expenalve private sewers will have to be built. DELAY7DANGER0UST irloilJ-t!reSrlotisly 5 Bipt TtM Company; -' . Th malor nortion of the East 'Wash-. inaton ..street 1111 haa. been : completed. and the Pacific Construction company's work: Is almost readyfor acceptance, as the last few feet on the last block are belnK-rapldljtutlt-np 'Whlle-tMs-pSrt of the work has gone aCCordlnK tasched ule. the block between East Water and First streets has been negiectea. inis mmm let to-another contractor, and the work . was started with teams, but foe waeka not'S pound "of dirt has been sknds of cublo yards that .must , De hauled la not a yard has Jieen brought this month. East Water street has been flnlaEedTso that ready accesa Is secured to the tlace. but for some unknown rea- ecm thrcontractomsa oroppea ing won. Th block-la "greatljrTieeaea, lor unui, Is 'tilled th truck from th flreboat must take a circuitous rout In answer- Ing flr-cali II AST IDI VOTES,. ATiew business was added to Mllwau kie's 11st thl week when Ben irwin opened -a law and -real estate omce in the building recently compietea on main streeU-eMilwaulrle has had no resident legal talent heretofore. - Business broperty In Ht. jonns naa in eeoaoo n -Value thla seaSOn WHh th location of new Interests ;. thre, apt the building of. modern store blocks. Fifty dollars a' month 1 asked for the rent of one of the room recently com pleted on Jersey street, near the coon ran bull-In, ana several people are negotiating for th room. .Th closing exercise or toe uresnam achool will be held this evening. This school has a high achool courae as well as the grammar grades, and five pupils tonight complete the eleventh grade work. Principal A. F. Hershner reports that the school has had an average at tendance of 176, and that 60 students were this year, enrolled in the mgrt school 2. . ia ii' itinni East side religions organisation ar generally cooperating with th Travel er Aid-society in-it worn or caring for unprotected visiting girls and worn en. The women of Centenary Method ist church have organized a bureau, which will work with the society. lira J. D. Le f will have charge of the church's work; T Prosperity drill team. W. O. W., It making a reputation, which has got It many outside calls. .Wednesday night the team Initiated a large class at the Mllwaukle lodge hall, and Sunday th team will go jlo JPJencoe for. the Memo rial day exercises, ueneral-trrganiser 1L I Day will' conduct the service And Major C, C Bradley of Prosperity camp wilt act as master -or ceremonies. MAcnmni shots at itboat. . It Is probable that the machine shops of the Are department- will be-located at the flreboat station. There Is a large unusedi space on the south sld of th building that could easily, b converted Into a shop, a good floor and roof liav Ing BlMady. bees htillt) and the S acre In eectloa S, townaulp 1 north. ' - r.Bg 1 o..t ut.'.. .... . 1,628 0. Delano to J. Delano and wire., part north, rang S eaat J 1,000 The Title Guarantee A Truat company to -. Delano. Dart aortbweat hk aectlua S3, towaahip 1 north, rang 2 eaat ..1,060 B. A. tillea Ft al. to 1. IK Iano, 1 acr j In aactioB AS. townahlD 1 nortk. -ranaa. -3 eaat ....J.A 300 1. Delano and wife to O. Delano, lot a. 43 and 44, block 4, Bralnard ..... 823 B. Helllna et al. to h. O. Crook, iota 8-S. - lnclaalT,.kloik 1. Kern Park- 00 I. Ielano and wife to O. lieUl.' loU 40 and 41, block 4. Braliiard ..." 400 V. A. Mr era r T. S. McDanlel. lot S. bbick IS. City View Park SOO - et 7a- Tnaaranc an---batrirr te -real aetata from tba Title Guarantee A Tract com pany. Chamber of Commerce bull-log. , BVI-DUIO PEBMITS. . LARKON May 2S. O. LaraonJiouat, Third oA -Mm -riwerar" eott.' S.V). HERMAN May !. C. ii. Herman, repairs to rnal.ur.n 1M Flrat afreet: coat. SI 00. WAU4LBV May 25. F. J. Walkley. teat. for. " ner ih-and arenue and ltn etreeta; coat. IWaKhdN May 3S, " A. Hwanaon, . cotUge, ( lereland between Prcecotl and Uoing atreu enet 11 fWIO. k'cnriRR v Mar 18. U M. McOrwk.r, ware- howe, Vaughn between Elghterntk and Mtn. teenib atreetl: coat, STOKKH May.2S. W. R. Stoke A Oe., eottag! MlM-inrl arenue between Blandena and Brail I llruH' na. 11. 44.1. HKNDRK KH May So, Li. nenrrrica., owe,, ling. Boa between Cherry and Broadway etreeta: coat, 11. BOW. ' 1)1 H w H KIM R Ma r 2S. R. F. THrkbelmer Co., eiraeatron. r'tftb between Oak and pin ttreeta; euat.i $2iat. -CF.UNKKTMay , Staeler tleltatky. ' rot tage. Xehalem beteeea Ullecnth and ! M'KKR May 2n, Samuel McKee, gtor. Second b-twea Taylor aad 4'aahlll tlreeUj coal, jSWer ' 1 1 rrt rr x' r. -m - a 1 1 -Fellows : . h " I Chickens havs boan ao hlch In ths past two or threw montha thst tw peo pl could afford tham, and deaplta tho fact tht-recelpta durlns that.tlm wera aaw-atawai.. Ihalj' aiinnlv maa areatar than th demand. Now Vhl-ken Mrfc bw obtained In th m,rkefs"af 'a 'pries that h-rdlnsry neraon can afford to pay for them. They can ha obtained at'retall aeveral" centa- rlxaa uT t Ha K -thVy'rouMJt) rlu rchsaerH at wholesale) a. hort urns aso. im upplles. although not eitra Beajjr.-wT; qulto aufflclent forlber-tremand,.' na oil can BaWrrw-T-lraoat sny aor you "If you desire a nice little broiler or a.' fryer the prio aanea wui not be on that will startle you. Herva nd rooatera.'mre' cheap enough lor everybody. - If you wsnt too or dues; It can now be readily obtalnea.- Tur key arw com In a In amell Iota.-but still you' can aeuf-Them If waThTea: Th pHce of tunkey, however. Is just as high as It was during th holidays. E cas are on the upgrade" on account of th smaller atocks In th markets. It Is generally believed by th trad ffiaTTO pVIc has already touched th bottom, and present figure sre expected to . hold until the , next advanca.jcoasew1 along. Today th be?-febrrancl eggs are seniriri--cenU a' dosen. California elves us th first apples of the season, and th fruit Is of good quality.- It sells at two pounds lor Z eents. - - -. i : : - Green corn from the south l sgain In market. It Is Selling at IlVs cents an ear. and Js eagerly sought vn St . that hhrtrtig-r1--"-''"- -r ' v Oregon hothouse tomatoes ar in pet- ter supply with price averaging 0 cents a pound. Those xrom jrioriaa can be purchased for less, but xney go not have the quality that 1 the home-grown artlcl doe. .---:- "," Atnaratai - almost disappeared . tn -past few days, but soma of the markets till have small -supplies .wnicn-uney are selling around two pounds for 26 cents for the good variety. ---r Those Hood River" berries which you were anxious to taste are now 'set. ting down to the tasting price, sup plies ar much greater slace the weathef took another change and became warn r The beat stock ar quoted at li cents a box, but some may be obtained at 12 M cents. The markets ar over- of' thr atatloir formrng-on sld of th room The nresent machln hop 1 In confined-' quarTenr.-and- isomechang 1 necessary? A ' onsiaeraDia - wora constantly needed on th flreboat and other spparatusot-th station. It 1 be- Uaved by- the - department - mecnanics that -the flrebeabtatton would prove an Ideal location. ' . KOBBXS OVTSAOa BOAT. ;wi- When the big truck was assigned to supplement the flreboat by making land rune and "laylng"'-t the boat, it was feared th truck -would not reach both an wared a call at the foot of H04- ladriy avenue In Alblna, and the truck beat th. boat-tha fire by a fraction of minute. The truck - labored - under some disadvantages, as It had a raw team of horscX and had to use the re- -ftlred-eireeta In reaching the flr- That the flreboaFwa nbf srowTf 'Shown by the fact that It reoohad tba Barnalrle street bridge before engine No. 1 could cf"-" t"d h "gln- hniftn wait whlla the boat puffed through the dra. exozm oxyxs CKornxx. ooak. The Methodist choir of the Montavllla church will give a concert this evening, ssslsted by the Fhllharmonic male quar tet. An extensive program has been prepared, consisting -of choruses, quar tets, vocal and Instrumental solos and double quartet. Leslie' "Where the Wild Winds Sweep'' will-be the opening chorus by the choir, and Palmer VLo, the Bright Crimson." a glee, . will close th entertainment . v.. TAKES SPECIAL BOAT TO GET TOOTH PULLED .. (Special Dlapatch to The Jonrnat) Seattle, May 26 State Senator R. W. .-irCondbn, superintendent of the Port Gam- H..ti i . ..i.i bl mill, cam to Seattle In a special tug yesterday to have a tooth "pulled. After he got here he hurried to a dentist determined to have the offending molar Jerked out - But the. dentist talked him out of it and he has gone back home. Wednesday night th tooth started to axbe. It was all the senator c6uld do to hold bl temper as he paced the floor with his hand to his fsc. At flay- Hght h hurrlfcd to the mill. w her he aroused the crew of one of the mill tugs and ordered them to get him In Seattla iiiiuimnnmiminnnnimnuniiiiiiinii is as thoroughly char-" acteristic of our uothes 11 is . their splendid quality and" perfect fit . There's an u n u s u al something ;'aboutthem--a "distiipctiye & that speaks clearl v of e o od t a t e and master-tailoring. '' - Choose a $12 Suit or one at $15 or .$20 as : " you will the cleanut lines and rifined tones are in them all, with the matchless workman-, ship that makes the Schloss garments a w6rk- - standard. The Summer lines are wonderfully attractive. Come in today, and see them. . -( ' .--i r :. v .7 ; . --J- Y&u tak no thancmt whtityou buy your Sho; Hat and FurnUhlngt htr. Wm glo you th bitt lnali Unit. . 'V . - ; --- 7T:i.B:lWEST':::;:;: Itea's aad ora' OaUreStrv. Kxzzssssss: supplied with dallfcrnlai berries,' but even at 'their lower prices they do not find the demand that the local fruit does.' Mount Tabor and Willamette val Isjt.iHilnls srsasfinrtlng Is mnrli lsrgnt supplies of thea very large slsed ber ries that have to be out in three pieces before you can eat them. They sell at Hood Rivers. From ''this time f orth - trre - prices ar txpeuteajtarop-. T , Gsrden truck of very description Is plentiful. Oregon garden peas ar faat supplanting ..those front California ana there is not much airrerenc in in price. Rhubarb I so plentiful that 3 cents Si pound Is now the ruling price. Hothouse- cucumbers ar getting down to a value where they can b looked at From 6 cents up is ths rang of .quota tion fcICau 1 fl aOieentsjJDeft(i Is finding good Inquiries. String beans are In very large supply and prices are ranging from 16 eents a pound for the green to 20 cents for the yellow -or wax grades. Green onions sre now down to bedrock prices and are quoted at 16 cents a dosen bunches. , Old onions t ose from Taxis, "ar T selTliig-at-thre pounds for 6 center-while the new- reds -from CuTTfornla are going at 6 cents a pound. Th latter ar or gooa quality. . - In th Ash line supplies of salmon ar quit fair; th best royal ohlnook I obtainable In the market, at, 13 H cents a pound.Hallbut Is rather scarce at about the same .price. Shad ar everywhere at ( cent a pound. - Th peach season will soon be with us. . The first of the. season to arrive here cam from. California yesterday. They" were green and did not cause much demand. Ths lint plums of the season came from "the same source yes terday. .j ' Oranges ar getting rather scare for good .quality and price sr ranging up to S cents a doien. The end of-th season for navels I drawing near. Th prospects ar that butter prices will soon be higher.- Th Ice cream seat on is fast getting in motion and this will take a large per cent of th cream The new law compelling the manufac turers of butter to place a label open every roll -they manufacture Is now In effects and it will no longer n possi ble for .a dealer to -sell you California or .eastern butter as home manurac tured. '-' - t -, : at th earliest posslbl moment It took Just five hours to rgak th trip and about, a minute to reach's dentist's par lor after landing.- : . -WAZTas ax. ATiosr. 1 '""Special- Diane trb teae Jeataal, - ... t.i.. ri,w n- fav ea Mike Kellv. rho assaulted Harry. Morri IA Halne last Saturday nignt. toaay waivea .ninmiin inik.. InatlcA-. court and will await tne action or, me. grana jurj. B ,.(. 1 tl tS-BBMF. -Is-Tt-irtlmaTr- good dTnneh : "then -the cllms," snd-oh th"- . wood, round, full. Sat latled feel. Ing of the man. This I in deed harmony. Tt' a sym prrOTry; ursiBTr-l- eeete -package.', ' AT ALL GROCERS ST TOU SIB XT WOOXB TOO i ' LANSTRIP BAC0N 1 5c Per Pound ? Our Veal Saussge. mad fresh very Saturday morning, is un excelled. An abundance of Wil lamette Vslley - LAMB and VEAL. AT FULTON-MARKET i f JTOrt and TainJilV Stvsa . i SS3-3S5 a. X orris oa St. cf , ' : Is the name on the tongues of all economical housewives, for it's here they find everything in the grocery line to meet their, needs and at the 'very- lowest prices. day's list: f - J pounds t)ry Granulated Sugar. llvbxs Parlor Matcbs.- - ;:. lot l-lb. can Solid. Pack Eastern Tomsto. 15 I cans Standard Tomatoes. I cans American Sardines. ; - 25 ,V-:r;- T pounds best Eastern Boiled Oats. r-prond-lood Broken UlcC" 35 Box No, 1 Whit or TeUowdacaronV l-lb. can Golden Oat "Baking Powder. 20 Can Baker's or GhlrardelU's Cocoa. Cor. West rark aad Washiagtoa Streets. xala sosa. - A. J. FARMER - Vvliolesale' and Retail Grocer - - - Third and I Jefferson ; - Tou can aav 30 per cent- by dealing with me. ... - , Fancy Cr.amery Butter,, roll ..-46e 10-lb. box Crackers ....... 1 60o 10 lbs. Nx 1 Jap Rio 360 1 box No. 1 Macaroni ..: 36o 1 can good Salmon .... ............ to 1 lb, Bhredrted -Cocosnut 1 1 6c t cans Carnation Cream ...........360 1 package Seedleaa Raisin 6c 2 packages Grandmothers' Mush. ...loo 1- package Scotch Oats ............ .100 IH-lb. package Peerless Mush...... 60 I lba good Rice ................. .25a 1 lb. -Arm and Hammer Soda ...... 6c Ml). ( SUM oHn,in-nr,n..vlUO 1-1D. can Kakaci tinana. ....... 1 1 lb. Schilling's Baking Powder I lb. Royal -Baking i'owaer 1 lb. loo M. A J. Coffee . . . !- bottle Pure Olive- Oil l-pt bottle Pur Olive OH ......... 30c 2 cans Sliced Pineapple ioe 13 bars Royal Savon Soap --. .,--. 36 8 bars Owl tioap..; 2Re 8 bartJ6!ll iSoap i . . ,.,tb) 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca .46a l ib. rood English Breakfast -Tea Beet- Hugar-cnroa nam, in. 1 lb. teunpowaor- 1 X cam rrimrvaa v 1 wiu II lbanr." J 8ugar 1 sack best JD. G. BugAf ,, .rfV ; I sack good Hard-WhetFl0ur.vr, 20-lb. pall best Lard 10-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard....... 6-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard......... .160 1.00 6.70 1.00 1.S0 10 .600 .400 r-gaiicanr.ame djt-u: I Uverie Eaat S r- Tuesday and Fridays. A-Felw-Leaders for SATURDAY PEOPLE'S MARKET AND GROCERY Prime Rolled Roasts, lb.. ..-. 9 1 Pot Roasts, lb. .... . . . . . .......... .Te 8 lbs Hamburger Stsak .....2B 8 lbs Mutton Chop -.28 Boiling Beel. lb Picnic-Hams. lb... H Cottage Hams, lb. ............. Loin Mutton Chops, per lb. .1r-r10l Sugar Cured Ham . .134 1 - OBOCMXXS. It lbs Granulated; j . i . .$1.00 S lbs Fancy mc....v- zof 10-lb sack White or xeiiow corn - - Meal ...... K .... A 25 Best Creamery. Butter, roil. ...... ,rjo! 7 lbs Navy Beans ..25 2-lb comb Honey. u...........25 1st andTaylotSts. non itJLXM iia. II TO THE ii RESTAURANT MEN 1 In a feir days th FAIR will ripen, and we want you to under stand that we can furnish you ywlih meet when other shops can not do it. Come In and make your arrangements with us. We will take care of you; We want vai - tria ma nnn. f4 gllg'"Ml--JP.i"T nsa in Is rnotner. . lie said: "If MA said If s so. IT IS SO, en If It ain't .. . , . 2 Remember the place,' ohn's Market i Phone seals ISM. 4&A SIXTH STXXST. to M.MMMM A That was tha finest Sunday's din ner w hav had in a long time. 1 did . as ' yon recommended and called up EAST 412. I am Just wnlnc to do th same thing again. I And they have everything there I. In the market and i strictly . fresh, too. No cold storsge goods. Everything In the line of MEATS, . f iibii ana i Kindorf Bros. . ISO omAjni araxcra. MICHIGAN TEA AND COFFEE COMPANY spxoxax. TOKoaaow ' , Very fln tQe XnglUh lrakfa Tt for SB per pound. Ous ran ed to be a very rholc Tea. 104 OXAXO A' TSl lEellcFwi ... .00 . it. . . . a. . .......260 ...... .(Oo ' v our ELGIN BUTT ETC. tntd MtHobd - It Unton ATnu.. F: H. REEVES Cutrate Urocer 12th 4 Wash. Sts. Main 1991 35 Regular 45c Broom. 25c Package Figprune. , -IT' ':.;15f Z packages Saltiest Salt - 25'' : --- 3 pkgs. Royal Club Rasins. ;'r:,:,":;;;.;iK:r-"'--3r; -8 cans Oregon Grape Cream. j: 25 ' '' ' - 2 cans Truitvale Peaches. . Gallon Syrup (in can). . ; ' ' ' - j - Doz e n Floral B ran d Pea s. ; 25 Z 1 '3T 7Z 7 lbs. Best Jap Rice. Store-wiU be closed-MaySQL and June 1. . The Veil known markets of the -MEATS! HeJdWedraarEP olfer special prices .for Saturday. This- is the-place-ta select your meats for your Sunday dinner of tr4arg(tassor cured imeats. Thiar is iheT place to feet quantity and quality, Corner First and Columbia Sts. Ii Phone., Main 111. a When you see it in our ad it's so rre lrvwfT -' toiftrt sf k dty, Independent Branch Market 17 ' First street. HOFFMAN'S 1 Market and Qrocery- Eggs, per dns ...;a....204 Roll Oats. 7 lbs... Bf Iaclflo Cream. 3 cans ........254 Costa Rica Coffee, per lb. . . . ....204 Peacock Pan Cake Flour, t pkgs..3S4 Firelight Matches. 7 pkgs... . ... .25 Hard WheatFWwr.- per sackretv Sl.lO Fells' Naptha Bop,-per war. Corn. Meal. 10 lbs. ,rrri-rTTxrrr.2K Alaska Ilerrlnsvpst dos All F4"ncy Tsbl Fruit, per can....yo Banner Lye., 4 cans 25 Lard, per lb.v .....10 Beat Corn Starch, t pkgs ....2Sg Remember, we "carry fresh meats at lowest prlc. - 969 Williams Ave., Cor. Qoinj St Pkeik aa 1S13. ' - WASHINGTON MARKET 111 Tint Street .Bet. "waaMiifteB aad Stark. neae auia sue. Prime Rib Roasts .............. Slrlols 8tek Tenderloin Steaks ............. Porterhonae Staakt V,. Itoand Steake ..j-.j-......-... Ptals Steaka, 8 lbs Sac -.. Ug Mattoa Lea I Bib 12H UH ...18H to lAe ....l2lt te 15 a e-e 10C ty ij 4eee 4 Mattes Cboii. 8 lbs for Loin or bid . n"m . . Shoaldw of Motto .. Mattoa Stew ...... ...12He to lie St to Se Se a a A . . Pork Roetts i" Pork rhopa ... ........ Veal Roaat ,....10e Veal Cboee Sanaa ga Meat. 8 lb for Hanabnrfar. 8 lb for Sugar-Cured Breakfaat Baeoa .. Beat Creamery Butter PtmS Ranch Bgga Broad, 3 Ice Tea for fragae-Cere Hast -.v-r.eVei-ri.. ,..12H to irtc ...12'c to live to I2v,e to ine te 18s to 16e Vs 4m , .81 .38 lie .....4B to ofe so s rt.Tr.T. J...14 TAPFER 4 KRATZIG PRpPl Tt lev hose erdert dellrereS presfpUf'... east west tide. axTaa omauaraT avmar ,45c Roll , STarn.T aaass aAaox iom ; 20c Doz. - Enterprise Crescery , . is? soasT STaaBT. - . Between Washington snd Alder, . Saturday Special .Pure, clean and delicious Va nilla, Strawberry, Lemon. Choco late any flavor you wish. WATxa icaa jura sxxaaaTB-- Our goods are unetrualed - In quality. None but the purest and best Ingredients are uaed by us.' A trlaL order will prove to you ' beyond a doubt. Hotel, restau rants and families supplied. aaiflw a.i.r,...Ta VkoM as a Trial Order. frshvery day, at market pricea Crcain - Go - - 'Phrfne East 3B4. Towhsen d & Van Schoonhoven 1 -waoaasABa-ajiu aaTaxcr Groceries and Provisions, New Store, 147 Flrat (.. bet, Morrison --and Alder. Phone Main 1232. - . One sack good Hard Wheat. 8 pound good Rice.. ,.,....,.S0e New crop dry Prunes, per lb... ..... . . pounds Italian rrunta.... ,.ao Dounds Seedless Raisin .8o , Best cleaned Currants, lb. ......... ,10o . Tomatoes, standards, 3 fans. ...... IB Tomatoes, Solid Pack. ............. .10o Two l-lb-pkga uoia uusi ...ase One l-lb. pkg. Armour' Washing - . Powder ..IS Fals-Naptha Soap ... 13 bars Royal Savon Soap SM j bars Baby Elephant 8op... ,t, . .BS -3 bottles Snider' Catsup. .......... .38e lb. new crop Engnsn walnuts. ... too lb. Whit Honey................. lo 10-lb. pall pure Lard....... 100 6-lb. pall pure Lard... ....... .v...,SOo 2 cans Primrose Cream ........IS 1 lb. Kngllah Breakfast Tea ........ loo 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. SSa : t can Baked BeSnS.TT. ...Be Two 8-lb. cans Hominy ... . u SSo 8 cans Com, Fees or Hiring Beans. , .hoc 1 pkg. Fostum or rig rnin ereai..suo - Oood Salmon, t can ...lSe - 1 pkg. Dcotcn uats ,-. . . .tap Baa. Bid BsUrwrr Taeeday MS yrlday. 18 1bg etrTrrinlktB( Ungxrr. fl.OOr r 7" bars Oolden Stsr 8oap..j 25 25 Deviled Ham. box............ 1 lb- Gunpowder -Tea .-. 3 cans Solid Pack Tomatoes 25 4 lb Whit Hand-Plcked Beans.. 25 OU Sardines, S cans for.. .25. Mocha and Java ................25' . cans Salmon-v ".' .'iirr.-tTf; 25 4 lb Read Rice "for Brooms, each ...... .,..154 nd 20' A Domplt lln -.inli-O-0ds,-im--5 ported and Domestic Cheeses of all " kinds.- Qlr us a oalL - : - 133 FOURTH STREET 7 ConryCash CoffeeCo. : .-.;i.Tlepk BfaU S1JT. . .'.. Try oiir Fancy JBlnd . . MOCHA and JAYA COrrEE . s vouarsa tob - Call up Main 8242. Prompt . I delivery. : Erdner Hoehult --- 14S rrrrs araaar. The 'original veal sausage mannrsc- turer. All kinds of sausage, , rresn made every . day... -:- rnra srauro x.Aieas. I I- Choice -cut of-meats for -your SUNDAY DINNER. ' Give Us a CallT Or phone os. Main 413. your wgnta SUNSET BUTTER The best In the market - churned vry dyt 50 Cents Per -.. . Try our famous SWSaT XOB ; . . oaaAtc . SanserCreamerrCo: SSI Vint St. nM Mala BS. Chickens Chickens 16-and 17- Cents Best Creamery . .43c and 50c Dairy. ........ 33c and 40i Egg, 3 Sot...... Ranch" S. ........ .. Heat saftr-esred ham . -Sot ........... aoi , lt rieaie tno mui aoa .... rs y ....101 U GRANDE CSEAMEBY. 264 Yamhill We. Have-a. Supply Of SPRINO DTJCKS and CHICKENS OS handf also fin ROAST and STEVt CHICKENS. . Our . PRICES ar REA SONABLS3. Try us and b convinced. . G. Covack & Co. 71 rirst . . ' ,.. v rasa Phoae ataU 835. SXZatTaIT. .' . r -'- i i