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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
.'.... 1 - I ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 267 1903. II MAIL'; FILLEp CORNER: :77THIR0j r AND ; -burnsidel: STREETS"" in Tvo cr In all the new. r, , blofks 1 and. OPEN -EVENINGS" , shapes, in all col r -tt ...... . W j 'WHUttkllMiiai 1 1 W -izm ...... 5?f5FSuit5 ndat-HalTl d ' I mm . I ,. . X i j ..... I I J. I J -1 . .75-Fr-Mcri's"Alf- Wool $7.50 Suits, in ' black, Thibet, wor d's t ed s7- e r g e s and : tweeds, f Strong, serv- iceable .serge . used- in f T the linings,' well tail- - orcd and guaranteed Jjy The Ifub to be the best $7.50 suit in Port- $10 Suits $5 95.00. For scores of styles in our famous $10 Hub SpecTal Suit, in single -and double b reaste d, tweeds, --scrgesrblack;r finished ana unhnished wor- z-. -- . y tedsi-handsomely"tailored,welf ltneddd-7 - ings double twist silkrused inthcscwimi -PositivjelyKfryfruit: RnU nr 6howri-irv- this city; now $5. ; r 7"" .".7 y S 1 5.00 Srits $7.50 . ". finest $15 Hand-Tailored Spring" Suitsrln ' - - beautiful . shades- of -brbwn-and-gunmetal 5 fTgrayralscr black finished and unfinished-! - worsteds, royal blue serges, Thibets and "wool worsteds, complete , assortments ."of sites in s;ngle and .doublejbreastfd 1 wiih-v. ikr outan equal in this town for $15;. QnlyJ , . ijx.oy now. $20.00Mt ? IO.OO For a magnificent showing of Men's finest Imported AirWool Worsted Suits, 7 in : exclusive shades rju. JmowHt-graylueriedajad tailored , byTTHand, patent ; self-retaining '' f ron t, f nn -a yyshoi4ders- A-suit-that iar perfect in every particular and 'without an ind-ioc-$20. ' ; - SMILES AND7TCARS Th. smiles that lllumtn. th. feature of J beauty, .. - - When kindled by virtu, alluring ap pear) " But am lien, tbo' alluring-, n magic can hnrrfi w r-.-.i,. . (vara. . ; The am lion that are sweetett ar. bften - ; - deceiving, - Too aflfn the rhaak which th. cold hearted weara; But a tear la the holiest offspring of - . feeling-, . .. '-And monarch are weak before beauty in tear. , - . ------ , . . 7" . v ". Paul "'Strain.- however, that ar. not alluring. These are tha teT-o-Mlflahgreed. . They are the kind ehed irtnii ''entaatrTe own. th. 100-per-cerit clothing fellows, who see their 'TlaflPrtlngjgjtll-lh 'i mniiniiifni prnnt beforf fhe uaTaUJii-aBUB BAM4Zav-x--flTrr-wxy-ait(rji oxKTKrjro in miiT rnmiaa. ckoods ..:rssanMllOM UU OW IJT raoaKBf C AT.TBaX DBIAT ITOBIU. : "tTIM 1 irsrrf.EB -ARET-tJENTJINEr ind eome UDOiV'llie harpy cnnnleniB:4i of the multitudes rlothlnr themselves for. ve before their friends who will vixlt them during the' WORLD KAMED teonporarlea. Jlmeiiatit or .the summer, that they may appear attract! LEWIS AND CLARK KXPOK1TION, whli h . r.Aruei 1 iuin. wnirn onens Ita antes to an cxnertnnt world next Thnradiv ttreaa ot our palrpnit HAVK HAVED ENOUGH ON CUOTHINO PtIROHABES 1IERK TO BUY A morninn. And hun- HKAKON TICKET O THAT GREAT. BHOW. aud at the aame time will weir garmenta that are iip-to-dte, made of the beat material THE HUB in Portland'a leadlnr rlothina eaUbllahment. tn1eed. for the bodied of men and boya KOR THE CREAM OK EVERTTHINO THAT DELKtflTH AESTHETIC SHORES. MALE splendid garmenta for the best that robes r rHCI.TfJTITS AKHTIIKTln TIBTFUI np HUMANITY THR0UUIIOUT TUB. WEST, IT HAM UOXXH UUCAX. ON -.-THE PACIFIC'U The Hub avc to Portland its Crst low prices in Men'i Clothes and Shoe- -There la no mistake In thla. and it la carrying on' the work'todjy. ..TV.-.bavw made so me dealer aquirm lndaxg..JU)&erq)i,jyt -iireT-WCrtltHfe wFlggilngftiore"" It Is not ao large in atatur. aa la some of Ita more pretentious 'neighbor, but It in larae in ambition arid lare-e' In rANf BP feOBIJ FOR AtJn f VT f'S t v2 - FKIBNiW WITH THE JbSEST AT THE LOW EST PRICE8GiJDgU. OwMtJrlaJikuui, avarlclouj hearts r7Hftir lif ftfiv-AnmA ft mri 4nr- ftttmitrr rfrrrrmnf T,000 TO ANY MAN 1 APARIjK OF PKOVINO THKYAHK NOT THAT WE ARE NOT Ol VINO THE VAUEtf WE" AY WE UIVE, r$25.00.Suits,T$ 1230 912.50 For the choicest of Kurchbaum's ' custom-made$25jSitIAVV-have-f .plete lines and assortments of this splen-' Vdid line .of suits from this; the world's ..'-.greatest clothing house. A. B. Kurch- baurn advertises these suits in every majr- azine and newppaper in-the country as a .leader at $25. You buy 'em at The Hub tor $iaju. -0,00rSuitsr$ 1 5.00 ? r9lS.OO:TaTces pickTand-xhoice of any juit of clothes in The 1 hi W Hundred s . of styles from - the world'3most-famous - makes: are here for yourapprovalrnat-lialf - rcTiktrncsrlces. in all the latest stvles of single and double breasted. Our regular Ence onthiIine - has always. beea$30. luring ihis unlpaing sale, justDne Half. $15 Topcoats & Cravcnettes,$7.50 JPT.Sa For 2(y styles of the Sterling famous .$15 guaranteed PriesUyCravenettes and swell EngTisliXpp;. Coats In tan and gray. $20 Topcoats and Cravenettes, $10 910.00 For all of A. B. Kurchbaum's $30 arid $2i Cravenettes and lop Goats. This ----includes Kurchbaum's famous Balhrbo' - j- nomespuns; 5oig..aii over iorio, . Our Pants stockis without-a peerinPorti land. We - show- everything" from the $1 " Work Pants tf the swellest thing in pants-" maicing, ana every pair in stocK cut square At exactly One Half -our usual low prices, and every Shoe sold by us is guaran teed to give satisfaction or a , .new pair;;Free,.f 75e For 500 Dairs of Men's olid , leatlirrll-hrr'e, in lace and congress, The pest. $1.50 shoe sold in this city.' r 91 .00 -For . 1 .000 ' pairs of Cromo Calf i - Shoes, inallsizes.rr1" ? .- - 91.25"F6ri,00airsi$3.50-Vjci3 rriltmedrumweight Dress Shoes. : 1 1 .50orCLjcasesoien'sJpress-S 7iirrcgular $3 values. ' . .. ?175,Fpr575 pairsjpfackardLShocs, In 7 gpring lasts t $3.50 evervwhrrf ---a . 92.25 For all styles liitour- great-$4.50 - Custom-Made Shoe.:! " - : .:r S.OOFor.all styles'in our- great $6Cu-" torn-Made Shoe, - - ; , T: Every Shoe value on this page Js pre- Closing Out BoysSuits -Tor Good,at ' WayTssThairHaU'Pric' 95 For. Boys Two-Piece Durable ..School Sults, ages 5T6 12 years, Sold always at. 25? For Boys' ' Cord Tweed Knee" Pants worth- 50c, , Ju '.- PANTS 50 For.Meri'slStrong WorklPants j regu-: lar $1 value.. . ' . 75f For Glen's Durable Worsteif Pants; regular $1.50 value.. i..- ?1.00 For Men s All Wool Hairline Pants r regular value. .... , . . . . ?1.25 For McnXiiPwHsTrel ?i.50 JrorlJkIen'T)ress Pants:regulari$3 vahie. - - . - . ..- 12.00 -For-Alen'sA.ll-Wool Dress Pants ; regular $4 value: - - - -J2.60Ji)iaaettlsMt3Voo! - DressTants f . regular $5 value. . '3.00 FcrlMen's-AllAVoot-Dress Pants: reguiar$hvajusu And way up just as high as you want to go, at exactly ONE. HALF. . SUSPENDERS ;10 For 6 styles of Men's 20c Suspenders. lSt For 10" styles of Men's 25c Suspenders 25"For 20 styles otlen's 50cSuspenders. 35 For 5 stylcs;of Men's 50c Suspenders 50 For 10 styles of Men's $3 Suspenders UNDERWEAR .17i45JEarMenj35cBalbfigg3TlVUnder- ; wear. '. 1... 25 ForIen's 50c Balbriggan Underwear. ;37a-ForrMen's-?5ff Balbriggan -Under-. rear, 50 .Foe Men's $OIercerized Underweari 75 For.Men's $l,503Iedium:Weight Un-.. derwear " " - t :f l'.O0ED'r fenT$2 Bilk Mixed Underwear 91.00 For Men's" $2.50 and $3 Tearl -C?r.y Spf t I lats an accumulation bout T5 ducii light colored pearl: ---oftliats, odds and ends leITfronrHW- . ... immense E a s te.ty trade, pearl, or Ji-ForTfee choice of one of our fegu- lar $3 and $3 Xlats, m blackbrown and all. the other colors, all' shapesj-itr-soft-and 92.00 For yQurjke-of alr-oiir$rTratsr in. XingrKtrigsburyr Langley,""1n Dunlap and Knox shapes .uncqualed selections 92.5Q.ForJree tboice ofpur $5 Hats, in all. 1 shapes and blocks; 20 styles to select from. Every Hat Sold by us is under a strict "Sat-isfaction-or-Your-Money-Back" Guarantee. MenVFuniishirigs - AT EXACTLY ONE HALF PRICE.' Clean, "nice, "up-to-the-second kincLZI" Cut in" HaU.rJust think of it i-rrlTl : 5j -For Men's Fast Black and Tan 10c Sox. :10 ForMen's Fancy Embroidered 20c Sox 15? For Men's Fast Black and Tan 2nc7lQX For All Kinds of Men's 40c-f; 25 For All Kinds of Meifs 50rrSox. -WORK-SHIRTS 25 For Men's Strong BoTVorkShrts7'"i" 37 For Men's Sateen 75c Work Shirts. 50 For-all kinds of $1.00 Work, Shirts. 75'For all kinds of $1.5AWwk-Shfrt-S1.00 For alLkiridsTf S2.D0 "Work '-'Shirts. L .81.25 For all kinds oF$2.5a Work Shirts. 9I.5O For all kinds of $3.50. Work Shirts, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 37 .For Men's Shirts r 20 stylesr . Finest . 75c, Negligee 20, For Men's Madras $1.00 ; Neglicec aJlllita t UU By J 75t For Meii'sSnkr Finish $1.50 Negligee : .Shirts ; 50 styles." . - 91.ta For Men's Imported $2.00;NegIigee Shirts? 50 atyljes, j, t-T CORBETT-TUIRKS JEFF VILL RETURN 4 i Gentleman Jim Declares .That Jeffries Is in a Class .7 ' ' by Himself: ' SITUATION FUNNY v:; amonq lesser men Fitzsimmbns- Is -Too - Ancient, 1 :i. and . Chances Rest With . ... ; Hart or O'Brien. (Journal Rprelal Serrlce.) " Chlcafo,. May 26. Now that Jamea J. Jaffrlea.,ihaai fellrettrrem- irieTtTli: rtng fottooO.m"h aaya.; fltrht. fana" are skin who will claim the title of . heavyweight champion, - Jamea J. Cor- ltt. who won th. championship from John, U Sullivan, only to loe. it acain to Bob ntsslmmone, waa asked , thla queation. yeaterday. "As lontf aa Jamea J. Jeffries Uvea he will be looked upon aa th. champion no matter if he does so into retirement. said Corbet t -"He la in a claaa by him self. There la no on. In elghtnow.who can ive him an argument, and ao h. naturally la forced to retire. Jef frlea Is only 80 yeara old. He could leave th. vine; for five yeara and then come bavk and defend the title. If at any time any good fighter ahowa up and whlpa a few of the light heaTrywelghla then Jef frlea will get anxloua to go after him again and he will return to the ring to defend the championship. Especially would thia b. tru. ahould any foreign country produce a cham plon. , - " "The altuatlon among th. . leaeer light, la interesting. If Jeffrie, ehoald stay out of-the ring for good, then there'ar. half a doiefr-flghUra -lllttlytq claim the championship. Of course, we all . rreognlse Bob Fltislmmons aa th. premier of them all. . Bob., however, la getting old.; II. near' th.' 40 mark and aa a fighter he Is all In. H. ahowed that when he fought Gardner. If Fits had been rood he ahould have whipped Gardner In a punch. I hav. been told that Fltf.wanjeajlXU I" " tegeH IcaT fight follower, expect the next of-4W-flght. hut thi afraid to go' close enough to Fits to land si dnmagtng blow and loat th. fight on a JO-round decision. "Marvin Hart aeema to be coming along like a champion andihe and Phlla- DON'T ACCEPT ANY OTHER JUST AS GOOD UPON HAVING A HAT WIJH THIS LABEL THE BEST $3.00 HAT delphla Jack O'Brien ar. th. moat likely men now. Tommy Re-an la too light. believe. "Willie lost rile ambition when Hart met him ..few daya ago. He la no fonger on the ladder. I don't ever expect to enter the ring again myself. am doing well on th. atage and think that profession more. ref ttabli "I think ' Jef frlea today la ' a much better man than was John L. Sullivan In hla prime. X fought them both and ought to know. It waa no hard matter to step away from Sullivan and atep back and punch iilm. True, if I had atood up foot against foot and fought him h. might bav. downed me. But Introduced the aclenc. Into th. sport, which .waa n.v.r known before as it ha. been known .tnce. Former battlea were alugglng matchea.. I proved that a man. with, aclenc. waa th. man of th. hour. Fltsslmmona possessed - both of these and had th. steam behind hla blows. Jeffries, while . h. Is not aa 7us I on hln fr nl aa nnmn of them, 111 junt aa quick other ways, has the punch, and can take any. kind if punishment. H showed that when Flta fought him and when Sharkey met him. Munroe la not a fighter. Jeffrlea mad. him look Ilk. a novlc. and h. will probably n.v.r enter the ring again ehamptonBtiHrbattl-to-e between Mar vln Hart and Jack O Brlen. SPORTING GOSSIP. Umpire defined Gua Klopf la a corn mon noun, trouble engender, laat per son. hard caae, indicator mooa, ana con' Jectural tena.. - Mltchell'i timely and land. horn, run - wa. ever ao it did th. trick for Port- AnyT-errasa green, glttertng, gthberlta who aaya that.Jtogan cannot pltoh good lnl, had better go aw,y.down and alt lip and-notice- things. ... . ... . ... . e- e aaved msatsttmsmr the let the.ltldera ll .' '-. . , -1 -. 1 '" ; .: " " IN. THE " WORLD : :;.:t ; EE ADINO - HATTER .1: -3 . I W te- Atf aclennld fielding Idrals rrom leveraiL lngf,-" ' i - I' r . a , ; Schlafly'e 'work in the field and on the circuit waa of , a- high order. He had nine chancea without an error. . Old Mother Ixh man .got tOrthlrd on a hit and an erro, and waa so fatigued that "Brick " Devereaux-waa compelled to assist him to the. bench. As Dr. Osier waa not present. Peter was al I6ed lu lit, anuther day. , "In th. interval the, commuter, did aomia thlnKltig" and "Van Haltren bunted a' bunt" that act P.uTi .. . "Indicator" klopf .ought, to carry an eight-day clock with lilm in order to keep time on th. gape. , II. la without a vagrant exception cth. worst official In th. world, and ahould there be liny other , worlda, well never mind. , Ther. waa general rejolclng ovar ye,J leroay a victory aa it put roniana out of laat places ' Portland'a percentage in th. race la .. whllet Seattle 1. last with an average of .411. Tacoma etm leada the procession. with .ill. Waa there ever a prettier r.c.t, L ' ' , ' 'JK It ian't th. luck of Multnomah field that la bringing victories to- Portland, It ia th. eold fact that th. locale are play ing hard ball every minute of th. fcaane. Mr. "Lack" died about 1.000 year, ago, while Mr. "Good Play", .till Uvea and la enjoying prosperity, , Garvin wilt pitch tnday'e game, and (cording to the, eigne in th. heavena, the chance ar. la favor of Portland, With today'a game cinched, French will try hla cunning tomorrow, and Corbett the lateat- rcruit,rwtlt do th. twirling on Sunday. -! e " e '. . Sine, the -acquisition of Billy.. Kane by Seattle, there ar. now two Kanes, twOLlialla and two Miller on that club. Similarity in hamea la-merkedOn the coaat league, for bealdea the two Halls with Seattle ther. la alao Warren Hall ofLoa Angeles. Portland and Frisco Mich navel a Corbett, and during the regime of Marty. Murphy with the Seals each had a Murphy. Th., Tacoma and Oakland cluba each have a Graham and a Hogan. Th. Tacoma Graham la catcher, while hla Oakland namesake la a pitcher. ' Th. aam. i. tru. of th. Hogana. For a ahort time, at th. start of th. season ther. were two Kagana, but Dick, who waa with Seattle, failed to .hold hla own and was - released. Should McCradle aecure Eddl. Wheeler, th. St. Paul third baseman, ther. would be two of thla nam. 'In th. league, aa George Wheeler ia on of Harris' twin ers, or in. common nam.a or jonee. Brown and Smith, there ia only one representative of each of those f ami Ilea In the legn, imlees one classes "smiling" Schmidt of Oakland in the aam family aa Tooth Carpenter Jud aorr Emnar of .angelYtlle.- Xld Mohler met with another Injury yesterday and It la poaaibl. that It may keep him out of 'the gam. until July. Joe Corbett la alao on th. alck list, ao th. Seals continue to b. up agalnat the hard luck game. v e e Joe Shea, the former well-known ball player, who will be remembered by th. fnna of Glenalvin a regime aa the heavy hitter of th. Seattle club, la In Portland with Ma charming wife. Joe atatea that the reason that he got mar ried was that h. had been a bachelor long enough, hut glance at Mr a.- Shea glvea a different Impression. Shea liked the looks of th. Portland team ao well -last spring that h. bet new- hat that McCredU's bunch would win th pennant. 0. A. C. MEN HOPE TO BEAT EUGENEITES r- (Spatial Dti0tra to Tke JoaraaL) CorvaUla, . Or., May Jt. There ar various estimate on th track meet that wllL-tak. place on O. Jt. C. field Saturday between O. A."C. and Hugen. Br some it 1. estimated that th. acore wjH.bW tl to 10 In favpnt th. local tewrn. Thla estimate Is based on a knowledge tt th. O. A. C. and the Eu gene men, and by a comparison of the Bcore of -the O. A. C, and Eug.n. in meet, with th Washington tam.jThla eetlmat. alao include th fact that FrlSeell may be In the Eugene lineup. Another estimate is that th acore will be 66 te S7, with Frlaaell In th Eugen team. By com there la a fear that Frlaaall may win out -over Smlthson In the 220 hurdle, but ther. ar. others who pin their faith to Smlthson. and th.- rlt:'4ht ther-ewenlatlnn'' In;" dulged In' t' exciting great Interest In the event,t which Will draw th. biggest crowd that baa been On O. A. C. field thi. teaaon, On. fact that la greatly regretted her. is that Dow Walker la Buffering with a very aever. cold, which will leave . him in anything but th. beat or enape lor- tne namm.r throw in Saturday meet, it having been nr dieted that b. would In that event break th. Oregon record of 17 feet H Inchei and alao 'defeat Captain Hugg of th Eugen team. . ,, "Tfwss almost a' mtraola- Dulivb Blood Bitters . cured me of a terrible breaking nut all over the bodr. I am very grateful." Mia Julia rulbridg. COLLEGE ATHLETES" .ON FRANKLIN FIELD Cream of Intercollegiate Associa tion Holding Preliminaries at Philadelphia. DK. T. T. Will, We d erew. aa bridge work aritbeet sale. Oar IS ?' eiperltnee In plate work ea ables .os to fit you axmte eoBrertably. Dr. W. A. Wlae found a safe way te extract teeta, abeolnuly wttboat tmrn. Dr. T. P. Wise Is aa eipcrt at aoM filling sad crewa sad 'brldre work. Extracting tree wbaa platee or brldgee are erered. -WISE.BROS.. Dentists aula BalMing. ear. Third as Wasb gta. Opaa evaBiBaa UU a. ai. Bnndajrs trom te it. Or. Mala SOW. . pgl-w. a. wtar, BBBBBBXJaBSBBBSS FINAL' EVENTS TO ' ', COME TOMORROW Xale, . Cornell :and : Pennsylvania zLWill - HaverFlght for-:zz ' : " Track Honors. I (Journal Special 6rlr.) Philadelphia. Pa.. May 2. With over 400-entrtee- rm--f eottcgrs. the annual championships of the Intercollegiate As sociation of Amateur Athletes of Amer ica, which opened on Franklin field to day, promise aoma Interesting-sport. Today waa devoted to .the preliminaries and th final will be-contested tomor row.' .', - r w-s - Every track .vent Is filled with the cream t th athletes of. the eastern colleges, . nnd the rerformancea ar bound to closely approach the records. With the exception of the pole vault, the entrlea for th. field .vents are hardly of the ama high caliber. Yale, Cornell and Pennsylvania hav. very good teams, and are .xpected to make a pretty three-cornered fight Tale and Cornell meet In th. .vent whete both ar atrong, though In most of he eventa th Yale entrlea rule favorite. Among th. crack, entered In the sprints ar. W. A. Shlck, Jr., of Harvard. J. C. Belts, th. Georgetown flyer; D. J. Torrey; of Tale, W. D. Dear of Pennsyl vania and B. Bulon-Mlller of Princeton. In th. 20-yard hurdle wilt b. seen JS. 6. Amaler, Pennsylvanlar F.-R. Caa tleman, Colgate; C. T. Robinson, Byra. cuae;.il. C Turner. Cornells J iV Doyle, Harvard; U C. Porter, Yale, and J. M. C'atea,-Yal&. . .. """XA.By6VJiennsylvanlai II. F. Por ter, Cornell, and F." If.-Schoenfue. liar vard.Jook beat In the shot put. whila Ji; the hammer throw, C. Van Duyne, Syra cuaa. and Hhevelln and. Harris of Yale appear to lead. : L. W. Symonda of Princeton, who re cently cleared 22 feat 11 V Inches, ap pear a to lead in th. broad Jump. The high Jumpere ar very cloaelv matched. On of the beat conteated field eventa will be th. pole vault. In thla contest, will be aeon beside. Ward McLanahan of Yale, T. M. Jackaon of Cornell, Wil liams of Columbia. Klrkpatrlck and Swain of Pennsylvania, and a number Of .Other.. f..; -.r Preferred Stock Qaaned Oooda. Allen Lewis' Best Brant 4p jroTxca to AMATsrrms. '. . . : All nolle of. amateur base- ball gamea, challenge, and ath- letlo eventa niuat be aent to thla e - ofnc before 0 -o'clock a.- xn. on tn. day ror publication. Ama- teuv managers should ty at-"'. t.ntion to thla rule, aa th. keep. Ing of - It-will insure a proper ; report of doings. The - Journal.- :- - 4 P.. A, Ot ffEanOBS' XCVatSIOK, TBpeelal Jjlapateb- to Tke Jotinitl.) Corvallla, Or.. May t Th. O. A.X) senior are to give their annual excar. slon to Newport and return next Mon-. ... day. . These yearly eventa aiwaya at tract a large crowd, aa tiiey ara given by a class of young people who com mand th. fepect of the community and . " there Is never fear that the crowd will be boisterous or unmannerly. . ". . , A ring over 200 year old. last worn - at a ball given by. the present king of" England . 24 , years-ago, has been received- from Scotland by a $oung Cor vallla woman. HI, ... ; .ISim diKs l i ii. . , i i . -j V fat yt r ""tj tWe mil Ceasew Strictly a Family Beverage 130.388,520 Bottles of Dudwelser : . '"- .. Consumed in 1004 '7'::.' - ;" ' '-t -, 1 More ihan threes-fifths of this amount used in the .homesJtJT altoholiS"drinksandis, the greatest step in the " direction pf;true. temperance. , v , ' 1 ' "V ; Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n ": .r : . st.Louis,u.s.A. r ..v-'' 1 .rl.. v . Orders PrompUy Fillejl - " ' Tillmann & Dendel. Distributors, Portlands Ortrfon. ,;K 1 .Weal Wrn Vt ,Co na tV I . (" ' '. - .r