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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
-',1 ' J- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. ' FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 23 19 ! ... ,y T iIITCIiELL'S HOSIER wlng three times and receive a request from Umpire Klopf1 to .resume his seat on' the benchArtla Kroger, whose per sonal appearance raiisea fhe dear girls - VHiS FOMOCALS hearts to flutter, was not ao easily ii i-poMi-Stand Jie spankedjout a rattling ainglo. . scoring tollman a auDsuiuie. Oakland secured another tally tn the seventh, which gave them the lead tern nararily. Lohman't - grounder went we: have the best With Defeat - Closest Hand, through Mitchell.- Jlogan forced his bat Clever Firitbaseman Lifts One J tor the Circuit.. " tttis- partnear at secono ana noma in middle station on Van Haltrena sacrmce TJT ana scored whenTieKrugerBojJSuT one In the tennis courta for two sacas. MoC i - r-- BRILLIANT FIELD WORK OF PORTLAND Atz Is Hero of Several Sensa--r tional Stofre-That-Saved--Vr Much. Trouble, i '-.; - Prtland 8. Oakland I. -.. BatterteaJone and McLean, Hogaa nd Lnhmn.. ' - . f ..- iTtland team is no ionM.m i" cellar., yesterday Mccreaie no. warriors, feeling In good aplrlts from Wednr!fcr-s victory, tackled the Com- nd won out a. hard earned victory In 1 1. eighth Innlrg on Mitchells hOm run drive to left field, coring MeCredle and himself..,. Until tbe tallica crossed ? the plate it looked rather doubtful for the locals, hut to their credit It must be r said that they- work faithfully every , minute of the game. ' j- Credit for the victory ' goes to Atl and 6chlafly for tliHr brilliant fielding ahd-to Mitchell for tola home run when It was needed moat. ' it seema too bad to mar what wag a fairly good .game by; the unfair , work of 'Indicator-' Klopf.- time and again thlrjjrtflclsr -Incompetency- -has : been ..r.Ma throughout the land. , He ha been protested by .avery .manager In the Harrie Co.. and yet Prealdnfil BfiT allows him to cantlnua ls -unsatlsfao- " tory work to the detriment of the game. ...the diftgust of the spectators and the eternal contempt of every-player league. The fact that a day goes by without anything; being said about hlra, Idoes not Imply that toe- la doing good wtrfc. It being a destra not to mention - his name, as ill a distasteful' to those who love fair play and honest ehdeavor iln every line of sport.lf JTesldent "BerOiOHldonlyf ttie woik ofKlopf-.-Tjthere Is little doubt but that he- would. ' givehfm the - gratia! bounce arohce. . ' KIoDf s memory Is such an abbreviated - mmodHyht"K lFlmposalble for him. to remember for a. ..fraction or a aee- tier the lan' bail pllcUcd was fair, foul or otherwise. For this rea son he ia compelled to look at hla Indi cator about 19 times before a ball ia j ltf-hed, and yesterday while engaged In -looking at it, Jonee -caught bevereaux off .second base b a bl margin but Klopf waa too buay to see so he ruled the .runner. aafe7""Agaltv. he called Van "llHltren Out at IrsVatter that rliad' fairly beaten the ball to the bag. Again he called Mcltean out at first af ter Btrelb had dropped the bail.- In - trum tie" was TWTinfalr-ttiarotnrts,mi . . suffered. He called Jonfa out at aeo ond when , the second baseman was not within six feet of the bag, and .his tardy work. Jraa .such that two hours fzLs '.yo Tptisurnt-dLirt iHrvlTig a. T Iff Z tame; t .....-.- jm general wora or tne noma team Jia Improved considerably since the last series at home. The base running has lmprove.l100. Pr cent, and there Is moresnap ' and life to the games; - It res . I y looks nor as IE rOrtland i-ean - play better balMf. thelr opponentw are tn T." the lead by- a- run-or- two. T Householder. Ata. Schlafly and MqCre unknown in the 'earlier contests. -Ata beaatiful fielding waa In, line, with hli : usual good work-Jy T,l. : ' Setalla of Game. Van Haltren led off for Oakland in the ; first Inning and negotiated first via ' four bad - ones. Kruger sacrificed him to second, but ,he was left,: for Jones fanned Dunleavy and Strelb flew to Schlafly. . Ata started trouble for Billy Hogan with a hit to center. Van Buren bunted ..and -beat the throw to-first'. House holder "walked, and the sacks, were pop ulated. Schlafly popped a fly to Kelley. Mccredle waited -and four wide - onea " walked the manager and forced Jake AtVver the register place. Mclean put up 4 fly to William the Red Top, and Mitchell's poke forced McCredle at aec- ond. . ' TeterXhrnaripho la said to have .becn . playing ; ball three years before Mayor Williams first saw tha light. swung on one of ' Jones's wrong-sided slants and connected for a single, but MoCredle failed to Impede 'the progress ' of Peter's hit, alth tha result that the ancient and honorable acratched gravel : Into the aiding at atationJNo. I.- The wear and tear of this long best was too aeh-for - the -veteran, ao "J 1mm y jloyiwaaaJack.McCarthy caTIs"3DnV wss sent out to run for Peter. Van Haltren made an earnest effort to swat . tha ball tr enough to register the nn. but the best he' could do was to Saturday Best Rome Copper Tea.Kettle , Highly polished, nickel plated, full ' ei, sold everywhere fo $1.25, "but - for Saturday we will sell it for 65c Henry Jeniiing & Sons 172-174 FIRST STREET . . The Complete Hbmefurniihcri z Special - ii i rf. i I mui'i wit. which Wild Bill could not handle in time, as a starter tor tne eiehth. whereupon Doo Anderson wsnted capture the game. file 1 ran psnieu long fly to Dunleavy and the"Doc-waa overcome by gloom for ha had connaenj- ly expected McLan to put me nan ou TwrThi-lotr-Thlrwaa Th xrirprrcrtTrrgb- the neat minute for MeCredle stole aee- ond. and then. the mighty Mitchell con nected with one of WHe Hogan be fooslera that failed to befooale. and the ball lftnded away out In fb far corner Of the; tennis court and the ecorera .i I,.... iiiitirman-inrTffrrWm-r and the score mad by MoOredle, while Doo Anderson Insisted on embracing every one in his vicinity, - ---. ; .,. ' PiiK Franrka singled and Cook, who batted for Hogan. wa paeeed after; Loh man "went out, but a fast double play froni At to Schlafly to Mitchell put the visitors down and ont. Garvin pitches today and it looka like three straight i ne oiijcmj kwi. - PORTUAND. - . AB. B. H. PO. A. E." Atay s. 1 - J Van liuren. If. i...,. 111 Householder, cf. .... 8 . 1 I ? Sclilafly. 2h. ........ 0 ... J MiVredie, rC i J McLean, c. ......... r Q J vf .", 5 Mitchell, lb. ........ 4 1 1 11 J , I Kunkle. 3b. ......... t 0 1 10 Jones, p. ............ z ' 0 J a ; li Totals . I T 17 14 I -u -OAKLAND, ) an n. ift Pf. A. Van Haltren,.c6 .... 0- Kruger. rf. ........ I Z 0 IhinTeavy, If. . 4- 0 t -- I a o fitrelb, lb. 4 0 110 0 KeHey, 2b. .!,....,. 4 1 I I cerfaux.-3D. . . a Francka,. us. ..,;. J : 1 .! I.onman, o. i f Hokum, n. . . i . . rrrI -i -04 - 1 Cook . . 0 0 0 0 0 Totala .11 t 10 14 S QjLttM-iftr-JUogn In the ninth. SCORE BT 1NN1NQB- " TTU 5 T I t Oakland '. .0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0S .0 0 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 lfl t o oooo r-'"j r o o i i o o i . 7 Hita . .. rPortland lilts . .. " Struck out By Jones, I T Dunleavy, Van Haltren.' Ktreib) by Hogan, 2 fVitchpir. Ata. Rases on balls Off Jones. S (Van Haltren, Francka, Cook;J off HogBn. (Houaeholdor z. Mcvredte, Runkle Schlaflv. -Joneal. Two - haae hits McLean. Househnlder. Devereaux, Kruaer. -Home run Mitchell. r-Double f lays Ats xunaaaistedK Ats to Hchlartv n Mitchell:- I rt on "bases Portland, 10r Oakland. Sacrifice hits - Jonea, I yohman. Van - Buren. Stolen bases Kotisenoioer, ncmany. ais, Mccreaie. 'u 2l B!J" TlgeTS Defeat Angels. " Ixa Angeles. May 2t. Fitzgerald pitched - a-- game yesterday and fast fielding behind him prevented tha An gels, from scoring. The Score; r- R.-H. H. txis Angeles' '.V.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1 Tac-oma . t 1 1-1 T Batteries Cray and Hnles: Fitzgerald and uraham. umpire ui PACinC IT ATI O IT AX. Z.XAOT7X. "At Bait lake." Boise L. f ft S o O.o 4 i-r?ib-ia-i , .11 B 3 2 O O 0 4 14 Batteries IVashlnder and Hanson: Durh)am and Carney ana iveany. im plre McRae. 4 At Ogden. Ogden 0UU004I0 7 10 1 Spokane 10100100 0 S 10 6 Batteries Thompson and Hausen; Mclnnls and Stanley. Umpire Setley. VATIOKAXt XiSAOtTal. New York . Pittsburg Fhlludelphla . Chlcaao . . . Cincinnati . . St. Uouia , . Hatuu-4- Brooklyn At Vew Tork. R, H. Hi New Tork . . ; . . .-X mnv n ,-J..-.l-t t Cincinnati 5 7-1 f )a Ue r 1 e "M rOrnnlt yr-Ta y U w and BreonHhan; Ewlng and I'helps. Umpire Bauswine.' At Philadelphia. R., H. E. .1 11 I Chicago . Fhlladelphl '- Batteries ..4 s i I.iindgren Rijelba,ch and O'Nell: Corrldon pparae aed Kahoe. ympire Johnatone. At BrooklyaJ R. H. E. .3 0 St. ,Tuls Rr'nnklvn . 0 .4 - Batteries-TayUr; and Warner: Doe scher and .Rltter. Umpires Emslle and Klem, ' , R. H.E. Boston . . r. ....... ...,.t n o Pittsburg . . ....I t 2 Batterlea . wuneim and iNeeanam; Case and Pelt - Umpire O'Day. - - - ' t . AKKaUCA X.BAOTTB. - Won. -.-r.r.-.:...i7 '. . Trt r .... I 7 Lost. - 10 - l IJ K .. 3 : .. 17 PC. ,5N .571 .(.-II .45 .47 ..4S7 .411 rrereland-r; Chicago i . Philadelphia .1 r. .J& .. ixitroit Wahlnston.-.jj.., ..14 ..14 Ht. lyOlliS . . . New York - ......I. Boston . r. ....... At Detroit. R. 71. E. .7 iv a . 11 1 re1rot . . i ... . . , FbUaucliJuiBw. , . ... At Clerelaad. . rn. n.K. Jxnd , ;,... 14 1 New Yolk r f ....... 4 J Hrs'i'ertiHna. i; uwk- j j . . -3 : . t ' ! -4 ' ' v. . 't . , j.v WIN. I nun v. ..iitpt .w I vuii. - - ' .... .... . . . . ... . . - - - - .... , i. - ----- --- - - - -. ... empire iviopi. - i . .- .,., . ....i - - - --......: - -,. ...-j..- -. ; .....-. z...j j: pAcxrxo coast uaovb. : oTfioinvr i-ii m c n n - ariar n ti7 -Enir'i q g-t .-" --- . I- I I I g g I h7 lfl S( I I? . - . ' I.TT -1 ' ' ZZZZ " " ' . - : : -- .. , - --Mwa wve w w. w --was s . ----- . !. r :1: 1 Al Matt'cn Wr V II I nfallAOf II I ninfIijOf4L- I i a Vr -- - f tv -.- 1- cw.rrjtniT I i 1HJ ............. I .. I Al I II 1 ' ." II 1 a - I -T7riT?MrlI 1 -XJ A T TDT H If T7CTT " 1 ' W 7T 1 . II I I- . u,t ;.;:..;.:v..ran4l ' ; . v.-- sATtiRnAV ont.y : r s 3 to ;.reguur pnee i.w. , 1;.:, :price; $1.75. SATURDAY ; v.V'. Ol 0; .auuak.iwa.h. - - , - - .; : " ONLY ; - lU 'JL ; San ' Francisco. May 26.. -r CCharlia : , THREE ' PAIRS 'V' " - wyg n-y H AT 9V f arAHTstgn T Shields tossed away his games yester- MMKW PaaaV atT --ejl 4 PaaaV " day. by making a wild throw of Wal- j, y.... ' ' Ev'af vSa 1 - jj aBv - - ... - ' : or,cVonir Oci V O CploO And there is no other just as good - .r0" : aaaaaaaa tJ ' ,'"V' :' , Y A tRMKNT - ' A GARMENT ALL SIZES. IN NEWEST SHAPES AND SHADES Seattle . 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 4 s Z I II ' - I , . ' . II . I Batterlea' Whalen and Wilson; 1 1 1 I I ,i Shields and Dashwood. Umpire I'er- . , . -- ... . ' . . .. , - rlne. ..-!".- - - -. -J - V- ' . ' . , -, ' .' ... -' '".. . ,. i 1 . . .7 : : i i Won. Lost P.C. ...,r;.!S i .76R 19 U .C5 ,.i.,.-.i 15 .tli 18 17 .(14 .......15 17 .467 .13 It .404 11 If fr-.40C 14 S '17 i :-:..'i as-! sttTl 5r w3E m w m m n& j vi t mi sea pa wityiya mm I '-.' aT .T i.TJ. aw M&f I I 1 1 - Lj1U as Tir.t jr.-. i$&r OUR XJNLIMITED RESOURCESTNTY-FIVE GREATEST WHOLESALE opening bf the Lewis ca, Clark i ' DELHI CAPTURES BROOKLYN HANDICAP Keene's Colors to the Front in the Classic , Event .at. . Cravesencf Park. . . - (Journal gpecial gcrTlce.f ,Nei Tork. May .Illl, carrying tep-welght;--won the Brooklyn handicap yesterday ht-easy fashion from a scat tered field. Ostrich coming second and Oraslallo third. Delhi waa a hot favorite In.'the beulng and carried a ton or Lmoney. colonial Girl, who had the rail position ror a snort time, couicr not aeep up with tha 'leaders and fell far be hind, during the route. The race waa worth' 1 14.000. to tha winner Reaulta: About a'x furlongs Ivan the Terrible won, BohemlH second,' Shot Gun third;' time, 1. 10 t-t. X , Mile and a sixteenth Jaccruln ' won, kJs,ne Holy, second. Conjurer third; trms. - - , ; five fur longa Woolwich won, - First Water aecopd. Water Wing third; -time, 1:02 1-6. - " The Brooklyn handicap of $20,000, mile and a quarter Delhi, 124 .(Burns), l.'won; Ostrtch, tt (Kniipp), 10 to 1. ' second: tlraxlsllo, - lot (Ulldehrnnd). 1 to 1. third; time", 1:00 1-8. Sir BrIIlar. . - .. . i : , , mr . . - ' -, . ... . - - .. -. a ----'-- f - i in ii .ii.i.ini mil - mi ill i . . ii iiiki i i r -t - - g i iiiaii 1 -- Who i Colonial TJIrVPiadena.' Leonid a v I ordLSIs -furlongs Knverlte-won- Apple of the Vale, Broomstick. Proper and Dainty also ran. - -- -Atout 1 turlongs-i-Col. Ruppert won. Little Woods second. Jetsam third; time, 1:10 6-6. Flva furlongs Voorhees w6n,j Don Diego second, Transmuta - third; time, 1:02. : . ' k ' - At tonlsyille. Louisville. May 2. Churchill Downs race results. . ... o, ' Five furlongs Sir Tluron' won. Cot- tfmtown aecond, Kercheval third; time. 1:02 2-4- , ' - Seven furlongs Silver Skis, won, King ' . ' ..' : , . - vi ; ' .- - i ; .-V.. :.- :' ' At mm to-be-found-in-the-west TAILORSDID IT. r We World's Fair, will be a red lettef day, and wehaye extrgt salesmen to serve you. t Every customer who leaves thia i . . ' of Troy second. Buttinskis third; time. l:2I-5. , . t Mile Foreigner ' won.' Bradley's Pet second. Big Beach third; time, 1:41 1-6. " Five furlongs Hoi Pollot won. Her mltage second. Maplehurst third; time. l:0t -6. Short course, ateeplechase Red Car won, Savon second, bonamaf third; time, 2:51 Mile and 20 yards Curate won, Apple second.; nrate twrd;-tlm.:4t. rv; At Xanana City. K-ansas uuy mo., May 26.- -Elm Xldge raca result: . , . 5 - Seyen furlongs Bcfla Indian won, Lo retta M. second, Clover Hampton, third; time, 1:32. ' . Six furlongs' Thistle Down wonT Dun gannon second, Sid Silver third; time, i:lt. ,; ' - ; ' ' Four furlongs Goldle won, Zlngg see ond. Miss Anxious third; time, 0:61 Viv- 1 Mile Tha Irfidy Roheala won, DouBla second, Trinity Bell third; time, 1:48. : Five furlongs Pierce J. won. Sir An drew second, Rush Reuben third; time. 1:06. ' .'. '. . : - - . - MIle--Roundelay won, Kduardo aeoond, Harpoyn third Lt ime. I- ' 5 ". ' :. 1 f .- , At . Zrfmla, - j- -. St. Louis, May 14. Fair Grounds race results: Fonr and a half furloags-rrLady Deer won, Balshot , second, Haughty thirfl; time, 0(67. Bweet second, Sir Francis II third; time, -r --'- ' Mile and 70 yards Be Knighted won, Blennenworth second. Little Scout third; time, 1:48. - ,. -. Five furl rm gs Starling won. Marvel P. second, Jack Kerchevllle third; time. 1:01. -'' Mile Mayor Graham won, HUes aeo ond Sambo third; time,- 1:45 J-6j- Mil and 70 yards Uncle Charley won, Luclaa D. second, Fonanluca third; time, I V. ' ,.: '. .' Preferred gtoek Oanned Oooas. Allan, Lewis' Best. Brand.. . o,to,$: ems M YEARS'. EXPERIENCE AND THE CO-OPERATION have what you wtnt at. what ' ' " FAST HORSES FOR ' . OPENING HANDICAP Seattle's' Racing Season Opens Tomorrow With High Class of Runners. 1 Seattle, May 26 The probable start era in the opening handicap to be run at tha Meadows tomorrow are as- follows: Sad Sam 100, Ocyrohe''i04,-Allc- Carey 101, Whltestone 106, Mlsty's Prlds 104, Tocolaw 101, elea Air 101, Judge 107, Robert Mitchell 07, Whiskey King 111. With a fast track thla la a very open raca and Ova or six look to have grinning chances. , The oMcera ot the Klfig CountyFatr association lopk.ffr big crowds on tha opening day and on -Decoration day. Raolng haa become -- very popular In Seattle, and as tha class of horses that will race at the Meadows this season is better than ever, tha attendance will probably ' bar-large throughout tha -4t daya' racing. - l' ' i Six bookmakers have argnlfled jthelr Intention of drawing in on the opening day. - Tha attractive card that Presiding Judge- Egbert haa arranged will likely produce-heavy attdT Spirited betting.- - Whiskey King, who, H ha atarts. wlll ca'rry top weight In tha opening handl cap,has raced ofl nearljrmll the premt nent tracks In tha country. He .was ona of tha beat t-year-olda around New Tork In 101 and If at his best there la not a sprinter at tha Meadowa that can take him Into camp. Alice Carey, regarded as a sura starter tomorrow, was tha medium of mort "killings" than any other horse In Call- fAMU tmmt win.. fitlM im - VAW nn sistent mare and generally 'delivers tha goods'' when called upon. . . t- r ooir TovaUfAitmrr. (ioarsal arela BTTVe.t New Tork. May. 2. The result in 4 7 M 7- uita l.Ml you want to pay-Tomorrow, the golf tournament yesterday-were as follows: . ' " J.- R--Maxwell. Jr., Gleneove, won by default from John Smith of Newburg. - Walter 1. Travis, 1 Garden City, beat T. V. Birmingham, '.Near Rochelle, by two up and one to play. H. IT. Brown, Montclatr, K. J.. beat G, J. Patterson.' Fox Hills, by two up and one to play. , "J. Jp. TraveTs, Glunc'ove, beat C. A. Dunrrtng, Glencov,- by- alx - up and five to'play. t-- -' - George T. Brokaw, Garden Clty beat P.- H, n Cnnner. Fox Hills, Jy, one up. ACADEMYrTOPLAY . , HIGH SCHOOL WINE Tomorrow afternoon tha teams of the Portland academy and tha High achool will Una up on ' Multnomah field for thefr laat game thla season. The season Is about overfortha Interscholastlo league, but tha championship la uncer tain, aa all, three teams are about even In the percentage column. Aa both 0f these teatna ara praotlcjpg hard and have already played two close games together thla year, tha contest will-undoubtedly ba a fast one. The gama will be called at 8 o'clock. Ed, Rankin will umpire. Following I tha lineup of t he- two teams: , . - .- . 4. -. - Academy. '.-.'( v . . .. P: H. S. Hlgglna .......... .e. t.. . . . .... .Kawen T. M yera p ... . Monta g-Goodell Moreland 4 ..... .'. .)b; Ganong M. Myera I , r; 2b Oakes Itouaton Capt7TT8b.u.Ott (Capfc) Rogers ....,.-. ..... .V. .Reed McPherson ..... . ;.lf . . . . . . ..Magnee Reed .Master Marsdeni , f,......ii..Fleld ' (Special plaparrft t The Joarnal.) . - Olympla,! May t(. The second monthly tournament 5 the Southwestern Wash ington. Gun club will be .held in this city .May 1, -and 10. Tha flrsf -day will be devoted to shooting off -t lea of the previous year. Ten, prises ara pf fcred for the second day, On May' 1 - OF SIX OF - AMERICA'S - th&last Saturday -before, the BLO It the went ataeaas ea rirtb, yet the eastMt to rare WHBN lot! -KNOW WB1T TO -' DO. lfaar have lm- i plm, ', pots ea the w tkla. ' ear la the X OHiatk, sleara, falliag poison balr. Boa eaina, ea tarrli. aae ooa't hi It la BLOOD POISON. Bend to DR. BROWN. ' W Arch at., PhlUittlphla, Pens., for BROWN " BLOOD CURE, J2.00 per bottle; Ut eae biodui. gold in Portlaai ealy bf fraafe Naa. PerUaad Hotel Paaraiaay. - -'- . 1 PcrsianrJonfoEcsonco E8T0mX KAirsOOD Baa cured tbeoiaada e( ease ot Nervoes Drbllitr. laeamola aad Atro phy Ther clear the brain, atreattaea the eirenlaUoa, Bake 4lstloa perfect aad Impart BMfnetle vigor to the whole being. ; All drains aad loesee atepped eeraianeatlr- . 81.00 ne Dna; 6 boire gnartntoed -ha tare or refand swney. fn.00.' sfallrd eMled. Book - tree. rerataa Mto. c., area si., rmiaaw Pa. Bold ta Portland only . by Itaak Portland T?ntl Pharmacy. - there will be a coyote roundup ear th-T-clty, which will 'be participated In by)-, tha visiting shooters , ' UI BiriaTf nUIDZsUOKS. 4j ..m,... iMiil.1 in, f . v Oreat' FaUs, Mont, May 14 Kid Iea1 knocked out Kid Fredericks In tha six teenth round of what was to have been a' 20-round bout at Havre last- Ovenlng; : aaOmSATXOaT VABK UiOT, 1 '' Tha work on Recreation park 4 la ao Veil ; advanced that tha games will be resumed there to- fe ' morrow. Today'a gam will ba tha , last played on Multnomah - field. - The diamond at Recrea-' tlon park, aa well aa tha outfield. will ba tn much better condition after tha present work 1 cojn- pleted. . '- . " ' , , , . . , - : ; -y: Clothes y iJJ. :.. for , Men W WhA - rv iiu i fY!fEKnpw4 1: 4 44 44e44e 7 "' . Ifa fplly to suffer from that' horrlMa, v ' plague of the ..night. Itching pllna. Ioana Ointment furag quickly and per. -manently. At ani drug stor. 60 oenta. 'Al r I 'I :t-