The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 26, 1905, Image 1

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    T-PRICE TWO CENTS, v 'iSfflrffiSSSt
VOL. IVNO.70. .;
Hill and Harriman Are to
: Build Joint Road Into
Clearwater Basin;
10. R, & Cqn9truct From
Riparia to Lewiston and
Northern Pacific Will Ex- ;
. . ; : 1- tend to Grangeville. -
At-, meeting In Portland -yaterday
.iternoon-between-& Mv-Jvyf-tt-'.
(lit to the president of the Northern
Pacific railroad, and f A. Worthington,
-vlce-prajd$nt and general manager of
.the Harriman line in the Pacific north-
wMUn the latter office In the Worces
ter "building, an ag feerrienT" waa" ion
cluded by which "IT6, mlleaof road
win bo built at once and operated -Joints
- Jy. tapping the entire Clearwater baaln
na -bring in- m-irmo i - mav ooun-
; try Into. Portland.; u -.'...: - - -
" Botn roads are readyfor instant ac
tion and construction work, will be vn- l
- der-way-within-10 days. ' Tae Oregon
Railroad & " Nartgwiiou companjrrwtj.
build from Klparla. to Lewiston -and
tlta -Northern Paxlnc. will .cpnllniiw th.
line to (irangevllle.
The-empnle - will spend -approxl-..
mately S4.600.0OO on the projects.-" The
Harriman people -have every preparation
made and : contractors , aro. already ln
"Portland to clown contracts with Chief
- -Engineer Bosky for the grading, ties and
rail construction work. :
At the chief engineer's office the great
eat. activity prevails. Nothing la given
- out (ram tha Harriman tde for publica
tion, deep secrecy having been enjoined
on all officials hore in respect to rlan
- and Intentions.
i-lt Is Jtnown that the Harriman people
The Ink waa not dry .on the final cam-
I .Jat untllUiey had closed soma of thwlr
contracts, and last ntght-the first con
tractor's gang left Portland for Riparia.
where the first work will be done. The
road to be built by the Oregon Railroad
& Navigation will diverge from the
8iokane main line at a tolnt known ar
Texas terrjr, "near Rlparta, on the Snak
river, and win ronow a survey made bj
A. 11. Mohler four or . five years ago
long the south bank of the Snake river
to C'larkaton. opposite Lewiston.
' The distance to be built by the Har
riman management is between-Tt and
IS miles. Portions of the grade are al
ready made, relics of the former at
tempt by Mr. Mohler to build the Lew
iston extension, before the first compact
wss formed between the Northern Pa
cific and the Harriman roads. j. 2
Three Boats Open.
"""Trorti "Lewiston loGrangevmenTie
portion to be constructed by the North-
em Parinc lnt the CleaTWgTer country.
the dints nee depends upon which one
of three -routes Is "tlnjilly selected.
The Northern ..Pacific' aoma years, ago
: surveyed a line from Peck' sut Ion on
-the Clearwater-river in the rtorth part '
of the Ne Perces' Indian reservation. I
. a I - 1 w -J ms, t is .si) n. . 1
wis nmnj si J piinipiii """Tal fl Jf fJX
Perces then making a wide detour west
ward to Weetluke, then In a southeast
erly direction through Cottonwood and
Denver to Grangevllle.-r-U
" was- -tteclded to try to reach
Oringeville by aome more direct route
from LewtatonV and two surveys have
been mad one from the present terml-
nua of the Northern Pacific at Cul de
Sac.- another running sourh from Lew-
' lston along the Snake. river a few miles
and then by a circuitous rout following
the recent surrey for an electric line to
Grange villa. -The company's engineers
: are still at work trying to determine
upon the best route, and some daya will
. elapse before a flnsl decision Is reached.
.Orders have been Isaued for assembling
construction material, and everything
will be In readiness to launch construc
tion worlf and mail lt tn completion this
r-r--.'. .. -;i H JVetry'g Statement . .
C. M. Levey, who Is accompanied fcy
the Northern Pacific's chief "engineer.
J. B..P.alrd of St. Paul, and Assistant
Chief Engineer B. L. Crowby of Ta-
' com, gave the following authoritative
- statement to The Journal today:
- "An arrangement has-been reached by
, which the Northern Pacific , Railroad
company will build a line from Lewis-
ton to Orangevllle, and the Oregon Hall
. road V Navigation company will build
. from Lewiston to connect- with Its pres
ent line at Riparia, and the business of
the Clearwater basin will be handled
.- by both roada under a traffic arrange
ment. The-rottdi-be bllt:-by-th
Northern Paclflo Jnr reaching ttrange
vllle and tapping? the high-table' land
" of the Nea Perces prairie and Camat
prairie has not yet been "finally de
- elded upon, but will be determined - In a
' few flays. Our' surveyor are still In
' the Held..; . L
. VW have . three rputea under con
aldWatlonj Our. line will probably be
about S mile long. We nny build
- from a station on- our prtment .Car
water short Una,, and take a course
1 through-the1 canyon there to the -Nea
-IBrce prairie building a'aptir to the
tpwnof Urt Percea.. Or w mr decide
to build from Cul de Pac. a lresent
. . termlnui-ofur road, and follow Lap
" wal creek tf rrh the prairie and get
to QrangeeMe. Surveys ar being made
. running south along the river ' from
Lewiston ar few miles, then taking
. rout through the mountains tn Orsng
ill). but I do not belter this rout
' wDV be found feasible. HhouM It be se-
.(Continued on Xwo.,
S ; Ih in id nn.1 nnn ha w :
iirtu ou.uuv.vuu. nyii
In Eight Years Campbell .Smith
' Runs Through Fortune' and ';
' " Turns Clerk.
Lost . Fifteen , Millions m Three
Years Both Suddenly Rich,
v Both Wall Street Lambs.
'" ' (Journal Special Service.) '
New York, May 86. Two tragedies
stirred even blase New Tork this morn-
IntjDne JiliojBliltraedyoXtue
fool and his money, the other, the coro
ner 1 Investigating. The sheriff
brought an end . to Campbell Smith's
eight years of unrestrained gayety
wliun lie sold oullhla afternoon Smjlh'a
the parental estate at Hastings for
It.HJ. BmHh had M.000.00Q-eight
years ago.- "Now he Is' a clerk at 15 a
wk. with a wife to eupport. ,-
. -It -wa -discovered this morning
that William C. Jutter Pittsburg mer
chant had-aent a bullet throvgh his
heart in the Hotel- Dents in Atlantic
Cftyr-Ntw Jerseyr:" He accumulated-,
fortune, of nearly ts,ooo,oop' out lost
ltall In the last three years
Both Smith and gutter were strangers
ta wealth., when. it. came., both listened
to the fascinations f the ticker and
both were sheared by the grim old Wall
street bulls and bears. "
' In 1897 Smith became heir to more
thah 16.000.000 byth-wtlt of 1i1 grand
uncle. Richard AufUBtlne Smlth. Me wa
but ji year old. and never had much
of a fling. "He bought everything he
wanted, "chipped In" n -everything his
friends recommended and dabbled In
Wall street At the; end of etght reara
be waa surprised, to learn frls money had
departed, and the worst of- it was. he
was In. debt. He filed a petition In
ha nk rii p t ey ins f weeV'a nd sncii redZK
discharge as a bankrupt, i
8mHli'fireriutailven her BUIbahd
12&.000. and this too is gone,. ..So the
they had left, moved into n boarding
house and Smith secured a clerkship at
Mi a week.
Jutter began to speculate three years
ago. - He dropped tl. 000,000 In Amalga
matedLCopper in ISO. ;
Two or three years ago, while at
Haddnn Hall, In Atlantic City, he tried
to end his life but the bullet merely
made a scalp wound. . Broken not only
in fortune-but in mind and body, .and
with the example before him of two
members of hla family who had killed
themselves, he determined to make an
other effort -to rid himself of life with
all Its disappointments.
He bought a heavier revolver than.
the one used before and took It to bed.
Under the bed clothing he fired the shot,
the sound of which was smothered so
' - - - , . - " " ...v.. .
in andllnmtJrooma.wakened. nor J
were any of the 'patrons of the hotel
stTXS SBtrFBurxDijra tsust. . "
- tJnaraal Special SeTttre.)
Tork, May i6. Charles
ll-... 1. .
iTZwP "g i. f
I'nlted- States Shipbuilding company to
recover 11,500.000. Amrmir the defend
ants are the Mercantile Trust company,
James H. Hyde, James "XV. Alexander.
George J. Oould and a score of others.
He claims that the securities due him.
were taken over by varloua trusts and
to discover wjio got the securities ha Is
golngito sue everybody who figured In
the transaction. . ..
:. (Jouraal Spwlal aerrlee.l ;
Des Moines. lows. May 26 W. B.
Brandt. 1 2-year-old son of Millionaire
William Zlegler' half brother, George
Brandt, who wa adopted by.21egUtvmUhlai-iid-twoirlnlng..ahip jand five
Inherit the late millionaire' I3J.0OO.0JO
. :jIn the course of his speechenouncing the preachers of
Mayor Williams said:'" ;.""7 ' " vrr"',-t
"Sometimes t pass- d'rgymen on the street who look at
the as though I was a monster of iniquity. " They kind of sidle
away as if iri Tearfein'oontara
because I have been cpnnected, is sauVaith the ram--
oicrs., ncy nave saia oniana
Everything: has been said tq
beautiful, c,ity by those poutical Sreatures, for the -purpose "of, : 1
promdting ,the interests of a Apolitical party.'' "."-.f "
As a citizen writing to The Journal says: "There is noTa f
gambler , or. saloonkeeper in Portbnd who would use such
vile language about the preachers. ;j . '
j ' ' ' Even" Mayor Williams is. now beginning ' to- realize hi
t 'mistake.' ' " '"''- -' 1 '' t'- v.- -i
J : (Journal Special Berries.), ' .'
ciew- i or a, - May is.-r-oonnneo.
rJaott-Jjiere is a trio" of the
boldest bandits since
of Jesse James.-They have been
arrested for the most ' daring
bank robbery of recent years, at
Ollbertsvllle, New York.- when
the town waa held up In outlaw
fashion, while the bank safe was
dynamited and more than $10, ;
000 taken from the vaults. : : "'
A young woman calling her ' 4
herself Mabel Watson, well-" e
dressed and handsome, Is held -
as .an accomplice, as she aided .
the men to escape, t She Is only
21 years old. She was well pro '
Vlded 'with 'fine ' . and .
Jewelry. She is aald to be the .
wife .of the leader of the band.
In her room waa found a modern,
and complete outfit nf bank
burglars' tools and among them .,
two little- rubber bags,, each of - 4
"them- eontatnrng -enoughr nitre--
glycerine-to blow. up a block of
honses. -"rrrr-i . ."."
The men gave their names as "
Edward Wafaon and John. Miller.
Xtf.ahe.loot. only 11.000 waa r,
4 covered. . . V
" ' '
Two Photographs of Mabel Watson,
1 1
r iiffni . 1 ?
Member of thffGang of Bank Burglar Who HeI3Uphe TQwnfjGUbtrtBTffl
Injunction Granted -Forbidding
Charter Amendment for " "
(Journal Special Serrlee.)
New Tork, May ' 28 Jamea' II. Hyde
won a- decided-victory-today over Presi
dent Jamea W. Alexander of the Equi
table Life, In a declaron handed down, by
Supreme Court 'Justice Maddox in
Brooklyn, who granted a temporary In
1JU11LLH111 iurutuumg i I la .uuuaui
junction forbidding the Equitable,
- through - the - board -crlrectrr-;rom
amending me cnanar 10.11 19 give
policyholders the right to rot when
theyhold a policy of $5,000 or mor.
i InT
Washington. T. '""CJ-May-4r . - Jbe
First National bank of Barberton. Ohio,
waa closed today on the. order of the
controller of the currency. Liabilities
are about $325,000. '
(Jonrnal Special Serrlee.)
Madrid,' May K. The Spanish cabi
net! with King Alfonso presiding, today
approved the plan to build eight war-
cruisers. The vessels will be built in
Spanish yarda. within six yec j.
is a soaom ana.uomorran. T
defamethe reputation l of this
A -
.a a a A Ask A A A A A A
' air 111 i:.5fW.-Tl I
Now Under Arrest in New .York, Who
Plan Under, Way by. Hop Men
to 1 Combine- Pacific
' To pool every bale, of hops grown on
the Pacific .coast during 1 the ' season of
lAOf. is the gigantic job .which la Just
about, to be started. .- V .i :
During the- next few day there will
be published- in various paperv over all
the Pacific coast a communication from
big hopgrowera who want to ;pooi their
hops during the coming season. '
e plan proposed 1 to alloirxacT
voting representation to every grower
on the coast, those grower having- 10
bales- to be allowed 10 votes, of on
baa la of vote for every Dale of bop
owned by each grower.
: The plan was proposed by a prominent.
factor in the Oregon pool of last ca
tion no dealer, even if a grower of hops,
will be allowed to have any vote in
.the "saytng-of-4heproposed pool.
This movement was brought about
by the action oflhelargeatVractbT
Joining the force of the bear.
Those n the inside of the proposed
combine believe that by organising they
will be able to bold the market stiff
and force the brewers to pay them a
princely Income for their year' work.
- Another reason why the bull dealers
are favoring the combine for the coming
crop I to hold the grower together,
a many of them ar aald to' be' rather
weak-kneed and would sell If. the prlc
went a little farther In their direction
(Jearaal SpeeiaU Service. ;
' Nw Tork, May 2. At th risk of
hi life David Armstrong, an athlettc
lookln young man of Brooklyn.
strangled to death big Newfoundland!
dog annexed wnn raDies mai was1
about to stuck 100 little children who
were leaving the , public school. The
dog" suddenly appeared among the chil
dren yelping, snarling and snapping at
their skirts. Th girl sot up a shout
of terror and acattered la ail' directions.
Armstrong turned the corner,, took In
the situation and-ran toward the dog.
Th dog suddenly bounded "toward him.
Armstrong kiwlt oa one fcnee.-ttck as
a flaeh caught It by. one' of Its fore
legs and one hind leg. then sank th
fingers of hla other hand In the ani
mal' throat. '
By a dexteroua twist lie turned th
yelplnLKnlmal on it back and tightened
both hands about it shaggy throat Ilk
a vis. The animal's breath cam
shorter, arxl Kliorter until It ceased en
tirely. Armstrong tossed th carcass
Into to gutter and walked off a, coolly
though nothing had happened.'
( (Jonraal Special Servlee.)
.Manila, - Mayj S. Th convention of
th Federal lrty .-I . discussing the
question of changing 'the plank of 10 2,
which hvoredeinnexatlon to America,
to a plank Indnralng the policy of Sec
retary ..Tatt , In favor'' of the ultimate
independence of th island. ;t ,
. . .... . -., - ... -v. . '.V-:
.Is Beirred Jb. the; Police to Be
r.r r
Retail Butchers Advance Charge
for Beef '.Cuts All
..11 to 12
12H 14 to 15
KHrlZH tol
...... '...
Hibs-. .
Veal Mutton .
..10 to
. . .
Retail butchers in Portland . have ad
vanced .prices on the. best cuts full
three" cent" und. Th wholesale
1" !-' baa made but m f raetttJnal-ad-
vanceand-u is still within the limits
charged yean ago. The-retail price
are higher now "than then.
The retailer lalm that prime beef
is harder to obtain and a the wholesale
price have advanced they are fully Jus
tified In boosting the' price to thejubllc
Another explanation of the advance Is
that the packers have come to an agree
ment not to cut each other's -trade
throat and-ar now charging 'profitable
iiu . ; -
Stockyard officials prof ess to know
no reason for the rise.--- Cattle, they
say. were scare some time ago but re
ceipt are now fully up to the demand.
While the price of beef ha advanced,
that of veal 1 somewhat .lower on ac
count ,of the great - In fluxef -dressed
tock. a '
Prime beef loin, which- fol-merly aold
at.llOliH cent-are now quoted In
the retail market at,1416 cents, while
rib, formerly sold at 1O01IV4 rents,
rr-tiow- bllred-to the public- at ' 124tf
14 cent. Veal, wMoh formerly aold at
best mutton sells at 12 V rent a pound.
rThere are lots-of people
.M..KM,M Vs?v M M M VtVsl M ' ' ' ' ' t
coming, who-will Separate -themselves from. not more than
JTWO. CENTS for a copy of
y W fa. " .
JUUKIN fikt reduced jne pnceirom nve to iwo.cen opy on
the ' streets the -street alesof-e-paper;haveqneV-fronr
hundreds , to thousariiBs, and ihey -still grow.- Competitors
t havd been dlsUnced.':so much
I around for a way out of the dilemma that confronts it, and no
one need De turpriseo it it meeaiy anq lameiy iouows in i
the foouteps of THE JOURNAL, reducing its price for single " I
copies on the streets from five
possibly the' latter, as it "hates to let go of a penny, until the
ojlowl on the. coin shrieks from Its squeezing. THE DAILY
JOURNAL is gold on the streets of Portland at two cents a
copy- Remember that! And
All Workmen Connected With'
.'" Building Probably Will Co -i
" Out Before Night.
EressiireExerteoLijy -Employers
to Summon Troops Ottle7
. Rioting on Streets.
(Jonrnal Special Brrvlre.) -
of Chicago la rapidly being tied
up by the teamter' . stride. Frenb
complications appeared today In a sym
pathetic strike of . carpenter and other
building workmen. At dozens of 4iulld
lngs. contrr4jr faoed th alternative ot
sending -back consignments of lumber
delivered by nonunion teamster or hv
TngTsTrlkea fan thelf hand8,Ir! g iium
ber'bf lnstuhcfn lumber wa
contractor 'nd the workmen quit. It
I d red lc tod that nearly 10.000 will be
I out before.-Blal.u- Ingludlng ? furniture
makere.-lumber handlerwnnd- carpenter.
The Hist lumber mill to. shut down w
that of the Lanula company, wher 10
Indications are that If the strike con
tlnnew tliaWiiUa'but-thy -could not b found.- "
be at a standstill. Employers believe
the police are unabl to handle the alt
nation and the pressure th;e authori
ties to call for troops la .increasing. '
-Clarence Darrow. attorney for the la
bor unions, conferred with United State
Attorney Healy this morning and imme-
aiatBlr"Healy aiiiipunced-tlraf-tlie-rrgnd f
1urv- will be In session Monday.- Rep-
resenUUves of both employers and team
sters will be-given an opportunity to
present evidence. In connection wltli the
strike... - .. . - -
l-nlon- offleials. ted,- will
maka an effort to have manages of ex-
ureas-- com panic --tnotcteg ior .BJicgeq i
blaekl tettog and oonwptrac y.
-:Jl. th Injunctions! proceeding be
fore Master in Chancery Sherman this"
morning the attorney for the employers-
again asked that an attachment be is
aued for president Shea who failed to
appear to testify in response to' sum
mon. :' '
A crowd of 200 atrlke sympathizers
early thla afternoon attempted to over
turn an Adams express wagon at Canal
nd .Madison streets. The guard on
the wagon made a display of rifle, but
no shots were fired, A riot call brought
the police who dispersed th crowd and
mad 18 arrest. Several rioter wer
severely clubbed by th police.
Judge Kofelsaat yesterday upheld th
contention of Cornelius ' P. Shea, presi
dent of the International Teamsters'
union, in his refusal to answer question
before Master In . Chancery Bhermas
which might tend to - Incriminate him.
In the same decision the court ruled, that
Bernard Mulligan, president of the Ex
press. Drivers' union, and John Dona
bur v member of the same union, wer
In contempt for "refuslhfto answer
questions which could not connect them
In any way with criminal proceeding
Both wer sentenced to JalL
(Journal Special Sarvlc. I
New York, May .. The stAmet
Carpatha arrived today and reporta re
ceiving a wireless messaged from the
American liner St. Louis, bound from
New York to Southampton on May 21,
stating that she .bad sighted the yacht
Hamburg t 7:60 o'clock that morning,
(SO mile east of Sandy Hook. Th
order In which the -leader have been
sighted now stands: Hamburg first.
Atlantlo second, Endymlon third; Alls
fourth. -'.'' ' ' . .
(Jnnraal Special Serrlee.
lomooiie racing ,..
tn Portland left Omaha at, 4 O ClOCK Te-
terday wfUrnpoj-
imOregon, and Uiere are rnore
a daily paper. Since THE
a . . I
so that one of them is casting
cents to two or three ceryt
PAY NO MOKE. , j-'
W-waai ajeiaioei la.. ' t or everal days. C K. K.imelln had left--rtrnaha.
-Keb.r Mar 2.-iTb two a 01. 1 i ,
Crawl Into. Holes When
Required to YotenoP
Saloons Near .Fair.
Men Afraid to Appear at Meeting
AreFoeller, Rumelin, Sher-
rett, Zimmerman ancT
Merrill, r - -
JFlvo , mrmliernf the city - council
failed to answer the summons of Mayor
William to a special meeting thla morn-
IPS- . ' . ' : - " '
,Four Fred TMerrLll, Mat v FoeUer.
Dan T. Sherrett- and Ci K. Rumelin,-ar"
belleved to-- hv -deliberately absented'
thamselvti In older, to defewt th
pose of tha proposed meeting; which- wa
to consider the petition' of 3.000 -voters -
that-the matter of T;lotng.-:thena4oonTr--nearOwentram!-to-th
fair ground
be submitted to the referendum. Thl.
fifth. L. Zimmerman; may have a valid
excuse..-"" -. r. : :
AIL, day policemen-Searched th ity
in an effort to get aoma trace of th
It was reported that three were put of
th city, and the othej wer In hiding
In town. 4 . .
. When the meeting was calleeV to order
t 10 o'clock end -lt-wa- learned -that
piere waa not a quonim present. Coun
cUmen.ji'J'legeUJrLKAUjee John P
Sharkey. Dr. Sanford Whiting and A. K.
Bentley called on- Chief of Police Hunt -to
go in earch of th-tardy member . ,
and bring them to the countil chamber. . "
The coundlmen--were-nowhere -te be -
found. . Jt wa vldent tht they bd
avoided the meeting, so to defeat
the movement of h -citln t let
MterUry-n the -rlctnitr th n ;
trance to the exposition ground 01 in
obnoxious-saloon. -
.. Crowd la CpnaoU atooai. ,.-
Long before thtJlime for th meeting',
citizens who hsd interested theroselve
in th movement gathered in the coun
cil chamber. Shortly fter 10 o'clock
Mayor William called th meeting to
order, and when tlie roll waa called and
It wa louhd'that there were only lv
member present. J Councilman J. P.
Sharkey moved to adjourn.
It wa stated-later that it was part
of the scheme that Councilman Sharkey
should be present and make thla motion..
No second wa received and Councilman.
Fie gel moved to Instruct the officer'
to go In search of the absent council
men and bring them to the city hall, and
It waa promptly seconded by H. R. Al
bee. 1 ' "
"What officers will go after the
men?" queried the mayor. .
The chief'er police," replied FlegeL
"It la the duty of the chief In such case
to go in. person or delegateenj,oJUii
the absent councllmen and bring them
here. . Only one additional councilman, .
la neecasary."
Cfciaf stoat After 9Uanat. "
The motion wa carried, and It was de
cided - to take a recess of JO minutes
until th. of fleers could bring in th ab
sent , member of the council. The JO
minute lengthened lnloan hoursnd ten
minutes, but the efforts oT"the officer
were of no avail.
- Meanwhile Councilman Sharkey had
left the building on th plea of bavins '"
pressing business, and did not return.
Mayor William again' called the coun
oil to order ah 11:10 o'clock, and adjournment-
wa -taken until a eeloelf
this afternoon.
A aoon a Chief Hunt received In
struction to go in search of th coun .
cSmen h detailed Patrolman Teevln
and Station Officer .Maloney to perform "
the duty. - Not on of - th five city
father -could . be found. Councilman
Zimmerman wa reported to have bee,n
at the Lucky Boy mine near Kugen
yond Vancouver, Washington, and Mat I
1'oeller had also gun tn Valium vei. fn
trao of the whereabout of Dan T.
Sherrett wa obtainable, and Frd -T.-
Merrill had gona out ot the city On bilsl
nea. The last named wa the ontjr """"
member who had handed an exena for
hi absenc' td rh--cltr-nidltorr Hrr
stated that h could not be present at
th meeting, a ho had been called out u
of th city -on bualnes. and that If .be .
wer In the city h would not attand .
th meeting, a h wa not In favor of '
revoking any of th saloon llccnae near -the
fair' grounds. '
Th eitlsena who wer present at In '
meeting were Indignant at th manner .
In which th flv absent member were .
attempting to dodge the Issue. Be vera I
of them declared that'- they bad- beard
yeaterday that tK quorum would b ' 1
present, and wer not' much surprised 1, , j
rhen only flv councllmen appeared for
ib meeting. -
, Spwlal Bleetlea, Stay. - .
Hv can do-noUmg noro wtltb,.th.l-
councll.- isald Dr.'J.Jt. WlUon, prl
dant of the Anti-Saloon league, after th "
meeting. . "There la on thing we ran
do: W ran clreulat another pot it Ion
calltn; for a apeclal, election and hav
thla. question submitted dlrecUy to-tti
people.. it will tak th name nf enlr
10 per cent of th voter of tli cltr
'to nail th election. It would make th .
lection a little later, but If th eltlsen
who ar behind thl movement deslr t
take tb trouble. It can t done."
Th question arose before ths hieellng
today on th legality of placing t!
ordinance on the- eflli lal i.- tfin hn'l.t
at thl tlme.i'-Th slat elwtmn
section ' t , reo'itr tht- ti.e.r 1
ballot shall b-tua',S r."t r ft j .
I (i 1
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