The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 25, 1905, Image 1

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    I1" '
( '
. -.' 4
-i -
taw TUf. " '
- . Ths Weather.
Showers tonight; Friday, showera I
-and cooUri- winds becoming south-
rly. - -. ... .- , . .. '
rOIr iVf MO-SO-
Philadclpeia Machine Re
sorts to Drastic Meas
ure to Win.
Executive Forcibly Captures Of
?r fices of Tvjfo Removed" Of I'
ll , ficials Whose .Successors zZZ
1 Are - Enjoined. J-:
" "" ; (Journal Special Service.) ." " '
Philadelphia, May 25. Mayor Weaver
- took. Tore I b 1 eposB'
eaalun-of the of
"71cs ofcllrector of 'public safety'snddl'-
reoter-of public- works. Neither direct-tor
offered serious . resistance. Four
detective are now on guard at the pfi
flees. - ,
r At a conference of the Republican
-tee tiers this afternoon it wee determin
- to Institute - lnipeachment : proceedings
ngtinat JVlayor Weaver tomorrow morn
ing. It is Understood . the. proceedings
will ba baaed upon certain lettera tha
mayor is alleged to have written In eon
flection' wltb the-trtnt jr-Samuer Palter
fbr ballot box frauds. rit- is 'said the
tetterra. have fallen Into tha hands of th
. Republicans leaders atate that a fight
la on to a finish with Mayor Weaver
. and that they are determined to paea
the gas lease over tha mayor'a veto, aa
-., well a td oust him from of rib." Mayor
-- Weaver haa retained ex-Judge James O.
Gordon and EllhuTHuot aa special coun-
eel-and will cuiileit a very -TttTlWa d
by the machine. ........... ,
On account-of the temporary "injune
' ; tlon aecured by Costello and Smytho to
dismiss Directors' Acker and Potter they
pave been unable to. assume tha duties
c-f their offices. The restraining order
ITwlH ba argued beat Monday, and It la
evident that tha mayor doaa not intend
to let. the injunction prevent him front
carrying out hla -wishes. Tha mayor
"himself haa assumed the administrative
duties of both offlcea and all tnattera
pertaining to tha two departmenta are
" being- acted upon .by him personally
pending tha outcome of the legal com-
. Plications.
J A conference of machine leadera this
afternoon .was held. in the office ot
United States Senator Boise Penrose
and attended by Boss Israel . Durham
and all ward leaders.
j The cltlxena'-committee fighting; .the
gas lease has arranged for a mass meet-
1 ' Ing to be held In the Academy of Muslo
Friday night. Among thoae who will be
speaker are former Postmaster General
(Smith. Bishop Coadjutor Maey Smlth-ef
t- the Protestant Episcopal - diocese of
Pennsylvania; John Wannnmaker and
many other prominent cltlaena. .
The mayor was In consultation with
the committee of nine this afternoon
and plans weret perfected along the lines
outlined by ex-8ecrtary of War Root
to. carry .out th-Had-a gainst "th
ajnonopoly; - JJfforta will be con
tinued to' aronwe-pfblic-aentlment while
"" legsl steps will be taken to contest The
validity of the council's acta, . .
Public excitement Is at a high pitch
and thousands of buttons are being
worn by citisena with the picture of a
eeaffold la white upon a black back
ground aa a warning to membera of the
irouncTr . . "
Joaraal RpeeUI trrr.
New Tork, May 15. The Polllon-Bro--
kaw breach of promise suit waa trans
ferred to the" June calendar upon mo
tion Brokaw'a counsel, who ""'aald that
efforts will be mnde to adjust differ
ences. It. Is bellevd the case- will be
. settled outside the court. ......
... " .
IJoorSal Special Service.) -
17 Cheyenne, Wyo.. May 25. Attorneys
for Buffalo Bill today presented argu
ments before Judge Bcott for-a new
"trial In hla divorce case. Judge Scott
tonfc the motion under advleenjent and
jwrlll probably1 overrule It. Cody will
then appeal to- tha auprewe- court. , -
(Journal Special Service.) " z " '
Shanghai May 2S-lt Ja.repOrted that
five volunteer cruisers of the Russian
, fleet, accompanied by. three colllera and
. one regular, crutaer, arrived at the
mouth of the1 Tangtse river this after
noon. Later the regular-cruiser de
parted and threajif-JJievoluntccri, came
.to Woosung tonight, ...
... (Joaraal Special lUrvlca. ... i. I
Washington. May 5; -There la before
the navy department a .project which,
if proved feasible, will allow of tele
phonic communication, under water be
tween vessels by telephone. It is pro
posed to try the Invention between light
ahips along the coast' from New York
to- Boa too. -.-,
The aendlng'apparaf 111 consist of a
bell sunk' BO feet under water and op
erated by electricity from the deck of
the ahlo, la thick weaUiir when UaUtv
Report in Russian Naval
Circles That a -Battle
: Rages j)ff Formosa. .
MistchenkoRetires After Threat-
7TehingJapr L1he3C2art6
-y . Btiy Warships In America,
Jewish Riots. '
(Joaraal S1 pet-la 1 (err ice.)
London, May iS'J Tha correspondent
jeutiai News atgt.FeterPurg
Iwlree tliat persistant rumors are heard
ln.vil ctrelfia 1 to the effect that m
naval battle haa commenced off the Is
land of Formosa.
Admiral iilrlleff left St. Petersburg
for . Vladivostok today on a special
arnT" Other traln"'wllIbeTildelraclted
to enable tha admiral to reach hla dee
tlnation quickly. . . - " ..
- A report from Manila telle of in w
confirmed rumor that haa reached that
port - that the Russian and . Japanese
Ueeta met south of Foromoaa and that
the Japanese were defeated. : Official
advicea from Vlgan atate that on May
tit mum than' tCar Vessels
sighted off the east coast of Batanaa is
land half way- between L.uson and For
mosa, sailing In a northeasterly direc
tion. It la auppoaed the vessels were
Russian. ' -
lu St. Petersburg naval 'circlet it la
assumed that Bojestvenaky 'a squadrons
are lu the Pacific steaming northward,
avoiding Vescadorea, Formosa and
LuchU lalanda, in order to mlnlmlia.tne
danger of a concentrated torpedo at
Oenal aTlaanlienko, Attn Tarae,tenlm
Japanese Xdaea, Betlree Vortkwmrd. .
' (Joaraal Special aVrirloe.lT
London, May - 26. The correspondent
of the London Tiraea wlrea from Man
churia: "General. Mlatchenko, . after
four days' abortive-: flutter ' on the
Japaneae flank, retired May 22, 10 miles
northwestward. Ha made .-no attempt
on the Japaneae lines of communica
tion." - -----r-.- . .
Newa from the front eontlnuea to In
dicate that a general engagement on
that Llnevltch la trying to take the
offensive, as would be Indicated by the
numeroua daring attacks made by
Rennckampff and othera. . The Japaneae
commenced an advaace tneat Shahedae,
at tha aame time the Ruaalans moved
forward and aelxed several vlllagea of
the Japanese center. The Japanese re
tiring to the further banks of the
Kooche and Worts river. Tbe Russians
are making dally reconnalaances. ' "
jxws Binw noxTuro. r
'(Jouraal 8iecll Service.)
Warsaw, May Fighting which
began in the Jewish quarter yesterday
waa renewed this morning. Jewish ao
olalists took the lead In attacka on
rough characters who Infest the quar
ter. Itli aatlmated.Uhat-aOhava-baen
killed and wounded..
Four persona wr ' W'(iut ta
wounded last night during tha fight
belweenJewlshworkmen and the rough
element. Both aidea uaed knlvea and
the dead and wounded were terribly
mutllaled. . " f
(Joaraal Special Service.) j
- Marseilles. May 25 M. Bens, engl-neer-in-chlef
of the Russian naVy. la
here . inspeotlng ahlpa being- but! t for
the Russian-navy. . He announced today
that he waa going to the l.'nited States
to purchase three battleahlps and eight
cruisers. He aald that he would be
presented to President Roosevelt.
.. .;. . .. (jogroal Special Servles.)
- The' Hague, "Maj 2. The K Dutch
papera publish a gruesome atory of the
arrival at Amsterdam; ot a cargd of ani
mal. ami human bones destined for use
at a glue factory. It la stated that
theae bonea came frbm the far eastern
battlefields, and it la even aaaerted that
fragments ef Ceah and raga of uniforms
still adhere to them. ' The authorltlea
have forbidden this terrible freight to
be unloaded except "at night owing to
men engaged. In ' the , worh;aTeJetng 1
given extra compenaation.
ship slgnala fail to carry through '5he
fog. a submarine bell will be ringing
constantly. Ships that bave receiving
apparatus will be Informed of the near
approach -by the transmission' 'of sound
under water perhaps three or four mile.
One of the most valuable features of
the Invention If applied to -the navy la
the Increased protection "which It will
gtva battleships, warning them, of the
approach of submarine or torpedo-hoata
The navy department is "nterated In
tha 'InventionXfor the reaaoa that It la a
great gUBDlemenl to wlrelaaa telogfasbjfc
PORTT.ANn, OffFfiON. "TwirofinAv pygifvM wniiBTHicw. PAGCi
, err , LATEST NEWS FROIM ROJESTVENSKY . " - , . 1-T:..-l7
-'" '".-r" . "'V': "".'' (Copyright, 1908,. by W. B.. Hearst.) - . '.
it j n ai 1--.- t . - i if trc ; ik Biwrijfuiiii ti iliiili o i m i t..i
. ..
Man Wose Name Is Connected
"With Mysterious Murder of
Berry Shoots Himself. .
Serious Charges Preyed Upon
Millionaire's Mind and Un- "
dermined Reason, t
IBpecIal DlspaWP fo The Joornal.)
- 8avaririaTin.rMay55; Rothweir Put
Tord," Wealthy druggTstTwEbse name
haa been connected with tha mysterious
shooting ef Daniel-8. Berry., ex-state
repreaentatlve, who waa mysteriously
killed Monday, committed eulcida this
Pulford went Into his barn af-T o clock
thla morning and shot himself In the
head. Although strongly suspected of
the- Berry murder, Pulford proved a
complete eMbt by two witnesses, and
trongly protested his innooence. Pul
ford waa of nervouatemperament, and
It Is thought possible that the serloua
chargea 'may have preyed on hla mind
and led to the auldide. ' .
Daniel Berry Waa a successful lawyer
and one of the beat-known men in this
part of the atate. He waa shot, in the
door of hla office In Ihe corridor of the
opera - house block en Monday Three
shots were fired, one. of which hit him
In the arm, another entered the back of
hla head, causing Instant dath. while
the third bullet waa found embedded In
the-door cafUng of ,tho office.' Cltlsens
Immediately surrounded the block In the
hope that the" escape of the . assassin
might be prevented, but no person who
might be suspected of the crime ap
pehred. - - '.
The coroner's Jury, after aeeklng valn
I' rori Jiore tq se1cu.rtLiangiblecvl-
dence against the assassin, returned a
verdict that the attorney catpe to hla
death from syounda lrhicted by an un
known peraon. i
Suspicion from the flrstl1 pointed '
Pulferdr Jealousy because- or,, me it
tention which Berry paid to Mra. Pul
ford waa suspected to be thacauaa of
tha crime, aa It waa the cause of enmity
between the two men. PuffoVd publicly,
dented any connection with the crime
and proved to the satisfaction Of Ihe
cof diner's Jury S complete- allht, hence
h suicide has Caused a big local sensa
tion. Pulford waa the wealthiest man In
Ravenna, owning the townja electric
light plant end half or , the business
blocks In the community besides 47 of
th,a beat residences. .
(Friends 'Ftats fhst Pulfnrd'a domestic
unhapplnese has long, caused him '
show signs of breaking health, and with
the murder charges eumpjetely uuhlogtd
bis mind. , :j ' i - .
,(asaa, , -
j i
Togo Is nowhere in sight.
--' ;' . . ' e
Dr. Lane's next appearance e
will be Friday evening at S e
o'clock in Firemen's hall, 1 Sell-
. wood, when he and William A.
Munly will apeak. - Mr. Munly la
regarded -ae-ene- of - the- ableat
campalgnera In the atate, and hi
address Friday night Is, expected
' materially to forward the candi
dacy of Dr. Lane.
. Saturday night Dr. Lane and
John M. Qearln will address tha
cltlaena In Burkhard hall, on tbe
east side, at the,corner of Burn
..side atreet and Union avenue.
e e e e e e e
Merchants Trust Company 5a
ure Due to Use of Its Funds
by Frank Could."
New Tork, May 26. Frank J. Gould
la a director in tha collapsed Mer
chants' Trust company. . In March,
1901, when the directors decided to In
vest SS04,(2S of the depositors' money
In bonds of tha Hudson "Valley rall-
-road, Oould waa then heavily Interested
in the Hudson Valley railroad. He we a
ambitious to. be a trollop , road magnate.
When the atate banking r department
learned how the depositors' "money was
being squandered upon II, too, 000 ae
curltlea of Gould's Virginia Passenger
Power company, a vigorous protest
was made. The result waa that mem
bera of the Gould family paid tl.400.eoo
in cash into the 'treasury, of the trust
company" and took .back $1,600,000 of
questionable bonds.
.' The loea of the 1100.00. which the
little trust company Sustained through
Ha transaction with tha . Virginia 1'aa-senger-
Power company-. crippled It
badly. .The lose It -sustained In deals
with - the Hudson Valley company
wrecked it. . ' '""J" , " ', ,
, "":-- t
. .' (Joaraal Special Benin.
San Diego, May J6. The Ensenada
Pan Quentln stage waa held' up hear
KTmenada,-LorwT. California, ' Wat night,
the driver shot' and government fundi
amounting to about 1700 stolen. 'The
crime was -committed by a special rural
messenger who was guarding, tha stage.
A poa la In pursuit. -J;js .
(Joaraal Speclef
lmriaha,.May It. E. W. Naah. amelter
magnate. Who waa stricken with apo
pleiy Monday whlis at dinner, la anme
wbat better this -morning, lie returpa
ti consciousness at intervate anJ takes
slight nourishment. Hla family enter-
laasa KOoaa at ha CaOOVaflV . ' vl
tn. v mi ary v.t vv
Will of Judge Charles B. Bellinger
Xeaves Everything to His ."
; Family. -. ;
Sons Get All the Outside Real
Estate Including Ranch
The -will - ot-Judge.-. Charles - B.-3el-
linaer waa filed- for probate" today. It
ty said to be uf abuut
$10,00 value, to Mra. Bellinger and their
children C. J. Reld..IL- 8. Bowe and
C. A. Cogswell are appointed appraisers
of the estate, and Cv A. Dolph, Kufus
Mallory and Joaeph Simon r Tiamed
aa executors, to eerve without bonds.
Judge Belllnger'a will waa witnessed
by Captain J. A. 81aden and M. A. Flem
ing, and waa made Auguat 11. 1903. .
To hla sons, John Kmmat. and How
ard. Judge Bellinger gave hla farm In
Clarke county, Washington, known aa the
Knapp place, together with all irople
mente and' livestock " thereon. Ills
daughter. Katharine Howard Bellinger,
received, lota 3 and 4 In Holladay'e ad
dition and Oscar H. Bellinger, his son,
la given a parcel of land at Clackamas
station. Tba residue of the estate I
bequeathed to bis wife. Margery Sere
ana Bellinger, exoepttrig- the money 'to
be realised from the life Insurance poll'
cles which hi held, 'which la to be dl-'
'Vided ity twelfths to- his daughter
Kathertne, 1H twelftha to hla daughter
Daisy, and one twelfth each to Oscar.
John and Howard.
The beautiful home - oocupted by
Judge ' Bellinger and hla family, (lo
cated at 4J3 Holladay avenue, will be
the property of Mra. Belllngea I"
'' " 1 (Joaraal .fperlal 8eno..) .
Cincinnati, May 25. The' failure Of
Holtsman 4k Co brokers, has just been
affhounced. - - , .
-Assets and liabilities ere atlmat
be about 1 100,000 each. , The failure
waa , caused by"- rumovs connecte'd with
the Oermart National bank affaire -and
the run 6n the Union Trust company,
1- r , ,..,,, ,.
ooiciaiiroxicBVT at rvsxxora.
L'. S-L. (Joaraal Special Sendee.) t "
Tuskegee.- Alac. May It. Thla waa
commencement day at the Tuakegee
Normal, and Industrial Institute, Many
vlaitora were on hand and the chapel
waa -crowded when the exercises began
this afternoon. Preaklent - Booker T.
Wanhtngton presented the dlplomaa and
the Bev. C, C. Walker. D. U. LU D.,
prlm-lpal of Walker Norimal and Indus
trial Institute, delivered tbe annual ad'
All. .
The Circulation; . ;
Of The Journal
Yesterday Wa$
Hardwood Lumber Con;
cerns Force , Drivers -.
Out, Tie lip Mills.
.Would Be Clad to Assist
in Settlement of Team
.. 'sters Struggle.--; -
(JiHiroal Special arvlee.)
-Chlcaaoi-Mar-gft. Wt
the teamsters' strike to hardwood luin-
ber concerns, which now seems Inevl
table, several hundred more ' teamslera
will be Involved. Managers of hardwood
companies announced thla morning that
"strike-bound" concerna In tbe "face of
the declaration that the teamstera would
walk out when such demands were made.
This strike will Involve nearly a thou
sand employee nf tha mllla and lumber
yards, which wilt be compelled to Shut
BU. II -r .. ; . -:
Vls-Frsldeit Falrbanka reached Chi
cago' today on hla .way to - Portland.
When iquestloned regarding the report
that he would be asked to use his in
fluence to end the strike, he aald:
i "Ot course I feel an Interest In th
strike attiintton In Chicago and would
Ifxext-nuaelf-Jttitrlng about, an amicable
agreement between the contending par
ties If my good offices were considered
In the same manner that tha efforts of
anr'good cltlxen-ahould be considered
It Is not known that-Falrbanka haa
been asked bjr-either of the parties to
the, strike to take a hand in. sji effprf
offecl m settlement.
the contempt hearingbefore'Judge
Kohtsaat today Attorney Mayer-ape-
dally asked that Preatdeat Shea of the
Teamsters' - union be - sent to Jail for
contempt' in refusing to answer iuea
tlone designated by the court Attor
neys for Shea made' an - answer to
Mayer'a motion.
Fifty men responded thla morning to
the call for 1.000 additional policemen
laaued bv Mavor r Dunne last night.
Twenty-four ofneere were' sent out thlsLllnTr gamea, and when the boya learned
morning guarding 2,600 wagons. If tbe
new Installment of police la unable to
cope wtth the situation. Mayor Dunne
will ask for, troops. -
At Twenty-ninth . and Dearborn
atreeta this morning five men attacked
Louis Flint, a colored atrlkebreaker.
who waa beaten-Into insensibility. Hie
assailants escaped.-. Flint Is In a criti
cal condition.
The atrtke In tha lumber district haa
spread with great rapidity and prac
tically all business Is at a standstill.
Planing mills and sash and door fac
tories are-rapidly, going .out of com
mission and by tomorrow the most of
them will probably be closed owing
to the exhauatloouof the stock on hand.
n-i u i v.... mil. i-
the last few days. Membera of the ex
ecutive board of the International team
sters have appointed Kdward Oould of
San Franclaco to be active strike di
rector In case the United States court
aenda President Bhea to Jail."
Hens tor Piatt, prealdent of-the- ITntte-l
States Express company. In a statement
Issued at New Tork today, eninf ed I
""' " '" mimnsH-affiiiM not be
laaen oaca oy ma company. ne ae
clared that the men In leaving violated
their contract aa wall as the rules of
theCOnipany to which- they subscribed,
and consequently- former drivers could
not be trusted to perform important du
ties properly.
At 1:39 o'clock Judge Kohlsaat took
the contempt matter of Shea and other
labor leadera unden advisement.
(Joaraal Special Serrlea.) :
- London, May 25. A dispatch -from
Constantinople nays that-It la reported
that Arabian ' Insurgents have captdred
the I town of Hodeidah, In the Yemen
province. ,.
- Great progresar hag been made.. by the
revolutionists who now control a large
part of Arabia, and whoae ranks are
growing rapidly., Natlvea are flocking
to the standards of the Arab chiefs,
whose motto is "Arabia for the Ara
bians," and who are - determined ' to
throw !bff the Turkish yoke which has
rested Heavily On (he. country for cen
turies. ' , .
nvrT-May72Tr-AfeT havIngTSeen
aentenced to 'a tet-m 'of from three to
eleven years' imprisonment end to pey a
Ana of i. $104, 7. Kates O. Rathbone.
former fourth aaalstant nostmastor-een--
ersl and director of post In Cuba, la
again In the employ of -the. postoffice
department. Rathbone left for the east
today 'after paying' an official vlalt to
Denver and checking up the books of
the pontoffice. Postmaster Paul J. Sours
and Inspectors say' that Rathboifi has
been reinstated, although no , previous
announcement of hla reinstatement haa
been msrie. , .
Rathbone arrived Saturday night fanen
Omaha. Credentials presented to the
pnstofflce eulhofltles here were suffi
cient to give him an official standing,
-JjaaA facia, Jblondjut' juorninjg Juaaaja
11 VI LUllll 1
Keynote of Speeches at
Lane Campaign. 1
Says the Money He Took In the
City's Partnership Agreement -With
the Gamblers
-Was Stained.' -
Dr. Harry line's mayorallty earn
at a meeting In Uomes hall, Albina, at
which 400 persona, ot whom two-thirds '
echo- utld gave indisputable evidence
that the sentiments expressed were those
for which they would vote atthe polls
June " 8. ' . --ss-r. . ....
John M. Qearln gave the principal
address, and fur more than an hour kept -
J la .audiences under (he. sway f hla
oratory. Dr. Lane apoke, fnd again
made clear hla position as the candi
date of the element that standa for law
and..order.sndA. F. Flcgel,candldat.
for eouncllmarf-at-large. closed the meet
ing with the .dcUiratlon; -that be stood
on the platform he 'built while a coun"
cllmai the past three yearc
The mention of Lane'a name waa the
signal for Instant applause. Ilia popu- .
lanty was shown In every may possible.
land the eowlualonr drawn
fronr- tha -
evening's proceedings waa that In Al
bina there will be a Lane majority on
election day. "- --'-.
-' What the Sheriff 914.
A feature of the meeting waa the out.
burst of applause when John Gearin re
f erred -to -"tha democratic .aherlff -who "
V went-downtow n . one day and,almplyn
cioaea me pool room inn Mayor wui.
lams and bis immaculate Chief Hunt,
with his 7 policemen could not cloae."
and then a gala, when Mr. -Gearin told
hoW'that -little democrat lo herlff,
thinking that Mayor Williams wad over
worked and hla immaculate Chief Ifffnt
waa doing more than was good for hla
health.. Just walked down One afternoon
and told the boya to cloae their gamb-
that" Tom Word meant what' he aald.
why, they quit, Juat aa they wonld have
done for the mayor and the chief ot
police, had thoae worthlea wanted to
stop gambling. ' " ---- -
There was a clear note rung on . the
Issue of the campaign. It waa sounded :
when Dr: Lane said: ' ""'"
'Thla element that endoraed Judge
Williams by Issuing the little red inlc
ticket are welcome to vote for htm. ao
far aa ram concerned, I prefer the sup
port of those persons who want the
mayor to serve as an executive of the
law,- without arrogating to hlmselt
powera that properly belong to the leg--
Islatlv and Judicial branchea of the
Jnv. "
"government. .
Xnalg-naat at Zpithets.
. . When Mr. Gearin read and commented
On Mayor Williams' statement, mede In
the aame hail Monday night, that thoae
who attended the Marquam theatre
meeting a few montha ago and de
noiinewd his adintnl!trat!in.waTf Tlara .
and scoundrels," the Indignation of the
gudlf nrn waa apparent.
L. T, Peery pieatded. and on the plat
form with him eat Dr. Lane, John
Uearln. R. D. lnman, Bherlff Tom Word
and Chnrles Petraln. : ; 77
The audience waa composed of cltl-
sena repreaentatlve of the voting .
strength of Albina. Not more'than five '
minutea had passed laat night before It
waa obvloua that with virtual unanim
ity the too persona present were Lane
enthusiasts, notwithstanding that most
of them were republlcana.-
1 Campaign songs were sung by th
Glafke quintet. - ; -'.
- M,r. Gearin waa, Introduced 'aa a law
yer Land . cltlsen . of. dlatlnctlon.- not a,
politician, who would speak from the
same platform occupied last Monday "
night ' by. an' ex-cablnet member, ax
federal aenator, 'ex-attorney-generaL V
and about to be ex-mayor. : "
. .Old, rosy Orandpa. .....'..: ..
I will -ppeak no word of 'personal
abuae. against Judge Williams." said lie.
"for ha is an old, friend of mine of 30
years' ataadtng. a man of winning per-,
eonallty. guileless aa a child, but, he'a
a foxy did grandpa. Juat the aame. How-,,
ever, I make no charge of personal cor
ruptlon against him. I believe that no ' ' ' i
(Continued on Page TwO- - "
Work. Ah, Inspection of the registers i
tha leading hotels does not, revest Rath
bone's name. VToday he left for St.
Loula v - S
- Major Estes G. Rathbone ft the "cloae
at-the Spanlatr-AmeTlcirrrwar. In which
he served aa an officer In an Ohio .vol
unteer ' regiment, waa appointed In
charge ' ef the postal service of I'uba
by the provisional military government.
While holding this office he w- ar
cused and convicted after a sensational
trial ef Talsepiiroiy-latlng an .imrnenne ,
sum from postal recelpta, whli h
diverted . from government 'revenues to
hla personal acceuot. " ,
I Changes - were nie.1 again! Kaililn.r
both In congress and in the ioui'Im an 1,
he was tried together' wltti bis; a."vli.'
Neaiay. and avnvMJJ j