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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
P03TLAD'S-f OKEAtOST AND a GREATEST STORE. 7 3i'AAmf Sfsw - BUT 5 MORE DAYS Expert-Watch and " Jawclry : V of th ... HOMEfOLk'S :"PRE.EXP0SIT10 -SALES." 1 Manufacturing and Repairing. $100.00 IN - GOLD :GIYEN? FREI FREFCAKE-BAKINGSCHOOL- -rrri"Llniited I ime UnTy3il loqr. :nHi :esrrart: bargains url -fing-CngrdVtn?" i in May. Managers are cutting price?: deep -to Bigger. at Popular Prices rflrstilobri FREE LESSONS by an expert teacher, from Win-and -theubnrtenehtS7by the "Pre-Exposl- Toward the End. "iOI (hini iuy to Asm wh witt -1 lul who they fa ihtjTJt wi f ato." Christian ATOCt ioTnrtoiz in.1, ana rtu 5 p.w. tiotrContest" ' , - - d 55. j h MctAMr at r?: J Because it's AHEAD of the times.' "Up-to-date" methods are now behind the times;. this is an age of advanced methods in advance of the times fthus it is this store leads -Portland-to.. a greater growth. Most stores are satisfied to wait for opportuitiesto -Tcome-and-coaae 'em--ot us. We're out with a repeating rifle and a pack of retrievers gunning for1 them. - Our New Yorkbuyers,-akrt and watchful ever, were in the field early and secured many of the plums that Chicago stores of thefinerclass-we're com pelled .to.forego on account-of the business depression consequent upon ihe great- strike , in that city. Chicago's cancellations have benefited Portland thro' her best store. Mills and factories, knowing our immense output, have laid their canceled orders at our feet at almost our own prices -their season being over, ours in the'-bud, with the exposition -and its busy four and a half months ahead. Home-folks receive benefit firstrThc Can-; " cellation Sales" add fuel to the fires under the boiler of the "HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EX-POSITION SALES."!- SPECIAL VALUES BELOW for-THURSDAY. Some for week.- and Emblems for Memorial lDayrand iiLewis and Net Kk will be "Holiday Week" Iri Portland and flairs, hunting and emblem will float from tha house topa and exteriors of Air patriot!? - homes. - Ba a. ooater."-After paying respect to. the t"01d Guard" who've grins on. before, turn your face. bravely back Ja.lbm!aitjnd.jtftgfl'?werl in .tha.aattn,.flff,the living. Iet "Old Glory".' float everywhere at half maat oh Tuesday, Memorial Pay, In remembrance 6f our fathers whO-fought and -died, .for It; but, ' the aun-alnka-Into the J'aclflo, rattbwn-to, the peak head In welcome to Lewis and Clark. -who-tajid a 41 hour" journey: away, gastng npon the goal they'v braved all to reach Jthe "White City" World's Ex position of 1901. , : TJnrurf everyr flag ,ndz rneh ot bunttngiit the Tlfy." You snd L reader,' wilt hot lira to see again an occasion - ilk ' this In our glorious roie-bowered City of Portland. . r - r ; ' 7 .. r- .r--'" ' t. i ; ''',( Celebrate I ; Decorate I -V r HERE'S HELPS: ; : ? ; Standard Wool Bunting Place. In all sties from IHxi feet up to the. monsters at 11x30, at a rang of prlcea up from.'.. .$1.Z5 ( 92700 Mualln FlaiaBJOuntedoiratrcka, In slaes up from S "t. "SC Inches In length, -34) a doxen up to, . each .. .. . ........... ... . . 10 Every achool child ahould carry one; . Silk Flags, mounted and unmounted. ,J.O to f 2.00 Cotton Bunting. In faat colore. In came weaves as th wool, and double-atltched atars and seame. - sixes 5xS, JxlO, txt atf 2.00. f 2.SO and f 3.00 Lewis and Clark Opalescent Emblems -v- Reduced to 50c Nothing could ba prettier or, mora fittingly patriotic than ona of tha official opalescent emblems of th . Lewla and Clark Fair on tha glasa of tha front door to our homes. In order that all may provide them selves before the fair opens jon Thursday. veek..sni rh e rlst tort ' K t ream in, wo ahall place on sale at " the Picture Shop, on Firat Floor, the OrTICIAI. UW AID OXABK "XXPO OPAXBaOXITT XxCBLXlU; sixes for any glass or window; easily placed on any smooth glass surface tha regular so emblems at, eacn.. ...... . . SXB "WTITDOW SI8PZJIT. 50c I TsiirBSBAiroAjroaxAATzoa aaxa Bpwcxua nr Tn Men's Shop wur Aimx rasT ploob. Our Bargains for Men Are the Talk of the Town Here's Topics for Thursday nil SSo BOX IS OXBTTS. Men's Black Cotton Bos. high spliced heel and double soles, real, Maoo yarn,- regular- value ISc; ' - special, pair ....,.'.... ..,!,..... 15) icbjI'b soo wor-A-rjAY s busts st oxbtts. - A Una of Men's Plain Black Twilled Working Shirts, our beat 60c value; special at each. .. ..39? BtXBTO $2M tnroaBWBAm S1.88, A broken line of Men's Medium-Weight Fine Mer cerised Shirts snd Drawers, In flash oolor, regular value $2.50; special, garment.. S1.25 .: ... Mzri BTXCa-WXAX, SO OXBTTS. 'This' season's maw colors in English Squares, regular. value 11.00; special, each. ,....50 A Sexangle of Bargains for Thursday in Small .Wares Aisles First Floor- "Bobert's" Slioo BTeedl Books 7a "Bobert'a Needle . Books, eontnln large assortment of gold-aye taewlng and darning needlea and pair of Robert's m broidery sclsaors. regular valu $1.00; special.. ,TB Card 15o flhlrt Buttons foWhlts PearT Bhlrt.Buttons J or". holes), S. doxen on. card., til slxea. regular . value lie; special, card.., ,.,,;........ ... ..'..07 Cam lie Vateam owa tXvtolat Perfumed Taleam , Powder, delicate snd refraahlng, - regular valus - 16c;' special, can T" " SS Oastlla Boap 18o Iarg, alio S-pound Bar of White Caatll Soap, regular' valu Sles , special, bar i.,.. 1K 5e Playisa ' Oarda IT Our Beet Quality Enamel Back Playlnar Carda. regular, value 16c; ,L i special, package ............... ........1T To Bteaegraphsrs' Bote Books 4e Btenographers' Ruled Note Book, rerular valu 7c: special, each ...... ........ ..... . t .4 TKTBSSAT'S TKIBO-PZ-OOB OABOXI.IATTOX Extra Specials Home Decorations for House - and LawnZ naUBXS ABB OBBAKXBTS AT OBTB TBTXBB OPT. Out regular $2.00 value; special at, each. .....B 1.33 Our regular $S.26 value; special at, each.. . . . , .B2.1T Dur reguDir $$.76 value; special t,: each..... .S2.50 Our regular $6.00 value; special. at, each. ... ..$3.33 Our regular $5.76 salue special at. eachJJ...B3.83 OnrTegular$.0 value; special at, each.7..B4.00 JDurregular $7.60 yalue;.speclal at, each . . 9S.OO Our regular $1.60-valuer apeclal at, each. ., .Bll.OO Our regular $1.00 v.alue; special at, eactLr.l.B12.00 Our regular $$0.00 value; special at, eacli., .$20.00 ABT JABOXBXSBXB . AT ,OBB TBTBD OFF.. 7-Inch Jardlnteretu regular yalue $1.00 ' special, each M .... i 67 g'i-lm-h Jardinieres-, regular value $1.60; special, each Vi-Inch Jardinieres, regular value $2.25; special, each Sl.00 .$1.50 TXTTBSOAT OABOBTaXVATIOBT 8AU BAMJJCBB 'i-l.i- r-..AMOBw-TB3l- .'.. y ' - ; ' '.. '-.i. '.; 't-V' 's 1 " v'-; ''' ' f" -l i v,r Jewelry and Leather Goods - f Stocks r vtv ; .t-i; 'r "Vest ANfEX-FiRst rtooni" ' A pretty collection of Jeweled and Mounted Back ' combs. In generous variety of designs. Combs you 5 have paid $6e for; special for Thursday v. only at ...........lOf 3So Beokehaiaa 19o Very Handsome Turquoise Bead Kfeckchalns as alove... . Woman's BUS Oomblaattoa Parses Me-An attract ive bargain group embracing several popular styles In Ladles' Combination Pocket books. Blarka, browns, . grays and tans. The usual $1.26 and $1.1 grades combined in one lot at the unuaual price -Of -nrrjrrriwrm TTrmTn JTT.TVTiTT, 69 "Boater Brows" Salts 39a, worth 65c A lot of these popular Belts In blacks and browns, all fkn. dressy leathers and best 66c quality; special Thursday only at 30) Pretty Art Shop Specials for Jhursday 650- BQTIABXS . ABB- SABPB4-OBBTTB. r German Applique 62x33 Squares and 20x64 Scarfs. In' almost endless variety of designs., with hemstitched or scalloped edgea and open-work centers, regu lar price 66c; special at...., 43? PCL05OSl: Colored Dress Goods A Trifle eaa Than Present BC1U Quotations Tanre- - day's Oanoe llation Bale Specials la the - - s.- wee-t A anas Tlral ploor. 4 6-Inch.. 46-Inch -and-60-lnch Colored Dress Fabrtcs, all tha new. weaves and colors -to Janumi, Illumi nated Panamas, Panama Voiles, Covert Cloths, Mo hair-VoUes ; Novelty Mohairs and Hand-Twisted ' Worsted Mixtures In every" wanted -color gur regular $1.26 values; special for Thursday' only, yard ;86 rInc,uli in the- abovelsr-a full asaortment of Shepherd checka. ': , 46-Inch imported Slik- and Wool Crepe da Paris TBBT BJOX BIXX PTBIBX-Jn every evening and street shade, Including white and black Regular $1.60 value; special for Thuraday ., only, -yard 1 ....... $1 .16 Decidedly Good Summer Silk; News Interested? KOTXI.TT SOTT BIX.XS ABD DAIBTT JAP BIXK8 TKAT TAXI TO THX TVB AB A BUCK TAXXB Z TO WATXB AT BABOATB PKIOXS TBTJBB- v . DAY BIX.X 8TOBX MVTB ABBBX '- PIBST PX.OOB.- ' - 91.00 Bovelty Bolt Silks Bs yard For-Thursday, only our entire line of New Novelty Suit Bilks. In all the newest weaves,' maJtea and colore, shepherd I checka, hairline stripes, shadow , stripes and a large assortment-of-taLJ!gured effects for Thura day only yard . . , , .". . 68 SOo Begalar Talus Corded Japaaess Wash Bilks come in neat checks and stripes colors are white, - Mais. array, pinks, light- blue, - tana,- lllae and - - -' LBarBBCATABCjyATtOBj, AIJUSPXCIAIJI Women's Knitwear and' Hosiery: Sections FIRST FLOOR. : BtXBSXS' - 30 IOIl OXBTTS. Misses1- Fine- Ribbed- Black Jlale- Hoeer"Wtth-f tntshed - f o double knee and French t,oe, regular value $8c; special, pair', iviyivrr: ........ i . . . . . . ..23 WOBrXBTB 1.00 XOBB 7 CHTS. A line of Fine Brilliant Black Lace L,lale Hose for stout ' women. Outeixes and finely finished, a splendid $1.00 value; special St. pair....; BTf WOBCBB'S T8o TXSTB 6t CXBTTS. Wemea'a Fine White Lis) Vats,iJaw-jisrk. sleevaUss, crocheted or with plain trlmmlngrregular ralue . 76c; special." each--. . . . ..59) CXZUBXB'B TXBT8 ABB PABTB. ChiUJfons White Cotton Long-Bleeve Vests, with" Pants to roatch --- .- - Regular 16c .values; special at. each.;.. ...... ..lle Regular Qcvaluesr sewclal at. each . . . . .. . . ... .15 Regular-JScvalucsspexlalTitrTach ......... EXTRA SPECIAL IA Wonderful Sale of Women's Good Hosiery-r-A Great -. 3 Days' Sale of Women's Good Common Sensp HOSIERY TBAT FOB BXAIj WXAB ABB OOBfPOBT O ABBOT WOKZB'S B0o BOSS ISO. A line of Women's Hose, in fine black Maco cotton, with white double sole, medium weight, and Black Maco Cot ton Hose, good weight, ribbed top. - doubU sole,-also - Black -Tmported'-TSauxe I,ll Tlose.i full nnrshTdr-rfd-BIggirX.lsle' Hose, with lace boots and all over rlaces art-, -new gooda , ovir regular 60o val- )( ues; special at, pair... JjC Caught in the-r Vortex of Reduction Smartest $I5:0Q1 "GAGE" Hats for $5i00 HlJOCL MtLLI N ERY HA I.ONS- ANNEX SECpND FLOOR. y Yesterday 'twas the Bendel English Tailored Hats and. the Phlfps snd Atchison beau tlep ) hat walked the 'platk of ridiculous reduction, out into; a sea of new owners. And my, what' a happy lot of people shared In those bargains! The lovely Oago "Hats peeped -from their -boxes -Iji envy aa they aaw their asanclatcs going opt Into the sunlight. Thursday they get their chance for- escape. Only about 100 left, but all th prettiest at the Oag types, smart, chic, geiiteel crea tions characteristic of . 'their high class "makera. For one day only, on Thursday, we hall scl them, values up to $16, xor n .... . cur Uliw unjr umy, $5.00 flPtxposittoirSa Undermuslin Salons 2d r I. Annex v Z SPECIALS FOR BAUNCE 0F WEt K : j -fcadleis!-Fine-Cambric Petticoats, S6-lnch lawn flounce. S rows of 2Jncl-.MaUese laca Innortlon.- betw 4 clusters of fine tucks.. deeji lawn ruffle, with cluster or four fine tucks and -lnch lat-s - edging or petticoat of sameti mntertal, lS-im-lr lawn flounce, " with clusterTTf five wtda tuok r t Ine -hemstitched. tuckaI-lnclJ T .lieavy embroidery ruffle and lawn under . ruffle. Regular -. ' , price 12.08; special .at... ... . . . ' ,: - t - .- - 99P Ladles Finer Cambriw- Pettmt,- SJ-lm-h: lawn flouncf. -Ili hein- ' t Itched -ne- wid 1 2-UU'h. English eyolet embroidery flounce, or sam pettiwapxwith ls-lnrh flaring Tace- Toanre. hemstttchlng,' clusters' of fucks and edging. price $3.60 and ; . $3,765 special at . i.. ". . . . . ; r- ? u.V'. ' ' ; ' J Ladles' .Fine. Muslin Oowns, 'low. round Cossack neck; hemetltched. low ruffle at neek and elbow sleeves. Regular price 6Sc; -" .' special at '. i ... ...v. . , ,...,,..,..3W Ladles' Oowns. of extra fine cambric or muslin, medium low irick. 2 large end trmall tucks, open-or bllnd embroidery edgingait, rV-shapetf-aeck- and-sleeves. . Regahrr-pTtcs $t.Tr, - special at ....... ... , . . . . ; .. ..... . . v,y.V. '. . . ,, -09c Ladles' Fine Cambric Chemise, round, low neck, torclion-lace or em broidery Insertion and edging, beading and, ribbon-trimmed. RegularN$1.25; ap-HJUil at 794 Ladles' Corsei Covers, of fine cambric. In a great variety of .styles,' - in embroidery or lace-trlmmed. Regular price 40c; special at ;. A-. .-. ..".274 "ladles" Corset -CoreTs,. of extra fine quality lawn. Val. 'lace lnuer- -. tlotii large -butterfly medallions, lace edging and beading at - ' neck and armho'les. Regular price $1.75; special at ........ .98. Children's Dresses, of' plain Chambray" or plaid gingham, square " yoke of white plqUe, with l-lnch ruffle or largo shoulder epaut- -. ettes, plain white cuffs, colors ox blood; pink. tan. dark and light - -'blue and red; ages 4 to 14 years. Regular to $3.60; . . Ispeclal at ........ .j -. -V- 91.69 Infants' Long ' Bedford . Capesr-all wlth."llaiTi4-Siim)-wlthlaTge-double capes, braid, ribbon ahd lace-trimmed . , - ' ( f pn,iilr prices $2.75. 13.25. 12.76. 14.76,-16.6a to ...... Bft.'Ktl . Special prices tlJK tl, WJl,8(lJ $2.66 $2. to. M07 Good Ne ws FORMother Children's Muslin Drawers 1 Reduced Baby Buggy Robes HaPrice T ABBBX BAX.OBB BBOOBB PX.OOB. ... Children's Good Muslin Drawers, with cluster of fine tuck and continuous scrips pn sides Ages .......'.... V I 4 .1 II H ', !l Regular Se 16e 17o 9a 21c 2Jc 26e 28o BpclaTTat. , . . 1 .. , SO ;iOolg-HC ISC 1W SOW Slu-SIS Baby Buggy Robes, of flne'pidue, trimmed In deep embroldcrr Insertion and edging. In full large sixes -at-XATjP.. PBIOX. ; , j---.------- Regular at.. . .$160 $1.76 $J-00 $2.60 $2.76 $3 00 $2.26 PpeciaL at..... Te SSC $140 $IA $UI S1JO. TSTUBSBAT OABOBXAATXOB BAXB XZTBA - SPBOXAZ.S XBJTXB SHOE AISLES WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. , . - Horsemen and Women and the "Hunt Club" - Are Interested! .... . WOXCXB'B 918.00 ABB $15.00 BXDIBTO) ' BOOTS SB.S0. Women's English Riding Boots. In patent colt, hand sewed. Mllitsrv heels, worth $16.00 pair In French Cslf hand-sewed. Military hefls. worth $12.00 pair special your choice one day only at, -patr; ; ..VTrrnt Tr. ....... . . . r; . $9.50 BCZX'S $3.M BZBIBO "PUTTXBB" $8.76. 1 , Men's Riding "Puttees." In tan Russia cslf and pig skin, our regular $3.60 values; special at. J pair $2.75 BTXX'S $1.50 OPXBA SXJPPXBS tS CXBTTS. Men's Vlcl Kid Opera Slippers, sole leather f enters, kld arlmmedslxesfndgujae - $ t,60t-speclatparr.ii i. . .i- .-..-54? CXXxToBSB'S $1.00 STBAP BXXPPSBS SSc' ChJldreiL'a-rirst Quality Strap 811ppera. In tan. black and red, sixes 1 to 6, regular value $1.00; special, palr ...!.. itu .i-u 65 w 44)4)$ $$ $ $ 444K In Portland's Largest and Foremost Suit and Apparel Stores UIQMU OaiUII9JClUIIU I iuui Women 's Tailored Suits Half-Price! ttt1' ThirSale wiTrTast fdnjaTance oi1 wrtk only. Repuiar value. embraced in this fortunate and citcep- tional purchase include the $25, $28.50, $33, $380 and $i2..Sp Juits as made to sell bt"e onicapo houses Materials include handsome scrpes.'anainas and Jrtcli7l)roadcJoths,Tin blie, blackana browns and smart mixed effects of - mannish suitinCs. l?oth blouse and jacket styles. . Beautifully tailored: some strictly plain and 6thers in stvlish. attractive -braid, button and fancy silk effects, with dainty plaits and shirringH. Amonp; them are a number of very fetching styles in Fancy Vest Suits.- AH are in smart street styfen the very latest models of a well known, high class Ts'ew York -man tailoh This is thexpreatest-Suit value that has been or will be offered in J'ortland this.ear or-we treTno-prophets All, new noti oneout-of tailor's - HALF" PRICE !' ' $25.00 SUITS" FOR.' . . . .4. . . . . '. . . . . .12.50 $28.50 SUITS FOR .77 . .9X4.25 $35.00 &UITS-FQR... .V; . :;.jyi7.50 $38.50 SUITS FOR.,..., a... $42.50 SUITS FOR , 7. . . . . . . . . UNTIL SOLD. .$10.25 .921.25 Women's Pretty $7.50 and i$8.50FancyilkAVaists$4.48 $4.48 Handsome Summer ETA M I N E SKIRTS In theSaleSharply Keduccd I 'z.V erv stvusli Skirts in sol V tray etaminesalsoJtans. J.nilt plaia. whites, walking and dress JcnRths,-with dip train. Paited and j trimmed flounce stvles. effective trinimlnirs of braids and taffeta silk to matcti materials. Reductions scaje thii way THyRS- v t Vary Handsome Ptafded snd Dotted Taffeta. In all sue plaids from th small, and modest design that almost enoroaces tipintth daintier check to th bold palds'of the Illeland clans of "Bonnie Scotland." Th full sleeves with plaited shoulders sre finished with deep cuffs... -A 11 have stock collars. W innMlilM tha Tnnnk kapV MnA Alhua era In (I SOn efteCtS. Willi SlUCnefl T Strappings at side of neck and down fronts. Cutr snn frontg-srs-prettily -flnshed In- near. smn button trim- A mlng effects. A swagger lot Handsome Waists; regulsr $x.50 values; special for Thursday ai. , . .. t. . ... . DAY ONLY: " 1A fJ PTTDTP Pnfmit AT. V. ' 1 - ...;..-, .7.05 $12.50 SKIRTS SPECIAL AT........... 8.7Z t $15.00 SKIRTS SPECIAL AT. . .?10.85 Home 'Decorations and Lawn Games vat Special Cancellation Sale' Prices -Thursday in Fourth floor Stores. S4-7S OOVCM COTIM $3.88. . HeayyTapcstryjCouch- Covers.- with' oriental . si-v .-dslgns,-regula revalue i.H; epeclat, each. ..-.3.5& :' .' $iMt cxoquzt bsts . - : Croquet Sets, with H8 hard-wood balls. ( hard-wood L malleta, stakes, wickets, etct all packed In regular value jt.OO; special, set'. . . .$2.05 2.60 BsmiirA,XTTQS 1J5. All-Wool Double-Faced Smyrna Rugs. 30x60 - . inches, regular value 62.60; special, each $1.35 TKTBSSAT'S EXTRA SPECIAL OAXCELIATIOX BAXiB ' BAXOAIXB IW TIB Wnmpn'i Ontfittinn Shnni v- -- f-. M ,j.r . 1 ct n a 11 u -1 a 11 Lyjtu uou Jiuri; i "J"- i-i--"-- pxxbt nooA v.. Womem's SOo Z.lna Xaadksrchiefs HHe Women - Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and em- broldered, regular value 20c; special, each. . . ,.2Ht 1T Zmbroidery loo A lot of Wide Cambric En broidery, regular value 17c; special at, yard. . . .10 Woman's $1M Gloves SSo-r-Womeri's Kid Gloves, t . clasp, pique sewed, in Ian. brown, gray, red, white and black, -regular value 41.26; special, pair ................894 Women's 1 -Clasp Kid Gloves, Dent's .style, fancy Paris point stitching on bsck. regular value - 61. 26 special,-palr... ..i., , , , , , . . . .89? Women's 3 Bo Collars ItHe Women's Washable Pancy-Htltched Collars, regular . value 26c; . special, each . . ..124 Women's S8e Ties ISo Women's Black Peau de Sole Ties, regular value 25c; special, each. .. . ..15r Txnamro ztexs. A line of thl season's Klegant New Trimming Lace. In Tolnt i'"Veiie with Persian colorings new Ball. de Natge effects pretty Blue Bell patterns and embroidery chlffon-- Our regular $6.00 value;, special at.... .P.f2.48 Our regular 62.60 value; special at..... $1.25 Our regular 11.00 valuer special at . ,.,., ,. ., .-IH rar-ttrr80CZTSluspec1ararrrr: , '25? Three More Days of Merciless Slashing of Prices in the ' Wash Goods Stores FIRST TLOOR. Prices cut to the quick il ataple. evcrj-day lines gold dollars for about , 76c. Things ' you need now Bedspreads. Sheets, Pillow ' Cases. ' Towels, Crashes; Wash Fabrics and.dalnty white goods, SOTSZXEXPEBS. MO TEL. . MIK," XXOTAu XAXT AXD XOOKIXO XOUSX KAXAOXXS. , - Here's Yoiir Chance!- 7 80 Bedspreads 8S0 Honeycomb "Beadsprends- frrt single beds, regular value 75c; special, each. . .69 Same, full size, Marseilles patterns; special at, . -ech in . . .ttj ; ......... .i . , , .... . . jLu.-84 $i.ti Bedspreads S1.S8 Kxtra large heavy, weight Redsprends, regulur value $1.66; special, each $1,28 $2.00 Bedspreads $1.6 Fringed Bedspreads With cut corners for Iron beds, white and colors, regulsr -value $3.00: special, each. $1.59 Marseilles Bedspreads Marseilles Batln Bedspreads; I specUl values at. each $1.69 $1.9and $2.24 6e XatnTowaU IBoBleaohed. Julh.Twels, extra, Weight, hfynined, slSeV 20x41 Inches, regular, vulii !."5; special, ca'-h v. ...... 18J 300 Bath Towels gio Frfngfd Bath Towels, sice Hx50. very heayy and absorbent, regular value-tOc; special, ench i ..... . ii. i . 24 17 Batn Towels laio-lleavjc; Ctenm tfnth ToweH. lse SA40. regular value 17c; special, arh..l$H X.lnen Crash ToWeHng H Yar 100 (pieces, Mnen .-finish Crssh-ToweHn!- epeelwl -st, yaar...l Wat Heavy Cotton Crash 44 Yard .10 pl.n-ea extra heavy twilled Cofton Crash; special at, yard..' ,; loo Cretonnes' lOo 5. 000 yards best im!lr fvipefr ' Cretonne in floral and oriental designs, - re"l value "JSgT'specIul.' ynrd. J , . h, . . . . .Tt ... r. .-. . . . 10 15 Wash Toiles 10a 10.000 Vrd Wash Voiles lit checked and flake effects, -all color, regular vsl't 16c; special, yard .....'...".'. 10 Waist Patters s Half Pries About 26 embml.lere.1 Waist ratterns, fln quality, rtrhly embroider-il alhatruss linen and mercerised Cheviot . no " sllke; special st ,.. BAI.P TXICX