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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
.f- -THE -OREGON- DAILY-JOURNAL,- PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY - EVENING.-MAY - ti. UC3. BOTTE CITIZENS V7ASII0UGAL HAS A An Astonishing but True Story of a most Remarkable Cure made by FEAR A DISASTER 5rA;RffiPI!0$PELT Mining.. Opfations Under the Strong Vein Being Opened at City May Cause Collapse of Fair DepthTand Yields Good Big Structures. V Copper Ore. The-C ront r. ntLof all MQ. LOCllcrx-for--OOUQHSr MANY DWELLING HOUSES . ; ASSUME TWIStED SHAPE AN EASTERN COMPANY CtorCDS ar(cl CONSUMPTION. AT WORK FOR FIVE YEARS .'.I. V. Engineers Sajr Working So Deep Tan3 Well - Timbered Little "."Danger Is ImminehC .. . ... (gtal Dlapetek to Tb Jraal ;" . ::r Butt.""Monf.r May "14.- So close to th urfacf ar .many, of the : mining operations being carried on ln certain portions of Butt that era v tear ar haliig areuaed efi possible " disaster 7.1)"" the way or tha eollapa of tha build -Ing above the mines." 'A good atsed eave-ln about IS feet from the founda- - tloa of the Federal - building-"on i'Maln "THreefwas-th rwtiinr-ryvgtf$y of general alarm, as It waa discovered the .surface In that' vicinity was slowly aet-. - Ming.. -'The hole.-waa a'nurober ' of feet deep .and waa caused by the old-work-IngiK of the Jackson & .Kelly shaft on the Washo copper. lead 60 feet from ' the building, ' The cave-In was Imme diately tilled and the city engineer tared that he thought the Federal build ing waa In. no. Immediate, danger, of ; sliding -lntothe-r-old workings.- The walla of the- Jould block Just across the street Yroms-tha- Pederalbuttdmg nre supported 6y letge timbers, be tween which - th "Wide are- crumbling and falling on account of tha ground - In the lower portions f the city mln ; ing. Is being carried . on Irlthln 10 feet of the -surface, causing several dwelling t honses to assume a twlsteJhapBnd ' resulting la tha streetcar company com plaining la tha council that Ita track were In dlaappartrlg, as a por ... Uoa -of. tha trt-hadevea,- The big copper mlnea extend under the principal business districts of Butte, embracing ; mile of "underground workings, over of th city, though. theworklngs .are so deep and well timbered as to causa little fear ef danger to the- big - structures overhead.. According to engineers,- a Pe culiar phenomenqnlsjr.ltnesaad if Butleffc .i iui n y . - w ro 'i 1 1 . i v. i . ..-.. .......... the mlnea instead of down hill, a has been the prevailing belief. ... . . .vThls statement has been'.substantlated. Jt la said, by actual measurements.' All tha deep mining radlatea from the fa- Aiwmixla hill, and teweed-theeel opening It Is claimed the' ground is -slewly-eaUltng, several tacbea-dlf farenc being noted In tha last four years. IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE : -i -APPOINTS COMMITTEES lnrfnn,ninM ir.. Ma. V .. li-At the meeting of lhe-Jmprovament -leagu bara-l last night th matterpf the Willamette Valley Development league meeting was. . taken up and committees were appointed s follows: SolicKtng--committee,--J. Br Whltesker; I.' U SmlthJ.Jt.ravenj wiltt'i en arrangement. II. Illrsrw- berg. Walter Lyon, W. A. Messner. J. T. Donovan; eomm I ttee en receptWftrWi-W-. PerclvsL Dr. O. D. Butler, J. 8. Cooper. Mis Sadie Crvn, Mrs. Dr.- Ketohumj,,, o,jds.tur tintrTTe dvenrT5r;Tr: and Mrs. J. E. Klrkland; commltte on program.. Mrs. J, K, Hubbard, Mrs. ' A. 8. Locke. Mrs. Dr. O. V. Butler, Arthur Moore. M. Merwtn. to work In conjunc tion wlfirMhe officers of the valley league; committee on banquet M,: TIN lery. T. J.; till pint F. J. Oberer, Boyc Cook and C. D. Calbreath.,. It was decided to hav a two days . meeting commencing with Friday. June t. and closing on. Saturday, June 10. For th road convention., will meet at th nam time, matters will be turned over to Judge 8eott- f Salem. i Invitations to b present at thst part of the meeting will be given lo all road supervisors In this and adjoining coun lles,, to the farmers.-and to all people " interested In the movement. If there Is sufficient time a mounted escort o.fl - women -writ take m-aeTegstee across the river to the fine hopyard there. Th rommrttee In-chanre of -arrange- -ment -will --probably secure -th-- Mon mouth band for th occasion. Th bank- -ers of the-Willmett vsllerwlH neet nd orgsnis at thla meeting, and ar ra. env-nts arc being trade for them by these committees. : : It wss slmost a miracle. Burdock :lnd Hitters cured me of a terrible irlH!5l' " km nun over in Body. -T m Miss Julia Fulbrldge. reeking -out- all o verv s-rsteful West Cornwell. Conn. Men's Footwear i Shoes for. evcry purpose Street Shoes Business Shoes or Dress" Shoes. u s Lace and Bluchers high or low cut. black 'leathers and the nnn tin atriaHe. ' . . . "i J - Shoes at $3, $3.50 to 3.. Comer' here with' all your spring .Shoe wants. -- -- ; You earn do better and you rnight'do-rorsei- ' IcIOMCLOTHinGe . . : v ', - Everything Jor. Men nd Boy a. 16fi and 1U Third Street. ' ;.; Near Mprriion. 1 Winze . H un dred JFeet Are Both in the - "Apart" Same Ore; x T, A: Mabee, president jef. tha Wash-, ougal Gold Copper mining company, which operatea In Skamania .county, Washington, has Just returned from th group with a beautiful line of samples l""n from the n"1" rft M This arahow a remarkably heavy percentage- of , copper and la said to carry rood gold values. . . ,' , For the past five years the company hag been developing In a modest-way, Mr. Mabeand associate ar residents of St. Iuls,-lortIrt-rr-b flest-vlaU sine th main vein waa opened by a .IM-fook- -crosscut.- .During "the winter thla crosscut waa completed, and a 100 foot drive has been mad on the vein. A wins la .being' put down near, the point where the tunnel Intersects ths fissure. From th bottom of this wins and1-the face of tha drift Mr. Mabee ays he Is able to secure the high grade .ore. shown In the- samples. Th work Is not below permanent water level and the ore la of th carbonate order, much of It being black malachite, assaying 16 to 20 per cent copper. The management says that ta the work already done ther Is a considerable mass of shipping rock, which will be sent to th smelters when the' Connecting road la completed to the Cape Horri highway. Th Waahougal group Is nesr th cop per properties operated by the Ladd A Bourn Interests several .years ago, ly ing further to th east. Th vein that la being proved la reported to have a width of six to ten feet. la entirely in granite, with strong, well-defined walls. The company Is highly elated over the showing and Intends to prosecute de velopment wlthllosslbJe.alsPi!ChJ and wilt endeavor tnia summer to mass -occasional shipments -of -higher grade off. . ... EARLY-HISTORY OfM)PP- RECALLED BY STRIKE , (Special DUnatck t Tk Jerasl. -Medford. Or. May 14. Since the Opp Strike there hi murn.' speculation and Temlnlscenr-itlsensalon regrding"T.h district Immediately adjacent-- It Is re called that Shlvely-glcli; which croi the Opp property, produced Ita millions In gold. ' Jn thlsjgulch was often found allver of float- Bclow the Jin of the lodga'in which tha big strike hss been mad th float-wa plentiful, above It was neve"r opened. In pioneer days one JJbBfliind.j;hiiiik nf thla .era win fwind, In a highly oxidised stale, wniriv is saia to -have yielded 1 10 a pound, and an other uteceTif float welghln M pounds Bmier-ll.l75rT-rAs nothing- else- like these : large pieces was zz found there. miners concluded there hsd been a mls- han'of some kind by nature. The original locator, Wf, Hudson, i searchoOdiigrfor ; ihi-jrelolhat bad thrown off this float, and finally found! It wnen J. W. upp arq,uirra iu pni- erty h held tenaciously, to it, againsi J. r. Heddyof Spokane, with capltaUforl lulpment. Mr. Upp could do little wTth eoulnment the property. Thla work proved that the Opp mln had a great body of low grade milling ore. and the strlk Just mad suggests thst it may become famou aa a bonansa ore producer. BLACK BUTTE FURNACE : . WILL BE MADE LARGER --J (Roedal DtufMteb t The Jnarssl.1 University of Oregon. Eugene, May 14, Froreasor u. . mairora or in nartment of chemistry has received ad vices that the Black Butt Quicksilver Mining compsny is preparing to operate JlfBVlly dwfl"g nmrner. A modern equipment will be installed ana tne mereurv mined on a large scale. In the University-f Oregon Bulletlnof lset May - Professor- Stafford - says - of - the property: ' - . '--"Over-1 l.OOo feet of adits. -raises. shafts and wlnses hsve been opened on a level that wilt glv a vertical depth of 1,500 feet. Shoots are ssld to In crease In richness with th depth. On levels iWfl to thi drifts have been opened for mor than 2,66ft "Tcel aTong lliii euuis uf 11 is liisnr fractures. Conditions are most ravor able for cheap mining. : . "The property la at present equippea with a 60-ton Bcoii-nunter conunuuus fine-ore six-inch llle furnsc or tne California pattern. " It la entirely In adequate for reducing the ores of this mine, however, and will no augmented In th near future by a large plant with mor modern appliances. Th oost,of treatment has been 67 cent per ton' , WHITE SWAN COMPANY HAS GOOD PROSPECTS -- (Special Dliptch TTrt Joarul.I ..... 'Baker Clty,Or., Maft 34. Th White Swan Mines - compsny, Ltd., meeting June ( at San Frsnclsco, will result in reorcanlsatloa. Ole Scar, president of tmt comnany. who was Instrumental in ousting Letson . Balllet from control, lis wealthy, and has greet faith. In the White Swan mine under' proper man agement.- II in said to b ready to fl nance In consideration being given a first mortgage on the property. , . " . ';''' The Whit Swan stockholder failed to respond, to th recently levied assess ment for the purpos trf--rlslng funds to reopen the mine, and according to Secretary fltuller the' treasury is In-stich shan that som: -other plan must e devised to "raise th necessary capital wosr xiok azfeexxa.. (Rpeclal Plpitch ta Tb JowbsL) '', -Medford. Or.. May, H.-rMinr owners-' cf good plscer . ground on the higher benches on th west, side of the valley ar Interested In th project of th new Sterling mine management to deliver the water of - that property through the Lpriffltb crekJiUs. Aftee- th promise mis proj.eci nns inr inw miner kuii sldered. the value of the work' for the orchnrrttits snd farmers demsnds -first attention. - Ther Is a Urge amount o good land which it seems csnnot be reached by water In any other man . CHLoaxox obiw nvrr. , .: . Setal Mrl-ti t The Journal,) . Chloride. Or May 14. IT. C. Arm strong, manager oC Qt. Chlerid'. mln, Drift and m an x c it . m im mm X?0rH ntTrt. Tinker count v.. haw romDletel srramremeiits for work on this property, "and. expects, to havev a btvhI forre-ttiere diTrtTig'tiie'remalndeR of tile year; As-develofimin h'hlor 10 e 'apprtximaTea 8.00 feett ana - ther la much ore lrf'alnht. - It" Is expected that a reduction plant will be lnsVaHeil uuringrjtfirwit -r. WORK-AT-CORNUCOPIA BEGUN UNDER A BOND - 8peela) Olapatca to Tha "lonrnaL) i Baker City, Or.. May 14. Pierre Hum bert, an eminent mining- engineer of Han Francisco, nccompnuled. by several spe cialist in th various departments of mining, arrived In Baker several days ago and went out -to the -Cornucopia mine to resume work ther. Mr. Hum bert hsajirgnnlsed company of French capitalists to tnk over th mine If. on further development, It prove satisfac tory. . Th Cornucopia Is owned by the Bearles estste, Mr. Humbert and asso elates bavin a-a bond, the terms of which ar not mart public. The underground development of the group, which com prise 30 claims, amounts to H.000 feet, arid equipment Is thorough. BUM rOl' HIT ITaUXal.. . - SfrUl DUpatch -to The Jmirn1 Snrlnsdale. Wash.. May 4 The new nnd ot the Cedar, canyon district, 21 miles west-f Bprlngdale. Is attracting many prospectora. Over 160 seekers are row on the ground and nearly every foot of the country sup- nA in contain the precious meiai is already stakcdT apme time ngo The Bf8t finit was msdr Him ft B, niyii; . nvufc. . ,u i nxrmanv. The assay auoweu a vaiue or . 3 a pound In tungsten; This 1 a rare mstal. used principally In the- manu facture of th highest grade of steel. WOIK XV SXTBir DIT1XB. Th National Copper Mines .company has teen orgsnlxed In this city to take a group - of 10 copper claims In the Beven Devils, situated near the Kleln schmldt grade. J; J." Rlnhsrdson has been elected president. Wllliem Trevor vice-president. 1 B. Reeder secretary. R: A. I'roudfoot treasurer. Th prop ertar was formerly owned by Vice-President Trevor, and has been explored to osme extent- by. surface .cut and pita with ahalldw tunnels; - r- OOI.D XH FOLat OOTTaTTT, . (gpeelst Dlapatrti ts. Joeraat 1 . , Independence,. Or May 24. Pros- pirctors in th mountains wesi oi mum Ity. ot tnts tcouniy, rim um xi-r Ing ore have been sent for assay, which Indicate a good property. Ther Is not enough development to determine what may be p rod u feed,' but th later as says are encouraging.- - - ' fe - ' COWTBACT IOB WOlt. (gpeelal DUpatrh te Tha Joaroal.) ' Cottage Grove, Or., Msy' 24. -A con tract has been let en the Talklngton Oglpsby property In Bohemia. It la th purpose -of t he owners -tu fully deeetop th recent strike. .Th or Is'Tree mill ing and the gold occurs In line gralna or wire form, whtrh aeems to (111 crevices snd run through th .or very muchi Ilk a thresd. , rrOBXS IB SOBXaUA. lSperlal lilapttcb te Th, Jrwrnal.l Cottage Grove, QrT "Mr "2 4". Miners who cam - dawn, 'from . Bohemia state that there' Is a Toot of snow at the Mustek and It is still snowing. "Last week heavy storms prevailed In th dis trict and roads ar In bad conditio. It's ; folly , to suffer from, thst horrible nlu'ene of , file ill Klit. Itching - nlles. Iioan a Ointment cures quickly end per manently. At nV drug store, 10 cents. -r yref erred Stock Oaaned Ooods. rAHrt ' Lwi' Beat Brand. t terriblyjlost : flesh, could hot ing eighteen - months T gradually reached the last stages of consumption. No less "treated me andTall gave me up saying I was incurable 7-1 - was absolutely helpless, LJThe whole - family, wore f themselves out caring for me.r .' One day mother and sister came t6 1 my bedside and slid -1 : had " but "a day prtwo jnorel to, liverTears-rolled- down their cheeks as they sobbed the news. '- The doctors had declared ; i I was in the last stage, andho" human7 beirigouTd'save me. - 1 was willing to die, -but f before going to the '. cruel grave, I wanted to go out and see my dearly beloved town of Sidney 'once more. They told me ' such a thing was impossible--that I would surely "die before I got back. But I insisted, and to gratify my dying ' wish, a": carriage was fitted up with a bed of pillowsi ; and . to .thjs-I., -was ;cdrnetl---nd slowly driven around Court House. Squarec--! - got-home -more -dead-thanalive. i hrougn tne mercy oj -rrovidence, someone brought a trial bottle of medicine said to be a consumption cure.. No one imagined for an insiant' it was worth trying. But as a drowning person, grasps at a straw, so I -tried this medicmevI. was better after tat; - xng" tw6doses. Mother got rmore" of - the medicine J ancMookJt, improving all the time.r ; Today I am as : well as iny reader of this paperT- and - the medicine that cured me was Acker's English Remedy for Consump-: tion. - I' declare before God and man that" every word here printed is true." : ' .: ' . V - .. . (Signed): ; --This remarkablo testimonial, on file in the office of Messrs.-W. Trill stoo a couch ImTe sucn , confidence In thtsl most positive iruarantec, that your money will be "ixfdnded entirely satisfied. " SOLD" AND GUARANTEED BY SrG. SKIDMORE DRUG COMPANY; lIONORrTHELATE JUDGE BELLINGER CommitteppointeoLJ3yJJiin County Bar Makes lt Report' and Resolutions Read. ANNUAL COLLECTION OF DOG TAX ORDERED Viomen's Lewis and Clark Club Arranges for System of Prizes for Exhibits. . . . (Special Dlapatch to The Joaraal.) Albany, Or., May. 24. In th circuit court yesterday -afternoon th commit tee, ecently sppolnted by th Unn county bar to draft suitable resolutions In honor of th late Judge C. B. Bel linger,, who wsa at one time a member of the lucal bat, mada-tt1 i eport, the resolutions were resd before the court and bar by 1 the chatrmanJqrtge J. J. Whitney; an Intimate friend of the de ceased Jurlstx and they were : adopted and ordered spread upon the Journal and a copy under seal of the court for- made by Judge Whitney and Judge . i away, , who ttiOaai bench. Th commute waa composed of the following! J. J. Whitney, chair man; 'Percy R. Kelly, N. M. Newport, J. K. Weatherford, W. B, Bllyeu. Tha city council last night ordered the. collection qf tha annual dog tax, which falls due on June 1, The city poundmaster reported that he had listed th dogs In town and found 164. 11 also reported that the recent dog-poison-ing had caused the death of 42. canines, most of them fine hunting dds: The Woman's Lewis and Clark club has decided to provide Jellies snd pre served fruits for th Linn county ex hibit, th same to be renewed every month, and a system of prises has. been arranged for the best Jellies preserves and-fruits furnished by Unn county women. The prise to be given for th best each month during th fair Is a round-trip ticket to Portland and free admission to the exposition. The women's club furnishes th Jars and the -women all over tha county hav been asked ,o assist -In msking th ex hibit a worthy on. Th .club met yes terday afternoon and the reports pre sented indicate1 that th member will be successful la-eddlng much of value and Interest to th xhlbit,;-J- - .i An excursion to be run under the auspice of the Corvallls Agricultural College to Tsqulna Bay on May 29 will start ftom thts'clty and it is expected that a large number of people will make the trip.- which wtH-wgnalls the-gpew- Ing of th sesson at th bay. ' AOOXDX1TTAI.X.T IBOT. - (Special Plpatrh te The Journal.) ! 'Hood River, Or...May 24. While hunt ing wolves. Mr, Wright of hear FVlda. In western Klickitat county, fell from a log, his gun striking in such. a. .manner Viatthg" charge of shot ijntered th old man's groin, and he' died within a few mtnntes; Ttir-acrMenT'Tappehedliist "rldyi" Puneial servlreg"" were con-; ducted Sunday. Wright was preparing for a trip to Oklahoma. to visit a daugh ter whom he had not seen for 2 -yea re. - . WH.1V TTIT WXDBBT. . f . (SpM-lat Dt.patrk te The Jaurnei.)f - r -Bak-r City, Or., May 24. John Gran atrom. proprietor of th -Antler hotel and cafe, rinsed his place of business yesterday after six rears ft ucej in 3Myrhomeris in Sidnfr than any other living personiJfrcLjywldr can - tell others. I - took -'ft :severe"cold and neglected time, and at the end of two years I had run into sleep, and became so dreadfully weak that" I had to take at any time, and cure the worst cold In: 25c., 50c.. and $1.00 per bottle mmnm Many, people who are neglecting lyrnptoms . of k idn ey trouble, hoDintr "it will wear away," are hlriftinf towards Bright's Disease, wmcn is Kiancy iiouwic in viic vt its worst forms. mm tops. ' Irregularities, strengthens theunnary-organ y&aa ouuas up DeIwOi-QuLtiss uesoftbeJcid- neys ' so they-wtltV-perform .their functions properly, ueaitny mo neys strain out. the impurities from . the blood as it p a s t e s through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. "-- l, If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once,' as it. will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily deterifalne ft your kld Beys are out of order by sctting-atid tut 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed bpon arislnf.. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has- brick-fluet sediment or small particles float About In it, iyour kidney, are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB ghoul be taken at once. 0. B. Byrheae Ttlfla After Fear Ter.r 0. . IsrssM f CtrHtl Ceattr, H. V. writes: - "About four years ago I wrote you atetlnf thai I bad been entirely eurea or a sever siaae. trcuihla b takine leas than two bottle of Fotev'l Kidney Cure, it entirely stopped th brick duat sediment and pain and armptotnaof ildnM disease dlaappeared. I am glad to say that I ar never bed rvtnrn or any ef thos symp toms during the four years thst bar elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay cored, sn4 fcssrttly rsoommend rbley 's Klnna t;ure to anj a suffwrlnr trore kidney or bladder Iroulils." . Twt Slgea 60 and 100. . I0LD 1XD P.ECCmEKSED BY Um TMrS Pirns; Osatesa i - C0ta Q - -Bsker City snd, sccompsnled .by his wife, will visit th Lewis snd Clark fair, after which they eipect to m,ske a tra tn Mr. Orapstrom' old home U Swederu ; , v - :. ,-.- H Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. 0 irf' X' Hotel FairinnioiLiiinit -3rth-ncl- Upahur St root a Will Be Open for Guests, Thursday, May 25th -Opposite Main Entrance to Lewis and Clark Exposition ibsottrtety fiirnroof-hotel eleetrlo eallnelU and pecJAelFnhonlccommunlcatlons , Joxtronj8J formed porter and bellboy at all Rates $1 a . . W. H. LATTIN, 150 Elegant Room Open tot Guest HOTEL SPECIAL RATES BY THE DAV OR WEEK msaease; r tb Orgoa Wat tvwn sty. Co. TroUey tin. , " Writ or Phon. ' ., .. IV. a. MABTIaTZS, Maaager. Bstacada, Oregon. . . , . - f - There ha been and wllj be - . no-,chartge - In - til prlcea - ef . Mineral Water, " Soda Water, i Siphons, Byrtips, tc.; th . - same p'rlcea will be maintained . J. ail reporta to the eontrsry not withstanding. - mona xaia S30. . St TttJt t. JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULT8 Estacada to resUihls-so-ygir" .it - " 1 grew worse 'ali "the consumption. ) I coughed to bed. , In the follow-' r . than seven . physicians , Y., proprietors of Dr. Acker's twelve hoars Wo - if - yoBre not : . . -.-(vt 1,.'. " :U'A'ulUl'i-li:WW.. ail 59 adjoining" grounds, equipped with hour at guests' service. Day nnd Up General Manager 26th and Upshur Streets (The 8teel Realdence.) MRSrB. BHtTtTZ and ..MRS. A. BROOKS, Manager a . tee sixth - Oor. Kadlsoa. : . Phon Main 6250. Elegant Modern Furnished Rooms With Board Single or n suite.,, Price Rei- sonable. - U ThciVoodland For modern dental work. World -r - nowned specialist. Lowest prices consistent with rirst-clasS work. . - ' a t th '- ' - -- NEW-YORK -DENTISTS - TOITBTaT AST9 MOBaUSOsT STS. .., f- Open da y-nd -lght.-frmirjlTT0 IT 'ni. - uum aw in ra,r . i PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO JT BOBTSt 1IBST WT, Bat. Bnrnaid. m Cesca. Awnings far Stores and resi dences. Tents snd camping outfits. Oet our prices. Vhea KaU 1M1. K s --: 1 tsa. V X X. f (A Vi.ii7 irfirS' - ' . . i t.i :' V' I t -