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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY Klj905. TOWN TOPICS Fmplrt. ; "Blew for Blow" .. "The HmfI ol Virginia" . .... ..VAudOTl lis I ...... aadoTlila l.rrla... lirand , Mar ... r r miiiiif tmuH: .... Vaudeville I Portland'! publle bath will open for ' .. the summer season June JO. according - tarrangements made by I- Samuel and Edward Holman of the managing board . On that date everybody will be welcome to -patronise th bath- excepting boys and clrls, who wilt not be allowed at the resort until' after June Ai. on which, dels the publlu sehooUctbser-" The managers found the financial outlooH RenuMTTOTr aBcburlnv--Thy .- had a - baianoa - from last year or in and ' have received money from the AVelnhard estate and other aourcea. : It taTroposed to do honor tomorrow ' . to the memory of John Knox, me ecotcn .. reformer, by a public meeting- In the 'lrst Presbyterian .church. Kno was born In 1604. and May 25 this year has leen selected ror a general, ceieorenon of the anniversary of his birth. The speakers of the occasion will bte Dr. E. " 1 House, Dr. J. R.' Wllsonr John Bain and William D.- Wheelwright. The , .Kirat. Congregational church wilt meet -with- the- Presbyterian- -churches and general Invitation Is yttendedAo tha- has been -prepared. , . ..T'"- '- ' Blanchet Institute closing exercises tonight. :$. o'clock. Marquam Grand. : When you feel the need . of a tonlo or i bracer, there la nothing like good -HlquottO' dolt. When you have taken told and -are - threatened f wlthi grip' or pneumonia," laaen quicsiy, .our m. Hy"e Whiskey, will stojt the chllla and rave your Ufa- If you need anything -In the line of wines and liquors, call x jdaln J82& and your order will be -dell v " ered free to your address. D. Qermanus, the family liquor dealer, 228 Morrison . It Is a pleasure and satisfaction to know, when you go to a drug store, that you can depend on getting exactly what you want.. That la the reason that Albert Bern I, the druggist, corner Sec ond and Washington, enjoys tha confl 9ence and" . generous patronage of ' the publlo as he does. The drug store, -corner- Seeond-and Washington, Is one of the-otdr landmarks of the ctty,lhavlng - been established f or tnany years. - and has always enjoyed the reputation for fair and honest rivaling , . ; At tfiTneeting-bt thsHomeTTTamtng association, tomorrow' afternoon three : questions will be discussed briefly in place of a. long paper. Mrs. D. A. Pat tuMo, Mrs. Alvln 8. Hawk and Mrs. E. C, : t'lement wilt be the speakers, and among the quest Tons to be discussed are these "Are and Quick Ttmper "1duitlcjirr "Are They Pardonable in a Mother?" and ."How Can aMotherCor -ject. Slowness in a Child r Meeting at S o'clock In YXV. C. A. rooms. Sixth -and Oak-streets. - B. T. Butler post. No.' .11. CL A. will otton1 riivltio orvlr at the f. "Church fn Sunnyslde at 10:S0 a. m. on Sunday, and at the Mount Tabor Pros - - byteria n - church afL Prettyman ' station t--Ti80 B,--nt, The morning sermon will ; be by Rev.' Mr. Ford; evening sermon by ' Ilev. E. M. Hharp. All old soldiers and patriotic- -cltlener cordially invited to be pTeentrThe ladles' Jlellef Corps. Tot6 tK-A-R;, will attend the same services, . "7 Work for Everybody Wanted at once, J. 000 strawberry-pickers at Hood River; ' men, women and children; good pay. '- Take - Regulator line steamers from - Alder street dock dally,' except Sunday, 7 a. m. I CalL at dock and get full in formation from representative of the fruitgrowers. Baggage tags free. Of' floe open all day Sunday. 'Phone Main i . - . . - - ' ' rCity Engineer Wancer hat appointed l D. Bosworth, John M. uavls and C R. Fones traction engineers to handle . the steam street rollers. John O. Oa terman, Victor H. Dahl and John Moy lan, tendered positions on the police force, have refused to accept the ap pointments, as -they have found mora remunerative employment elsewhere. Dr. W. R. Cox..B.. 8. Pague. . 3. E. . Bronaugh and George W. Hogue dellv- ered appropriate addresses Jast night at - ameetlng of Multnomah council. No. .11. Royal Arcanum, to honor the . memory of members who died in the rast-year. - Eulogistic addresses on urotnert. Bimarord Tindwniion Lwera features of the ceremonies, '-No dealer can sell you aTtana at factory cost, unlmr' he buys them for """" a good dear less thaw factory cost, as tn my case- whin I bought the Wright bankrupt stock, but these occasions hp ; pen seldom. Therefore, don't let thi opportunity pasa -Terms from SI per month up. -A. W. Meyer, 74 Sixth street, " near Oak, ... .'"'"" i , - ' ' .,. ' Postmaster John W. Mlnto was yes terday notified that he had been ap ' pointed custodlsnf the new postofflce T building in place orWTFTMatthews; resigned. -There Is no compensation at tached o the position, which up to this -"Ttlme hss been held by the United States marshal. . Hugh McCormlck of Astoria and Lucy Ferguson of Sellwood were quietly ' Wedded last evening atithe home of the, Lbride'g .parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. . B. Pe'eley. i Rev. John Bentzlen performed the ceremony. The -young couple will reside at Astoria. " - The new Hotel Oregon., corner Sev enth and Stark streets, has hot and cold running' water and long distance tele' phones in every room. J Try a meal without meat at the Vegai tarlan cafe 10 Sixth-street , ' ' MM- ' f "- A Woodlawn car while "crossing IhJ steel bridge jrestcrday failed to reach :. " TOW UNSURPASSF.D FOR HORSE " ' ' FEED. Tot delivery add 60o per ton. Pacific Grain Co. v" 't-hone Main 187. Rolled! YSAYE A COLLECTOR OF FINE-OLQ VIOLINS z-- - Yuyr lm some- of the -finest and rarest "TloMns tn -the-world. fur h 1 collector In a rather restricted sense of -tthe -wordr Tie"Coiiects - tn nesnnitiru menta he can find. As he says, in his own quaint way: -, J --.'-- ' "It la but natural that In all the time I have been playing I haveaccumulated a number of fine violins. I now nave the number of II, upon' whioh I play oc- casionallyrl-Tiever- practice T on . tour. exeept vhen I atretobr a new string, but in the summer time I practice threa-ana four hours each day. . "Two of mv violins are most famouir. One is a Quarnarlua Jesu, and the other is a Stradlvarlus, and these two I have with me constantly and use whichever one best suits the hall in which I am to plsy. If the hall is large, like Carnegie. I use my ouamartus. because it nas a lsrger quality of tone.-and -In smaller hall I use the "Btrad. Whlcn is leas penetrating ' . and more fitted to the acoustics of a smaller place." The Yssye concert will take place Tii.Bav vnln. - nl the Mirauim at the Qranrt. under direction of J Mr PUr and Wynn Coman. The seat sale opens Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. the statlonaryportioh of the bridge before - the huge draw-swinging open struck -the-rear platform, damaged it and' tore aTsleePladderTrom Us fasten- trigs. Brjdge-of f idala-say-tne-atory-of the danger has ueen exaggerates. Victoria, day celebration,1 . Tonight. May U. Z Concert and refreshments. .- Armory, Tenth St., near Couch. ' - Combined British societies. - - --- -""Admission Twenty-five cents,- ' Don't fait to ask for Lewis" and Clark Fair Guide. Savings Bank department. Title- Ouarantee ' Trust company. 7 Chamber of Commerce;- Bank open Satr: 'urday evenings, I to I o clock, to . re- f-elys Tdennslts. . We are still fitting those 12.60 glasses -for g tr If you "need glasses it will be to I your interest to call on Metier Co. jewelers and opticians. Ill Sixth. street. Any watches, cleaned. $1.00; main spring. 1 1 LOfli alLwork guaranteed one Mstxger- t Co., Ill Btxth street The Oregon Portland's new and mod ern hotel, is receiving guesta Corner Seventh and Stark streets. . Ansley fVinttng Coi, iti Oak. ". MRS. HONEYMAN MAKES - INTERESTING REPORT Mra W. J. Honeyman, Who recently returned from the biennial national con vention of the Y. W. C A. at" Detroit, yesterday gave her report officially be fore the board of directors of the local association. Mrs. Honeyman la a non resident member of the- American confr miitee. wnicn is reaeraiea wua me i, W. C. A., and wlth-the .World's Student Christian Federation, with headquarters i Lmcago. iifr worn was given mucn attention at the convention, because she represented the pity where a fair was id be- heldV and, waa thus connected, with. much special work of the association The work of the" local association In erecting a building on. the fair grounds wss a point of interest, and Mrs, Honey man gave a full account of the plans for the summer's work. The Travelers' Aid work waa also discussed fully, and Mies Helen Gould pledged the support of one worker In the field at her own expense in the name or uieArnerlcKii eumnrttfeg; Miss Gould experts to be a guest of the association in the fall, when she will come, out here to review, the work done by the Travelers' Aid. In emulation of her generosity the ' local association vored to give the services of their Trav. elers' Aid secretary to the Travelers association through the summer, and to offer their rooms for entertainment ef gues tauuC-for any other purpose needed. QVAsaOir wot ooamra. Corvallls, Or.. May S3. To the Ed, itor of The Journal Can you Inform me through the columns of The Jour nal whether it Is a fact that the Pa cific squadron. Admiral Goodrich com mandlng, now at Mara Island, Is to be In Portland at the opening of the fair. (-us reported In last Sunday's OregonlanT Or no you 'think there is any prospect of the fleet visiting Portland any time atjrtng-the-farr MILT.QK'P, MOROAN. 1 , I - r Although an effort was made to have (he Pacific squadron ordered to Oregon waters for the opening of -tha exposi tion. Secretary Morton pointed out the mpracttcablllty- of -such a move and he plan fell, through. The announce ment was 'therefore unauthorised. The only vessel officially detailed to this port an yef M tha revenue cutter Mo Cul lough. Secretary Morton said one or two others . "might" put Jn here at some time while the exposition was open. , . v MAXjri.T. rXBSOsTAb. . F. H. Flnley of Spokane, it a at the Portland hotel. guest - Mrs.- D.-Rr-ittmtht of Astorta it Tlslt Ing -Portland. ; . . UMItor -Wlstsnley of Salem Is -regis teredat t he- Portland, Melvln E. Webster of Eugene is at the Imperial. - ; , -H. R. Scott of Baker City Is a guest at the Perkins, -i-. - - - ' W; H, Mitchell and I E George of Olympla, Washington ire" at the P-jrt-layid. - a, --,,,,v,-r,J.!iJitrt.. , A. M. Dtake of Bend. Oregon, Is In the cipr or business. ,. , , .. . - ' TOLTirTsxas or axbbxoa,' ' Tonight at Che Armory. I Ankeny street. : Mr. Brown of the Nasarens church I p. m. will speak. . Scrrkes . begin at - - ? - 1 - ! - ..... . ( J . . Eugene Y wiyev r I. SEA TRAVEL HEAVY . FROM BAY CITY - : tr - j Not Enough Steamer on Port-land-San Francisco Run to - AccommorJate Crowds EVERY BERTH-TAKEN T." IN. ADVANCE OF SA1UNG increased rTrafficMay" induce Manager Schwerin to Put on -Another Craft.- - Steamship facilities are Inadequate to handle all the passenger t raffle from Sari Francisco to Portland: - A mescage was" received thls njorn Ing at the local office of the San Fran clsco ,& Portland company1 stating that every-bertit-had been- aoM -onlha Coa Rica, due to sail north from the Bay City, next Saturday.. The steamer has nut yet arrived at the California W tropolls, and ' two days ago, or about the time ithe waaleavlag.Poctlandr4 wasaeclared that people who called to purchase tickets , to bring tnera north had to be turned away. Relative to the Columbia, due tonight, the same condition-existed it was im possible to sccommodate all who sp oiled for tickets Sha. haa 176 pan- sen gers on "board and every Uerth Is oc cupied. The .local agents of the com pany" say-rthatrmoro people are, coming to Portland on the steamers thsn ever before, but the. travel south remains about the same. - So far there has been no material In crease in the amount of freight carried, but usually the' steamers coma and go loaded. to their, full capaolty. If the passenger business continues to Increase at the sama-rate- it-has-for--th-paat month It is supposed ' that General Manager Schwerin " wilt make ' arrange ments to operate that third steamer of which he spoke In such glowing terms when he was here last summer.-. Local agents believe that when the I onyentlOHO; ineransr-oniineniaj js aenger association Is held here on Jun some arrangements will be made lor tsklnrbetter jcareof tha--tra vet-op the coast. A wire has been received from A. ' G. D. Kerrell, general passenger 4gent of the Harrlman steamship lines. tat ing that Tie and about 15 or 20 other represenlatlVes'br various companleg BtlMffrTTIon and Sixth streets, would be San Francisco wUT be In attendance at ths convention."; Agenta of every -Una in the United States are expected. PRIDE OF THE SEA.' 'kohala Qae of the Tlnert -Ships JThat JtCwi .to TorL..z .....:. Today tha schooner Irene will com plete her lumber cargo at the Portland mill . for Redondo.-: it win comprise in the neighborhood of -0,000 -eet A crew of six men is expected from the so scarce at rortiana mat it la very likely tha maJorMy of-the crews for ths coasters wiU ha in the hum manner.- - . '- L,ylng at the same mill and .receiving a cargo for Shanghai Is the American barkentlne Kohala. one of the finest Ulna: -vessels that verylalted this port. She was built Under tb" direct supervision of Captain F. K. Padrlck. her .commander and principal owner. He has the cabin fitted up Tery com fortably: A rolltop writing desk and typewriter are among the conveniences. Captain . Dedrlck uses the machine for his business correspondence. The floors are covered with the finest grade of carpets and 'the walls'" are llnedi with capital pictures, Sofaa. and a - Monrls chair make up a part of the convenl encea The Kohala -wiIT"be ready to aall for the far east about-"tha latter part of lhle week. She wUl carry 1,100,000 feet of Oregon, fir. - ,'. ASK FOR. THE CHINOOK. r Astoria Petitions to slave Sredr - MlQ on Columbia miver Bar. v Astoria business men-and Columbia river bar pilots are circulating a peti tion which will be forwarded to Wash ington asking the war department to again:, place tho-dredge Chinook in commission at the bar. The expense of running the Chinook last summer ap proximated 119,000 a month.-and Major Iangfltt believed that this money could be used to far more advantage By ap plying It to tha Jetty fund, and the de- partmenfagreea with him. The heavy shippers, almost without I exception, take the same view, of the matietndjiop6iha' will let the dredge lie Idle. The engl neers are confident that the Jetty will solve the bar. problem. When it was first built several years ago the depth of wster on the bar waa Increased to 10 feet. Until recently the bar pilots were among the foremost In condemn Ing the dredge. . work at the Jetty Is rspldly progress I Ing, about zt)oo tens of atone Is -handled every day. By early fall the structure will be so far extended. It Is believed, that important results will be attained. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. TTnlted States - Inspectors - - Edwards and Fuller Unspected the boiler'" of the Halley uatxert yesteraay. it is proD able that the steamer will be taken out on a trial 'run this afternoon, ft Is the Intention to send'Tier out on the Resu lator's run between here and The Dalles for a shdrt time, when 'the tatter will be repaired. ; - ' i Complaints- are made about the steamers going down the river dumping nshes-into the Columbia Just nelow the mouth of the Willamette. If" it oc cur red in the harbor it la stated that the practice would aoon ba stopped; ss it Is there is talk of having the United States engineers take the matter up. It, is declared that five tons of ashes were dumped from the Nlcomedia. , Carrying; (.000 sacks of barley and 7ft tons ' of miscellaneous freight, the steamer F. A. Kilburn sailed last night or Bun Franelse and way poK - The grain will be taken 'to San Francisco. - La Fontaine will dp gin receiving lum ber on Friday at the Eastern Western mill, her lay daya beginning at that time. ' . i A telegram states that the .steamship Minnesota. J. J.' Hill s mammoth freighter, "Has "arrrvWTat r" "Yokohama, after a passage of 14 days from Seattle.', Coming this way she completed the trip In IS days, and gives every promise of developing into the speediest craft en gaged In the oriental trade. Balfour. Guthrie ft Co. nave cnartered tha ship Jabeg Howes to load lumber on the sound for Cape Town, with the op tion of Delagoa bay. ' ' MARINglOTES. Astoria, May 24. Sailed at '. m.. steamer Toledrt, for Oray's Harbor." Arrived down at I and sailed at I a. , The young man and his 1 wife who pay .as they go. and save a part ' jheirj-i-j rgJncome, . manot- tntcir appear in the kind of sc eiety - typified - by - low " necked gowns and silk -. rhats;. but there will be THorKy, true tnendsTup7 and contentment will be ever - present .-' in their' homes. PER V. CENT INTEREST n pavings Bank Sixth and Lorrisor O. Ralston President -- W. Cooper Morris, Cashier 7 .V- S. L. Hays, Asst Cashier TELEPHONE MAIN 16 L . m., - steamer F. - A. Kilburn, . for San Francisco'-and coaat porta Arrived at 11:80 a. m., ateamer Co lumbla. from San Francisco. . " Astoria. May 24. Condition of . th bar at 8 a. m., obscured; wind, north west; weather, rainy and. Xoggyti-irT" GET LETTERS AT OLD STAND MONDAY I"" " ,r.- ... Postoffice Will Be Installed . on Morrisorranct SixttrStreet -Next"Week,. Fostmaster Mlnto . announced ' today that the' remodeled postjjfflcebvrn(ltng'l occuplerby the posfbf ?IceWpartnTen.t on Monday. The change may possibly be made on 8unday, but Mr. Mlnto re fuses to- make definite promises on that subject,. Actlveoperatlons will .begin Saturday. , . ,.J---xJ.:iJ,,. "It la possible that we may he able -toJiarve our patrona-at tha-new building Sunday, though I cannot say definitely.'' Mr. Mlnto said today. "I would not like to make, promises that 1 canndt fulfill. However, by Monday I am quite positive that we will be able to accommodate everyone. ' t . , "The public must exp?l to get its Of,course, we will afford, every accom- not expect on that day the good' aervlce to which '. 'they have been aeouatomed. But everything at the new building will be In readiness on. Monday, and there will be bo further commotion." , . " - ! ' ' - . XKBS. TO JPaUSOV. - - . .. . . .- , Samuel H. Hoober, charged with am besslement, wss sentenced to one year In the penitentiary In the. state circuit court ioday. '"- Fref erred Stock Oaaaed Ooeaav Allen Lewis' Best Brand. i Columbia River 7 Scenery -Fast Steamer Chas, R. Spencer Dally round trip to The Dalles from Washington street dock at T a. m., except Friday and Sunday,- '.-.' 4 . Tha . Swltaerlaad ef Amerloa. atosa KatralSoeat SceBsry la the ",;,,,'..' World. ; - SUNDAY EXCURSIONS - - to the f ourmUlioo-dollar. Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot trt Wsshlngton street at t ,a. m., arriving home at j .;. . '.- p. m. ,"' - . ' '. . " ' t Round Trip Tickets $1.00 - SUIT Tim USUI. -(Kxcept Sunday.) Heavy" Figures Denotft" PrM,"7 Vp Trip. - '. J Down Trip. .7:00 Portland -,..7... . . .i3 8:011 Vancouver ........ L. .g:SS :25 ' Washougal Taa 11:IS Cascade Locks. ,, .:03 11:52' Stevenson ,.8i8a ISiM Carson' .Si40 Iras. White Salmon.. ..4:48 Mi3HoMi nivr......,...a3 i30 Lyle .3:08 MM The Dalle ..,,.g:30 lovm states. Taa test Time. Telephone Main 1422. , B. W. SPSSUCK, Deneral Manager, - I'ortland, Or. I - 111111 Sllll A spencer LINE HUNGER TURNS AWAY FARE Food at City Jail Is Bad Beyond - the Appetite of Starving Man. HAIRr FEATHERS, WOOD AND STRING4N-STEWS Stuff Served la Sour Even After 'Having Been Doctored by the Contractor - - For a few days after the expose In The Journal of the deleterious and de tayed meas served as food to tha people con flnedmrma city pilsuu. with tha knowledge and. sanction of Chief of Po lice Hunt tbe food contractors made feeble effort to better the quality of its hashes and stews, i But the change of heart was only temporary the same 11a mixture Is doled, out today agfog mriy.- -'"''"" ." " Half the prisoners confined In the jail. whose stomachs -are not strong; enough to stand the odor of the unpalatable stuff, sometimes so sour .that charcoal is mixed in it in an attempt to make it less unsavory, are dally unable to eat more than one meal. ' James Duffy ha lost 30 pounds since hla Incarceration and still has : aeveral weeks to serve. Other prisoners, who have openly rebelled against the quality of the food, have been placed in the dun geon. Albert Tronsen, sentenced to serve 13 days id the Jail 0r peddling without a license, was given .his liberty-yesterday. Ha breathed .a sigh of relief as .lie walked up to the desk to secure his per. sonali effects. . . . "Thank Ood. I am .out of that hole,' he exclaimed. "It will be a long time before I give tha police a chance to put ma back. The confinement is- bad enough, but when- the- food served is taken Into consideration, it (a fearful. "For aeveral days I have eaten only one meal. I had to starve myself the rest of the time In order to be able to tmutuIoaahould jiotJie.fed such stuff as the poor devils in there are compelled to eat: ' "It is hash once a day' and stew once a day no variation to break j.he monot ony- V Z . "1ZZ, t TtT-ti, irTWj-of wood, feathera and others foreign ar tides are frequently found In the hash. - "Talk about , that . guy. Tantalus, that the books tell about, he. didn't have as bad a time as the Inmates of the Port, lany city prison, - All they did to Tan talus was to let down food that caused hi mouth to water -while he was starv ing In here they-put-a-meas -Ofatuft under tha- nose or a hair-starving man that 'makes him sick." - - " 7- VISITORS TO RIDE; 2: Notables Who Drive Last Spike and Open Portage. Road to Co in - Style. 7r-' --7 -, j ; General Manager Worthlngton of the Harrlman tinea has tendered and Jhe open river committee has accepted the use of at special train ror carrying ine Portland delegation to Tha Dalles .to attend the opealng exercises and driving of the laat spike of tha Celllo portage road, June J. The committee received the courtesy at a meeting yesterday af ternoon, through a letter from : Mr. Worthlngton. and Immediately pepned a cordial acceptance. . ' The train , will leave Portland, Satur day, morning. June I, at S o'clock, and arrive at Celllo about 11:30 o'clock. The exercises will be held at once, and will ba followed by an official trip over the portage road.. . Tha open river committee and portage board will ba accompanied by Vice-President Fairbanks, Joseph Cannon, speaker of the national house, senators, congressmen. Governor Cham berlain of Oregon, Governor Mead ot Washington, Governor Gooding of Idaho, Governor Pardee of California, and prominent citlsens of Portland and the up-rl veTcttntry: The exercises wilt Include speeches by Mayor Williams, V. IX, Wheelwright, Governor Chamber lain. .'Vice-President Fairbanks, J. N. Teal and others. The special train will leave ThS Dalles at i:i0 o'clock p. m., and arrive In Portland about 7:10 p. m. husktand-speeches for victoria day Grand Celebration Arranged lor at Which Pretty Girls Will "Preside Over Booths. Complete arrangements have - been made by the local British and Canadian societies for the big celebration of Vic. torla day. Exercises will begin at 8:15 o'clock tonight at the Armory, and! will consist largely of music by some of 'the leading talent of the city. Mrs. Wsltor Reed has charge of the musical pro gram, and among 'the singers will be Mrs. Reed herself; Mrs. Susie Gambell Whltehurst, tha soprano who has Just returned "from study abroad h-MIss Ethal Shea, solo contralto at the White Tem ple; 'Miss Kathleen Lawler, solo so prano at the Cathedral, and pom J. Zan, . Portland's leading baritone. A double Quartet from the Treble Clef and a 'mixed ouartet of several of the solo voices. will give other Selections. ' -Refreshments will be served- after the program at booths representing different vountrles of Great Hrltaln. The Cana dian and Australian booth will be In charge of Mrs. J. A. Marttnr the Eng-J llsh and Welsh, of' Mrs. Stevens; the Scotch. Mra., A. J. Blrrell,jtn4--tho Irish. MIKllsabeth Hoben. -. Tha Trlsh booth ' will present some novelties - In plan, and Miss Hoben .will be assisted by Miss Mamie O'Neill, Miss : Burke, Miss Lawler. Miss Gibson, Miss Kll llngsworth. Miss Mcintosh, Miss Masle Marphy, .Miss Tremble and Miss Jose phine And ret a Hoben. . Several of the apprentices of the Dumfriesshire, will aaslat also. . ' 1'he- sooteAies represented In the""ans tertalnmeat I this evening are St. An drew's, the Canadian and the British benevolent societies, and Clan Macleay. R. W. Blackwood is chairman of the evftnlnfc. and; each of tha societies will ba represented by 'two prominent mem bers on the. platform. The British con uUJemea'Laldlaw, will nrske the ad dress of the evening. , ' ' . , .mi i m ill i ' skt a men or nirasa. i i - The V th , Van fhe locat police hnv been asked by rancouver, British Columbia," iu- f " '". I W I I 1 i ' "i ii I'"'1 ' . , -- , . f ) ' i - - ' '-" - ,. ,." '. . ' l 7; S rX - - r -A carload of fine new Ranges has just arrived and the line Is ready for your most critical inspection. Don't worry along with' the old cook stove any longer, at the expense of .your nerves and good disposition. ; Begin your kitchen life anew by visiting Formerly the New Yerk Furniture Company. 184-6 First Street 1177 TONIGHT! - .GOMEZ HALL, ALBINA lBifiarilsaiie- Addresses by Dr. Lane and the champion of-the people BASEBALL!! MvxTiroatAX nsu- MAT S3, 14, as, se, sr. as. ' ' r- Game' called 8:10 o'clock. j. i . uSunchjys, 1:80. Osaaxal Admission. 3 So. CbUdran. 15o. Grandstand 'or-aierTTrea-t rvery day but Sundays and hoiidsysr menzsc. Ladles day. riday Quality and Price We give you a good quality, well- made, right uprto-data Men's or Youths' Suit- at 7.50, 910.00, 912.50 and 1S.OO. From 8)1.50 to 95. OO for Dice, neat rants. - 50 to 93.00 for a new style Hat From SI. SO to 93.SO for an up-to- date make unoe or uxiora ror utaies. Men, Misses and Boys. Tou will find 18 show windows dls played with . merchandise marked In plain figures at our old stand, corner Firat and Tarn hi 11. and also a new branch, corner Third and Davis. .... John Dellar PROPRIETOR FIREWORKS AND FLAGS We carry the largest stock of' fireworks' in the northwest, manu- factured by the -oetebrated Rochester i Fireworks company. New York. A large assortment of exhibition kets for town and city celebrations' from 810 to 11.000 per set. .Also flags 'and ' bunting for. fair opening decora .flons. -- ,. . - - - - - Japanese- and - Chlnesa ' curing, . msttlngs. etc ; ; . Wholesale and retail. Andrew Kan & Co. 887 MOBBISOaT SI, thorlties to assist in locating Gordon Ti Wrk, who disappeared from that city April IT. He Is said to ba dement ed, and a reward of- 1100 Is offered for his' apprehension." Park ls described as 5 fert 10, or 11 Inches tall, weighing about160 pounds, and having a dark complexion and blue eyea. He Wears a dark mustache and the little finger of his left hand has been amputated at'the seconds Joints , 7 lv- ' 1 ' . ' - SKIPS OUTBIDS TBE8I BAB. . 7: -aalling vessels have entered tha Columbia river thla week, ,' As the-bar haa been rough It is supposed that quite a fleet. Is on the outside, waiting to cross in. Among ths craft due are tha schoon ers Sequoia and Mabel Oale, bound from Ran Francisco; the schooner J. a. Camp- iohri Smith from San Plego. The steam ships Ferndene and Nicomedia are still barbound at Astoria. ,. 1 All the healing. hlrrilo virtues of : r. aTlastaenth aad Chapmaa ata," - , -A W '" ' . vs.' 1 I . -j TnrtlJ OAKLAND fl coa.: the Norway nine are concentrated In lr. Wood's Korwav Pine Syrnp, na ture's own remedy fur coughs and cold. - I mn Payable The "pride and satisfaction, felt with a new range. 1 is worfli more-to fthe average wo man than the ef fort "it takea-to secure one at the above terms. WE DELIVER AND INSTALL ONE FOR $1.00 DOWN - TOINIOHTI Hon. John M. Gearin. Hear speak. -ALL ARE INVITED. i AKVI Marquam Grand -Tuesday, Hay 30 - - .- mm, e. rrer lV. hat n. SALKf OP SEATS 8Tt'RDA BBUASCO THBATTRB - Talepheoe Mala 811. , (rnrnerly ColamMa Thntre) 14th a n't Wash. - Becinalng Msturday ETfoinf. May 87, Resu lt r Matlnre Maturday asd ftaadar. Special MatlDM TuMdsy, May 80, Decoratloa Day. ht Spcil Arranrairat with the Aatkof, . . David Belasee, - . The Heart of Maryland First Appearance la Partlaad ef . tha, BaUaca Stock Company, Prlr-s Ktb1bs. 15p to T5e; matlaees, 134 to 60c. 8ats bow mIIIbc. VXZT "THS CUIfSEXS. Clyde r itch's siaetaipieoe. tr? Km n 13 C3 Tf ATM. Mitir-inw iath aad Muntsas, - MlttoB W. Beaman. Resident Maaagae. "Testerday's wort Parked t breathing room twlcs. Bmptr stork Conpaay la the-1 great a-act enmlT-lrama. uiw sua luw, ' APMISSIO.t O CENTS STavar Mas eaualed for tbe prue. LYRIC THEATRE Kaettng Tleod, XsaacMs. - . - WTZX ITABTIirO MOBDAT. HAT 88. "The Heart of Vleirvlnlo) 1 as faa iiu A (WTTTTTKRW XOVAHCB. FOLLOW THE CROWDS. ADMI8810M lOo TO AHT BEAT 10a STAR. THEATRE tVoxs, BABXOLD'I DOS CIBfUl wiaa. miuivm m w. muss. ItOHTaOMEHT A CAJfTOa. TOlriro A OLD - LZBABT KICHABD BUBTOK r- gTA10O0FS Show 1.80, 1:90, t . m. Admlloa 10, 80, 83a, 'HXXt WIIK Tka Onat aad Only Joka X. 8UIXITAB. , . BAKER THEATRE Ksatlng A Fhwd. Vrra. ; BEIXABLX TACDETILLX, MOHCmiETT S ganTH ntEJTE FRAMKUM. OORMIT iOLOIiT ADAMS BROS. i THE TWO LANNIE9 HBALXT HEALIT, "VF TO THE kUXUTK" . . , JEAW WILSOW. ' ' TB-I BAKIROORAFH ' rrioe'ef Admlsaiea, OWE DIKE, Katlaee aaa Bkt. . - . T H E a R A IV D A.Dtaaiatle ; aWasattoa KAITBA. The Indian Aernas ! "Taa Heart ef a OIH." ' Wrlttaa EapMially for atajuaa ky Opts Raod. THE MAHZniOS. FEDAt MAaTruLATORS. MULVEY k WARD, OOMEOIAMS. . . a asct rice, waarist. TKX ALYTBoa. CHETXRLi. TRICK V10UBI8T. - . . g- JOE BOKHER., . .. r . ORAllDiacoFE.' -' - - HAWTHOIgg TFRRAOS -' , FORILAkD BEIOHT8 Xw op. Take Portlaa4 Urlcnts tmf sad t 9ft St Hawthnriw Terrar. a biork bam I lino. No riloihlas. ElfH-Ula l.ior. . Most SsiflcliJ flow la AOMVlra., A0 koautlfnl 'Otfoct of Wvorfal o..tcanu trvmt tof ot tutor. Or S a. w. to . at. ADMIAAIOB U CIRT8. " BLAXIIR SBOS. CONCBRT BtTrT SfQl nxzKzsssrt 7 ! II ii--- .7 !