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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
t- r 24. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 1905. ZIEGLER- DEAD LOST FIVE 00LI.AAS . . -- IN PENNY-ARCADE WANTED HIS FORTUNE USED' TO BUILD TO'IB Eccentric r Israel Vance Desired Magnificent Mausoleum Erected ' ' '4 FM0LD1JIM IMilliopalre-Baking Powder Mao and Backer of Arctic Explora-. I tion Passes Away. MADE A FORTUNE FROM r ROYAL BAKING POWDER Injured in a Runaway Accident in - -Which- Dirt" Was--Forced v Down His"Throat. 5 (Journal Special ) Stamford. ; Conn., May tK. William .Zlegler, tha millionaire baking powder man and financial backer of. Polar , ex peditlonrrlett at :So O'Moek thl tnorn- inm mt. hla hum. nn ilrMt-lllamk - aaed 61 yeara. He-wa-fnjurMiVBil dent In October last and has been In Ill-health ever alnce. .Laat Sunday ha Buffered a atroka of apoplexy from ,hi..k k. At n. r..ntmr ..uumJ Mr: 7.irl.r waa inln'red In a rauiaufca ll accident last October and an Internal . ' illnesa followed. Ha -waa brulaad.. In? wafdly and large quantity of dirt waa r farced down hia throat and lodged In m lilt Inteatlnea. lie waa - under treat ment by specialists, but paver recov ered ,nl hearth., .. ., ... .. It haa developed that before h la death Ziegler arranged to have the Arctic re lief expedition to reecue Explorer Flala - carried out. even- If death overtook him. -- Ills aecretaryr- Mrr-Champ.-.- left;, laat month for Europe to undertake tha rea ...cue Journey,. ri-'haipR .J about du In y Norway how.. . . . ' " ' , Mr. Zlegler'a Arctic, expedltlona have been a hobby, to him. He got the eama pleaaur and satlafactlon out of them lhat Andrew Carnegie geta from found lng llbrarlea and th like. ' Mr. Zlegler1 country eatlte'l one of Tthe beauty spots of I,ong Inland aound. The mansion la a noble edifice overlook . lng the aound. and, haa but recently been completed, afer three yeara' work. The ground , are not yet completely lm proved. ':. "..S-j " ' ' William glegler 1 waa fcerw In Beaver -. .county, Pennsylvania. September 1 I 1843. - He waa educated In the publU' ' schools of Iowa and learned the print -r-'iar'a- trad In the- offloe of 4h.-MiacaUn ' Journal tta afterward followed vurl ous pursuits, beeama-aHlrugglsfa clerk J and graduated from Poughkeepale Bus iness college of New York. He engaged 1 In bakers" and confectlonera'.auppllea on - hla own account In 188. eglar-organlxed-tna-.Royal Chemical . company fa JITOi" whlclt he developed Into the.Royat Baktng Powder company, He bought the Price Baking Powder utmtiy ia ariem In 4 a lo ail lh Tar- -tar Chemical company in Jersey .City In I1. and" other " Bklnr powder - con "certia. forming the baklnaj powder trust. He""Ma not been actively engaged In tinslneas Bince 1SS6, but has 'operated In Brooklyn and auburbltn" real estate to tha xtent of many millions Of dollarit; SanTsTTfi e" HUrrhaB" by -tha city oV Brooklyn of the Long Island Water Supply company, saving the city, $1,600,000.. Heouinttedth F Zlegler expedition to explore the Arctic , ..via, Kraaa Josef band and reach the north i pole. If -poBBlble.- Kxplorer Flafa - waa , put In charge of the expedition' and tpedHloo 4-iiouu to leave a way to recuer-the explorer, who has not ?jctii.liardfrpn,for-lwOLyiar , -sHunwcnini iviAf uunm ! SUCCESSFULLY EFFECTED ; (Journal Special gcrTlre.) V - Chicago1, ' May 14. A corner In ' May . corn cama to light today when that cereal n advanced with a rush from 61 to 5 , centa with lively, scramble on the part . of tho shorts. Jsmea A. Patten, Frank ; Frailer and William 11. Bartlett are la . control of the market and are declared to be long on 12,000.000 bushels with an i assured profit of from 16 to to cents per bushel. QUARTER MILLION FOR LACERATED AFFECTIONS (Jooreil Special" gervtet.) New York, May 24. The breach of promise suit of Mm. Katherln Polllon against W. Gould Brokaw. the million aire clubman began thla afternoon be fore juetice wUng in the supreme court. Mrs. Polllon auks 1260,000 for ; her taceratedaf f ectlona. Both partiea , to the auit were present. WILL SUMMON TROOPS. IF IT IS NECESSARY (Jmrnal flptclal lervle.) . Chicago, May 24. Sheriff Barrett thla afternoon Issued a proclamation advia--Ilia" all cltliens .to keep cool and avoid being carried away by tha excitement of tha moment. -Ha declared that If the local authorities are unable to preserve : peace tha atata and federal troops. If necessary, will be summoned. DAMAGES FOB TTSBAbTD'S DSATX. Martha A. Kuns, aa admlnjstratrlx, fcrlnga uit against "th Oregon Railroad A Navigation company for 16,000 dam agea for the killing of her husband. David H. Kuns. at the Sandy road cross ing, November 21, 1S04. Kuns waa bringing In a load of farm produce when the train atruck hla team. Tha plaintiff alleges that If the train had. been, op- raked at tho legal rata her Tiusband would not have been Killed. - - , r&AQXAISXB MOlll BTXBGr. ZT It waa stated by the officials at St, Vincent'a hospital at-1:30 today that Henry C Mor-is In a dying condition "and jrannol aurrrve-tha day. s Is very often acaulred. though generally inherited. uad nyraene, foul air. Impure water, are among its causes; It is called "the soil for tubercltsr and where it is allowed to remain tubercu loth or consumption f ; ia pretty ssre to tcke root. Hbod'sSorsaparilla Removes every trace cl scrofula, i Get Hood's. For twtlmonidlt of rcmarkM cvrei fni tor Book en Scrofula, No. I. . . CL Heoaj Co., LowaO, Mm, Scrofula Miss Kelly Says Dropped Coin in 1 Machine, and Could Not Get It. Complaint haa been made to the po Ice by Ignatius Kelly, a carman, living at TOO Qulmby street, that hla daughter 'waa practically robbed of IS, which. aha Inadvertently dropped Into a picture machine or phnograpta th penny arcade conducted by William ClauKner, itt - Washington street. ' Detectives Snow and Kerrigan eaw Clacknen who dented emphatically that a f com-waa found In any of the machines. ' ' -According to the atory told' the TKrftee, Miss Kelly . went Into (TlacknerT place and 'Iooltecr"tntwu magtrtiieaw-. At- -that time, It la aaid, she had two pennies and the gold coin. When aha discovered her loss she Informed H. Revere, th manager. - Ha told her that ha did not have the keys to the machines. .Shortly wfterward. it la V asserted, Clarkner made hia appearance," and "upon hearing the account or the .girl a loss, i00" but would-not open others. He took Miss Kelly's address and told her that If tha coin were found it would oe re luriiM, vvntii 111 imormea me gin - l n-rwara inn in. coin was in nun- vi the machinea the pollc. were notified.' . "Tha Blrl played a number of ma chines,'1 skttt Manages Revere. "She had several pennies-when aha cama and got none here. " I had' no keys- and had to wait until. Mr. Clarnr came. - Touugh Mlaa Kelly asserted that aha had Only two pennies aha had Mr. Clackner open aaven machinea and asked to have- more opened. He would have dona ao had not her companion, become bo -impertinent In tier language. All tha machinea were afterward opened in my presence and tli coin it la claimed waa lost was not found. Clackner makes practically "the same statements Ha Bays that rather than be subjected to such annoyance and pub licity ha would have thrown a I coin Into the street. ,.... LIBRARY SOCIETY TO MEET SATURDAY . ; .. i " Tha second meeting of the Oregon Hbraiy aaaoelatlun. -h1rlrwa orga i lied In December, will ba held In the art reference room of the- library next Saturday., with a morning and art after noon session. The organisation- "formed chlffly Irt vltw'or "the coming of the national association Jn July,-and this will be a preparatory meeting.' ' The principal morning speaker will be Professor IT. a,- Voum f the depart ment of sociology of tlw.lTnlve'rslty of Oregon, - In the afternoon W.-. I ; Brew ster, president of the American Library f association, will -hold a conference. Miss Spalding of the. Portland achools. who ww- liiettumental " ii""Wtnniit trie High schoql library.-' will give some valuable suggestions along this line, and a general discussion will follow all the papers. Those Interested - In library work are Invited, There will be reporta from members over -the state.- Tha da- Untied profrtT ' Hf Morning session, 10 o'clock Minutes of regular meeting; minutes of meeting of executive committee; report of -treas- urert add rea, Hons George H. Wtltlama; "function of the Public Library Among the' Agenofes,1, for Social "Betterment." Professor' F.-fO. Noting;-report" from libraries, -r- -'--aI.'" -'Afternoon "llBMton,. f o'clock A. L. A conference, , tV. I. BreWster. presl dent; The-SmaltUbrary and Its Problems," Rev. p. A. Thompson; dis cussion. Professor C. E. Bradley, Forest drove; Miss Ooetsman. Portland public library: "School Libraries." Miss Spald ing; discussion. Miss McConnell, Miss Tracy, E. O. Adairia, Portland; "Queation Box, MUa Taom. . ' , i MISSOURI SOCIETY WILL ENTERTAIN FRIDAY . Tha Miaaourl aoclety. will give a re ceptlon Friday evening In the Chamber of Commerce building to Commissioner Oarver and Mra. Garver. Mr. Oarver haa been here alnce May 1 and has been supervising tha construction of the Missouri building. He la an orator of standing In hla home atate and la an old-time nawapaper man. Other prom inent; Mlssourians will" Kpeak, among them Robertus Young, "the Missouri P,ot,'"-and members of the Oregon SO' clety of Missourians. To this reception all former residents of - Miaeourf r. Invlt.dr- nd - the of fleers of the society are sending out re quests for a complete list of all persons In the stato who ever lived in Mlswerart. Thcv ar jMltad Iax. mtul their namen tn Oglesby Young, secretary, Chamber of Commerce ; huHdlng.- .mmlee)onef Garver has also asked the women who formerly lived In 'that atata to aid In entertaining tha vlaltors. E. D. HURRLE HAS - SERIOUS.FALLAT.FAIR r n U,,r.U m mimm tm e11 fMM scaffolding a distance of 17 feet In the Agricultural building this morning at :30 o'clock and sustained serious, U not fatal,' injuries. Ha has not aa yet regained consciousness. . Hurrlc ' was working on the Oregon state exhibit and- waa assigned to the decoration of tha algn "Oregon. He leaned back to view hla work, loat his balance and fell head downward, striking a - table with hla right side. Dr. Homer Keeney found that ha had sustained a serious concussion of the bf am, rractured ribs and Injury to the pleura. The patient waa taken, to Good Samaritan- hospital Hurrln Is 45 yeara of age and resides with Ills family at Lents. - y FEAR JAPANESE HAVE OBSTRUCTED WIRELESS ' " . (Joorntl Bpedaf BrTlre.r , Honolulu, May 24. The ahsenca of newa thls.mornlng from Lalialna, where a second outbreak or Japanese laborer Is feared, leads to the belief that th Japanese have tamperdwlth the wire less .telegraph apparatus, Beinrorce monta that It waa deemed necessary to send to Lahalna on last night's advice are still .being held here, but will tart for the Island of Maul tha moment help la asked. - The last message from La halrta'1 to the effect that 60 fcltixens have been sworn In to assist the police ami militia. In quelling, the disorder. Whether or not tha combined force hat started to-march irmtnarlimp of the Japaneae, which laat night's message said it, wa about to do, la not yet known, - - - ' . - .. -. .. JAPANESE-DISLODGED , IN FIGHT AT CHANTUFU " " "i - . (Joarnal Bpeelal BttUV , St. Petersburg. . May. 14. Linievltch report that on May Cl a Russian de tachment approached Chantufu and after spirited fight the Japanese were, dis lodged from their entrenchment on th nortk lid of th tatlon. . - . ' (Special D!atch t The Journal.) " Salem.". Or.-, May ': 24. A monument costing 110.681. 7 will be erected to th memory of 'Israel Vane, who recently died in Portland. If-the peculiar will of that eccentric pereon la allowed -to stand, Th queer document,- which la new In tha hands or State Treasurer. Moore, taposea of the deceased roan's fortune valued at $12,171 7. It Bpeciflea that 116 shall be turned over to each Of hla live sons, that 6600 ahall be turned over f -Ladd AJriUonnd 4iaedta. PUrrbasa a, burial lot and that the remaluder, amounting to $10,661.67, ahall be used by the executor In the erection of a vault. Whether or. not an attemptwill" b made by the helra to break th will I not known here. . Whea-askad regard ing It today,' Attornfy-Oeneral Craw- I ford's aaalMtant.- L. fL, ,Van' Winkle, atated that It would be an easy matter to prove that a man who would make such a will aa that waa craiy and bene the document would be aet aside.,. MANSFIELD DIVORCE BEFORE JUDGE GEORGE lThe-dlvoroeoaaeof -Uittllagalnt Claud Manfleld, lhr which the usual al legations of cruel and tnjhuman treat ment are made, la on trial before' Judge George. Mrs. Mansfield also charges nonsupport," against which th defend ant eta the contention that h was anx ious for his' wife ig. return to his horn in Albanv. but that she . persisted In coming to Portland and living her. Property owned by the defendant, con sisting of some hot -springs near Albany, Is involved in the auit. Gale 8. Hill of Albany and William Gregory of Port land represent the -defendant; R. R. Dunlwy appears for tha plaintiff. Th trial ' la expected to conaum several day more. -' - ' -. - NOTED VISITOR IS- -HERE FROM WASHINGTON ' Charle Hf Robb. assistant attorney general of TRe'l'nlted States, "1s- 1n fer wtthL'nlted States District Attor ney. F. J.' Heney. Many are of th opinion thatth visitor la locking up the records of those who have- been mentioned 'to succeed" Judge-BeHlnger. But Mr. Robb does not say bo; - : r Ha'irTtred mrroTtlana everal day ago. .unheralded,- a nd has been keepl ng very -much out -of alght, . hoping- that h I r-.ylalt .i would bunnnounced. H statea that t -the present time he ha nothing of Interest to give "but, but aya that he may have something to tell after hla conference with Mr. "Heney, who la expected - from San Franclaco within the next tew days. MArAirSTTOGHA1W ' FOR SUMMER SEASON Thai Marquam Grand' a plan ?or -the summer are about completed.! On. June ,, MIbs Berta Crelghton. leading woman -bf exceptional tAlenUaupporled Cya. stock company, will begin a- three weeks' engagement at popular- prlcea, changing the bill each week. For the month of July, Kolb and Dill are booked for. extraraganxa and during the greater- part of August-.ih house will b occupied by the 'great Lafayette. ' Miss Crelghton s flrat offering will be "A Romance of '74,"" which la, aa tha title Indicates, a stirring drama of the Revolutionary war. ' l . '.-,- - CAMAS PRAIRIE-LINE 1 OF NORTHERN PACIFIC A. D. Charlton said "today: "The Northern Pacific company ha author lxed the construction of a railroad line Into the Camaa Prairie and Clearwater baaln to Grangevllle. Tha survey have been mad and th road will be built this Reason." The Central Passenger association and the Trunk Line association have adopted daily selling datef f m tlisLewlaiwLt Clark fair from May 22 to September 29. ITALIAN'S EXPERIMENT PROVES DISASTROUS ' (Journal Special Service.) r1hbOTCWBh-May. 2 4 Pulai-an Itallaiv-aged-Jfc-y ears, a lighted stick Into a. keg of powder. He was horribly mangled In the explo slonjthat followed, his facA head and limbs mutilated. His escape from death la considered miraculoua. He may die. JOBOAJTS AU AMAIOsTZS. Henry Clay Jordan and his son, O..F, Jordan, were arraigned thl afternoon before Judge Clland on the Indictment of tha grand-Jury for- falsifying the records of tha International Mining Manufacturing company, pleaded not guilty and their trials set for June 13 and It. Henry Clay Jordan waa also Indicted for emRexxlement in cennec tion -with the sam company, "and hia trial aet for Jun " AIM TOM BXI.AAGO OFXITUrO, The -Best sal for th opening' week of th Belasco theatrb" attn theatre ana at the, Dolly Varden candy, etore I progressing, at a rat wnicn : indicate that before the curtain Js raised the house wlllt aold out for a -week In ad vance. The flrat performance will be given - Saturday " night no Saturday matinee tha bill being Belasco s great war dramat-VTh Heart of Majylnd." JOSXFX TOVia IITDIOTXS. Th Multnomah county grand" Jury thl afternoon Indicted Joseph Young for thejhgotlng of A. Van Dran, pro prietor of the Washington cafe. Bev era 1 .week s ago. Thejharye Ja a.U. temptedmurdf.'----. 1 - Young waa at one arrested and hla bond of $4,000 waa raised to $10,000,' imonox w koioow,, - (Jooraal llpectal BerVlee.r" London, May 24. The Evening Stand ard says that an explosion occurred at! midnight near the imperial ' palace In Moacow. No detail are given. mil CX.UB KBXTXBa. There will he s meeting of member of th City Press club at 7:S0 o'clock hla evening In ,thei editorial rooms of th Evening Telegram,, eighth floor bf th Oregonlan building. Important buat-, nesa will be transacted. . . OBAVD JTXBT ZVBIOTS. Thla afternoon th grand Jury re turned an Indictment agaftiat Andrew ensn for obtaining tnormy on false pretense, by fraudulent 'bill Of gal Of 300 cords Of wood, V 1 SalliKeaisesMo JDiULcntitc line MAJUUZ9 AT OsTTAJUO. ) - T gpeelal Dlspstch to The Journal. -Ontario. Or., May 24. Lester Purcell - a .. i- j , , ., , , u ' " i LvC ht-j Every model made by the sarne' nien tailors who pro- ""?-V;';"-' " - , " ".C: v ---A ZZT- y"""? n' rinthgs No dressmaker ' SV ' .:''..' ." UjTZll D f: can produce them For leas matwicebr three times what " 'oh't" ' , . S'-5w:aslc;the :. son of thla city were (marrled -t hj;n-U8.Lfln-lheJ1f"m ' residence -of the bridge parents, -Mr. uft y,-June 81, I Rev. Ofney Kendall officiating. -- r OAJTTOir STATS BAJTX TAIXS. (Journal Bpeelal rle. Canton. t). May t4.-Th Caiilun Slat bank Hosed Its door today. 88i CP g! ttf " After Housecleaning Treat Your Kitchen to a ijj I . " amid Water Heater X; Then you'll have the satisfaction , .. '" ?- ... ffi W wof knowing there will no dust, no ' LL.. . .,. " ' J? ' 83 03 ( ashcs no coa, no kindlings, to make TI JLlkuL. jLu""'"'' to 1 ' T" ' P3 M it untidy. X- -&M$&M Hf S3 V- : Vnitixrill havf Tnnri tfm trt r1vft "fn'vniif"atirn ' ' III 111 I II '' WStft ' 1 visitors whom you.expect duringhefalrr Yoa won't . ; r:M':'' I 1 ItI ' " : ' - z ' ' '. ' :' " ; l';ifui.'3j rfj ; have to rush home to build the kitchen fire. It is ! - J - :'raSe- Qj ways ready yes, not only is the most convenient, but . '&t&&jiyk ' - -7- 1 ',"" ' pQ " .-'the most economical, -- fe . . . " '. '4 ":V. ' : " - S2', Mrs." Rorbr says that gas is the cheapest and the most easily managed, providing, of course, that care is given to its use, and a good gas stove well managed 1 1 1 . -' will, counting in the time for care and the lack of dust, cost One Third less than The That is, for the purchase price we will set up ready for sale or if you pay for in the .kitchen andno.pipe is necessary a discount ol 20 we would be glad to have .one of our solici- tors call PORTLAND GAS .COMPANY. 7 V of OmAVAXT Bvmiri. (Special" Dtapatcb to Tot Joo'BiLV 7 , Ontario, Or.-,- May J4. The, barn, gran- M. Vines, -near. Grove, was destroyed by flra Runday aflernopn. Ajiew.carrlage recently purchased for $180. farm , Im plement and machinery wer also de Btroyed. About. 60 pounda of giant powder stored In . the granary exploded. dwelling. None of the family waa In coal. Price Now Includes Installinq it within 30 days, We make you a - and - explain. the system mLj Fifth nnd Yathill Siroets jured. The cause of the fire It nn k n own. -' -r-; ---j rr -; rioirxxB t ai.x.s sxao. (gpeelal Dlipatch to Tbt Joornal. -ii R-QMburg,. Or , May ti Mra-Maey Hlxaon fell dead jfeaierdajt-whll-talk4 lng to her husband at Brockway, nine mtlea northwest of here. - Besides her husband she Is survived, by nine son aJid two daughter. She-ernimetl-4h plains In U5i at the age of 19. use, which includes a run of 40 feet discount of 10 per ;ce.nt.. Where a pef cent is made. - tr- l I mtt&n , : ; w. .jsv.-a l., . ... . a a a - . - Dr. B. E. SXBTTIST that relieves all " pain In dental opera tions. 34fli, WaBtmron cut. avruui of pipe. On a casH fuel stub is already 01 M to you 1 C , VRIGHT . ? 1 Thar ICUHlflU , ' ' .J : 1 v: - frt -t - , . . asv ar aw i ...