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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
I' ' ' r ' .- V r -rV"--' :. .... v- ' -' t : r: - J THE OREGON ; DAILY . ! JOURNAL", PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY '21. 180T. U ,r't1' r STANFORD'S CLASS -OF -05 PASSES OiN .Fourteenth JAnnuaLCommenc -university .iiieul.fll.ttTe- - Begun. ,-5 .f , tr'r V ' J. DAVID STARR JORDAN ' ; ; , SPEAKS PARTING WORD End Of a Week Memorable to the rwAlumnt-of the' Famous r '.V "V California College. (Journal Special BrrTtce.) Stanford University. Cat. May 24. Xavld Starr Jordan - this morning, de livered, his parting injunction tothe. graduating .lasa ono4v: It was an elonuent exhortation for busy, UBerui ' )'. '" -h'-'h ih fami; of the beloved 1 ,. tinlverslty. where thousaxida of men and ' i women have finished helr echoiastlc . - careers, should . b . mada brighter aad mora. permanent by the dceda- af- -those . :who, nava been tutorea nera. ... '", Tha fourteenth annual Commence- . tnent- exerelaea of tha university began ; at 10:80 thla morning. -Tha eommence- Z ' tnent addreas , of Professor Chsrles . lavld Man ' wa also Inspiring. - This ' .-r-waa followed by conferring tha dfgrees. ' ' .At tha. close of thla protty aervlca president Jordan addreeaed tha gradu- J.:. t4ng claaa. ln; thi preaaneo of the en - tire achool and tha Urge throng of lumnt who nav aaeembled for tha de- . cennlajf:lebraH"v Thi. jfiwnnon and .' evening-, the throng of Stanford men and y.nmmn-. ..ttertrg tothelr homes, which are fouhd in U" parts of tha - ,reat west. The tenth copper- p.te. "11.1 tearing tha numerals of. tha l0i class; mi dedicated Monday afternoon, and given ita permanent place.' Tha dedi catory aervtcea wer held In the Inner I ... juadrangl wltU much, aolemnlty.,- - ' A Briniaat'Waak. ' ' - - Tha -week has oeen one of tha most : brilliant and enjoyable known to tha university. There has never been such vjdenc of devotion .to tha famous In a.tltutlo before, and tha result of this ; decennial obWfrvanceJajuira tn Ina; Trratersp'lfrt among th , Student , f ra- teraitjr'and alumni. ' In all that liaa been done here tha alumni of the past -1 years has bean glvwi a llOTtyTBC tlon- by botii atudenta and f aeuhy: - fKapeciatlv . haa tha J first gtaduting claaa. Hit, .been the object pf kindly at- -7antlotuV.w.U.-i- : .. ' Tha 'nnuaibaseball--gajne BatnfdsT, btwca-th aenlurs and faculty was "-n avant-that brought- forth - great 'throng. -Tha - faculty 1osr by narrow - - margin, but put a spirit Into "their play- .inaj that carried the bleachers by atorm. ---iTha dlgntned president held down, first fcaae aa usual, and was given a rousing .cheer every tlma ha stopped a' baji. . i Tha past aeverat-days Jiy been rre-. ' .pleta with aocial . events. Saturday afternoon President aod .Mrs. Jordan :.- .received ; tha graduating "Class and alumni in the soology building, and the .same evening there Was a banquet of - -the BUnord. Law '- association, with - toast a toy members, of . tha laif school v faculty and aliimnl. ' Zi ''i. if', ,1: ' aTU, maatfocAxall." . V Sunday wa dewroted- to more tolim ervleei, The l0S elass snd. hundreds ' .tot their friends attended, service In tba . memorial church, where they listened . to .. a ' baccalaureate' sermon - by , 'Dr. Htephen B.-lk-Penroaa of Whitman col-' lege, Waahlngton.- At ,tM service a student ehoir of 0 HHed-the-Bavar-Tha-great university organ was heard in alt v Us beauty, and especial music was on tha program, firat of which waa "Hall, Stanford. Hall." an inspiring arrange ment that brought tha audience to its '.feet. In tha evening tha reunited .." alumni proceeded In - a body to church ,aervlcea. " .. Monday wsa class day, when every . hour waa filled with, .the' work of tha . senior class. .. Exercises "at the . chapel '',- and dedication of the copper plate were conspicuous features. The ' various r organisations- held - meetings rther same "day and Phi Beta Kappa -. gave Ita annual banquet at the university Inn; "Tha brilliant function of the senior ball ; at the Enclna clubroom' In the evening wa firat In social prominence.-"The 'fraternity houses were tha scenes of various dinners and functions at yie 'kama time. .. ' , j Tueaday the funeilona Vonrrrmea. The mot Important- meeting -of the- alumni that has ever been held took place. The afternoon- and evening were demoted to .luncheon and, reunlona - -- ' l - Today closed the events. When ther was tha climax, the grand finale, and the students and alumni are dispersing rapidly. Tomorrow ' the- great unl , lV II t A;t;rr I JIN SPHtV, VA UtV: 1 r - - in 1 . ' ' 1. .YSA -Sara S. Shujbertthe NeSLJtClkJIfleatricalMajiger,.K in the Kad- oadreckTrtjlirrigbttre;, , Penngylynicyccently. tZZT at "the-buBy beginning daya of the new aemester. CHICAGO LUMBER . . SUPPLY TIED UP -(GantlmtedT-fToTH-Page On a) fttates Senator Piatt and Vice-President Fairbanks are coming to Chicago to try , to settle the strike. t , ' At Isst night's meeting peace negotls ' tlons failed on account of the f-efusal Jof ..the eapress- manaa-ors t-mkt any . concessions, -They stated to-jhe re pre - aentay ves of the union that .they would not take theslrlkera back under' any circumstances. - This brought the con ference to a close. With- tttennto rt drivers emntoyed by tha Liumbermen'a assot-iatlon ottt tt, will only be a matter of tlma until outside unions become Involved. : : Other labor unions "' employed .In building will ra- iuse to nanoie material nauiea oy mm- i Union men, and the prospects are mat 11 building operations .will be tied up. 'Judge Kohlaaat ruled yeaurdaythai the union . official must... isnswerithe questions put to them in the hearing bo fore Master In Chancery Sherman. The officials refused, to : answer certain quc-stma, -f Riming' coniitllwtloiial right on the jtrouad or posalbia in crimination; - The grana-Jnry yesterday Indicted 1! men In connection with tha death of Charlea Carlstronv who. was a member of the Carriage M alters' union, and. was assaulted by hired thugs. In dictments T;hHrg"manstirtrtliter. SANDY RIVER. IS" VALUABLE PRIZE RUNS -AWAY-WITII BEAUTIFUL NURSE Former1 Mayor ' Davidson of Bal tinorTlSaTlTf or Europe to Return No' More. CONVERTS ALL PROPERTY-:-r 'J INTO. CASH AND LEAVES COMING Widespread "Interest Is manifested In emlneiilly great violinist of the twentl- eta !ntury.- Tha legitimate successor of Ilenrl weiniawsai. A uniqun auu solitary figure In tha vlolinlstic world.- At the Marquam Tuesday eve.v May 30. direction of Lois er- wynn-Crnnen. In weave- s-play. Ing are fused the German solidity, witn the 'French elegance and the Belgian flnesse. Such a conlunctlon as this 4s unnrvcedentad in the annals or vioun playing.; Vou will want to hear him. YSAYE PRAISES THE KNABE PIANO The " followlna eolendld testimonial has been aent by Ysaya.-tb-JVnw-Knabe ft CO., expressing nis opinion concerning the Knaba -pianos - ''11 Dear Blrsi - 1 desire 'to' express my gratitude for the beautiful Knaba pianos you furnished for my tour this season. ; They are unotiestlonably the b-at "Tnave seenH to anamyr-toner touch and workmanship, and deserve to stand, as they do, at the head or Amer ican piano manufactures." . We. .of course, will furnish the . Knaba. on this occasion, In fact, our line of high- grade pianos is such that we supply most of the' artists who come thla way. Hesides the Knaba we have' the pverett, Hardman. Ftacher, l.udwlg, Voae, Pack ard. Conover and many others of like reputation. You will And our prtoaa riant ana terms most reasonaDie, so you might aa well have a good plano-aa a poor one.- Call and see us if you. need a piano.. .... . . - : - " - Corner Sixth and Morrison. TRAIN SCHEDULES JOR FAIR SERVICE R ailroads Entering CityJPtep ar-j ing to Handle Big Crowds Next Month. SMELL OF PAINT AND. .: - VARNISH FILLS THE AIR Northern Pacifio Equipping First- Class Cars Between Port- rr land and Tacoma. ,r" Deserts His Wife. to V;t'-l-"..--. -Continued. From Page One.) wlH be dammed a short distance below a point where Salmon creek empties into 4t, 2 miles' from -Portland. The canal will convey tha water Into a natural basin which will form a reservoir at an altitude of about 400 feet 'above tha Sandy, four miles below the point from which the water Is taken. At the latter point a, power, plant Is to Jae built that la saia to orrcr tne greatest-opportunity to be found anywhere near Portland for development of elfctrlc power. Drawings of the canal and headworks and all specifications for the power plant have been completed, the railroad has - been -surveyed - from Portland - to Salem and, or -several weeks last fall 40 men were at work on the grading. It. Is said that capital has been secured . . . . . . . , . i were vrcuiB & iwi ucii ii . l - -v drlvjnj ln David Hill aOITOV BBITOaTS' BABQTTZT. . Jourpl dpectal Drrricet) Boston, Msy 54. British societies In Boston,1 having an aggregate meiiiber ship ctceeJTrig.Z.000, nava HrranKfd to celebrate: Empire day wItJai4oiat-banJ. veralty-wlll be practlcaUydesarts-tiTI",,V luiilglltTTThe Exchange flub. r Ad dresses are to. be-deltvered by lhajion. nuooipn utmirui, m. r soiicitor-gen- eral of Canada; the Hon. W. H. Mon tague of the Canadian privy council, ami Mr. Kki Hlokl. Jlrat secretary of tha Japanese legation in Washington. . . . ABKAgsiir xairaED. (Jenrul Special ttrrr.) SC Peteraburg, May St. Ivan Kalleff, whij murdered tha Grand Duke gerglus in Moscow, February 17. was hanged yesterday.. On the scaffold' he made a speech" denying that h bad ever asked for "pardolC staling that he was faithful to the traditions of the people, did not ask any favors and was glad to die, . A MATTER OF HEALTH -" . -vr r9mL.-- ' - l IT ; tSgifi" - " ' 'V'-" ''' ' .... I -'.-- . PUiEC3 Absolutely Pure msnoSuBsmuTE , - i . ; ' " ' ) i . Prominent In Political and Church Circles.. , ' tJqnrn Baltimore; . May 24. Mra. Robert C. Davidson, wife of the former mayor of thla city, who has been prominent In financial,' political and Baptist church circles, announces that her husband has disappeared. She said that - ha sailed for, Europe on Wednesday and that pa did not Intend to return home.. " Mra. Davidson deulared that her hua- bandl had converted all hia property about $176.00 in. stocks and bonds Into cush. fhe announcement . lias caused greaf surprise. ' Mrs. Davidson says that Mtsa Laura Banning Js'oyea. a beautiful - trained nurac. haa also left tha city. Mlsa Noyes Is a brunette, six feet tall and a friend of Davidson.- According to Mra Davidson the huaband and Miss Noyea were aeen frequently together In public g ln David Hill park. She says, ana been seen anoncheon Tn" fashionable hotels. . - ' - Mrs. ' Davidson 'saia that sne remon strated with her husband and he said ha could not .help ..himself, - Her husband has been drinking at an increasing rata ancTshe fears he may commit suicide. fRINCESS GARTERS'AS- ROYAL WEDDING GIFTS (J.mrn.l Hperlal Service.) "London, May-21. One of the most Interesting ceremonies conected with The wedding of-the crown prince of Germany and the Grand Duchess Ce celia will ba the distribution on tha wedding day of the princess' garters. It' la a quaint suivival of a custom of olden times. Strips of tha same silk as tha bride's garter, specially embroid ered with the date of the wedding, will be distributed Jto hegucsta. us me mehtoes. " " - A dispatch from Berlin -ssys that while among the nation at largethe crown prince's maVrlage la regarded with Indifference society has regarded it with marked -'disapproval as a me stllanca. ' .. "Are we never to have a kalaerln wbo fits her own position? How could the kslser fall Into such a blunder, after his own experience, too?" la tha atyle t- talk prevalent among the ladiea of h tterman court. - - " . r, The writer sums .up. conclusions 'by saying that the marriage does not sat-' isfy . either t the people; the court, . tha emperor or the empress. Exhibits on the Fair Grounds.- Will ahow up 100 per cent better If shown up' on one of our parquet or hardwood floors.. Call at iit Yamhill atreat--arid Investigate." Hardwood floorrf ing lor mq.-rurunu naruwovuciuor oompapy. , . owraxs nonet. : . 'ai (5prclal nitpalcb tu Th Jurnkl.) tartorOtv;-lfly 24. X nrps-off government engineera went to.the 4wi if-yesieniHy uniii purpoaa of -ef determining tne feasibility or tha Owy hee. Irrigation project. It Is believed that should tha Malheur project ba re jected tha government will turn its at tention to tha Owyhee, where a large body . of government -land-win - ba 're claimed" and . where there wlll,b no water rights to purchaee. . ,, DT1WIA IS XOHTXD. - iJoantaa Bpecl.l S-rrtce.) - - New York, May 24. Tha steamer I Campegne, on tha afternoon of May 20, sighted "a "achooner rigged yacht.' be lleved to be the l'tawnar 64 'miles doa east of Bandy, uook Railroads entering. Portland are com pleting preparation to Install J extra train - aervtca -aa-aoonaa tha " tide of Lewis and Clark xposltlon-raffle--aeis westward, which la expected to happen the first or aecond week In June. , The Northern Pacifio. . tbk Southern paeino and tha Oregon KaIU-oad-& Navigation company tinea-have' received a 1 mrge amount of new equipment, and railroad shops in Portland and Taoma hava for months . bean busy- overhauling, upnoi sterlng . and.vrepaintlngold-CHra, and putting' locomotives in tba best possible condition to meet the' heavy demands that will ba made on them. The O. R. tc N. will not run any new individual trains, but will add equip ment to tha present regular trains, and also run extra sections. Whatever the demands may be from travC ths-road will taks cara of tha business by put ting on any number of extra sections to the three dally trains now in com mission. Extra standard sleeping cars, tdurist cars and diners will ba put on. The operating department haa provided about 30 regular coaches in addition to the number regularly ln use last season. After June 1 extra standard sleepers will ba put on trains S and between Portland and Huntington. The Spokane flyer will hava an extra standard sleeper and an extratourist sleeper between Portland Tekoa, to take care ofthe toes ! bustness-from - tha Paloilse country and the Coeur d'Alene district. A -dining ' csr will also - be added to this train. The buffet service on train No. 4 leaving Portland at f p. m. will be discontinued. Tha Northern Pacific Is equipping an other first-class fast train to be put on between Portland and Tacoma. It will ba.xompoaad nt atandar(LaigeplDg-carg, A in ln-ear.-obeervatlon-ca r and every accommodation of transcontinental serv ice. The Northern rscinc will aoa equipment to Its present trains and will also run extra sections. The Southern Psciflc will handla the exnnsltion business entirely by extra ..Mlrtnt tn 1t nresenAeJeglllar from California. A large hUmber df extra, coaches have been brought to SfiEOAtk-SAl-E UPHOLSTERY FABRICS AND NEW DRAPERIES Fixing over the house for fair time? If so, here's a chnce gt the very fabrics you need at just about half price. Dainty Draperies in light and heavy fabrics and -ichphobterygooda -ia-variousr weights.1 We overboughrthia' springrso we need to 7cui prices now.-Take a look at the showing in our end window. . - '". ' f v'l SCOTCH MADRAS CURTAINS AND YARD GOODS SILK MADRAS IN STAINED CLASS EFFECTS SILK BROCATELLES AND BROCADES ' SATIN DAMASKS AND DERBY SATINS SILK DAMASKS;AND SILK TAPESTRIES COTTON TAPESTRIES AND WOOL' TAPESTRIES frhese goods 'come in all- the newest floral and conventional designs - in colors - that will harmonize with any decorations' you may now have in your home. ' .-'' k..-m t THURSDAY; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL - SALE"-"" COOCHES 1.00 JDOWN 50 A WEEK WUBCEZS1T1 IS GOOD SPECIAL SALE COUCHES : ?i.oo DOWN?" - 50s A' WEEK Portland to provide, for extra equip ment on the regulsr trains ln the Wil lamette valley, snd also to run daylight coach excursions from, all local points on the lines whenever there Is a suf ficient demsnd. A number of changes in.,tne regular tlma schedule of local , trains win taae effect June 1 as result of the exposi tion business. Tha west side train now leaving Portland St 4 o'clock w)U bs held until o'cloca snd will, connect with ' the motor line running -between Dallas snd Independence. . By sn ar rangement with tha motor Una It will connect with the morning train rront Dallas to Portland, giving s dally round trip service between Independencs and Portland.- The Aioany- iocbi, wnics reaches Portland at 10:10 a. m. and leaves st 4 o'clock p. m.. .will leave this city st o'clock, snd its run will ba ex tended to Eugene, arriving thera at 10:20 d. m. - Returning it wilt leave Eugene at a. m., reaching portlanax, at If :iw a.,m. details sre- to be settlad hefors the con tract wllt4aalgned - t- lar-thrdeslra of the Jersey Lily to start her tour: tlot"latef thaiTBeplember In New ork. She will--appear tt the Interpretation pf "Which wlll TeAUlr aTiupportihg" company of 4h rr w h lot Jn l I t M n j S m Imrt efc HARPER FROWNS UPON fAWDARD OILJOKES (Jonrnal Special StrTlct.Ji , Chicago. May 24. Nqmerous Jokes on the Standard OIL a tuineeque. on -resi t.nt Mamer's .relations with John D, Rockefeller, bid fair to wrork woe to tha production of "Ths King's Kalader Keeper," th; snnual comio opera of tha University of Chicago "Blackfrlars" to ba given next Frldsjr and Saturday nights. So plentiful are tha allusions to tha oil king-and "tainted money" in the opera that tha faoulty haa warned tha students to remove tha boldest ,of th.m 1 t' In' ths lines professors are accuaed of encouraging late study td' Sid nianaaro Oil sales, and there "are aeveral tak nffs on President Harper's trips to New Mtorkon- personal TOatterat-A It Is intimaiea to xne siuu.ui ,. urn.r was rreatlr dls- niM.Mi. Rven tha lyrics hays an olf flavor. M'BAIN SENTENCED TO PRISON FOR LIFE (Journal Special Service.) Grander OT.7 T J HWIe-' - T.n Bain, who was lately tried for tha mur der of tha two Troet brothera, in Wal lowa county, found guilty of murder in the second degree, and sentenced Mohr day at 1:20 . o'clock by- Judge Robert Enkln. to life imprisonment, passed present., regular trainaftlnouslr this-city tast-ntght, accompa nied by BneriTi uiaae, n ruui. en terprise to tha penitentiary at Salem. Sympathy for his wife, and two chil dren, who were preaent at the trial, it Is aald, is sll that saved McBaln from being convicted of murder .in ths first degres snd A sentence Of hanging. ' GOLDFIELD BANKERS ARRESTED IN 'FRISCO - ' ' v , (Journal Special Servlae.) San rrsnclsco,. May t4.-J. B. Toung, nresident of the defunct Goldfleld bank. and Francis .jBurton, closely associated with tha bank affairs, 'were arrewted hers laat night. They agreed thla morn ing to return to aoldrieia , witnout - requisition, .liter frlsndS demanded their . release, which wss refused. Hnbess corpus proceedings may ba in stltuted. - . SATTOX MAJT JERSEY LlLY WILL TOUR - -COUNTRY IN VAUDEVILLE (Journal Special Servlrel . New 'Tork. May 14. Word came' by cable from London today that Mrs. LJly Lanatilr has at . last swallowed-the I . . I Journal Special servtee. , tempting bait that-lnvarUbly sUda and p--JeffersH-City5-M. May-4. Judga sweetrns the vaudeville hook when first aaakfor- big -theatrtcst-flsh: She haa agreed to make a It weeks tour of tha larger cities of this country, for a re muneration of 11.600 per week. Some Schilling's Best, so far as It goes, means4 comfort and ease and 'economy. , s .....'v . 't -.'.'. , ,. Moneyback; at your grtKejs, iflDeeial Dlipatck to The I, Joernal.) " Dayton, Or., Msy J4. Osorga Stone- bt-lnk of Lafayette, while returning hhlna from a lodge meeting lata last evening wss -thrown, from, his horse ln the outskirts of Usyton snd sustained s broken collsr-bons, v . XiM TaUAX. OTSB. v - LJ "FT - I pavls this morning granted continu ance or tha perjury case againai lonnri Lleutanant-Oovernor John A. Lea and set ths trial for June 14. ,JTBAJ BBATSC' ... iJoarssl Special Service. Omaha. Ia 24.K. ,W. Nashv-ths smelterlklng. is still unconscious. Mis condition Is unchanged and there is lit tle hope of his recovery. . ,' . " 11 i . txmm com 180,000. . v , t . - . i' , , (Jrtbraal Special Sirvle.i ' '' Msitsneld. O..' May J4. -The Ohio Brass Works plant was destroyed ' by Bra this morning,'' Lots 10,090. Between the usual typa of encyclopedia and the New Warner 0th Century"' ; EMCYC1X)PEDI ABR1T ANNICA- Is, brteflj mat Ihsjattar'a articles give af- thaS la to be said upon their subjects, and. by tha world's foremost special--letsr while other cyclopedias merely give tha gist of tha matter for hasty - reference.- ' -. : Compare this king f reference works with tha beat of the others, snd .you will see the difference. Few of them run over, fifteen-volumes, or son tain -mors than 14.000 pages. This encyclopedia contains , 31 Massive Volumes totaling ' tt.000 double - column pages, embellished wfthr 12.000 maps, diagrams .--na iiiuniraiiQnv. ax lis p.f. wr rn- priniea in volumes ine sise or ne or., ijlnary' novel It would require 100 such books to contain it! Every-ona of tha- articles, ma pa and Illustrations represents the highest thought, skill and authority. Mora than S.000 eminent contributors have covered every subject in science, art. philosophy, . history, biography, trade Industry and professional knowledge. . j - Its scope and authority are. In faer, abeolataly aaapproaohad by ths ordinary encyclopedia. Its Value In the Horne - is tha greatest of sll because Its articles give enough material In themselves for study and - home-work. Instead f re- ferring the reader elsewhere. So com . nleta are they that many of them hava been reprinted as text books for use In - - . . . .1 tQCDI 'iia to till II .11' If ) ' '"n o-' Is there anv aneclal branch of ihM. In which you wish to ground yourself these winter evenings? Are you Intar- - rated in Astronomy, or Electricity, or Wood-Work I ng? Do you want to -learn about Russia. China or Japan? Whatsver lhtaafaeareh yotf-eslre" '.l' all here easily sccessibIfcweU nui uru aiiu rAict. - The Final Marvel -Is that this greateat nf Rnryclnpedtaa Is also tha cheapest. The latest edition, revised up to l0i. Is being supplied for a ""ri lima nn remsraaoia ten Our extensive advertutne? and dta. trlbutlng facilities hava given ua con trol of the entire edition, which la be ing aent direct from the factory to cus . tomers at 60 per cent discount, and on terms so aaay that It Is within tha reach of every man and woman who can spars TBsT CIITI A BAT I And the books are delivered right in vour homo on pay ment of tha riUT SOUAStl to 7 "ram or STAPOUOV zjrsfXTXB oma On- receipt of the coupon below for parsons Interested In our En cyclopedia offer wa will send a hand somely printed and bound copy- of .the "Life of Napoleon" as It appears In tha Brttannlcs. Wa do thla to show how comprehensively Snd In terestingly subjects are treated in this encyclopedia. . - Send the Inquiry Coupon Today -Otir special offer st 80 par cent als-" - count s limited. You must ba prompt to ba Sura of a set of the New Warner Twentieth Century Edition before tlio Inevitable'' advance in price. By our . eaay - payment plan you can secure a . set on tha payment of one dollar. ' and tba remainder ' can be paid at tha rata of tea oasts a day - for- a short tlma. Cut -out-rth In quiry Coupon and mall it to us vow while you are looking at itand let ua tell you mora about thla remarkable book bargain. Tha coupon' below brinsa attractive sample pagea and full par ticulars. - . Cut xtit snd mall this coupon today- 31 Massive Volumes I Wright About aoo Lbs. ss TOttnas, ram nmof, with STow Amerioaa Astiolas. j s TOimcas, AsnrsuoAjr asoz TIOBTS. snrw soiTTOirg, mAnsso ro " ; 1S08. ''I .1 TOitrsta outdb Td tstsk atzo BiAsns AJn aTVivr. . 1-24-06.- .- . . '- TH AMEIICAU KEWSPAPEI AMOCUTIOM r rairoM BnUdma. STS Market tnrm. -. Baa Traaeissa. - - Tfeiaae Send (without cost to me) ; aampie pages and particulars of four New Warner 'Twentieth Can- ury Edition . Encyclopaedia Brlt- ., ennfca offer, snd also free copy of "Ufa of, Napoleop."-, , VJ ol. Nsms . ...... Btres t T .......... .V:. . . ... 1 - , Town . State . . " OREOON JOURNAL BUREAU, b - T