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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
' , , ........ .- 1 . ; j ; ' " . ,- ' ; . - - ITHEOREGONDAILY JOTONAIPORTLAND.WEPNESDAY , EVENING, MAY 24. 1905. ' 7 7 ''V is -t- -v4 1 1 BUSINESS CHAKC " 81.600 CMVEN IWIII W offer our general mere-handle bualnee for asle, with lb above dlccuuul on mer. -rhandtae mad property. - W bv wll Se lected, clraa tork that will Invoice about $10.000 1 also 4 lot and hulldlug that ,w offer at a bargain. lnveatlf at;- on of'tbe boat opportunltle In Oregon. "W niaaa boal neu. Inquir Journal or writ ua. J. W. AND at. A. MOB1.N&0N. Ash wood. Or. $4.200 STBICTLY INVOICE (4.200 I 4Mb tin BtHitiMi "aroma a leading atatlonerr and kodak tore: monthly aalra averaxe 61.000: full and complete alork; bualnee lively nd lucre - Ini; reason fur selling.' IH health of wlfa compels a to go to ' outhcm California. 1. H. H. ANDERSON, 191 Morrison at., aiuut. . WANTED Aotlv, atrletly 4 rellabl man In ark county of Oregon and Weehlsigton who baa 1100 and abllltjr aa aullcltor. IUlnr to "Combine " a llttla bard work with " " greet del of bualnaaa mauagenient, to tako abarge of food parlnc butlnaaa. Addree. with reference. Eber D. Muaalo, Pendleton, Or. PARTNER wanted with aomo meane, blck mltb and good horseehoee. wbo ran or want ' to learn general Jobbing in wood and iron; Ingle or man with am.ll family. Informa tion bat. 1 and o'rkirk. a. ml at Inter- . , national hotel. 12V North Becoud at.,, bat. 11 and 12. - .' : , , - FREE LANDS IN ORROtiM. " FERTILE- eoW. iwro-watesv delightful llmatej land of alfalfa, apple and clover. For full Information addreaa th Columbia ft, them .Irritation Co., 638 Worcester bkc". rurtiapa. 1 CI'JAB and fruit a tor, with furniture, rook' ' Ilia utrnella. etc.. few llllht housekeeping, good-paying trade, rent $13; ral anap; will i invoice or .lump c siio. .,- Kimiwf ' ln( to.. TJ fclitb at., ner Oak. PARTNKK at oiw t 4i mil pun-buln: trarl of laud for aiwulatlon; nlr $3uU rmjulrad; hara pot anouirh cayHal to hu wbnl tract alooo; ran our monr? la V daja. Adlra 4 40 car of . Journal,- 61 HCMIM8. rrnt onlr $1. with lea; tbla . bona will rlrar durlnc the fair tn.uoo. and -w ran noil tbla. en account of alcknoaa. for $.i.(i;. $700 down and $Tlk n month. Wratara Heallr Ct.. Old CoaiwercUl blk. . ELEOANTtiV-KQl'IPPEt) raataurant nad marh rmtntrr. with dallr nrrtpt up to too; a . cold mln for tb fair; will arcapt part pa? . in rnl nlitf. I'rlro $l.BO0.v Eipoaltloo l.raln Co., 73 Slith at. A UDT uatttfaiaa wbo ha amall amount of tnfaat aa partner to attend to of Or bnalnaaa netting from $400 to $1,600 and upward per month. Call 23 1 North VUth - 1 at.- Pbon Mala 2020. ....... IBB NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. SOS Mar. quant aid-., Portland, Or., bandlea bnnda. fork a. mlnea. flnanrra legitimate enterprise. furolabe aafa UTeatmenta and IS ROOMS, ' newlr furtilshed. partlf boMno keeplug, rent $15 per month, good lea , biratrd North Portland: will a-11 reaaoa- alile; part caalu W 3.17-raroJourhAI BESTAl'RAKT -muat- b aold; . doing. good - bualnee: for ante cben on account f alck. Prlra $-25. Ibe only . reataurant In tb rlt. - Darkt Cafe, Kalama, Weak. '- THE beat location In Oregon for a good hotol ' man with from $6,000 to $10.000.Jn th can, I dreg A. F. Cbihlue, Merrill. Oregon. ' " IWENTV-EKirtt rooma. well furnlabrd. In beat location; will aril reasonable; eery low rent; ' ' good reason fur selling. No agent. Addrea B 41, r-Jourl( H HMTT Re of fiR-room bouse: ' good - Icaae . price a.oo0; ewnrf at Alpln Office, 462 -tTirrrTinfecloiierTrr1gar; light grce ...le, llrlug rooms, with fnrnltnre; bargain. it taken at once, est i-oweu, cor. aiura. FOR .RALE A rountrr at'rre. eenfalnlng pnt - offlre; good location. Write or call 3 p. m. dallr. ficept Hatardar. 304 Abtngton Bldg. - IF" fdCHnt t nor than double moaer In ahort time, Inreat. email capital la land; .. .lureatlgate. tmmedlatel'. 814 AIUUT Bldg. riT RANJTH--fnr:walB. In good location; bnr-alK. tn roooilnk house; ecm and see na tvf . bu.rlng. Alpine Co., 113 First at. 1. HOtlll honae. fnrntahed foe roomera or board. era: nl.e reeldenV dlatrlrt; $1,160. lUtlleld' nmitn,-lna our to at., room 33. 4 JIE8TAIIRANT to good location meat he nld: ' owner ba other business; $27$, Hatfield BnHth, lUOVa ourth sL, room 83. . .- WORKINO partner with $.100 for manufacturing fair aourenini: w bar lota of order; big profit. Addrea B 2. JoumaL BKST reataiirant In town;- $1,600 restaurant. , receipts $60 to $76: will take real aUto part payment. 1111 Morrison at. FOR LE$I.I)00 atork In hotel near fair gronnde; worth $1,000; owner learlng city, (all Thurmaa. XO ROOMS. prt HHuarkeeplng. brick building. . oaly tuoo. Hattlcld Hulth. 166)4 Fourth - at., room 32. . FOR SALE Flrat-clae reetenrant In tin lo catlo. Inquir fur E. 2U0 JafferaoA at. BONANZA aide line ' for lire traveling man. Oeorge M. Col Co.. North YimhIU. Or i FOH SALE Restaurant near fair ground, -snap It taken at once. B 44, The Journal. FOR fine l,ulnes chance, call 245, Morrlaoa at., room 12. FOR KALE $1,200 rooming bona of 23 room. 2 Madison at. --( -- -FOE " ALtU-atMCILLAHXOUB. FINE 3-yarld Durham and Jersey bull; gea tle, dehorned, l.Ooo lb, weight; children rltle nd play with him; $60. Also milch cow, o chickens, etc., for aalc. 631 Lorlng at., Alblna, near new ferry. ICE CREAM, fruit Ice, made quickly without Ire, trifling coat; keep milk, butter, etc.. aweet In hot weather;, full dlrectlona. lu. iT Phillip peclltyLo Jo21, Partlnadi BIU.IARD AND POOL; table for Tent or for sale on eaay payinenfa. - IUE Bia WICK.BALKK.COLLEXDER CO. 48 Third at:. Portland. W( print yonr nam on $0 railing card, proper site and at rl. ZAc. 2fl0 bualueoa card. $1, Brown Hchmalr, 220 Flrat, Portland. Or.' JS-POftT gaa launch. 24 horsepower. ' com pletely equipped. In good condition; price $300. IV. J. ( leroena 273 Btark at. FOR KALE Two Jersey cow". Inquire of . . W. Ilneea Wood, at 141 Vh First at., or at Weal Portland. i HAVE to sell bonk with chart for oateopathte treatment: easy term. -A- , Bteldl, Stfil ' Keerett t. -CHEAP lonng Jeraey row. glee rich milk. R. A. Calklna. Mount Tabor P. O. . MILCH rows In Al condition, with or without Taut.. t Kaat Tblrty-aUth at. FOR HALE Irge aillng yrht. . inquire 47314 Northrun at., cor. Thirteenth.. '. - FOR BALE Rahy'a gocart, cheap; llttl used. ' rail 7rt I'pabir at. EMPLOTHIHT AOINCM. Bt ANDINAVIAN AMERtCAN' BMP. OFFICE Real estate, moulng bouae and bnalne Lr rhanc epecUlty. 270 Burnald Main 30W8. Parirn rnT EMPTYMENT A0ENCT KefnoTeti to jat norm Deoonn at. - i non Bed. 16 L . , ' HANSEN'S EMPIX1YMENT OFFICE. S ' FOB MEN. " . . 2d IT. Becond t It one Main 162. riONERR EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eontrae. tore; help free to employer. 216 Morrison. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. U, 0. DRAKE, 20614 Waahlngton at. Clay 446. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT Bl'KEAU Help, fnr : nlahed free. ir2 Flrat at. Pbon Main 117. FOE IALE 01 IXOHAJtOB. FIVE hnalnre Iota, good location. Kalama. (owllta county, Waablngtnil. for dairy. Mock en email jrhlcken ranch near Portland! Ad drea Bert Wtrkham, Oak Potnt. Wmrhtnftnn. -TOI IALE KOlifcl AMD CAKEIAOEI. i WK.LUMAp I1KU team, year old,, weight 2 "30 pohnda, aoimd and .true, with aet t , heary team hariteaa eomplet with breeching and arw wlile.tlre MoHne wagnu, at sacri fice.' call today M Washington t.. OOMMlMIOw MEBCXABTS. SAVBNPORT BHOq Oeaeral Cnmmlaalna asae. cbante; fruit and produce: eonaignmenta . llclted; prompt retara. 160 Froat at. ETRRDINO a FABRRLt.. pmdoe and maal ' merchants. 10 Froat t., Portia a 4, i Or, I aoo 1.4, - , , rOK ESTATE. AdrUaaata pertaining to Baml Batato, . ttow rata ' U ward for It !.". 10A DOWN. $16 per month- New -room bouse, 22l2K,-B rttets, house pot completed, but nearly aa, l lou 4Wil20 eh, Mpuut Scott car line; genuine ansp. $."26. $460 New $-rwm bouse. clts. pantry, etc.. aleely painted tnsld and out. lot 601I00, H block t car line. - . to down, baL am a rent New. modern. . 'j 1 . " '" woodsbed. ate, lot fftiVO fret. $1,160. - $jim down. 1$ per '-month Larg 6-room house, rloset. pautry. bath, attic, rbli Sen house., fruit trees, garden. wtloOtlota, near car llder a floe buy. $1,000. -N OHEOON AHHOCIATKO EXCHAN0E.7 iObl-Waablugtoa-it. -re - "t"" "r 10 ACRES $1.T00. 7 ", All Improved. Bond land: part bearer dam; , good read; spring water; clue OrefonClty, car no. '. . , v - . AMERICAN Phoa Mala 6383. INVESTMENT-' CO. 222 Falling Bldg. 10 ACRES. IMPROVED $3,000,' Oood barn fcnal" f lJXii. arane. yegelaMeai Wlllnett-TlTrf-good -rod. - eloa 40 car I!oi h mile from sealer of city. . AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. Pho'n Mala ' U3 Falllnr Bid IF you ar looking for a horn. I bar a num ber of them In Brooklyn, close to car Uuea; also 'fin reatdenc and bualna lots; they are U wltbln ' walking dlatancat term to suit- take Drnnalvn ear. Real estate, fir ' Insurance, ranting and collecting. John Coo- boy. T1S Powell at.. . FOR KALE Kief ant nbuebaa boas eooslstlng of srros highly linprored ground. 0-room bouse and etber bolldlnga; alsoi 6 room cot ' tage, . abundance of fruit and. berries; .20 ' uluutea' rid to city. Addrea ' r ee.ll 00 . o. 11. Kchwerdtmann, car of Star Box Co. Phoo Mala $. rOR HA I-11 A moaera tmw asic dio. m atorr and basement. 4 storerooms. , 40 room , furnlabed; wUl U all or separate at bed rock .price; also 1 modern room real deuce, rloee to It usee 11 at, on Wllllama are.; good ' Income property.- laqalr of, W, O. Beck, Tb Falling bldg. . : :- SO OR 40 acres, SO mile from Portland, part clear, aom Sn Bearardam, no atumpa or grarel, eery Sn all and eaay cleared, near R. R. and boatundlng; why pay $76 to $160 per aer when you raa get tbla at $36 oa your own tennsT Addreaa P SI. Journal. S-STORY store Sulldlnr and S lot on corner; will sell with or without confectlonere alock .and Siturear aUo other goud resldene and tiiiatnoea tvnnerir ' on audi near Car line. Tsks Mt. Scott csr. FOR SALE Beautiful lota. - SNnrlnute ear aerelce. g bloeha ef -cee Hne, elty watervMtr perfect, price -rrorn 7 to tw earn: terms, " $6 down. $10 month ou each lot; good build ing all around. Addreaa. V ST, car Journal. rrirt1Lj 1 mile from Portland, aultable for a home: eaally Im proved, handy to R. R. etatlon. boatlandlog and good road: 'good on.' For particular address A. B. Folkenberg, Bolbrook, Or. DON'T PAY BEST On Bne.. rncdera. " room. brick house. East Irrlng at.. 1750; terme to - anlt. 7 eottagea-oa weal aide, 7m; kmi down, HI 1.60 per month. .1 modern cottage, $l.ToO 200 down N. Sprag ua, 122Vk Grand are., ISr- FIVB new modern bonae In Holladay Park addition: also 14 choice Iota: (treet Im proved, eeatent walks, sewer, or will build boas tn ault customers: aa easy term. W. O. Beck. SOT Th Falling bldg. L. SPLENDID INVESTMENT-. lot with fine, ..good borne; pay. 12 per cent on purchase prliM.. west lde; will ty- yoa to liirrstl-.-gate. tll room 12, 24&4 Morrlaoa at. A BEAfTIFt'L S-arr tract, all In orchard; J4 yearfoldrer tul; Jut the plac for a fin homo: $.160 per acre, on wry eaa term. Addrea V"20, car Journal. - .1 PORTLAND HEIOHTS New. modera. 6-rooa nouse UA. r line; I or D 68. car Journal. FltO SALE 4-room. famished bouse. No. 901 Kaat Twenty-third at.( north: Vernon car; ' price $H.M, $160 cash, $12 per month "and Intereet eat balance. OOINO east: will sell a new.. S-room, modern housa In nnlladay Parhv add. foe lew than mat. Inquir cur. Tweuty-alxtb. and Mult- no man. FOR SALE On to fir of those alrhtly bulld--Ing lot at East ThlrtT-tmwth- and Sherman ate., at $300 each. Address D 60, Journsl. FOR SALE 6-room cottage, modern, lot feared, fruit trees, 2 block from car; eaeh or term. F. J. Bydr,.- Montarllla. Pbon Mala 6M6. FOR SALE 2 choice lota, amall boose and barn; take team and wagon aa part pay. Of Leo an., Hellwood, city. " FOR SALE At Piedmont, at sacrifice, fltfr quarter -ilork cheep. near- tb - car, Call 14 East Twelfth, North. FOR, BAXB or exchange. 1114 acre Improved. , 14 mile from Montarllla car lis. Inquir Owner, 414 Balaioat $1,630 New 6-room cottage and S larg Iota x an car.- Grand a, and 8hTr at. . Be waer. .- 304 Sharer L - - - FOR 4ULB $ rwirn acre fruit tree. Sixth at. hiiua ii i tin with etc, Isqnlr 201 East WOODLAWN, Highland Park; choice IcAa on In stallment. B. C. Matthew. S04 Fantoa bldg. FOR SALE Hons and Int. Nov 1 Kant Six teenth cor. ot .Ankeny; Inquire 1 at premises. MODERN It-room bona, 3X8 Grand ar., north. Freda and Sowers. Bargain. FOR SALE Cheap, sightly Ma, Lower Albln. Call owner, phone Main 2777. - FOB BALE TAXMS. ,- BARdAINS FOR THIS WEEK vBT ' MOHAN ft TAOtlART. loTS SIXTH ST. ' l,6or acre. tnck-rawrh;-1n-aoiitheni Or. gnn. Will aril thla week for $S.TB er acre. 100 acres In.Hkamant county, Washington: . An aora cleared. 6-room hnuae, S barna, on boatlaadlng. $1,060 tbla week. moo acres, stork ranch: 4-room bona. 2 haras, on the Columbia rlrar. $0 per aer tbla week. 0H6 acres, stock and hay ranch; 400 acrea - In hay and grata;- orop goes If 4akea aooa. $16.60 per acre, S-runru house and lot on Eaat Dart atreet. aurrounded by fin residence. If old tbla week. $1,000. - . 1 ' " ' We ha bargains In large and amall farms In all parta of Oregna and Waahlngton; - mom fine tracta of timber lands. - Rooming. bouaea and restaurants, rlgar atnrea. grocer y-etores and alt kinds of bual nee rbanee. Uat your property fur quirk aalesT - - - 14 acre,. $14 mile from Beaver ton and mile from Portland; ' all Bne land; , per sonally Investigate this -tract. $16 -per acre take thla; cheap at $00 per acre FOR SALE Stock ranch. -adjoining towa of 600. In Willamette valley, within 00 mile of Portland; 160 In cultivation, 19 In young, beating "il'n uri"lirdw bal, J timber - and - pasture, running Water., a fn-lnga. crop, ' horse, 60 cattle, 00 goats, 800 sheen, all . farm machinery necessary, new S-room bouse.' big' barn, outbnlldlnga. Price $lo,t: good terme. , Caa dlvld In two farm; peculiarly . well located for breeding of n stock. Addrea Oeorg F. lis user. McMlnnviUe, Or. 2N0 ACRER-MW ere tn growing crop, 100 - - acres flr tlmberr bat. pasture, running stream through place, spring water for bouae use, - good Improvements, near public acbooU rural mall and telephone, a Sna hom, suit able for dairy or stock ranch, grata, fruit hope or vegetable. Price $40; $1,600 down, .bal, on tlm. Addreaa V 41. Journal. X44"ACBES, 24 In cnltlvarton, H srr good tlwlier, good aolL no rorka, ftn locatloa, good read, nearby all. kind of fruit, X barns. " good -room bouse, good water and wind mill. 6 mllea aoutheaat from city limit of ' J'ort1e.nd; will ;make terme. ' Address II. Lonacoy, Mllwaukte,, Or owner. FOR' SALE ISO acre.' prlc $2,000; on of th most msgnlArent site for a country home. Aft mllea from Portland, Or,., 6 mile . from railroad. Addreaa Mr A, Schulenberg, Palmer, Or. FREE LAND IN OKEHON nnder the '"Carey Irrigation Act."' 4eed " Hlrert .. from, elate. 4 Writ todays Booklet and map free. B. S. Cook ft ('., 2.M Alder at., Port laud. Or. FARM nf 14 sere In high atate of cultiva tion, within 4 mllea of cltrolnatta, $3,000 worth of Improvements:, will efrhange for good city residence, ( all M"4 third t. . . MALIIEVR COI'NTY Improved and unimproved lenita. ereage property town lota, residences, business looaetnns. etc. Don Lark Boyd, lb rral eetat una, Ontario, Or, I iT.f "itFa 11 nil iiAWTf il :: t"! V I :1 rw h m is.. 111 111 ri in iilm rri .1 i FOa SALE FARMS.' $14 At'KES. Improved. -AVnden district, Vi mil atatlou; crop, outfit. H down, bal- ' anc easy. W. P.. Watsou, Clem. Oregon. - FREE , lauds In Oregon; excursion every day. . For Information Inquir Northweatern Securl - tie Co., SIS Orcgoulaa bldg FOR SALB bO-acr farm near Oewegov Mas Smith, The Savoy restaurant. 100 Fifth at FOR -southern iern Oregon, resl estate, larif i .or miLl.av-WTi Tlllrd ft Clayton. Boburg. Or. tracta. 200 ACRKS fine grass tand. $000: $2o0 nab, belance long time, 814 Allsky bldg,- - PEBSOVAX. BOOKS! Here thry re! "Dromeron." "nun; Uni.ron." "A Hot Tamele." "r'aijny Hill.1' "Xwenty Tears a Faker." Forbidden Fruit, 60c each; Uat free. A, Schmale, 28 First at. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Kobarta' Narva Globule, On month' treatment. $2; $ aionths, $S; sent securely aealed by mIL Agent. Woodard, Clark ft Co., Portland, Or. LOST- power rratwrtd by the great - Dr. Lorens a Nerve Ionic Tablets uSc ir box. botes -for $I.2S. Writ or call at Emell's I'herniacy, 22T IMorrlaoa. bet, 1st and 2d. TUB Matrlmonlsl Bureau will help yoa win ' . wife or husband. Address Mrs. W ilbur, 00 -ISth atrK.; mgr.Twlth loc. for parrlmlar. THE 8SOWDKN BATHROOMS 2M7H Aldel near Firth: lady ttendatita; tub and vapor baths, maaaage. etectrkity. PI COMPETENT bualhea woman wlshe , partner Jlth meain; OiuaV be (Bteresteo lu pimunry and clairvoyance 6,'IH Hlltb St. YOUR fortune told; send dim, birth data. Prof. D. -Algomo, P. O. Bos 7. Bridgeport, Conn. ALM 0 Fio9 for all feeikla dlaeaana. Alder St. - I'boo Main 4822. OCCll.T nd New Thought book. Jonas' Book Store. 201 Alder St. " . ' " -' TO EICHAMOE. i - S80 ACRKir unimproved land near Salem; tim ber Mnoftgh to pay foe land; accessible to river; will trad for Portland proparty. - list- - field ft Smith. 10544 Fourth St. . f . ASSATEBS. THE J. H. Flak Aaaaylng fflr Oreenley ft Crawford, analytical chemist and metal lurglaU. 204 Vt Waahlngton at. ARCHITECTS. J. P. noKFMAN, rchttect and superintendent 1HIV, Flrat at. Portland. Or. AXT EMPOBnm, PROF. RICHARD XIAX METER Portrait and landacap artlat; Instruction In 11 painting, wster color, etc.. and drawing; art gallery connected with atodlo; pl.-tare for a ale and framing to order. 4S Alder t Phono IMP. BAHD JMSTIUMIBTaV- CHAS. E. YORK ft CO. repairer end platers, 'removed to 67 First. 8 block north. BATHS MASSAGE. VAPOR and pong' bath, with massage nd . magnrtlr trcHtmenta ly experienced . young lady. Morrison at., room 18.. LtLr- Erl.lHdTlltrl!t"ltTililnet4tm I.arEsrIeCtrli-Ttrlttflrolxtb. rooma 24-2.V Tor NO ladle give massage.- tub and vapor bate at liovj Fourth at., cor. Washington, "BICTCLE DEALERS.- COLUMBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. ooods. expert rkpairino. F. P. KEENAN. 208 THIRD ST. BLAVX BOOK atABTFACTTfEERB. HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM., 100-111 Second at. - Bank hook manuf actnrera; agents for Jones Improved Looee-Lesf ledger; see th new Eureka ,lef. the beat on the market. CEMElfT COKTEACTOES. ... CEMENT- WORK V P TO DATE, - wit - mm, elbowgreaa and atralght builneaa. , K. Q. l.unihtmtn. A119 Cnmmerofal blk. . CHAR. H. CARTER ft CO.. eemeet contractors, 40 Eaat Twehtleth at Phono Eaat 1876. '. All work guaranteed, - . 0I0AKS AVD TOBACCO. ESBERO-OUNST C1QAR CO. ; DlsUlbutors of . EIN1 CIOARS. '''.. Portlsnd. Oregon, - CAEFXT CLEAEIBO. STANDARD Steam Carpet-Cleaning Oo. Carpet cleaned,; refined, aewed and laid; mattresses, festbera rea4vated. Kaat Third, north, and Pacific Tat. Eaat 2S0. Merrlman ft North. HAVE -year Wall cfeaned; w clean papered and painted wall: eattafactlon guaranteed; prlc -resaonablev- rofexauce. ed .Stt& CARPETS ' cleaned onf th floor; wa raw a dut. Phooe clay 31, fre demons tratlon. 1. HITNTER Steam csr net and ttre- cleaner. MAO Jefferson. Pbon Main 214, CLKABtVO AKD DTEIKt. PORTLAND STEAM CLEArTlnH ft,3TEINO Work; practical hatter la connection feather tJJoaa and plume cleaned and curled by a . part. 211 f mirth. l'hons .Clay -10 "LOTHE8 cleaned and -pressed $t per ssoatb. Calnu Tailoring Co., $4T Washlhgtoa st. B. W. TURNER, professional dyer sad cleaaer. ano. Jefferao it Phoa Main 2S1S. boKCKETE riEIFSOOF BUILDIKO. . COCSK-Te) fireproof bollitnr material I be Ing manufactured bv tb (Vincret Conatruc tlon company st Eaat Blstb and) Madison atreete. Tnls- company is ennsimciiug bnildine st Union avenue and Kaat Oak atreet for Councilman John P. Sharkey and Invly any on Interested In, a avxjern fire, proof building fhat will bo better and cheeper than brick to rail t: thefr office, room TOI cbamher of Commerce hnlldtng. hero further Information wlll .b cheerfully . IL.e Pkoea aisle 10. . Free-Baking: RawderWith . r - ruarLAHD CORDAOB COpraer Foartaaata I V ""aVl -Y .'"- CL M.JL' L. . (jLVlaW r.vt,. : I t. O. STAMP WORKS. 84 Alder St.. pbo V-X -- 'i f--it--,ihai TjV . - - - B 1 cbecka; aend for catalog. A SPECIAL OFFER MADE 7 MERITSlJOURNAIe-i'WANT-ADS'V- ::- 1 . The "Journal having made , a K. C. Baking Powder Co., it has 25-cent "Want Ad" there will be ? can:of this well Thisoffer will-be mad for a limited time only an those. who. have property to sell, rooms to rent, lost articles, to find, etc., - T will find The Journal ""KTCris "the" up-to-date "baking powder which Is "soldiy" all the "leading grocers "25 ounces for 25 cents." " It is becoming more .' popular every 'day as housewives learn of its- superior merits. ' ' jf - It makes pure, -wholesome . lood 'and is unexcelled for hot C0A1 AJTD' WOOD. CHl'RCHLEX BROS, have removed from foot of Davla at. to s:JU Kearney at., near Eleventh. It la now- the Isrgeat wofdysrd In th city, carrying all kinds of wood and - Fboo Main 031. - WESTERN FEKD ft FUEL CO.. cor. Front and Hoyt eta.. . oeslsrs In domeatl and a tram coal, blacksmith coal, charcoal and coka. Phoo Mala 101S. . ' neen enA Arw alahwood. R. R. Snd Al' Una are., S block eaat of ferry. Eaat $74. RUPERT FUEL CO Tb " bt"dry wood la ..towa. Don't forget to phono East 14wV. 26$ Eaat Eighth at., cor. Madlaoo. STEEL: BRIDGE FUEL CO., deatara-UL eord wow? tail rtabooorowrt-41t OREUON FUEL CO.; all kinds of col and. wood, $44 MnrrleoB. Pbon Mala OS. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water at., wood and sooL Pbon Mala 4B08. - CLAIXTOTAJTI AVD TAXMIST. ALWA T -CONSULT Tltb BEST. I - OVPSY- EKNOB1A, -'Acknowledged - by - pre - nnd - public -th -- -Outen f j .-, , - CLAIbVOVANTS. i. Never aka a question, but before Too peak ah tells you what yot -rsme 'for. Ad vice on marriage, love., divorce., business, - etc. No matter what yonr trouble may be, ' aha will brlp you.. 144V Slitb at. MADAME JOHNSTON-Clalrsoyant. palmlat. card reader; 1 glee fact rellahl and Ise. -wortant en all affair of real life. -Bonding 60c. S 8vnth at. sear Oak. rmocKxar akd glassware. WHOLESALE crocksry and glsawsr. . Hegele ft Co.. 100 to 100 rut. eor. Stark at CABFzxrzKS abi inrrxozJiB.- A. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, carpenter . and builder; repairing aod Jobbing; tor no ornce axrnr vui. aau, w vv.wov. Main B20T. - CAFES. ERICKSON'S RESTAURANT Merchant's ranch 11 a. m. to IS p. tn. ; noer new management O. . B. Evan, pros. Second and Burnald. THE OFFICE xs Waahlngtoa at Phoa Mai 771. . Samuel VIgneaux. POO AKD H0E8E HOSPITAL. DR. C.E BROWN. D.V.B..D.C.M. Dog. bora torn. pltal.B7 Burnalde. Phone: Maln4oS;Eat 2038. SBZBBMAXIVO. SHIRTWAISTS, won! or waah silk, made fur 51.25; ahlrtwalat aulta, $3.60. 4o9 Kaat Mat et Pbon Kaat 8281. KEISTER'B Ladles' Tailoring college;' pa -cat to meaaure. Allaky ball 400. 203 Mor tterna .orrlaoa. UHl UeKlHBKM. ertletl. . making, .661 Morrison t - DRERSMAKI NO Strictly op to daU lataat dealgn. 4SS Clay at ILECTEICAX WOBIB. HORTHWEBT- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ' Company. SCO Stark t. Portland. O. K. foe - everything la th electrical Una. Pbon PACIFIC Electric Co. Engineer, contractor, repairer, electric wiring, supplies 84 First, cor. Stark. Main M. B. H. Tat, mgr. FTJS-KACES. BOTNTON warm -sir fnmarea as re fuel. J. C Bayer Fnrnac Co 206 Second. Main 401. FTJBKITTJEE FACTORIES. OR BOON iFnrnltur Manufacturing Company Manufacturer of furaltur fu tb trad. Portlaad. Or. ' FURNITURE nnnsfartnrtnir and special ardera. U Rneenaky' farnltnr factory. 870 Front at FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. inntiT rrscnva scriw for sai.b An. proved, anreatrleted, ready for Immediate aee- loweei price. a., r. m icj..aim a Chamber of Annum, r Bll I II I 1 I I' " , ," raiCE OOVEEKMENT LAKDS. JUST opened to settlement; One. level, taller landa; no stone or tlmtier; water and soil ., first rise. Come In and let na locate yon. Room 60 Lbb bldg.. Second end Washington. OABDEHSES. GARDENS made and kept In order, hedge trimmed. Phono orders Jo Noble, Mala 6239. . . OEOCEES. WADHAlHS ft CO., whole I . grocer, main, faeturer and eomtlaalo merchaata. Foartb and Oak t. - ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission and prtdnc ajer cbsnta. Front and Davla at,. Portland. Or, HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicit opportunity t quote price. 138 let, eor. Alder. Main 1634. HOTEL, KESIDBAKT AKD CAJtF BAKOZS. HOTET.; BESTAURANT AND CAMrANOES Crlbben ft Sexto ft Co., Seventeenth nd s- Upabnr at, largest stock boteL reataoraat. camp range. gaaotlD stove and refrlgor. tor In the city. r ' LS8UEAKC1, LAMBERT. WHITMBB ft CO. Fire laawraac - aad real estate, nceeeor an Arthur Wllaoo ft Co,;, office. Wast aide, 107 -10S Sherlock bldg.. Main loos; eaet aid dept, 04 Eaat Alder. Cltlaar bank) IFilAb U WHITE, ar baawasca, $00 Dekuai bidg. . , - i.. ..: .... JAS. Mrl. WOOD, emptor era' liability and In dividual aerld.nt auraty bond of art klsd Pbon 47. 802 McKay bldg. D. F. BABTIIJ COMPANY Fir -Inane nee. w aaetiocB mug.' hirvgg raoao vwy aok I "-'1 71" isliiaa slsimi In - 1 II it " TO INTRODUCE THE special arrangement with the ' been decided that with each given entirelyjree a 25-ounce7 known article. " - ... . of invaluable aid. - biscuit or tancy cakes. ' .. HTTMAK HA1X BOLLS. I. t. BOROrmnafatnrer of bamaa bale toll. etc. at B. ninth. Pbon Eaat 2211. HOTELS. THE LIN DELL HOTELMarket. between XbIrd and -Fourth. Portland; entirely Kuropean and American plan; AOo to $2 per. oay, Hotel Pendleton. Pendtrte. W. A. Brows, mgr. HOTEL Portland. American plan; $8. $8 per day. HOTEL- 8t George. -Pendleton; leading hotel. BELVEDEBB, Lam pea plaa: 4 th aad Aldr ta. ISMITH. KEY fitting, cast-iron briilng and general re pairing, j.- m. mcnarnann, , gug rourin st none nooa imz. KOITET TO 10AB. THE STAR LOAN CO. s Any salaried employ. wage-earner, eaa gel , am bis noi;. wiiaoui moringe . . Month. . u Month. Week. tfl0.00.Kpiy to s $1 SS $0.03 or 1.1 M i23.00 Repay to na I 8.09 or 3.8S or $1 OS ,15.00 Kepay to o $-4 00 or 2 00 ar $1.00 - io- McKay - bldg. .- FIVE per cent jnoney: w build yoa a bom or loaa you money oa your proBerty; monthly payment; Investigate; open Satnrday avso- isas, . aosnt l-ll um mag.,- xtiy, wB. MONET TO LOAM oa real, persoaal-aad col . lateral aecBrltyi special attantloa to cnattel mortgageaj note bought 0. W. Pallet, - 804-6-JTMtoa bldg ,-4 Slith " HIGHLT reepectaMe place where ladles and Ente can borrow money.. oa diamonds and eelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 200 Waah (too t" Pbon Black 71. ,-- IS LOANS and noward on all klnda of rity or to salaried people oa laelr note ; mi rate; no publicity, no dUy. HS.Ablogtoa Hed i f XT, : . : . MONET ADVANCED ealarted people, teamsters, etc., wit hoot aectnityr stay payments; larg eat business In 40 principal cltle. Tolmaa. 228 Ablngtoa bldg. . LCHATTEL loans tn amooata ranging from S2S to bd.oou; rooming-bouae t a apecjaity. Piw Er Loaa ft Trnet Co. 2o6 Ablogtoo bldg. . . WE quy life Imuranc ' pollcle and pay mor - than companies Issuing them: also buy thai subject to loan. M 30. car JouraaL. LOANS at lowest rate oa furniture, ptanne; any Mcurlty note purcbd Katrm Loaa tfSco. 44S Sherlock bldg. i MONEY TO LOAN lln Urge er small mount on gooa secuntyi iowev raie. wiiuam v Beck. SOT Falling bldg. . MfPtET to- bisn tn snma to stilt at 8 and 6 per. cent W. J. Clemen, 273 Stark at, Chamber of Commerce. LOANS hn furniture, pin no, other eecurttlea. mwrat rate. B. yv. b.lng, room ao, wasa, bldg. Main 6100. THE CRESCENT LOA! TOMPAN' loan, from thro to six month; confident'' Z17 oc MON'KY TO LOAN on CUekama county land. R. F. nd F. B. Riley. 606 Chamber of Com- PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 6 AND 6 per cent Wm. Denholm. 229 railing bldg, MONEY TO LOAN, 6 per cent. North rup ft King. 210-211 Commercial block. . MUSICAL. BELF-PLAYINO PIANOS CeclllaS' adf-play. . Ing plana pronounced tb beet by lee ding mneldane; also Ceclllan plano-playvra. E. b, Wllla Mualc House, 8A0 Alder st 8EC0ND-nAND musical Instrument of all ' klnda at loweet' price, csah er Installment. Fisher Music Co., 100 Third t. MR. AND MBS. H.-A. WEBBER, bante, mando lin, gnltar Invtmctlon Main 2oS. 173 W.Park. if A0KET10 HIALIKO. MRS. L. H. HART treat all disease, atomarh trouble, aervonenee and functional weakness. ' Consultation fre. 81 1 Tourney building. KOTARY PUBLIO. PREPARATION' of deeda and Biortgag a . epeclalty; price rvdured. H. A. Frame, 618. the. Marquam. i.-.o . . OVERALLS. BOSS OF THR ROAD OVERALLS ahd merhaa , lea' clothing: anion made. Ntuatadte Bros., man faetarera. - Portlaad, Of. ,, ifHOTOOBAPHIO MOUICTS. B. I.i tVoonwoKTn,. HTr.. 10SH Fourth st. The latest styles of Mount Bord. FLtTMBIBB. DONNKRBEBO A BADEMACHER, . MaltAry plamber. 64 Foartb at. - Both pboaea. , i : rr FOX A CO., aimery plnmber. 231 Second bet. Mala and Salmon. Oregon Phone Mala SOOL PIAKO TUMIKQj tIKOROK ANDKR80N Expert plaoo taner and repairing, inquire r iaher Muaic co. Hen vox. F LATINO. EASTERN - PLATING CO.. - 826 Flrat old. . silver, copper, nickel nnd bramplatlnaVJ THE OREOOM PLAT1NO WORKS. 081 Waab . lngtoa et Pho 2676. - PelWlS, pletleg ' and laequerlog. - PAIKTi, OIL "AKD OLAAS. F. B. BEACH ft CO, wlndow-glaa . aad I'boa 138. . Tb Ploaeer faint C. I laalo. left Flrat a. BA8MUBSEN ft CO. Jobber, paint, all, glass, saab d door... Second and Taylor. v ' FEIKT1K0. Bl SHON ft CO. Front and Stark sva, print. lng, lithographing, kliak took and f6r supplies; work don o tlmvi tuoat mpltt - printing efflc In tb Weet Mala 104. - AMDERSON At DUN1WA Y COMPANY, prtnrtn llthngrephlng, 6 la ok bosks. Phoa Mala it su6 Aldor .-' rvBLia AccoTTTArr. R. H. B. MULDER, exoert aecoanUnt. Mom 441 Sherlock bldg.;-'ibnoka npad.-sujuated anal. Iimt.ll SMns ImA Mi.U-aucru: mcoe- 1 rat ttiameir Srt-clal feference. Mala SMS. ' BOOnKO. TIN ROOFING,' guttering, repairing aad graarai joooing. i. idatn, gig jetrersoa ex. AFEST FOR ooanln lock eut and aaf bargain aa to on -joiro sr. ' SHOWCASES AKD rTXTUXES. SHOWCASES of. every deaertptloa; 'beak, bar ana store nxlurea maae to or aer. ih jvbu Manufacturing Co.. Portland. - 8T0KA0E AKP TBABSFEB.- AFES, pianos and fnrnltnre moved, .seked ready for snipping ana anippea; au war guaranteed; large, S-etory, brick, Bre-proof warehouse for stores. Office 12S Flint t C. M. Olaea. PBon Mara 4T; -- -- CO. PICK, offlr SS First -at., be twee SUrk and Oak at., pnon nun; piano ano ivrniiur moved and parked tor ahlpptag; eommodloae Ire-proof, ' Wick wanbeii. Froat aad Clay . 8TORA0E pac tn let In onr sew building. ore nmr n ,'in viiun w Company. soTrvzinas. ' THE MORr.A CO. jl lOS- to 118 Second St.. . 84 fjoor.: Uaanfactneer aad Jobber o Jw!s khd Clsrk souvenir: booth and street td fitted out complete,- . v . STKEET VAvnra. WARREN Conatructlon Co. Street Paving, aid. - walk aad cnoswalka.' 714 Oregonlan bldg. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of Portlaad. Office 06S Worrreter blk. -, TIMBER. WE bar for aale Santa Ft, Baa. Fnuiclsco Monntsln forest reserve; th(s will enter , timber bind; a Ian 100 Bloux arrlp, which will enter nnaurveyrd lnd . Maglnnls . ft Son, 22T Falling bldg. . FOR SALE Two homeatead reUnaalsament clilma: second growth; wills", cheap. K. P, Klelaon. Hotel Rbelnpfahra. FOR HOMESTEADS, timber claims and atria apply t SOS Commercial block. - TTPEWB.ITEBS.- TOBX-TTPEWRITEB HEADQT7ARTEBS Fourth. -tret . W rent repair. Mil. exchange typawrlttrs. r- All eoppllee for all mafhlno. - Standard mscbloe $28 and up to $100. -Do yoa want a stenographer or typtstt W bars Hat of good' applicants. Pbon Black 2ST1. . -tYpeweIter bathhouse' will rail and irtMl machine and thoconrnlv clean with benrlne for $1, Addrea 84 Third St. - Pbon Main 2048. BLICKENSDORFER typewriter, supplies, pairing. Boa, ft Rose. z06 Stark. Mala 1ST0. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS OATT.T Comb, brueh. op. - $1 per month. Ltwrene Bro. Towat Supply - Co., Fourth and Coach. Pbon 426; TKAKSFER AVD HAOXIKO. OREOON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Sixth. Pbo Mala 66. Heavy hauling aad atorag. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ka. 200 it Waah Ington at. Phoa Main Ml TURKISH BATHS. pk .MOOREFIELD of Stork itnit. Cel.. ba opeaed a Tnrklah end (team bath at "300 Fifth at VIOLINS. I. A. WESCO, Tlolln-maker and renslrer: wars -Jlrat class.. 2S Kusaell bldg. 4th and MorrkMMV WAlXFAPIB. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-1SS Seeoad at. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. FT.KAKCIAL. rrate vivinvir wawvr T OF E-OKTLAKb. 0EE00S Deelgxted-Dipaallary and Flaaaalal Agent of lb Lnltad State. President,,,,,,............ A. L. MILLS Caahler J. W. NKWKIRK Assistant Caahler W. C ALVOHD Serond Aaalatant Caahler R. F. STEVEN'S Letter of Credit Is.ued Available la turop nd tb Eaatern State. Sight Etchang and Telegraphic Transfers aoia on new xora. itoaron. mirage, of. uioia. St. Paul. Omaha, Sn Francisco and th principal points In tb Korthweat Bignt an time tll' on Londou. Parla, Berlin, rrsnkforton-th. Main, Hong Kong. Yokohama. ' topeabagea. Chrlatlanla. Stockholm, St Petersburg. Mos cow, furlch'. Honolulu. - Coll ot lens Mad aa Fsvorsbls Term. r - v. ion Tinun st 71 Tb Oldeat Trnet ompany In Oregon. ' Hi KH OttK 6I.000.U00. ... .. - Geactal Ranking rliiatneea Conducted. . .. ' Kavlnga lieposlte Kerelvefl. Time certificate Issued, also certrflcste nf depnelt payable opon lo dava' call. 8o day' call or SO dura' call with lotrreat at $14, 8lt and 4 per rent per annum, respectively. CaU or semi for bonk of Illustration. . REN. I. COI1FN .'.:... President H. L. PITTOCK.. , Ylco-Preetdent B. LEE PAGET.. Seeratary J. O. (iOLJefA.... ....Aaalatant Secretary UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, OF POBTLAND, OREQOlf." kOBTlTWEST COR. IMIRD AND OAK ITS. Tranaaet a Oenersf , Banking Buslnes. - 'DRAFTS -.ISSUED-'- Available la All Cltled ot tn United"' State nd Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS' I'rraldent. I.... J. C. AI.SSWOUTII Vice ITealdent W. B. AYEH Caabler..., .......R. W. SCHMEBH Aaalatant Caahler.... .A. M. WB1UUT LADD ft TILTON. BAWKEBS. (Eetabltebed 1 ll " Tranaaet a Oeaeral Banking Bualnee. Collection mad at all points en favorabl terme. - Letter of credit l.aued avallabl la Europe and all points In the' United State. Stxbt Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer old B New rk. Waahlngton. Chicago, St. imu. uenver. timans. can. rrauciaca aad Montana and British- Columbia. Etchang nld on .London. Paris. Berlla. Frankfort, Hong Kong. A'okobama, Manila (ad Honolulu. SECURITY BA VINOS ft TRUST COMPANY. . 666 Morris St., Portland, Or. - -TraaaatKa a Oeneral Banking Bualnee. ' 6AVIK08 DEPARTMENT. Inter est Allowed on Time and Saving Deposits. Acta ae irusiee ror r-aiate. Drafts and Letter of Credit Avallabl la All "Part of th World. C. F. ADAMS.. ..President UiU,tnll,; Elrt Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second Vie President R. O. JLBITZ..... Secretary SSEROMAKTS' NATIONAL BANK. . .. . IVI POETLAKD, OKEOOlf. - J. FRANK WATSON...?... I'reatdmt R. U PI RHAM Tlcorrealdeet . . ,i. in.vr . , . k, CEOROF. W. UoYT. ".'."."."..". . Aesist.nt'caskler Trmnanats a usaermi uining iuiaea. Drafts and Letters nf Credit le-sed- A veil hi to All Parta or tn world. -, , Collection a SpeeUlty. - ' M0EE18 BROS, ft CKBISTEVSEK, V$ia Flrrt Btr 4, Pertlaad. 0,"" Offer Ottt-Rdg Ineeetgernt tn elonlrlpal aad f Itallraad - Bond. Writ or CaU. MORTQAOU UOANO Oa Portlaad Kl Xaiat st loweet Vataa, Title Insured. -Set y !-. . TITLE OUA-'AKl. ft T i v. ' Keem 4. t,-... ea i ( . 1 1 v ,. r BintfiAB rthUTASLza. ill SlIOTlxlIili "ma' f maMrla-ria!1 V"lallail-a!alass and uniuN FAifinu 3Trains to the Ea$t DaIIy-r-3" T Through' Pullman' tandaid n tourl.t alee. mg can oany t umaus, vucis, apsiiaii tourlat sleeping car dally to Rsoaa Cltri tbroigh Pullman, toartat aleeplng ears (pens, ally' conducted) weekly to Cncaa. : BscUalaS " rbslr ears Isests Ires I se ne sssv aaity. UNION DEPOT. Leve. - Arrive. cmrtffo eoeTT.Swr, BPECIALT t;T8 "" IBaTa. For th F.sst via HaBt-l0"'' Dlly. ..... - , I a to a. . SPOKANE FI.TER. For Eaatern Washing ton. Wall Walla. Lew 8:18 p.. I Dally. ; no a. a. Dally. Iston. Ooenr d'Ai and Oraat Korthers point. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Fa tb Eaat via Haat. ' lngtoa. S '19 p. m. DsUy. . T -18 a, 1 Dally. Colemsl Elves DlvMUsau 1 FOB ASTORIA aad way) 8-flOp. m. point, connecting wttbi Dally, tmr.- for Ilwic and ei. Snnday. Nortb Bear, ait. Ha- Saturday. lo. Aaht. dork. 110:00 , sa. Tamhlll Elver Bent. About'" . 6:00 B. ex. Baaday. ft'R DAYTON, Oregna CltV and Vamhltl Bl . a. as. Dsily . point, atmra. Both aadUI"'. - - h-et. dock. ax. Sunday (Water permitting.) - at. Sand, : tnaka Blvsr Eeot. FOR LEWISTON, Ida., and way point froB RIparla. Waah.. a airs. Spokane aad Lewis to a. 4 00 a. av Tuesday . Thurdsy Sunday A boot $ pm Monday Wednesday Friday .. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Waablogtaav Tbr phoo Mala Tit. . - :---r C. W. BTINOEE, City Ttekot Agog. ' -v A, U CBAIO. Ceneral Paasenger Agaav, Leave. CNION DEPOT. Arrlv OVERLAND BXPBI burg. Aablaad. Baara- 8oW P, BV BMnto.Ogdeo, Sa Fraa Cisco, Stock to. Lo Aar gele. El Peso. New Or lean and -the- Be. Morning train aect at Woodbara dally except Saaday with train gas ML 110 a. aj, 6JSB.BV AngeL Si I V r t B.I Brownsvtn. a a r I a g flsld, Wandling aad Htroa. I Albany namenger eon-' -4:00 DVfc-tnecU et Woodburn wlth-n0;10 tmr Ut. Ansel and SilveeU ton local. Corvallls paeagm ' Sheridan paangr. 7:80 a. m. 1 14:60 p. P. I !". OV S:2S a. as. spslly. IIDally, xcpt Soodsy. Prtliul-0wge Suburb Servie aad Yamaiu - ' ' Dlalala Retarnlng from 0wg, nrrre Portland dally S-SO a. at! 1:66. 1 OB. :1B. T:. f:nn. ll lO am. D11y (except "Bnndty) 6:28. :, 6 SO. 10-10. 11:46 a, m. Except Moaday. 12J6 p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. Ieavea from aame depot for DaTlasJ and tte. medlate point dally (except Baaday) 4:10 a. OW Arrlv Portland 10:10 . m. The IndepeBdeBce-Moomoatl Moeao Ua oneratea dally en Monmouth aad Alrrl. e. neetlng with 'Southern Pactoo ompany' track at Dallas and Indepeadenc. .. Ftnt-clae far from Portland to Bcem adSan Franclo $20. bertha SS; omoosV. , fare $14. aeeond-elaa bertha $2.60. Ticket to Barter points sad Turop, ajas Japea. China, Boooluln and AaatraB. City Ticket Office corner Third aad Waasj. tngn -e - Phone Main Via. ft ta, STINOEB, W. S01, City Tlehrt Agat. , . Pms. Agoot. TIME CARD -OF- TRAINS Portlandt UNION DEPOT. Departs. ' Paget Sound Limited. 0lrmptM,fc'ulhr"Ben4 8:80 ml ana uray xsarvor paint. . North Coast Limited. for Tscom. Seattle, Bntte. St. Paul. Min neapolis,- Chicago, New KMp. st EUW 6 SB 1 Vh. Boatos and batata Eaat and Sontbeaet f Zff ftUHftCT. 11 -- 1 OGCM gn4sffM m I " tea Portland dally for 0wefo T:60 a. S. T.' - 1 12 602.08. $M. 8:20, 6:20. t.S. 10:10 f. m. Dally (except Sunday), 6:80. 6:80, 6:86. 10:23 al m. C 10. Bda omW 8.-06 ; ' - - ) Twln-aty Eipr, for, Taroma. Seattle, Spo- kan. Helen. St. Pant Mlnneapnll - Chicago, New York. Boston and all' points Eaat . aad 11:48 B. m.1 ! a. vv Sontheaat. Puget Sound . Kanaaa Clty St. Louie Special, for Taeom. ' See t tie. Sookan. Butta Bullae. Denvvr. Omaha, Kna 6:60. I city. St. Loan and all point East and -Soath-est. , All trsln dally except oa Booth branch, A. Df rHiRl.TIIM Aaststant Oeneral Paenger Agsst, S28 Morrlaoa t. so. Third, rcrtlasd, OB. Astoria &, Columbia r River Railroad Co. Lvee. ' UNION DEPOT. Arrive. 8-no tsv Dally. . " For Maygera, Rainier, flatskant, W eat port, Cllftoa, . At tor la. War rvatoa. ':. Flavol, - He mond. --Fort -. Steven. Oeorkart Park. Seaeld. Aetorl -asd Babsbarsb 11 Va.BV Dally. Xipree dally, T-oow, m. 40S.1 Bigtaaa. - t. 0. MAYO. O. F. aad P. A., Aetort. Ot. C A. STEW A ST. Onmmeri-lal Ageat SeS fthmr Phoo Siala Tvk oa) lss rkird ax noa m - v Trncont1 nn tftl e Trrtlnai Dally -0 HAST TIMC2 TO f PC AN Si. Ff. ft'tv DV , UlNNKAl'OUS C .."0 A ray1lM trip thrtiuth t nd Ko- v wic.,e f,.,, t v-ers, ts-A Ij.jer. , 4. t