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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
nTHE-OREGON -DAILY" JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENxO. MAY 24. ( 1S0J. -II. ANNUAL- SESSION - - OF STATE GRANGE "Fifty Delegates Present Repre - tenting Fourteen Out of ) -sixteen Counties..; 1 MRS. CLARA H. WALDO v " t. - - - IS PRINCIPAL SPEAKER SenatotEMrHaines MalcerAd ' dress of Welcome and Dr.. v . Withycombe Talks. (Special Diapateh te Tb Joans!.) : f0Ttst prove, or., May 24. The 'Ore '!, gon State grunt held tha first meeting - vt Ita annual eeaoion, at Bcrt'e hall yea " lerdayr 60 delegates"Ounf ST-ljetng; ! prtaant,-representing 14out tf 14 coun- tlea la: lta jurisdlctiotv Lane andJTllia- tnook countlea having no representation: Legislative and executive commltteea war ail present when the session opened at 10 o'clock with B. Q. Iedy. matter. In the chair. All stats officers vera present -, .- JDurlng-tUe :ortrlrig- session Mrs, "Clara H. Waldo; .state lecturer, was the . principal speaker. ; In her atlrtresa she ' happened to mention' that thla waa her '47th anniversary, and In tha afternoon r.h.e waa ahowered with roea.on bpu-. ; ouet consisting or t varieties oi rosea. Mrs. Florence Dickinson made the pres- fcntation. speech. ... After a vocal adlo by Mrs. W. W. McEldowney, reports of officers, were lieard. Tha evening; session waa held in Varan hall, Colonel Harry Haynea presiding. JSenator K.-JaVHalnea made tha address of welcome. He apoke of the grange ahowlna and what It meant for tha - country, mentioning especially the rural Xree mail delivery for which the- grange waa responalb'le. .. A responae waa made by Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, who spoke 6f tha treat good that waa being idone by the grange. A piano solo was' given by Mies Irene . - Caldwell and 4 ha University quartet. The guitar and mandolin club alaofurnlahed "mu8lrPforesofeorse-B;"Vooda-re-"': cited an old. granger atory, after which .Irfc James B. Wlthycomb of Corvallla gave an interesting talk on tha needs of ' Cultivating the farm. --, 'The grange ' will be In session -until '"Thursday. The following are the state - officers present: J ' rirm, overaccr; Mrs; Clara Hr -Waldo, lecturer: CI U Bhaw. steward . W. XToung. assistant steward; Oscar , Eaton, chaplain: H. Hlrscnoerg. treas- nrerr Mary 8. Howard, secretary; & N. - Warfleld. gatekeeper: Mrs. Ruby Boyd, " Ceraa; Mrs. Anna" Oasawell. Pomona; "Mm. M S. Durbln. Klor orotem.J .Mra. Ida Throp, lady assistant steward. Ex4 outlve eommlttee.-o.-k.- Btepneneon, - 'AttsttTtBuMon. "XeglBlatlve committee, Thomaa; Paulsen, W. M.. Hllleary. , METHODIST 'CHURCH " - Wll I. FNTFRTAIN emi-Aniyial At Home to Be tiiven -oy rastor - ana -- Other Officials. - - (Bpeelal Dlapateh to The oaraal) --CorvamBi-Or-May : S4-Thla avenlng In the First Methodist church In 'this !a clty.tbeeml-annual "at home", given by the pant or. Rev. O. H. Feeae, and the officials f tha church, wil be held. The following program will be given: In strumental solo. Frank White, prayer, - Rev. O. H. Feeae;' discussion of the church societies, lead by Mcs-JL-A. Ca- . they, Mra O, B. -chmldt, Mra. Ada ' Farmer; selection, Cathey male quartet; " discussion, "Epworth Leagues. " Charles Huff, Lulu Wright, Blanche Rood: gul- ' tar solo, Mra O. B. Hall; recitation. Miss tve Wallow; vocal solo, Mr. Col lie Cathey l "Our Sunday Schools," Judge V. E. Watteri; selection, choir; recltu tlon. Joule Holmes; male quartet. Dr. Cathey, J. L. Underwood. R."NrWhlte. Frank White; "Our Church Improve ment," E. K. Mllher; recitation, Mra. Porai Cummlngs; vocal solo, Mildred Starr; "Church Membership and Serv ices," Rev. Mr. Feese.. In the office of J. F. Tates tomorrow ren!ngwlll beheW a meettngl&ari. range a progranTfor "Corvallla day, June IS, at tha Lewla and -Clark fair. Tha -committee consists of Thomaa Calla han. Lieutenant Qulrilan, Grant Klgln, 3. R. Smith, J. F. Yatea, O. J. Black ledge, B. W. Johnson, ei-offlclo, . and John Allen. ex-offlc!o. : Joseph M.TlBofi Prrh,li "tf - K" f""1 accepted ' a government., position and te Nevada anon to enter upun litr .naw duties. Mrr-Wllsou will be attorney: for the- government in the Irrigation .buslfteaa-and he-rHt be; polio work on the Carson-Truckeo- labor, the work (In cluding the making of abstracts of title and other" duties Jn' the business of re-, claiming arid lands. ' CaTABOED WTTaT. AgSATJXT. (Special Dtnafii te The Journal. . Baker City, Or.. May 24. Mike Kelly, who assaulted Harry Morria at Haines Baturday night, was arrested by Sheriff Brown yesterday at La Grand and brought ' to Baker City for trial.. He waa charged with assault with a dan gerous weapon and. placed under $600 bond.- ' - - : - T - Kelly owns a aaloon In Halnea.' and and F6t irrinfons crnEO by , - T . far Dlmela. Markbeada. rrt tnn.h .k-f. "f. cbapplne, rmab b.ia. Nothing will aite awb a apedf. earn. B0. eakm, Wf. aVad S, . pnMira for pre gaaaaJea aa xoalrte PRIIA FIAT CO.; Newark. N. J. H'T'i Halrbealth eoatttTelr rarra sasdniff, rmorae arar balr. and grows in, thick hair. Large g4)v kettles at leadlag aragfUu'. ' 'VoosAms. ciiin qo roturtk aad Waaklagtoa. esaalsts of ffarfla Koaa, 28.. medletted, aallarpile: Bklabealth mint .). 1IBS? to kill f"?11 tn4 k"elli Tab. ea.StVeto ep1 knmor frrmt. All Sniairlata'. t nlrl.. Iiua In, ih- r.i,.i. CLAIRVOYANT VAN CORTLAND ALWAYS CONSIT.T TUB BEST. Other cum and go. but Vaa Cortland remains. PROF. VAN CORTLAND.' 80S14 Waablngtoa. it., corner of. Flfli. ' " THE MOMENT TOP ENTER HIS PARLOR HE WIM. TKt.f, YOU yOl'R FILL NAME. AOK. CMTTPAT10N. VOIR MOTHKK'8 MAIDEN NAMK. AND WHOM' AND WHEN Vol! WILL MARKV and what you called for. irlihout n.klna a inmiknit will I'll tbe nam of your' awerlheart or 'anything -yon want -to know. - Ha eende foil away umcu wiser, and bappler thin when you called. . PROF. TAB CORTLAND. area Tears la Portland. The Ollre. I034 Waahlngtoa at., ear. Fifta "tBt Washington ate. - - . LOW FEK " L,OyVFrEE Ofaee aean . m. te T . .. daUy A guaaar. COLD NIGHTS CAUSE CATARRH Everyone - Should Use- Hyomet and ' ' Kill the Germs. No other season of the year iV re sponsible for as many cases of ca tarrH as the, spring. The warm days and cold nights, with their, frequent and sudden changes , in temperature, bring the catarrhal "'snuffles" to nearly everyone. . f " The' -best physicians long ago saw the folly of-taking medicine into the stomach t tili catarrhal germs in the head and throat. ' 'Air ' afone can reach these germs, and today the most succesfu.1, physicians prescribe Hy- omei fof all tatarrlial troubles. The ger nvk i'lmK and be alth-gi v- ing Ifyomci, when breathed through the pocket inhaler that comes with every, outfit, penetrates to the most remote cells of the air passages and respiratory organs: r It searches out aud. kills catarrhal germs in the head; the. irritated mucous membrane, and absolutely drives catarrh from the system. - Thousands of testimonials like this oLCaptaitt Cameron, in charge of tha Salvation Army-at- Berkley. Cal.. at- testto the speedy relief given- ,by Hyomei-r Captain Cameron writes; "1 have been a sutfeier lium taurrii of the throat for a- number of years. so-bad that-4 -could not speak solas ta be-4ieard at any distance.'. The first use of Hyomei relieved me, and I be lieve that it has given "back to me the good voice 1 had irt years gone by, The complete ilyomei outfit costs but $ 1. and inrlndrs a'v jHhjee "" sufficient Hyomei for .several weeks' treatment; X oortake-no risk in bny- ing Hyomei. " Woodard. Clarke & Co. absolutely agree tor refund the money if it does not give satislaction. asserts that on Saturday night Morris cahie-lnlo tils place With several other men. all of whom had been drinking, and threatened to turn " Kelly out atW take charge of the bar. Kelly attempted to put. them out of the aaloon and In the fight which ensued beat Morris over ttw head with tha butt of a pistol. The case Comes up for hearing tomorrow afternoon. 1. Chauncey Olcott at the Marquam. Chaunoe Olrotw elaaar eooidlan and alager, romn to the MarUam Grand theatre nest Wedneadar; Tliureday and Friday nights. May 81. June 1 and 2. In one of bla maul aneeeaaful playa, "A Uomanee of Atblona," whirs la I eompoaltkm of bla manager, Angoatna Pitoa, Tha r banner for Mr. JUIcott la that of an t'tm-bearted ynong Irlabmaa. aon of l binwt ana half-brother of a contraatlneiy iwlrked now: Tbea TWo are opptaed In affalra of hT and roontj. A realUU duel-to fought with aworda by Dli-k and the Tlllaln, and It la tha bero'a Tletory in tbla affair Of honor that brlnsa the atory to a happy eonrlnalon. Mr. olcott- baa contributed a. set of charming bal lada. . j .... - , hn Ibe Indian heroine cbargr-d that the whole i nlfrd Rtatra bad been atolea from bar urcalaaa. asd said - that . wblla ther mlibt keep tba land tbey aboold not ataal bee boa- band, whnaa lira aba baa saved, tba epplauaa laated fully two mlnutee. Tha remalndor . of tba nrocraai la of tba vaual exeellenee, la- rludlng tba trick vlollniat. CbaTerll. and a pic- tnra that M a whirlwind of pnoiograpblc fun. To rl inn It la-neceaary 10 07rae Mrlr7 as laat nlfbt bnodreds ware turned away. Great War Lecture. ' On Monday night Robert Lee Dunn, famoaa war correspondent, will delleer bla llluatrated lecture on the Ruaaojapanrae war. Mr. Dunn wa the flrstorreepondent to reach the front and tella la a thrilling manner tha atory of bla eiperleucea, llluattated with photographic vlewa. lie wltneeaed first and all tbe Important land and natal engagement. . Clever Dogs at the Star. Berlow'artfte elreua la tba wonder of tba oung and i tbe admiration of tbe' 'old at the iltar. Montgomery and Cantor are funny; Roaa lre. vorallat; Voung and Old, aketah people; Wlaa Mtltoa and company! colored eomedlana; Lennart. wire walker, and Ibe reat of Mra bill contrlhule to a ebarmlug entertainment. . r - At the Baker. , i , Tfie act 'of nimonda and Ward has met popular fancy at the1 Raker. Adama Broa. make a bit; Ibe Hoalera bare a good Piano aperlalty. An violin and -elartne4;f -th-two Lannlea' are eleeer; Irene Kranklia, the corneilat, creates a arnaatloni Jean Wllaon and the Rakerograpb eomplcfe an alletar j bllL Erery aftcrnrnta at 2,30 p'clocki eveninga at T..10 and 9 o'clock. ""''Blow for Blow." "" The Kmplre ta drawing crowded bonaea at erery performance of Ibe. great comedy -drama, "Blow , for Blowr Tbe whole production la complete a good oouHanyv large, and thor oitghlyulpperl atage and a play that waa one of the .in-. I . in Knland a few aeara In. tM.tlneea eTery iday at S IS o'clock eTtalng at S:li. clock, I At the Lyric.- 1 "Tbe Heart of Virginia" M plcaalng patrons of the Lyric. 1 hnmaa H. Clarke as Jack Bad' ford glrea aa tnlelllgrnt portrayal of Ibe .role; Klla Wllaon la deter aa Virginia, and the other membero of the company earn 4he-npplan they rarely. A grand prodiiclkea of "The Two ((jpkaue" la la preparation. Kext Week at tha Empire. Sunday afternoon and all week, with , tha I metlneee eyry day and on evening per formance, tbe Kmplre flock rompany will pre aent for tbe (rat ttme in Portland tbe famous corned -drama, ;A Kkkad Womaa." : f AT THE THEATRES. land For Sale 840 Acres, near luraVXlregonL.-ln ' cultivation; good, bouse $J7.5fl par .acre. ' ' v' . , " 40 Aeraa, near Rldgefleld, Wash.; H Im . proved $!.00. per acre. Only 10 nines norm oi Vancouver, Wash.. 0 Aorea, ' 43 cultivated and in crop. need -a ml ross-fenced; good nous chlckeiiH jidAa-i.rni Jmpleinsnts, Price 5.&oo. ; tu Acres on the Columbia slough road; a beautiful home;" very reasonable r terms. - - ." 170 Aorea nesr Cedar Mllla, one of tha I best places In Washington county. If you are looking, call or write . Henkle & Baker 81T Ablngton ldg. The Leading Up- to-Date Bargains S5500 Will buv a cloe-ln west side lot - with buildings -rentlng-for- sa ' per month. Miuw L,.nH. e .. .1 tft-.lleh and otrlOtlv 4 modern 7-room cottage, IS large lots: the very cnoicem -vnrimci. j j of fruit, berries, grapes and shrubbery nice barn and chicken - park; a -.vf ry "grapd suburban home. aa760.Kor a modern Aip-to-date t'acro '-r poultry ranch, all etooked and equipped, Incubatdra, brooders, cow, kmplemonts, 100 hens; place all equipped. ' - - aiann K'le. iA..cra nines over half In cultivation; beautiful, large cherry and apple treea, rich eoll, within 30 minutes' drive city hall. 1300 Beautiful S-room cottage on E, J 2d near Ankeny street. - -f 70O- Full lot, nest cottage, Alnsworth " ' avenue, near Vnlon. . 100 -acra, place n Clackgmaa. . THE DUNN' LAWRENCE CO. Fine Investments 600 - 4-room bouea lot 50x100, nn car Una. Mount Tabor M dbwnrtt r memtri: :$l,850e Fine -room modern house, 1H rots,, on car Una. at Sunnyalde; house alone cost fl,7uv. easyterms. 2500: Fine l-room cottage on Esst 11th, corner lot; a flne buy, investigate: terms. V Thene are fine nrorjoeltlona and will atand the--elsest- - investigation en- quire of PafDUBOIS BOSH HoTPisoa, tota i. - Phone Main 47(2. Investigate This We can furnish fine tracts for homes, 100x200, located Three blocks from csr. fins view, best of soil, no gravel, on eaay Installments, at tha low price of , 5250 to SZOO Each This Is a rare offer, see these tracts without delay and before buying else where. C0MPT0N & GIBSON r&one Bed 880a. lOO Ablagtoa Bldg. Business and Real Es- -tate Chances 4S6oroom house "and lot 60x100, on -46th t,r threa blocks aouth of Haw thorne avenue. . , $850 7-room new house, lot BOH 100, 4 blocks south of Hawthorne avenue; eaay term a. Two aew a-room hoaaaa, modem, on Mount Scott car line, cloae In; on easy terms. Lots AruASF fiM. 'on car . line.. IS flown anajaJCI mpiun. ,., inigJ4g TorlTahd'a most desirable suburb. (Secure a lot while low prices prevail. Stevenson - Brown Co. ' 830 STABS BTBBBT. ' $!700Speciali Choice lot, BOX on istn. r Northrup street; half C. H. KORELU 251 Washington at n; a snap. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION The geographical CKNTEH pf Port-J land. The moat DtoiKABbr, ana oniy KXCLtSIVB resldenca district In the City. ' -. Has -Improved streets, gaa. electric lights, water mains, trolley lines and sewers, t,bts sold on. advantageous terms to hnme-bullders. Bering Is believing. The Oregon Real Estate Co. 88 4 Third St., Boom 4, rortlaaa. Or. cottages 50x100 lot. nd Kear- streeta. A tjSr- CH. KOREM 2Twahm Waahmgton st kBrtheBa I civ bim his Mellin's Food and b sleeps ' til morning." How many 7 mothers can say this of their babies? If your baby does not sleep well it may be that he is not properly fed. A poorly nourished baby; is a poof sleeper. Mellin's Food bsbies are food sleepers. . Our book tha "Car f ending, of Infanta," sent (res of charge. MellU's feed Is the 0ILT lafaats ed. "kick received Iba tread Mae. the blahee award af the laaielaaa Par, chaae Issasltlea, ft Utb, 14. Blgho r laaa a geld saadal. ilELUN FOOD CO, BOSTON, MASS. LED Cannon's . .... i Addition Suburban Home Seeker's Paradise Tbls tract W sltuatrd en the Oragoa Water '"wt m naiiway to. i una. one mile eoutn ahora Iba city, oa Ibe aame deration aa the aionni lanor reaecrolr. tbue affording a very dealrabl view of tha city and aurroundlng coun try. This -tract la provided with excellent water, rleetrle lights, 15-mlntite- car aerak. s-eent fare and only eon.utnai 30 mtnutea of your time to reach tba etty. tats are aelllng rronr SITS t Smnnr'irn reTith of rtnr Mra of property located within tha Same dlatance on the wat aid of tha tiycr. Tbeaa prices win preTaii ror tne next so daya, at tba et plratfoa of Which time tha nrluea mill bo ad. vaneed ooe-thlrd. .t . Houaaa will , be bnllt on reaaoeabte esontbty paymenla on lota purchaaed during the aeit DO daya. ahotlld tba liurchaerr Sealra. l' and speriricatlnna wlll oe furnlahad. Thla property la admirably eltuated and bis many adeantagee oyer other east aide property, rla.i Berylca to tbla property by aa electric una m.i croaai-a jwaaiaon aireel arldae. and owing to Ita being tba laat bridge op the rlrer. ii u ca waai aiatureee oy siaamera psaaing Tbla property Is located ea ene of tba moatf progreaaira ear liars In tbe city. Insuring flrat claa'car aerrlca far tba. rut ore. - Thla property la alao In a direct line with the Columbia rlTer and la of sufficient eleea- lloa u inaura fha beat of air that it la tMiaal, bla to obtain -In aaur aumMindlna elWftrlel. You will find agesta on tba ground that will be pleaaed to- ahow yaa tba aaaay adraalaaea of thla addition. Select tbla trip aa your Sun- nay .car rioa ana inreeugate tbeae atatenienta. Vou abould ororlda youraelf with . a KnlMlna alte for a borne In the future while this prop, erty la at Ita. minimum price la tbla growing dl'trtct. -A - ' The mere fact that there baa bees l.noo bouaeav built within tha past three yeara In thla dl.trlct la a demonatratloa of tbe popnlarlty of tba same. - Take the Mount Scott ear ta Archer Place on ouuuay, or rail -mrougn tna wees at the orrow ox m. r. tannoa a Co., or if interested write us sod we. will call on yoa. L;F. CANNON &. CO. ' o mxat aurxDnitf. : THIRD AND OAK STS. $3,000 Large, moder. suburban home, lot 110xlSal-3, abundance of fruit, handy to car; elegant view. $3,000 Elegant, modem S-room- house, beautiful corner lot ,50x100; Sun nyalde .dlatrtct. - $1.250 Very nice new and -modern 8- room cottage on Grand are., if. $l,7SO New. modern -rrcm rnttaara. a . peaui in -o unnysiae. m ; Samuel Weldon - 14AH TKXBS BTBBBT. 306 McKay B!df.. Offers for Sale Real Estate for - t3O,00O, paying net on price lf4 per cent, or-jiet upon caah yeqaire 17 prr 30.000. In heart of city, value of ira- provementa not considered. yi paying H per cent net on price. Thla piece ta right In tha -very beet . part of tha city for rapid advance In value. 11.500.1 near "Washington, on' 10th,1 net Income thla year on caah required per cent; aa,500 Improvement will bring ,11 per cent on whole coat. ' " . Quarter block for flats, apartment or boarding-house. Center of city: Splen did surroundings. Exceedingly desirable In every particular. Would sell part Pi Choice quarter block and 1 nouaea, near ita and Irving streets, C. H. KORELU 251 Washing ton street - ,-' No. 701 Market St. Drive Good 7-room house, two . blocks 'west of Portland Heights bridge; ""veryslghtryiocatlon. full lot; a great, big bargain If taken at once. Price 12,000. WakefieldT Fries Co. Phona Main 14. S2 Stark St "-J aaaaa aaaa Two modern cottages and aio full lot 60 i!thJ " 1 1 a'r Ankenv at. C. H. KORELU 261 Washington at A Cottage in lots $100, t down and .11 a month. Electrlo cars, io fare. ..... AOBBT OB TXB OB0XTBT.' - bEo7w. BRoyviN 03 FAXXZBa BUD. ' - Fboae Mala Sias. ' modem .- T- room houses and fine quar ter block, near 18th and Love- Joy. Steady rent-producer and gilt-edge property. KORKI Tj IM Washington st." aOTiox, - NOTtt'B OF FINAL ACCOCNT Tbe nnder algned baa filed bla flail acroant as BdailB ; latratnr of tbe eatata of W.ry I. Cook, de- . rraaed, Sod Monday, the 2Vrh d.y of Uay, IBOft, at 10 o'clock a. m., has been set b( the county court of Oregon fnr tha county of " MnHnnmah aa tba time for bearing of objee. -'Hons thereto and tbe settling of tba aame. Any nereon rnterreted In tba eatata la hereby Krtlfied -to piwnt their objection.. If any tney aire, to aalB report oa or oeiora luai date. . Dated Fortland, Oregon, and Srat bnbllabed April JO, UN. ' 1 Admlnlatrator. with tha will anneied, ef ,tha eatata of Mary J. Conk, weceaaed. KOTirg or niMOI,l'TIOt Notice la hereby II Tea that tba Metlakabtla Induatrlal eompany as tbla day been dleeolred. -All , peraons baring claims agalnat It sra reoiested to era. ' aent the same ,o Waa. Dunc.a at Metla. t'brla, Alaaka.Sor to Tbne, N. Strong, at raey, at mom 11 lahba bnfldlng, Seccnd - and Waahlngtnn at.., Torliaad, Oragoa, wltbla SO daya of thla dale.7 ' x Dated April II. In5. j THOS.N. STBOXQ, Secr.tarf. $3600Barg V , II HI 0,000 "Want Ad" Rates m AWT CI.lISmCiTTOa' esaask Situatloa Waatad" Kaie a raaaaje. 111 LIBS. Coua tug I ADVEITISIMMTS far Help Wanted Mala ar female anl, raoaivad by . toUpaeae. CaU Mala MS. .... aiTVATIOW WAVTES u.altbai Mala or Female, taaena - see tuna free. Sail a Buaday. " wTEXXT SATX-T tnaartl Indtng saw Saaday kawa) U CUIl pa' weea. . , , M0VTKLT BATK flaaladhag all Bwaday - laauaa) ?l CJLKTS pat use par maatk. . ADYtaTTSrVXlirfl must be fa journal i VoauMaa aftee by 1 e'aUeb weak lays sad by 10 e'olook Satmrday aaaa lag te secure eleaeitoaUoa, , . i , It Is not what we earn, but v what vt , save Out '' .,'' Makes lis Rich Start a Ravings Account la . DTaBBSJT TBTJBT OOMTAsTT r,- - OBBOOaT. -tr" RESOURCES OYER 51.000.000 With I2.M and add a dollar ta It wbenevae yoa can. We will credit op the Interest . ' ' Twice a Year And this Interest Immediately begins to earn . ether Intereat. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Street. rbone Mala 4S3. BltXJ. I. rOHrSM.... H. L. PITTK;K.... l.EE VAOKT..... . .V. :.Prealrient r . VlcePrealilent Hecretary .Aaalatant Socretary O. OOLTBA.,..,.. Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Freight Tba Oregon Railroad A yiTlgatlen Tfttimnf 1 id wareiwHiaemas within tha state of Oregon.' having carried tranenorted. con re Ted or etored tbe herein deacrlbed peraooal property more rnaa inrea moncna prior to tbe date of tbla notice, and baring ever .luce been In tbe toaaeaalon of ouch perennal proserfj and ita Joet and reaaenable rhargee aa enrh com mon carrier er a.r-bmi.emiji mot haying been pain ana nrmg .tin nue and owing. ic.Jaiu. aa prondd by Taw.'aell t public anrtton for ca.h la band, to aatl.fy Its Men fur unpaid rreienr ana eicrace t-ri.raea on Saturday, en. "Tlilri d.r of June. InoS. at the hour .of IO o'clock a m.. at AUaka dock, on North rront atrret, foot of Ollaan .treet. la tbe city of Portland, county of Multnomah and atate of Oregon, tbe following deacrlbed waree. m err bin -llaa and peraooal property, eoaalgned aa men tioned, aante being unclaimed er. payatent ef said chargea refused, to-wlt: . One aeparator, two concaves and "one foot ...., a.nalguid lu K. UU'tl'J1, I,6rTTina7"0ra. gon. - -i-1 Meny.geeeonnd r reel red In care LAM1 IS. H01 and 4.301.. eoaalatlng of qne engine -on wbeela. - 42 pleres wood platform. 2 pierce wood braces, 27 pieces wood track, 20 pieces wood araia. 34 piece wood frame..- IS pteees wood block.. 1 wood Teller. 1 wood wheel. 40 pieces Iron brace., IS pieces wheem and lie. 1 tra fly wheel.' t I ma gear whaela. aeTSbaftSgeat attached g pl.e.a flee- grata-. -I precea Iron elampa, - -ra.tlng, t knock la roan ling, 1 board, hinge attached, 1 fire boa door, t- Iran layer .-1 abaft pulley, t pieces amok tack. 1 troa roller bearing. ' S plecee timber, . 1 wood plank. 7 Iron thimble.. S abaft aaata. 1 Iron abaft hearing. 1 gaa burner, 2 piece troa pip. 1 piece Iron pipe, wire attached, 1 Iron meat, 1 Iron bar. 1 keg fixture, 1 timber, boi ' aeat ttched. T . piece pip. TS pieces wood frame, Sf, pljces Iron rod.. U pleeea Wood, S packages rods. 31 pieces Iron. 1 ladder, 1 lever. 4 bote Iron bolt.. ete. i 1 bench; 1 . bench, awltcbboard attached; I . alakes, IS enahlona, 1 bundle Iros. 1 rod, rollers sttached; 1 brake brace, t piece rope. 1 piece rope, block attached: 1 saw;' IS aeata and back.. 2 rovers fnr machin ery cog wheel., 82 wood poeta, 'H wire, ecreene. 1 engine. 1 piece aheet Iron. S tool ebeata, 12 wood brace.. 3 wood blocka, 1 crates furniture. S pieces oilcloth, I leather belt, 1 cog wheel raatlng. 2 pieces Iron attached; 1 wheel, 1 fly wheel and atl.ft, 20 poire, S aeat brde, T foot board. 1 boxed piano. 2 boxes machinery parte, 1 bundle electric, wire and Inaulatore. B bnndlea ranvaas tent. 16 aeat. 1 barrel and contents. ,1 knife, cooslgned-t' T. N. McKnlgbt Portland, Oregos. THB ORITCOX KAILE0AD A NAVIGATION COMPANT. By R. B. MILLER, Oeneral Freight Agent, rated at Portland. Oregon. May 10, lank. -BOTIOEv- TRl'ATEE'S SALE OP MILL PROPERTY Notice la hereby glvea that tbe underatgned will receive aealed blda until Saturday, tb - 3d day of Jnua, Iff, at 1 o'clock p. m., for all tba plant and property (with the ex ception of the book.accouuLJ-Of ta Rlver- de MannTacnirlng comiatny and ly a recbhelmer company (Incorporated ; eltuated at tba eltr of Portland. Moltnomab county. at tha city of Portland, Itnomab county. Oreaon- Bald plant ounal.ta at a little la -exceas of three acrea of l.nd. with valuable waterfrontage. la Booth Portland, on wnirn - ta altuated aaah and door factory, planlns "mlll, dryklln, all lu working order and now In operation, lumber, material la eouree of manufacture, etc. Tb machinery nd equip ment Is practically new. Inventoried of - the property can be aeen at the office of the underpinned In the city of Portland. Ore gon. Separate blda muat be made for the prop- - arty or the respective companrea. All bids muat be addreeard and delivered to tba nndci Igned. aa truatee. by 1 o'clock p. m. of tb ' third day of June.; ions. The right la re . eervrd to reject any and all blda. A certl ed check or 10 per rent of the amount bid, payable to the order of tb underelgned, muat accompany each bid, to he forfeited . aa , liquidated damages In tha event the bidder doe not comply with tb term, of bla bid. Terme. cah. Vot fnrther particular .doreea 8EC1 RITY SAVINOS A TRUST COMPANY, Portland, Oregon, Truatee. . ' . . Dated May 22. !0S. NOTICE or PINAL SETTLEMENT Notlc I . hereby given that tbe nndrralsned, the admin. - latrator of the eetate of Anxuat Bledermann, ' deceaaed. haa fllrd hi final account In aald estate, and that the countjr eonrt of Multno. - mah county. Oregon, baa set the 12th day -of June, 1005, at tb hour ef :30 o'clock . m. of said day. for bearing any abjection ' that may be made thereto and fof the final 'settlement thereof. S Dated at Portland, Oregon, tbl ,10th da? of May, J0O6. . , ' -- ;. O. C. WAU ' . t Admlnlatrator of the Estate of August Bledermann. -daruaaad. KOTICB OP STOCKHOMrKRS" MEETINO Tha annual meeting of the atorkholdere of the Bunker Hill A Anlltvan Mining A Cancen ' tratlng eompany. for the election of a hoard of directors for -he enanlng year, snd foe tba ,. tranaactloa of anck other bu.lnee. as Ui.y regularly come before them, will be held at ' the office of the eompany, room. Sol and IWK Chamber of Commerce hnlldlng. Portland. Oregon, on June IS. 10O.V pt 12 o'clock noon, -r- : .t .-sr. OEOROB r. HOtJUAN, - - r-'gevretary Bunker Hill A Sullivan Mining A Concentrating tvmiany. . - -Portland. Oregon. May 24. lOOB.- WAaTZS A0EXTS. AGENTS WANTED To aell- rmr annerlor high grad aiurwy-.tocbi aew -and romiJete out fit furnlahad fr;. ea.h weekly;' writ . to day for choice of territory. Capital 'City Nuraery Ca., Ralrra, Oregon. WANTED Lady agents- to canvass for- S' faat. selling face preparation; big money guaran teed. Call from a. at. te 1 s. sa. OSJ - Tbsrmaa at, , WABT1D AEAt ESTATE. WANTBD Lot or bona and loCT mnat be cbesp fur caab. Addreaa O SI, rare JoarsaL - TOE EIBT-OyyiCE-EOOM. POR . BENT Ofackrooros at 1S2U rirst t, sad real, tat at of Oct, for sals. - , . ( . I iinrn IS CENT -T-wmr's -te LOST AJTD T0tTXD. Either Lea ar round sdvwtlssmesta. rate "U , waada la 14 aaata. STRAYED er stolen Two poolee, welfht a boat Iba.; one black and 16 yeara old; other BHHiae colored.' black atrtpar oa back am.H eara and vary ahy. - Notify or return to J. K. Burnett, E.le Creak, Or., and reueiv reward. LOST On Hunnyelde and Mount Tabor ear, book entitled "Vlollamaklog a It Wa and la," by E. Heron Allen. Liberal . reward .If returned to i. W. Lug a a, ItU AWegon St., city. . r- . r i LOHT Pocket-book containing money and B. ef U B II' aa In heap mum r, I" tnra rocket -book to lboi Morrison at. room 24. 'hrward. i . roUND A plac to sav hair nattreaaeeno. vated and returned a. me day. Pbuaa Mala via. rur.iaiia mriru nair ntwi, tlWT Sliver watch, made by M. B. Wright A To., Kau.aa Clhv Mu.' Address-lot. Kaat Twelfth. TcL Kaat lOuO. L08T lday. .kr terrier bitch. . Hrturu VI t, Nortk Second (. sod recelv liberal reward. KZLP WAHTID MALI. MANAOEK8 wanted for our offices In all large elllea thic-uguout Oregon; w pay rent, liberal . salary and' commlaakHU eaab denoalt and ref erent ea required. Addreaa "Manager," SIS t.rauc tfiog., ail rranciaeo, WANTED In.tallment collector for - mercb.o dlae accounta: good salary and xpeuae. Ad dreaa Manufacturer, P. 0., Box 1U2T, Phila delphia. Pa. . , . WANTED At once, 8.UOQ atrawberry-nlckara at . Hood River; good par; take Regulator Una . strsmers from foot. of Alder at, dally, T, a. m. ran at floca asa get baggage lags rroe. rnon Main via. TT WANTED Outalds man to call on architect., real eatat -men; on. With acqualntanc lu thla line preferred; salary ana comailaaloo. Houatoo. builder. 65 S Morrlaon, - . ... .- WANTED A good allopathle phyalctaa and fcur(eoU to take the place of a retired phy.Klaa. inquire at arug.lor. .uisoeo. Of WANTED ttteady young man with few hundred dollar, ror eatanu.nta growing onaineaa; fine uoulhly guaranteed. Bull 24, rourth. STANDARD SpecISc. men's true specialist, -, cure all chronic dlaeaae. Electrical sppll- snces. batteries, balta. Headquarters 01V let WANTED A few men snd ladlea; good propoal . tkin, caa niaka 44 le $10 a day, 2dv Waar si., uiieiaira. EXPERIENCED ssabmaker and beach band wanted at vuc. Purtlaud Sash A Uoor Uaw 230 rront tt School telegraphy A electricity: pupil wanted: alao puaitloua wanted rur graauate. sod let. DETECTIVES Men ta tears; wa guaraut wo-a io our pupua. a sui. zoo atorriaua ac SHOEMAKER wanted for cuetom' repairing. Call at bo2 Barter st WANTED A good helper oa eoata. (tilth at., room 2, npat.lra. 4 noon carpenters wanted. r. E, Vanderhoof, ax 7 Stark etc - SBeng VZIT WAHTID TEMALE. LAMKb" DEPARTMENT. Hotel, realaiirant. office, .tore, bakery, laundry aod family patronage aollcfted. - - - HtNKS"k KUI'lilVUIAT OPTICS! T - - 34$V4 Waahlngtnn at., room 7. cor, Seventh. at t raont JO jrvi. - . , , , . . EXPERIENCED " tnacblne-operatora on abh-t. walat and aklrl.; alao ableteaak' Kprncer Co.. 123 Tenth. Mais boMI. WANTED - Mratlaaa private family ewnk. anburban borne: wage (3o. CKl'a Yamhill. Phone Mala MIS. GIRLS wanted to work la candy factory, Ap- jiiyi'acinc coait Biacuit to., iwemn ua WANTED An- saalatant for meeaage ,parlors; 1W Park at. al at once. Mine Smith, E X PKR1ENCED -wwrrteeae at Americas Ins, fair grounda, at once. WAIST snd eh Irt maker end flnlahers wasted at 13S Tenth .1. FAllTXD MAIZ'AIIO rEMAXX KZLP. HEADQUARTERS for ..eookat , at award., reaaea. waiter, ana empjuyra tor tnj - ground.; book a open. Take L car. Third at., or new ferry. 107 Rusaell st, corner Muuuae lppl. Ch. Wllliame. Phone I'nlon 604. MEN and women to learn barber trade la S ' week.; halrdresalng. manicuring; graduate earn IIS to 425 weekly. Seattle B.fb.'l, (Col lege. 121 Waablngtoa St.. Seattle: . WANTED At once, -a bright energetic, pre aentabla maa or woman, a good talker, te , take up an attractive propoal tloa. Inquire 733 Chamber of Commerce, w a. m. SHIRTWAISTS laundered . rttab order and tourlata' 460 Davia. Pbon Main oa abort notice; work a perllly. 1AN. CALLING and bualnea card. Me 1O0; 43 23 1.000. S7X Sixth at. Automatic Card Prees. WANTED Marker Lausdry Co. ssd , distributer. t'nloa SITTJATIOMS WABTED MALE. SITl'ATION wanted by experienced accountant snd bookkeeper; account, audited; new hooka opened H-very - beat rareruoes rurnbvhedj objection to leaving city. Addreaa C cars Journal. i . a.. 4L TOl'NO maa. law student notary public, ef. pertenred atenographer and bookkeeper, wanta poet tloa In law office; aslary Immaterial; machine furnlahad. P. A., ear Journal. WANTED Position by man 2ft years old. mar- ried and of good-sppearancai. aa experienced , traveling aaleaman. eolleetor or offlc man ager; reference. "B 48. car Journal.'UP.If.Nrun Jimiig siaa Wanta powitinn a ticket aeller or Jaer for eonceaalnn on Trail; BY s flrat -Clara mechanic, competent to take charge of any clan of building. Addrc.a 420 Florence at., Portland. TOCNO mas. hustler, wanta altuatlon; no oh- Jecttow to night work., Anawer D B7, car tnrnrat. . , yol'NO . maa would Ilk poaltlon guard during fair. ' Addreaa C 54, rare Jonrnal. SITTTATI0BS WASTED FEMALE. WANTED A middle-aged lady would Ilk a ltuatlon ' aa housekeeper for a widower Is tbe country, or eealat with bom work tu the eltr.' Addreaa IOCS OEaat Alder It, " rortland. Oregos, - -- WANTED Poaltlon by young lady, any kind of work except bouaework; could take ebarga - of frultatore or bakery. C 44, car Journal. M1DDLE-AOED' lady with good references wlabea poalttba In fair grounds from '7 p. m. to cloalug. Addreaa 1 61. car JouraaL EXPERIENCED.Jiurse would like cars of In valid or ch I litres, widower's home, or care for furnished rooma. Addreaa C 52, Journal. TOl'NO ' lady, high-scbool grsdnste, , dcglres poaltlon to aaalat In office work; doctor or lawyer. 230 Yamhill. PhonSjAUU 5412. MIDPLK-AOED lady wanta ' poaltlon; good are m. troa., and will make berarlf generally uaeftil. . Addreaa C 61, rare Journal, GOOD honaekeener, with child 8 yeara old, wants poaltlon fof widower. Addreaa M. L. Pateraon, St. John. Or. Box B9.;- : i at I LADY would Ilk to eara for rooming hooae competent la every reepect Addrea B 04, - care Journal. WAITED TO BERT. KOOMS In all parta of the city, furnished. . Apply 22o ,4)oodnough bldg. EXPOSITION ACtWMMODATION BL'BIj,V. " Under direction of the 1cwla and Clark fair t Corpoulloa. Pbon M.ln 4204. REFINED esatern family connected with the Ion will pay 4100 per month for furnl.hed realdence; mnat e oa car line or near , the grounda; referenea:. all adult.; beat of cars will .be given everything. Ad 4reaa 63, ear Journal. -. WR have Wealthy eaatern client who will pay lltiO monthly for attractive, well fur nlahed, private rooming-house or family reat. dene. E i pea I tlon Lea. Ing Co., T3 Sixth at WANTED Fnmlahed room with light bati.e keeping privilege, cloee, within walking dla tance ef renter of elty; perasnent Addrse . D 63, JpuraaL, .. i . " WASTED MIICILLASEOUS. WANTKO Mora (pnylng add wbitswaahlng) the only laaollua cmupraaMd air aprajrlug vuint on the eoa.t. M. U. Ma-fa A Co., K.'J Mliwauki at I'booa East Kill. ' . , - ClIILIiKKN takea earn, of and hoarded for any length, IUn st uiy bauwf vf- lwt Af IW, - tenllon flcn; reference.. Call or adlra Mra. H. Scott, Central, Of. ; ," . i . gnOHT ORKEH l-rliitln llouae t. 1. Ityaar. aWoad and Waahlagtoa its. Mala sUa.1 WANTED Sawing by day oa abirtw.laU and ahirtwalat aulia. Pboua Brott 4014. -,lIUiaCMl Oss laeertlea la this ilsiailostlea. rats wards fr II aaata." j PORTLAND HHI'JHTS -C.AMriNO CO. Rents ramplug groundj-aloepliig. --teniawejuaL- sod J Ur Tuiul.hed: pl"nty .hade, flua vlan j ttt: rakMa purtBi:- TEN'TR, furnl.hed or unfuroi.hed; ramping fa- cllltlra; large , grounda, charming vlewe, healthful reeorta. Hi-ott 37M, Lewi and t'lark Tenting Uroumla, Mt labor. . - . CAMP grounda on Portland. Height for - rest . Sua view and ahade;, alao large unfurnl.bed room eutt.ble for bouarkeeplng. Main DWV3. 02 SEVENTEENTH., cor. riandera.- two fur. nl.hed novat'keeplug room tu parties without rblldres. ' - - - TUB LINDA VISTA, nlcefy furnl.hed beuaekeep.' lag snd single rooms reasonable. 247)4 t if taw EOS BEIT rVXXISHED BOOMS. THE OAKLAND 421 Waablugtqn. bet Mneteentk and Twa. tletbi new, modern, sll outaitlo rooms, sleo trie Ughts. phona. free baiha; (VOc. Tic, 1 per . day; rataa by week?, raataarast la baaeairBU- THE MONNARTEH. 2S34 Flrat at. Singh) rooma from fl to $3; furniahvd housekeeping ., .ultra from 41.15 tu & per week; rooaua pet r Jilghl. 50c and 23c; l.nirl.ta aojirltvd. .. b'ICELV furnl.hed room.; gaa, bath, phonal prltva &Oc. 7.V-; two block, from aialn es-, trance eipoeltton. 730 Vaughn at, l'houe , Main 4408. . .. . I'URNIHHED riMim. Portland Helghta. H block from ear; lth. - nhone; with or without break rbone Mala 4106. 434 Carter at. NICKLV furnlahed snd niiftirnlshed rooms wlta free bath and phone; price vary reaaonabu. Inquire 2nd Market, bet. Front and Flrat ate. , MARgi'AM HOl'SE. M.1V, 4th Rooma ea suite or single; bouaekeeping rooma; gaa atoves, batb. electric lighta;. trandont aollcltfd. , Fl'RNIMHKD room., central location, aurroundlng.-' price - reaaonable; - gaa. pbon sud batb. 41 Eaat Eighth at, north. THE MAVa-AIR Elegantly furnlahed tranalent rnoma; new building; BXMiern conrauleacra, 23i4 Stark, cor. Fifth. Mala 2o37. 43U UL1MB1- at,, bet Tanta and Eh Newly reuovaied and newly furnlahed rooms Ingle, 41 per week; double, 41. 73. Ft'RNIOHKD room pernannnf tw-nen,' 41. M ' and 4i!.u0 pi-r wryk: twav-beda la each room. snd watr ruonut.. msv, clay at. - ----- . - NICELY furnlahed rooma, .Ingle or eneulte, for tr.ii.tent-t ooc. TSC al per day.. . am Jcrier- tr. upp. city nan.- r THREE nicely furnlahed light rooma; batb. hottarkeeuuig If deelred; rraaouable. 484 ' Front. ' THB GLADSTONE &12-Savlee at., ftirnlabed room.; under new management- prices r.e- aonable.-- - f . . - - CLEAN. -cheap furnl.hed. rooma and lodglnga. w fcignteentn t,. s Blocs rrom fair ground IWO furtilhed ronnia. each" convenient for two,. near lair grounda, so wera. AU.t, as, journ.u . CHKAPK.ST and beat lorated rooma In PortlandV - si week and up. oilman, l int and Alder ate. -rr--- , ",' i, r - ia-xu.i:.-i; aaj.- i VI a ROOMS AXD BOARD. TOL'Nd men. If you. vnidTTo- boariTndnrooni In s permanent and trat-claaa kouae, where ratea art exceedingly Joau and .wUt remain tbe tame next aummer. aa they are now. call -at the A.ter llouae. 231 S-venth t.reoruf of Madlaon. Pbon Main S231. - - ' -, ELEGANT accommodatlona, rates fey day, week or month: dining room; prices right, The Irving, cor. lsih aad Irving. Mala S42g. THE LIN DELL New family hotel. Market, bet intra ana rourra; aream aeai. eiecirie ngsi. poecelala bathe; exceedingly ' low rate. rSOAlttt aad rooma. - An location, sear Tatr grouno.. ant niinatnn. ., ovi. iwcnty.' flrat. and Twenlyecond. -,v W NINETEENTH t., cor. Clifton. Portland Height. Phone Mala 4277. Take Height r. - - trOOP board and room 44 per week. Hotel- Idaho, ssi Hood ,.t. new management. BOOM snd board at Clay gad Wstsr at a.. No. XZI. im. xans. , T0B EEBT HOUSES. FOR RENT Pin, sew, mod era, S-room hooae. ( nion av. ear : line, nouae no. sis, la reapouaibU party, 4'3 per moatb; so am ell children. Phone. Suburb. a 721, evening. A SNAP New 5-room bouae. completely fur nlahed, reasonable; bath and gaa. rbone ' I'nlon ' 5724, or call forenoon., . g2S East Eleventh, N. A NEW modern 7-room bouae on Mallory ave.. near Going, on block rrom 1 nlon ve., caf line, rent 420. Apply W. Q. Beck, 3ul Fail Ing Bldg. . - - KADDERLV TRANSrEB-COM'MISfMON CO.-. - Planoa-sna Turnitnre moved prtmptly ny ex perlrnred men. 110 Third st. Mala 1H5. . FOR BEN1 At Seaalde, during June and July, t-rooii collage ana attic, una view vt ocean. -CaHV4f Front t. FOR RENT Large, h.ndeome bouae and groumle on top of Mt Tabor. Apply Ujneoo, Journal office, MODERN IV room 1'iovfl Et Taylor. -Applv 113 Kji.t Aider. Phone S'ilp. FOR REHT FARMS. FOR RENT 3 acre of land, all Is raltlra tloa, Ea.t Forty-third and Seetlos Us read. WO Baa-k 07- Tbe-FeWnw, FOB KEBT HOTELS. FOR RENT fitnre and hotel containing 114 out.lde roome, on Twenty-elxth at., facing main entrenre Snd exit of lwla and Clark fair. 'Apply to B. M. Lombard. 514 Chamber of Commerce, of 4024 Twenty-alxth at. r BOUSES FOB REMT FTJRBITVRE FOB SALE. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS sella yonir ftlrnlture for yraa st your residence or 211'' First at For beat results pbeae -Mala 6tfb3. 10-ROOM . house, cloae In; 4 rooma furnlahed: all modern eonventeneee: nultahle for rooming' liouao or family reatdeme; l1 for furniture: tone rent f. with loaae; furniture Inanrrd; tbla la a bargain. T I'nwa av., N., near Burnald st PARTY lrvlng-elty will ell furniture for S - room, tnrrudlng oprlght piano, sewing ma. chine, .liver ware, linen;. rent 413, paid until June 13. Wllllama ave. FI'RNITCRB of nicely furnlahed S-ronm cottage fir aale cheap: bone rent 4'ul month; call , from 12 to a. p. m,-. No. 28 North Eighth ' t. I'Wie' Main' 4.TH7. S-ROOM honee. furnlahed for roomers.- gond-l,K-tlon, find.- HatDeld A . Kuillh, lOSVi Fourth St.. room 33. i. . . - 1275 CASH buys furniture of 4-rnom cottge . yon can't afford to mlaa It. Addre C 65, car Journal. . '. fin- "le. Nd? 60 F.a.t Eighth at., north. CflTTACft "to rent, cheap; fnrnltuta for aal.l handy to fair. Call 244 North Fifteenth at t.T" Pt'RNlTI'RB of 5-roorn cottage fur tale; reel lift, -l-bone Main 4M. ; -'. FOR 1 EXT FLATS, i i 'io ii at HANPHOMKI.Y furnlahed Sat, rooms, real. dene dl.trlct, west, lde; j adults.: Pboua. Main 427. " . ' FOR RENT a-room. fnmlahed Sat, rlnae inl rent 4.V per month. - Call lOfVj Third at. ' ' FOR BEBT MlgCELLABEOUS. . - SPACE 13t feet on Sixth at., suitable foe re.Hnr.nt or baheahop. tall Ea, poaitloa Le.ilng tp. tl Slxib t, sear Oak, ( - II