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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 24. .1905. I-" - K 0 M CV aveee Entered at thm noarafra. nf Portlaad. Or. " for transportation tbruugS th Bulls a e.oou4. ciaiv matter. - I'tsnei tin ilml mm. 9m aa 81 l 8 Pe paper, 1 ceut; IB te SO peg ea. 8 avals; Ml w , tiu, . nou, :ooma. roiiwirAbTMTiMJre bxfbesIBTAtitk "TnUnlj.Il.Rinl. U..-.I.I .errtaln Affsncy. 10 Kiiui curat. w Jerk 'irilMM Build- VBBOiirnoir batxs. Tsrma by Cerrlr." "Th Pltlr Journal, with Sunday. I FV..$7 J .' Th Dslly Journal. 1 Jar 0.00 i Tb IJally journal, with Sunday. 8 Bwotha. 8.18 ' th Latly Journal. month.. r7TTb I)aUjr Journal, with Sunday, $ iBoatb. 1.B4 . ' i Tb Dulls Journal. BOOOtba. ............ . . Tha Dally Journal, wltil Sunday, 1 ' -4 k- . - ..n..rul Bunds1 " . vw WWa. ...... . - . - included - Tha Dally, per wMk. . delivered, 8uudsf a, of "rylTil i luoi iy.aa.ll. tTta Dally Jmirnal. with 8ubUj. X year... 7 00 Ib lally Journal, 1 yaar .0 Tha Dal I Journal, with HundaT. BOB the. ITS Tbe Dally Journal, monLtie. ............. f Ti.. i a.iiii iiunaav. S month. 1- Thi Dally Journal, I month........,...... Tb tally 7ournaC-Wtt rinndayr The II. II. luurnal. 1 nv.ntb. .............. .BU The . Sunday Journal, 1 yar. ...... ........ J-W In Bundar Juurnal. month. ...... ....... tb aW-WMklr leunkti. Ta Semi-Weekly Journal. S to is nf M rh laeue. Illuelrated. full niarkut 1-, port. 1 year . . . ....ei-ov lUmlttancM ahoold be mad by draft, postal ota. xura order and email amount are cvpudi u 4 ana -eeui V JOUM ii P.i). Bot 121, Portland. Or. ' ; aaoaiisa i ii in mil assaaga yriOMK I HI JOUSSli HAT JJ0gltl).x'l'u, m"'ket"weH lupplled. - t ml . a, w The Journal ran b,. fouad ca Ma) at Uu following place: BOI8B. IDAHO H. Sell Co. I W. B. Me. Intvre. - CHICAGO roatofSer Hi bora atrMtt pany. lis vear- DENVER, COLO. Keodrlr Book Stationery company, HIS BeTenteentb tret; . Blaca. LBiteeuui and Curtla atreet. -' KANSAS TITY Vaa. Nov HwlMmnann atltNKAPOUg ai. i. Ka.aaansh, 0 South - intra ecreec . HBW'tfOHK CITT nrentaiui'a. TTnloai ennare. OMARA Millard Hotel New Itandi Wrfeath stationary company, lSOS farnum at reel. - I ALT LAKS CITV Renyoa Hotel New a tad! i Barrow Bro.. 43 Writ Serond atreet. south. TT. LOCISHhlllp Boeder. (IS trts B. T-. Jett. Sod 6llTe atreet BAN rRANCISCO W. B. Ardlns. Paler Hotel - - New (tend, and 1008 Market atreet: Gold. mltb Bro.. 230 Barter atreet. and Saint 77T f hotel? roatrr Oraar, rerry bulld- tnc; N. Wheatley. moreable news (tana, eur- -wee Uirl.l anil IT...... a.raatn. V . . - f BATTL-Ralalr tiranif Wew etandj Wfc. : rntnua. Hotel Seattle ewa atana. - BPOKANB. WASH John. W, Orabaa Co. - TACOM A. WASH Ontral - hew a . oompanyl Hotel Taeoma New at and. "r TICTOBIA. B. C Victoria Book StaHonrrf company. WIATBEK BEP0BT, Show.r bar bworrtd dnrlnf the Uri M , Boor la nortsweetern prison, waaningtoo, northern Idaho. Montana, tb Dak ota a. Mln neaota. Kebraaka and Texaa. Klaewber In the I'nlted Stair fair weather baa rreTallrd. evcept In th tte bordering on tbe aouth JAttantte"oat,' wber good rain fell jr ea ter day. Th temperature baa remained netrly tatlnnary. , -The weather' In-th anrth Parlne atatea t tiecomlng jnnre nettled and th Indication ar ftie-fale wiainietn laia laem iureayi . xrept " along the waahlngton eoaat, where i ahowera are prr.nanle. l.lgut iroat win occur tonight In caatern Oregon ana onuiern laano, and warmer weather will prevail In alt ere '4 lone Tburaday except along th" Immediate "'-;!,'coat. . l- ' . ' "KABEIA0B UCXX8ES. r ..-Walter Scott-Hammond,- 23;. Margaret a.: .iwiney. f- - - ' ' ' Bi-rt Jubnaoa. Sdi Ulincb J'.- LAncr. BSt - VHllam H. Jauiee. Du; Margucrrtbcll. 2S. , - Weddlnr Card. W. O. Smith Co.. Wnl- tagtoa pldg.. cor. fonrth. and Waablagtna ita. BITIE TIIW OEMXTZBT. . Slngla graeea 10. Family $TS ter gl.oixa in oniy camatery in rnntaNi which perptifUy matotalna and carea Tor lota. For .lull Information apply to w. K. laarkrntl. -Wuretater, hloik. cily. W. M. Ladd, prealdtnt. . Cretutorlam o Oreeoa City ear line. an. Sell wood; modern, aclentlflc. complete. Charge -aulO), oe,; cnuureu, eau . la I tore w a. pa, .j to p. m. Portland Cremation : aaeodaUo. lortUnd, Oregon.' ,. ' j Tb Edward Holmaa tTndertaklag mnu. funoril director and mblmer. 220 Third r iuhi t'oon nor. J. P. - Flnley A Son., funeral dlreetsra and mhalmera, corner Third and Madlaoa a treat. . vine 0( ooanty coroner, leiepooo Mala S. ' Faneral wreath and cut flower a aneelalt t Boee City Oreennou. Twenty-Mcond aad . am aaorrawB. opp. cemetery. SIXTH. HfNTIXOTOX May 14. to Mr. and Mr. Harror B. Huntington, 32S North Twenty. 11 ret atreet, n. , n C0HTA0I0VB SIIEAIES. ' tiiM.x May zi, cecll Emkla, 308 Croaby - atreet, crtitln : ' .. ' SXATHS. . I BTKWART May SO. rieorg ft. Stewart, aged b4 year. Seoond atreet; ranee, tubercu. InaJa. Burial at !one Kir cemetery. . LEONETTI May 21, Franceaco Lrxnrttr, aged 4ft yeara, at St. Vlnrent'a boapltal; rauae, typhoid (ever. Burial at Lone Fir rVmetery, . KEAt ESTATE. TEABSFEBI. 'Bberlff to H. Peteraon, lota S. B. 12. 14, -l. IT. 1.. block IT. and Iota B, u. . IB. 17 block 1. Went Portland 1 Jl C. Teta and huband to--Peter -'Bt. ju Marfr lota 1, X S3. 24, block 1, Wood. . mere , . . .'. - 800 .M. Mrkele and wire to J. A. Jone, lot It nd 12. block . - Wllwtnett 473 4.600 L. Break and wife to L. O. ( lark t (Lr lot S. block Sit. Conch' addition. ...... -O. la Barrett and wife to T. Donann. lot 8, tilock 12;r Wllllanaj Arenn aiWtttmi.-SOO H. C leonar to R. R. t!onrtney, lota 19. 17. block 4. Rlrerald addition 270 Bj C. ' Leonard 10 a. E. Courtney,, lot IB. 20, bkck 4. HlTeralile addition ..... 405 . Wile nd wife ti M. H. Xreeham.j -. lota 8 and 4. bbick . York 3,400 T. M- KtHtngnworlh rt a I. to A. A. rrenrh, lot 13, 14, block 4, Walnut . . Park ...... .v.-.-.rr.rr. .... .v" S& - A. Thurkiw -teC; A. Meeecnger. lot 4, block 20, J. Job n Second addition. . .. 300 M. I.. Jon Ml to W. Logua, kit T, S, block 20. Alblna . 2,100 L. penc to W. C. Mnrrla, all tntereat In .'er right of Marqiiam. l'anner John- ' ' aim and Balrb creekaf . . .vi ......... .T I "J. ('. rlce to F. I,. Oleenn.i lot 12 and 18. block Id, Tremotit Plac .......... 20 M. t. ITolbfook una -ivlfc; ttt -N. H, ellm - - rer, -Kit 2.1 and 2d, block ft. St.. John Park addition 400 T. D. Mathew to Rertdlng A Farrell, . .nndleliled of aonth 4 of M. Murray -donation land claim, eecrton - townehla-t 1 outn, range 4 tut n.. U i t ' la U tbaertle et 4. o B. C. MeDajilel - lot iii, block , WltlUm ATcuo aJd. tkia i ..!.. TM - C. C. Buab tn William lloll. lota II. IS. bkauk IX PenliHHilee aiirtlUow Na v -L- A. Jame and hnaband tn 1. M. Jamca, . lota 1-0, Inclualre, block ltd. Conch d- " ditioa ...... i Oeorge V. Janice to J. M. Jamie, lot W, -r block t f 'ouch addition ' 1 Oak Park Land cfmuany to M. A. Wllcxa- ' aon, eaat Mi lot 1, enhdlvleina block A, ' -i- Oak Park addition No. 2 ..,,., 1 Real Folate In Tea tore' (anoelatlnn to- K. . D. Shearer, hit 10, block N, Sell wood. '- il ., W. Swart and wife to f II. Burton, weet o feet of aouth 40 feet. lot 2, ""' " block 22A, Holladay addition 3.000 ' 3. W. Splcer to W, J.. and M. A. Rauch, kit 11, block Sell wood (7S M. Tbompaon nd hnaband to h. Lewla f " . o, un., ja, aiviinK ilDOT T 1 1 " annex r. . 2S0 B. J. Sellwood u r: M. Smith et lot T. block AS. Sellwood J. A. Sellwood and wife tn C. M. Smith et al.. bit s. block. Ai .Sctlwoml ,,. . B. . Ep Meiwa and wife to W, F. Slauab-' rer. anuth Ho ' feet lot S. block, aoa. rourb- addition ',..;..(..., ., 4.754 M. K. Tnomnwawd wife te E. ft. Mill t and wife, part f lota 10 aid 11, block TO DAY'S IJIiJI-TlillM III ..Alii...?- - -r-rr 7T'.' ail. a 111. I III' Mfl I lir-Cl IiAIITK K.Sr ; T7- - 1 ! Chicago .'.w-.ft.H-4 t-,oH-.. ; ... , . I - f; 1 - Milwaukee ... ..1.08.. . . .ttW : rdaTioIBtocRe PrmliipaPOnesnn This MarkFaf Present - " ' Some Colorados." ' POULTRY MARKET STEADY v-VVITH RECEIPTS LIBERAL Ujnaeed-Oilnd'TUfpen tip Again Beans Show Still rzt! Another Advance, ; ... Car Califoraia berries. , ; , Ktrawberrlee quoted Tery arm. y V-tW trttnrt at. tba touv , v ; ., ., . ' ' I'oultry atCTKlr) t(Bta fair: JL Turpatln 3c per (allon biofT.' l.lueead nil adrantcd 2c per gatloa. .' en price up lie.' Wool flrpj wlta pile. unchanged. Potato market aupplled from outald. Mixed car ouloua and potatoes In. t'bceaa weaker; butter nrmer, r" tlllbertaoa aaya boi are goon. -. viueoaca aa lnxn uow. cunilm ,' I wrwH ain awu VoUU Market Supplied Fraa Outald. . If tb receipt it tb Portland market can be itakaa a any algn, thtw are but : lew no tatoea remaining nuaold -In tb ataU of Ore gon. What ba become of all tba ateek that Utla-atat raised during the current aeaaoa cannot ba aald, but from present data tba crop waa even sbortst than auy preTtoua.. estimate. At th moment on Oregoua are being recelred from local points, but a very few are la from the eastern -portion t the Stat. Idaho 1 aupplylug moat of tb potatoes for this market )uat at prrseut, but Colorado ls a good second. beea -of xery large else and tba trad Dcr doe not tak to that claaa of .good. ldah potato., although Tery unnTeu ae to grade, are mora In line with tboae we rals at borne, la the absence the hotne-growu Stock, pl coorae there 1 a demand foe " th Colorado, hot when otber are at hand they are Beg tected. ' New putatrtes from California see coming la much batter hper-rTb-rril re heavier and tbe Immediate future of prices looks lower. A car of mixed new California janloas and potatoee arrlred la this morning.' Car California 8trawbrrle ArTlraa, A full Car of California, berrie cam Into the market, latr-today4utthe trade wae al-aeads-aupuUed.- Tb market curing the early fart of tha dy waa ttrm wllb Caltfornlaa around ,13H ana uregon ai-iw vr uhv-iwuuu box. Th California atesmcr Is du ihli evening aad ths tocke are expected on the treet to morrow morning. . Asparagus la tlU Very efe 'n tbe greater demand caused an advance In the price today. California cabbage Is ia liberal supply aur demand t good at IM10 lor-fancy graues l-ln.l... InnitM. aea OItI t. IMWie ltt OUalltV lina "pfeschr p'rlcr arTTicIBf-ms',lrtH'AJl'tJ5 m mem an tier v biuivwui Bean rriow Tit a ttuaitar Caat, SunDiiea. of besni of all grades are growing dangerously am lb and prices ars being moved up. notch by notch Toaay tna flgurea are practically e per puunu uigurr a.. . The rice market continue nrm- utt acoo nf rb further reports ot damage t tb crop ta the south. No cbangi' in values. - t . 1 .CJv 7akc aaA-Butteiflrmay;.. - Iarger supplies and. smaller demand are caualug more weakness in ta enees marxei and price ara eaaler but unchanged. - The creamery DUtter siiiishob aim strong. Supplies are nor- neary, out uemana good. No changes toasy. Country stors butter Is flrmer tbsa ever nn aecouBt 'of tb m create a aemana irom in wui The rnr market ta firmly held around ISe for .i . . , Elalna ara amallar. . in. cauoirw ."v . .. ... - .. . K . . ... . Poultry abowa fair arrirala, but demand I A fesr Ilea tnrkey are now blBaTee44, but there 1 not much demand on account of th high price. - - Bluabaek Salmon Coming to aUxmet. The Brat bluebsck salmon of the season ctm In yesterday from tn upper Columbia and sold tpund Tc per pound. Receipt or rhtanok Bra Slightly" better ln-1bts mrket; but fUbermea still complain of the email run.. Halibut is In nightly netter supply, wi demsnd Is fully equsl .to It snd prices re being maintained at tbe top. aUbertaoa Says Hop Ara weed M. II. Oilbertaco, grower and dealer la Via at Aurora: re tn town today. He says that tbe crop IS loosing oener man ouriug an sea aon 'at this time for the paat. 2T reara. "My yard at Aurora, ne says, ia oni oniy good but It will rale twice 'many bop aa laat year. These report of damage are very much exaggerated. ,Tb bop naarkee-ra-'oulet ltn no sale re meted durlnc tbe paat. tew days, i Dealers aa thev have no order around tha present values. Today wnoieasi sjuutsiwue, as i'iwa, cv Uaw Orala. , TUnr sag read. tWnEAT WnBrtnrtT elb ni7TrBB888c7 hllieetem, lg,wac; Taney, rue. BABLSi ecu, Kur bm.uu; Drew- H8-.rrS '.- aa.... ' .... COKa--WBBl,, cracaen. av.B Bert BTE gl.OB Br "n. OATS No. 1 white. 828.00; gray, . ri-ni;RKatarn Oreston Ps tents. ft.BB14.aSi atraleht. BB.7B: . export. 8J. 6013.58: vallev. 8.10: graham. s 44.U0;- lt,, rye. 50. BB.oo: naiea, tarn. MILLBTUr B Bras. si " per ten: mia- dllng. 828.00; (horte. country. 323.90; ebon, 310.00. HAt Timothy. WllUmett vaiiey, fancy, 818.001 erdlnsry,-818.00; eastern Oregon, 818.00; mtxea,' ' Bix.uu, cwitw, e.a.ww . grsui, i.uu; chsat, $11.00. Butter, Egg, aad Foultry, BT'TTFR FAT Sweet, 20c-ttr, lae. ' BITTEK Ci'F creamery, 'beat. 21He: second grade, 17HO'JOc; outside fsacy. 20a21Hc; nrdmarr. l7Vi0e;- California, ISfce; sto.e, 't?Gbsilf. '1 ' frrlb Oregon, candled, 18c; nncandled. l.He. ' . . 4'HMCilK New run cream, twin. i4Vte: Tonng America. IBSc; eaatern, WQlt'tCI CaU- fornlif, H'dWHr; Cheddar. 14Hc. - POl'f.TRY Chicken, mixed. 12W tier lb: behs, 12I13c per lb; r;oosters. old. toe per h; youiBI JZvatjl.TC per in; nrouers. xoerzan ID; fryers, 22oper lb; ducksl 84.00J.oo per do; geese. nae Tier in; raneys, 17Jlo rer lb: dressed. Z0QZ1 M per u aquab, 2.50O3.00 per aba.. Hep. Wool sad Hid." HOPS Con trsct, 1006c IBc: 1004 cron. 23e for choljr; 23I2 foeJ prlmea and mefliunu. WOOL 1B00 elln. valley, eoerse tn medium. 2ti!16c: fine. 26lBl27Me; . esstera Orreon muh aih nominsi, Biiaxsie. -SHERPSKINS Shearing. lBASOei abort wool. 202c; medium wool, SOOftwei toag wsoL 6ucj31.00 each. j. tentrai Aivina saoiiion ,r . 1 J. Simon edal. lo , O. Anderson, lot 7J " ' kina n3 T.raMi l. .... soa A. W. Bugler and Wife to J. Kngela anil " wlfr. lol t aud Il0. block 13V Ports. -: mnutb 800 Arlets Land company t B. B. Stratton, - . lota 1. a, w, on, siocB aj, Ariel rark No. S . -AAA Oak Lumber company to Nellie C. Carl- aon. , lota l-u, liriieiv, oiora a, rMtls. " Btoufb Villa extended ................ , jrfj (I. I tmt Inanranc end ihstrart tn real estate from tb Title Ouarantee a Trast psiy, Cbamoer 01 commerce raiiamg, 1 - 11.'" ' " " '!'! r . - BTIXDIxe VEXMTTS. HIVE Ma I, William nina, milage," Kaat Morrison Between Fast Thirty-eighth aad East 'Thlrtv-ntnth streets; eoet. 8l 000. STRONG May 23, . M. Strong, repair tn honae. weet rarx netwera lamhlll and Moe. rleon rreet: coat. 860. SMITH May 23, W. ST. Smith, wnodahed. corner vt atnr anoj narriapB atreers; cost, lino. - blRQ''M-'My 11 Julls Marotiam, Sat. Heveatn, nets tea cuy ana Mrkt-trst; cost, 83,860,--. . e-c MARKETS WEDNESDAY PRICES UM THEfWHEAIJIARKEI Mavi July. Chlcaso . . ... . .I.w64 " I -,0H Mllwaukea '" . ,9H Kt. Loula.l.tll B Jl Kariaaa City. . 1.00 II .80 rwloth-rTTrrn-lOeH B 10 B 4 MInn-aptrtaf-i-.-r-4.18i,.i,e ! 4 New Vork,t ri .07H -.95H ' Liverpool . .. ..s 7kid (s 8T4d 4 Ban FlHIlflaw.) I.tAD 4 '" 8eDlmbor.J December.' ... :, ' - " r-TTCLBW Prima, pn rb. 40CJ 'Kb. 8 aad grease, xitcae. II1TT1M MARK 4eifa per lb; buying price. Portland. ' HI Dies Dry bid's. ' No, 1; 16 lbs and so. Iais per lb i dry kip. N. 1. 6 to 18 lbs. isc; ary eair, rio.-a, unaer lua. aiajiov. u salted bides, ateers, sound, BO roe o "r. IVtq He; 00 to B0 Iba. B8Hcr aader B4 lb and cow, HOStiCI a tax and buna, souna. sic: kin. IB to ail tha Be: aonno. lO to 14 lb. BO HeJ clf, sound. 'Bnder 10 lb. Sialic: green luuaalted). le per lb leaa; cum. ic par is htbs, bora hide, aaltej. each. 81.88ai.7Sj .dry, eerh. Bl.00fxl.nOi enlt hides, each. 2BI6ue: roat eilna.. oommua. ear. lOQUci A agora. wiin -woo on, esca, ieitti.uu. ,1- Fruits and Tegeuble. POTATOES Beat Oregon, 81.15Ol.20l er lots, 1. o. b. country, fl.OO; secona grsoe, 81.00 per sack; buying; car lota, aoe: Early koee, 1. OUtJt.28, iwwli, crated, 81.73: aaw California. 2H,e per lb. , OMONa.Ji.BUi bujen' yrrceaTcouutry, 34.18; Sew California, 2ti2Hc; Texas Bermudas, 83.50; gsrllc, BUluc. per lb, FKES1I FBU1TS Apple, extra fine, 82.50; fancy Oregon. -32.00 per boi; cheap grades, 81.60 per box; orange, narel.- 2.0u4.MJ box; bananis, 4VkU5c per lb; lemons,, 8.30 box; fancy, 13.00 box; II race. Mexican, o&e per 100; pineapples, 4.00(a.ou; ersntwc ' mtna, . A ,.W 11 uui. ...... WUlametto valley, 1244lBc; Hood Ulver, Id ttiBO per uox; California, -ai.iDWi.uv per crate; rherrlea. 81-00 per box; aprloota, Jl.ftii. VEOKfABLKS Turnips, new, 81.00 tier .sack: carrots. il.ou&al.lO per sack; beets. 81.29 - Dsr sack; tlregun - rad- lahea, . ' 2So per - dos; - cabbage. Ora gon,. per cwt; California, li48Ht; green pepiiers, 7 tb; Chill peppers, IBulc lb; celery.1!:! TotJ4 00. per -crate; tomatoes, Florida, H, iilst4.oQ; Callfornls, 8l.fetfrsraolpae-10" I. 20; string bean. Be; cauliflower, California. 1.76ax.oo - erale. -rhubarb, lWUri per lb; neraeradlab, 7(Uhc per lb; sprouts, ; arti chokes, 4065UC per dos; botbuaae lettuce, Bo a.75c; bead lettuce, lOe par do! green onion, Joe per dos;. aaparagua, bOe dox buucbea; Walla ' Walla. 81-25al.b0 If 001 eplnach, 3c per lb; green corn, . per dua; peaa, Oregon, 7Hc; California, Be per lb. UKIKU -rrtl'IlS Apples, evsporsteo, aise per lb;-apricots, -BHW1SK P b; sacke, ,c per lb lass; peaches. iji2e per Hi; pear.- Kr lb; prunes, Italia, HOH par b; ..k .,M.U, ... . ,.i4nanla hlaek Ui per lb; California white, Be -lb. piuma, pined, per id; aataa, (aiue. w per lb; iarda. 81. 50 pef 10-lb box. eraearU. But. Xt. SUGAR flack basla-Cub. 3d TO; powdered. lo.BB; fruit grsnulsted, 86 W5; dry granulated, S.a6; beet granulated, 86-76; extra U 85JI6; golden C, 86.26; bbla, 10c; M bbls, 25c 1 boxas, M adraac on - Back basis, less 26 Vet cwt for cash, 15 daya; maple, 14Q10 par lb. - UOMSI 14H013C . currEE reckage Draaas, SALT Uno Balee, If a. ira, at art. 811.00; luu. '$10.76; Im ma, Bjirw; luua. .81B.5U; 34.6045.60; buix, U0 lbs, 84.tAia6.O0i aacksj BOB, UOtHCHie. . . .. . . SALT Coarse Half ground. 100, pr to a. fr.OO;- 60s, per ton, 7.5o; - Liverpool lump ruck, 18.SU per Xba; BO-lb rock. 87-uO; luO. 8o.7B. (Abor price apply ta sales, of less thai car lot, car lota at specul- price subject ta fluctuation, y - v - OltAIN Hr;-.Tentta. BSTHgtaoO Bel1 100. HICK Imperial Japan, No. 1, teT No. .2, 4Hi J' Atrlesns head, c-AJax, 4c; Creole, AKSmail 'whltir'stxttUc: lTga white, SVic; pink. 3Hc; bayou, a-fce.; Llmaa, Bc; Mcxfcan rede, i. - ' ' NUTS PraBBM, 7Ke; jamboe. tVi Br TS; raw, B4210C per lb; roasted, j cocoa an ta. S5J.B0c per doa; walauta, 144)164 par lb; pin nut. 1012He per lb; hickory nut. 10c per lb; cheatnuta, eaatern, iSQloc per lb; Braxll nut. 16 per lb; Blberta, lBQloe per lb; fancy pecans, 14lSc per lb; almonds. ISOlfte per U. . - rJnU, Coal 011a.. Xta.'. - ? BOPB Pur Manila, 14c; standard, 12i slxaal, 10c; Istl brsnd slssl. Bfce. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaea, SOU per r gslr waurwhlte, tlroB bbls 15e per gsJ, wooaea ia par gai, ncaujiguK, i iv-arg, i.aaaa 22He per gat OASOLINKSB-deg, esr 82e per gsl.-'lroa bbls, 20a per gsl; stoves, case 24 Mr per gal. Iron tola lHc per gal. TURPENTINE In cases, 87c per gsl; wooden bbls, H4c per gsl; Iron Mil, Vic per gsl. BBNZlSaV-a-deg cases ' 25 per gal; Uoa bbls 1NM.B of r sal. " I WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 7K0 aer lb; BOO-U lots. 7e per lb; lees iota. Be per IB. -WIRE NAILS Present base at 32.70. --LINOKED OILr-l'nre raw. In bbls. BAc per gsl; esses wc per gal, genuine seme octlevt, esse Toe per gal, bbla 85c per gal; ground raks, car lota fB.Ou par too, less thaa car lota 8MU.0U par ton.' . "': Masts. Fish and Provision. . FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beef, steer. B&oc per lb; pork. - block, Tie per . lb: packer. 7fce per lb; bulla, 4f6e per lb; cowev-.435c per lb; mutton, H'tt7ie per lb; ISOIUS will. K. ' - w -" , Teat, extrs, BaoViei ordinary, BQOc per lb; poor, fVtUBe per lb. Hi AMS. BAOO!. ETC. Portland actnoc-oli, In ins, tn in n ii. btc p lb; break fsst bacon, 13ilSc per lb; picnic, 8c per lb; regular abort clears, as. smoked. BVic per lb; smoked. 10 per lb; clear backs, iinamoxea. wo per in; smoxea, 1014c per lb; cmon nutts, jv 10 1 ids, unsmoKo, ne pejr lb: smoked. Be per lb; clear belli, sb amoked. lee- per lb; imoked, 12e peg lb: shoulders. Sc. - LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10. 10Ae per lb; as, lOHe per lb; BO-lb tin, 10,e per Tb; eteam rendered, 10a. Hc per lb; Bs, Bke per mr tubs, Bie per lb; 60s. 84 per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia river 14b tslht, $1.86; 2-lb tails, 32.60; fancy, l ib Bate, 32.00; H-fh fancy Bats, $1.25; fancy l ib evals, $2.76; A leak a tells, pink. 4sioc; red. $IJ; aomlBal 2. tall. $200. FISH Hock end. Te per lb; Bounder. Be tier lb; halibut. 6 He per lb; era be. $1.50 per do; striped bsss -124 per lb; cat flak, ie pel lb; anlmoji. Chinook. Be per lb; ateeibeada, c per lb; blueluick. 7c; herring. Be per lb; soleW 4c per lb shrimps, 10c per lb; perch. Be per lb; shad, 8c per lb: roe shad. Be per lb; shad roe. Boa per lb; black rod, 7c per lb; sliver smelt, Be per lb! lohetera, IBc; fresh mackerel. Be per lb; erswflsh, 25c per dos; flounders, Be pet lb; alurgeoB, 7e per lb. . - OTSTEP.S-Sboalwater bay, per gal. $2.25; per aack, $3.78. CLAMS Hard ekelL per box. 82.00; , raaor (lama, $2 00 per box, f . . COTJONFUTURES are ! -":.' FIFTEEN POINTS UP FurnlbeJ by Overbeck. Starr V Cnnka Co.) , New Vork. May 24. Cotton future closed 10- points blgber. 1 Today s offlclsl cotton market:. , open. High. w. Close. .. BIB BUS SIB . N.IUU2 r;--. .- i ..i-SB.tar: .. 825 $:t7 S2.-I S.IMH'W S22 srin hit , S2s):i Jannarv Fel March May . June . Jaly.: . . rim t ht nun iiiia . Mia-.2uv Mintr- klT-A!. Augnat . (tn S17 .' 7HH SIBll7 HIM MI5 r NH2 Mill Ki4 4- MO SIH'l20 IS ' S22 J SIS S22W24 10 S2S HI4 September Octtdier . November' Dvcemlier ...... Liverpool ' Cottoa Higher. . " Liverpool. May .24 Cotton futures floeed B points niftier with tbe niaiket quletVu- - TrrrF-Toxr coffcttiaxxet. 7 Kew York. May 2-1. Offldal coffee close Waa barely steady. - Bid. Ask. I Bill. Ak. Mar .......$tt.4,1 $fl.50 ffovemhe ,,$.ha $1 tel Jnne ...... 8.45 B oOlHeceoiher-.'.. B P 7.00 July 6.60 Bo January .... 7l 7 id Angnsr ,rv. n iw a in f ewnary ... m i nn Hentember . 7"iUarek ..... 7.00 7.03 October, .... B.70 8.S0I , ' .( '- - .- Ferelgi Oerfo Msrksts. itew York. Msf 24 Hsvr coffee. Vi blgber; natotinre, anchsnged to la Inwer. BWi receipts. 2(hi !(: market ourt. Santo, bags; niftei uh-k. . .i. - r .. . . ? , Xaw TerB Cash CofVa. 1 i ' New Terk. It 24. faab coffee;' No. 7 Ijsle, Ic, .' Santo, So. Y-iv-vr 8L-Loua..,.i,ll B Jt . Egg-Markwt Is TIIRFP CFNTS K lllfifi ' PAP IFIIZK Option Very Strong in Chicago TWheat Pit All Through the : aesslonToday. SEPTEMBER DROPS THREE CENIlPfPER,CEf00STEb"0N THE July Closes Three Quarters Up Corn Shows Very firm : Feeling. - .. . ;.,: WEDXtSDAt-u.. WHEAT " MARKET, Open Close ' Close . fiaia Today ' . Today Tee. Today i.,,3l.ll.S4 $1.(IA .';24 $ .tw", .... .left .t .tujlk .0i ...... , . ,ii, jiai -.uuk My..,. July.... Sept.... . (Furnished by liver heck. 81 err A Cooke Co.) . vHiii,,, ... tauran ff wbeat for a tltua.ii loea ahoetll tendency ..and It eeelhed that atrength came only- (una tbe, Corn nit. ironaervntl., 'reiairta from tbe northwest t.iat tbe condition In thsrH district are fast approaching tbe alarming atage stininlstcd tbe entire market and tb pit element hastily revered esrlv ssles. Fruni tbe Ohio valley also 'cams reports of damage done to the winter crop. " Outside markets wex abarply higher. The advance In the May reflects tbe urgent tsah demsnd. but the ffailc In this -eaonth l-eitremely limited -Whrle. complslnts or -a mage continue to com from a new terri tory each day, It niuat be exiiected that the market will become excited, -but a clear weather map will do much to liet.tlie fears Cxlatlng. Tbe market closed strong enough to expect some little adrsnce at tbe ouenlna tomorrow, aaaum. lug that CODdltluos aro uncUeuged. . Shorts Cover U Cera, la corn there waa urgent abort 'coverlne. The Aiay. gave to tuts market a very excited ap pearand. The deferred- futures nartleloated somewhat, but their sdvsnre was -decidedly small In comparison. Corn In this market Is prscucuyall ne4tt -rr "the null leaders la May. Except for corn that will grade contract, tiiereby being deliverable for Mat. there la an. aoiuiriy no cssn aerasna. Oats Fells wad Tbe oats market ureal followed the stranetk la corn. . I ndnuhtedly tb Improved sltuatloo aooeu re tn rrengtb,' - - Ion trade was anlet' but th sctlns of tbe market would tudk-ste some little Improve- uci'v rpiim.iii, r , Today's ufflclal markets: :. ' ",.-'. WHEAT. ' ... . ' Low.. -Close. l.Od a 1,8 SlaB, - -. .H2i, '.Koi, -CORN. .B7 , .68 ".Silt, e4 4t4 v4 - r.4ta .4Sa r-.4Bli - .4H .4 .48 ' .4MVi ' : ' .4H ,-.4Sli - ,4HlZ ,.44S " .45 ,44i .44H ,, ,ftet i , ,4Bii -' ,lH etV- . O ATS. May.... July..... Beptuaa. .8i .. ....... :.2ti r: .v- ,at'5s - . .28'. .2Si .Jlk. :TrjBsa.BHlBlt., i jT-r r; MaTvrfrr12 80" - 13.BO -; 12.B0 v-12.50 July..... 12.68 - 12.011 . . - 12.55 ' 12.62 Sept. 12.77 7,1 12.S2 -' 12.77 . LARD. May.. Jul Oct... May., July.. Sept.. T.a , 7.80 s 7 20 7.20 7 ao - .7.27 7.47 7.47 7 20 " 7 80 7.47 7.47 TIB 7.2S 7.60 7-4T ' SHORT RIBS, i -7.13 T.1S. T.iB i ri . ,7.27 -.- 7.2J T'"3. 7.47 7.6t 7.47 000D HAT PKOSFECTS, . I Special DU patch ta Th JournaL) " Roeebnrg. Or.. May 24 Abundant rain to Isst few daya have mads the already bright outlook of the hay crop glow. During tbe last iwu years ins crop naa Been abort, last j.ear' price goings far above th average. Thoughthe perarna Arhe 1ad bay to sell were delighted, esttlemen with tbis coupled with the low prices of beef were put at a great disadvantage. Last 'w inter bay Bold high aa av a soak : . ..v ........ . - T " 1 ! FEIMABt, 8JUPMEWTS A-KD CLEAXAKCEB Chicago, May 24. Primary receipt:' loaay-- lear Ago Buab. Buah. Wheat .... Corn ...... Shipments: , 2iM.0nn . , 44B.0U0 1115.000 472,000 ri. . v. . P'bcat .,r..taJJ-P2."r., Corn lao.Oiai J.10,000 527,000 Clearance. Wheat, 12.000 - bttebel. - flour, SI.""" narreia: corn, l.Nk.uoo uuahel; oat. 4JT1UW nusneis. BAB FBABCISCO OB AIM MAXEET. San Francisco, Msy 24. Official- morning e salon: -WHEAT. - CHICAGO CASK WHEAT, Chicago, May 24 ssb wheat: Bid. Ask $1.10 No. 2 red . . Ne. red. l.OB 1.08 Ne. 3 bard .. ...... V. l.4- Na 8 hard... ,. 1.INI. . J.U.-I Nov 't Bis-thern.. No. S northern.. No. 3 spring. .. . .. 1.13 .. 1.11 .. 1.03 1.14 1.10 yirrttrooz oxaim kaxxit. LiTerpool. May 24. tlose: Wheat, July, As i, s.d ap; September, A 7d, Sd up. Corn Msy, 4 4d,-d aprJuly, 4a 4Hd. ' CHICAGO OXAIB CAB I0TX. ":' Chicago, Miy 24. Ornln csr lota: Car Grade Eat.' wheat ; i o v 12 Corn.... 12 , B2 "11 Olt 67 - 23 7,140 -ZZ-MXaXCeV-f BTOCXt IBLiOMDOirZ lo4 . 20 20 lul London. May 24.-2 p. m. AVbloa'idvinced . Alton advanced 114. Chesapeake A Ohio dviuced . St. Paul ailvaao,! j, Denver pre ferred advanced Krlw advanced H, firsts advanced t. Illinois ' Central t advanced S, I.milsTtlb advanced Mexican Central ad vance.! 4e, New - Vork Ontral advanced x., Ontarle a. -Western advanced , Norfolk A Western declined x, Pennsylvania -.declined . Heading firsts -advanced Soltta. Kslrway advaored fk. S.iutbern Pacific advanced . I nlted Stte4 Steel kdvsnced preferred ad vanced S. consuls declined 1-lu. .WALL iTBEXT GOSSIP. - - . - New York.- Msy 24. Tbe Well Street Jonrnl ay: London is steady for the Amerlcsn st X, to'H point ahr.v psrity. yesterday s fail ure bad very Htxlc effect. 1f any, on th Mar ket. Fair demsnd Tor storks In the hum crowd. It Is expected thst there will be .en Incrvaae In fbe nest-dividend tof Baltimore, A liblo. Tblrty-elght mails for Jbe second week e-Mse show we aeeeaga. grnas tisreaa., iif-x-wt per cent. The banks hist to tbe sub-treasury sine Friday 8410.0UC. COM8T0CX MIEIBO STOCKS. V Sad' Franelaco. May 24. Comatock mines. 4 Close inerning seeaiovi: Hid. Bid. .$ .50 . .11 I .M . .17 Bullion .... ltel. ber . Cos. Cal.-Va .:i4 ... 20 ,.; T 75 .... 7.I2H ... .4 ... I. BO I Savsge 1'nloat , I nt-in. Con '. .. , Y ellow Jacket Fieheoiier Ophlr . ..... Caledonia ., Mexican . . . con. MerrBr Soorploa ... .4R Hale A Nor cross 1.70 ... .60' .... .13 I. Andes r .2:1 POXTLAMD BABX STATEMENT. Clearing .'. .,t . ii .$5X7 78 SO UUncs . ( ... . . . M.. , ll?,... 1 - Open. May. .... l.OHii July.,... , Drc.. ..'.. .ail May,,..; " .68 Old July. , .4 New-jHie r4 New Sept ' Old - Sept " New De. flirt lilt. 1 Open. High,- Low. Close ir)..... tX4niB$ ....r: .wx December. . . . . X-tf1. 18H 1.84(4 - - BARLETr- May 1.24W 1.24i T2T -L24' December t7: .87. .S7 Portland Tridejs Supplied -Practically Alto gether With Potatoe From Other Placet" Very Firm at the Top -" Rises-Four-and a" Quarter, on Busy .Session in New r York M ark et: ..."'7'- N0RTHERN SECURITIES- St. Paul and "Amalgamated Are --Both Bullish Entire List Ijs Higher. . . .'ADVANCES. ,,;' :..-: ;:'-, .'..,. JAItta ..'..a..';'.-...:., i'h' SWIReadlng 2', .....24illl.'k Island ...... 1 .... -'Vi South. Hall ...... Anaconda ...I Amalgamated Atchison . ... Atehlsoa, pfd ougar 1 itiwt. !..' !. W . .... . 2UIMI. I.. Al IL W n Ilia MuiClt Cr A Found ..... 21a I Toledo 1 far- Found:,' p.- 1 -(Toledo pfd " .TrrTW Brooklyn ......... 1 V! Mlaaourt- hi" ir:l .ffa. van aa.- '''fe-BV ObW 21 Norf , A Weat .... 1 "iiiZ6lo'Tl--'---- 3l. Y. Oentr.l 3 j 1 :.M8B, st. rsui xs.ip.ia. M.n ...... uj HSIPsirlfic Mail ...... H IS, Pressed Steel ,Csr... 24 3 Litsii HL..I .1 i C. W.... t heaa. ft) -Ohio. Canadian .Psc- , , . . H I Ren. SteeL nfd.... 1 North.' Securities..' 4 Hsu. Frsn.. 2d nfd. 2V Erle 2TkHutbern Psclflc .. 2W 2S!Tenn. Coal ....... 2(4 2 I Tciea A Pacific... Ta Krlv, 2d pfd Erie, 1st pfd... (ireat Weat - r. ; IU. Ceniral, Irfnlsv1Ile ' . Metropolitan "','. . Mex, Central . .. Katy Katy. pfd . Nortb American Ont. A Weat ... i union rscinc ..... su .241 Rubber 2 xtf Hteei .. I1 2H 3 ttlMteei, pta 1 Wahaah, Wabaab, pfd Wis. Central Wis. Central, pfd. 1 (Fnrnlsbed by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) Wall Street, May 24 Tbe atock market hesitated somewhat sf tbe opening hot am. began to show It strength, and good strong feeling waa continued until tb end of tb seaaloa. All tbe list show a good advaaca, not single stork loeriig.ljnlojijaxlnjraa. the- principal, feature, with a gala of point at tb clow This was tb largest advance. . A rlae of 4 mints waa maila hv mli'-.8lTUlt, " a-tron suit-was imnaTefl trrTha tima of SMi points. St. Paul waa heavily bought aun a riee or 1 points. .:ods v'secUJtck market; -' If "BEacBipnorir Anaconda Mining Co.... A tual. topper- Co.vrr.-r. Atehleon. eona. ..,i:?rrr. do preferred. ...... ... 1W V loTt. KiS - 70, "7HW 7 70 79 101 1IH 101 101 m. i ar ir f oundry, c. a i -i 10 84 I 82.J. 34 J no prererrea, ,. Am. Sugar, com. fit Am. Smelt., com.... do preferred. 96 86 1ftH iwu. las m - J"V 111 10BI4 I1T1, llKti 117VS 11s Baltimore Ohio. 1.htIiosa.. Bnaiklyit IUp1(a---Trsnrt l'lf 67iT"6ir fill i anauisa Paclnc, com. 145 143 144 l nicago (c Alton, com 82 S2 is a; chi...ia 4 st.iuCji lHIa l - 71 17 iiuii.1iio2,J lawwisiUTtri - 17 r n, w., coin....... 20V12114 Clilcago Terminal . by.. Chesapeake 4. Ohio.... 17 4I1X, 41 Vi W 4S 4(1 Colo. Fuel A Iron, cam SI f20 do., second preferred 66-1664 04 4 SO do first preferred.... 88 84 a iieisware Hudson 151 181 H "tl flAVt o 5 77 159 V isot 181 8TII Del., Lack. A Western a-. . . u. at K. u., com do preferred........," Eric, com..,....,.'.,., do snoond preferred. do first preferred.,, Illinois Central. . , , I-nulavllle Nashville Met. St. . By. Manhattan By Mexican Central Ry. .. Minn., St. P. at Bte. M do preferred Mlaaourl Pactflc. .s .... M. K. Jt T, com..... do preferred New i kuib (Vntral . . . 1ft 83 V. 2H S5 4o 06 tto 38 81 64 781k 77 150 143 116 inf 142 115 182 10T 141H4I 142 115 1 1 IB 1U212 103 IBS 1B 104 113 150 168 157 1ST MR 07 06 90 25 58 24 57 r 07 1.'siJ4lH, lH414i- Norfolk A-Western, com. IO :k TtH, no wy. 43lt 4tlZ 7B 9M north Amerlcsn N. Y.r Ont.,. West Pennsylvania Kr.... SI) 6l 47 l . I 1H2 P. L. A C. ('..... . MVi!liKiT4 110 S.,. T87 Pressed Steel Cir, com. 85 .17 85 do preferred Plrlflc Mall Steam. Co.. Wl 84 bS B2 :is 91 92 844 88 35 mi SA fi 10 70 2 Heading, com do 2d preferred.,,.,, do let preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com do preferred....,.,.. Rwk Island, cam . da pear-" Rubber Oooda. JL do preferred. tt. ."V.V. ttmitku. O 00. Id 24 17 71 28 10 8S4 26 .J. 72 . H4 341 K4 M2'1H0 . 2WI 2914 95 59 til IM 1)3 20 i ii 03 --!.- . .1 ..,., Will,.., do preferred 28 Vi 89 souther ferine, do Bref erril . . . USA, HMh 1! St. 118. P.. 2d- pfd.. D 0.1 no jet nrercrrea. SU L.-A 4. W.. cot T'htet 21 -6SV4 22 "iV--sa-- bii; Ml C f SIM SKCP.IITJT' 4- -Im Hyuam 74 Wi law aa 54 ilo pfWtrre4. . . , C ii ton I'-iHflc. com. 8JBXprTfrrM.". 17. 8. Iifliwrttmw 64 1211 M 64 -Ul,12'l 90 - 110 iiii Jljll I 11 do DTpffrrs!. -Iter tT, 8. RubtKT. Mm.... sau. RW tim 24 4 87 .19 r dn prffrrl IS 1H5llilft l a .- mrpi ro com.;. do rf8rrtd ,i, Whwi. t L. K.. oom. . r r-Jrf rrft'rTNl-.... ... Wlavconsiln lntral, com . do IWffv-ITiHl.aV Wmiltrfi (iilon Tel4.. WtiiMiiih, com . 2" 14 U2 21 02 27 9.1 15 21 37 S8 '9.1 INI, RW 23 4S 92 1 8H 23 4N! 98 18 22 47 92 IH tjer- pTf f $ Prt fl .' 8S ""TnYaraaleelnV dayT B47000 sharea, . Call money, 2 per cent. B0ST0H COFFEE STOCKS. Baitoi-May 24-)fficlsl copper dcerr . - Bid. I j Bid." Copper Bangs. $ BM 80 I Pom. Coal....$ 73.00 Brillah Col... aTttlPranklln S.oo I . S. Mining. Adventure .t.t flranby . tlreene .Copper Urei n Uold .. 8O.00 I Wyandot . 3.00 A Hours A. 6. 82 i Zinc 25 25 lAaredlan . 'Am 1H.1HI LOU . , 18.25 2U.76 4.KT J Arnold ... Mass ........ 7.25 i . I Atlantic , Ml.hlgau 11.7.1 (Bingham atohawk . ..... 4(" Main ..T"4W OiT met 016 110 Old Dominion. 24.50 ll.'tah ......... 4X87 Oeceol ...... 00 00 I Parrot ,. a...w bhsniion .i... IPhoenlx I.ihi Tsmsrsck I ..rlOT.OO iVfulney ps no - Victoria , a.nxi nn.Kie isiano l.mi Wlnon . -. .v.l toon (Trinity ...... 7.75 Wolverln ,.f lo7.t) ' ll'nlted Copper,,, 25.50 lisly West 13. on - fc'entennisl ... 18.76 Elm ...,......$ 2.00 T0N0PAH MUflBw iTOCXB. Sen Frsnclscn, Msy 2CTrmopeh atoets, of ficial cW, forefioon aeaalob,: , . ' " .i. i nin. Montsna ...... .$.liT (Adam ........$ ,u7 Mldwsy l.2 Mohawk .; A... ,22A MeNsmara 48 Utile .20 Belmont . . . . North Star . . 1 27, Kendall 1.69 IJlimla. .- .let (Jnnili E .... . t4 IBIark Butte .... . .MB IMIIver Pick .... . .l:tU,.(e,lilen inaioe . . . .75 " - .1:1 .:" .ISA .Ha ..tej ,;it .20 -.45 Ileactle ...... Hold Mt Jim Butler . .Niwada (A). To4w Kites .... !ig)A.I Ha. U Hrla.. Ken Top ....... .. nphir Ton...... iM.ldtleld , 6 III. Bull Kroef..., Saudsusim ..... -.HH liuamndaeidV ... Band.torm, Kx.. '.1U IAB riABCIBCO LOCAL ST0CXS. Ssn Franelaco, May 24. Lcsl atqrka closing. morning session; , m Bid. .... 87 ... 2 A.k. 87 12 84 r , ss " 18 17 SS io". Spring Tslb Water MitSiisl Klectric S. F. . Oas ft Klectric... ... (Hint Powder.........!.... Hawtllha Conimerrlal...... Hoea.kes Suswr. ........... llut.'hlneon Hugar.'..-.. .... MskaaeU Suaaf, I'aanhsu Sngsr. ......-..r. Als.ks Psekers', .,.'...... rgclllc. Bute Tel...... .. .. ' ' - ' , ' V- .:..'.., M -a ' .- , ... 2 ... 10 ... 18 ... US " ... 81 ... 81 ...way. . ' .V, - - Wb Ireat aucceaafulljr all private ner. vous ana cnronio aiasaaas 01 men; aian blood, atomaeh, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble. We cura 8XPiUl!e ( wltjgi)maeiiry) Ws'lay cured for- -ever, in 30 te 80 days. We remove STRICTURE, without operation or pain. irm-Myt:""1 i ' 1 1 ' We atoa. drains, .the result of aelf- abuse. Immediately. We can restore the si vigor or, any man unaer bo Of is nf Inral tratmnnt Dacullar to ouraelves. - . . . , . We Cure Gonorrhoea .. In a Week The doctor '"'of thl' '.nstitut are regular ' arrnaiia.en, nave naa man .yeira . expcriene,- cave oeea known . u . ....... . " v j . , Qaw . m u iv,u,a,tllll Lin.l L.n. . n . 1 .. - - . . . "tlve BOOKT X)R MEN mailed free -in Dlaln wranntr. J0 mnmiairrr-trrnT win unaeriaKe no caa. . , .y-- . . -5 J " - , "jjunleaa certain, cure can be effected. - KS-llHSj .,.T ji"-.V". ' , , 'i J VKiieanl e suaraiii.. ft cure in every ease we . -tl T..-'.a -X- CURB undertake or c-harB no fee. Coniulta-ZfcBl : ... 1 tlonfrse. . Letter cwfldentlal: - Inatruc. . -h We euro the worst eases of pries 1n two or three treatments, without opera tlon. Cure guaranteed. -. it y oitjar.rotSl s t jimceiwrttt for quaatlon lrB)t-Home-trestraent suo ceisful. -,' Office hours. to S and 7 to .. Sundays and holldsys, 18 to It. t)R.lW. NOIN DAVIS ;& GO. J ... Offlcee lo. Van Noy Hotel. 67 V, Third Street, Corner Pine, Portlanu. Or. SHEEP WEAKER, A - QUARTER CENT OFF Receipts Are Heavy and Demand Not So Brisk- Hogs Dull r . . Cattle Easy. Portland 1'nlon Stockyard. ' May 24 Live tuck receipt; . - Hogs cattle ejnecp Today ...-17T 74 3.3M4 Weck 'ago .! .,112 25 1.114 lrevlou week...... 124 x 2.2.V1 Month age.................. Co 2oo i 60 The large volume of arrlvala In the sheep market la causing the market to weaken slowly snd today tbe best sre. quoted about 25c lower with prices ranging from 33.60 tit 33.76. Spring ismns are very ami ana wens arouna sc. flgur lifflelal prices for livestock: - Hogs Best esstern Oregon. $8.00: blockers and ('bins fats, $3.26; stucker snd feeder. $4.B04.7Br r Csttle Best estern Oregon steers, ' $4.001 4 25; light sod 'medium steers,- $3.6o.3.;&; old and IlKbt cows. $2.00i2.7&; storkrrs and J-ifvdrei$2.ISlL bnlhL 31 BO. HI.eeo Hist fsncv abeeu: $3.0HT5; we4. I $.BatA6r-prlng lamtw, 4c. I t BlTee uwn Teal, lai yu li uniw, w, rough 3 nd bevy, 25o. T;" i IA8TEBB H00S STEADT. CblcaxoMar 24. Livestock receipt Hoga : Cattle " Sbsen Chicago 82.0ia 22,(XH 2u.0iai Kanaa ' City i mniiiii , ,,iwae-- HI, ma? Omaha ... 18.000 4.000 lu.0uu Hog evened stesdr with Sft.onn left ever. Receipts- a yea'- ago -were 83,0faT Prices: Mixed. $S.30i5.60: good snd besvy. $5.46 6.00; rough. $5.3635.60; light, $5.80 )5.00. Csttis toe lower. flbp Steady rxrHi.i Bw Trk-Lada Sugar. New "York. M 24. 8agr: Centrifng!. 4 6- 18c: smisco, 3c; molaascs, 3 116c: London beet, uncbin.ea. -VTOTOatXA'B AMMTTKJsSAMT. ''Toronto, Ont., May , 24. Empire day. the snnlvrary of the Birth of Queen ,..,. ......n. ...r Victoria, .-.waa generally celebrated throughout the dominion today. In thla city there was" a general suspension of bualneaa, "public "and private buildings were decorated and many athletic event and other feature of entertainment were carried. out In observance of th day.-' - -:- , ' " Real Live If you want anything In the electric- line there la only ONE PLACE TO GO. Wiring of all kinds, fixtures In any style you ' need. Motors, new and second hand. Come In and let ps give - you our figure before buy lny . cliewhere. . NbveltyrElectrlc -Works I. OBXaST, MSBBfer, SSB Tamhlll Bt. The friend of youhg wives. It"" 'Is handy. , It cherishes and , nourishes young husbands, old ones, too. Cements family ties, aVBJXBOT, 10 . cents' a. packsge. "'V AT ALL ioROCERS' ' f Chickens' Chickens 16 and 17 Cents Bet Creamery. .45c and 50c Dairy...Z.. ...Z.... 35c and 40c Egg. 2 do.......... Bltcb77 egg r.-rrr, -. Beat Bngar-cured bam Picnic lad eottag has J. ,SBe ...20 ...IV ...IOC -t LA GRANDE CREAMERY, 264 Yamhill niCtilGA IS TEA AND COFFEE COMPANY ; ' " SFXCXAXi T0M0BB0W Very fine SQc Bawllsk Breskfsst To fot 36o per pound.' - Uuaranteeu to ne a verv cnoir-e Tea. . 104 OBAVBS ATXBTOBT t BOWBTsTO, BOFBXBS m CO, - , , ( . iKsUblishedi !$$. WBZAT AJTO STOCK BBOZXBS. . Boom 4, roand Floor. CBASfBIlBi OF COMlgZmCB. OVERBECK, STARR : COOICE CO. - ., Members Chicago. Board) of Trade, ' "- QBATsT, FBOYTBTOaTB, tJOTTOTBT," BTOOXB ABB BCSB. ,tr ' 101 third Street, McKay Building. Portland. Or. , f - WB BO A BTBTCTXT OOMZZSZ-ZX T" J . ' 1 Contlnuona Market by Private Wire. Quick rry 1 . " I . lUtoo, bausB, D, V-tl t'tles I a. . a . "-' - I . all" "" J-,- i TEETH FREE "!xtractlnB.' cleanlnit snd examlnatloB FREE during alt this wask., The Bos. ton PalnlcaB Pentlata will give the lowest prices ever known In Portland for L stricUy high:lajis. dental - work.' " Don't put It off, bat come tn sit once. Good work at low ' prices," guaranteed for 10 years, has made a world-wide reputation for the Beaton Dentists, -J91H Morrison street,..- - ----- Bmixeetln; sjid Bxamlaatloxi silver niirNaa GOLD- Fl tiLT!rG3 ma ....... . 1 oy ......... . .. . , . SS.OO x. .:. 3.oo GOLD CROWNS FULI. SET kB RIDGE WORK Other- -dehttete-ceme snd go. but the Boston Dentists : remain- the same rea liable, up-to-date denUits. j z Boston. Painless Dentists Korrisoa BL, Opp. Meier It Fran . -.. .. n4 Qd iiionali-r-?t-: " HOt'RS 8:80 a, m. to p. to. day, 1:10 a. m. to 12:20 p. m. - . San GONORRHOEA. GLEET, SYPHILIS. AND HYDROCELE. VARICOCELE. IXH8vOE MANHOOD,TtKEITMATI8M, eczf:ma. ASTHMA AND SKIN DIS EASES. We want every man afflicted with the above diseases tn honeatly In vent lgate our special system of treat ment. We Invite In particular all who have treated elsewhere without auc eess, all whose cases have been abondoned by family physicians and so. called 'SPECIALISTS": all whooe troti. bles have been aggravated and made I worse by the e of BELTS. FREE ; SAMPLES TRIAL TREATMENTS and i so-called SPECIFICS. We will explain l to you why such treatment has failed to cure you, and will demonstrate to 1 your entire satisfaction . that we can I cure Ton safely, aulcklv and nermu. nently, JOur counsel will wost nothing, -and we will do by you as we would wish you to do by us If our canes were re versed. Write for our home treatment If you cannot call. The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Booms and T Winchester Konse, Third -and XtnrssldB Bta.. Fortland. Or. - zBTABUsanes is7. C. GEE WO lZTHo Qreat Chinese Doctor fs tallwl grist cs uaahla atondarf ut cure jtre ao well "known throughout the United 6 la tea. and because ao many people are thankful to him for aavlna their- Hvea from OPERATIONS He treats any and all dlaeases with powerful C h I n e so tiCTba, roots, buds, barks and vegetable that are entirely un known to medical eclence In this coun try, and through the uae of these harm less remedies. This f atnon doctor knows the action of over 600 different remedies that he has succeaafully uaed In different dlseaaea. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troublsa. rheumatism, ner--vouaneeer stomach, liver, kidney, female-trouble and all private dlBeaeae. Hundreds- of Jet Imonlnl. . . .Charges , moderate. CsTl Ml se him. . '- COMBUI.TATTOBT FBXX. Patients out of the city write for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Ad ress . - . r-;; .... , THE C. GEE W0 CHINESE, . MEDICINE jCO. . ; . 281 Alder street Portland. Or. Sta'r. way of 2S1H Alder Bt reel leads to of flee. . Mention this paper. - CUR Cat Coioiiiou Bold be all Drveelete. a CHICHI 7ll,B ISaLISM s. s nivifei w ...... la MKP aa4 el aiaiua Waa, Mat IU atsaimas. Take ee eihee. BaCaae Baaewr.aa SsbMltsUaM aa Iwlue. ISaa, S.f at ;aa Urass " aaa S,r psralaslaea. ssS "Bella' ft.. I aa l-B. lm. 't r .. . a fMUMle. 94W m I a Dtala. l.eaee I ! '. MaBlaeB Basaw FMtX FA. y a- t w i ' .r , .. ' jr '-"", ivrV TEETH M' ' ' " . .. .9UMM ,' v XV -() wbs"T Llm.v- 8 HIT Bv afar - 1" -1 , , .;L.vz,,.rz -4. . ... '-r:-';-::-V- 'L'w-