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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1905)
f ' .7 "-' -! ' '.. the " oregqn-daily-journal; : Portland, Wednesday evening.: may . 24, . , isss. 1 13 - SEATTLE RACING- BRIEF CAREER OF ; OPMS SATDBDAY CASES HOW READY California Officials' Arrive at the How the Greatest Pugilist of All Supreme Court May Soon Have Meadows to Make Ready - Time Ascended -Ladder Opportunity to Pass onMerjt; of "Fame- Zr r,r forOpening. tfelflerirciaimsr 1 ' " -' . . ' .f . ..' ...... " ' ' :'" " ' ' - : I igMSS -EX-CHAMPION JEFF i J- I m. r - r . -- - - ' v. I - T . . ' - I ' " v " -. r' ' 't" OXJTLOOIC IS BRIGHT . T ;- - poR COdD RACING Class of Horses - Better r Than H Last Year and the Betting 4 en re Happy. . - (Special Dlptch"U Ths"'Jolirsr.' . ' . Seattle. Msy J4. Tb Meadow is iiiin. nn in iiDeiranct of Ufa. 7? On Saturday afternoon the racing eaaon opens, giving every promls ot being i. the best Seattle baa ever Known. - -f. - -Judge-Horace -Egbert and Aasoclst JhHiti. Krank 8. ' Skinner arrived here "Testera y "Trora'tn e Petaluma, -Cattror ' 7 . . l. ' rrt., nf hnraea. CAM . ma,. Arai-H. . ....-..-. . . in 4 ehort time after the Judges ar rived' and from every day Until the 1, meeting, open there are car scheduled to arrive. ' - - '' -- ---"' "I look for the beat Jneeting Seatti " 'hssver " seen, begtnnlng ' Saturday." said Jud,g Egbert yesterday. "In tb flrat placa there wilt be a better ' . horaea at h Meadow thle year than ever peror and ail t owner have money and that "make a. great deal of difference. . '."Th determlnatiori of the atewarda r-arWortn,' Vhlcago; not to open thla year bit done the Seattle meeting a world af -good. ' Many "of the horsemen -who bad amok- at California intended, going jst. WVen they learned that the Chi- -'- - cago 4rack- would not be opened they decided to come to Beat tie and here they are with ss tine strings of racer aa have ever been Been In any part of the -.nortb.weat." -'' r - - Manager A. T. Van De Vanter. who is Just emlng out after a long illneaa waa at hia office for- the nret time yester- day. He will be able to appear at the track every day, he Bays, aa ha cannot - keep his Angers out of the pie. RUNNING RESULTS : r : ON FOUR TRACKS . tJearaal Special aerrtrO ' '1 ' Loulavlll. Ky , May ,14. Churchill Down raca results: . -. Five furlongs King's Daughter won. Two 'Hills second, Haael T.horp- third; "time, 1:01 1-6. . Sis' furlongs Brad An won. geranium set'tnid. 1 lBtwwWsrthrrd,r"trme, --. t . i s-1-. -rtv4; r -. - Seven furlongs Alan A. Dal, won, " Sad New. second Whit Plum third; .". time. l:Jt. -: - - .Ulle Columbia Olrl won, Phil Finch 1 second, Apple third; time, l:41,77 . Short, course, steeplechaae Class " trader vt won. -'. Martlh . JJrsdy, second, Beans third; Jlme, S:6. L won, Bonnie sue third; time. 1:49 V second. Luck At City, t Kansaa City. Mo., 1 May; 34. Elm Ridge rac results: -M Its Exclamation ron, Rough Jumbl,sconitijOur--Besslii third; time. Short course steaplechas handicap Jim Bosetnan - wont. Croltn second. Col legian third; time. '2:324. ... - nv"furlonga Don" Dbrao wonTTercy Clark second. Kahoka third; time. 1:01. Flv furlongs Bill Knight won, Dolll H. second. Feby Blue third; ,'tlme, 1:00. , . Mile and a sixteenth Sanction won. Berry .Hughes second, Ous 7 Btraus third; lime. 1:47. - Seven furlongs Old Silver won, Ml rena second,-Stump Town third; time, i::7. -. --' Kw ' York, lay 24. Belmont park race results: . i Seven furlongs--Novena won, Tama lias second, Stroma third; time, 1:27 4-i. Flv furlongs Tangier' won, Delmore second. ' -Barber ' Loot ' third; time. 1:0 4-. . -v Mile Arabo won, Oaraman second, Carrie , Jones third; tlm. 1:41 1-4. Roetsnd finished third, .but was dis qualified for fouling. Mile - and --eighth Oxford--won, Dolly Spanker second. Right Royal thlrdrtlm 1:1 l-. , -. Staeplechsse. about two miles and a half Patagonian won. Snuff . second. r time. I:1S. Only two finished.;- - Mils and an eighth Ieonlda won, Oatrlcb second, Flyback third;- -tlm, 1:4 -.-. At V Xals. SLUauis. Msy 4 yir giouiiJs igerhiyt results Four and a half furlongs Pretty Do reen won, Bess Chaney second. Haughty third; time, 0;5 S-6. t 'r . t Five and a half furlongs Jsks -Ward won. King's Charm second, Bandlllo third: time. 1:08 1-t. ; - Five' furlonga Ala Russell won.' Ll ' , ber second. Marvel third; time. 1:01. Six furlongs Mayor Johnson won, ' Sovereign aecond. Byways third; tlm, ....-l'!14. , "- - ' Mil and 70 yarda Action won. Font sol ura second, Dsleamsn third; time, l:4t S-. Mile snd three sixteenths 'Wster Cur won. Rullflneh second, Hubbard . third; tlm ::-(. ! ; FLY CASTERS HOLD r -INTERESTING MEETING The "Oregon Fish and Qame associa. ' virion held a special meeting last svemng i " at th Commercial club and listened to - an instructive sddress by Dr.- C. W. Hibbar'd of Bab Francisco on "Fly Cast- tng.- Th meeting sailed for th 'purpose ofvcreatlng interest In th fly essflng tournament that will b held at theLewl and Clark fair under th patronage of the association, r- For ; year - In thi city ; efforts have been raada to form a fly casting club, and it is noli unUt ww -that anything tangible appears aa certain.1' Dr Hlbbard,, ex plained th history of fly casting,. Ha methods, the events, rule snd every thing that concerns the apart and stated .' that hs would gladly lend his Service t any - tlm: toward promoting th , . sport.. In reaponss to a Utter front Dr. lllbbard, Walter D. Msnsfleld of the Ban Francisco Fly Casting club, cbam- pi on fly -caater of th world, wrote and .... . stated that he would be present during ' -the month of June and would assist the local 'sportsmen in arranging for their ' tournament. Dr. lllbbard, who is also a member of th Ban Francisco club, said that he felt sure that hta club -' would assist Portland la very way la th forming or a aimuar organisation. The tourney at th exposition will be opea to toe- world, thus enabling th experts from far snd near to compete, arpmprlai prtses will he rfered for kb vaxloua rnta i "a- t I T ;rr S TT -V. i itt rV W r BV . .. saSS" W . mm, m - mmim - ATHLETE FRISSEL His Eligibility Causes Discussion Among the College Men ,:. of ; Oregon. . -'r- (Special Deputes to The Journal.) University of Oregon, Eugene, May t4. Frank Frlfael, the Oregon, athlete who entered college some time ago from Nevada, is again in prominence, and la the subject of adverse discussion by soma of the th farmer ronegSTal - Corvallls. . who assert 4 thst they will not be overridden Jt- was Washington by having this tnan compete sgstnst them' on Saturday. According to the iTontract wit h th2yrlversltTpr Washington Frlssel had a perfect" right to run. and If he- had not th Washing ton-men wotrtd have protested him. In the second place,-by the university or Oregon's contract with the O. A.-C, whicn is drawn-up according to the- rula of th Korthwest'- intercollegiate assoela- compete. nw;enierra mwin iw tmn Th Oregon manager knows-tbla and did not Intend running him.'- - Today Manager Whittlesey received a eommunfratlon from Manager Btrmpson of th O.' A. C," In which he proponed a scheme whereby concession wss grsnted end Krlssel -would ' be ' allowed to en ter th cohteat. Now if th O. A. C. manager thinks that.rtlWfl 111 eligible in thia Instance, wiry la he not eligible hi airyceTIn aubmlttlng this propo sition to th Oregon manager the Cor- 4ralHs-ange-h vlolateA tha-eontraet that exists between th two colleges. A a matter of fact, the Northwest In tercollegiate - association! Is a 'thlng nf name only and has gon out of exlst ence. but "tns rufts and regulallona Uiat wam made at the time of its existence ire stipulsted aa binding In th contract between Oregon and Corvallls. If the Corvailiranagex-ra-to-iirMisT-ttTr rule it la no concern of the Oregon atn letes. wh6 resent any intimation that they are the offender. in ell lustlce to Mr. Frlssel tt may be said that alnc he haa entered college he haa proved himself a hard working tiKient who stands welt in his clssscs, He is taking a courss, in engineering and expects to graduate next year and has applied " for senior standing. As he entered late and his athletic ability waa known, he was not allowed tb enter until th faculty had received reoom mendatlons from the faculty of ths Uni versity of Nevada, j At th big meet in Salam Jun 'it h will have completed the semesters wprk and psssed hti i amlnattona and wUtb perfectly eligible t run. Than there will be an oppor tunity for the hayseed trackmen to do a little running Instead of quibbling over things of minor lmportancs. . rjpAOxrxa ooab xbaovb- " "1 " CXCBS. i sTTi ! Taensu .BOS 'f-f-)-TH4 rb Franelaee Ixm A assies Seattle '' Portland m f.;.Trr.:r77.T. ACOMA, S XO AVQaS, . - ! . . ' .. Uoorsat gpaclal Berries.) f " ls Angeles. May i4. Goodwin and Torsn proven easy for TacAma yester day and th Tlgera pounded out IS hits, which gave them eight runs. Los An gele found Brown' In onlyjne Inning. Score: ," ' ; ..... .- i R. H. F Tacoma . . ...i.l 0 S J 0 1 01 15 6 Los Angeles ...0000006 0 Bstteries Goodwin, Torsn snd Splei! Brown and Hogan. Umpire Davla. M ATXOlTAIi "XalAOtri. ' . ..' 1 Won. New Tork . .,....... .21 Pittsburg . . ,.........l? Philadelphia - . 15 Chicsgo . . .T ; Cincinnati 1 . ;13 Lost. "'17 ! 7 PC. .52 .fil .615 .485 .400 .400 .271 St. 1OU1S . ....... ......J; ).. Boston ...... . i .. II , ...".u .-: Brooklyn AKXBX0AV UAOtra. ' , ' ' Won. IE IvOSt. 10 11 PC .400 .T7 Cleveland-. . . . Philadelphia . Chicago . . . . Detroit Wa'shtngtoirx r St. Louis ... New York . ... Boston ... . . . . .16 .14 . ' 12 .671 j 77.6 .13 14 ,. .U ...12 14 449 14 .49 SPORTING GOSSIP. z Sport-i-On September 1, 119!." James j. Corbett won from John L, Sullivan at Nw Orleans, In 21 rounds. ..'V '-ISS' "ri-'f.v. John McLesrt. tne popular catcher of ths- Portland bail nine, on the -occasion of Jjla next' trip to Los .Angeles, will take .unto himself a wife. 7 . L.-....- e - ----- - -- - It looks as If i Sydney Dillon, sire of the champion trotter, Loo Dillon 1:IH), wss.'llksly to hsve another sensational trotter In , th mar. Helen K eves, now in ths East View string. This mere Is now f years olrt snd re cently she trotted st theTMrasaktoit Cal Ifornta track a full mil 1n t:12, with a ti u lit hi: iiLuri Li .. . rTrmimnT-i nr-w : i ! V itV THERE V Friend half in 1:05. She has stepped several quarters in 30 seconds, which . proves her to possess extraordinary speed. There Is a drawback, however, to Helen Keyea. her mannera being not the beat. Dh Ryder describes her as . being a large copy of Lou Dillon, . i . : -; - j Dodge T Tea la not classed as a pop ular drink by any but women. - The most popular kind tof tea Is pink tea. Green tea and black tea' are also la mode." No other color should h used at social functions. - Our private opinion, however, 1 that wo do not think tea a fit beverage for human belnga . , . i - ' -1 The ball game -today will b-!ayed on Multnomah diamond.. Roth team have had two daya' rest and .ought, to put .p-aTtnapprctggt Manager McCredle Js'uay looking for swrerat new men' for his team. .Mao de clares that he will strengthen his nine ss fsst aa posslbls.! . . ' . - . .. "r t Tomorrow's game 'wlll also be played on Multnomah fleldJ If the weather re mains good Recreatlqd' Park pught. ta be In condition for a gam on Friday. 'KATXOaTAb Z.SAOT7B. , - At W ton. . . R. H. K. Cincinnati....... ......0 I 2 New York . ?tl 0 Batteries Oversll snd Phelps; Math ewson end Rowerman. Umpire Baus wln. . V ,:.l...'. ..... ' j .. ' Xt Brooklya. i R- H. B. Brooklyn ", '. . . . . i .4 10 9 St. I,outS . . !:...... rtt. i 8' trr Batteries Ksson, Dpecher snd Rltter; Thlelmsn snd' 'arnsr. Umpires Ems II and Klem. - - - .. . 7. At Bostoa. ; - ".""". - ' ' . x-.-.'B. H.E. Boston-v ...S. ".. I 6 4 plttshnrg . ,T.t. 0. R 1 Bstterles Young snd Needhsm; Phil llpl snd Carlsch. Umpir O Day. " At VhUadalpala. j 'iL n a Chicsgo . , I1 1 Philadelphia ........... 19 9 Batteries Rrown and Kllng; Plt tlnger and Abbott. Umplre-obortons. . AMBIOAM I.BA0HTB. ' rA Batroit. Detroit . . I New York w .-rrrm'-ri -. nr. 4 , Batteries Ktlllan and Doren; -Griffith, Fowell and McQulre. 'T" --At OleralaaaV . 7 . R. UK. Cleveland iiiti r. , .4 'i 4 Phllsdelphla ..r. ..7 11 - 1 Batteries Donahue, Moore and Hue low; plank and Powers. , i - ,- Chicago. Chicago . r. ............ "Ih.h.b ... t i wssnington i i .z I . Hatterkes Owsn. and BulUvAni Toin 2. 7. 2 R. Tt.W . 10 1 7-4 send and Klttrldge.. t v..-,, . .' . v f' , At Bt. Zouls. j,.. , Ht,1tn . ..... .,r.f?..-7TT..9 1 1 KoMtnu .. . ...6 X 2 HattcrlesMoi gaa and fiutlso: JMa terg aad .Otger.1 i . JIM WAS REARED nrrwCKEYE state : V-.'..l-. Took His Father's "Advice Liter. 1. ,.ally' and -.Soon" Defeated Every Man In Sight. 'Many years ago there ilvsd a -mn-ln Ohinr-whjsnrnewsr jerrrteg. ira-flg- urcd that the Jaw of chsnc . gars boy about; jone chance in 20,000,000 to become a senator or president, and be didn't worry his .offspring . with - that kind of "taHrr- le taught his youngsters tljflf lhl Ufa la nm ftf h.rA ItnncW. the man who strike th hardest blows lands on top, and that every fellow must fight his own battles. . , Young Jim Jeffries took tb teachings literally, and at . th .age of-six-bad achieved some literal success by clean tng suit a district -school: H was one of those kids . who never shed a tear when the . teacher applied the barrel stave, and who always watted Jiist pff th school grounds to' do up . the1 lad thst squealed on him. as strlptly In the"Irinnf-destfny that, led Jeffries, ths elder... to hike across . th.'. Qrent,. American desert to California, where scrappers grew large and strong -It waa also destlnythat caused ths fsmlly to local within sight or Fo? of a brass foundry,- -where young Jeff ries soon accepted a position as office boy. On of his Jobs waa to clean out th office, and be did such a swell Job one Baturdav. with innth.j Affie bov as a broom, that he waa promoted to the works. For a tlm hs worked a shift lever on a stamping, machine untll-j he became altogether too ahlfty. .. - In th course of time he advsnced to th punching room, where he took on at the foreman, and was mored-into the trimming department. He might still hav been there had he eonflned himself to brass.- but he- included th superin tendent In his efforts. Th president of th company became "convinced that he had done all fie could for Jeffries and was glad to see him leave for Car son City, Nevada, on day In th early smi mi ur i mi. " 1 .. ' On arriving Jeffries secured a position as target With a man named Corbett At first he remembered that life is full of hsrd knocks.- Then it occurred to him thst every men siwvuld put in a few licks on- hia -wnaccounti Tt is now claimed and corroborated by all but ons msn that following, this sudden recol Idrttefrthere wss a prix fight every day for a week, and that Corbett was never much of a man afterward. At all eventK, Jeffries claimed , he was the pavement over which Fltsslmmons trsvw eled to th chsmplonshlp, and two years later, ths pavement; flew up and struck Fits on th jaw. i .' " This sketch will' not deal with events that are as well known in detail a any of . the decisive battles of. the world. Jeffries hss done some things thst very pugilist dors. He never gsv a horn to his folks, but he has made, up er H by being real nice to- his .brothers. He has Just taken the fighter's license to retire from time to time, and h points with pride to th fact that h doesn't own a tin ar and never ran a saloon. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' BOTIOB TO AMATaTtnaB. 4 - . - - ' u AH - nolloea or amateur baa. 4 ball games,' challenge and ath-' 4 letic events must be sent to this 4 of flew before t o'clock a. m. on 4 th day for publication. . Ama- teur manager ; should -. pay - at-) ) Ttentlon to this rule, a th kaep--) ing o it. will .Insure a proper 4 report " of . their dolnga Th ' JournaL ' ' " 1 . 40 4444 liUUU - AT ( BAUBK. ' - " , (Kpeeld I)liteh te The Joarnal.) " " Salnra. Oru May, Ji A gam of base ball - has - been ' eoheduled by Manager Mourer of the High school team,, with th Albany High . school . team, to be played In thla city , on th ; Willamette university field next' Friday afternoon. Th gam promises to be a very inter eating one. but th local team feels con fident that It will fee able to mMtntaln its claim tiytnstata' championship," . mkmrnm Stop ChUm . - " VainKjlter 7--1 LN LJrO-BE-SOLP-TO 1 ' rt:r THE HIGHEST BIDDER Judge Burnett Convenes Depart- - - ment Number One of Circuit .Court at Salem. - ;V'.- sfbTipaH'k to T JunrsaLV Ihilsm, Or,,'. Ma 2j .AUorney-Oen- ersl Crawford returned yesterday from Klamath county w her he hsd. beoh.-oa business connected with th famous Warner valley settlers' ess. ' He stated that the cases are now ready for the su. I preme cpurt and tha t bod y-willjperhnDS have a chance, to pass on th merits of the cass within a ahort time. Another esse which is to recelv th attention of th supreme court soon, Is the validity or h migratory stock law passed by the last session of th legis lature. Th ..treasurer of Lake county, acting in accords nc with ths Isw filed a suit agalnat a stockman of that coun ty. .The atockmen filed a demurrer and thla waa austained by Judge Benson on Saturdsy. Ths case will be presented 'h. higher court a soon aa poaaiblr, aa it greatly affects th citizens I Lake and neighboring counties. . At a meeting of th stats land board held jenterday order was made whereby S.710 acres of land situ ated In the famous Warner valley coun try, and . which - had been temporarily withdrawn from settlement, "Will ps sold to the hlghest'bldder, ..... , . . Bids will be advertised lor andacr cepted - up to July ' 11. Th minimum price for which th land will be sold is 12.50 aa acr. - - 1 - Hon. J. K. Bears of Polk county, hav ing failed to appear before "the board and prov that fraudtiadpetn practiced In the application for th purchase of certain school land In his ounty, had his application for th purchase - of thst land canceled and will have his de posit money returned. ' lUi said that ths reason Sears did hot sppear to back up hla ststements waa because th board mad a ruling to tha effect that he would not be given the first chance to purchass ths land in case it : wss found to hsve been ob tained through fraud. Tha board ha decided that in all such ease the landt I win vw soiaio"tnr pignest Diaaer. 7 Judge-George H- Burnett- convened department No. V of th circuit court this afternoon at 1 o'clock and dis missed th trial jurors which hsd been drawn for this term of court. Since the trials ef Wright and Mont had been continued until' th July : term, there were no cases remaining on th docket 7- . -r . . . Chief ef Polk Cornelius and lit at corps of ssslsfants hav undertaken th task of strictly enforcing tb city bicy cle ordinance and. as a result about It persona ha'v been called upon to con tribute to the city's general fund.' The offenses hav been riding oa forbidden walks, without beila and without lights. Verjr little attentlonrhaa : been paidto the ordinance for several years, . GOES TO JOIN TWELVE . TRIBES OF ISRAELITES (gpeelal Dlspatek to Ta Joarssi.) ' Lewtatort. Ida., May 24. E. H. Wldder haa aold his property - her for 26.000 snd will leave-this week for Benton Hsrbor, Michigan, - fir. Wldder is an Israelite and he goes to Benton Hsrbor, termed ' "the New Jerusalem." to Join th 12 tribes of Israel. He states thst after th as sembling of the creed hss been ac complished at Benton Harbor th lour- per to th old Jerusalem will be com menoed and that the latter wjll become the capital of th world. '" Mr. Wldder explain that the plan of th Israelite provides that the wealth of each shall be put Into a common pool, the general fund providing th facility for carrying on th work of th creed and Defraying th expenses of th ministry. Mr. Wldder will place all fit hi money In this .fund, and will be come a minister of the new creed. '- On of the rules followed by th Israelites is thst th hslr shsll be pets, mttted to grow and Mr. Widder la obey, ing thla rul In preparation for the work that will require his entire time in th future. Mr. Wldder. came - her some yesrs sgo from-the Sandwich islands and st first loos ted 4n- Boise wheri wstv-engaged- in theTpawubroker busl- MAKING PREPARATIONS ..' r; - FOR MEMORIAL DAY - (Sperlal Dlspsteh te Ths Jonratl ) Eugene, : Or., May . 14. Committees from the local poet of th O. A. R. visited -all the city - schools and . th Catholic academy yesterday afternoon and delivered addresses appropriate to Memorial day. as hss been the custom here for th past several yeara. Special programs wer rendered by th pupil in honor of th occasion. -: Th members of he O. 'A.tR.'. ar making extensive preparations . to ob serve Memorial day. Th usual pro cession wJll tak plsce 'to th cemetery snd exercise held at the O. A; ' R. lot there.- Th annual --memorial aermon Will be delivered next Sunday avenlng at th M. E. church by Rev. H. N. Mount, pastor of th First Presbyterian cnurcn. . i-. -r . ; ,. .- i SPECIAL MEETING OF .FIRYIEW CIVIC CLUB ,j - .1 (gpwial " Dispateh tu Tbs JaerssL) Falrv'lew, Or., May ' t4. A . special meeting of th Fatrvlew Clvlo Improve ment club -was held last night to dis cuss the proposition of moving the feed mill from Hs present sit to a location near the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co.' track. II. C. Campbell of . Port land, who is the present owner of the mill... waa. present : and proposed that the club and Interested farmers should buy hslf th stock and put tb mill on a paying basis. Ths mill I not being operated .because of th expense of hauling the grain back and forth from tha cars. The proposition will b acted on at th regular meeting of tit. club, which will b held next week. ' .. - " -.' ' WXXXJLafSTTa aUSTjrO.. ' - (Special Dltpatrh te Th JeUrnal.) .. Independence), Or., Msy t4. There hss been consldersbl rain and th river roe lx inche Monday. 'The boats Will be put-on the dally run IT the river rises a few Inches more, Ther haa been but one host on A he run for. some time, and" thus tkr ,1jm bcen'iervlc oojy on aitsrnaio uj. . . - I IiVVTr: III z ,... g , I . ini, nv&s v . ,1 . 1 1 - r.- -v--twurr-rer. ' 1 gf ltj.lJ a wm. "(WdTal' "' ( JXv" v " L i find 'plac Instead el two. The Globe-Wernicke Vertical File hat a patented drop front. This loosen! th pressure to one can turn over the upper edges of th let -ten like the pages of a book.. These Vertical File are mad for BUI, Latter, Report tnd Cap size pipers. Sold strictly oa a commercial and not a "tyatem'JL a am uiust cunipivia iiuv vt business and office furniture in this city cne goous w bwck. - .. The J.iK GiU Co., 3d and Alder K ' J! FT? .' Pinte in thla store -if " 1 III LI IH.MU.. .17fi'l. f I U II iHenc we solicit. ' with. da; t. wtv. Ws ee crown ssd nrldg work wltbeat sala. Oar IS jean' txpeiluiis Is slala wae sae a bin u ta fltjoor swath easifortably. Dr. Wi A. Wla has fooixl a ear way t extract taetk. absohitalr wtthost sals. - Dr. T. P. Wtoe la aa exiMrt at sold ftlltag sad craws and srldr - wh. - Ritraetlng ..tre whes plates r bridge era sedated, . . , WISE BROS., Dentists FsOis BulUlne. Me. Third sad Wsstr tta, Opes avaalosa till p. Buadaes tieas . - "tola. Or. TO CARE FOR BABIE v ; A " DURING EXPOSITION . (SpecUl Dlspsteh to Th JourmaL Seattle. My J4 Mrs. Nettle Scott Davis, a professional nurse, will estab lish a nursery at th Lwl and Clark fair., i'. ,' ' Her plan is to afford a plac where mother can leav their babies, receive a check for thejjv and upon return of th check recover their darlings. While iris npt supposed to b given out, Mrs. - Davis will not refuse to give up a baby even if th mother doe los There's No Question '"I:-'"" - VXtttf t&vW ' -' -m ' 1 -t " . CS-OrTliird: St. S etneen Stark Oak f l fN!L Vortical ttlr I " ;7.; r la It too can file fifteen thousand ret. thousand --letter L with answer attached. w It coatt $22.00 in selected quartered oak. a .L cm.. - . - M . I All u 111 CI uiui iava va nu. n 'cipscity would cost from $35.00 II . to 150.00, and occupy twice ths l-acewThuajrousas money oa th cabinet and money on the rent. You also ear money oa the clerk him. It take leaf tima f or a clerk to find a lettecby this . method ot filing, because the letter one he finds tha other he look in on nrnw iiuiig wmigwi niKiriMif is in our owa tsletroom, iVcan l cany - - THE MAN WHO -GETS I'IIAT HE WANTS ... gt his supply Ws are Just as isr-to-a- pleased, and thst s th reason wa hold T- ourv traoe so long. - it isn t only paint . quality, or prices, or even -courteous - treatment of patron it's sll three. confidence, a , large llc of- yo,u,r paint; supply Ing. Fisher, Thorsen & Co Cor. frost and Xorrlaoa Bt. atalatuy. PcrsbnllorvoEssonco tESTOXXg VAVHOOD Baa enrad theasaads ef caaa ef Nervous Debllltr, Iasomsls sa aire, pay. -They clear the brals, atraogtlMa the elrcalattoa, aiaka dieaatlM perfect and Uasarl arnatle vigor te ta wbol sting. All deant and limn- atepsed persiaoMtlr. 91M -hoi: boses gBraat4 t cure or ntaad aweey, $8.00. Mailed aeatod. Book free. Persian std. On.. as Areh St.. Phltaealphta, Pa. gold Is Porttasd ealy fey freak Kaa, Portland Hotel Phtnnaer. , her check, for ah feel that such action ' would b too .much like a Chinaman. Th institution will be started in tim for tb opening day of th fair. - - ": r mmm pa. w. a. WTga. ; - Ho- quettiort about th goodsTT mak or fit.-; No question kmii tha aatiefarnru ' mi. com; Of "ANY PURCHASE mad ' hr. r Our ' binding ; -- ; guarante removes all ele- T 7 merits of " chance. Better look now. H ,1 .... '.. - " ... 7 . . ..- "'- - - '; ' .'' 'M fcssssnsasSBaa asaswaa , 1 - 't. i : T 'i -1; Jii, .... - j 1 1 I