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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
THE OREGON" SUNDAY . JOURNAL,, PORTLAND, " SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 21, lWs. 1 ' LET'S SEE KEPT HIS "Before Election He ProrniStd W ' : Hie Command That He Would at Once and for All Time v , . Stop Public Gambling In Portland.- JJHEN HE MADE CITY A PARTNER WITH THE GAMBLERS After Inauguration He Told the "tain Gambler the Privilege :: ;L'i - Money to Be Paid , l" ' ' " : ' ' ' TT--r"" . UcorgOjH. William began his. term a mayor three years ago with positive and emphatic pledges tq suppress pub Ho gambling In Portland. His ante- tlou promises- to- thla-cffect were Te nr rated as soon aa he was In office.. - .'I-wIH--rhrJrttthal ; T can to make' open ' gambling-impossible In Portland during; , my term of offtoe,-" declared - Mayor ; . WlllUma In a' published. Interview five days after he had taken his seat, and . . .the asms promts was solemnly given s;in .J)l Inaugural, address. . to - the.; city council. . - , T,,a tofX' ' th mayor'e 'change of -- heart on the gambling queatlon la one or the remarkubfe features of iiia ad . . ministration. ' - - -- ."- - .Mayor Williams owed Ills election to th'j support of the bettor t Vf cltl - lens,, whJ-were-earnestly desirous- of Drmging about the suppression of pub' lie gambling. : lis was then the candi date of the reform elementrtind he rec ognised hi obligations aa such- in his utterances - af tei erection.-)- It far Inau gural address to the city council deUv- -l-Me2 contained the follow. ' '' " ing language; "" , " t)na of the mou difficult vices with ' . which we have to deiT'ls that of iamb . ling. Ordinance J.m la very compre- - 4nslve and rigid upon this subject, but . to considerable extent seems to be a dead, letter. I .do not proposer to enter .,upou atiy - Utopian eheme of reform as to this matter, but l ean see no reason i a why . this .ordinance may - not be-eiv-. ' forced so aa to prevent, the running of -'-. such" games as faro, roulette, and the ,, like, which ar necessarily more or less , 0' nubile nature. : - . . " - .: A Sera la rTomiglnf. ..V .:. ' , i "1 maul-to sea a-stop put- to profes : sional gambling at places known slid . adveillaml by vagrants. Into-which the - ymingi rtnexperieirced and unwary are " enticed "to' toe robbed and frequently ruined." ' .'' . iijgsj:ww..iiir i emphatic, jthmrjithe-: Ian' Kuage of his Inaugural was a declara- "- tlon Mch Maypr Williams mode" In an Interview published two days laXeivJuly --1902, In tb Oregonltt4 "I will "do aJl I can to muke open ' gambling Impossible In Portland during my" term ' of office." said May6r""Wil 7"! ll.uni to art ' Oregonlan reporter last nlht. "Gambling of every description cannot bo abolished In' a large , city. -yunnlnavjopen gambling places to quit the business, and if the warning Is not t "-promptly heeded they will be arrested. - if jurors do not convict those who per slat In defying the law, I will not be die couraged by vnn iwllurs or p't a - 1 will kep hammering at them: It will be a tight all thej tlmLlf th coqrtff lierpeleThtRfklh ms win not' Coun tenance public gambling bouses where young people ' are taken anaoften 'robbed.V ' . " H la. oath of of file ma welt aa these filedges to the people of Portland Im posed on Mayor Williams the strongest posnlblet enforce the. laws jigalnst Jjubllo gmnblmg. Amplejpowerl to do so was conferred by the city char- . ter and the state laws. ' - ' Kever Tried te Suppress Oambllnr-' i No serloug effort' wss ever made by . Mayor-'WIUiama to redeem his pledges. During the first few months of his term a few arrsts.were made for viola tion of the gambling law, but no. con - '. vktlons were obtained, and the gamb ling houses continued to run ' unmo lested. " , Then Mayor 'Williams suddenly , changed bis policy. In place of sup pressing gambling, he adopted the plan - . ... -- - -"- it- L-SLJ BB!- MMmgWmiM )f, C bt ss . sr Bw ji" - - - m s mm-. -armaTYM m m m -saw w t . - ' w i ommencing And Continuing ALL WEEK .,.... i, - . and many varieties wholhasibechiengajged-bythc superioritylof the 'Great -Majestic at the Majestic Building during the Lewis Clark Fair, has kindly 'consented to be --RANGE has recciyed theHighest:Possible' Aware at the " 1 i 'l:.-:. .-JL'..: ' t .. r.r---T-vr-- IF MAYOR PLEDGES Wfi NrKtXmptrattcrtanrW People That He Had Given CeN of Robbing the Unwary for Each Month:" ;5: ,- ... - - of protecting and legalising it. - A bar guin was struck with half a dozen of the leading gamblers, whereby they were to pay certain sums every montn into ine to be exempt from Interference by the poises and to be assured a monopoly of the business," : The arrangement went Into effect In ' March, l03and con tinued until July, m. when Tom Word 4ecame sheriff ' and .drove the gamblers out of bjjuUuesa,':-4 -TM.- cam part ,. whjcfa Mayor Williams entere intoi wlth-.toe gtrmetnwwaft not only, a repudiation of the-pledgee" which he had 'given both before and- after- hla election it waa a direct Violation, of the laws which he 'was eworn to. enforce. Certain gambling houses were tacitly li censed to violate th taws against gamo ling.ndere guarnteedlmmunltj from Droaecutlon. - The consideration was a stipulated sum which they paid every, mootn-4nto ine rKy-xreaaury, k' .' 'Blmea Aa Tribute." About1 once a fortnight the gamblers were arrested by tfie.clilef of police, the stipulated sum of money was oeposuea In the nrunitflpul court ostensibly as ball, and the gamblers then went their wava and resumed their Illegal business. The ball money was forfeited and turned into the city treasury, but no effort was made to-bring the gumblera to 4riai -When It became known that Mayor Williams had. repudiated, his pledges ndwaj)h!eldlng the gamblere from the law, popular indignation waa aroused. Earnest protests -were entered and the mayor waa urged to enforce the law. To all remonstrances he turned deaf ear- The public demand for the suppression, of open gambling finally culminated In the ault to compel the STofandtsubordinaTerio-cnrorce the law. The writ waa granted-by the circuit court.-sitting, en .banc,- but th mayor appealed to the supreme court. There a reversal was-obtained on the technical grounds. thatjlhe.. proceeding should have-been rdlreeledsvgainst -the chief of police, and not against" the mayor. ; ; Mavor-wmtsmii Is noWTlfPtfnr tdT's- cape the; reeponafbfliiy for the jtolicy pursued .toward the gamblere.. An efi fort 4s- being made to cast the burden on the executive committee (njl of them appointees of the mayor) .and .on the council. :HUt,.wn.: BttetttccajtLJwr.tnA.,;ona, traduction tnat Mayor wiuiams was himself the dictator. of the policy wWchTnhn8er'rrf blwCfaft at the beginning made the city government a partner In the gamblers' violation of the law, and thart It had his hearty approval. ' s "I bellevePartUvnd'a sygie nx f 111 censing gsmblerg-1 preferablo to the cloaen system . whlriii mum pouo boodleraald" theTHmyoniran Tlilervlew published In the Oregonlan August 31, 1 90s. T-"' :"-"' -'r. " ' "'"XT " r." In fleptembcr. 1908. a delegation of clergymen of t Portland called on the mayor to, urge the closing of the gam bling places. ... Mis own account xf his reply, aa published In'the Oregonlan of fleptemberiawaa-aa followa. 'I told the committee that the reason I have am honest administration Is be came there Is no reason, why the gam blers should pay Individual officers for the protection which Is afforded them when they pay their ftnos Into the olty treasury." . Even more conclusive is the language which Mayer Williams, used In the su preme court. In the mandamus proceed ings to whichjeference has been made. The language Is all the more signifi cant because It appears In a brief pre pared with all a lawyer's car for sub- of pastry. Joseph i ii I rvi' 4. .- - mission to! the ' highest court In the state. The mayor wrote: , 'It Is claimed that It s the duty of the mayor to instruct the chief of police to prosecute ' the gamblers.- Suppose the mayor of tho city is of the opinion that to allow- gambling in five or sU places Is to prevent gambling in a hun dred other places? liow doea it appear that1 If -the persona named are prose cuted, they can be-convicted T Oo aa I Vleaae' Mayor. "1 ieepiLlrull slelw lliat 1 ass ae bound blindly to prosecute every viola tion of a city ordinance without regard to: circumstances or results, but that 1 have a right to exercise my Judgment in such matters, for which I am solely responsible to the people. of the city." This la a plain, statement of the may or's platform.. He contends that he la at liberty to enforce the law or not, aa he sees fit. The legislature ma mke laws and the. couno.ll nmy pass ordi nances, but he will determine whether tney snail oe enrorcea. 3 he will otlne people must be, subordinated to the will et lh myor,iW.,.,r.--v-T. - - rr-; If -the proposition- that ,the laws should be enforced - waa unanawerable In 102, It in equally unanswerable In 106. The doctrine, that an .officer sworn to enforce the law may nullify It; at his own discretion did not become less "dangerous and corrupting" when i t was adopted, as the official policy of Mayor WUltHfflg; ' Bo long aa Tom -Word Is. sheriff of Multnomah county there will be no open gambling In Portland. But Word,'a term expires next year, while the term of the next mayor will not expire Until 107. The people of Portland may be con fronted aita In In 1906 with the question whether , or ..not this ; is to be .a irwlda tipen town." . The re-election of Will tarns must be construed aa an endorse ment oi nis policy.. . -' -,-, ,-': MESSAGE RECEIVED BARR Mjrsteriou?! Letter Picked '. Upl' at Sea Says Atlantic Js in v, the Lead. - 7 (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire t9 The Jour n. 11 New York. May20. A'message came to . the American - tonight, . supposed to be from Captain Charles 8..Barrr aklppw of the yacht Atlantic, that is now cruis ing over the sea in a race for the kaiser's OBpvthat alt on "board are well, that the 'uo is in me lead and that, the weather -waa fine and the breese good. The message waa dated Thursday and was found afloat In-a bottle naaj: Fire island bythe crew pf h T r- tng". The message reads ' ' "On Board Atlantic. May IS, 1905. All welt and in The lead. Weather fine and good - breese. . " " V" 'CHARLES L. BARR. Balllnai Master." One of the astonishing features of the matter is tnat-captain Barr should so far depart from his natural reticence .as to take the time to write the few words the message Ton tatrieTrTi"nrt-ThTrrTskfng IPm 10 tn nafaToT oTTTSeTUckTo waves. The bottle was found and brought- to land by Morris Rocho, mate of the Lor4 ing. Those familiar with Captain-Parr's writing were of the opinion that the mes sage was genuine and thfrt it really had Ino wnndisposff ion - to say a word about of a contest Is the only.featuro of the find- that-thro wa doubt-upott He' genu ineness ; ' 1 -a.-illnrmen'-lonked askance at the letter and said that If Captain- Barr had sent it he would have Inevitably have nut dow the exact liuui1 f therlgyand"inprt assuredly the latitude and longitude. JUDGE MORRIS REFUSES -7-T0 SEND RESIGNATION (SpecUl DUpatck byLessed Wire t The Joarul) WushlngtonrMay 197 The attorney renernl has found that h construed the rietter pf Judge Morris of the local court of appeals In such a (manner that the president was led to believe that he could announce a successor to Judge Morris. -The president selected ex-Senator Mc Comas of Maryland, whose term" is out, to succeed-Judge Morris, and between the White House and department Of Jus tice It was thought the road was clear for the Immediate appointment of Mc- Comas. Judge Morris, however, when he reud about the cavalier fashion in Biscuit, Butter, MAJESTIC Coffee Becker, teacher ofi withus all week. i - t4 x ii i i l i i l rvi -j r - .- . - RED LETTER DAY IN OREGON'S CALENDAR Opening of Cetito Portage Road Will ffftlthraten hy ' Thousands. NATIONAL STATESMEN "WILL LENP. THEM AID Company Will 'Operate Boats on , Upper River In Connection . -With Line. . "lit" the up-rlyer country Immense en thusiasm 'has been 'aroused by the an nouncement that the- Celllo portage road will be opened to traffic June 8. and it . Is said at least 1,000 people' from Iewlton, traveling " on three ex- The cere- monles. --The steamer Jerome and- the Mountain (Jem have been chartered, and J Interested parties are trying' td -arrange ror. ine isorma to assist in carrying me crowds. The Jerome has ' been 'taken frqm Kennewlck to Wenatchee to operate be tween Celllo and up-river points." Finns rare being; for a btg excursion from liewlston. to Portland; and the committee here, has been asked, to furnish three boats for the lower river run. ..- y-. Much ' encouragement has been re ceived ih the matter of subscriptions toJ stock in a- compar.yto "be Organledto tipTraTe steamers on tlie upper river in connection with- the portage road. -A number pf towns -along th upper river recognlie the Importance of river com munication with' Portland, and boats will be started from various points a a soon as the portage road Is In operation.-"" - Awakening to Opportunities. The city of Arlington, which Is the diverging point v for the Lncw -Condmt branch of the Oregon Railroad Sc Navi gation company's lines, is awakening to its-"' opportunity.- One 'of Arlington's most Influential citizens said steps would soon be taken there to put sn Arlington boat line " In operation. Arlington people expect a large Increase of the. volume of business there aa a result of the extension to Condon, and they plan to further Increase their ad vantage by securing communication with Portland tbrougb. .the portage road. The future nf the Columbia and gnake rivers as means of transporatlon be tween Portland and the Inland empire will be brought out -more forcibly than ever before on "the occasion of the "fnrmal opening of -the : portage rood June ; when able speakers will be hcra onjthe subject. " "' '- - :"T - Preparing rrogTam. "T1 'This week the open' river committee Will perfect-"the progrsm" ,o be carried our on-tnat date at Celllo, when clt liens from Portland to Lewlsrton will Join with the vloe-presldent of the United States and a delegation of senators and congressmen In . appropriate ceremonies attending the driving of the last spike. " fciwlstsn wilieinl miewht'is bjiiiI biass1 band," Portland will send a large-Tlele- gatlon. the atate will be represented by the governor and jthw--erffle1hrsr-Tnttr7T.'" uium V'. 1 1 j.iivi .anw-iauuii in . largely in -evidence. There will tie speeches by OuveraoTChambeflainrrTWT D. Wheel wrlgJit and other Portland jijs 'a. 1 i-STAJi vnnmrzj afctyMgirnsTsMttaWgjrtl. O. Cannon, speaker of the house and eome-of -thet'nlted - Slates- senatuia. The Washington delegation -will come from St. Paul over the Canadian aemc and south via Portland, arriving at. The Dalles on thermorning of June a., - The party will consist of Vlce-Presll-dent Fairbanks and the senators and represntativewwherwtli-lirierjrt'th opening of thd Iewle and Clark fair.' which they proposed to strip off his er mine, wrote a letter In which he said that his proposed resignation wan only prospective and that he had no Idea of stepping out at this time. Now the White House and the department of Jim tlce are endeavoring to square them selves with the facta. They cannot dls. pose of Judge Morris, who has. the dis position of himself, and ex-Senator lie Comm will be. obliged to wait Indefi nitely on Judge Morris. ' economic cooking. The GREAT MAJESTIC Louisiana Purchase h. i 1 i- -J- VSq MdRRISQN STREETS ... , r ... e.f -'. ' V- 1... .'. : ' RAILROADS HURTING 5 r Statistics 'Presented Senate Committee Showing How Cjty Is Discriminated Against. . PEOPLE OF COLORADO ' BEHIND THE PRESIDEN J Believe 7 Tbat Interstate, Com merce -Committee"Should "" Have Power to Name Rate, ; (Hi erlul Dispatch ly Leased Wire to The Jnumil) - niiiifngicn, juay today's as elon of the isterstate commerce' com mttteS hearings. William A. Hover representing' the Denver chamber "Of commerce. - complalnedjf-dlm-rtrntna. """ bg jhfc-Jallroads-egainBrrthe In tereaia or mat city. . . j -' , "Mr.Miover presented statistics show ing that. freight rates from lenver to points lit AVyomlng were .higher than tne rates from Omaha and (Cansas City 10 tne same pojnis. anuougiv tne dls lance was twice ' aa great. lie also stated -that the rates from Denver to Idaho, a distance-F sOO-nllear-were-ao much higher than the rates from Ban Franulmio to Idaho points,; a dlaitnof.l I.lOO miles, that Denver mahUfacturerB could not compete with the coast man ufacturers. f His conclusions; as suggested bjLjhoJ uenvepcnamoer . ot oommerce, are . as follows: . - "In' conclusion. I. desire to state that the merchants ofDenver and the peo ple of Colorado, irrespective of party are thorou:hly-4i accord with -the views of President' Roosevelt in the matter of extending the powers of the Interstate comm-rre commission." We believe with flte president that the lnterstn"fVcom- merce commission should' have the. power, after full, careful and Impartial investigation, of TinmIngtheTate, and that the same should be made effective Immediately. - A commission. Wlthouk thla power Is simply a bureau of stalls tics and Information and Is Of no prac tical - value to' el,ther. the "shippers on one hand or railroad Interests on the other." C Commissioner "Clements concludd-hts J. tes4ineny-aTid--i:ontended the tthe . books be open to the Inspection of govern ment off leia 1st rH eIsoTecommended that coast water lines be put under-the interstate -commerce -commlaalon. since the passage of the Elkins law, although he thoiihtthla-. waa merely . CQlocident nifd iiomheTresutt of the law. IMA'GINED-HE'OWNED ...THE PANAMA CANAL ' Kperl-IHpstch to The JonrnaL) Seattle. Wash.. May 20. Emll- Sond- atrom. an expressman of Ballard, who claims" he owns the Panama canal, com- plcted his . toui nament of depredations last flight, beginning iing--toe-; bisewle- knlfe. A little lator he captured a jtttse Ing "alrect rar and told tho motorman he must go slower. " Sondstrom then spltd a public drinking pLaca and rushing up much ifto jii 'WIISllW tlw -watef to burst forth. It was at "this Juncture that he thought he owiwd the Panama' -canal, ' and when he saw the water flowing galled -at the top of hie voice' that he was ruined, and rushing out Into the middle-, of th car "track .tllsjucHt'itr Iherc4UnUl he was picked up by the police. . ' - - When taken to thejjollce station he" started to put that place out of business by tearing a new mattress to pieces. ThenfTVJ tore the stoveplpo down and wound an' bynurftTngen7' water In two places, jl'hls morning he wss found with at blanket wrapped around him, dancing in a pool of Water up to his ankles. -A Mean Advantage. 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