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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
i. THE .. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; -PORTLAND.,' SUNDA MORNING, - MAYT21, iSCJ. TO SLAM , DOOR IN PRESIDENT'S - FACE Protection Advocates Will En- ; deavor to Shut Out Heresies; . . -4 Advised by Taff ' NO TARIFF REVISION IS "7 MOTTO OF STAND-PATTERS Problem Likely to Have Far. Presidential Aspirations V-i gaweuj PIsptirn ty:Leaeed Wire to T Joernal) - vliWaelilriKtahlar, SaWtmt t the .lit-" y' lie that come from "The cabinet and ' a from the private and individual confer : .'u-4, meet ef she 'tarjff eland-pattere'-': ttt learned" that thaJaltur mil tuiluiw l' ' closthe doer in December or at tlie '"' fall extra " session against ueh '' -"heresies", th'we advised by, Secretary " Taft, that goods and material for ,a c'.-franal of universal Interest should -be. - ' bought In opea,aid cheapest markets of the world. There la no question that ..h president suggested the purchase bt . -H'f .emmniissiiin .if . nmterlnl In the way suggBte.-feot the gallant secretary .of .war, who wis one of the conrerees wtrn 'the president when that course was de cided on. says: .. - "t am responsible' fif--th,a suggestion ,rtd tjie policy." i. ' No. sooner had the policy: been tin 1 noaiwd nd..i'xgLoPt Hhohts had gone r to New York to put l,t Jno Pir?7Tl,tlr)T than speaker Cannon and itepresenia tlveJSrugYeiiojrttBig. out .la dfiiiuncla tlon of the matter. 1 Cannon cijlit fromIU!nol.and Gro: vehor is from Ohio, a stats In whlcU Taft must make good r If he Is ever-to hope for the Domination, even with Cannon says'lhat alt the'-loobtfttr"dii he said he was familiar) were utterly opposed to .any - lotting-down of the - biT and that ths- adnnlnlslratlon 'toul j - not stand for- tpirchsses abroad and in the open market. : i : Then there was. perforce, another ad ministration conference ' and . It was .. aulcklvdeclded that It was tiot neces . this time, if there was such a howl of protest, to buy foreign ships and sail thera under foreign flags, nor ' was It necessary to buy largely of any material aualuat the kind of competition That Canndit nd Oroavenor have built UP. -ii-- t h-tjuestlon " wJfc saaln discussed trt . 1. day by influential cabinet members. The '7"olutlPB reached was to "buy as little . as possible, but there has not been ' . 'any surrender. of the principle-snuncJ- ted by Secretary- Taft, sltuougn byr ---sbjewdecesalun-llis.ijJga ., protective tartxf .peopla know already-lhat-what ; , will be bought aoroad will amount to - -scarcely mssre than--"l ner-enti'i - - General Orovehor, who stands. for'the . merchant marine under nls plan of up building the commercial navy, is de lighted with, the outcome of affairs be -cause he Is enabled to say that-if his - Taft seeking, to buy foreign ships and . t canal material n foreign markets. . ,.t-:ri.Accordlng to Republican i sources of - -Information Here today- the stand-pat- -r--tr 4tave- decided -t4 talkon th auh- Ject no more until congress meets and a fsces-of -tb- nreaident- and Secretary JafLwaat effect the recommendation of Taft against tfila stand-patters will -1igve-tnr-ht prenklefitiaL commiaslotl. r:, I mains to, Be. seen. . He may have offered revlaion. ?Hls views will be eagerly demanded , at the Ohio convention. .""""' - . CRIME OF AMALGAMATED Continued from 1'agej une.) turning. over of this aame 175,000,000 check to Messrs.' Rogers and William - Rockefeller to - pay ; for - tlte properties that had cost them t3t.000.000 ($34,000,- i O0 for control of the Anaconda and $15,000,000 for th Colorado, Washoe' & Tarrott mining companies), and then the further utilisation of this versatile -fheck by -Mesttrar-Rogers nd WttHnm - Rockefeller -to purchaae from 4he office 'boys and clerks 'the $T5,66o,000 capital stock of tha new corporation. When all these check had b-pn duly.' registered .Hours, Roger (imd William- Rockefeller had made on paper the difference be tween $3!).000,000 ami tiu.OOO.OOO. Thia paper proflt waa. later, converted Into gold of the reajm by the NaMonal nty nk offering for ie to .the" publftTtue $7S.H00,00p of slock." -A a ilelelleirngrnitivs nC the. interview with Mr. Rogers the day be- r fore offerfnanTu- stock, when LawsSn says -that he 'fought- it nut vntll the "'advertisement pledged the name of the -Amsigamsied official and- hat-ot.lhe -" NsttonsT firy-hnnlrr-TirTrlveH tf graphic account of th efforts Rogers made to have all responsibility for statements remain with Uwnon, the agent, while the men of the "System" were prepar ing to reap the( profit. He sys tiiat '"''lie trinmptucd nd that Th'e" form of the .advertisement published Ik h binding contract upon the men involved., from which Roger vainly tried to extrlcrrte himself end 'associates, of tho bank's liability, the writer says: T - " ""On receipt of TtrriCliil '. noilfU atlon front the National City bank thst he had been allotted 20 per rent of his snb - .j..,' scrlptlon, or one share in every five atubsciBbed tnr, the hubscrlbef had "a -'right to thilik he knew that the total . ; 'Subscription to the stuck hniTheen five -iiitc-$7ao.oov$4;ijifQj)oofiv t Tlmes 0.0i0 srfaress.Tjo.eoO shares; and that, before noon. JMny 4, , .'the National .City hank had in Imml cer tlfliVJ checks to the amount of ll.H 7;,o . ;i'0. The public. Including 'the shrewd 1 est "Wall streetsvjmvai.. shire the suh- s'rlptm"rloied,'brnved that the sub. '-. ' !. H i aZ., I ' r"i"rM'Ileved . ' . . 1 . . .. .... vuc n v r hu.- : pelted-anything" to the conti'ary' be--cause It was clear that If.'lhe allotment , waa, conducted under conditions '. other jlhan those contracted for in the advelr - flaement . I Hn ,N.'if.nui . . .. . .. .. -. - .-..w.,, . 1, I,. 11 m nu.11 ..on i.wir iu eacu for tlte proportion of. shaies of wbtUi He ha.l ben deprived. ' T ,t..,., ... ... -, " 4 ' The artfua nmouht of ll.e Fiibscrlp. .turn rm-t-wa on or liefore noon. May .- " Katloual City bttiik was -!u M' Oii7.6oo, and. uft mir-4f ,1 1 five ,er cent certlf'ied checks' received , In the Institution up-to fioun wasu-only $.l03.a7i. or IS per share on a total Vf l.i0.7. shares. . ' f -frTher meaning of thia la That yvifry legitimate aubscrtber and., I except tha 'i,- mlllionafjf lubscrtptions which the bank decided war. -Illegitimate end were-re-Jeded. ss they, had a.Vrfet right to da under their contract with, the pub ' .Ir waa - dafnauded of two shares jof ' each three te which' ha was entitled. Hefare me aa I writ I the original sl 4 ltmeal of the Natlomil City batik to the , 11 1 aubecrlbera, -which, J proposal to print lilir u part vt thlA lndlctmest. showing that the figures se exactly as t nave staiea. - T .T : Lafcon aaya that the subalrlption for Amalgamated a lock vm far greater than tie, lingers-or any r.of-'the -"others ''log- pected. At first H wi thought that the .jnibecrlptlon. wjV14 "probably iii;r-O-ti4UlU,UU0. Thu opuiiing day found warm of people fighting for entry into the NatToiiar dty -bank., Rngurs and the other members of "tho system" were. wtldwlth Jov-itrKl quickly twwn i:hrroii."'it b- the (mmense thirst -(if-tbj pfopli - fon thcv stnrk." 11 mi 'inw mm 'ini it'i'rHTrnTr-TTnii; were h-ld In trig of now of the National j..Y i.iit,ini m raiif fmiiua wore per fevted for letting the- public have a larger' share. . Of .the interviews wjtlt Rogurs on this subject, te following Is typical:' .: "It was a Utile after when I -reached ItJ.Uroudway-:jiyj second visit that eventful day. MrHogers i .wa still 'at and threw himself wsrlly Into a chair. f 'l1on7 "thlaTs "a ntHngi-llinax for all the stories you have, been telling TrrofTteTfW.lli'fl myaelf ami the pub- Het;-for -tlte-- uat- yeai'-aitMi i' v-oppera. I have tallAed with the l-ewlxohns, Oov. ecnur t'lower. Morgan, and many other. ami J nave jusi. cpnn imm " wlttr-rtlimatr- lwe are all agroed SIVV"V p.-"!"!'!'--"" - . . la truly morVeloud. The bank la Uter ailyburled In money, and as near as we ran make it out. th stock t b- de livered when allotted lt actually sell ing at K to $50 pverxth aubscrlptlon pi-Ice-"1- The. Job is donsv 'nd you and A have good reason to congratulate one anojher.', jher. , , " .,,'-liL; we should, right now, There s lots or work ;heal. ad wV. may ik Mf snags yet.1-1 began. H- Interrupted Ira- patiently: . " ,..' v. . Oh. no. you re wrong. LawsonJVe "w?e. 1 w'hnTT'RogeTs THcre IS Wnltt, Nr.. ttogera aim r. lllman did. After 'discarding U un- tlsfactory and imperfect simscrlptlong. there remained ul.cripton oi net warn- y -'T FTlTrXt wtUiUa juih-JandUisi,tw0gr.eitJlniv ctars hunaorlnr for every dollar .of .It determined to possess" themselves of this great sum and use it as ball to compel the payment of the balance."- First41i.v agreed that not dollar tf the S per cent subscription ahould be returned; next to so use this amount that no one to whom atock was allotted. wourd back out. but. on the contrary, promptly take his whole allotment and psjrtip the balance.. . To effect this they decided to allot each subscriber Just the number of shares' of Amalgamated necessary to render the amount pf . jnon.ey. aceom- lanyliig his subwcrlpttoneq 1 to a la i r30"pe7ent payment Ton! his whole novment nf Sh other 7fl Or ?& tier CSilt. I due.. For instance, . ma.ii who applied for J00 shares .accompanied his aub scrlptlon with check for $500. He was - allotted, twenty 1 shares. - value $2,000. on which his" $500 checsTrtpre. aented. .a puynientof J5 per Cent ... If ,.... the condition of the' National xne comiiiroiu iw .pisiiuiwr --.ny thrr shares- of- every Jive subscribed for. or s! sty In all.-- To bring -ahost the prrmortloH whleh- Mr, ftogors wanted, bogus subscription of five or slrtlmea the unallotted balance was' put In by I him, and this is where: the fraud was committed. --'Tha NutlonaTOU bimk aa In duty I hound to protect the-nublfc from any I such bogus subscription, find to se that I ires tment was aecorded .tQnii--rHib--l .rlher. Yet. unfaithful to the trust. 7 it permitted this bogus aubscrlptlon to I be put in. 11 hours after the t)ida had been opened. It utterly failed to comply (for a drop of water, and If It should with" the cohdltions"of1tirdverti)48-lrtppfl-would prefer thatI might ment. and was thua.a direct nartVla the Inok with some show of hope into the fraud perpetrated by its president and! Mr. Rogers. rTbe exact amount. of the hn.m-tihrlefnitr- cnni.t not hi rfe. 4 cided until th'e exact figure of the scrlpfiona had bean -compiled, so the figures I xata rut that bight were only estimates. , Within the next few days It scrlpttons totaled $132,067,690, upon which n allotment of one share in five. or $2fi.413,6t0' of stock, altogether, made to the public. - IMhla way the conspirators secured frrtm the- public $28,413,600 of the original cost. $,1!).000.000. and vet re- nd yet re- authorised L tallied over $48. 600,000 Of the Stock of $75.01)0.000. SAYS-ATTORNEYiVIAtJfc: HIM SWALLOW CHECK iRpeelal lllapatcb to The Jnurnal.) , s..uttie vuh ci....i 1 that one of his lawyers, J. C. Croucly advlied antt persuaded him to swattow Jn open court, on the day- of hla trtSl, abe'K-iia.waaccUll rf rffi-e-4 uiterlng. and contending that It was because of this destruction of the Court exhibit solely-that ha . was convicted. U- It-McTavlfh. awaiting sentence for forgery, asked. JudgeXlriffiiithla jnoj-n-I11K to give him a new trial. Attorneys now representing him offered an affi davit by McTavish'to the fart that the attorney orttfred him to swallow the check, and one front "T. J. Wright," who ws In-tb same-tanh-n-the- Ja-it-wlth McTavltihlhat be overheard thciattor hey rommnnd McTavtah to destroy tha evidence, i- 1 , -- i'he coiirt pbstponed judgment upon the motion. WOMAN FOUND MURDERED IN DRIED PO9L OF BLOOD (Bfleclal Ulapabh by 1. wWte Th Joweali" Woodbury, N. 3.; May 20,-l'nder cir-T TrtrmstarTtcTS-that elearlyi, point to foul piay. the body of Miss-Margaret Bnadley; a wealthy spinster, was found last nlitht In a large poo) of blood In the kitchen of her home, an unpretentious farm house atyiut three miles from Franklin, vllle. , ' , ' . , FromUie-ondltlon-of the body it. Is that - Miss Rradley had been dead since. Sunday lust-Tl)e,.blood with which her clot ring wsa-snturnted and with which the floor near the body waa covered haul coagulated. "MIs Rradley was a recluse and wait -ery. rich and . hf II iflfl bodywatk-fwnd -ar-earefttt ewn't eeurcb-Kif tibe revealed but g few pennies. - , - - WINSL0W B. AYER ON ""' - -NEW LIBRARY BOARD 'Wltislow M;,,Ayer. president if tha Eastern ft P Western iAimlter company, and vlce-presldetit of the rnlted States Ndtlonul bank,' jliasi ben appointed by Governor' Chamberlain! a member of the state Jlbrury board. . ..- . . X'eWer the provisions of a law passed by the -last legislature, a slate library board Is created, to conalst of five mem. here, and to have cbntrol of the affair of the slate library. 'The tot her mem bers are tHa governor, tha .stale superin tendent of public Instrilrttom. t presl dent nf the islata university. 'ami' the librarian of the Portland. publlq library, ARMIES PREPARING - FOR - A -BIG - BATTLE Oyama Deploying Heavy Forces Opposite Russian Left and coma. LINIEVITCH INTENDS I.U 1 - MAKE. A DECISIVE FIGHT Czar Calls General Assembly but " Insists on Naming the Representatives. iJourual Kjieclal a.'Tlce.) . Uunahu Xasa. May !,-iA general en gagement Js Imminent. Marshal Oyama Is deploying- heavy forces -opposite thu I u ,i. mvmi V'-T n. bV-,tJToli,TOne which wing will make the demonstra tion and which win deliver Voe main blow,' It 1; evident front Llnlavttclt'g preparations thftt he Intends to accept declsLve battle. '.. ThewJRuaslaiis -occupy a lines' 43 mlleg in length with good defensive positions and are strongly Intrenched, 'i'he Jap- I anvss gra sadvaneins; tn tlirew - etiluBiaa """ ' ' g ; of are thJ.hui!1!,anSi wh0 rMreted from Tung Hug and Hhlng- King-, rallied at Vang ""' ... "... "ltv , Tuna--Hua. B010; Jt-,Hl 'lelling h, iienorai Matorlloff com- t-hang. wh r'-1 !eJ0 , j . V!''"1 ,n th" reKl0n "" rr- rrn": -,-tes that hundred Russian cavalry then attacked ... u..,,,,-,,.-,,.,... lite l Jiell-na iitiu " " IV " . and wars dispersed with heavylossea. TO CALL ASSEMBLY. Government . Responds to popular De mand WU1 Appoint JtepresentatlTes. ' - (Jouraal Special Serrloe.) : , ;i Bt. Petersburg. May 20. The minis ter of the Interior, at a conference to day, decided to call the proposed repre sentative assembly for which there has been a general ciamor, me rn TtrTnemoan-wm r iiinwlni- the tlVeg. lCTrATBOtrirt - (Journal Bptteial 8ervle. ' nionr- May-S0iAdmlral.- de'Jom qulre-sed today on the "cruiser tluy- ,-hT-tt Is tinderstood that ne-wiu maae -- - ,.,, thu eniir trr sea (Continued from Page One. who blaze, a broader trail .of destitution for . niolheiaV- ruin ' for. boys and . drag down to Hell more girls than' any othrr clasar-among .hn,.l the sort of peisOnTrmfti I -iiOTO un with' and in that time to, coma It (may well be that my aoul may starve eyes of the mothers or lime cnnoren. The reasoning may oe siiotiuur., numtheleM -therwlll be no partner- QimTing nrui m. rr oiuu oun. -, -.. : : , - aub-lshtp with-Larry nor Pete nor Jack If 1 am elected mayor. It is' my conception of djity that tho nrrieriv saloon Ih here by law, as I am and unless the law should be changed the keeper Is entitled to rair treat ment and he will get It at my hands. it Is also my conception tnat tjie dive where "knockout drops" arc admirir latered and the stranger Is-enticea, and robbed of his money, are evu places ami roaa is going to oe an unpii.B..i "ne tor the keeper of the same to travel If I am elected. J . - ' These Are a few-Of my conceptlona of the road is going to w, -u u..s.....i owVitt4iese"pla taee clearly if I Jf spare jiermltted I would not object to speaking them out quite frankly, for tt Pot my Intention or wisn in any ,man- ner to - run cutimug m me race xor tha office of mayor of this city. WherelnjcJjBAteglOhajjthe jnost Important episode of my career was my service ss superintendent of ' the 4 lee gon ta tw tnsane-isy ImwwynM. apaa k truly. It wash-.Bnd I question if I would be able ta'dobetteraeTvlce for the city as Its mayor than I did for the stgte aa superintendent of the asylum. If I did as well. I would have nothing to 1 be ashamed of j ti or tow compelled to enter into a campaign of . explanations In the event that I sought reelection. There was no aftermath of scandals nor -Indictments of my assistants and "fellow2-w6rkrs when I left that Institu tion. Quite' willingly will I let" my record -there -stand for my pledges to the people,Jlre. I do not say that any other mn. could not have managed it better than I did, but I do say. that I dtj mjr best. Whereia. you' aay that I waa removed from that office by ov; ernor Pennoyer. you are In error. 1 1 aerved my full term and only' failed te be reelected to a second one)' BndVjust how that medicine tastes, man? a mi(u '?rn pbt.lrom owo Kit!!. -T JA'T. TJ!T" " charges of graft or fraud' or Incompe tence brought against myTconduct of the- office at that time or 'since, nor may It be done lightly by any one.- It sounds to me as If there might be'a bit of malice In your statement thaT I waa rertioved by Governor Pennoyer; BeJ fore the Inte, Governor Pennoyer died. we met and burled all anlraositiea and shook hands and he at thut time urged me to rurc fo(l rnnyof against yourself, then a candidate, assuring me of bis support If I did. so and his hearty food wishes, and It pains me to ndd that "he expressed a luck if confidence in yoar npi)Jtr.. to give u city, u--decent - and junt management of Its affairs. . ' .' When I opened tills rampuIgnT I said pHbHt-ly that-pon my part there would he. nothing perHomil. iiotrrtng vindictive, nothing amid by me which should wound Vour feelings." r Our fight should be Courteous us beseemed gentlemen who, nsplred to represent the city as its ex. ecutlve hend. Bo" fart as J am con. cerned, I would like dulte well to -be allowed to continue In that manner to the end. On (he other hand, I wliall not pntlently allow myself t,o be hamftrang, and the-trian who utnferta'kes to-do so lmd bet be itell en lrucJUed. before ha starts upon those tactics. Ver"y respect- fully. HARRY LANK. 1 t BTot aa Zxieptlon. ; lf you steal I don't care what j"1ti'H repent it someday."'. . "Belif- Iddn't you nvVr atsal a klasT "Yea. and I married tho glill" SAY SCOTT WAS SNOTDISIIOflEST Insurance Men Assert His Arrest Was Case of Bluff to maiLVb MA I. ILK WILL -v 7:' SOON BE SETTLED Methods of Wasrington Life Se- J verely Scored by Eastern "GamTners ... 'TZ Attorneys who are Interested have failed to recolve instructions up to this time concefBlng the suit for $53,000 bronrhf hv1-Hlulr r Hcntt - until r- P?nlC Scleral ageat pf iha JkVasMngton t,ife Insurance company In till city, agulnyl tha .-on.p.iiy Tl,. .mpnny 1. puliig him In New York City o recover money, alleged to be due . from him. Both ults.-lt is said, may be compro mised. .. Scott was recenUy arrested In New York, under a law which, provides foe tha imprisonment Of , non-resident debtor until boh equal to tlie amount of the alleged liidebtedneeai are given. Attorneys-and insuranr-e men i,n this city generally-Inetet that the -arrest of fecott was to bluff. Scott out of pressing his suit. Said to Bt Bat a Tool. Insurance men -In Portland Insist that while Bcott may in reality be gullty'-of transactions thnt are questionable, and I is also short In Ills accounts with the company, he was following the .policy outlined to him from the. main office and actually following tnstruct.lona from his superiors in making false represen tattona. Krrorts jare being made In this city u causa an inveaiiganon or ins company's transactions and to esuset tha prosecution 'of the officials who were recently deposed,-tinder "Whom Scott held his position. . . Blair T. Scott reached Portland, aev. eral years go to -take the position of general agent of the Washington -Ufa Insurance company. It 1a acmall com pany, with pnly $126,000 capital -stock. In capitalisation It Is equiil to tho Eqult- able society. There wad a. feeling of alarm on th part of other general agents before ha .had' been In the city weele. ', - j, - Hta policy was to get business and he did. His- contract with- the : company entitled him to Ji per cent of the first. year's premiums, but to certain agents under him he allowed loo per cent, out of his own income- made-up the de ficit simply to get business. - He lived at the moat expensive hotels ber-of tha most exclu. aive cluba. - He aoent money freely and extravagantly but alwaya with the Idea of "getting business." Competitors In the lnAurance bualnesa -viewed hla dag gling methods-not only with alarm, 'but with fear. It was difficult to compete with a man who cared nothing for-pre- mluma. whose policy-was to "get bust ness In his waY. of doing business there was nothing, according to insur that,, waa dUhuaesl. and be was a man of hUfn Bounding morally. 'Local Insurance men declare "that if Scott's suit now pending In tno local eotirts f Is prosecuted sensational de velopriienta wlU 'follow, tit-will be shown thev sotr ths ih'a'.form.i of- flcera of tho company tn New York were ually guilty and have left the mS fropolls for fear of expoaure.It"was their successors, appointed In, January, who opposed , the methods of Scott. : III eajHttiora' Vadar Tire. '. Isaac-VanderpOoITchlef examiner for the New York Insurance department, hss-invest I gated the Washington -Ufa and submitted hla report. to the superin tendent of the Insurance department of mat -state. The report ahowa others guilty besides Scott. The report waa largely the cause of tne reorganisation of the company and the cause of raising large sums to make up tho alleged deficits. It showed that the company Was possessed of assets amounting to Il.94,07. against which there were liabilities of $17,024,010, in cluding the reserve of $16,888,086. "In five . years the surplus-, as re gards polley-holdera of $732,123.05, existing In 1899, haa disappeared," the report said. The mtsvnanagemeht of the affairs of this company, notably so in the con duct of. its agency department,-Is simply Incomprehensible," the report continues. "What,, between commissions rg) first premiums. - further- . augmented by bonuses, expense allowances, allowsares fflt traveling SlaTTe and clerk hlre.-offlce rent of srenrles fend-varimia other Items of rnrtgsnua total cost of new business hss In some cases reaehed the figure of 200. 01 uie inuiai years premiums. -'Aa showing aome of the methods In vogue at the home office in anticipation of December 31, the following la charao terlstle of bthers of their kind: Extracts from letter of vice-president to Blair. T, 8cottrgertera! manager-of--; agencies; 'We shall-ark you to aend us your check to reach us on December 31 for all ad vances unsettled with Interest, and the same will be met by our check In-return, less Interest. - "To procure an ostensible excess of as sets over liabilities, the publication of such excess as "surplus In annual state- ments being Imperative, the company, by reason of this necessity, was. finally driven lntti making false annual returns to the insurance -department of this state v .' ft is In.iarl Idpatlon ln-itiaJtlng .those reiurns, -local Insurance men-say, Scott ta gutity-antl his attorneys Insist that It la feared that- 4 general exposare may follow the trial Of (he suit now pending' f thst haa eaused -Ma-ar rest- in-New york; R. la said,, to secure his consent to compromise the at fair and dropping the suit 1 .. , . JAPAN AND AMERICA i , j ,. NEXT SAYS GERMANY (Copyright, Ileerat Kewa Bertle, by teasel ,.- Wire te Tbe Jenrn).) nerlln. May 20,-rtThe Oerman 1 presa, or at leasu'sv part "of It, Is firmly con Ytnced tha her-nexT" f raarra r iorba fought will he between Japan and the I'nlted States. It wUJ.'begln With a general uprising In the Philippines, and the Insurgents will appeal to Japan for asslstunce. t , . ' J- ; j. if. ' "The natives of the Philippines," say one paper. .."are beipg.. crushed., tlialtiithe American adventurers may make mil lions, and the promise made to.' them of national Independence no-one ever thinks of keeping. The American policy In the Philippines. U vile but no worse than pna might expect' fsoni a.government which la eompjetety dVmtnated y a set of unscrupulous millionaires, - f - - - "One need not be a prophet to predict rthat the day will come when these poor penpta, of the Philippines will, seek and find sympathy from the Japanese and Chinese. ' The inhabitants Of Porto Rlra are hisrdly better Off; they were made poor under . HiMinlsh rule, they ar rained under America" ' - v , - .- "" .. '.'"" , . . r , " ' - . ' , ' T Now Uae Llqudzone. Won't You merit: . 1 , , , - nations, are constant users of Liquo zone. Some. are using it to get well; some to keen.Vwelt. S.tine to cure germ diseases; some a tonic. No rriedicrne was- ever - o widely . em ployed.. These user are everywhere: your neighbors and friends are'gmong tliem. And hall the people you meet -wherever yoti are know someone whom Liciuozoiie has cured. It yoa-Jicrd-liflpplcase aslt gome of these tisers -what'Llquozone doe:" Don t blindly take medicine for what medicine cannot do. Drug never kill serins. - l-'or- your own sake; t ask about Liquozone; then let us buy you a lull-sire bottle to try. " , r WiPaid $100;000 I-eir the AinaricW righH tn T.tqug- zone,Ve did jestiqg the product tor two years, through phys icians and hospitals, after proving: in thousands of difficult cases. that Liq uozone destroys the cause of any ertrt'disease. ; -!-. . JUiJiioz.pne. hatfot. more . than 20. yeara,- been - the constant- suDject pt scientifirrgnd chemicaKresrch.-x It not made' by compounding drugs, nor with alcohol. Its virtues are derived solely frora gas largely bxygen gas by a, process requiring immense ap paratus and 14 "days' time. The re sult is a liguidjhat does what oxygen doelT Tf'ijr a rerveT6od'an3 blood fobdr-the most helpful thing in the CAS STEAL STIRS UP SPIRIT OF 76 Long Suffering Philadelphia, Worst Governed of Cities,, on , Verge of , an Upset. UNIVERSAL INDIGNATION i-OVER CITY'S SPOLIATION Mayor Will Veto" Measure and ;Citizen WillAttacIc- Its , Validity in Courts. (Special DlapVtrb byLeaaed W Ira "to The journals Philadelphia. Pa.-. May '. BLald. quiet.' long-suffcrfng- Philadelphia the worst governed city In the world, iron the verge of an upset. The steal of the city's gas plnntThae proven' tomtrdng7 urtn lor" PwiirafTiitna. "DufBamV gratuity to tbe I'nlted Gas Improvement by. which the Philadelphia branch of the gas trust -getg a : preperty valued at 480,000.000 to manage for its own. for a period of 76 years, has stirred up all that remulna of the revolutionary spirit of 177. '..,, L - f ' here ewilk-4ft- Phtla-1 delphla over the acta of the freebooter politicians as to- occasion alarm among the law- abiding. When lt 4s remem bered -. that thejpeacefuloldQuker whemtirredto action can fight . val iantly for his rights, there is some alg- niftpance in. th la. zrzz-- - - - There waa no calm yesterday or today Lafter the storm of Th-ursdny-. 8e-lf- satlsfled Durham and his followers are standing by, awaiting 4he last move, but In the ranks of the reformers there .Is , all the bustle vnd activity of an army preparing for battle. . . Much depends upon Mayor Weaver. He was opposed to the gas lease and haa permitted .the 'understanding to go put that - he-will - veto- the ordinance, but when, only nine of the $4 membera of the common council and four of the 43 select chamber voted against the bill, there la little doubt that the gang will send the meaaure through over tha mayor's veUv The 1 rcformera are urging the mayor I towlthbold hla veto the.iul! period c iu 'lays wnicn ine law gives mm to consider, an ordinance. In the mean time they propose . to organize publio sentiment. . It la thought that the mayor New Rival Steel. - ; .; e ""1- . -! - ... ffi 'Z ' .jfSll7 H imm ....... : 1 - , - ' I .) - I . m .. : . . I V X. - .. .. '" j'T .. Heary Jennmg Sons you. It eflects are exhil arating, vitalizing, purifying. Yet it is a germicide so certain that we pub- m cucry, bciUa tan-offag of $ieOQQ for a disease germ that, it cannot kill. The reason is that germs are vegeta bles; and Liauozone like In, xces QLaxygeiL-Tris .deadly to vegetal mat ter There lies tlte srreat value of Liatio- xone.. It is the only way known to kill germs in the body without killing the fisSuCS Toer'Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken in ternally. Every physician knows that medicine is almost helpless in any germ disease, . .: r Germ Diseases; VSe" ar"tlla Ifnnwr. trmrm rltaia ataaa All that medicine can do for these troubles is to help Watyre overcome the germs, and such Tesnlts are indi rect and uncertain. Ltqtiorone at tacks the germs, wherever.they are. And when the. germs which cause .a disease are :. destroyed, the disease must end, and forever. ' That is in evifablfc V r' -" Aatbma , Abaeeaa Anaemia 1 HnmcblUa tUoml Puiaoa Hflghfa Maeaee, Iiowrl Troubles Coufha Colds .' Conaumptinn Colic Troop ' mnatlpatloa r ' Fay revf Inflvaosa . Kidney Dlaeaeas I. Urlppe Lencarrbes -, . .J I.lrer Traables ' ' Malaria Neuralgia r '" Many Heart Traubaaa ' I'llea rneumenla " I'leurlay Qulusy KDeumaiiaia Catarrb Caseer Berofula sypailt Hkla UlseaaM Praentery UiajTbea will heed '(his request, 'The ordinance is already lit hla handa and for the next seven daya, therefore, Philadelphia will be an armed camp In which the opposing political forces will prepare their re spectlve sides for the struggle which la to come. , . It ia known that Durham succeeded 'lnT"whlppInr many ofTilg Toilowera lnw Una only after the uae of the most. bru. tal political methods. These men are today trying to Justify their acts .on the fact that -tha steal makes provialon for cheaper gas,. , r - Thia la the sole conceaalon that the gang made and it waa made at tha elev enth hour in a mad scramble to avert tha deluge, but in a manner which, hap pily enough, may finally defeat .the whole 'nn-ppae of - the boodlera. -Accordlng' to theclty" charter.all ameodmcnti to pending measures-must be printed and laid before the membera of tha two chambera before being acted uponr In their-haste, the gang prepared tho amendment providing for cheaper gas on Thursday, and there being no time (o have it printed, placed simple typewritten copies on the desks of the members. ' As a final reaort theaa' r,e- formers are planning to attack the lease": in tne courts on mesa grounds, ana teaa lng lawyera say that this oversight of the gang will resftlt in its undoing. But the Influence of public sentimenl will be tried, on the gang flrat. r - - - CHURCHESMAY USE INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ; ' - 4 : ',, (8ttelal Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Journal) New" York. May-20. After an aglta- nomairmg'TnTaeveral yesTBrth"generat synod of the Reformed - Presbyterian church, . In session at the First church. on Xwelftbatreevtest of Sixth: avenue, decided today .that Instruments! music might be used in the service of churches of the denomination. This body of Pres byterians, who are' generally known aa :Covenantera..Jg notable for its stern adherence to ancient Ideas . and . tbe aturdy and uncompromising character of Ita measures. ' The new moderator, the Rev. Samuel Ramsey, of Los Angeles, presided; and the Rev. William J Smiley of Sparta. Illinois, introduced the subject by mov ing a resolution in opposition to the proposed move, the matter having been made a special order for the day. fMOlTBTEB TUXOXOIT OAVOXT, " ' . (Special Dtapatch to Tbe Journal.) 'Washington. May JO. A sturgeon nine feeW iong and weigUlng 40 pounda haa been caught In a net set by the crew of Captain "Oeorge H." Meyers' fishing sloop, five mllea east bf Sandy Hook. It la the largest ever taken in these waters, and would make a fish meal for 1,000 persons, . . bxst:ont.h e market: Our Ranges are iuUy guar anteedtio i give perfect satis- 1- i ' ---- --. '-it ' r.4 - -:'- ff faction ;pr mbney will be cheerfully refunded. Ask your-rieighbors-aboutT-iiLr , FOUR-HOLE PRANGS with WARM INO CLOSET, FINISHED in the FIN FINEST BLUE POLISHED STEEL, $27,50 We have , a Complete and Up-to-Dater 'i- Stock of House Fiirriishing Goods " i -. , fh"'- '.- -:7 f - ,. t . Try ' It Free ? 1 ndni f (---Dtesey - - fftoatseb Treeesaa) 1'raixpala Ecaeuia Eryalpelas Fevers Oa 11 giuaws -IDruaK irouoite Tulrculuaia . y t 'I uiwira. Ulcers noltra Uiut aneeeeie Buisii rllea Olwt Wouisni IHIHMI All dlaeuoa that begin with fevwra all Is. flaminatloa all catarrh all . contagions dlaease all tha reaulta of impure or solauaed blno4. la sarvoua debility Llquuaou aula as a vita U Uer, axuipUahlug what ne drug eaa do. 50c Dottle Free If you need Liquozone,; and nave" never tried it,., please -.send us this" . coupon. We -will then mail -you n- -ordet-on a local druggist for, a full. , size bottle, and we will pay the drug-"T: gist ourselves for iti- This s our free - V. gift,1 made to convince ypii; to show , you what Liauozone is. Afld what it r- can do.' I.n justice to yoarself, please r accept, it oday,- for it places you : under no obligation whatever, v - " -- Cut Out this Coupon: for this offer nay not appear again, rill eat th blanks and mall It to The Llquoaoa Company, 46S-4M .Wabash Ave., Chicago. - . . -,. - -': .- My dlaeaes la ...... v ............ ..... - I bare nsvee tried Mqoosone. hat If yoa U1 supply a e oOe bottle (cm I -will take It. ";"... -- '- - Sod Olva TH eildi aa .arrtto pialntyr lako Any pbyafelas, or hospital not yet aatng -v"J" w, vm a supniioa sot a (eat. SHORT $145,000 Business Leaders '- In-.- Abil ene, 1 . Texas, Are Indicted as ' Embezzlers. MONEY WAS LOST IN -- "COTTON7 SPECULATIONS" 4- President of Institution "Repub lican Canddate for Governor -: :'- In Last Campaign. . ----- (JonrnaT Special Bervice.) FT. Worth, Tex., May 20. CL.J. den, O. W. Stefflria and W. J. Tbomp - aon, pr,jiJent, vice-president and caah-ler.-reapectlvely, of the American Na tlanal bank of Abilene were Indicted by the federal grand ury today on the charge of embexzllng the bank'a funds to BANK OFFICIALS: , the amount of 1149.000. : and -also f-. . . .1 making falae returns to tha controller '' of the currency, 't Is alleged the moncy waa used In cotton speoulatlons. , Low- . den waa the Republican candidate - for governor during tbe last campaign. The indictments while riot onexpected '- by " many who were familiar with the situation and the evidence laid before the grand Jury, nevertheless came aa a, ' surprise to the publio generally, aome of whom were Inclined to believe thst the many Tumors circulated were with- out foundation. - - The Indicted officials are all men who have been looked - upon aa' among the most substantial cltixena of the com munity in which they-Teslde.- Lowden. especially haa a host of friends through out the state. . . , While numerous rumors have been afloat alnce It became known that national- bank examiners were at work on the booka of the institution the true state of affaira waa only guessed at by the publio until the action of the grand Jury waa made known today. emi.aninnntative glHlf mf nt , mafltl is to. tne effect that the Institution will por De aeriously embarrassed by the "actions of Its officials and that the present outlook is that the alleged, shortage' will be mads good and the in stitution continued aa before. Ranges -: j I72-l?4 First St. r ..;. . 1 4, ... V ' ...S7 J 7J-" 1' . :7 r.. 7 i1', t- 1 ; 1.,. !