The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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t -'
. Toinaxt't aituiemivti.
Esiplr .,,. ..."Blew tar Wow"
Lyric. .. ..,,"Lot wl Wmt"
xur , vutTlll"
rurtuna magi no. m. H. p. o. a..
rcturni sincere thanks .to thebualness
houses of the city and to the Individual
" Who generously aided the lodge in
the county fair, held lately at the Armory,-
The kindness f the public wii
-ao-general that H i entirely oiit ef 4h
nnwur rf thi 1 rA mm n tnrii ruinnru t ) V
to each frtend its appreciation, it there -
fore avails Itaelf of thla method -of -saying
that the. led and lta member are
under great , obligations Jo the public,
i whloh they hope In the course of time
to reciprocate, and they trust that by
-i-i- their participation In all matter apper
taining to the progress, peace, and proa
... perlty of our beautiful city, and their
.. continued service toward lta-general
; good, the feeling ot -the publlo-toward
"them,; so generously evidenced, may be
Mlways Justified.- By order of the lodge.
,- The committee. .
- ,,The annual commencemenfxrc1ses
- of Holmes Business .college will be held
.at the Marquam Grand theatre-PYldafy
. evening when he following program
-wilt-be rendered: "Puritan March" (To.
- banl).. orchestra: invocation. Rev. Ed-
ward M.. -Sharp; xlolln solo; . "Condor
-.'' Hera," from O major aulta (Frena Rles),
-- Miss Julia C. Burke; - annual addreaa.
Clarence True "Wilson. D. D,;.The For.
blddn lind" tChopln). orchestra;
. ' i-lasa prophecy (Helen V. Rush and' John
. M. Dressier), Misa Helen F. Rush;, trom-
hone solo. "In Heaven.-Wlth the Angela"
I tDeCaprlo), Mr. DeCaptAo; presentation
rot medals, C. W. Lawrence: vocal eolo,
-0Dry 'Thoa'-Tear!'Terea, del
Rlegoh- Miss Paloma C. Blumenthal;
- presentation of diplomat, Mrs. O.
' Holmea-Lawrence; 'ultn 'of Bulu'
(Wathalla), orchestra. r.
rr' Victoria : daycelebraUoh-Wedrie'sffay
-evenlnaV-Majr-StThe best concert of
-the season. ,Mra. Walter Reed, assisted
"ty- many of Portland's best1 talent,
l.'nder auspices of the combined British
and -Canadian societies.-- ; Armory.-Tenth
"Street. '-- near - Couch". Refreshments
" aerved - after, concert. - Admission. 25
cents. Ticket for aal at Woodard,
t Clarke Co.'a, -
- Work for Everybody Wanted at one,
"t.090"tra wtjrry-ptrkers-ar Hood -Rrrer;
men. women ana cnuaren: gooa pay.
Take Regulator- line- ateamera from
Alder street dock dally, eacept Sunday,
7-m.- m. t Call at dock and get full In.
formation from ' representative of the
., fruit sro were. . Baggage, tags free. Of--
flee open all day' Bunday. 'PhoneMiln
-tii. 'r. 1 . .
" - Lacrosse and basebaU'todsy. '' big
' -double header, two gamea for one ad
mis sl6ii" Twenty-fourth" ind Vau gh n
street grounds, Portland-lacrosse club
'. va. Shamrokka, Bchlllera vj University
- Park.. Ladies, free to grandstand. Bee
-; Tommy Burns play lacrosse. Everybody
...will be there. General admission 28ci
Ry O. W. P. ' Ry- Co.. concert by
'P'Wrbano's Royal Italian band at Cane-
msli uarfc tills- sfteruuoii wnd evenii
"Round trip SI cent. " To Eatactda 60
cents. Qresham 15 cent round trip.
r.n leave First and Alder streets.
-.Ticket must bfTMircbased at the com:
-' Oregon Camera "club'a - . 'r
" Ninth annual excuralon :1
"Vp the Colombia to Bornievlll -'If
On the-teamer Chrlea R..Bpcncrt'
' Bunday. June .
"Mi orderly an (t enJfTrmble arrair, :
-ye denting. Nu llquoi1 old;-
Dont fall to ask for Lewi and Clark
; Fair Guide.- Bavlnga Bank department.
Title Guarantee Trust company. 7
Chamber of Commerce. Bank open Sat
urday evenings, t to S o'clock, to re
ceive deposits, li.- , ' " .
r.Wfllmmtgrmnta Wanted -To locate
lone the Oregon Water rower Rail
w v comnanv'a line between Portland
and Estaeada. For Information Inquire
of the Oregon Water Power Townslte
company. 114 First street. Phone, Main
21. - -
Hochfeld1! Bros. cut . rate ' cigar
tore. 1 S3 Fourth street, near Yamhill.
Owls. Exports, Cubanolae, A. L. El
. fa pi tan and other 6e cigars I for lc.
All two lor I0 Cigars, ivc siraignt.
The T. W. C. A. will unite with the
mas meeting for women at the White
-Temple tomorrow, at -w o clock. Miss
Anna Gordon, the well-known W. C. T.
Vi worker, will give an address
Charles R. Paul, representative of
Hart. Bchaffner Marx, the largest
'manufacturer of high grade clothing In
"the United 8tate, city for, a
River tripe to Oregon City, , .
Sunday boat leaves Taylor
Street at ll:XVa. m. and : p. m. '
. Leaves. Oregon City tiii and f p. ow
Round trip tic ' . ..
Window .screen at "Wholesale" price:
Screen door. - plain. . cents: fancy
sewn doors, 1H. any l 1. Portland
Baah Door company, 139 Front atreet.
. near -Main. ' -, . . . " .
' We are still fitting those $1.10 glasae
for 11. If you need glssees It will be to
your Interest to. call on Metier at Co..
Jeweler and optician. Ill BUth atreet.
( ji-or Sale: iO-acre farm near pawego.
;For 8ale; ,l0 acres near Bcappoose; 110
per acre. Max 8mitb. The Savoy rea-.'itaurant,-II
Fifth street. , ;
' The White Temple today. Rev. H.
' ' Wy Jone preaohe.' Morning. "Heav
" en iecret Revealed."' Night, "A Bunch
. ' of . Key.- ., . . : (
At the next regular meeting of. the
. Xew York 8tA society, to be held In
lheMty hall. Friday evening, torn 1m-eb-jgrtiant
hue) nee will -re-elv attewtUxH
Per .Ton ex-Warehoose
Country Bran
13th & KearneyE
Tyler Woodward'Organization,
I Covering , Evevi and Holding;
Noaea, Swallows Ticket.
1 J ackGrantT Harvey " Dale and
Larry Sullivan '.Vouch t f oir
Mr.' Williams.
It.,wss. hot' without 'soroew'ry-fac
that the - Bepublleanclub. r of which
Tyler-Wood ward Is president and C. K.
Lockwood secretary, was wheeled into
line for Mayor George H, Williams st a
meetlner held last evening in Aiietcy nait.
The ctufe indorsed the entire ticket, but
before this was accomplished aoma-very
plain statements wera-made ty Edward
T-l-Te;gart,'' who . unreservedly -expressed
. his .dissatisfaction with .the
party's 'diolce ' for mayor, : ,
Tagg'art said plainly that he might refrain-
inn' voting In the- city election,
as he oW -not. feet that he could sup
port the Republican ticket. Other meijj
bers of the club declared themselves for
Williams, whosenameTTwaa-repeatedly
greeted, with applduse. About-30 mem
bers of. the club were present. '
Borne of the Williams worker have
beenvery busy during the. past week
about' the saloons and cigar, stands, try
ing to msnufacture sentiment for their
candidate. Conspicuous amonr those
enaraced- in this' work -are the proprie
tors and emDloves of - the Portland club.
Jack-GraW-Xarry 8ulllvn- aninienry
Dale hajfa been working. Industriously
tC'mske votes for Msyor 'Williams.
"The old - man'a the right kind of
people"1 said -one-of the gamblere who
was- haranguing-- -curbstone - audience.
"We want to keep him' In office." -
after which , G. H. " Hlmes will give an
Address -on - what New,' Yorkers - have'
don toward the development of Oregon,
and Mr. J.'. Ken worthy -will read .an
original potm on New York. .
t'nlverslty Park met Friday . afternoon
at the residence of Mrs.-L.' Hinkston.
It wa reported' that all the: can and
rubblhr lying around 'the dltrlcthav
been -carted away and that otner,rm'
provements have been made liilti tp
pearance. -A plcnl-is- to be glventhe
school . children next. Baturuay alter-noon-at
Columbia park, at which -tee
cream and cake will be served. "The
next, meeting of the leau-wail be held
Friday at the residence or Mrs. B. O.
MeClanef-- - - m... .
Drinks, passed freely-over the bar
at the Orpheum aloon .yesterday and
last night aa the result of the tern
porary injunction Isaued Friday night
by Judge Fraser restraining the polio
from preventing drinks being sold. The
inwTTorr"wRff wrvw on captain Ttfoc
who was In charge of police headquar
ter at- the time and yesterday mom Inn
was served on -Chief Hunt. The Or
pheum license was revoked by the coun
ell, and the sale of liquor was supposed
to have stopped Friday .night.
.11. W stone and. a. 'A-Brown, cand!
dates for councllman-at-large: Thomas
B. McDevrtt. candidate for city attor
ney, and A. N. Oamhell. candidate for
clt-iimiitor ovi- the Cltlsens'- mitnlrlDRl
ticket, '.filed Jhftr petftions to have tbel
name placed, on the official ballot for
the election to be held. June S. In the
offloe of the city auditor yesterday -af
ternoon. Each of the petitions con
talned the signatures of', about 5J
voter. "All the candidates on the Clti-
sens' ticket have. now compiled with, the
law In this respect.. v- , ' "
The choir of the MontavJlla Metho
dlst church will . give a concert In the
church next Friday night, for the ben
efit of ' the church. Miss Anna Ayles-
worth will have charge of the concert
The choir will be assisted by the Phil
harmonic male -quartet. .'
Nate Solomon. Teter.'and Jack Grant,
who have been in Nevada arranging for
the opening of a gambling resort In a
mining camp In that - state,' have re
turned to: Portland. They deny that
they have decided to"31scdntlnue their
efforts In that direction, ---,-
The engagement of John -Connes
Danslger - and Miss-Lillian-HardmaA
formerly- residents- of Portland, la an
nounced at Seattle. The wedding-will
occur In June.-..Cards have- been re
ceived by numerous friends of the cou-
Mrs. Lenon Coovert gave a musical
recital yesterday afternoon at her resi
dence at VniveiKtty park, which was
enjoyed by many Invited - guests.
Marked Improvement wa shown by all
her pupil. "
. 1 ..- ..
Finnish - bath. ; massage and hair
treatment for ladle only. 401 Ablat
ion. Hood 136. ' -. .
Cedar nark. ' Dancins- sftamnnn ani
evening. Covered pavilion. Union muslo.
Is there s devil? . Read "Christendom
Astray," City library, and find out..
; Seavlew.'coltageL. renti or sal cheap;
lour.iarge rooma. i-none East lt. ,
Dr.. L. M. ..Thorn ton. dentist 501 Mar
quam building. Phone Main Ml.
The .Journal, ask who' WooterT '
Ansley Printing Co.. lit Oak.
. . .. - ' ,
''Alflhe delicacies of the -season at the
Portland Testattrsnf Private apartments
for parties, 101, Washington, near Fifth,
O. L, Stafford. -William Kane and Q.
. Hanlin. accused of robblnc the mnnev
drawer at the Portland 'hotel rathskeller,
were released by order of Judge Cleland
yesterday, when the grand Jury' returned
a not true blU In their case. They were
enarged with taking II J5 fom the raths
keller., several "witnesses were t exam
ined by the grand jury but tn. charge
could not be' established.
The Jury Indicted -Al. tTtter. Jhn
ftmlth.' John ,Dn Ed Cavanaugh." Ross
DsvlsHenry Bchmeer. J. T. Talvot and
EA Mack for gambling. - They were ar
rested by Sheriff Word May 'II while
playing poker.
Frits Pullelkelf, Albert Raymond and
Ferd "Powell were Indicted for the lar
ceny of a tow-valued at 11. April 1.
belonging to M. C. Brand st nip.
Der busy bee vsa a goot Ides,' but he
keeps .It . up so long .somevun else
eats hi honey,'--'- 'i' -
Uo matter v how 'easy. or . fast
money, is made, a man owes It to
himself to be economical and sav
ing. .The earnings of the work
ingmanareherreturns 'of - his
capital of strength and skill; his
weekly salary the' price paid for
his youth and future prospects.
We Pay
: .
Oregon Savings' Bank
. . 321 Morrison.., ';''
L .O. Ralston, -President.
W"; Cooper Morris, Cashier. F
' ; . -; r- 5. L.' Has, Asst Cashier.
Telephone Main 16.
Inspector PeclareVHe. Was llle
gaily Ousted to Make Way
". for 'Favorite. ' "' " '
John Rankin, by hi attorney. . John
Logan, prefer charges of violation of
the civil servlce-rnies by City Kngineer
Wanser. and alleges thai the violation is
for the purpose of favoring Inspector
Grace, for hts-actlvity-'ln- behalf of
Mayor WHllm4n-MJhe present.- cam-J
palgn. Rankin , filed, a peltlon ' in the
circuit court yesterday afternoon asking
the issuance of a writ of mandamus to
compel City- Engineer - wanser . tereln
state htm on the payroll as an Inspector
at a salary of ITS a month. He saya
he hehi aud-a. pqnltlon tfntll City Engineer-
Wanser changedhimtd"ntn"
apector'al 12.60 a day, when employed.
. Rank In contends that political favorit
ism caused the change. He alleges thivt
theclty council brdered'the ieductloh In
ther engineer' fftCtironv.lx - to tout
inspector, and that William C. Elliott,
formerly . 'engineer, obeyed . the - order,
making the reduction, . and retaining
Rankin, oh the Hat at $75 a month. The
attempt now to change him without
further ordera from the proper author
ity he alleges ls unlawful. - -
i-The fact that Tsaye will appear here
on-May- to- liae aroused -mach-Interest
inwmsleal clreles. That he wlll .be
greeted with a large audience goea with
out the ssylng.
It I not likely that any persons now
Irvrrrg wtlttlve- long -enough - to hear
THJ'TfequaI. , I'agshlnl, .' VMuxlemp
and WlnlawskL.posslbly were his equals,
smt naisslblv the first named was his
superior, but "fio living violinist dispute
his supremacy now. Taye combine
all the elementa of greatnesa.
-What other violinists seek to accom
plish, he does with consummate "ease.
There are no difficulties for. him. U
Is the roaster violinist of the century,
Muslo lovers, generally, and those who
appreciate the king of Instruments par
ticularly, cannot afford to miss Ysaye's
concert., Many of the surrounding
town, will . send delegations of - music
people to hear this TIUs. among con
temporaneous musicians. Sale of seata
Saturday, May 17.
M. L. Allison of Grand Junction, Col
orado. last - week purchased - from Her
man -Metsger eight lota In Reservoir
Park, on1 two of which he will build
a home. Mr. Allison says that a colony
of Colorado people la coming to Port
nmff'fo live. Mr. Allison waa twice
mayor of Grand Junction and president
It t Prn.l lnnfllmTnwt a ImnrftWt
ment company. He is also a truatee
of the estate of the late Governor
George A. Crawford of Colorado. -
Suburban Home Seeker's Paradise
This tract la Htd ea taa Orernn Water
Power A Railway fo.'e line, ene stile sontb
of Moant Tahor. sod Is practlrallT 4 XV t-t
abere the etty. on the same elevatlea as the
Moant Tahor reaervotr. tbaa .affording, a very
d-drablr view ef the city andtaormiindlng eoua-
. TtW-tnr-U see.M-W wHa , eaeelleat
watee. eiM-trtr llhta. Ift-ailfeute eir , aerrice.
a-eat far aod odt esnaiiaiea SO lhatea f
rw Tine to retra mm nj. iu rw winay
frols II7S t $;!. or one-tenth of the srfc-e
of property loratrd wlthla Ikt am dlitanee
os the treat aide of tb rirer. The - srteei
will or rail for the sett BO oars, at the l
Btrattnn of waleta tlsie the srlrM wtU he sd
vaared ooe-third. y -
- tieaaea will he- hoi it os rOaaoaahlo swathly
paysMnta oo -loia-siir.haMa1 .la -ta ! SO
daya. ahonld the purrhaarr dealro, riass and
apeHflcetloea will he fiirnUhed.
Thla proprrry m aasiiraniy aitnares am aaa
suay adTantagea over other east otdo property,
rla.: Herrte to tht property by as eleetrle
line that rrn.a Madlaoa etreet hrldao. and
owing o lta being the laat srtrtgs ap tha nvee.
lo the least diataroea y atea
throwsh the eraWr.
Thla snioertr la lorated en eae ef the nnat
proarejiaire ear line In the ity. Inawrlsg flrat
ew ear oarrtca for the fotiire,
Thla property Is alao la a direct line with
th rolnaihla rirer and I of anfrvteet eleva
tloa to laoar th heat of air that It t possi
ble to obtala la aay urroandla dlatrlrt.i
Yea will find asrnta os the srosad that will
he pleased to show yow the siiaf advantage
ef Thla addtrtow. '- Mrtert this trip as yoar as
day ear rid aad InTeatisate tbM atatements.
Voq ohoald prorid yoorwlf with, a kulldlo
It for .a soai hi tt furor while thla prop
erty -t 'at Its BlslBasi srlc M thla grewtog
Th. sier faef that there Pees nco
how hallt wlthla th par three year In thla
district I a drBwaatratloa ef U sopalarltr
f tb . .
Th th Mosnt Scott ear to Archer Place
a Soaday. or call tbrongh the week at th
me or r. ( inn a ton or ti istansne
writ a and w, will rail e yo. .
-. ' m h'xat Btmsiiia.
Carman Bark Beats All Other
Wind" Jammers to Astoria by""
. . ... ")four Days.
Comes for Lumber, and Is Under
Charter to Balfour,7 Guthrie
-: . " A Companyr '
When the German bark Nlobe reached
Astoria yesterday from Hlogo, Japan,
she established a new record.- Bhe
erosaed - the-i'crncr"l four- days', less
time' than any other sailing vessel In
the world had ever done. .
The Nlobe left the Japanese port for
Portland on April 27, and early yester
day morning was sighted ' off the Co
lumbia river bar, completing the paas
age in twenty-three days. When the
preeenoe of a four-master wee reported,
Nlobe was suggested as the name of the
stranger, but when It was remembered
that she . wa only twenty-three day
out the suggestion wa dismissed. -
- The quickest- passage hitherto., made
from Hlogd to this port by a aatling
vessel: was completed In twenty-seven
days, which has alwaya been regarded
as a moat remarkable run..
- The Nlobe 1 In command of Captain
Gerckena, and, came hi ballast. It 1
opposed lhat she. had favorable-wind
air the way acrosa the . PaClfc, and' the
killed navigator who hijl charge of
her mad every us of his oanvaa. -The
bark Is of ,1.140 tons net register, - and
sometime ago waa chartered by Balfour,
Guthrie Co. to load lumber at thla
port for the orient " She will load at
the Eastern 4; .Western -mill, "and will
take out- In the neighborhood of -1,000,
000 feet of Oregon nr. .
Ore, forty Tear Ag-o aalllTig Tsssels
. Xaa From Deeohate to Umatilla.
7 When discussing the open river ques
tion which la neartng solution,' a pioneer
river man said yesterday that forty
years ago a sailing vessel was. success
fully' operated on the upper Columbia
for. an entire seaaon, carrying freight
and passengers.. .Concerning the ven-
ttrmm hm tnlrf 4h fAllnwln itArv
"In lltt the Oregon HteamNaviga-l
tlon company wa operating on the Co
lumbia, and the rati from The Dalle
to Umatilla-for hauling -freight waa
ISO a-toifcrz Edward-Woodwho ta knWn
to many of the old-timers and who
wa a brether-1n-lawof Sim Reed, Itved
st The Dalles. - Mr., Reed waa heavily
In the O. 8. N. Co. .
fit had always been stated that .a
sailboat could not be navigated on the
upper Columbia, but "Mr. Wood built a
flat-bottom schooner-of alxty ton bur-
den. His money gave rnt when h ft
as far as the sails, and .lrengh . and
Oilman of Ths Dalles, bought the neces
sary canvas in San Franciaco, and on
January 1. 14. left there with itr for
The- Dalles. The- schoner was rigged
up and ran from Deschutes to Umatilla,,
putting down the freight at f 2S a ton,
j:verybodyaald that she Ton Id not make
4he tilp. bat as amaur 01netgne:
beat the stea-mboat f rornl Deachute to
L"ma4llla-a number of tlmeT' '
"At the end OX'
and the owne't-'-of 'the ac'hoOTier'ow
ered it tb 120. - Out of thla 120 he ljad
to pay $10 a ton from The Dallea to
Deschutes. .. The schooner made twen-y-ix
trips, and th owner waa realix
ing a good proflt, when the O. 8. N. Co.
finally bought the craft and gave Mr.
Wood employment at The Dalle."
Captain Haumon, master- of. the
French bark La Fontaine, received a
cablegram from hla ownersTnatructlrg
him to get the vessel ready to take on
lumber at once, but not to place any of
It on deck. The bark will go to Eng
land, where a fine Ms collected from the
owners of sailing vessels which carry
lumber there on deck between October
21 and Aprll l. . '
The government dipper dredge No. 3
has been moved from Candtana to Lam
bert bar. on the upper Willamette river,
where she will be engaged for the next
few days Improving the channel..
' Captain Fall.', who until lately waa
master of the British. ahlp Lonadale. left
last night for his home at Liverpool by
way of New York. The skipper says he
tmendsoRkriSrlong- Vacation" Derora
going to sea again. While coming from
Antwerp to Portland on the Lonsdsle
Captain Fall became 111 and stopped at
Los Angeles for two month.
Carrying a small general cargo the
steamer .Despatch arrived last night
from San Francisco. .She Is under
charter to take out. a lumber cargo on
the return trip.
With ,000 sacks ef wheat. S.2SI
bundlea of lath and 1,800 cases of
canned" applee the steamer . Roanoke
ailed last Wight for Los Angeles and
way port. Th latter ' shipment la
something out of the ordinary.. The
apple -were put up by the Columbia
River Canning -company of Vancouver.
androm .now on it la said that. many
other like consignments will , be sent
down the coast. About 75 people also
took pa aaa ge ea the teametvu; . - r
It la announced that th ateamer
TTndlne. -which haa been alven o thnr.
ough overhauling at Ihe J'ortland ship;
yard,, win be piaoed hi commission
about the first of the month.
Because of .the -big number of logs
which are being floated, down the
stream, steamboat men report that, it I
rather a difficult matter these day to
navigate in iewi river. : it is esti
mated that fully1 1.000.000 feet of logs
have been brought down from, the head
water or mat river during . the past
week. . .
"Xtoria. Or.. May 20. Arrived at 4:41
and left up at a m. Steamer Coeta
Rica, from San Francisco. Arrived
down at a and sailed at 10:t9 a. m.
Steamer Aurella. for San jrranclsco.
Arrived at and left up at 1:10 a m.
B reamer Deapatchv-frOm San Francisco.
Arrived down. at and called si 10:19
a. m.- Steamer Alliance, for Coo Bay
and Eureka. Arrived at 12:4 p. m.
German bark Nlobe. from Hlogo. Ar
rived down at 1:20 j. m.--Oennan
ateamer Vlcomedla Arrived down at 1
p. rn, Brittah ateamer Femden. Condi
tion, of the bar at p. m. Moderate,
wind northwest.
San Franciaco, May 1 Arrived
Schooner Jennie Stella, from Columbia
river. - -v
- i .
Med ford Mall: O. C. Sheldon, a thrifty
farmer of Eagle Point precinct, called
ht our annrtum Momlay. He ha a aow
and a number 'of pigs,' well bred, fof
sale cheap. . ,
Youth ".Charged With Passing
Bad Checks Here-Isfrr
Custody There.
Relatives Sav His Alleeed Ac-
lotions Ara Due to Mental ..
With hla aged grandfather jylng dan-i
gerously HUJUa -nhr-pTOTraiea wua
grief and his slater Dowea in Humilia
tion, Georga B. Randolph, alias Charles
B. Reed, rests in Jail In Buffalo, New
York,, waiting for the arrival of an of
ficer from,, thla city to bring him back
to face a charge of passing worthies
check. "' ' '. .
In the message received last night at
polloe headquarters from the chief of
police of Buffalo It is stated that Ran
dolph waa' wearing a gold watch pur
chased ' at Feldenheimer'a In .Portland
whsn taken- into custody. - This," it 1
said, aettled the question of hie Identity,
aa the person , who ped eo many
worthless checks here purchssed a
watch, from Feldenhelmer costing ti t
and gave him In payment a., check for
that amount whlchpxove4loJ-JvaUiH
It Is stated that when he bought thfs
-watch Randolph pretendedtobeason
of A. L. Maxwell. ' "7 ' '
The amount secured by bogus check
paper a week ago last Saturday ranged
from las- to--Th-victims include
-Meier aV Frank, Goddard & Kelly. Ben
Selling, I -co Helling, Robinson. ( B. B.
Rich, Feldenhelmer and jdther bualneas
men." He selected articles which he said
he--detred -to- hy-at-"Abendroth'rand
Rosenblatt's but did not call for them.
. Detectives Day and vVelner believe
that circumstance Identify the passer
of the bad checks. Word waa wired the
Buffalo police tonight to hold Randolph
until an officer can reach there, aa he
le wanted on several charge of obtain
ing money by false pretenses. - The de
tectives, In view of the wording of the
dispatch 'from Buffalo, are Inclined to
think Randolph haa conf eased the Pert
land offenses of which he la accused.
The police - assert that v Randolph
served' in the Philippines with the Sec
ond Oregon-regiment and made agood
cooorfl, Tllo r.lillv.. opr ThwriwT
lief that , he la.mentally-deranged;Hla
fathehaleen dead tot some time.
, To the . Buffalo , polloe the-, prisoner
gave-lhename jt.iCbarle-3.- Reed. -
G.- R.- Hansen, Jr,,; proprietor of Han
sen's employment office at 2 North
Second street, haa decided On a new de
parture in hfs business, but which to In
-keeping- with line of the branches in
Ban Francisco. Los Angeleg . and Bpo-
air. Hansen wmi tne onian
office ha
to male help, but ; Vlll now , also
give hla-attentlon-tolf emale Jielp He
has been Induced to enter the field be
cause "of the. aurora he haa made of
Securing male help and placing men In
positions. " andbecause many people
glrlC' He. going to rive particular
attention to work t-tB-expogtlon snd
to nuing such situation as cashier,
saleswomen f fandy ahd Other lyoth.
and help for dining room and kitchens.
For $1
We will deliver and set up in
your home '
You pay the rest at $1.00 a
week. In a little over half a
-year vouowtv the-rangeand
don t know how you ve done it
A car of New Ranges
just in. Prices
feravrh; New York Fariltirt Sterc
r 184-6 First St.
Saving Dollars and Cents
When you trade with John Dollar' he
saves you from $1.60. to 15.00 on a Suit
of Clothes or a Top Coat and from S0o
to 11.0 on a Hat. Pants or .a, pair of
Khoesv'"W'e' also carry' Ladles-and Chil
dren's Shoes at the same savins; price.
Qjitte a variety of Men's Shirts, the
latest designs. Sftrl 7 Sc. tl.aft and 11.10.
Ton save one third tit comparison to
other atorea' prices.- -- i L
Oorae rirvt aad Ti
aa Tp 1
- - - a
' Amerl'-.n ftrbant ef
Klrkavlll. Mo.
trmatM ParaM.
41 Ablutma bwg
Third .. brt. Wai
laatnn and Stark.
All Carenle aad
RrbvllMM pamrsers
tcMtatlacall Treated
WKkoet Prafa,
' -Experts in New Creations
Uriiqye Designs if Desired
The John
::: tiI36 SIXTH,
Moltel Fairiniioy ffiilt
i36th and.Upahur Streets
Will Be Opca for G ucstsrThimday May 25th
-- Opposite Main Entrance to Lewis and Clark Exposition
' Onr absolutely fireproof hotel fijotnlna - rrounda. equipped with
electric callbells snd special telephonlo communications , for patrons. Uni
formed porters and bellboys at all hours at suests' service. .
Rates $1 a
( " .
1M Elegant RoomtOpea fcr Qt
i Engagement Rings
!-'--: '' - "... ---''. ..
Wecannot only please the
Jdol 1 of youti; narCbutJ
--can please youbeyond
yotfr "aftlfcfpaiion. All our
gems are-rrtottfrted in the ...
newest and most artistic
setting. . Prices moderate.
! A. N. Vi
293 Morrison St. I
: Now Is the time to . buy . tit .
trlnda of Japanese . and Chinese
curios, aa we are sell Ins; -a very
article at a treat . reduction In
order to make room for the arrival
of new foods for the fair, consist
ing ot silk rowns. kimonos,
nttauke purses, silver clolssonne -vases,
aatsuma, fine, brown deco-"'
. rated porcelain tea sets, matting,
tys. etc.
Andrew Kan & Co.
": aet MOSaUSOir T,
Head Getting Bald?
Caused by' Itchlnir. dry scalp and pVo
fuslon of dandruff. These very annoy
inw conditions can h completely cured
by treatments lven by Dr. Anna'TiuckeyH
of the American Beauty Parlor, whose
superior skill Is recognised by her nu
merous, testimonials. In all treatments
the famoua Madame Karrow's remedies
arw-uaed eseluslvely.tnsarrns; -complete
success. Sttmulatlnt and Invigorating
cabinet riven. -i I,
ooms -f , 113 rata
Ooraex atortisom.
.la achieved by wearing the proper
CORRKT. It s no trouble here to
rlAe the most fastidious women.
We- are prepared to relieve them
of all corset worries. Every lit
E. HUMMEL, Coraetiere
1 43 V Eleventh. Cor. Alder.
t .. -fw." Ve 2
12 11J1 LUC mm
i .. i
Barrett Go.
Day and Up
General Managei
16th and Upfhur Streets
epn. Tak Portiaad Uelshts ear asd s
oft at Uaw thorn Terrace, on block froa car .
Moat mag 1 ficat . I w . laTakwriea -a -
baaailfalaifCX.s(Dgwerriil srarcnlii
to t tuwar. Opa s a. m. t p. au
-- ADaUaSIO-10 CSIITaV -
Rohse's Park
Ladia Orohstra.
. Aowliaf ) a! Ail Xiada
Newly furnished apartments," overlook-"
Ins Plasa and Thompson Fountain. Hot
and Cold water In rooms. Bath free to
auesia Males ii.vv per aay ana up.
Phone Mala aoaa.
Beaohed by the Oragoa - Wafts
rower k By. Co. TroUey 3Uae. -
' Write or Phone. f
atAJtTIaTZX, vaaaffrr
: Xstaeada, Oregoa.
Hotel Eaton ,
Oarser atsrrlssa aad Wast arh etiaela,
- NI1W - !
Raadaonely taralalMd. elrsaatly eeatse.
flrrproot, Mr DUnotr walk frao bart ml
aaopplns aad biwlnea dlxrlrt, all larr.
alrr. arirlV rooma. Una bid. lrtrl
l!shrs, tflrphoa In ark apartaMea, at.
Lam fra. loaaains. smoklns. writing.
ladira' rrwptloa narloca Koora rm id
bf bmII or trlrpboa. , .
frlvat eaiaiibBs -fieaU tiaiaa ssd stasaMi.
Roomg fl.OO to. $SJOO a Dap
paclal Bates Csiwil Mrs. .
trrmrty f Hol RdiMtb.' Btmais)
Who r a I n " your
JC a t a Oo le
for , -.- t
Panama cr.d
Felt I!:f
0:::.!: j
j, FiccHsr!,Ki,:;:.::';;e
Wll De 'for von i ('Inn , snl i 1
your Iiatn. (
rwe;eyejs , . -
, -T1 111 .