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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
I ASTOUNDING FEATS r DF-GYPSYSEERESS f;rAir StTPefersbTiFg Talking ABout "TT Wonderful Fortune-Telling PREDICTED DEATH OF ...... GRAND DUKE SERCIUS odthatBluflLJPri)phetjc Color and I s Assisted by Child -in , Prophesying. r:fz...,,::J,' AMERICAN WOMAN !';.r S'r Y2 - MnS Flora Bigelow podge. New J r'-':: j VilQJ L - - I -. L; kl York j.Society Leader, to"" ,. lr "-' I f3C Pir-4Ti' "Al I A II - " .;' . k frO! .wd onel -U- U"fcT" ' . jfcS . , zp JV U l p.: t r 'T'KAi i croom' is' cousin to VSSe" twl : Ml " ; 'f'il i - DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH .JL -J'J- " -Bride; SisterofPoultney-Bigev W.eJire 1 TOr-rfflf Jr ' Irll . jowd Most original ofl-l Headquarters ic- The New Store ; . j - -ocietyWomen.n: v,-,,...;- I! ' ... . . .. -, .'l -, . . : - " ' By SmU Benjamin.) (Copyriibt, Hunt - BerHeo, ,b tvir. to Ike- Jmrl.": LMMd ". St. Peteraburg, May ,?. All. 18U. PeterebUTg Is talking of, the astounding f at In -fornn- lltna. attributed lo . ,Anaatasla JPhUUpopOU, Gypsy gin anu -i- mother trom the province. ofXsurldaJn ' muthtfn RudU. Though Anastaata llvealnjjhe unfasWoji'uJile-IjiIistcictflX T'OaTefriaya. Haven, mllee away from tne '";.' amart east end -of the cltv; aeorea. of uamiagee. arrive' every day. a her dwell-. r. ing,;. bringing- Jadlea ,of .the court and irlch-emen,-and. abmetlmeB amart ao- -- clety, who,raylng-the-tiBtaBtialk t ot i U rubles, drive away convinces that 5 -they. ae-4nforjn ad beforehand of all the T" tanportan eveuta- of- their future Iivsv The propTietesa . holds audleneea In a , small room -entirely-decorated In blue. ' Blue, ahe declares, 4a a prophetlo rolor and before telling the -future to ."her clients ahe plna av'bow jf blue rlb- - bon to their shoulders. 8herefUBa to visit her patrons' houses, declaring that " In every city In Russia there exists one room and-one room only. In which alia -f- can foretell events -r - The Oypny came Into fame Immedl-J T.i.(eIy after' the- aaaaaaliuttlOHof tirand Duke ' 8tralu. ' Two daya before the ; tragiu evonu Mmo. eluhulteff. the wlfel , of a rich . merchant who had been to 1 " Anaatasla the day before, revived, a lt- f ' ter ,Xrom the propheteaa. declaring in ungrammatlral Kulan that 'all eyea ' will be turned on Moscow soon. I see blood:" At first Mme. Schukoff kept this letter rfeeret. fearing: it would com-'-- uromlBe the propheteaa.. . But after a -r few daya ahe showed It to a frjend, with --?-the result halAuaarucla a ..fame eprean T all over the city and doaena of well-to- tlSTVuaTr? " the o of h I'ctropavlovek ahe WTote '. to Grand "Duke Vladimir warning him -3 thathla aon Cecll.-who-wga-ort board, wi tn peril or nia int.- - - An Infant playa an Important part In -1 Anaataaht'aj piedu jjHB. Drrwatd Trr bright blue, she playa onlhe rioor. cry-" IngMOut When, as AnaUla-puu .lt,. "a ..- aniatake la being made." When the little ' alrl keepa quiet Anaataata declarea that ahe in. aatUflexLwlth th- predictlona ahe-4 has made. But a cry means that tdo , client must om jiome other day TTAnSlBtaala "Ta- repufedT "to "Rave made . v un-aiie unm miiua u.w uuih m . aha declares, ahe wlll go bark to Crimea ; and buy the . toriaccrf plantation on -v- which, aa a girl, ahe worked. BENSON LOSES APPEAL : it ON ORDER OR REMOVAL? .. v-i ? .. V (SiwcUJ DUpiteb byfceawd Wle to Tb Journal) New York. May 10. juage rin- "aJr'fenacdTaTalhsl John A. Benson, iho" ciifornlan. who la accused of land f rauda. who- w.aa before him on an ap plication for a warrant',' of removal. Judge Holt Bald he -would grant the warrant aa asked for -by General Bur nett the United Bta tea Dlatrlct At torney, but on the application of Frank II. Piatt, representing Benson, the sign ing of the warrant waa delayed until Tuesday next.. . General Burnrtt also A asked that the ball be Increased to-IJ0.0OO. but Judge Holt thought the existing ball of 116.000 sufficient. That Benson might -not be In custody on Sunday the signing of the warrant waa doihyed until Tuesday, when he will give ball for hie appear ance In Waahlngton on some day next -week, v- ' Exhibits on the Fair Grounds. Will how up 100 percent better If ahown tip- on -m-l -our- parquet or hardwood floora. - Call at 2t Yamhill " atreet and Investigate. Hardwood floor ing for sale. Portland Hardwood Floor xompanjr; .'. ... JT - Concert at Canemah Park TnnrfteMWWrrait6r"aTrnttir1TtTranrrT Ttoval Italian band. Bound trip 15 ,....! Take. tLviva.-.carajrom r irst and Alder etreels. Tickets nnift be pur- - chasaed at the company'a office. - ; -raMM I . . aBBBaaBBaaBaaBBaiBBHaaBflBBBBBBBSBakaBBBBBBBaBBaBaaB - V B. u 1,;.TI7 !-,- For every known occasion r- hour--thay-rAVe-tUrjd4ady--toeUvrrherr the satisfaction of any1 man with the necessary cash or its equivalent, and, no matjter .whaTTitsstie may be short, stout, tall, slender or of regular proportions --we guarantee to fit him Latest Styles . ; - ; , Latest Patterns 7 ;Best-ofWprkma nshf p : : ". Z outing suits. Samucl-Roscriblutt & Co. i V'li h'li '''VrW'''-5" I I " . - - Wire u The J"unl.)L J I rejj.kage jor tuie year wunouv ex-., n --7 . u--- -V--,-- - . I ..- - 'New ".Vork. :: May..S0 Mia. Flora 1 , tra coat.: ,V- ,TT-w-- I II. --: f v. " .'' - . - ' "' T " I a - Li F 1 I II I Illll il iitrr (-iKaariiiriii f VI I 2 iiviit -- I bh 1 1 - J , -j f I If r r-JC i' J ' S .'-.'i"?"' I f I . I O. -Uucsf. fourth eon of t'ld W:m-1 "asaBBBBSaBBaBJBsaBalBaBaBBBBBBnsBBBBBBaBjaT 1 I r I V I II I I BB If' aBel ' - ' ' -1 BiHl iiii.nni miimiii :-V '- ';..- '.' N v--"- . " . .-.. .. -1 It::--iiS.;i-.'..5; ... rfi Princes. Ltmise, o( Orl.MMMt --SporV-She U Quoted as Haying cause There I Not in All Europe SIIOlffliNIINC Austrian Artists Reproduce Rus sian Mass'acre In All of Its I v Fearful Horrorr- EMPEROR FRANZ JOSEF- - - FASCINATED BY PICTURE : t -t - - 1 Monarch Gazes Silently at Mi . terpiece. His Features Work- ' - ft 2 With Emotion.' : (loprrlfbl, II cant New Serrlre.. by Leaf WlrW tn T1" Jnrnl. Vienna, May 20.' Emperor Frana Josef yeaterday vlalted-'the studio of painters Hans Toepl and Von Kossoek", last as they had finished a picture showing with an extraordinary tower of palhoa and realism, the maaaacre of February 22. . Aa Boon aa t'hey heard th nema, the painters went to St. Po terMburgwherothey got the details at first hand. ' The picture is eight yards by. four and one half yards and goes from lien to London and then probably to A mcr Ira.. -The wide aquare in front of the Winter Palace la ahown bathed tn "Win try sunlight. The palace is on the right J with the adthTrnlty In the background and .the Peace column towering abovd the bloftdy scene. ... 1 The- proceaslon haB Just reached the aquar-and ,a battalion nf surrrts TaTIrT front of the palace. A light smoke hov- cr; Tf the. tro"p, prjowing mY Jiuvfl Just fired a volley.' beveral vlctima have dropped, their blood coloring the may be had here at any perfectly. V $io to $20j BLOODY-SUNDA) rLf' ,---..-K;-r:-v;.':-.--,vwy Beaq of Gikon Uirl and Loves Outdoor SaidjrhaheiHNeyer..MCTyJBe?. a Prince Fit toWed alHealthyJGlrt: .RUS W snd n ffitnla of PrmFH- ' fhnrif. inn. their colonel urging them on. Father' Gopon Is' prominent In front of he people and an old man carrying a. crosa has fallen at his slde,Anpthpr gray-beard hu JuaT dropped with a bul let riddled picture of the car and lies on his bank dyiriirl)hftklng his fiat at the Bolriterff. - A terrlfimi muthftr tr u4m m7 a Tlo protect her children, one of whon glrW -lwottnded in the arm. Atatt workman -barea his chest and shouts to the aoliliers to bayonet htm. ' : the ftra--lines r f people, ..thou sand praB-.rorward,' unaware of the danger. The bare treea of thg"garaens where the Secrilldren were shot to fdath, gtvwrnlBtfrT()11iSraramati(j accne ' . - ' The---ejrreMedlrtnfl7T6r-roer five minutes at the picture, his features workinsjwtthj emotion, He. tjuestioncd the artists miuloly.about the work: EMPTY CARDINALSHIPS :MEAN:sAVINGT0' VATICAN tCoyrlfbt, Bemmt News BerTlw, " by Least d Wlre to Th Journal.) vacant cardlnalshlps. ' Despite thraun--usual number of empty chairs in the college .of cardinals his holiness, the pope, manlfests' no desire to" till. them. When Pius X came to the papal throne there were seven red hats to be ' be stowed. . , Plua X has not henltated to .extend ererr,-to ' "t h e xol I cg 0 r "cii rd Ihu 1 h I a policy f economizing wherever possi ble. Each cardinal when resident here receivea 15.000 a year f rum the'vatin treasury, eo-there ha br-en a consider able' eavlng'.of money by merely leav ing these 10 cardinalahlpa vacant The pontiff ha also-rteglectcd to up point a trtH-retary of the conalatory .and a-secretary of the college of cardinals, both of .which .of ticca are now vacant. A a JheyiarryiiiihUuiro lare-ealaiea. the failure to nil these two posts Is further proof of the earncstneaawltli trTrrrK his HpoTioy of retrenchment In all departments of the Vatican. - '4l AfH-'fiW mmm . J AW a ,'"- r U 1'- - . ' jm . 1 r 'v- '.1 ' Copyrieht loot by ; r : Hart SchaSncr j Mrr' w ncLG. -UucBf. fourth son of Jiri Ira- born. rowilirjtq.'jri'q, pu rytrmxtr borough: . - ' . Mrs. Dodge ld'how at Sioux Falls. 3. TT-wnenf aholabliKlit'initi' Teaidetice In October. 19i3, amtTOught.'au'lt that fe'sultod In her, dtvorca' froiri C'liarlea Sttrart ldg. .- -- ' ' ' MraTTjodh-o la I lu; aTfcU-'r- ortputttiejf ' Blgejow" uud was mirri'M when. aim was 1 8. - - Whn -the - "ol- lwni"-u4Utpjy aoclely" diacoverof a rumor that -atnlie altar the young bride had wrpt,!nto h-r -bridal boqut of vloloia wlilih ilie hud chowen. In defiance of atlVraditlona. Mm. podge enjoyed a, reputation. for unique wit and darjng and waa suid to tw 4h ' mom irlgUm4 -woraao:- in- tdw York eociety.. 8h returned last month front m lour, bftlcgland. wiierw ahe iimt irpriii much iiinu as urn Kuesc ot jjounr ta of Suffolk. -'t '' . . Tie'" worth I T2, 1) ') 0, 0 0 . ? 1 1 la f a t h e r q w na 5.n00acre8oT'TiVnd and TFiua Iwq su perb country eatateaiCra wford mahor, Mlmlmriip, nnrsi-lnhira, atMl- Dowalaa houae, GlumorganHhlre Ix-aldea . la town house at No. Si Arlington street. Ijondon. The" lion. Lionel GuesCa arranrtfather was- the alxth . Duke of Marlboraunh iil IiIm great grandfather the ninth rl of Lindscy. . T - Several weeks nir Mrs. Dodge enter- l-l-tetne4 -Lly Kotlnyr i-snit hiT two hrothera, Captain Henry Quest of .the (Juest. at her home. The date of the marrhtgo has not been ot. hut it will he aouu r- '-rtT3?S2 Mra.- Dodge- has a daughter-15 years old and a boy 10. -- BY KAISER'S TALK Germany' Again Isolated Through r Monarch's Lack f Tact To . Wards OtheriNationszzs NO KINGS WLL-SEE CfOWN PRINCE WEDDED King Peter: of Servia Only One Willing to Go and He- Isn't Asked. . ' . (By Malcolm Clarjb) Lea0 . Wire to The. Journal.) . Berlin. May .JQ. There are times where even the rnost ardent admlrera of the kalkcr wish that he was less Im pulsive. ' less erratic,' less prope to offend friendly powers, prompted solely by the desire to - hear himself talk, preach and moralixe. , By uhwise " utlerancea and actions during the last pionth he has now brought It about ' that Germany once more -atarid-elCTltelyhlatcd -without a friend In the "world. : -" First -h.-aked advice as to how the Hungarians ouht to be treated to make them "bend "their" necks under the Aus trian yoke, then, he, with one stroke de stroyed the germinating friendship with France-tiy his foollsjiandtirilieccasary vlalt to TangUr, which whs so loverly counteracted by King Kd"ward. .iiit nf nil, 1- f'"i"-ii..-nn''V"i army by his speech at Stranburg. which cost hln ministers bo many uneasy hours and which is apt to -cost tier maw manu facturers nd esperiaUy Krupp works many millions, for the probabilities are that whatever-guha the nar majr need In the future to shoot downeither hfs own subjects-tr 'the Japanese will un doubtedly bevmnde either- by 5t"reuseft. pr1. what la more likely, by Charles 'it. Sfhwab. . The kaiser himself l. said to have been greatly surprised at the effects of his Intetitnwecrr. which has only, been praised by the Socialists. who.jju-Jonger acrTrserTitm" of 'doing bootblack service for Russia, and If there la anything the kalaer hatea, it is to be. praised by the Socialists. How isolated Germany stands todajtt Is V'"ed by the r.ut -thimint,ta-alng foreign crowned head la to bo present at the coming wedding of the crown prince. Kmperor - Francis OHeph and King Christian of Denmark have begged to be excused because of their age. King Edward has sent tits regreta without any explanation. . - The king of Sweden la too-Tl to travel, the king 'of Italy ran' away for some oiner reaain, ana bo ii is everywhere, not a ,ilne:ln king has cared to accept the invitation, except King Peter of Srrvia. and he. has not teen asked,' and probably could notaf-ford- the price of the- ticket ' unless ha traveled swnnrt rH, m -rre-iltwhe- ho wenr Trom Geneva to I!grnd tonccept the throne aa King Alexander's suje cewsor. . 1 .. . .. -- J-, The Xlerman aoverelgnB.' of churao. Wilt-he -present. -but these are-hardly more than vassnt,r the king. r . LOOMIS-EOWEN CASE M WILL-EE PROLONGED ...... i (8prlal DlnpatHi by Laaed Wire The Journall 1 1.. Washington. ' May tft The Lnomle- l!owfh case Is now to b proiongea into ni.xt week. - - - j All of the documentary evidence la In niul. therefore the president, and Sec retary Taft concurred today snout a dfcinlon which wilt follow.1 The 'contestant.- however." are anxloua that their friends shall bvheanl from. Sev erat "rif-wharAT':n(n. tnclurttng Richard Harding Davla. ,mngMZine writers, etc,' have been auirirrionevl to come on and toil wlat"QItniauw"about tbo foundu- STRIKING FETTERS Off SLAV PEOPLE Dramatic iScene When Ukase Was Read at Midnight Grant-; ing Religious Freedom. - - CZARINA DESCRIBED AS TZ POWER BEHIND THRONE Soft Feminine Voice in Boudoir -Strengthens Will and Pur pose of Emperor.- , --.(By Kady Henry omeraet;) (Cuprlgbt, llearat . New Herrlc. by Laaaad Wire to The Journal.) 1 - T.ciiulun May 20 --.Nit ir"r -ar.iaila eVeh-ha;-Kappern;d lir-nOTrrarTharTThe recent Issuing of the Imperial ukase at midnight In-the -Bupreme-moment of the icllgioua fea'tival ujf Uje -RuBBlan year. Every church, from .theareat- 8U laaao a owt-Kaaan-cathedral down to the ainarl- est- pjafav f -worship in the empire waa thtotvgea-that-lghtv-watchinr for" the newa of insurrection when the greateat proclamation of liberty which has bep lBWft?d-tncr-TTSe-aftyB" WKen" Alexander II struck : tha fetters of f millions of serfs, waa made public. . About 19.000.999 UT .li.U8U.P0U dlaaerit- era wcre,llable to severe punishment for ref uslnfr to Jolp the-Russian . church. Thouaanda of mtiano oma-wlio had been married . by prleat . but- who be longed to : the ;old : belle vera' "aect .were treated aa th""gh--hr"w,r vt" In open Immorality, but that nigh$ they were declaraJ to no uuiy stuuuu. miy to out aad people wiu no mercy granted. --ijlja.. Jaa aluiiaretielvcd no relief, K thouah It- ha-univeraaily believed ; that gpmo.Json&walobauareln. ainre-for tbene-j and' that it waa consiaerea inaavnauic tov'mak-therublte-iiBteis-?5- - , Fart Uyed r Oaailna.-.- Simultaneously with thla strange proc-. lamatlon there haa appeared another ar ticle In the National Review, "written by the same hand.which penned the picture of the ciar awhile alnce. which deals with the part played by the empress of Russia in thla fateful drama. r According to thla writer, the beautiful empreaa is no cipher, but has 'adwUl of Iron, and it la she who stiffens the weakness of the caar. The writer apeaka of the "aoft femi nine voice. In the boudoir," which utters words of bracing exhortation In tha lan guage of Shakespeare. 7" -Show that you are a realmonarch," says the Bwect, Boft voice. "Make youf will "prevail. . Touch the hearts of he people-by distributing pho tographs of the caar, czarina, and the babv ljuflo nof go baclf a Single step from the people of aristocracy. Show that there la a real autocrat who must be obeyed j And then In thla same work we get the-picture--of -thia-autocrat- riding -on a toy train accompanied by the cnlidren, round and round the Grand Duke-Alex-ander'a palace. : : .- y T'.TrPjaJ Peacrtb An Interesting account haa been aent to Kngland by Blahop Wilkinson, who haa the care of the" Englishf churches dn the continent, under the bishop pt Lon don of a visit which he haa Just paid io Him,Grky. The bleltop thus- de- scrlbes' the novelist: "He Is rather tall. and slightly built man, colorleaa.- with flight .mustache and pointed beard, both of which he conatantly twisted and stoked as he conversed with an almoat inervoua per sistence. Ills hair wqs ImigS and hanging down behind. Ma was dressed entirely In black. I had thought to) Bee a com mon, rotaro peasantfor-lia rose from that class whereas he lal 'refined, elo quent, and aa my hostess assured me, speaks beautiful Russian-. expressing himself aji man ot education and cultl- vaUpnJl:.'t " Among other, things. Gorky told' the bishop that he traveled through Russia on foot, inquiring Into religious condi tions, lie aaya that the Ignorance ot the monks and clergy make It obvious that-they are unable-to , teach the reli gious of-'their land,-: -v War.-aCoeV Uapopola. "Somewhat abruptly,'.' aaya the bishop "he aasured me with an Impreasmept that waa evidently aineere, that he had never written and never would -write anything against religion;' quite the re verse, that he earneetly desired 10 see hi people taught true and vital religion. I told him.? suid the blanopWI waa very glad to bear thla from him. ... Bishop Wilkinson tnen asaea unray his opinion, on the war. and lie said that it waa mast unpopular' and hated throughout , Rusrta. , that Russians nei ther wished for It nor . understood for what renswn or advantage ft waa; It had rulneHthe peawantu wsb rotnlng, 'the country (generally.;- and. that -the artsy went to ttmoat reiuctaniiy The tll.-Tuip asked him if he would tike to vlalt England. ..There Wa nothing, he replied, that he would like more.- It was the wlah of hla beai-t. England Was a home of liberty ami cngusnmen us champion throughout the world. - " tlon of things ,pr(ntedbylhemr Important to Wr. lml, ef course, to prove that be did not have . conference with newspaper people and that4h did not communicate- with them ao aa te give publicity to what-la now knowo aa the Loomls-Bowen, Scandal. The ease -will net now- be., concluded before at least Tuesday evening, . -Tailor-Made-Sults.SklrtsCoats. Millinery, Gloves,. Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, , Ribbons, SHk Shirtwaist Suits One lot of Suits,; $18.50 : values; good etylesrnl-.colors. : : $12.50 : OnelotoLbeautifuI .Silk. Suiu -S2iyaluea.:- ; - ' .- " $17.95 Ladled Skirts One lot of Ladies' Walking Skirts up-to-date atylei; extra yalues at $7.50. , . "'- . $4.95 Silk .Shirtwaists ' " Wr have - iFif irTessfjTtment'n I white and colors all very mod -rately-prkedi Ladies' Wash Suits "OneloC good "styles, good colors, at $2.95. $3.50. $4.50 and 5 all ttind 'Valutii ... II I H ..extra i E. FRASER " i fa 375 Wash ington.5tteeL NOTABLE NEIGHBORS FOR -WHITELAW REID American Ambassador to Live Next Door to African and ' IndiarS Millionaires. SIR MORTIMER DURAND iiGETS RAISE IN SALARY Lavish Diplomatic Expenditures of Britain Contrasted With Those, of America. TCopyright, llearat " News Service, by Leased "LT ' '"tllVIre te Tbe Joaraal.)' 1 nnilim May When Whltelew Held the new American: ambassadorio Jamt'sV irlovea into I)of- Chester house, whir h will be hla Iondon residence., at a probable ryit of.121,000 a year, he will find himself wltfi many notable neighbors. On one slde he will have Fred Bert.the..Boulh African! mil lionaire, who made a huge fortune In diamond and gold mines at the Cape, and on the other Sir Kdward Kasaon. who" made a area fortune in Indlaglr Edward la a friend of the king. Other neer neighbors will be the Dowager Countes Delarnarr, Lord BrnBsey. the Marquis of .Londonderry, On Hjgh-Grade Quality ' Sty x fiunabouts, Driving - iliele-aSMe . . ,- . ... . . ' ' 'vtP r,- eB,vBw. .r .. "r.... r & .. ;. . ; - i - - .'' " I '- . ..T ' 7T Bargains In Carriages, Spring Wagons, r M Surre)s, etc., also Harness and Bain Wagons A" MolineBain 320-328 East Etc. Millinery All black imported Pattern Hats - go at -s. ' " - '.T ;$4.95 Petticoats JssortedllotlofoioiedJIadras-, Cloth and black mercerized batute Petticoats; $1.75 values. 98c Ladies- White Waists good styles extra values at $1.50, : 98c : -Hosleiy- One lot of Lace Lisle Hose; eol-: ors and black; 40c valuesp " ?9c ti Aises Hose -- v 1 - One lot black Ljice.Lialft.HQse 25c values,'; ' . - 4Pc- Dr. B. E. WRIGHT Tha CICBTXTIO SEBTTUT that relieves all pain In dental opera tlons. ai, Waahlng-toB W oox, evaaUk George Wyndham. whose wife la tha Countess of Grosvenor; Rufus Isaacs.. the most" famous barrister In" London; Lord Twl mouth and : Frederick Eck -stein, another- (South - African million : aire. Sir Mortimer Durand. British ambas- -sador tOi V'ahington. J to have hla sal ary Increaaed 11,000 a year. Washington, with, the exception of Madrid, haa been . . the most remunerative of all the British ' embassies! a.naiFirtglandr3aJiauaIly gen- erous to her amlMtBMHdora in the matter of:srtejmd3rfflctaJLXMd increase. In his emolumcnta will bring Hlr Mortimer's salary and allowances tip to f.KS.500 a year, twice the. salary of the American ambassador to England. Ambassador , Choate'a r salary- of $17,600 a year wbb Just sufficient to pay . the rent of Ilia house In Carlton House terrace. . , . . . The . British government Is spending W.000 in , redecorating and refurnish ing the British, embassy in Paria thla ; year. The American government doea not -spend hlf that sum in av-yaar en all' Its embassies. . - . . , ' Goods you get 7e and Priced Stylish -and Best" iVprks : what-you want on Buggies, Wagons, Stanhopes, Mcrbrn t