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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
HIGHER 1 PRICES ARE RULING" IN ALL WOOL MARKETS AND DEALERS ARE STILL BIDDING' TRADE CIRCLES WHEAT-MARKET IN CHICAGO. IS SHOWING WONDERFUL RISES fC VARIOUS OPTIONS" RISES WOOL N VOOL VALUES ARE STILL- GOING-IB lot at Scio Secures Highest Price .'i; Reached There for About " A". ' Twenty Years. ' ? .- POULTRY TUMBLES WITH - J -' VERY HEAVY ARRIVALS Damage Reported in Hops, Po i - tatoes - and Onions Veal ' -' Market Drags Badly. " FreW Fireet. May . p. m.-vThe prlncrbAI gesture of tbe Portland wbolrssle uarketa the past week were: i. Wool Mill going- k ttrbr. -".. i . Poultry tumble with Mf tdprtpn. ( Kggs. r MraU bsld. - - -j . Rulter advance, with better toue. . . ".Damage trpanr helping -pntatorar -f '. HAp crop I st 111 r.tbrr hsckwsrd. r- Shortage cause 'idnnct as salmon. ', , : Utraa berries -glut and ore crcc ';" Rermuda onion come from Teiss, . '".'Bom flour aold -to the orient, ' - Wheat-looks' goM but needs rata. ; ProvMna . market rearbee blf her. ... Dreesed' bogs . firmly held. '. , . -Tmr unrterTrBraf-fmr ifTairizrr Waal. Market Sola -Higher. . ; Although ant generally, haowe., tha past week baa beta a memorable eae la the. wool market. During that period tba market baa sot only aMV Id frsraser strong tone.- bat bss artuslly advanced la tba face of tba- fart that already this markrtjs ahead of tboea lnthe jmfu. la. - plats wards, tba west, nr, u M bora exact, 'Oregoa, hv auklnf tba wool price Just now. home of tboaa la th aaat may cr that arteee ara bicker here .then there, bat that tuts bat little consideration j with : tba wool men aers. for jnst aow they seem te la ' fall control f the situation. ' The have the wool, while tba other fellow has the money. Tba ' "other fellow" seems to want tka wool eulte badly Just now ana. at course . la eom-pe)h-4Lt bold as kla hand) an pay tba piper. . Tba balk of tba wool of tba country la aow la the . bands of the grangers at Oregon and .Idaho and they sr holding off antll tbey - et everything that , la la tba wind. - The blrheat price paid for wool tbla aeaaoa: la fact, believed W be the highest price for 30 years. - - was paid tbl week at Bclo, whee X.9UO fleeces 1 were aold to an Albany ma a at 274 a pound. : - - rTH t4 la to b aeUearsd t WcM Sole -oa June JAtTbls jrtcela practice Hy lc a poand ' lilUet thlA afijr aloer . aalo. '1 ha wooTTu, that v. aaetloa la acted 4t lit- fine quality and prices . there are generally eoaaewhat higher thaa at . ..ether places. The week waa too cool for gta- .afral ,. abearlnj opera Ueaa -aad -asany of - the wool men have not yet befaa tbelr clip. This as me condition le" rollnc In eastern Orgon ' - aad- Uieia piajea air- idra need. Ill yns l athy with the tiae In wool yaloea dealera here are offerlac aa adeanre for mohair, and Suroe . asoond 3e a potud. - realty Tamblsa With tig keoeipta. V iT" "1 !2J Z J!, Z2-Z?? nof t muck-of a 'nurry to 'ptrrcha; The yodnrer chn-kena wero neflertrd nearly alto rctbeR aad. ordinary aprlufs were aot aousbt after aa eagerly durtMt tba- precrdtnf -wrjek. -rt ar matter parr or lb week, buweyer, snowed mailer arrtrahr, and If continued for a tew more day would be a great kelp to the saar- -keth Tbera- kr bat little llketttmod of a aeasa ttoaal adranre la tba poultry aaarhet Ik the near future for the reason that the retailers will not pay the price, the general public de cllnrnc to bay when . prices atretch beyond certain limits. At present Talnes 1he public H eating chickens, but wbea prices are up only .a elct few can afford It. Tbla ta the res sua why the dealera era diwIUlng to buy liberally ' at the adrsnrt .. . . t - - Hep Crop StiU Backward. , The bop crop la still backward. Toe eooi . weather la atlll causing- the Tinea to-grow Mtasmg HHBt haw not" yet eea occu , pled by elwes and the eondltlo. of th yards . hi area worse thaa during tha preceding week. Tba older yard ara the onea which ahow the most d Is tree, maey of tbem being almost too , rarged for suecessful stringing. Tboaa yarda , 1 which were planted during the present season - are' aot basing any psugreaa aad will, likely hare no crop ajt all. A good production, now ever, .la looked tor 'In the yards aisrlted three Tear age. ' From all present appearance Ore, cm will aot bar any more producing acreage thla see soa thaa during the preceding one. Heport from New York ara eery conflicting as to the crop outlook, one source claiming that the yard are In good shape, while the nihrr aide talks nf Imprnpae growing. The- asme condition exist aa to the crop la foreign countries. Rome of the bulla are circulating hngaa aaeaaagea as to the aerere damage, whtie the near are (Ming the same tactic telling . f bow good the yard k. In this city the market has been unite firm all week, but aa sle were reported. ; rowers who were outside the pool are not offering, and the few Inside of It are still holding Rr miainlng bops from snase source, but from varre aa one caa explain. " Egg Are Firmly Held. ' The egg market waa very firmly held during the pst week. The receipts -were wot hoses Brte-drmitia-wai'lniwr-fi eryrr.tT,f thiif - em at lc for the candied goods.- The atrua-lraw. ws sw aooa uisi naa of in nealer . ere even acllliig ancandlod stock -at !.- but for the moat part 17iic waa the kivheat Agora forTlliI ciaes of atock. The outside market. are In better shape and thla waa a help to local i-ondltlone. Ko SB Irs bare bvea made to the out aloe, bower ex. 1 . Damage Xeperu Helping PoUtees. A A aeeere frost during the ,. week - did enn alderable damage te the early crop of pnta t.w thmugbont the V'lllamette rslley. Be porta from all aection ui that the Tlner are . turning black and some fears are entertained for a- great portion of the crop. The reerlot of tbla awe-we a stimulant tn- the marker a prices neia awre nrmlr later In the week. Th receipt of l-al potatoes are rare amali and thla market mainly snpnlli d with alnrka I irom i.oaa-aiin ana rrom .Western Idaho and -TroliaMr. the last shipment (. any eoimnut3ili ffirFiaTWeehr aeasoil . 10 lallfnrnia w made ca th last steamer Imrtng the week a ear f- Bermuda onlnu from Tea csme le and sold at 6c a -rmmrd.- Thla waa mnaldeivd eaceeatTe oa aceouut of the lunch lower price of the Csllfornlaa, and quota ikma dropped sornrwbnt. "TsIiho are still up 4n the air and sales-s re rot frrotieat. A do - rltne-ta- likely. , Btravberriea Glut nd Are Soarcs. Voat of the week there waa ii glut - of rallfiwula berries In the- market- and prices were badly . demoralised through most ef the peelod. latter In the- week, bowerer. there , waa irnertage oa aceouut or the rain both - ht re aad tn the south and price went hack ta former figures. Garden truck la slowing larger snppllea, 'the production from local points showing a healthy locrease.. Today there was a general shortage on a ceo net of the nonarrlrsl pf the " regular ITner'from'Tlan TranciaceT. "The "stcinjer cine in annng tne evening and tba street will re ruHy auppiteu Monflay. - All through the week there was, acarrltf or Beparagu leippiie ne rjrice .noemeg eon, rrterahly oa thia account. - . . , Wat Leak deed Bat Heads!. The wheat crop la looking good In the nftti -weal, according to apectaT report t The Jour pal fresa ton correspondent. There la, however, a general err for warmer weather. . Purlng Ike week there waa not maeh actios n the wheet market here, but the asaat storks wwe sent to tne eontr. - ' . . ,. fvne email flour sale were reported made a the anient, bat the demand from that Source Is eery light. Veal Market Via Wearily. Tte dreed veal market dragged wearily all ' throng the week. Hnppllra were heavy at all time and Mocks were aot la th beat of eon -ditton. There naa a Hrote call for nog alt through the week and peieee snare really . mslntalned eerpta were rery aMMteeat. Dm-mf tag earl part mt U week Uert aarTI generar dranc"1n ' parked 'neaf-prleta'. Urtular haws larc V,c ntgher: brrakfaat baeen la H to lc adyaoced and aldea aad back ara - atrnZdranoaa Witt Batuf "TonaT Early In tba week there waa aa adranre of lUt per pound la the qnntarlona on city cresjn f f Injt ley and later aa tne esttalde cream rnlea made the as me adeaaee. The market at the close of the week Is-du fair shape on account 1 iiiimii aimnni in iir,,.nDi."Hifi .Bir keta. There Is a wery llrily dviuaud for country store batter and prices have materially advanced. Hobo grade ara quoted. aa high aa 15c a pound. i . '. i j : ' Slg Adraaoa la Turpantlns.k ' - Ther were two adrancea In the qaotatlnaa on tnriientlrrfr rnirrng tbe areek, both of thei belna:" fur 'large arswrmra: The first tie i for He a gallon, while 'he one made late tlay waa for the name aunt. The new price are! rase Mo. wood barrel 01c, Iron barrela (Mc. The wholesale quotatloae which ruled at the close of the week are: rain. Flour . mt faed. 1 I. rrtBSAT Komloal; club and red. gse; braa- STera. aic; TBiiey, wn:. BAKI.KI aero, fj.oui roiieo, praw. UK.. . COBrt- -Wbolt, 24.Oi aracked, - 23.M per ton. HTB J w. per tfwtv - niTS-Nn. 1 white, tas.00: gray. . KLOI B Ksstern Oregoa Patenta. U M4 K rf ."liKti:- 'U.IVfii Borf sT13.BOs. mr Taller. grabam, "Vs. 1.00; 10a, ft. 45 ; . rye. Sua. tS.8n; bahM.'HTtV . MILXJSTLKIB Bran. ia uq per mat mio dllnga. 121.00: ihorta, country.- 123.00: chop. lis do.-' . -- H A t Timothy, . Willamette Taney, fancy, 113.00: ordinary; 115 00: eastern Oregon, llS OO; snUrd, 112 00; eloTer. IU.00; grain, U.OO; cheat. 111.00. - - Butter, Zgga aad aultrf. BtTKR TAT Bweet.'Soe: aiur, le. BI'TTEH t'ny creamery, best, 21Vgc: second grade. - 17u,f20c: -outside fancy, itWmr: ordinary; itUoc) California, 18ci atoa. ISMlftiie. KU(lrWMa.-l fxcih Oregon. candlta, lie; ancaudlrd. 174e. ' ( HGUHB New nut cream, twin, laagioc; Toung America. IB He: eaatera, HOHHc: Call- furnla. lltilCr: Cheddar. 14c. 10lt.THY-7hickena. lulled. H'4e per lb bene, ltll.V per lb; r:ouatera. old. 10c nor lb; 1'ii.telfl. m IK hMllm Vl ft 'r)n 1K, rtrera'.- 23c - tier Iblducks. 14. 004X9. 00 Del da: gaeae SJ9e- per- lb; tnrksya, 1TJ1H ibi aeeasta- auw a 1 tag - jac w ; aauaaa. I2.ooas.oo per. era. stops, warn ana nuiae. HOPS Contract. laoB. IditWei -1104 Inc for choice: 2J(u24 fur ' Prlnisa and medium. WOOL-lO0a clln. ealler. eearee aaedlum. ialWc;' fine. 4(tf2rj4c; eaatera Oregoa, la4 g,lc. - - - '- - MOHAIR Nominal, lOOSle. BHBIC1-BKINK Shearing. lXMfla: abort wool. toi30c: medium wool. aof&Mc; sang wool. Ocitftl.00 each. - - tauxw Prime, par m. aooc: no. a a no erw"" ra. . , LU1T11M BAKU 4HO00 per 10 sulOsc price. - - - HinES Dry hides, Ko. 1. Id the) aad an, IdQldSe per lb; dry kip. No. 1. to li lbs, lc; dry calt No. 1, under lbs. idOlSc: dry aalted bide, steers, eoond. SO roe or or.r.. tV,U He; 50 to go Iba, MVic: under 0 lbs and row. aszHifce: ataee ana nni s swipg. Mi"r kip. 15 to to lb. 5c: sound. 10 to 14 lb. 0 Uc: calf. Binnd nnder 10 lhs. BWOllc: grtA ouasited). 1 per lb lesa: calls, le per lb lesa; nrea hides, aalted. esc, f 1.MI.TII 'dry. each, '; colt bide, each. SfteJBOes goat kln, eouuaoa. eaeu. 10O1?-. With wool on. each.. XceaXOuV irralta aa TaMtahlaa. . - POTATOEa Beat Oregtia. - 1. 1631.20- w lota, f o b. conatry, l,vtl.06: second grade. ai.w per- eaegr- puymg, car 101. sac: ,riy koae. aM.00il.2S: sweet, crated. tl.TB; aew tallfornl. 2t,c per lb. nirj f t; uuyei'i' price, cotruirr., new California, garlic, VQlOc per lb FREMII rillllTs-Annie eirtra fancr. 12 50: fancy Oregon, . fl.MI er boi; ehesp fads ai.uu per doz; oranges, useei, wiw. Joe. per 100; pfneapple. g4.00a5.00; ennbof rles. .aater n no. nee bhl: atrawberrlea. ries. esstern. git fMk nee hhl: strwnerrle.' Wtlalmette valler. 1 net -flood River. 15c per roi: tsiitornia, ll.lom. vet-Uste; i-nsrriw, 1 $1.0(1 per-rm: ' .. : VKUKTAULEN Turnip. new, i $1.00 per aack: carrot, 1.00J1.10 per aackj beets, 1.J0 per aack; irregoa raa lebee. 26c ier Joa; cabbage, - Ore gon, per cwt; CaUrornla, lVi'aic; greeg peppers. Tc lb; Cblll peppers, 15(lTc lb; celery, $8.76414.00 per crate; tomatoes, Florida. 54.0004.00: (California. 52.50: paranipa. 11.0041 2B; string beaas.J2c; cauliflower, t-aniornia, 1.75411(10 crate., rhubarb. 1QIH per id: boraersdish, T8c. per lb; sprouts. ;- arti chokes.' 4oQ5oc per do ; bat bouse lettuce, D0ia75tri hesd lettuce, loc oer do: green onion, lOe- pee. do; 'sprgn. - T&cft $ 1 .00 do bunrbeur-Wall- Wall.- $A.2fitJL5Q perboi ; Bnlnah. ' 8e ner lb: green corn. per doa; pass, Oregon, TSe; California, uc per lb. DRIED FRCIT8 Apple, evaporated, TOM Htsloc per lb; aacka, ts nee th lees; OMches k&ai3e nee lbl near. per id; prunes, Italia, igwi per isu French, H4c per lb; Bgs. Cslironu disc, 4ttVk per lb; California whit. per lb, plums, pitted. per lb; dates, goioea. 5o per lb; lards. $1.60 per 16-lb box. ' Ofocar lea. Muta. Ska. Bt'OAR Back bssls Cube. 5010: powdered. $3.U3; fruit granulated, gft.PS; dry grsnulsted. 53.(16; beet granulated, $5.75; extra C $515; ;olden u, aa.xi; DDI, ioc; h sol, asc; ooze. advnr oa aack bssls. lesa 26 e per cwt for esah, 15 dsyu maple, 14Q10 per lb. MO. 14 kflDC. COFFKE Package brands, $14.75. SALT FlaoBalea. 2s. Us. as. 5s. 10a. I1.B0; Ublekyfoa$l-U)0;-J.uiv- $10J6; -lm, ported . Ui arpool. - 60s, $17.00; - loo $l$.5u; 224. 114 00: extra fin, bbls, 2. Us, o. lua. 54.50iiS.50; bulk, $20 lbs, $4.6065.00; aacka, 50s, OOlulMC, ALT uxrae Bir ground, ion, per no. $7.00; Boa, per ton $7 .60; Liverpool lump rock. aiu.ou per tun ; ao-in roc, ai.w; auu. tAbove nrloe aonlr to lea of less thaa ear lot. a car lot at apcil prices subject tJrtAl.t BAUciruni, sa.TDiio.ou per ivu. 1 v Mil tniiN,nsi jsiain. no. 1. aac. no. . 4 V; K orteina head, )c; Adjax. 4c; Creole, 4 He ' - - pink, 4 He; bayou, $5.00; lima. Vc; Msxlcsa ) XTBrenntgrTrr tambea, m n-1( tf10c per lb; roasted, ; eocoaauta. reoa, . 5&a0e per doa; walnuta. 14415e per lb; pine ant. 104J12M per lb; hickory nut. lOe per lb; chestnuts, eaatern, 15 loc per lb; Braall nut. 10c per lb; aiberts, isejiac per- in; xsncy pecan. 14015s per lb; almond, 18015 per lb. falBta, Coal OUtv Xtc : ROPE Pure ktsnila.' 14c; stsndard. I2A: alassl, luc; lati brand elaal, . COAL, OIL-Peari or astral caaea, auta per gal; water white. Iron bbla 15c pet gal, wooden lhe per gal; headlight, 170-drg, case 22to per gaL uasuuax-em-oeg. case a per est, iro bbla, 2oc per gal; stovea, esse 24Vk Pt gal. iron bins inc per git. TLKI'KMIMC In cue. Wc per gal; wooden bbls, Pie per gal; Iron bbla, HHc per gal. -. BiCNZlM IW-deg esses 25 per gal, Iroa tbls lsvte per gal. WHITE ISAfr-TbaTofsTTTiff perTb; JOO-lk lota. 7o per lb less lota. Be per lb. WIHE N A I M Present base at $2.70. HMMIKKU. mLefura raw, la bbo) die per gal, esses ottc per gsl; genula kettl Boiled, esses one. per gsL bbla tic per gsl; ground cake, car loU, $28.00 per ton. 1cm thaa car lull $50.1X1 per ton.' If eat, risk and rrovlsloa. FREBHkt ATB-rront stieet Baef. ateers. 5 He per lb; pork, block. - Tr per lb; packers, THe per m; bulls, 4'(J,V per lb; cows, 4fJ5c per lT mutton, Hn7Vj per lb; Umbs with - pelts. 6H0c per lb; ; vssl, eitra. tit",cr ofdluary, 6c per lb; Door. 4H4V per lb. .. - naan. Dauun, b 1 u. roriianu naca auieaii hama, 10 to 14 Iba, 12i per lb; 14 to Id lb. 12'h.c ner lb: 1$ to 20 lbs. 12c per lb: eottaee N'sC Pr lb; breakfast bacon, IBtJlHc per lb; Dlcnle. Be per lb: regulsr abort clears, is, auioked, HVie per lb: smoked, lUnic per lb; clear bscas, nnsinosen, vmc per 10; amoaea, lue per lb; linloa butts, 10 te IS lbs, unsmokea. Be per lb: smoked, Uc per lb; clear belllea. an smoked, lie per lb; smoked. 12 . Ds lb: Bboiltdel. r)C " ' " ' LOCAL 'LARD Kettle leer. 10s, 104 e per lb; 6. 10i per Ibj 50-lb tin,- loSc per lb; steam rendered, 10a, BSC per lb; 5s, Be ns lb; tuba, e per lb; fm, per lb. CANNED BALkiON Columbia river l ib tail, $1.MI; 2-lb tells,. S.nOr fancy, l ib data, $2.00; H-ib fsnry Beta, $1 25; fancy Mb avals, $2.75; Alaaka tails, pink. 5Uue; red. $140; aomlaa 2s, tall, $2.00. . FIKH Rock cod. Te per lb: flpuadera, B per lb: hsllbut. 5c per lb; crabs, $1 50 per do; striped bss 24e per lb: eatash. Te per lb;, aalnio, ehlnook, 9 per lb; eteelheada. M per lb: herring. PC per lb; soles, ue per id; snnmps, ioc per in; perco, ae per in; aba. 5c per lb; roe ahad. Be per lb; ahad roe. So per lb; black rod, Te per tl silver smelt, 5c per lb; lobsters, lf)c; fresh -msckerel. Be per lb; erswflah, 2Ae per doa; fkmndera, 5c per lb; atargeon. Te per Ik. OfBTtp.rl fihoarwittr bay. per gal. $2 to; Ct,AMri Hard ahetl, per bog, 1100; raaor viasBs. .vw per nog. Hew Terk-Leadea Sugar, Kew York. May-.-Hiirar: Refined, are changed; raw. steadv. I on don Beat, firm aag aigBcr wiia ana iu jua. i - - " ;rr r". ' . jt vr - 'iv - -. r---: - V.; ' '' '- FUTURE OF MARKBT DEPENDS ON TAFI Purchasingof . -Supplies for Pan ama Canal Is a Leading Topic - : for Financiers. SEVERE SHOCKS SWAMP:, -WALL STREET QUOTATIONS Markef'Opened'Cenerally -With Substantial Advance .but Lost All Late.' tifMBUam 1 . ... r 1 -t North American ... .14 Anaconda . .r,?. Amalgsmated .... ml Ontario V Western W Atchison J i I'eno 'ennsrlraiila ...... 1 Car Foundry... uu pi eierreu. . . . Pressed 8teeT Cf".. Pugar Pacific 1111 Buiclter 1 Readlii! g 1 s T4 do preferred... Republic Steel Bt. Paul 4V W.-tt- knitBrra Pacific do preferred.. nnci iwi.nn .... L fio preferned.... 1 Illinola Central .... 2'4 s rue. Ohio.... Colorado Fuel .. Erin U Ixiuls. 4; NssbTllle., fti Metropolitan tie 2d preferred.. J Manhattan . . o" ah, i.riiTren, Missouri Pacific. v S Mexican Centrar Katy ., do pre f erred... ... Bt. L. H.' W " flt' -fWJ s? s Pip! . a"'e N.-ir. Central 1U Tennessee Cnl ... Leather, pfd ...... 5 - Rubber faLHteel ... W do preferred...... I Rubber tenods no prererreu. Wla. Central-,.. do preferred.. .... 1 Atehraort -pfd. Halt. 4k Ohio .., .,--" t RrptiMIe Htfel T .. 1 Southern Railway., 1 .. " UI ' . ...... .. Texas Pacific. (rlral Mspatch by Lessed Wire to The iournal) New York. May 20 The must imuortant Influence to he reckoned with In estimating the future or the Bnanrlal markets la tba attitude of - tbrvadmlnlstratk a In Washing to . upon various ijuoatlon, auih aa the methods to be followed la the construction of the- Panama canal, federal regulation fof corporation, par ticularly aa to tne necessity lor district federal Intervention In the minsgement of the great Industry of transnortstlon which has caused many itiveuuin III ritrroad securities to n-rsrd I heir position with soma uneasiness. Bo. too. th mecaure recently - paaaed by the legisla tures of New York and Illinola relating te the Consolidated Oss company and the People' (las company, altogether aside from any ques tion of the merit of the bills, hare aa Impor tant effect upon Investments. Wall Rtreet, New York. May SO. Today's atock market opened at substantial advance above yeaterday'a elnalng figures and daring the first half hour of business showed a fairly steady - tone. Hams of the more nctlrg -Issue. Including rnlted States Steel common, sd- Before the close of. the first hour, however, heavy liquidation again made Its appearance, by reason of - which th markst underwent re markable reversal nf form. n which leading las oca fell well below the lowest figures resched la yeateiday's decline. There waa nothing at all that wta novel which could be adduced In connection with the varying swings In prices which took place. The London Stork market waa closed- today. Bo there were no qnotatlona forwarded for American etoeke from that point. The meal dealings presented; however, some . appearance of foreign pur chases, especially In the steel stocks. ' i . St. Taul Tary Weak. Bt. Paul waa comparatively weak ' and only regained a slight fraction of Its extreme de cllo of nearly g points, Thla compered with an early gala of about a point.- In Ion Pacific dropped over 1 point, as did New Tort Central CoppetY.CandtBn PacineVilergdo; JcUJetlg, 4ehe- KeW-eemv vllle, Pennsylvania, Reading and Tennessee Coal. All tbeee Issue closed with only slight fraction! recoveries from the lowest. Smelt ing kiet well over 2 points, and with almost aa large decline In Illinois Central and Delaware A Hudson. Today's weather advice from the western grain belt were more encouraging than any received during th peat 10 day, but the grain market waa bat little affected In con sequence. .-.. large Increase ta Lean - The -eWef feature of the bank statement waa the unexpectedly large ' Increase In the loan account, the amount being Jl,7iW.(aja.-The change ,ln this Item was commonly ironsttued aa reflecting a number ot Important syndicate tranaactkma during . the week. Including - the flotation of the American R melting gerurltlcs preferred ftook, The Joss la -actual gash, shown was only M.7m.i. a sum nearly n.issi.ixio leas thaa that for the preliminary estimate. As a result of the other change the surplus re- serve decressed $.42.nri, which lei re . the banks still holdlig gH.wn.Of In egcese of the Iswfnl requirements. Hurplns reaervea la the corresponding period nf Isst year wer rsH.niKi, ta 1B03, f9.223.O0ii, and In litoa. 114,- soi.ono.- -t . r ' Trsnsactlona In stocks and bonds today com pared aa follows with those ot the asms day last year! Number of shares sold today, A11.B00; year ago. 14".41i; psr vslne of bond , sold todsy, ll.TlrT.ooii year ago, go.'TP.OiiO. - . , President Cole nf the National Lead company la quoted. a saying that Wall afreet's lead merger terma era almply "a masa-ef misin formation." , : . ' ' ... Damairs Reperti All Twaddle." Lata Kansss a drier are ta th effect that th crop re porta, purporting to show a lot of damage done to grain, are ell twaddle. Wheat la all right for 7ri.0oo.noo to bushel. pesplte the promlaed attacks and deciara tlona of worthless oees to which the street hss bsea lltrrrallj treated latel. it 1 bsUtred by And Still Going Up, SATURDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET 444444444444 - .. .. M jr. July. , 4 Chicago J.lvcrpoot s . Minneapolis 4 Duluth .... 4 St. lunula... .$ .8A $ ,88A 4 .. 6s M s 9i 4 . tlStfB' l.OJTa- -4 , 10V 1.0B 4 ,ViB ,8!S4 4TKa.naaa Clty..-.94H -ST. ..S8A 4 s- MUwauk .. .1 . good judge thst Amslgsmated Copper will b on of the firat of the-active atocka to respond to any change is ' market conditions, The Iraae hltuatWB fay alluded to In the most favorable terma, baaed on independent report" ami 'the position of te steel company is the subject of Battering comment, from thej fuct tntJWI -rtrnlliks""lre bntoveTto he" rtfrecord proportion and that the ahowing it will make wltt lodorae the beat estimates, yet put nut. ; UlflCRIPTfbS.t" Mlirlng A ma I. t opi Atcniaon, du pfd Ami r. Car 4V Foundry, e. do pfd Am. Bngar. common..-,.' Am. Hmelt J common.. - do pld -s. . ,.. i R. 4V Ohio, common..... Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Can. Pacific, common... Chi. J.W., commoi (hi.. Mlh- aV St. Psul ftifc- N. W.,-wimmon. ht. Terminal Rnllwsy. Chesapeake 4V Ohio.... Com. lucl 4V Iron, com. Colo. Southern, com do 2d pfd ........... do 1st pfd Delaware A Hudson... D.. A R. a., common.. do pra . Erie, common .,... . do 2d pfd do 1st pfd Illinola Central '. Loulavlllr 4V Nashville Metropolitan Bt. Ry Mexican Central Ry. Minn., St. P.-4V 8te. M.. do pfd .rr.... Missouri Pacific M . K. A T., common. . 00 pra ., . , New York Central Norfolk Western do preferred .North 4 merles N. Y.. Ont. A Western. Pennaylvsnla Railway.. Peofile'a .. l. A C. Co. 1'reased Steel C., com.. do preferred Pacific- Mall 8; B.-Co... Resdlng, com do 2d pre f erred , Ren. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Reck Island. do preferred. ; Southern Ry.. com do preferred . . . . Bouthern Psrlflc do preferred Bt. L. A 14, K.r 2d Pfd.. Bt. Loul A B. W,r eom.l do preferred Texsa A Panlfic. Tennessee Coal A Iron.. Tol.. Bt. L. A W., com. do preferred fntoa Pacific. do preferred I'. 8. Leather, com., do uref erred U". B. Rnbbcr, convr, ,4- W 4- go prererrea TJ. 8. Steel Co., com. do preferred. do 2d preferred . . . do Jt prererreo.. Wla. Central, .-eom-. do prefi-rred WeeterrLl'rdoaTeL W abaab. com . . do preferred. Rubber oon do preferred: Ttal sale for day. WlS.dOO sharefc ' X08T0M COTPEE TOCXB. 'j Boatoa, Vlar 30V Official copper close: Hid. I Bid. - r. . Mining.! 30.62(4!Oreene ronner.t 2-V25 Adventure 8. 60 lireea (iold... - B.00 Msas. ..,.....s 7.78 Mohawk f.;, 4H 80 Old Domlnlou., 24. Ml 'lei-eola KIM Alkmea'.. . Arcsdlsn Blnghsm -rh.iw 21.11 ' :io.iio 940.00 Calumet Ontennlal Parrot S:i.Bf - 7.00 110.00 8.28 28 28 , l.Otk PS.oef -42.62H Copper Ksnge. 70.i (Shannon Iisly west.. lKm. Coal ... Kim 1.1 28 Tamarack T7.00A 2.00 Trinity rnlted Copper, (tranby ..... T.IV I'hoenlx Hsnta re ... Victoria Wolverine Michigan -iv. BIWl IQnlm-y 2 02141 tab 108. ia I Winona -u u. JO.IHl -11. 2- Brltih Coti-rrrl-.- g.S7H tonopah ktWiko btdcki. Ba Pranciacn, May 20. Tonopak atocka, offl rial cloae, forenoon seas ion: s . Wtl- I Montana ' ..'KT Adams Rid. .4) .oa '. .20 . .17 . ,20 Mldwsy ,.l..... l.MStiMnhswk aicBmara 4A Utile Belmont 1.27(4 North Btar,,-.. .07 kendsll lolumbla Mt. Rescue .14 Jumhe .77A Jumbo Kg .1AA BVcck Putta ..TO Silver Pick ...,r ,18 . Holder)' Anchor,. ,1 Hay O'Brien.. . . -.rat -Ophlr Ton. . . ' ..'CIA (Md Mt. .17 Jim Butler Nevada .... Ton. Kite Red 'Top ... loldfleld .. ... .no ... .184 ... SMI. ,88 ., ... .80 ' Sandstorm .41 tl. Hull frog.... .21 Vandetorai tl.. ,14 A IDUowndflald .., - ,49 4 New York .... .iB 4 r .Decemberr.- Per cental. -I - i Co..1"4 Mlt 1104 1104 J ft t'o m nov, i4i en in . 7i 7m. 7wva 7w . . . . . .iiin u liiii u, noi : mi u DO I 6 .' OoH ixt 134 i:M,li:y lis usl ll"Ull 120 l'JO 11BS 111114 li1TlliT limsJlor), ii j ot ) I mm, 14tm:i4; 144ll44i, 174 174 11701 I70'A 2ir2inrao SOB " . '-., 17 474 47 4HM, 4fl 4-2 4.1V, 414 41 . 26V 2MS 6(4 W'i 32t? "Mli, 1N2 1X2 1KOI 1W !H 2 28!' ST7H . x hum, . 02 flMV, B2N, "21 . 77 T7 7d 1 . 1I7M, 15714 156 ltVBS . 1424 14.1 141 Vi 141 . iiv.U6 iiiH4im lion . itwt jitm liiw 2iH4 ivT4 iH Hit, llZ Il2aal1124j lof) RS'4 B6 PR us 23 25 34-41 24 '4 . - i. ... 1 a . ..,-.l40S14iIl.''413M I ,...( W1 Tl I 761 70S P0(4) VP IHr j PUS - 47"W( 47, 4.-H4I 4,'.t4 irtM'S :t2Hl12 BU liM) W S7 a7 : x Wl VS 62 P2 .7.. K0V "OH 88V4 RoV, R5 i ri... ...... . S - 174 17(4 - lo in '4 72 72 7014 T014 27 274 204 2k 72 7.1 72 72 2rl4 2AT4 2NU 24 .-.) 6S4 11044 ' 0014 on4 tiu 118(4 1 18, 118M,I1IHV, ::::: 2?h (IM'4 R4 f.H oH". 82(4 82(4 81 M 8 7H 78 7 I 76 844 84 84 C, H4S Ni oftd, M'4 M4 1184 118 116 11', 9d ..' II 107 W14t4ITt 87HJ IWIII'MM'I'mi lull I . 27 ifu, 3n 2T. . 44 944 2V4 .2- rrrr. rrrr. rr.-rrrlni , 21 , ..... ..... 8v4 . 22(4 S24 23 22 4H4 .... P2 118(4 18V, 18 17 I 88 3N4l 87 Iff, I 84(4 84 M iM', 84W. I 108'4 I SIX-AND A HALF Much Wool Is Being Shipped Into Pendleton Warehouses fzzr:: En Route to East. . GREAT PORTION SOLD - BEFORE RECENT ADVANCE Sheep Afe Sold to Omaha all - Good Fifture Wool Sataa Are About to Begin. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton: Or.. Mar 20 -r-The rinr few dsra-f nsving peen warui many shecjiuuiu-hata-brought tneir wooi io tnis point to be stored and cleaned.- preperatorr to shloment - east. - Thus far thflre -haa been aptr.lmaielT l.soo.Oiw nounu brought In from local Dulnts. whUe from more remote section .nesrly- Q.ouO.Ouo pouuds have Srrlved. Many sslc were con.nmm.ll aging as whole 18c per pound prior to May. Since til t date laree nercentam rr th. ku 1 Kn bargained for at an average of 18c ieTlTUITrijvt ft Al D Al tT pound. -ahcre aa been more rmeVool produced- m mi. imim or i jrmm rnp man tot many yeara heretofore. A few dealera have email holding, which may be disposed of My 22. the first wool aale day. There will he severs! sal day In th near future, during which various quanti ties of wool will change handa. -No Urge poo la ara looked for by dealers . here, but several mar be sold st'lleppner. That seetloa had a sale a few daya agnwhen several duel er closed the day at 17e. The aheepmen are holding for 19c- Thla mark may b reached at the next' al. " ... Halatead A Johnson of Rswllns. Wyoming, have negotiated a deal for ,7it sboep from ranchmen In and near Kcbo. The aheep ere no being dipped preparatory to, shipment' to morrow via the O. R. A -N. to Omaha, from which point, they will be sent .to smalt ( nur- chssers who have limited range oa which to ratten Oregon mutton. The price paid to rancher range from 42.28 to 82.60 ner head. being a very good Bgnre when It la remembered that each one has slso netted his owner nearly a third of that amount for the wool whlchi was y-Taken tronrlt ack. Small, tsmha and yearling ewe are now being taken to the mountains roe snmmer range, tn be brought hack thia fall tally matured and ready fur the feedyards. COTTON IS ONE TO ' FIVE-POINTS-HIGHER 'Furnished by Over heck. Starr A Cooke Co., New, York. May 20. Cotton futures one aad and closed 1 to B points higher. v Tods y a official cotton markets: i " '' V .. Ooen. High. Iw. " Close.' Janharr 793 . 70:1 703 703 w 05 Msrch 801 " 801 78 ' 74 . .17-!!- rm , 773 778 ' 773 778 .777 786 1783 HOI'S 03 May ,....... i 7Hiy ko 768 IU 774IW78 774178 77S(d7 7"4iih6 7HAiN8 Tuly 4.,.. 773 774 777 784 Aug.iat September ...; October November .. December ..... 780, TBI , 788 - " Liverpool Cotton ' Higher. Llvernnnl. - May -20. Cotton futures closed 2 points higher. ':.-- i C0M8T0CK XIXIM0 BT0CK8, Ban Franciaeo. May 20. Comatock mines, offl. ciai rioac.. . . . Dill, . ftld Bullion ..-,..-... .!H Belcher ........ .22 Bavag...1i.r.r. .52 I'otoal ,,wvt.M: I'nlon Con........ -.64 Vellojw Jacket:. . ,23 Kacheoiier ,,,,.T .80 Ilals A Korcross 1.80 Andes .20' Vnn, Cel. Vai rr:4.7o - Ophlr 78 Caledonia' .80 ' Mexican 1.48 Con. Mercur ... .51 . Bcorplon , .16 . iriV T01I tAJHX ITATtMEKT. ' New York, May 20. Bank statement: - Jlerreaae. , I 8.402.600 I '. P.I.-18.800 ....... i 20.7i8).tKa) ; i. ...... 4.714.1H0 ...'H. . , ... ,.xa 48. Ot , 14.:I2.000 t ..K '. . SuK.OuO . ' 1 .v.. ' - Increasa, VIW T0RK C0FrEIfA.IIT.. New- York. May 20. Cof fee future closed A to 10 points lower. Today s official , enffe market: Bid. Ask. I Rid. Aak. ,6 DO 96.HS . n un t oo May gH.ooiOetober . Jons Mi 6o Novenrhev July' 9 1 6 tv.l December 7.0(1 7.10 7.18 T.20 Auanst .... S.7H u 7n Jsnnsry , T.10 Beptembee - Ao- 6 SolKebraery -r :i- T.lfl t Total aalea, ll.7&0 bags. i. Kew York Cash Coffee, New York. Mv 20 Cash coffee: No T ft In. 8( No, 4 Bauloa. 8(4e. r EABTIRR H00 HI0HEB. Chics go, May 20. Livestock- receipts: . ' - t Hogs. Cattle. Bheen Chicago o.isiO "300 2.0U0 Ksnssa City ...4.i, UN) , Omsha j. . , Hal Iloge-opened Be higher with B.noo left over. Receipts a year ago were 18;ihni. Price--Mixed snd butchers, 15418.47 ,: giaid and heavy. 3.8rH.4f: rough and heavy, 44.004 MS: light. 88.2o5.4i. . etfie. rrwuiT, , w BheeuBteady. . -i . Reserve . . . Ih, leas I'. l)n4 Specie ..... Legal .... Jlepoalta . circulation PACKERS BUYIKth- IIOGS IN THE EAST Small Receipts at Local Yards Ff-to-tielp- Market and -v Dull Tone Rules CATTLE QU0TATT0NS"A ; QUARTER CENT LOWER Sheep Are Dull and Weaker With " Heavy Arrivals Receipts V f the Six Days... Portland T'nlon Btnckyards, m. Livestock receipts: ' ' ' ' .-, ,'. .' -t" Hogs, This week 162 Last week .............. 218 Previous week ........... 633 Month ago . . Sua May 20.- Cattle. 1.H84 - Sheen. 4.848 6.040 2,768 . 65 g.227 Receipts of bogs this week, wer the smallest for some time but there Waa no real short age In the market'.". there being a general lack of demand. The parkera are la tbe main securing their hog supplies from the east, for the, very good reason thst prices' there are lower thaa here- and thiC supply la till,, market I too on certain. There waa -weakness shown lo the market ell tbrougir the six dsys, but no change la-.price occurred. Cattle-a Quarter Lewsr. .;. There was a decline of t&c In the onotationa oa cattle during lb -week, Thv market we very dull and weak on account . bt the much heavier receluts from the south and slao. lhe Increased shipments from thia -state. The run rrom tne. aouta win uncle let up by tne Drat of th month, for local euppllr sra then expected to be liberal enough, to edpply the market s wants. ' . ,-'.,- - . .. . With the exeentkm -rf-thtr-nrevlous week. aheep rcn-tpti broke lhe record during the past slg -day and tbe market waa quoted doll aad aeakeV with no actual changes la the prices. ornriai price ror nveiock:. Ikigs Rest eastern Oregon. (6.00: . Mockers sad China fata, 45 25; Blockers aad feeders, 4.04.73. . . - - Cattle Rest eastern-Oregoa' steers. I4.0O4 4 2t1; light and- medium steers, A3.0oi.Tft: old and light cows, 2.oOj2.75; stock era and tntwww. ee.tefi ouiis, ei.ov. - ' Bheep Heet fsnev sheen. M.TBewes. $3.80: spring lamlni. ' 4f4t1c. , ' I i sives Hood vesl.-128-to 1T pound.--4c; rough d heavy. 24 -lc - -.; moipU af tba Week, f Sunday Oeerg FY Brown . ef' Welladale. three ears of shecjr ind" 14 cIHTorTttl from ( siirornia roe Keattlr: rraak- iHngea er June. tie for Tacuma. from California Monday c. E. Bcott ot I.ebanoa. two cars Of aheen. . .. ' Tueaday CbarleS' Bntler of Bhanlka, three ear of eattlei- M.-E. Ilotchklss. tare car, ef csttla from Montau points; James Wright o u,-:iwv sriu.ia VI siit-i-ii, luiir csrs 'il rpi tie from California for TacomaT O. Toung A Co. of Oakland, four cere nf sheen and two car of cattle; J. W. Redd, North Yamhill, -two H 1 "v -p; ti.wmiin or wta xansnm, ar of hogs: eight cara of sheen from Red Bluff for Hesttle. Hednesday Nine cara or cattle from Red Bluff, California, for Tacoma; John Bhaw of ho. car of cattle. i.UurHlk.1 fB. -eedekleaslc aheep; cara of cattle:' tleorge F. Browapf Wrllsdste. tnree rxrs or sneep. Friday A. F. Hunt, from -California, "'slg csrs of csltle; VT. R. Kurta of Orses Valler, t car or bogs; ' seven fats wf-ttlej from JH fornla for Tacoma; four rare nr rattle and li cars of aheep for Health; D, Lawsoa -- Rhss tkn, ear ft rattle: L. D. T Oder of Albany, ear Trf JOttteowsi eV.-Tnnlg ot ftiav jdttbu car jA milk cow-TTriim JefTfTlOH. ' ' ' . ITIUvll AlU AUlU I Frisco Market Is Worried- Some Try to Decline While Others- ? Show Rise.- (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Journal) Ran Francisco, May 20. While 20c per pound. net, 1 being paid .st creameries for butter, this market. It But likely : to recede, . Hales her are reported at 21c and over. I'ntil premium are discontinued tbe local market will continue to be an elastic on. Despite tbe heavy production and large receipts local stocks psre been well kept down, principally through storing. How long this condition will continue remain . ta be Been. - tt waa given out that cube - butter would eesae to arrive, owing to recently advanced prices, and that tbe receipts would anon comprise only equsres. the. understanding - being that such a change would cause a considerable accumulation here aud , a axmaequeatl. lower msrket. .Should that be therase, how long would anrh a ill I I'm prevail 1 The paying nf premiums would -continue, storing would become more sctlve and In a few daya up would go the mar ket again. .Yesterday there waa a Strong preaeur t get tbe market down, aa there bad been tn get It op,, but the dealera them-, eclvee should take tbe Inltlatlvejln large .prices inaieau'ox wiiing ror rue- paper to reouce T'ltrrtlnna T It tthi th rr r'ltug krllrf that - la the ' coming week the market ' would show some reaction:-1 Cheeae was anrhanged and weak. Fine ranch egg were firm but no higher. ' ' - ',-". ---- - For the general run of poultry tbe msrket was fairly atrady at unchanged price. During the week only two carloads of eaatera arrived. ' ' Oram la Klghsr. -Snerulattv- wheat waa atronger and advanced for December. The local speculative market waa aomewbat stronger resterdsy, .acting In aympatby with Chicago. May had a cloalng advance of Ve per cental and December IVic aa compared w ith Frlday'a closing price. " 8 pot price were Brm. The receipts were only 408 ccntale. I'arla la advanced. Cargoes on pas sage were qa let and eteady. December barley advanced to 88 He per. cental and -closed at 87Tc, the latter being a net gain of c. as compared with Friday's closing price. With the new-crop 'nearly due the seller thla year la beginning to attract somt attention. . Tbe spot msrket wss steady to firm.- There were receipts of 1,618 cents Is. Oats Were scarce and held higher, none striving resterdsy. -Corn was flrmrf. Lima beana were further advanced. the local stock being closely held. ' In Hour and .other 'mlllstuffs tbe only change reported' was aa advance of HOC per ton in all cake meal. ' fruit Arrives Lata. There1 wer late arrlvdle of fruit from -the north and sooth, to tbe annoyance of the trade and loss . to ehlppere. There waa a . large quantity ,'uf crate atrawberrles from Florin, psrt being too late for the esqly trade and having to be carried over. Thee berrlea being eoft. kept but a abort time". Other atrawberrlea i arat-rlase condition brought aood . arte, i Loganberries, blackberries and raapberrlea marie but a showing ae to quantity. . Cherries were In moderate supply, loose comprising a consid erable part. " A fresh supply of Mexican llmea was st hand with prices anchanged. Prlngle aad seedling apricots were very plentiful snd weaker. There was a little better supply ot currants. Cherry plums were ' received from VaesvlTls. but they were too unripe and amali to attract, buyer. At the orange s net Ion Mnn. day 10 ar 12 carloads will be offered. Tt market wa easier .lot grange. - - 01 feta toss Itaady. Old potatoes wer unchanged and at,. Kew red onions further declined and new po tatoes were weaker. Choice green peaa were leak plentiful. There , waa aa overauppty of trlng keana. Los Angeles - tomatoes were higher.-Aspararia was unchanged. Caeumbers were weaker. Hummer aquaeb advanced. QVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO. , - . Membara Chicago Board of Trad. OBAXaT, rmOTXnOTS, OOnOI, ITOCin AJTD BOsTOsV. 01, Third Btraat, McKay Bulldlns, Portland, Or. . . r wi do A xaxoTXiY . Continuous. Market a by Private Wire. Quick Bervlc. RErERENCES LAdd 4s JUtea. bgakara, and jUalta) SUtaa sSatloiiaU Baak ot rerUand. - 1 j BIG RISE SII0Vfl"- MAY OPTION Chicago Market Goes Two and" a . ; , Quarter S Cents Higher - - i-X-- for Wheat- r- - JULY ADVANCES 0NE: CENT. ON GOOD GRADE SPlldP-lo'es L-WithlaJGairi": .of Seven Eighths Corn LTrade Dull."- - SATURDAY-WHEAT UARKRT. ' , 0"v., ,.a'loaioa rr-Oali"1'; M.r;:::;....8,uai-, .. . avpy - V.biij,b Irnrniahed by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke C ' . lego, Alay SO. Logan A Bry say: for t'JV he-wheat market heal tated.-ot throughout the reat of the session It ataadlly , aovaoced with th close st nesrly top prices. ' 'V'""" tB southwest told again of damr age la Texea and Oklahoma sod' to lead color to ; tbeee reports th southwest was One of the rr. .f" buTW"'' Tbe ""f 1 tbe caau. situation waa reflet-ted by sharp advances la , the May. .Hlorka In all. primary markets are decreasing! rapidly - with good weather scarce. The market was persistently nought, the bur- -ing being from "hat .were cnaaldm w aA sources. Regardless of rron r.rJU,. f heat msrket for July and Repternber does r sua, roiisiMuriug -u. -, HMiii ,iwn on-nana. - VV.. ,v - Cera Sstremaly asiet. " ' 'V The corn trade, ma .,tHm.i k. . principal feature j being, teeeeillng of"dla. tant nit urea by the prominent bull ' Interest popularly believed to be- on the' long aide of May. The Utter option Buffered aomewbat. . but there la very little-evidence that tha hull tradere were doing , any .selling la lata month. Oata Trad XHeappetata. . ' Oats, although 'Bhnwlne a lit, I. - h, n -th whole, very disappoint ing. We feel that It wUl take something mere- stimulating than .the present alow cash demand tn cause aa advance. In provision smaller, hog receipts and some little short covering ga4 this market a allghtly better lone, recovering a good portloa af yes. . terdsy'a decline. - . . , - .. . Todara official msrkeraf- tt1 "v - . ... . M'HKAT. , ' ' " .Onen. High. Low. . Close. J'U.v., ... -.aaaA " ,8e)t, .86 A .82 -JSJ!- ORX. 64... J3'i-. .41,4 .47V .48 . - .4TV- " STlt- ,4TJ- .8ai .. . '.47 'a e .47 ; .47A-.4TT4A- 4TS - .4T'i 44V - ,44W IiUWJl a 4 V 4 - yRIljART. nHIfMXHTI 1 ' ' Chicago, Vay ' 90. IT....1 ,S3'i Old Jnly, .4H New July .474 New Srpt..a 47t4 oidrier)i47'4, jt New lie,-. - .441, f.--tw4:iwiv-, 44tr,csd44l"'' '" II " T - ,. OA IS. - Mar..,.,,, .. .Via. .. .30 ao4 . -.3om July...- ,2IHt '.-.3ti4a-".lrh- ,a- -tPT,v.. .28 . - .28i - -; 1 MESS I'ORK. Msy.., . I2 4T-R ! July 12.68 12t 11.68 . 12.6T " i Beut...,e 12.P0 12 90 Tll.SS 12.8T -V" : ' I aun , , Mar. ... 7 9s. lulT 7 , TaT. iTWii T 3T A ' B.-P4..... 7.83 .1.63 ,j. 1.Kt " 7.88 A --r- Oct.,,.j. ;,;v. .... T.52 B - - -' - SHORT - RfBS.- - ' M ay... . . .. .- , , . , ,rr-. , ,-- T, 10 i . Jnly. . ... T 27 T.2T T 17 7 27 A J Sfpt,..:.. T MV i.vj w-T,a- 1 I AMUXLIAlAlfCrS. J -rrlmary reeelnta; '-" -rr. Today Year aga 1 bush. bush. Whet .-.,. 2K3.000 .-nrr;'i2,ooo" 14,'.ooo 3tKil0" Hhrnmenta . . Wheat ...............' Corn ( li)Brnoee: Wheat, bbla;i corn, 121,000 bu; 412000 884,000 443.0o 8, 6O0 bu: flour, T.700 oats. 1,000 bu. . IAJT FRAMCI8C0 OIAIH MARKET, Ba tt Francisco, Mar 20. Official cloae: WHEAT. Anen. High. lw. Close. J1.48V l,32t4 r.f8,A .ST! May ..$l.4' I1JN14 1 414 r.sui" l 4Si. Pembr-J.31i4 -ITK'f - BARLEY 1. May ..... December 1.1TB .87V - . .7i CHICAGO WHXAT. Cblrhgo. May 20, Cash wheat: ' Rid. No. 1 red 1.02 " j No. 8 red .ft. No. 2 hard .064 No. S hard .00 to. 1 northera ; 106 No. 1 northera 1.03 No. 3 spring 1.00 Ask. It 04 . - .07 'i .as l.ret I.0T log LIVERPOOL 0RAIV MARKET. , IJverpoot. May-SO. Ce Wheat Reptem. bejr.Wai Td. 4d down: July, 6s td. an- . changed: MajLJead;ia4doynJ l TorniHa), 4a 3dfi ',d dowa Jtily.d , CHICAO0 0XAIX. CAR LOT. Chicago, May '20 Oraln.- . ! . -I ; , , Cera. Grade, Rat. 104. Wheat f 4 ' t Perw . .T.'.v.'. .T.".1 Oata ' .K..1 BO IBS Mlnaeapolla, 2; 8:1 Do- Wheat, luta. V cara today: ;". evTTsve hat earlt. t" ; ' (Special Dlspstrb to Th Journst.) 1 Anplrgate.' O.l'May' 20. Haycnttlng Is en In- lhe - Rogue River snd Applegete River vel leys. This move Is somewhat- early -for tbls section of the state. Cool nights have retarded the crops nf the' Rogue River ' vsller, hot fsrmers slong the" Applegare atgte -that 'this rear'e yield of all rrepa -will be nr the record Waking sort. There was a -light frost here Friday, nipping the corn- and potatoes, but th" damage Is quits ' alight com paired with the canard.. , . , . i Monetary. Rate. New York.J May .-v-terl1tg market-flrml- Demand. 487.10: 00 daya. 4H.'.t4H,vl2Vil long Laden Wg.-487 H 41487.88: short franc,- Bid; short relcrnmsrk, Vol, plus 1-82. ,' " I0 ' IlTIaJlOB lAvsTT. (Special Dispatch to The' Journal.) ' Troutrlale. Or.. May 20, An offlelal of tliej Vnion Meat company hss Juat re nounced trtat hi company 1ia8 decided to enlarge the capacity of ita lctrlo light plant at thla plnca ant) extend ita wlrea to Include. tHe town.. IS KRIS BB1 sesi , ., 1. . . wilt kls. rlssss. Tsliees ether, merusa ntasM nwsjBtlluMasj sad IsjilSB- tUa. sy af yr IWIIUke seaa . suasa kr PeraleeSBes, TsMBeelJ r as aellss tW I sSlefc" 1. S E 'tMICMCaTRSI'SJ CNCIkiaM CAUIl ia urn, i 4id .m. s. 4 I wrw MslU I oT-l IsK. BBy sll PrsssU". t'hlebeetsel'hesslealCsw . r aasisesar. MedkMw ar r-MlLA, fAl . strwinvo, Koranrg t oo, ' - (Established ll. JWMMAT AB ITOOaC SIOXIU. -r ... Boom 4, gToaad riaoa. - 7. OSAiaaB 01 ooiiaamea. - oomasnox TjRisniR,; . t