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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
I. 1.-. . . ... "T 11' "1 - 7" -V THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL'. PORTL'AND. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 190J. "v- 1 " j 4. I . 9-, SOFT ANSWER TURNS AWAY Fair Corporation Send Oregon T that Has Been Dune Oince "Classes of People MATTER REFERREO-TO ATTORNEYSANpCOMMITTEE f Repry" Contains Opinio 7-r.Does Not JFufl Satisfy Commissioned Who Will Discuss ; It More Fully dnMpnday Evening. .." ...... Tvh Iccii and Clark, commission .met - j last'nlght at tlie Oregon building to re celve the answer of tha corporation to ' ita demands on the corporal ron- concern ing the mangrmtnrtnlHwpwvllonJlltlonBexpoBltlon at Portlund, the prln- the exposition. It received the reply, r"" and" discussed- It. and asked questions - about it, but' adJourneid-aXteiLBlaciug the . entire . matter In the handsofia 7," committee of six of Jta members.-. . 'JS' While the member of the commission !" ver not 'altogether satisfied with-- the 'reply of the corporation; it was evident 'that they rejoiced. In wbat.they aeemed to consider a confession of their rights, ST0Jerretar-"1teed -liad aent-to-tUaja Tmot only a 'statement"":" 10 a hut ha ' (been done by the corporation; but even - ' Jlt of the classes of people to whom - , ipasae. had been Issued. There wa a , strain of gentle satire In thla Hat. which -''waa- attpplemental - to the secretary i communication. It named amoiig-thu beneficiaries -of the oas system mem- 1)cnlpr the Oregon Stat commUaimil 'and their wives,'" -and continued with a general summary of governors of states. railroad officials, suprem court jua tlces, national boards, college ' presl dents, lnlted States senators, off iciala tof previous expositions, officers of the tmerlcan . societies or aria and sculp ture," archbishops "of the . Catholld , church,, bishopa of the Episcopal church, irabbls. members of congress, mayors of - 6a cities, presidents of New Tork banks, .': (members of tha American ""Newspaper ". Publishers' association, officers and or". respondents of the Associated Press, l ex-l'nited Btatee senators who wer In 'congress when the Lewis and Olark bill '. : waa passed; officers of the Q. A. H., . f officer 'of the American Historical -association, leadfng authors, president of rthe-Vtrlted-Btates, the cabinet and gov , ernment officials, foreign consuls, am fi bassartor and ministers, Canadian fcffl 'cera, admirals, off tolals of Mexico, army 'and navy officers. Cuban I government V' oKleera, presidents of the leadtng cham-- br-r tf commerce, governors and other TofficTal of participating atatea'offleera --f -,- -.?of the atate of Oregon, directors of the .iwa and Clark corporation, exhibitors, .concessionaires and employe. " As soon aa tha meeting of the com 1 .. mission waa called to order Secretary . i Utltner . read the- reply penned by Bee-, retary Reed. Attorney Minor, of Teal Minor. wa4a attendance and JlnUneO, . more attentively -to . the reading than Tny other inaTriir The )ni:-; Z7Z7. - Li Bepl7 f th Oonoratloa, 7 - .' In tha reply of the. corporation" refer . - J enoe waa - made to the, opinion o tha iL' "' ttprnejr general f Oregon of February i, ivu4. wnicn waa published last Sun Thla corporation certainly felt that opinion rendered by -yeur official ,j,,Jegal adviser and concurred in by tha ioara or review, named. Jn.thejct, ai correct Interpretation of the act and . , Should and would be so regarded by all . concerned. ' Since you have queationed ' the correctness of the attorney gen " ersj'g opinion and jhave' employed prl v - vste counsel who ihava given you1a different opinion, this corporation haa , been advised by Its general counsel on . the questions Involved. , They concur In : the opinion of tha attorney genjtral and say that as no act of thsteglslature . or attempted acoeptance thereof by any officers of a duly organised corporation .- of thla character could compel or re ; quire auch corporation to submit ita internal aflfalra to tha veto power of an outside agency, tha passage of the act . , in question did not require thla corpor- atlon to do tha thlnga enumerated In " aectien I thereof, and no board, or offl- 1 clal or committee of this corporation could, by word or deed, bind, thla cor poration to a compilneewlth the pro """ vision of " that aectlon. In .view of .. theae opinions of the attorney i general and Ha general counsel, this corporation rauat adhere Jo Jta formerjoslUoni to the strict legal construction and effect of the act In question, notwltn . ' standing the extensive opinion to the contrary of your counsel; Objects of the Zxposltlon. 3ulTasi(ie .Xrom the legal aueatlona Involved, this corporation has ever been L -' - ., . -J We are. Manufacturing icians- This -is an advantage wc en joy,' foi" every pair of plassesr rr receives -personal attention. -This is a purety for correct- ' and l accurate workf, so that -your sipht obtains the, j?reat-i ek3ejijitoLa .jK?xtKjiojw t - also - allays those pains about the eyes and gives positive comfort and rest W . the vision. 'Twill fully .'re pay you to Rive ma a call, for "you are sure of expert ser,-" ' "" .'" vice..". " ... . As&GFclderiheimcr Cor. Third and Washington Streets JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS . Oceultttt' Prescriptions Accurately FUUd - ! Ooti ITS WRATH Commission"; Statement of. All Its T onnatien ami List ol r- Who Got Passes mindful of the fart I that -the object of all tthe preparation whkch ha'a been making for four tyeara past has' been the holding of a national and tnterna- clpal purpoae"or-whlch;--as eet iorth In all our official statements, la to make known . the resources aoi capa bilities of western America, and to demo.nstrate the opportunity for Amer ican trade development 'In orjcntal countries. "Toward this "ljlghpurpoa It has expended Ot),UvO, and the stats of Oregon haa made .available for dis bursement under the . supervision " of yaurcommjMloii. in .carrying out tbo """"! p I if lii further sum ot $400,- U00v. Of this ainounT13o--ha4uijeejiJa(jxl,mn understand that an Additional 1100,900 has been apent for the purpose-of pro viding an daxjuate. exhibit of the re sources of the state of Oregon, includ ing t lie cost of the Oregon building. The bulldinga conatructed by your com mission "are otitBeHpUBltluu grounds to speak for themselves. u They are tine, nooie struciures, wormy or ine cause In which they ha-ve been erected, and lr must be a source 6f gratification to tha citizen 'of Oregon who ' looka -upon them that tha appropriation of the state" haa been so Judiciously apportioned and so economically expended.- - , f "Kor these buildings the corporation Saa, at a very considerable outlay of loney, furnished all plans and specifi cations, donated the services of ita di rector of architecture for the purpose of ) supervision, provided wiring for electric lighting, leveled the land allot ted to your commission, and haa other wise "expended money to perfect the allea occupied by sald-Julldliigs. In addition to the 60Cr,00 which It haa expended to date, the corporation, has pledged its-fajTh an credit to tha pay ment. In full, of the operating expenses of the exposition, estimated at 1350,000 to 1400,000,. from all liability for which your commJstonla gpeclflcailyr. lleved by law. -. . - - ".'. Assumsa Ail mesponalblUty. ' " -."In pursuance of plans wnich It has adopted, - the. corporation " haa - Invited participation by all the states of the American union, and the. principal for eign nationa; It haa assumed all.flnan- anmng.' exuiuituia. nnutliiit and rmr expoauion. yrior to the presentation to the legislative assembly vi urcjgn or ne dhi creating - your commission, the-corporatitm had begun an active canvass In all western states with a view to Interesting tliem-in- suDsianuai manner in the exposition, anKhad even sent gfteclal rnmmi,.fn, era repi taunting It to slatea eaat of the Mississippi river. ; " "it half kio rr7i laloner td Japan charged with tthe. duty and the governments of auch other ori ental, countries aa might desire to par ticipate In the Lewis and Clark exposi tion.. ' All atate, national and foreign participation In the exposition and all ex hlbita of whatsoever character that nave Deen obtained are the results ot the invitation and solicitations of7the corporation, in carrying on this work the corporation has used all agencies that haye been available for its use. - "The facta above Bet forth are recited to show, that the corporation' nas not only done alt necessary acta to demon strate that lt la the body directly re sponsible for the preparation, holding and management of the exposition, but that it lias been at all times ready and willing 'to furnish, free of charge, to any person desiring the same, any and all in formation respecting the various mat ters enumerated In iwctlon of the act Of January 10. 1901. indeed the efficient axploltation-of the exposition Itself de mands that the fullest publicity be given at all times to these several mat ters. Only by spreading said knowleria baa-It- been poss1bteto Intefest-exhlb; itors and tha public In the exposition. Tor Oood ot AIL T ... . -"In Its. relation to-your commission. the corporation haa been punned at all tiwtss r -enumerated " In" sertlon , because 'the el fare of the exposition hns suggested that all Concerned should be as -fully informed, aa . possible respecting the plans as decided Upon and the progress made toward - their development. Not only has "this Information been given to ymtr-rommtKttlori hi "a commission, but It "waa furnished to you after your ap pointment as commissioners and befor you were legally authorised to- prgiinlse as a commission, when you could only act as ImilYidualr. ."Tour letter of May 12. supplemented by, the representation of your commit tee of alx at the conference with our executive committee on the evening of the 17th Inst.',' 'requests the' submission to your 1 commission of the following: First, a "plan-of the allotment of space forexhlbitiirs Second, clssslflcatlon of exhibits; third, pilans and scopof the' exJUbJllon; fourth,, the appointment - of all Judgea and examinera; fifth,:' tha awarding of premiums; sixth, a' state ment of tha rules and regulations gov erning tha ratea for entrance and ad mission, fees, i,, ',. 1 . , ("To the foregoing several requests, this corporation makes answer and sum mite informatlqn aa follows; Information la Olven. ' - "First Allotment of spare for exhibi tors. Practically all Information on, thla subject waa supplied to you In the rules and, regulations furnished and submitted to you under da,te of September 17, IMS. and the official classification of exhibits forwarded to you under data of August It, 1904-' Furthermore, ytnrrTOmmlHsfbn has-formally and officially selected t,he space In each building which It requires for exhibit purposes and has ttrrned over the remaining space to the) corporation-.. In . the - conferences which - have taken place between .our director of ex hibits and your commission, or those representing It, 'you have had opportuh Ity, together with the Information thai h bwr-riirnlhed you Ih" tha classifi cation ofijnlbits and tha rules and reg utat(ontr. rff Ttelng-ully Informed re specting tha-alldlment of vpaca. Fur; tbermore, by the naming or the various lxhlblt buildings, tha allotment of apdee haa been otherwise designated. The al lotment of space In detail la now being mde by the exhibit division, and. If you aa desire, wa will be pleased to furnish you plan ahowlng aame when it l com pleted. , : "Second Classification of exhlhlta The official classification of exhibit . , - ' : " ' ' ', waa- submitted to , you f on August ' 1 1. 104.-' after, having been considered y Director of Exhibits Dosoh. and a com mlUe f youp commission. VVa here with hand-jroil , . printed copy of said I tlanalflffatlnn of ethUiltS "Third Plans, and acope of the e hibltlonJ All Information on thla point your rommiaalon haa had aa follow; J (at By th adoption, by a majorltyof yoWeomniIaslonere. ot tha alta of the expoaltlon at meeting between said commtsalonsra and our board of dlfec- prove I, by-a majority of your commls loners, of the construction department of the exposition, at a meeting between said commissioner" and "out board ef directors on March SO. 1903. (c) By tho apprwral, by- a - majority .of your, eom mlsslonere of the plan and scope of the exposition. -"with.-the -exeepUonrof the Memorial building, at a meeting between 'aald. commissioners and our board of crrectpfirdn-Arll "28.1S0S. AH of the above abts (a, b and" c) were dona by your ftimmlssloners prior to tha forjnnl organisation of your rommlsslonrrlth tha understanding tht aald acta would i, rtifii whp your commission should be legally orgaiiixed lay tsj the I acceptance., and distribution , by your commission of a folder on tha plan and soope of tha exposition, prepared by the exploitation division of th, exposition and furnished to you In quantity for distribution.- Herewith- we pend to- you in this connection, for your Information, a eopjr of the, plan' f t he-depart ment of construction which you approved 'Xfarch 30, 19t)J; plan and scope which yoir ap proved April 88, 190&; plan and acope folder issued by our exploitation divjalon and supplied to you. (e) In tha rules and regulations of the exposition which were transmitted to your cdtnmlaalon on September 17 1 30 J. : , Fourth Appointment ot all Judges Only one Judge or Juror Jiasffrbeea-juUected by the corporation. Thla one Is Profeasor-nrt E. Van Dtmin of "Washington, D. C. appointed aa p'omologlst on the jury of awards., Professor Van Ie man's ap pointment waa notified ' to you under date of April 2I.U06, : awa.frtliirftf rrtinlnnia. " - "Fifth The awarding or premiums. No premium have yet been awarded ami; none -can be untlt-after-ther-exposlH tloa la opened. "What haa been done by the corporation la aetforthon page S of , tha Classification" of Exhibits, which, as haa been heretofore stated herein, waa forwarded - by - your com mission on Auguat 16, 1904. " - "Sixth Rules and regulations gov erning the rates for entrance- and aJV mission Fee. Tha general action Of the corporation In regard to admissions Is set forth. lo the rules and regulations of the exposition, adopted by the board of directors September. 15, 108, and forwarded to your commission under date of . 6eptejnherl!r-4943 The cor poration waited a reasonable .AJme for advice concerning raid rules and regu lations; and not hearing from you pro ceeded,: early In 1904, to print tiiLdls. tribute same.? fllnce the action of Sep. tember IS. 19bj, - the corporation has Placed" on Sale and sold "season commu tation photographic tickets gfiod for 117 admissions for 120 and 60 coupon com. ImuUUon tickets for 1 12.80. Copies of the regulations regarding .the" Issuance of paasea are - herewith -forwarded to you. . ' , 'The following documents and records hTjrTelter are herewith - "Aliinninl)im tw siiiif wimwiimnw -rrrrz? laformatlow By Wholeaala. - "(aV-.Rulea and regulation of tha ex position, adopted by the corporation Sep tember lV1. Htfrrt you on Sep tember 17. W3. . r, :,r(b) Official classification of exhibits and rules of exhlblt department. ee agreed upon by the director of exhibits and a commltte representing your come mission. r : T -T "(c) Extract from the proceedings of pur ooard 01. directors of date March 12, 1903) ahowlng action of members of youf commission in reference to site of ex position. j 1 "(d)" Extract from the proceedings of our board of directors of date March SO. 1903, ahowlng action of members of your commission in rererence to construction plan. "e Extract from proceedings of our board ot director of data April 23, 1903, ahowlng action of your commissioners on plan and acope of the exposition. "(f) Flan and acope ot the expoaltlon, aa adopted by the . corporation April 28, 1903. See 'e' above fpr action of your commissioner thereon. - - : "(g) Rules,. regulations and conditions for Issuance of workmen's passes and badges by the Jwls and Clark centen nial exposition. , ... . i . "(h) General rules and regulations' gov erning the Issuance and use of passes at the wls and Clark centennial exposition.-- . . "(I) Folder with blrdseye view on plans and scope of . the Lewla and Clark CentennlaLExpoJiltlon and Oriental Fair to be -held at Portland, Oregon. -"(J) Blueprint showing plan of Lewis and Clark centennial exposition." -- After the-reading,-Commissioner Al bert, moved thst the legal part of the reply ba ffcferrxLtaiie j&ommlalou's attorneys and the remainder to "appro tJlate committees." This waa indef inite, and the member had a lengthy discuss Ion, w h Ich - ended -tn a call"-on Attorney Minor for,, pn . opinion. . He classed tha reply as an answer, hut at the same -"tlln"" "refusal "to answer. Said he: ' "If the Information you asked for Is furnished. It la up to' the commission to say whst shall be done In the matter; If It Is not furnished, you have a right to demand It. To get what you demand ia all you can do In a court of law It appear to me that Mr. -Reed has furnished the Information you requested. but under protest . I. will have, to ex amine the papera more carefully before I - cn-fully-determtn thla -point.""" Commissioner Albert IntSrposed that so far as tha opinion M the attorney-general was concerned, he" "W aware that" It waa procured by, members of the cor Doratlon In orden to secure assistance from tha jiatlonnl government, and h had joked with President Oood on that very subject. " "I do not want to yield our position." said Mr. Albert, "bu.Ul doJiat"to see any troubl-t 'thl time. ' Mr.' Ooode L- - , I i U an Indication that the stomach and other digestive organs are week, tired or debilitated. It censes no end of aches end pains and is , most common where people holt their meals end hurry end worry as they do in this country. ' HooSwtrsaparilIa cures dyspepsia it hes "a rnagjetouch' In this disease. .. For tMtimoniaU ot rMBorkakl curt lend tor Book on Dyspepsia, No. 3. r C. L Hoo4 Co, LowtiL MdU. PysidepsBfl Painty Floral -Odlofs-Cyl- jiiiinie- PeriFiiiimeiry ----- -J- 1 ' I I , in 1,. 1 1,1 ..!..-.-- 1 1 . "" 1 r rr . . 1. ,, ... - . l I t t r - 1 v.. - - .'.-.. . , . . -1 ... T . -HVe yyPerfume - , . V !. . . - -I. I -. -v. .,.., ....... 1. , j . . -wrv: ' '-1 - 'Wit.v;" - -"4.". ,',"" ; jrfTf '"- i- ". musi'iiii'm. : a W "uC Jt to'Tdend" th odor lnto- th h-4n"-eucn ti-.waX r. that -iyou get the actual odor aa li would emanate -from your - " handkerchlefr The old - way Of Jimelling the stopper .la. .very - -" deceiving, for. not one odor out of ten is the same when -wen : a when It dries in tha air. or, on your linen. : ; Th leading llpraOf Perfume carried In the- salons of Parla are to be - found In our assortment of Impdrted fragrance. Ther are Rodger tt Oallet . Pinaud s.. Iloublgant'B, lafcelle's, JUeGrand's, Violet's, Oucrlaln iaadPlvera' Perfumes. . : . , '- - , - V v Among lhe"nomestlc-4lne-wcarry. are Palmer'a. VaVlanfa, Alfred' , Wrlghi, Then. RIckBeckef. Adolph fiplehler Vnd X-unrtboTaa- " - " ; Kach of -the' line named above comprises from to ift. odors, there being ort our ahelve over J75 different perfumea of 1 Just the line men-; ", tloned abtjve. ;j t - r " " " with a .stock f this proportion dalntteet-whtmsl.s of fashlun's vntarlea. : 1;:. . : ,' " , nioxta feostT I one of -the "least consideration wlien, I L;!bt a Jaatlng reliable, odor Is ih - are 19 casting iini a nmmt,vinn .iiiru ..... '' ' will pasa throughtha laundry and atlll retain enough of,"the delightful f nig re nee- to - be delected e fter its retu rn. -t Ingredients which-admit of ". thla degree of excellence are costly, but we have found lths:t the f Iner - qualltlea ar preferredNby our fair patrons, aa' Indicated by the constantly ' Increasing demand Tor the better line of Perfumea. XXPOmTES rSatrtrsCKS sell at from 75 to $2.50 an ounce, - SOKXSTIO, from 501 o f l.OO an ounce.1 ' -- ; ' Here ara some prices of few foremost llnee: .' ; . , .y-,,:, A'allant's, any odor, glass stopper, 1-ounre.. .. .j.. .'....,.,,, .,j. '. .. .50. Valiant's, any odor; glass stopper. J-ounce 7. .00 Narcelle'a except violet), glass Ntopper, lH-ounce. Ui ...St.OO 'Marieelle'a (except violet), glass stnnper. S-ouncerr, $1.50 . 7 Marcell' Violet, glass stopper, t H-once ,." ; ; r.v. ..r... $1 .BO tarcello's Violet, glsMt-atopper.-a-ounc. . . . . -.v.,;;ivn7; -... , .2.7S H AR-DA, Oriental bououet, fancy boxglasa atopper,-lH-ouriCe..$1.00 Wild Flowers of Mount Olood, one of theweetest nd most : lasting odors, lH-ounca-. . . . ..'. T. .r.l.OO ' " ryTTld Flowers of Mount Hood ono. "' lasting odor, J-ounct.j..... v.. Bulk Perfumes nr siua -Violet Water, J-ounce, .25 Rose Water, i-.punce.... 25 Lavender' Water, !-ounce.. , , . .25 PerfmnedPapeterle& ......... Highland Linen, hand-made, per box. , . . Invitation Papeterles, per box....,.....; Chinese Sandalwood Papeterls, per box. JSMChetsPoivderrz " White Ros Sandalwood and all odora except following, per ounce... 35 Darl Ing-frf the Ooda a nd Wild Flowers. of Mount Hnod.-yei1 ouues. -5Q SPECIAL Chamois Bag, with view of Mount Hood, scented wJCTS 'WlWFlower of Mount Hood".,....'..,... . . ... . .'.7. . . . . . .25 WoollalrakBoW Importing Perfumers told me he would submit the program for the opening day aa soon It waa ready and.-on the whole, 1 believe they, reoog-4 nlse their position, and ar no more anxious for a dispute than we are," Mr. Minor added that he. saw no occa sion for any controversy." The" opinion of the attorney-general, hebelleved, was used aa a shield," rather than as a sword, and his judgment was that the rommlH- fslon slioulttsmrne-all the reports- strt mltted, and act quickly in approving or rejecting them. If the .corporation did not then signify It acquiescence, he thought the matter should- go to the board of arbitration. "Is a confession of your right, and au avoidance thereof. ' If they have no. compiled with your demands, then you can secure a writ of Tnatidamurthongh I doubt seriously If any judge in Oregon has the backbone to grant It. Not that I want to reflect On th court.; but the judgea, - you - know, are -elected ,byth people, and- , "It Is rar opinion" Mr. Minor had changed the ubject "that ' what the corporation hns acted on you cannot go back oiv. Your silence haa In a way waived your rights as to what hns been done, but you can -ctrt-some figarchr What Is to follow..? I ' There wa further discussion, -ending In the action' already stated the refcr- Penee of the matter to the committee of six. created by the original Lewis, end Clark act of the 102 legislature. ' The commiSBlon will meet 'ori Monday even ing at "7:S0' O'clock. t p. lj?r the report of thla committee. ' ' , , SENSATION LIKELY j ... a.y,TTirviyjs - KicS . TRIAL Widow Riggs Denies -Gun Used -Wa,Hrbut Others Tes- " . :' tify, to Contrary '- (Rpeelall.p.tes to Tb. Junrs.l ) . "Hood River, Or., Msy 20. Sensational development are- promised In tha trial of Krsnk 'Rles.i which) will, take place In Th circuit court, at The' Dalles next week."Rte -1 -charged rwtttr thg' "murder-of James Foss, bachelor and re cluse, found drad; In the smoldering ruins of his cabin. May 12. Mrs. Riggs, th widow over whom It la alleged there was an 'Intense Jealousy between, Fo and Rles.' asserts that the shells found at the eee-ne-flf the tragedy fit a rifle -owned by Perkins, who testi fied . before a coroner Jury that he reached the scene of the shooting Just a Rles came out of the house "with a gun on his arm and confessed to Per kins that he had killed Vrar Mrs. Rlgg denies that the gun JJlles used I hers, v . 'I ."..,'. "' According to the testimony of Per kins, he heard th ehot. while at home -with hi wife and a hired, man, and got Pembnsiratdr we ,are ln a position o satisfy tn pbJect.6onie ofpur da,lritlest perfumes ' of the sweetest and mot ; fi.50 iATirairT. 1 ..-''i Mount Hood Cologne', S-ounce, 25 -Florida Water, 1-ounca. ...... 25 No, 141 Cologne, i-ounqe. . . . . .25 '- v - ..,...,u...;......5o .40f .60. r aassssss. up ouf of bed to see what was the trouble. J. N. Knight alao testified that Ries called at his house a few hour before the tragedy and ther made threats to kill Foss.. - Therervrds Of the- reteprder's court show that 'in June, 104, W. It. Roden heiser swore out enmplalbt ' against Foss. charging lilm with threats agalnxt the life ot Frank Rles. - The case was hover prosecuted., Foss was examined as to hlnnlty. t " . '" ". ALCOHOL SHOULD BE", HANDLED AS .POISON Sir Frederick Treves Says That There's Notpne Redeeming 1 Feature" to its Use. ftvwrtftit,- ltri',Kt'SerTlFt7 "by ' Leased wire te Th. ' Joorn.1.) - ' Indon, May 20. Sir Frederick Trev, having -achieved - fame .'a- - wrttr. Is now seeking new laurels aa a public speaker and lenperanc advocate-.-- Iff a epeech Juat delivered he declared that alcohol waa a -distinct poison and- that the law should restrict It aala - closely a It doe other polaona.. Sir Frederick, even a a physician, could not find one word of Commenda tion, for the us of alcohol. It I an assiduous poison, he said, producing effect which aeemed to hsv only on. antidote alcohol "again. It la not an appetiser and even In small '.mount tt. binders dlgetlotl. It mortify. hi nourishment, of the body very much Indeed, with the result that drunkard become Ill-nourished. It was true, unfortunately, that aloo hot' had a stimulating effect, but it lasted onljr for a. moment and after It I had passed away, th capactty-for work fell' off enormously. It brought tip th I ' a f . . '' -- - m . a S Fashion, inclination and good taste all dictate that, sum-;; "" mer perfumes sharll be lightand delicate, Jn contrast with the "Tieayier Iragrance so seasonable in cooler weather. r :.Z : . Two new summer odors that bid fair to be favorites this -season are "Wild Flowers of Mount Hood" and "Marcclle's TOTet?1" T8 , f For JUNE; WEDDING the most suitable perfumes will . - be the ever-popular MyalleyLily' and -wU-ar-das Oriental . .Bouquet." v - ""v,-. "- . .. 32.50 a Cake Our imported lines of TTagrant -""our: Perfumes The frlc ranga from 2.t0 a elk.'. " We also earry all the - ; domeatlc llea, Not the following: L IIoublgnta Ideal, highly' perfumed, atl-wrapjUgawtJB:e. jell ntany aoxenapr . 1 a. . t At " . t cake every year to fastldlou Port' ----land bllca Ter.jrakc.. ;.... v.03.60 "tT-AR-DAS (Complexion Soap,". pureT neutral aoap-mosU delightful and beneficial'-. - Per. box , ,1. ..... . . mJJV-' ft' " 0 '--''-Par j cake . , 1 , . . . .' . , a , , , -15 Wood lark Msterated Tooth Bpap, is antiseptic, , . cleansing and daintily fragrant, whitens the teethe per cake., ........ 4 .... ...,.15) Lleblg's Sklncura Soap." the perfection of . all "' medicated kln soaps, per box, - ' ' . (three cakes) ............. ......... ,'.40 Bsjlr"Tar Snap.-redolent-!, tha fragrance of ) . the woods, -used-as ar ahampoo, eradicate dandruff and promote .the health of - - ; the scalp, rer cake. i ......... 15 Vallant'a Carbolated - Soap. - has- a eriintlnria nr other cutaneous : - Irregularities, .per cake..,. , tJL,,, . , j . U-ar-das: Bath of Benzoin Jtl tablet form, for the bath--th moat fragrant and delightfully atlmu - latlng onlc for the skin Impart an indescribably pleasing fragrance to the entire person-the akin retalna the odor for hours, and ' " L It velvety freshness Indefinitely," per' box....,.........,,..,.....50 . U-ardas Oriental Complexion FpetzE Grateful and aoothlng to sensitive complexion, -absorbs dust, grease - i and excestlv cutaneous accretion and leave akin fragrantbookSeVj Purodor Ctfecka perspiration beneatHth-nn- and impart' a most pleasant L- . 1... odor, per bottle. . . . .......yy. f,,y,4,Mwwi, i ,"..' SOl Fotrthe Myatlo Breath Corrector destroys liquor fume,.;........, .- Turkish Pon-Bon Caehoue a breath-ot flower per box.., - - Lavender Flowers Keep moth outjjer pound 501 Complexion Creams .-- -.. -"". - ; - -. or DzuaaTTruii L'-AR-BAS MILK - Or"- CCCUMBERS ".' cucumber, per .bottle..., , Sell' Theatrical Cold Cream, perfumed, mil Polish naTwwr.w wwmwmrwn asm Tnrran. Bell Liquid Preparation ;..:..,..,.,.,..;.. . . . ; . . . ... .... ." 25 x Fourth and v f ... j . We Will 1,000 Baaia Oarda..i..S3.ooap 1,000 Bavalope . Lpoo letterhead : ...S3.oap ' " Oct ' otur, prioeg "on Booklet, Pamphlets, rto. Work Oaaranteed. F. J, RYDER, Printer Seoond and Wash. Mala S53S. ;. Monday.: Best '. new steel; folding COUCHV BEDS $8.85 257 Chapman St Phone Nan 5007 resDlrattvs .r fore - of - th bod and threw , them' Into action which -hadJ nothing to 'fall back on, so that it dis persed bodily energy. Alcohol, he declared, la Inconsistent with fine work and Inconsistent with surgical work, or any other work which require quick, keen and alert Judg ment. ,. . ..... .'' X T ----- ' : e-fJIeMwe - jj 5 '-r mam Soap and JSC to Jeadlng ,! encased In soothing - , i t10L-i. - Breath; k...;.v;10 .........25 wrnc. :5 rmAOBAsTom. kxpressed from genulrta I. ;... . . ........... V,....5Q 1-pound Jar 60 Washington WONDERFUL i!MSGHINEINi PORTLAND TheOth VCen Floor Surfacing: -M the wonderful invention of' the present age. will be on exhibition at Merrill' Ball, icornrr Seventh and Oak trecta, until Tuesday night. May 21. ' 1 Th American Floor Surfacing Ma.. chin 1 deslgn"Ra"to nieet'-afty cohllh'" gency arising upon the surfacing, clean ing and- polishing of floors, new or old, hard or soft.' It does the work with mora despatch, with a baolut evenness, at a small fraction of th coat of hand., labor: Dance hall, skating rlnka, bowl Ing- alley, etc.. must be surfaced and polished to serve their purpose. . Th American Floor Surfaetng Machine doe . this work aa It haa never been don be fore, making an old floor good aa new by equalising the worn place and mak ing the whole level and even. All carpenters, builder and architects should, without fall., se. this nn-hln operate,- temonstratlon given- until I oeloeh.'for th benefit of those who work. C. M. Mrl,ern Hon. Mars... Oh'lc 4l Everett SU Thon Main fid. I HARJ jSOAPI j" :--.-:;,.;,.;,;.-V,. -4 -9 "! V - - - .' I ' ' .' . i,