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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY: MORNING. MAY 21. 1905 13 U4.I trsnspmstio jljroece (i Blu S"""" . uiaucr, . Pasta. a fur alnel. miImi rnf n 4 10 or 12 page paper, J ul; 1 U SO pages, S ; itt 7iitori.rHoomi .; BusUMM 01C. f oiua asyikisib., mttnaitttn. Vidians BangaaalB Specie! Advertlelng Ageocj, Mu iwu iiit, View XerbJ 'iilW" wllu ., If. UUU.aU. . , : UBSCBimOB BATES. Irm k7 Canles- "ThB.llajia j....-..-, i.k. m....h. .1 month lbs 111,, p oauvsrird.-tudJ, . Included . ' le ballr pn ,.., , atUfmd. - iWB4a ud .. '" The Da.".. Journ.l, wllb Sunday, 1 month. . Ike uui. Jaarcat,-t y.r. lb Sunday .Vurual, Bwntb.... ,.....' 'w ID. Jnupn. 1 aartMtB. ............ ..The Senf Weekly Jeuraal. ihe-Seatf-Weekly Jeornel, to I page - sack Imm 4 It.,.,.. ...1 ..11 aaarkrt re- port. 1 veair : ....$! KemlttaneM .hauls ho m.o'. "b drafts. BUBU1 tm.- norwa ordtn tod mU BmooDtB r wxexk xu iovim ux ii rouvo. toOBd i to-Bt-lfct lailowlns plars: BOISK, 1UAUO-H. .Ur Co.1 ' Intrr. W. B. Mo - CHICAGO Ntwi oompBBjr, ITS Dm oorn .trrat. . DENVER. tOT.O K.ndrlrk Book A BUtlanart rOBMMB. Bll BntMDth IITMti . BUKB. ttlitwrutb tnd CnrtU tnU. . Kansas itvv. k Kiunnuir . Ui.N'NKAPOLllt M. J. KtrsBBiub. 0 Bsatk Third .tMHil. - , NEW YOHK niTT llMiBt.M'a. tTnloa BquBrB. OMAHA MlUard UoUl Kiwi Maod; U.gwatk BiatkiBrr rompan, 130b 'arnuni tret. - ALT LAKE riTYKmitin Hotrl Nawa ftand . Barrow Broa.. 43 Writ Sarnod trt. aoBta. T. LOUt Pblllp Roadar. 1 Locuat Blraali T.. T. Jatt, fta 0It .lre4. AN rRAN?l80O W. ft. Ardln. Pa1aB tltt'l Nawa at.od, and lOOd M.rkat atraati Oold- amllb Broa., 230 Suttar atraat. and Balut " rraarla botal: raatvr Oraar. Tmf bulid- ; N. Wbaarlr. moraabla. Baw alaad. cua liar Marker and Kaaraav afraata. - -SEATTLE Ralnlrr Urand Krwa alaad; W. U - Mkank.. Hotel Haattla Nrwa al.ud. KPOKANE. WARH John W. nrabaa A Co. TACOMA. WASH CaatraLMA mma1 Hotl Taeom. S'awa ataniL . "VICTORIA. B. C Victoria Book A UtkHwrf rompan. - WEATHER REPORT. Dnrlnc tbn mmt 11 hoora ahnwera, arall JIht, bar fallen 111 II nortlona of the north 1'aelflc atatea, - Tit ' frw kcanttt'Blllir-wi 'biljrd 'wltb Ihr-raln And b trmirratur frit . Mriiiadlv' v,nr In- aoiitnpaatofn Idaho. At Hciiar Ibe'drou In temiWraturo apimmtrd fir 34 d(rau and at Hakar ( It it waa nearrea. Tba Indlratlona ara for ahowrra, followed hy alrarlnc and aarmer waaUwr In thla dlatrlct Hnhda. oiiaerratlnna to B p. n.t Maxtaram tern raeaj lirer reading at lta. m., T.d fet 1. rhaDtan Mil 24 Iwura. 0. Total prrrlpllallon a - . a M wi,'OJ In.-h' lal ipM.tnita tlon '-alar Keptemiirr ' I. Jl4. :tn:5r lurhea; i ilnMKnntitiiitier i . tfN4. ' 4.1.(i fachoa: -deHw, 43 -l.lia,-3-T.uJ aunahtn -May " 1 . poaalbla Biiiiablna Ma ' TO. 1 A :rT: Parr . Bi.,' 30. 1- . MAAAiAor. jjcekbeA-; frrA Krlaon. 112; Klla Arnleraim. ,V2. Arthur W. La warm and Katber Btochcr, WaddlnB Cards. O. Bailta ' Co.. Waaa- laftoa bldfM cor, ronrtk and w.ammloa .La. 1ITEK TIEW CIKXTERT Htnale frBa r.mll lota $75 ' to ljMal Tba-onl jcaaiater. In Portland m hick ortiana mnica for lota. For nernrtuall ntalntalna and rarrk J full Inlormallon anpl .Worctatrr, block, clt y to ' W. R. Varkenala, v M. Laiua, proaiarni. ruaihiliin am Orfcon' Clt ear Una. near Sellwood; tnodant. a-leotlflf, eompleta. XTbargaa Adulta, JOi rnunrao, a". ,iiwi a. wn. to p. bVT PortkBA Crrnatloa aaaocUtloa. lortlaod. orrgon, ea Maant RolnaB - HBdortaklBB roBjoanv. fnwiral director, and aaib.loiera. 220 third tract. PboM 607. . .IF. Vlnle A Vna., fnnrrat dtrartors aad amhalBtera, corner Third and Madlaon atraau. . Otflca Of OOBBl eoronar. voivpnoBo mm v. Bnaaral wraatha and rut flowara. a aplallf at. Row Clt Grronboaae. Twtat-aacoQd aad - Raat Morciaoa, opp. camaiary. " Oct oar tnornc ana abatrarta to real aatats rrota tba Tula Goaraataa A Trast oonj pan. Chambar of Commerra bolldlnf. PREPARE TO CLOSE Best Year in History of School in Way of At- tendance. REVIVAL MEETINGS NOW IN PROGRESS v. ' " ' ' ' ' Young People' Rally a Feature 'rfr &nd Men's Meeting . Announced " J'Pljrjouril, wltk Sunday. ,-',,I 5S J'"',1' ("""J- with guilav uUtoi. I3 Tba l.iir Journal, with Sunday, oiU-. J " 1h loll. J.. I a ..... , HHT . ten ky Mall. The Dally Joorn.l, with 8und.r. I year..,.7.oo The DbIIjf Journal, I rear. ......rrw ' J Th U.Ur Journal, ik SnntfaJ. awotbe. " be Ij.II Journal, Bwniha. . t. ... U The ll.ll. Journal, with Bund. l0 Tttdt nsllv 1 I . .....a. l.U -(Hprcjal IHapatck to Tba Journal. . Orrkharn. Qr'.;My JO. Tho Ore-ham public school practically oloBBd with tn Bxamlnationi of the last week -and the hlh Bchool will clone May it. Th arra( attondance thla year waa 175. Aut Of a total rrrrollmnlit of 2 DO, aad , taxed io lta utmost capacity the four room trhool. bulldlnit. an enlargement of which la already contemplated. The en rollment In tka hlith ichonl hai ljtwn about 60 and five pupil have completed ; . tha eleventh grade atudlaa, -Thia-4 the ' heat ahowln In the hltory of the arhool. The teachera arei profesaor A. 8. Herahnpr, prlnrlpal; Mlna Irene Smith, Mlaa 'Myrtle Cornett and Mlaa Ambe Dnnlela, the- laat named havltia; com ,"j pleted the year bearun by Mr. Clara An- deraon, now In the Couch school, Port " Und. Durln tbe year a gravity -Water yatem has been Installed and other 1m provementf made coatlnff I42S.- Union revival meeting are In proareaa her under the leadernhl of Kvangellat J. I.. McComb. A large rhorua choir leada the alnglna. A young people's .rally will be fTeature -of - tomorrow ;ilnht'a meeting,' and a men1 meeting in announced for Monday night. . '"' r During the lent week Charlaa Merrill, ' Br., and George Prenton returned to the . Copper Queen mine beer Welch' loxon- j tlnue tho tunneling to the leed.p'- A heavy front In place In thl locality Thuradar morning Tcft many early gar deng wilted and black. . CHURCH. SERVICES ,r- EFIRCOPALIAB. - Mr Btepbea'a Tblrteanth' and "Clay atreets; Ke. U. M. Maaieoy. prlrat In charge, Hoi communion. If J a. la.; tiunda acsoul, it;4ff a. m.i aerrloea at 11 a. m aud T:3i n. an Aaetnalun fbaupl I'm tlanit "Hal gllU r 'ITerTTr m. mum j, in inaigL. tiiiiiing . m.i HunUa ai-bool at p. is. - Church of Uur Harlonr Woodatock. Erening Jrarrr.aua aoriBou, . n:ow m. ; ju'l" J aciKMil, 90 B, -HU . ".Z'JZ Ml. Havld'aHol communion, a. Bi.; Hunt aaABSoir:aB a. m. BMtlna and aerawa, II a. m.; eMBMng, T:1W p. m. KreUerlrk W uooariiyi oaa arrange tba following proa-ram i uinaic: M.-nliig l-rellKle. "Meditation Mnlmant)-antbeni, -Bh?eaed ta (-uounod oTtiTior. - ine Anawer" twoi.tenholmcl: p iuuc, "airrg in t ii-BcbiBianni. Btcb Imc rrrlndi-. "Night Bong" (Loaacburnli aa them. "Jeaua llleea" (Sirrin-frr --1 offerror. "Karcarolle" IHoffnjana); poalludc, anarch from wipio - ttianaeij. t- - ood HWpberrt Helhwond BTreet'ind -Vaneno rer .renue. Albtna; Kc.'Jbn Dawaon, rector Huada acliool, 1(1 a. in.; niornlng praer and -wow,, a.-av.-r aiTvnitiB pr.or auu arrajou P- r- r- - - ' at. Andrew . Penln.iiln; Re. John l. waoa in cnarge. arrernom arrrrnn at I p. ai. Hr. John". Meniorlal Kellwoud; Kc. W Powell la charge. Mund. .ai boul, 11 a. aronlng acrvlco and rmoii 7 46. . i baitel of the Tr.naflauratbin Sink alneat nrar o.k; Ui. W. It. rwrll, chavlaui. Mot-flea awl aermon. II a. ai.i Hundar acnoul. I:45 a. m. Mt. M.tttiaw'a urnr Klrat - and ( aruthen airvata: Her. W. A. M. Breck in charga. avr l-e 'and aermon, 11 a. m.; 8uaUa acbool, B:4o a. m. . . V Ht. Mark's Corner Klnnteentk and' Qulmb atreotai lte, J JJ. u. Hlniuauu. rairtoik a. m.. holy coinmtiultm ; 41 o'clock, ujorulng praer and ntan; n o cluck, aaratng pray or; ju a. ni., bu- u.j acooui. ; BAPTIST, Tha White Temple (Vrnee Twelfth and. Ta r ntrtetei Hear t . t t b 1 tcauib llrongber. -I. V. paator. 10:30 a. m , aerruon by Kcr. II, Wr. Jonea 'on "llearea'a Hecrct Kerealed";. Bible school. 12:10 p. m., C: J. Mill., atieelntriident B.'TV.X.''aejiIceietrp-.-Brrsdaia, Mlaam Iala Voung aud Lola Ball; 7:;t p. Bi., Rcr, H.-. W. Jonea will preach on tba . theme. "A Uiinch of Key.." Mimical program; Morning VoiHwiarr. ' Alleeco, ' 4 Packer t ouartet. vpfalaa re" (Verdi): nantona aolo. " Mhln lug Light" "I Hneocar Ad.m.l. n. K. Martin C .llutlr. "Adglo" (Meegeri., E'anlng Volun rr. "Keat" Ita4iborn); chorua. "O il.,l aoma'Llaht" (MtilllTani. t'onaregatloaal aong aenloat will be wd ba lb - i.lory oaorua, Tem- Jle quartet Miss Ethel l.tlr, Mlaa Ktbel nhca, . W: BcK-her, H. R. Martin; MUa Uraca, Central Esaf Twentieth and Ea.t Anbeny atreeta; William M. -Kandall, minuter. 10:30 "The Incredible That Beouniea tba Ac tual": 12 Bi., Hlble achool: I p. nt , Chrlatlaa EndeaTor arrrlcai T:4n p. m.. "A loung Worn n'a (hit un. Profeaaor W P.. Wrrachkul, niiaicai a l rector: Mlaa Ktitn rnoaren. oraani.t Hethau Ncllwood. 12 an., preaching by Htr Jobs Hentalen: T .fn p. m.,' by Mr.. B. J. Adama; Hunda achool at 11 g. B. V. K L. at t:!to . m. Becond F.aat Herentb and Anken atreeta Iter. B. C. Ijiiih.iu. paator. - 10 JMI a. m.. "Tba (Ithor Bvats"; Bllilr acbool. 13 m. : Young 1'enpia a union, n 40 p. m.; erening aermon la tha second In the aertea on "Qtteatloua for Yuu; Is It roaslble to Obey til list a vmin.nil ntir-liiiv" mihus uuacr the airectloa of , METHODIST. Tartar-HIWei Be. rrancia Bnrgctte Short, pastoT. :0 a. ni.,rlaaaea; 101K) a. n.. "Tha Quality of Worablp"; 12:15 p. m.. Sunday achool: :W a. m.. fc,pworth eraatte; Trfw n .. Mr.. Li lian M. M. Hteyena. national W. c. T. V, nrcldenf. third and trrltig rroeta: llenry x. Atkinson, paator. Btiuo.y school. It) a. m.i 11 a. m.. J'A HMre Vlatoa of OodT Epwort h league. :4o p,': m.yr T:4ft p. m.r The voyage or ure."-- Central Rnaasll and Kerb atreeta: F. L. Toung. paator. Morning serrlea, 10:S0; ctcb- lug serTlce. T:4o; Kpwortb le.gue. :40 p. m. (Jr.ce t -orner TWalTth aud Taur .tract. meeting; lirtS -o. ui.. Hiinday scbod; 6:.iu tn in: jo a. m.. "iha Ini. I mort.lltr of the Houl.'X the fir.t of a aerlca or aermon. on "1W Tninga mat Are to Be." The nueetWm ttrawer will be eodtUiued -at tha evening aerrlre and folfamrd b a short arrmon. " Hunny.lde Eairt ' .Y.mbtll street, between ThlrL.Jlf th add : -Tnlrtl-lth streetiI. B. Ford, pastor ui wt a. m.. ' ncTei.tion a is.t ural NcccMllr iu in a si Ontcb.rT -'Cornw KaaT . Pin and Ninth atreeta: Win in H. Hcnpe. I. It., na.tor. innt aT-nt.TTha-Bfttrtroar llcfoM-TfAtif Llfe" Miwortb league anniversary at 7:4b n. m.. koertal program and; Sunday ' hool. 12:13 b. m. : Juniors, a n. m. latrae choru.. Epworth Church Corner Twanty-thlrd and Irvine atreeta, Hrv.- Henry T. Atkinson,, paw- tor. Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.i sermon by L. li'Comb. 11 s. m. ; Kpwortb lesgue. 8:40 p. a.; sermon b paator, 1:43 p. m. . PRISRTTERIAJf, Flrat gervlces at 10:80 a, m. and 1 :4ft a. m. fn the morning a member of Commander Eva Booth's atatf will apeak: in tb .renin the paator, iter. Etigar r. 11111, v. i . will .peak on "John Knot, the Maker of Scotland." It being the four buudrtdtu anniversary of tba reioruiar a pirio. t alvar (wtwr- Kleventb -and Clay atreeta; iter, v . b. ttiinerr. paator. io:ho a. m. "Reforma": T:4fi o. m.. "The 1'aa of Mean.. " Quartet under leadership of Alias LlMOaai H Piedmont Corner Cleveland avenue and Jar. rett atreeta; Hev. la Myron Rooarr. paator. Krv. J. B. Ihinnlng. Pb. P.. will nrearb at 1 a. m. and 7:4ft p. m.i Ha hhklh school. IV a. in., 1 n.rica voaper, auncrinienaent. . Arbor Inle Chapel Corner Bryant and Cur Tie arrears. annatn acnool at an. m aermon oy ncr. i,. myrnn nottser 11 a p. bi. inirn mii i-iaa ana inirteentn atreeta: Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, paator. Hervlcea at 10:1 a. m.. rvccotloa of new memher. antt commnnion; 1 : p. m -me Kunng p.lnn Mlsn.b Corner Th hlrteentb and Powell streets; Rev. Jerome K. McUlsde. psstor. 10 1 . Key. K. T. Allen will speak: g p. ra.. Rev. E. nnsrp wui spc. a. npecisi, .. C0MOREOATI0BAL First MsduioB and Psrk streets: Rev. C T. House, 1. II., pastor: 10 Ho a. m. snd T:X0 .llhlrrln "(isshmil galth It" snd "Wnma Mlgnlflceut Advice." Msle chorus tn tba even. Inm. ' r Highland Corner Preacott and Raat Slitb atreet, north; Rev. Aw M. Rockwnod, pastor, dtinds school. 10 a. m.t II a, m., "The Coursgs Thst Blses With Iisngrrj'; Junior Endesvor, I p. a ; evening service. I:0 p. aw aarason by the. paator, eubject, "The Hope of a Cleaa Becord." I'nlveralty Psrk temsle. Portsmnniht Rev. D. B. Or., ps.tor. Hund.y school. 10 m.; 11 a. m., "uuean catner a UDUortun tv and Onra." Mlaalsalppl Avenue Corner kl ssIssIddI sventis nd KrenHint street, 10 a. m.. Hunda acbool; 1 a. to. . DTvacninr: louna rentue a meet. Ing; T:4 p. in., preaching. I)r, II. W. Bcbwarts, fw 4 yr. a medical mla.lonary to Japsn, will preach . morning and evening. Mnnnralde-Corner of E..t T.vlne and P!aa Thirty-fourth atreeta; Rev. J. j. btanb, paator. 11 a. m.. "One Thing"; H p. n., "Tha bealga of the (hrl.ri.n Church": a brlsht anna aer. vice precede, the evening sermon: Hundsr school. ju s. m., e, i,-.- rier, supnrmtenflent; Junior i nristisn r.nnetvnr, a p. m. J Senior Chrtatlsa Endesvor. 0:45 d.' m.. Mlaa Orrtrud. Wllaon leader. ... CHRlSTIAXT. - 1 . ner.Aventle Corner Rodnev" avenne and Knott atreeta-Albyn E.ann. mlnuiter. II a. m.. 'Spiritual Klnahlp Mora Than Katural'.'r : 111 . HII UIII VHM I'M 'I. n. Endeavor; 7:4S p. m.; "Belief and Morsls." Cratrsl East Twentieth and Halmon- atreeta; Rev. J. F. 1 (Jhormlay. I. D., will apeak at 1 C ft a IM fa "Th- Pelaa. In til- I- r . at T:45 p. a)., "The Prince of Peace"i prelude to aermon: "Dodging tha Municipal I.aiie"; Pcl. I Mrs. MrPheraoa Uale. rkorlater: Mlaa Kva Ryan, organist. ricat corner park and Colombia itreets; T.. Murkier, mlulater. 10:30 a. m.. "Kh.tUa Water Chrlatlana"; TB p. m.. "Ideala Ixiat nd Regained": Bible acbmU 13 In n m Christian Kndeavur, S:4A p. m. - CMRisTiAir scmcf rir.t Brotti.h Kite CSthnlr.l- Morrlana mA Lownsdsle streets. Brrvlres 11 a. m. and I. m., "Ancient and Modern Neemmanry, or leauierlam and Hypnotism": Bunds v achool a. close ef morning service.. Heennd Anrtltorlnm building. Third, betareen Taylor and n.ltnoa atreeta. Hervlcea II a. n. nd,a p. is., snhlect. "Ancient and Xtnitcao Nacromancv. we. Meamerlsm. an4 Hrtmotl.m": Nniyl.ya. bool at 11 a. m. , Iu the rradlni I ' tUTRXXAV '.. ht. James' Rngtlab Corner Wear Park j Jefferson atreeta: si. A. Less, ps.tor. Mervlcea st II a. m. cnntVirted by tha pastor; Ilia. till, bert wHI alnc; Huntlay school. i sr mi: Uithof e.gtw devotion. I meeting, T p. m. - . ,nrwegiaB so worta rntirtecatb atreet; Rev M. Netrvlg. pastor. ' Hervlcea . at 11 a. and p. bi.; Hnnda school, 8 4ft h. 1b. Norwegian gnoo torner P.. at Tenth atnJ flr.nt airecu; 0. liagoea. paator. Hervlees si IL. s. m. antt I p. m,4 Sundsy srbool at :M UNITED1 KTABBZLICAL. Hrst --Ka.t Tenth and Hhcrm.n atreeta: Rev. A. A. Winter, paster. Iu a. m., Sunday ackool; MISS BOOTH'S LOVE -: FOR G R EAT: WEST jQ'RmJL9ttiritt4t- 1. Oo-ward, nw".A -rOB-wBitt rH-jf Oirtirt.TTTV. to Je. goa, Joy a. wait ua 1' P" fyj;w'' J- , JT-' - t I . - '-v..-..'. .-. 4 I.J . aS. -At. VX lKl X . -. aaa- I" : " r ... - .N. 4i 1. . x -i. II gUd.Iy lbl-lowtiili"Viv1-(-'s Hi.h 1- j ir rfsiFfe. Cawrrtgbt, fbs lglow A Mala Co. pro to 'ey fCPsN Commander Eva Booth otjthe Blad that ourtrafrrWTtifWt'ff thla morning,' for ..I, had the chance -to aea your wonderful' Columbia rlvee scenery whlch'I ahoulrl have) mtsaed had the train been on time,'1 aald Commander Era , Booth yesterday. "It In mag nificent." I am a great lover of naturi Tana 1 have hover seen anything ho grand a your naturei-Thhr-1 my .flrat vie It to the west, and I am delighted with It. Something within me haa-avl ways-cried out fof the-jnountatne, and V love yeura.'!. .: . w, . . Ig Booth waa goTull of llfft ana anlmaprijrid..Bpokeap thuUiEtlcftily would 'never have, guessed Uiat ahe had luet come out of a alck bed. r "Oh, ea," ahe aald, when asked about It,. 'X . waa. very 111, and I suffered In tense pain, but I am so much better. The abecesn In my mouth pained me ao Intenaely that I lay awake for nights In succession and screamed. I thought I could never keep my engagements In Kansas City, but It was- auch a large e and -the-prefHrratlons had been bo great that I could not disappdlhrihehv Bo I got up .to give them their speech, and I spoke for half an hour. I was so weak -1, thought several times I should have to give up, but I kept on. - 1 was the first woman who had ever spoken In the. Convention hall, which seats 15.000 people, snd there were about 17.000 people there that dRjrT-WB told. That waa one of the best moments, of my life. - The h1! w ar large and 1 ao weak that I thought t couldn't pos albly be heard, but when I sat down and asked Senator Warnerv- who presided, he said, 'I never knew such a silence, to prevail before. That Is proof" enough." Oh, .that was a glorious meeting and every one was so good-to me. They showered me with flowera and good wlahes.- The American public hss been very good to me and I wish I could ex press my Jtha nk s to the m 'J" " a to try and serve them well." Miss Booth is reeling Detter now than at any time since her severe III- trtwir TTie"cesgaflorrorrronc wnicn was necessary during her long trip across the continent was Junt what she needed, and she talked, a little as pos-4 Minn Booth is a slender, rather frail- looking woman, and brie wonders At her marvelotte vitality until she opens ner clear, determined brown eyes sna speaks. She has a very clear enuncia tion and speaks with a pretty accent, never hesitating over a word, and al ways knowing Juat what to Bay next 1 - m m.rl.i our Life"! T n. m.. R. I.. of C." E. meeting; p. a.. "Hln and Salvation." Good choir; an are welcome. t I'nlteil corner rargo ana aerny (Streets; .", J. Bowersos, psstor. Prrsrhlng at 11 a. m. sndaT:45 p. m ; Sunday acbool at 10 a. m.i Junior Endesvor, 2 p. -m.; K. l C- T p. m. U0H. PH. rhHatlan Catholic A no. tot If Chnrch la Eton. Rev. John Aleisnder IHiwle. first spostle. Hervlees held In hall, aecond floor. Third and Morrison streets.. . S p. ra .."'Jesns, the King of tbe Jews. Shan Ketnrn to ncia-u CiKin Ksrth": a- p. m.r "Seek Va Flrat tha Kingdom of tied.- Bev-Cbarlea A, Hoy,- eldw In t barge. -, . - . ETA1I0ELICAX ASgOCIATIOK. . First Herman Corner Tenth and Clay atreeta; Theodore Hohanbe, pastor, Hervlees held In basement of Calvary ITeehyterlan church, eor B.r Eleventh -and Clay .atreeta. Her toon aud worship. 10 4ft a. m. aiid.T:4n p. m, ; bund. cbool. .30 k.-in..; I. ri.,1 j; m. " TJNITARIAM. First Ysmhlir and Hcventh streets; Jr. O. C. Cresaey. . ps.tor. II a. m.. service with dbt- nwrne on - TU- sola -eowmsnon or a- w-oeiti .lib In Jeans Christ",-" Sunday s-hool at 12. at) . m. . 1 . '. . . . ' If. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. , Flrat 171i Second -street. Foresters' hsll. p. 11. Mowre. p.tor. I'resthlng. II a. m. and p. m.i Htinday achool, 10 a. nt.; t.pwurtB league, 7 P, m, . . - - . . UBlTtRSALIST. Clr.l F.aat Couch and Eighth slreeta: . V. Hmall. na.tor. 11 a. si . "A tirand Word snd a tirand Idea"; Sunday ar-fioor, 12:1A klSciLLABEOTJS. . - The g'hnrrb o.f od 4SO llawlhne avenue: 0. T. Meal, paator. .Monday acbuul. 1 p. m.; preaching. 21 and T:l p. m. '' The I'eonle'a I bristlaa I nton Free. rellalotM society, t'nlty hsll, 2.'I4(4 Morrison street, near second. II a. Ttt., addreas n r. K. coulter. Whst to- I)o With the Not Hua": 12:11 a. si.. artidv class In life problems; 1,4 p. nr. con cert hr I nln ercbcsirs; g:li p. 01., "ot Uod ut M.b." . ' ' -- Mlnlaiera'i and Medium.' irtulecllve Splrltnal 30 p. bj.. Mrs. Ladd Flnaicag gives business I , - ing an . to Je . goa, .Cast . ing quick ly ttoi J sns, Peig iBBtbrrwa. tH ySlt forgtrength and grace. Salvatjon Army in Americ. and when you attic her if he la ever ntrvbua-btfufav, har-4arge-auti nee -ahe laughs and anawerau -- ' . - t;--' "Always. . You see I" am all nerves, hut after talking. I get go Interested 1 forge t-'f ' 'l sen ho do my best here. This Is mv flrkt visit nere.Jtut 1 coma, in contact wuu the large' heartednesa of the west when I worked In Canada, ana i.'have such m. large ttrait mneir ifi.i, 1 icri Ft ton- shin. The west laalfafiKt always easier to work with .than Jhe east. Th east runt it la not loetujy 10 net a, looting there." She, spoke nt -length or her work, which IS her very soul. Now she is greatly Interested in a slum settlement about to be. establiMhed In New York. which she considers one of her largest enterprises. The building will be hugb; the hHem-Tit will " he rrenrrrnous laundry, where poor people may do their own waahlng or make their living by dolngjt iorothef i, "Xhose-poor people -are- not. fllthyb cause they want to be; they have no facilities for cleanliness," she said. There will be a meeting house on the next floor, with services and clean en tertainments always going on; a large sewing room pn the same principle as the laundry, a nursery for about 100 children, snd a cheap,, good restaurant a nominm sum .win un ennrgea xur these. Just to prevent the element of pauperism from stealing In. - At one meeting In Carneglo hall Miss Booth raised $10,000 for this building, "which show the confidence that has grown up 4 m our worn.- she added with A BtnltcT Miss Booth will adress two mass meet ings at the Marquanvat 3 and 8 o'clock p.- m., on the subjects "The Grand March Post and "Thou Remalnest. The two Portland Salvation Army corps gave receptions to Commander fc.v Booth last night and large audi- ences filled both the hall of No. 1 In the north end and of that of No. 2 on First street, near Washington. Miss Booth Wag-Tirt-Sf llfRt neither 0T-he reeep f tthns. her recent Illness making It Im perative for her to husband her strength 'for the services today. There were addresses by local and visiting officers of the army, selections by the corps bands and statements from Sal vationists as to local work; Officers were present from the Salem snd Pen dleton corps. Major" J. T. Fynn pre sided 'at the reception given by Corps No. 2, while Mrs. Fynn had charge; of the entertainment by Corps No. 1. tests. Mrs, Hbsver spiritual testa. Free sd miaMion. The Chrlatlaa and Missionary Alliance Sec end and Jefferaon atreeta; Iter. C. 11. Haw tclle. suiterlutendent. Prrsrhlng st 10:go a m Hunda acbool. 12:10 p., m.; avangellatlc ser vice. 7:.K p. m. Friend.' church. Htirmyalde Corner Thirty, fifth and Es.t Main streets;- Edwin 1, Smith, tisstor. Hutid.y school. 10 s. m.; prescblng 11 s. m. ; Christian Kndesvor. f p. m. ; preach ing. p. m. Revival aervlces la tent' st Nurtb Alblns, 3 snd. p. nt. Bible Splrlttisl Hoclet A. O, Iv. W. hsll in Belling lllrsih Iiirlltllng -corner of Wart lug Ion snd West I'srk street.. 11 s. in. snd 7:4.1 p. nj Hev K. K - Own - snd wife r evening subject. "The liirrcreoce Between Cbrlstlaulty and Splrlttiallam."' ... The First Spiritual Boelety Artlaana' hsll. Aldngton building. Third street, nesr Ws.hing ton street.,,. II a. m.. W. L. Foas on "Hplritu.U 1ra In the World of Science" 1 7:4n p. in.. Mrs. Florence K. While ef New York wlll speak.- New Thought Society flail Sun, thlrd'Tloor, All.kv bttlltllng. Morrison street. s pm.. Ir. T. W. Butler oa 'The Chemistry of Thontht." Millennial D.wn fl, g. R. ' hall., aortheast corner Hreniifl and Morrison streets. " S-fvicea at 2:90 p. m. EtlB Of SPOTTED TZTXm. (Soeclsl Dlspstch to Tbe Jotiro.l.) Ontario. Or., May 20. Harrison Mor-J ton died at the home of his brother. J. A. '"Morton,', three miles south of this rityr Wednesdar - erening of snot ted feverrged tb yearsr He recently csmTVeTlng TJitt?- aliove Lyle,- passed iirsa. roin intiinnn on .visit. 1 ne funeral -took place Friday afternoon from the M.. E.' chutch and was con ducted by Rev. Mr. Kendall. The body was Interred fn the Ontario cemetery. bbiovsz.t zirjtrmED. . ! (Special Irlapatrft t" Tha Iotirnl J : Pendleton, Or., May 20. Arthur Har- grsve was seriously Injured this' evening nesr a tunnel, east of Pendleton. ; lie was employed. by th Oregon Railroad1 Navigation roninanv removinsr' rn.-k -Ufroih the line, wiiei. the nvlt .... o.. injuring him -''Internally. lie - wai - i..ii .. 'brought her. FRATERNAL ORDERS HAVE AMALGAMATED Order of Lions and Order, of "7WashingtoriUnite Under- TatrcriraTtter AfMS AND PURPOSES T : WERE OF SAME CHARACTER P. A. McPherson Continues in Office.; at Two Hundred . "';r-C.. Dollars a .Month. : Consolidation has been ilexfded on by the men who control the Order of Lions, arw! the-Oriter of Washington,- ami -the two big fraternal insurance bodie were will hereafter, bo. known as tho order ut VS sehlngtori. 1 The general offices of the Order of Lions in the "-Chamber "of .Commerce building will be Ulscoiitltinetl. und all salaried supreme otficers of that orocr. excepting P. A. MacPhfrson. will rctjrt'. The business of -the order'.' will becrm d utted by the. present offlners' of tho Order of Washington. MT. MucPhersoti, wli organised the Order- of l.ionn irbont live years ago; anjd has been Us suprerau prealdant, .will hava- Iha oitlt. ut pan supreme president Jn the consolidated, order, and will be continued at his pres.' ent salary. tlf t-00 a month until Kup tnber 1, 1906.'-- It la said his services are desired for, that length of time to perfect the plan of amaTgainutmu; a plan differing from .other frateniiij. orders., and. ha, been - successful.- -Its membership Is about 3,600. It does business In the states of Oregon, Wash ingtun.iJUtilia- California, -and- - HrM4h-4 Columbia. It pays t'2,600 on a full policy., but pays . It in InHtallment rf 1 100 cash at death and 150 per month thereafter to the beneficiary, for a pe riod iff four years.- This plan, it is said, will be Incorporated In the Order of . Waa'liington, a an optional plan, without 'conflicting with 'existing, luwi or methods of that .organisation.. , . . A number .of well known Portland men and state officials were supreme officers In the Order of Lions. ..(Aover nor Chamberlain was supreme auditor, and State - Superintendent '-"ACkerman was supreme treasurer. . - Alex. Swex-k was supreme, secretary. ' - : . The Order of- Washington- ( a- Pitclfle lioi'tliwest tnatlliitliin unit nrn-tt Til guo. 1 ,lsed 22 years ago. It does bUHlneaa In a-states;all -west of the Mississippi river. -W. W. Terry Is' supreme presi dent and J. 1 j. Mitchell Is sunn rotary. Tfi15 organizations. Wiavlng slm-. liar -objerts and wolkltiK in itm sumo terrlloi y, were sllrai'trn to each. ythcic'TftfU'r ji. fiy jiuccessfuL term . under. tha by an afffnlty that led them about ihrva fnontha ago 4t- citchaaae -proiHieals f or a -consolidation The ttfflcv talked. the matter ovee;-and-11nal--sctton was taken by the directors of the bodies oh Thursday of this week. Under the ICQVislOUM "f tbo tnlnl .m.n.n.l .all present lodges of the Lions may be con- trrmttd sejiai atclyrTindr TUh oh the same plan fhey now have, under the name of !,, - aiih J,uiae. of . - .,--. 4 the same thwn. . A , Utter recelyedJiefcJJiypanleiJohuaUjrw .aitei; which., the hentale Insurance com ralss lonef bv the offlcei 1 ixf hnth ,,rHar "UUlOlU. HAS NINETY CENTS HE STARTED WITH Globetrotter From Coast of Maine-Passes-Vancouver-r for San Francisco. (Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) . Vancouver. Wash.. May 20. Afjter making the trip from the Atlantic ceast by foot, Charles T. Oilman, a, confirmed globetrotterrTassed through Vancouver Saturday. Oilman Is at present bound for the By City, where he wlU rest for a; few month before continuing his Journey. When he left the Atlantic coast Iu the state nf Malnn, lltltmin hfid Oa tianla I his pocket and this sum he still re tains. It hss tsken him nine months to get this far. Leaving a small town near Portland, Maine, Oilman made his way up Into Canada, paaaiog,, through Quebec. From that city he kept in Canadian territory until after Wlnnl- peg nao hern -psswerc t.nieritig the states northeast of Spokane, the globe trotter visited thst 'liy. From there he went to Walla Walla, coming to this Crty-a trrng-ttie-nort h benlc of ttl eTCoTQ rh" bla river. unman states tnat tnree times inning nia journey, ne was arrested as a bus plclous chsracter, twice by the Canadian officer and once by. a sheriff in north' eastern Washington. Oilman Is now on his way to- San Frsnciseo. lie Intends- going to As torla.and follow the coast as near as possible. v From the Hay City the globe trotter win shin on a steamer. for south ern China and will make his way from there by land to France, where his rela Uvea reside. - TA1TOOUTXB XtOCAlVa. ' (Special Dispatch to The journal.) . Vancouver, Wash., May' 20. Things have sgaln assumed a settled state at the Washington Oregon mill after ther trouble caused by a curly log. .This log-cost several ntindreu dollars before the repairs were completed. Xj- McQonan ape nt-hiaturday .fpre. noon injinis city on nis waytQlug home at Kulnma from Portland. Captain Packard's brick building -on lower Main street is completed and will be occupied this week. j The naming of the lettered streets west -on Main baa caused considerable confusion. Several rather laughable situations have glno arisen. A- J- Stalnaker of Orchards was In Vsncouver -on business Saturday. - , , The stste dental examination will open Monday at (he Columbia hotel. -There will-be !9 contestajsrr" ' neverai aaya ago ic wns stated that the Artisans of Riverside had raised 27rsvhlrh was to apply on :a niortaaan on their building. This IS Incorrect. The money will ibe used to Improve the lnsiue or ineir nan,. , , Three surveyors, bound for the stir- through Vancouver Saturday afternoon. Attorney Harrison Jl. Piatt of Port- and was here on legal business Hutiii- .ao azauiT-Piciairo. . .tSnekil trtapatch to ' Tba Journal.) ' Vancouver." Wash., Mil 20 -All Van couver Is going to Hood River to,. pick strawberries. Saturday ' morning more than JO persons left on the Hpeneer 'and Da) Irs City. Resides these several left overland In Wdgons. In. n,ie,cs en tire families have plw-Jted up bag gntl baggage and left for the strawberry fields, , 1 "..-'.. ..' - - r ' . . . . . CLARKE COUMY MAY HAVE A ROADHOUSE Portland Men Said to Be Seek- fng Suitable Location" - - Near Vancouver. - (Sli'CUI Illirjat. il Ii i hA J MIPHII I , Vancouver, Wash., May 20. There is a probability that Clarke county will soon "have tt'r.ohilhousu at iwhit h "aliy1! thing to quench the thirst may be, pur. chased. - While It. Js impossible to learn who js back of the project, it la well Ifn.ior., Hint r...-t. ,.r u.,..t 1 n men have bean after a suitable site for mi ll .11 institution. " About, three years ago a deal was. nearly. vIojmk! - for- the purchase of A truck of land on Salmon creek on which' it wu intended to- erect s modern roadhouse, . liut ttie- owner became-aware of -the purpuae furl. which the, laud was to be bought i&nl rtfuaed tojifll.. Hliictt thut-Ume-sevcl-til efforttr have becirniado by local . people t organize a country .club,, the chief, pui. pose or which wis In conilut-t -a riad- lOUBe.. .ir Built l Uo roadhouse wllfprnb. ably bo tocatd 4ii -the-vtdnlty of. Van-couvop- luko . on the Fruit, valley road. Several property-owners near theflake have been approached lately by- men who It Is thought ere- acting for the Portland promoters. - ' -, - - - v TO HOLD FOURTH OP , JULY. CELEBRATION VanCOUVer . C0rtimitteeS -Ap-4Mr. J9irite.OdakjnAtf for-Big -Time, (Special Plipates to Tb.J.eaTSg).f 7 - Vancouver, Wash, May 20.-Van-uver IS liHl'e the'' greatest " Fourth Of July Celebration In its history. So says the committee of nine appointed by tho mayor who will have charge of the arrangements to this end. A goodly number of cltliens attended the meet ing In Firemen's hall on. Friday even ing, st , which the ebov committee was selected. At Sitturday night's meeting of the committee sub-committees- were appointed to make arrangements for the different features of the celebration. Just'wlratrther program of the day will be hag not been, decided, but a definite decision, will ( bu reucbejj .early Jn next week. J SCHOOLS i)F-T0LED( COME TO A CLOSE gpeclaf Il.p. tel. ta The Journal. - oloOmWaaukeJiay iO.wrhe- ptrbttc schools at jtiilnr llace r-insil yesterday prliiipaJhi ,4f -Pwrfewsor w. K-Wwrtr )x,rrnmeTiccr6cnf exerelies' were -lield at the -ttnern- bouae 4iraf -, evrnlng-and very Interesting- program rendered. -, - Prayer -was- offered by RJev. Mr. Tlsdale - of 4jie- Methodist Kplscopa ilninh'Wnil tlw suluialmy HUMIPHW Wit delivered bv Lelund Cnttetmole. History ot the class was recited by Harold Betty and classprophecjrb)r ea,w..i.iegaiii.-.aa,iia HUTvrmA dtplomus were ' presented by (1. M, . UoMleaji puomtnciit, rnsTcrwnt of Toledo and nn old eic.teaeher.- - The house was crowd'd by an appreciative. ijudtence. mnriii iin n rsn . MAUI ii nLLU run j -t- . MURDER WITHOUT BAIL Il- ... . . . (Hiwclal Dlrpatcb1 te The Journal.) Pendleton. Or,, May 20.-The prelimi nary examination of drover Martin of Milton on a charge -of killing Frank i reston at r reewaier on Aiay is, waa held at 3:30 -o'clock this afternoon. Martlrr-wgg-neld for the June term of the circuit court, .without ball, charged with murder In-the first' degree. ""' The verdict of the coroner's Jury is to the effect that Preston died at :30 o clock on thp evening of May 18 at his residence In North Free water as the lea u It of a pistol shot wound close to the right nipple, fired by Grover Martin at 7:30 .o'clock on the evening of the same day near the horn of IX Clark; that Preston was th aggressor, but that the shooting was not eutliely in self- defense. Judge-Lowell of Pendleton represent ed the state, and Peterson ft Peterson are Martin s counsel. oneMainJ65$: THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS . -. i i Auction Sale Tuesday Next, 10 A. M. at 211 First St. Furniture, Carpets, Range, In perfect order, snd those beautiful malleable Ketal Reds, mahogany Office Jteak. antel Beds. Springs and wool, floss and hair Mattresses,, and all kinds of furniture, fine anil common The first Items to be sold will be a 3V4-IN. TIRK IIKAVY WAtldN, HKAVf SET rM-C-Bl.K HARNFPSrr I GOOD WORK Il.ORSR -PLOW. HARROW and SUP hi r.Ai-i'.n. riain at.. iw a. m. snarp at l l - r irss si-rww. . .... C. L. FORI). Auctioneer. Auction Sale Thursday Next, 1 0 A.M. , at 211 First St. Furiiltirre tif ll"Tcinds.' new. old "snd rrthei wise. We must eienn-rrtit rvue ware house an.a now tn vol K tn ANt'K. ..-. -V. 1. FORI, Auctioneer. Auction Sale r Friday Next, 2 P. M. at 211 First St. . - '" - -.-- i At this sale we will hnv Mr. Ashley's furniture for sale. I It is a nice lot ami Was well selected. 'There are also manv oilier small Items: triilf Thust be closed out. Kverydilng goes without reserve at fll Flrst-s4ii!et. , .- C. he VOnV. Auctioneer, t Card of Thankg to the rortland Aaotloa i siooms., Dear Sirs Please accetit Wf thanks for the efficient and biialneaalike man lier in which you conducted -the aavl last Weilni'Milliy a-4 Jny residence. Tout uuiy, t - j. n. BniiFrtr, , Mi Kgily tilreel. Auction ScIog c " . By J. T. WILSON. Auctlonctf . ; StotJrtUri&lMMdian ' or Sold. Telephone Main 1626, Monday, Tomorrow. at Sales Unm ISn TtSrkt Rtref. At --11 . " ; 10 A. MT On I llsl fin mis sslii in I.iis I'i'i'ii. A Bon's Kingsbury Piano, elegant wal nut, Sideboard, threeuak SU'-boards. ' CHli Painting and Pictures. - Mirrors. Chatrw,- Buffet. Flemish oak1 ttookcaso,-' Cup Katka and Clock Rraekets, lovely white enamel Iron Beds with), bras rslln. Hlxe Iron Ihds. jHprlngs and Floes Mattress. oaK ittuwra, cummouri, uot- -Hxltling, Mantel lie da. a It. Desk and Table, serving Tables, Chalif. Kockers, etc. Wheeler ami Wilson ', lug Machltie, Clilnwi;e, OlUBSwafV' . costly Lap Robe, sliver Fruit Haskei, Clocks. . etc. Kitchen Cabinets snd TrcutHtires, drop-leaf Table.- nearly new Qranitewam Linoleum. Ohio and. Roll- , ante rleelRanKe, Magee Retaurae : . . KANOK. K KFK1UK K A'i'OKS AM), urniiii. L'SKFCL.'uns. -r . , - :VDNESbAY!S SALE- JA-SLaWrcirri, 1Wft F''rsLStret. ' ;,'at 10 A. M. . ' .' . (in this date we sell, a varied assort- mertt of parlor, dlnlngroom. bedroom-, and .kitchen furnishings! Also fins Rrussels Carpets and Linoleum aud otlier -furnishings Of value. -.J-t.-. THURSDAY'S SALE On the Premises7453East Pine, . ; Corner Eighth', at 10 A. M. ."Laf"e "Dwelling of Elegant : 'Furniture. ' numH-has-lnstr-ucted u-to-U I out at public auction the entire furnish ings of Ahlaxummodluustume, rnmpru- Ing the parhir furnishings in part. Kit ga,ot lxlZ" lltofl-Kug-livrlch colorlngaV . solid brass lamp Stand- with onyx tov. -' large Parlu ljmp, large Morris Chair . In oak, with Turkish upholstery, costly' oak - Rocker in leathervupholstery. -k Table, raw silk Portieres, hand-pollsiieil flair ochers, - r Jice" Vtfrtatnr mhogatrTr'' Rook Cabinet.- li-vol, Him! ye loped la Rrlt snnica, Rulwer Lytton's works, com-: plete sets TIT MUHAey's. Harper's, Me. ',, j Oure'. Peterson's and Scrlbner's rnagn slnes, good as when purchased; -other ' books by best authors. The back psrlor furnishings comprise lovely Piano Pol ish Dresser and Commode. Iron Bed with brass-ton rail.' Springs, fine hair Mat tresses, Sxl2 Wilton Rug in rlrh folen , . .' Ings. pretty decairated Toilet Set. Lh-j . . Curtalna. The other bedrooms are fur nished with Carpets, fibre Mattings, 'en amel Iron Beds, elegant mahogany Red- -room Suite with pattern frame fresser. ' Onter Table to . match, two mahogany - R(K-kera In leather upholstery, hair Mat-. tresses, mahogany Dresser. Center Ta bles. Commodes, Toilet Sets; fine, bed- . . ,, ding! good as new.... Jrt.the dlplngrourh Von Will I ind large extension -Tahle In oak, wltn Chairs to match. The elegant- Binenoaru is very unique in design, Itav-- -Ing china closet attachment. French ' "" plate pattern Mirror (costing $75 In the. east). Other fine equipment are in - ' evidence through the house. In thej kitchen we will soli sti-lld Riit-k iteef"'"" Rang", as good as wtten oottjfVff, Kitchen? Treasure .witjj egtenston.JeuXCenturv 'L. Ret rigeratorT -eUv Wood- In basement nri twurnrry rerjnlslteir. -TfOte Intending Euro Imsers can reach sale bv Kasf Ali en y cars: ff -at-East KlgTlTH: two blocks south. i JRIDAY'S-SALE- Atz Saksroonrrl80 First Street, J- r at lO .AM, . O ROPERIES." SHOBS. Ft'HVISir IXO ilOXJIJijLETC- ahe prudent. ( o- nomtcul. saving purchaser will fin, 1 great inducements rop Investment at our Friday s sale. Th great amountIxif moTtpy-entlnTTheaiif bV-tho who have attended the sales warrants th shove statement.- Re one of . the erowtl next Frlrtay.and .secure the bargnint offered. In Shoes, -Canned and Bottle! floods. Groceries, Gents' Furnishings. Novelties, etc. - .- , . Note SEE WILSON, get price for your' goods when you sell." Resident sales, our specialty. Salesroom ISO First, corner Yamhill. Phone Main 1620. "... J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Auction Sales By GEO. BAKER & CO. On TUESDAY Net At Baker's Auction House Corner-of-Alder-and-Park- Davenports, Couches. Rockers, first class Dlnlngroom Furniture In Golden' Oak. ijwell front Folding Bed, Cabinet 8ewlng Machine,-good Brussels Car pets, Axmlnater Rugs. Iron Beds and tit -furnishings of 10 bedrooms. BTKKL ' ' RANGH , large- Refrigerator. Gus Range,'' etc, ' SaltatT ObadclToiT THURSDAV at 10 a. m. and . FRIDAY . at 2 p. m. -v .,.; A crowded . auction house full of. good Household Furniture, Stove and Carpets. t - . . GEO BAKER & CO., Auctioneer. ' C O EE WO , The dreat Chinese Doctor Is called great tie- (auk- hi wonderful ' cures are so well known throughout the United . slates. - snd because so msny people are thsnkfnl -to htm for saving their Uvea from , operations;. He treats any and 'all- dlaeaaea with powerful Chinas hart bs. roots, buds." barks and vrgetsble that are entirely un known to medical aclanc In this coun try, and throua-h the us ef these harm less remedies. This famous doctor hnow th Action of BVef 800 different remedl'g that he ha successfully used In different diseases. Ha guarantees to cure catarrh. asthma, lung trouble, rheumatism, ner. vousness, stomach, liver, siunay. re ntal trouble and 11 prlvat disease Hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. . . '.. -COsTBTJIiTATZOSr TMXM. . Patients nut lof " th- ttv " WrttAT ti " blank and circular. Inclose stamp. AJ.i dra --.- - - - . 1 . THE C. GEE W0 CHINESE - MEDICINE CO. : 151 Alder ktfeet; pjrtlsnd, Or. Bta'r. Wsv of lilU Alder street lead le of fice. Mentipa this P Pr. . . " JOURNAL WANT ADS - " BRING QUICK RESULT' ' ' - jw. , t a k A'