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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
' THE ; OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL".-PORTLAND,-SUNDA VI1 MORNING. MAY- - 21.' 1SC3 13 mSmu g aeflt hM been PHWy, PIPH in i IWI 1 1 .t'rk lias (Willi on might 'My ..that so ciety la now llvltiK W a larw M -lent )n'ne Tutur MPaugg"r ' T' the many wfialrs.7ireprtng. ' Mrs. 7--- tieorge Good's bridge "rnirty. Madam. vu Bolton tea, JJra. u. aninaiers ; - bridge party, a nd the Misses-Glle'a . afternoon- t rar the fierrdy-bafore . i( nf tmixiYtanr and were large. J n adnltk-n, -many,. eIuaUy'-,AuiauTe--aF Tali Inn wiHtttUrj nd mnrw Inform'- v yivpn ' The recepuuu .ax Ai.ra. k j sanlucl'a how Thuradar to me tty Federation of Women's clubs was well .attended hy fashion. Deflnttoplan : are belug made by society matron for the Summer which will this year mark '.'V' separate social season In town. -Every " one will have company,-and much eri--t.rtalnlng will be done for the viaitora "Tn a n i)y 1. 1 ii iii' hwiatf fiin to arrive. Mrs. " -ZT Frank V. J UujJITilil Ims hi lllvena mlfrtm to her old home. Mr. ' lmMoud Is at the head- of ,lh a de- , partmtht at .the exposition. . The rid ing etothuslasta are preparing for the ' June meet of the Hunt. club which takes place Jane 17. The golf tournament TS6f U thgqurfon'WP' will begin three diO's:1ler.iJind; continue intll June H. Invitations are coming out for he June weddings, and this, promises to be a. 1-'-- full month. Carda nave oren rtini 4 vHy twnepoplfuE the CaUlUrThompaow .iinttals, in Pendleton. The Daughters of the American Revolution are making elaborate plana for their activities at the fair. Besides their day which la to -l,e marked "Wtth.ITery-pretty, exercises, . and an elaborate reception In the even-"---, a luncheon, dinner, or -reception . V . in k - Bf or ' Mra. Fairbanks; not -V-"Vt-UBe .ahe ,1s the wife -efb vice- president, but. because sne ia in reeem-gonera t--oltha-.natloiuU Uaugh- i lors.- " , ": ' . ;., ' ' ' . EVENTS OF THE VVEEK. Tha Mir social convention of . the , City Federated Women'-clube- was.- a. most delignuui ' -the vice-president, Mrs. L. Samuel. 8t Eleventh treet, Thursday afternoon. iMany member of the various organise - , tlohl represented In - the federation -called and the reception wag a yery T,rAiiv one. The beautiful reception hall and peonies for decoration. In the din- Ing-room the flowers delicate ninlc and white tonea. Handaomely- gowned women lnllght gprlng color completed a pretty eotor scneme. - . The- board held a short business ses- 7lon preceding the reception hours, and regret was expressed that the absence of ihelr president, Mrs. Hoyt, Jn Arl Tgona, naa been prolonged by the.Hlhese of her daughter. She has sent the. ted? - eratlon a handsome gavel, which was presented yesterday. ' - r The Informal program numbera were . given by Mlsa Rose Eytlnge, whq read with her usuaL spirit - a scene from MacDetti'r"arid one fronTAsrou Like thuslastlcally received. as she gave Oley - B peaks' i?In Mayflme," - and Hawley a Were -I a. Blr." Fruit punch, was served In -the dining-room bJ- ome of the younger members. Mrs. oarauel re ceived the gueats and Mre.A, T. Webb, " who waa general chairman, assisted her. The parlor hostesses were Mrst 8. M. r Rlumauer. Mrs. P. J. Mann. Mrs, 'A. H. Wreyman. Mrs. M. Baruh, Mra. Qracs -Watt Ross. Mra. Millie Trumbull. Mrs. Robert Lutke,' Mrs. U H. Wells, Mrs. A- H. Wlllett, Mrs. Sarah Evans, Mr. J r. T.. West, Mrs. C 8. Chapman, Miss . Elisabeth K. Mathews. Miss C A. Rarnes, Miss Butler. Miss McKeown, iMlss-Monroe and "Miss Menssdorffer. -""""Matty of ihereeeption gowns were .. j very, elaborate. Mr. Samuel was V charmlngaa hostess In richly Jetted black lace over black silk. Mrs. Webb wss also in mac lace over wniie biik. Mrs. Blumauer wore a handaome blue and white foulard; Mrs, Breyman, old blue silk grendalne over champagne ullkr Mra. Ross, black silk net with 'blue ribbon Inlaid. Mrs. Evans, blsck silk with white lace finishings; : Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer waa charming' In a costume of golden brown silk with the same tones shading to cream In the flowers of her hat. ; A- beautiful afternoon reception was 7-given by Madame von Bolton and Miss - Nicholson Thursdsy-afternoon at -their . home, til Marshall street. The event wss one of the prettiest of the season, ' the pretty ' colors of tha decorations blending charmingly with the dainty light dresses of he vsrious assistants. -WBre beautiful sprtngwKwhtoh, 7 added to the elaborate color detail. In the, hall the musicians m ho plsyed beau tiful soft music throughout tha recep "; tion hours were hidden by a cunningly woven screen of white roses and del- rrlonte foliage. The reception room was exciulslte with dainty pink ' Bridesmaid ..irnge,--whlchjeeped out everywhere In " 'gTet Trof usjou, banking the fireplace, filling the windows and art ywlndows. - draping the. doors, and trailing from ' pretty vases. Here the two hostesses were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Solo- HMm-Hlrsch, Some 300 guests called. .The parjor hostesses who assisted in entertaining, wbre Mrs. diaries K. Curry, . V Mrs. George Russell, Mrs. Jones (Bos Inn), Mrs. F. A. Nltchey. Mrs. Joseph Hill, Mrs. Mark Olll, Mrs. Luders. Mrs. ,V,'j. II, .WalierMlse Oussle Marshall, ' M rs. Chapln 'and Mrs. Sargent. , Dell . (. rlo'usi Ices were. served on the veraoda VhHh wss prettily screened 'with scar 77 1rt bunting. Chinese thnteenumd. green . at sprays gave a prett jjrttsct Cosy cor- Zk ners and " rugs added comfort. Mrs.- Tstpley) Wni. lwls Russell, Mrs. H, sf, Stevens, Mra J. F. Rublnton and-Mrg. J-rarik Naa seryed the Ices. The dln- v ing room also wss In scarlet, with rsr- . nations snd lilies of the valley making n effective table piece. The handsome silver tana made a pretty picture con- treating with the Scarlet. Mrs. Henry 1 McCraken and' Mra William MscRae poured tea, and Mrs. Joseph N. Teal and - Mrs. A. i. Gleey the coffee. The young ; women assisting In serving were Miss Huth Mtistll, miss -uucy omanr-wiss Hasel Dolph, Miss Helen Eastham, Mlas 1 -Csmllle Doseh..Mlss Clementine Hlrach. . Miss Etta Honey-nan r and Mlae Kate W'oolsey. - , , - :y ' The-reception flven by the women of i-the Tuesdsy Afternoon club to their hwehands and a-f swfrlends -Juewday J evening was one of the mnit enjoyable events of the Mub yeer. The reception wss held -in the spacious parlors of the 4- hums of the president, Mrs. Warren S. White. Theooma were beautifully dec orated with passion flowers,, Jonqul.s and times. Mrs. A. A. Bailey, Mrs. A. J. . llle"sn4 Hrs.X.'TrrnyTgTis-rttedIfi lrerrtvlng. ..Mrs. White delivered an d- X lress cf welcome telling briefly of the-' year's work stid or. the eluDS glrns for . the futur; She was .responded to by - Miywla Hugh, who In en able address ' ' eulogised the women snd praised the rsnd work tfiey wer-ilM. Ptsne se ; lections wer rendered , by Mrs.-'Willism Marshall and vocal Ittlf were given by . MUs Ldna Protsmaa and K. KneuUoo, great, merriment. Mr. James Tlfft gave a reading from Kugene Field. The even- rag's amusement VMWa' WHfl'I game oT conundruma, many of. which were orlg lnaland unique. A vim f ii given to 5a'ch1"Qnswho guessed rorrcctlyjind a andaome bouquet was given to the one who. gueaaed tha largest number.- Mrs. O. P.. M. Jamison secured the bouquet. meliorate refreshments werg-irerycd7lllT" the handsomely decorated dining room. Mrs.-Hobeemmrth presided -at-t he-tahls and-, was assisted in- serving by "Mrc Warren White. Mrs. Merwln Pugh and Mra. U. M. OUnes. Mrs. Frank Miles preuWetl nrr the punch .bowL. The-elub picnic will be held Saturday, May ST. '" r- w w ' One of the moat elaborate card parties of the season wss that of Mrs. Ueorge Good Friday afternoon at .her home on Nineteenth and Kearney atreeta. The rooms were beautifully decorated with cut lUlWi'ia. nmiimn r put In fr and the afternoon waa a very pretty one, Miss Flanders won the first prise at bridge, an exquisite' Japanese basket of baby - roses -and -maidenhair fern.- The gueats eTe; . Mrs. C. F. Beene, Mrs. Arthur Mlnott. Mrs. H. D. Oreen, Mrs. W. 8. Lsdd. .Mrs. Henry E.. Jones. Mrs. i Wesley Ldd, Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, Mrs.-.WarreS). 8 Houghton, ..M1ss Mont gomery, Mrs. Henry Hewitt, Mrs. Alex snderMorrlson. Mrs. Roriert -Hewitt, MTsT-J.-Cr Alns worth, Mrs. Rodney Ollsan. Mrs. John Shepsrd, Miss Ollsan, Mrs. James Laldlaw. Mrs. 8. M. Mears, Mrs. Frank V. DuMond. Mrs. C. H. Iewl. Miss Lewis, Mra. C. 8. Jackson, Mrs. C. J. Bead, Mrs.- Beemhht). Mrs. Langfltt, Mrs.' R. Lee ..Barnes, Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. L. A. Lewis; Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mlsa Hoyt, Miss Bryan, Mlas BiDson, Mrs.-., u b. wooa, miss nanny Wood, Mret ttlchard. Nunn.Mlii Couch. Miss Wilson. Miss Clementine Wilson. Mission Destlnon.- Mrs. Ernest Tucker, Mrs.. Oeorge Whiteside, Mrs. Walter T. Burrell, Mra. Walter J.-Burns, Miss Burns, Mrs. John Eben Toung, Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Miss Flanders, Mlsa Louise Flanders, Mrs. - Thomaa Kerr, " Mra. Hannah Robertson. Mrs. C. - F. Adams, Miss Falling. trs. J. Frank Watson, Mrs. Zera- . Show, " Mrs. --'Stewart , B. Llnthlcum, Miss Myrick. Mrs.. N. R Ayer, Mrs. William Warrens and Mrs. Bramhall. Rev.and Mra. J. F. Ohormley of Cen trar Christian'-ehurch . enterlalnfitL.tho "ITTiufch members st their home last Tuesday evening, and pome 200 guests were in attendance: fThe r Jioms . was prettily decorated-wlth-rosea .ani.lyyi Miss. Bess la uhormley assisted -in - re ceiving. An informal program con. Hinted of the following numbers: Song, Miss Gladys Qrenler; piano and cornet duet. Mrs. Crawford and Mr. English; ytoliil. solo. Miss. Maud MoAlllster; pU sno duet. Miss 8ljtpson and llss Eva Ryan; pantomime. Mrs, Clark and Mlsj Flossie Woods. Late In .the evening the compsny fathomed the meaning of a large floral bell, which formed part of the decora tions. Miss Rose Par ion s and William Dietrieh entered wittf-Mls Tiesa' son as best man, and the wedding cere mony waa. performed before the sur prised guests. -The bride waa very pretty In a gown of white silk organdie and carried joshs. Her bridesmaid was also In white., and all the -details .of. a conventional wedding were carried out, Refreshments were served In the dining room afterward, and -Mr. and Mrs. t)iet rlch became the guests' of hrtnor. They will live in Houlton, near this city. " The young. -men's class of First Christian church . entertained delight fully Wednesday evening with ban quet In honor of the young women' of the - Sunday-school. There were o 1n attendance. ' The hosts attended to all their preparations unaided and It waa a matter of aoma surprise and much pleaaure that all the details were so well attended to. C. L. Burton- waa general chairman. The church parlor waa decorated with fern, Oregon grape snd white roses In abundance. A abort program waa given, consisting Of a xylo phone solo wrT. B. Frost; a reading In costume, "The Cowboy," by C. K. Nel son; a baritone solo, "The Friar and the King." by J. H. Johnson; a reading by Clarence Frost, "and a tenor aolo by J. Newton Smith. Games followed till -the banquet waa announced. Tha-table. placed In- the form of a horseshoe, -were laid. In the classrooms. Flowers were arranged In lavish boquets on the table and there were rose favors .for all. A very elaborate menu waa aerved. Rev. E. 8. Muckley acted la toaalmacter and mucft" merriment wis rauaed by tfte toasts responded to by M. B. Meacham on "Our Wlvea, Present snd to Be," and t K4)UrjlJUcA bands, Present and to Be." X full attendance of Binaries circle crowded the parlors at the home of Mrs. H. W. Stone, 1 la Eleventh street, on Thursday afternoon. News .concern ing the work of Sukhoda Banarjee and Hope school In Calcutta, India, was gratifying and encouraghlv to those who have stood by this hlghcaste Brah min woman In her efforts for the up lifting of her own countrywomen. Her rescue work haa been marveloua and la well vouched for by well-known cltixena of Calcutta. Mrs. Bsnarjee's slm Is to establish" a home and Industrial school on humanitarian lines for the hopeless and most needy, regsrdless of csste and previous condition. .Mrs. L. G. Baldwin, superintendent of the Travelers' Aid ss soctetton, spoke' of tbV need for pre. ventlve and helpful work during the fstr. Hr Illustrations were convincing aidyopwd-Fine-of dtrry-and obliga tion to the cause, so thst every one present . Joined not-only ths Banarjee' circle, hut became a member of the TTfoWafv-" Aid association plso. After a social time snd opportunity for gain- ins-star1a4 -information ns Mo the ob jects snd alms, the Bansrjee eircle'ad--Jourmd to meet with Mrs. L.' O. Baldwins-Monday JuneJJ 1 . ' . .. The Patton home tea was a very pretty affair this" mocth. held last Tues dsy. The rooms .were fairly amnthered with beautiful roses given by the Flower mission. Receiving the guests . were Mrs. Frederick A. Paly, Mrs. Theodore Nlrolal snd-Mrs,. John F. Losan.-Tea was poured In the dining room where Mrs.. Chsrles W. King and Mrs. A. H. Wlllett presided at pretty tea tables. I The program was aa follows: - e-' - r. T'The N1ghtlngale-Song". . ..Nevtn "Shall I Wed TheeT" ! Miss Sadie Knspp. 5The Mere h--f -Company A." "My Rival.!' t' ' Miss Ethel Jones. ' Little Boy Blue " "Spring Song. i Miss Beulah Cad well "Bendmeer's 8tresm" ........... .Oa tty onleSweetBessle'' ...Gilbert 1 Mre. J. F. Logan, "Mlsertfordla" . . . . . 7 .V. .Nevln Nocturne In' F Minor.'. ', ..Chopin Mra. r. C Roae. Recitations. . .. Miss Josephine Wstkln , WW- ' ' "' Mrs. Daniel . Rhlndler entertslned at bridge Wednesday afternoon In honor 'of her guest, Mrs. Hodgson of St. Tsui. Prltes were won by Mrs. R. Leg Barnes ' ' s NISI AVVA 0. tOKO. Miai and Mrs. Ernest Tucker., The gueats were Mrs. J. C. Alnsworth, Mra White- aide, Mra Robert Lewis. Mrs. Rslph Wilbur. Mfg. George Kusaxll, Mea.WalH tr v Mtntth, Mr. c i BedLMr i Lewis Russell, Mrs. Hannah Robertson, Mrs. William Warrens.-Mrs. R. Lea Barnes. Mrs. John. Eben Young. Mlas Montgomery. Miss Hoyt, Mrs. , Walter F, Burrell. Mrs. ,N. E. Ayer. Mrs. John A. Shepard, Mrs. Ernest Tucker, Mra Zera 8110 w, Mrs. J. Frank 'Watson, Mrs. Frank HartrMrsrW til tanr Alvord.-Mlaa Frances Warren, Mrs. Charles K. Curry, Mrs. Fred PsgeT..Mrs. George McBiide, Mre. Bykes and Mlas Elliott, On Wednesday afternoon. May 17, the Missionary union of .the Second. Baptist church aave -their -annual - birthday party at the home 6f. Mre. W. B. Hall. 75 - - East Twenty-eighth street north. Many -friends were present and were de lightfully entertained with vocal solos by Miss Knapp. Miss Breslln and Mlaa Chambers.--" Miss .Leaf gave an , enjoy tbl -reaaTng: Miss-Norfdrd av a short address on her .work among the Chinese of the city.- She had It of her pupils with her. four of whom were in native dress. The children sang, songs In Chinese and English. .After tha pro gram, dainty refreshments were served. Mra. Whltmer presided ever tne lame. assisted Mrs. U. K. Hall. ana Mrs. Kt1ppel.y r- ' e .,-' '. Dr.' and Mra. Edgar P. Hill gave a de lightful reception laat Monday, evening for t,rre rnembers Irecelred Into a... - iLla aaaia TK WAtfaeWM US) Sfl church thla aprlng. The rooms were beautiful with flowers. In the recep- tloir-robntrweilrfe7TeT)npp1eJrn--the sitting-room roses of various colors ana In the dining-room everything was pink. Tfie tables were surmounted with plnk- s haded -candelabra. Here Mrs. Ba muel Kerr.. Mra Henry Dixon. Mra E7 A. Allen and Mra. Fletcher Linn aerved lees, and Misses Mary and Cornelia Lamberson assisted them.' The various church officers, and their wives acted as plrlor hostesses for the evening, ur, and Mrs, Hill receiving at the door. the coxy flat of Mrs. Hiram Stipe was the scene of a merry gathering Wednesday .' evening. Whist , occupied the early part of the evening and after ward .dellrlmia , refreshments i were gerc-nbVrsTtf. Whitehead and Mrs.-Wllllam Goodman. Huge-'duatera of fragrant locust blos soms, combined with -roses, lant- cnarm lng color to the rooma Those who en loved Mrs. " Stipe's- hospitality 1 were Misses Craig, Powra, Btrauhal. Clark, Powell.' Stipe. Thomseir-and Chambreau. and Mesdames - Goodwin, : Whitehead Btrauhal, Dunn, McRae and Shorey. , ' w w The-Ban-rOreal .Endeavor society of the First Presbyterian church gave an other of lta pleasant , socials last Mon day evening at the church. The enter tainment took the form of a lower eoctal and about the church parlor were quantities of pink roses.r The cofer waa carried out In the refreshments served In the evening. - Msny of. the new mem bers attended, . .. - The Knights and Ladles. of Security, Eureka council, No, 104, gave the last of the series 'of. progressive - Whist parties Monday evening. It waa well attended-and a good time followed. The flrat woman'a grand prise foe-thefea-son was awarded to Mrs. C. Esser and the second to Mrs. L. D. Feeney. D. H. Yanhorn and. O.. Vpworth received the men's prises. I The-brldge-purty" given "y Hie Mlaaeand-LH;-F.dwsrds, Eleanor and Catherine tll last Satur day -at their home. 770 Flanders street, was a pretty affair, - There were nine tables and Mra. Walter F. Burrell and Mrs. Frederick- Hopkins secured the prises. Cut roses were used In decora tion. Rerreshmentawre served artng card-tables: , ' 1 MrL. Jt.-X.ewU . entertained the I Bridie club Monday afternoon andTneip" guests were: Mrs. Ernest Tucker, Mra Walter F. Burrell; Mlas Montgomery, Mlsa Hoyt, Mrs. Arthur Mlnott, Mrs. John Eben Young. Miss Von Destlnon, Miss Alice Von Destlnon, Mrs. John A. Shepsrd. Mrs. Warren 8. Houghton. Mra William Mulr. - - w -- - - Mrs. J. C. Alnswnrth gave a delight ful luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs. Weeks of Vsncouver. The decorations of cut flowers were exquisite. Besides the hostess and her honor guest there were present Mra. Robert l,ewls. Mrs. Norman Lang. Mrs; R. Lea Barnes. Mrs. John Shepard. Miss Maud Alnaworth and Miss Flanders. - W ' -i The Lectleonlane gave a i pleasant shirtwaist party last night at Lsrowe hall. The attendance wss good and the party , a pretty one. The patronesses were Mrs. J. R. Besn. Mrs! W. 8. Ward and Mrs. Av B. Cfosfman. The club consists - Vf Miss Hasel Bearr. - Miss Mslets Wsrd. Miss Lillian r Croasmin w - -Thf Bsnsrjee circle met Thursdsy if ternoon with1 Mrtr H.-Wr Btone-it 185 Eleventh street. Mrs. I,. -M. Baldwtn gave an -Interesting talk on theraers aid work. . ' - Mrs. W. - B. Ayer gave a pretty dint ner Frldajf evening to about lo bf her friends. The table was -decked with choice roaea and made a beautlfur pic ture. 1 . . rr-,,nrTTr. Mrs. Edward"Heath Brooke entertained a few friends Frldsy afternoon In honor of .Captain and Mrs. Cable-of Vancou ver, who have recently returned from the Philippines. , "7,- -.-:-" Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox gave an In formal" tea Monday" afternoon at her home on King street and Park, avenue. J ' WED WEDDINGS. A. pretty Veddlng waa that nf Miss Jennie Mclntyre to Frederick I. Cheal of Tacoma, Wednesday evening at St. David s church. Rev. O. B. van Waters wes assisted by the groom's father. Rev. Mr. Cheal of Tacoma, In pronouncing the ceremony. fMThe church waa deco rated almply with white roaea. Only relatives snd Immediate friends were present. The bride wss gowned In white, liberty silk and carried a shower - f aaa TixoiiriA o. xkwst- IsISg AJrHA T. of Bride roses; her veil wsaaeoured with rosebuds. Her- sister, Mrs.. IX . M. King of Tacoma, accompanied her aa mat ron-of honor, -ad was . gowned in I ja. ri gray crepe" de chlneanr carried plnsTFoaebTnTi HgRjjth Biadftirdand Miss Mary . Bell, friends M tm Drlde, dressed- In soft white frocks, and carry ing white carnations, acted ae ushers. Mr. , Nlckerson of .Tacoma was the groom's attendant.. The bride's father, Truman Mclntyre, gave the bride in marriage,'- and- Frederick -W. -Goodrich played the-wedding march. An lrtformal reception rwa given after the -ceremony at the-home of the bride's cousina Dr. and Mrs.. Van Waters. Pink and white roses were used lavishly about the re ception rooms In decoration. Dr. and Mra .Van - Waters (ecelved -with., the bride and groom. In the dining - room, where light refreshments were -served. Miss Chase and Miss Van Waters pre sided. Mr. and Mra Cheat left the same nfglu for British Columbia where they will spend their honeymoon; they will return to their home in Tacoma after about, three -wseka .. " -- . .... .. , The marriage of Miss Ross Brown and William Rueppell waa celebrated Tuea day evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Brown; -221 Eleventh street. Dr. F. Burgette Short of Taylor Street Methodist church per formed the ceremony. Only the Imme diate families of the bride and groom were present, but "a number of friends eallad Axirinm tha raeantion houra at tha the-Uymtn(i TheJcoams were extremely I . . .... . . . ' " 7 - . I pretty with white roses and delicate foliage. A bell of the roses swung "above ne"""Driaalparty7Bha-alme. ferns and 'woodland branches formed a pretty -background, Leo Shaprrerflayed the "Lohengrin" , bridal hymn. - The bride - was unattended and entered looking- very pretty In I own of white crepe de voile - and . carrylng-a- huge shower of Bride rose's. A dinner wss served In the dining room, where white and pink carnations- blended effectively on -the table and white bridal- veiling waa festooned from . the - chandelier. Covers were laid for 12. "In the even ing many guests, some ot whom were from out of town, called to offer con gratulations. Those from abroad who attended the ceremony were Mr., and Mrs. William Mclntyre of Raton, New Mexico:: -Mr.'" aha Mrg.'-Ttiieppell ass members of a number of social clubs, among them the Z. B. R. 8. Y" The event of the week in the. Cowlltx valley waa the wedding of Miss Lulu rearl, --the -youngest daughter -of Mr. and Mra. D. W. Bush, te' Charles Wil bur Stayton of Portland last Thursday evening. The new home, of Mr. ana Mrs. Bush had Us hous wsrmlnr y this first social event and artistic floral decorations, lent their charni. ,. Rev. . R, Livingston Wlfe performed, the cere mony before a large number of aa, sembled guests from Portland and neigh boring towna A wedding banquet Was served after the ceremony by tha bride's sister, Miss Hattte. assisted by Mra. H. Groves and Mlaa Slaughter of Port land. . - Mr. and Mrs. Stayton have gone on a short trip through Washington and they will be at home In Portland after June 1. on Fifth and Lincoln streets. Among those directly Interested In the ceremony were: Mr .and Mrs. C- P. Btayton, Mr, and Mrs. D; 8. Brown, Mr. and Mra D. W. Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cat ltn. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bush. Mr. and Mra. J. D. Bush, Miss Hattle Bush, Miss Nettle Moore, Henry Btayton, W. W 8tsy.on,-L-M. Hurlburt-JEdwards Mlsa Ivora V. Byare and W. F. Basey were married Wednesday evening with a quiet but very pretty ceremony at the home of the bride s mother.- Mrs. I. Byara. 435 East Burnside street. Rev. -a T MnnTnmrr raart lh-rTfmnnT. The rooms were pretty -with Oregon grspe and roses.. Miss Jennie Ray st- tended thebrid and In Bnney tti Enaegf oomr" Thg fcrlde-1 waa fteromtngtr gowned in pearl crepe de Chine over silk and carried Bride roses. Her brides msld wore champagne crepe de chine and carried Mareschal Nell roses. Only-a few Intimate friends were present be sides the relatives. A wedding supper was served before Mr. .and Mrs. Basey left for eastern Oregon to spend a short tape. After May 25 they will be at home at 4S5 Eaat Bumalde-street. -- A pretty home wedding took place at 715 Everett street last Thursday after noon at 4 o'clock, when Mlaa Clara H. Riddle and Charles W. Hunt were united In marrlsge by Dr.. Clarence True Wil son, pastor of Grace Methodist Epis copal church. Mr. end Mrs, Hunt started the same evening .for Baker. City, where they will reside. " t . .i r, , w " Lny Alnsworth Smith of this city and Miss Anna luck of Iowa were married Sunday evening, at l Twelfth street. Rev. William 8. Gilbert officiated:' Only immediate- friends were - present. Mr. and Mrs. Smith - wHl-restdy t-JSt- Twelfth street. j R-R-Nlcholson snd .MIss Ida M. Peters wars married Sunday afternoon at'the bride's home, 432 Burnside street. RetWilllanv llbert-oflclated7Mr. Snd Mra Nicholson wfll yye in Albany. IS i- MUSICAL NOTES. The queen's -birthday, - May- 24,-wlll be commemorated by an elaborate pro gram at the Armory, given by aoma of Portland's well known singers. Mrs. Walter Reed, Miss Kathleen Lawler, Dom'J. Zan, Miss Ethel Shea and Mrs. Susie Gsmbell-Whttehurst will give solos.-' A Joublg-imlxed "1usrtr,"J"rom- posed of .Miss Helen Brlghsm, Miss Lawler, Miss Shea, Mrs. Red. Leon Jones, I Dr. George - Alnslle, Gustsve Cramer and Dom J. Zan wilt -sing "The Maine iar f orever, " ana a isaies double quartet from - the Treble Clef club, composed of Miss Helen Lytic, Mlsa Brlghsm, - Mrs. Jordan . Putylne. Miss- lawler, Mrs. William, C. Holman, Mra. Ernsst Ildlaw, Miss Shea and Mrs. Reed. WJ11 sing The Land .0 the Leal.t' The accompanist of the evening will be Carl Denton, organist of Trinity church choir, , , -'"'.-. ----- TV .V..H. . k - Mi- .-L . I a ( iihi 117 vll'ri i, Kirrn ny ins chamlnade club Tuesday,, May 10, "for ths benefit f the Travelers'. Aid at so- 1TIW1T. miu kTmnx z. xoxo. elation,-is attracting much Interest It la to be. given at the White Temple Instead of at the fair grounds, ss was atJTlk plannedLThe Chamlnade club Is a -large ouorua xtt woman andes-the Many-of tjie-welt known lingers of ths city wilt. assist, wlth-the program and will help make this concert one of - the season's successes. Twilight Pictures," by Hyatt Brewer, and 'The Daughters of the. Sea." .by Cowan., are- beautiful cantatas entirely different In style and Juat long enough to make up an even Ing's program. Mra Rose. Bloch-Bauer. Mrs. . May Dearborn-Bchwab and Mrs. Walter Reed will be the soloists. The following program was given at the last meeting of the Tuesday Even, lng club at Mrs.. Walter Reed'e studio: ''Marchioness, Your Da nclngV.' .-. .Lematre Mlsa Lilly n Olendennlng. "O, That We Two Were Maying", .rkvlrt L. o. Lettor. "The Meesage" .. .... , vCaverly aiiss cstner ieonara. ."When that Rosea .Jiloom" , - Relehardt -Frank Wilder. "I Know a- Lovely Oarden". .D'Hardelot Mlaa Lilian Farrell. "Resignation" Roma J. 8. Werts, "Night and Dawn".. Metcalt .... Miss Nona Kearny, The Dying Rose". , Tunlson Miss Erma Wtgle. "A .Song of Love"....;. ...... ...Nevln : 7 Gustavo Cramer, k it -The Chautauqua musld at Gladstone park haa thla year been put Into ths hands of Frederick W. Ooodrlgh-. Jn- stead or the usual miscellaneous musical programs he will give two cantatas never heard before on the coast, "The May Queers and -"Hiawatha's-Wedding Feast" (Coleridge Tsylorl. Mrs.-Rose Bloch-Bauer will be olotsfTn-lhi-Tdifi mar. A third night will be given over to a miscellaneous concert, snd much of the best talent of this clty-wlll ap pear. --;"- - ' w -a- Mrs. Walter Reed's Tuesdsy After noon club , la - rehearsing Brahm's "Lullaby," " Denxa's "Funlcult-Funtcuta' and Beach's "One Bummer Day." 'The following solos were sung at the last meeting: 1 ' I m Wujtdal Mat'' (Schumann). Miss LUlyn Glen- denntngr-rA- Garden Bong" (Wllleby), Mlsa Alice JUaton; "A Red. Red Rose" (Hastings), Miss Mamie Mullan. . , '- : J Mill Edwlna Mastlck will be the solo ist on ladles' night , at the Multnomah club next Wednesday. Two of her songs will be -"When You Speak ter Me" and '-'l - Know a-Lovely Garden," both by D'Hardelot. Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bsuer will accompany her. Miss Edna Gates, who has been study Ingyoloe In New York about a year and a half, returned lsst Thursday. She Is a former pupil of Mrs. Wslter Reed and Is the daughter of Mrs. R.'Gites, it East Twenty-second street. Mra Walter Reed. Miss Kathleen Lawler, Dom 1- Zan and J.- W. Belcher have- been engaged for-a concert ,ln As-1 torla May Ethel 'Abrams, . the clever child so. prano. will be soloist at the People's Forum this evening. -' STRAY, BITS;. Tha If 01 Girl-1-a popular organise tlon among tho young people. Through out the year It haa given a number of delightful dancea, always. well attended and much enjoyed. The club conslata of Jour-glrlaMlsses-Anna jnl-Virglnla Newby and Misses Myrtle and Anna Long. These girls gave a very pleasant shirtwaist midsummer psrty last year. which-, wis -so auacssafiil Ihsl,- theli friends begged! them to form a perms nent organisation. .The last dance was given In April, though they may give another soon at - the -request of their friends. This summer they will give several outing parties, and will probably keep the organisation unbroloen Into next winter. . 7 -------- -.-7 WW' -Miss EmeltS" Frances- Bauer of New Tork and her slater. Miss Marlon Bauer, are expected to arrive ebout the aecond week In-June to spend the summer with their mother, Madame Julia H. Bauer, Of. US North Nineteenth street. They wilt visit New Orlesns before return ing and - will . come by way of Los Angelea - Both young, women have at tained enviable reputations In tha eaat. the elder one as a ttterarjr 'Wdmin and the younger as a musical compoeer.71 w The end-of-the-year festivities , held each -May oh the beautiful , Stanford campus -sre being -attended this yes r by great numbers of graduates Who are to meet the old friends and' revisit the scenes of student days. Mr. snd Mrs. Frank B. Riley .snd Chester Murphy, whw wereH-gradust8d JnlfOO, are the Portland alumni present ' ..'' 7Mrs7T8.-"M Blumner,--who-has been made president for the fourth time of the Portland Counpll f "Jewish Women, lias also been chosen to represent the council at- the triennial national conven tion in Chicago December. 1. Mra Blu-Iriauef-Wlll be One of the tW6 evening speakers at ths five days convention. '- ' t , Dr. Gustav Bsar returned early In ths week from Berlin and is now at Hotel Portland. He has 'been abroad for study, spending most of the winter In Vienna.... In the spring serious Illness Interfered with his work snd his friends ere-glad to see -thst he -la quite re covered. J'.il - - r t . 7 .-. - .-v. i Dr. f". Brirgette Short of Taylor Street M. E. church has gone to Clatakanle, where 'he gave an address last night at tha commencement exercises of the High school. I Dr. and Mrs. K A. i. Mackensle have returned from their honeymoon In Cali fornia and are-at horns' In their hand- For" ths latest In snlrtwalsts,' suits snd skirts, see the Spencer -cbmpanr, 121 Tenth street.) Main f. Paris and New Tork models to date, "r some residence on Twentieth and Hoyt atreeta Mrs. R.; Lea Barnes bag carda srge 1 rarspllnn , Tuesday in honor of Mra Mackensle. ; ' " .'. ' ' V. Wslter L. Whittlesey., ssslstant In structor of sociology and ;. economics at the. I'nlvenslty of Oregon, visited his motherrMrs. LT Ai 'Whittlesey,- at 77 North ruo street, late In the week. Mr Whittlesey haa Juat been appointed as sistant Instructor In the 'isms line at Cornell, . . r'T - - -Mre.-Fr a nk-DuMond -New-York-ae- rived last week with, her ilttla. child to spend the "summer, with her mother, Mrs. Henry E.- Jones, and her sister, Mrs.' 8. M. Meara. . She will be enter tained -extensively by her many friends here, . - Miss Mabel Fouch, who has ".been studying ehma painting tn New York the past year Is expectecr-iiomejim cago, who will -remain part ef the, sum merr - t Multnomah chapter. Daughters- of the American Revolution, Is planning to en tertain In hohor of Mra. Fairbanks, their ex-regent-general for the United. States, i" . . .;. . Mre-Warren-8-Houghton-will enUr- tain Monday, afternoon for- M'aa Sadie Bennett., of Tacpmo,,Who. Is the guest of Miss Whalley.- .. ... -.. ' " it " " Dr. "A. "A." Morrison of Trinity, church will, "-preach;, they- baeealaureete sermon before the.cnlversity, or Qregon-aun dsy, June . 11. - ': . t m COMING -EVENTS. The next meeting of the " Woman's club, on Frlday.-wilt be of unusual in teract. ;The program" will be tn charge of Mrs. Uarrle K. Shreve, chairman 1 of tha reciprocity bureau of the state tear eratlon, and each of the local cluba of the federation will be -represented by a paper from one of its members. The program will -open with a solo by Mra Susie Gsmbell-Whltehurst. who has re cently returned from etudy abroad.- The papers-will be read aa follows: -T-?- Mrs Whitmore-of the Foreetry elubi The Relation of Forestry to Stream Flow"s Mrs. -Warren 8. -White of the Tuesday Afternoon Club, The Origin of the English-Race": Mlsa C. A. Barnes of -the- Teacher' club, J'Otir-Club" i-Mra-Samuel Connell of the Home -Training association, .The Purpose of the Home Training Association"; Mrs, Edgar B. Piper of the New England Conservatory club, - "A - Musician's Complalnt"j Mra A. B. Manley of the John Ivey Water Color club. vWhat We Are Doing aa a Club and What the Club Is Doing for Va"; Mrs. 8. M. Blumauer of the Coun cil of Jewish Women, "Gathered by the Way." -'-'.... . w mJ .awil enter ment will be held at the White Temple Friday -evening- for: all the yMing peo ple of the church and their friends In the Sunday school halls by the fol lowing oung -people's organisations of the xrrarcrrr- Daughters of-the"emple. V. I. A., Martin sMen. the Alert Bible club and the Baptist - Young People's union.' DfrBFougher Tsexpected home frorn hlr eastern trip that night A good-pro graircgocmr a nd enlerlaln'm'en t, and - decorations will be made special f aatwree, . 1 All ' youiiei triple Interested In the White Temple are Invited, and It la expected there will be fully a thou sand in attendance. ' , ' ' The Hibernians are making prepara tions for their-annual river excursion June f. The destination will be Mar tin's bluff this year, and a good time le assured. ' The steamer Glenola and the barge KTtcRItatTisve been engaged. e. , - - The ladles' auxiliary of the Hibernians will give a card party and dance Fri day at their ball In the Allsky building. ' - "-"--. The Catholfo Women of St. Johns are to give an Ice cream social and dancing party at Cedar park Friday evening. Mrs: W. P. Olds wss the guest of her slater, Mrs. W.. L. Bradshsw, In The Dalles last'' week. Mrs. O. C. Blakeley of The Dalles Is in the city to spend a week with rela- tlvea. MUS-JTlura-Mason jeturnad to Albany Bunday after a brief visit at the home of Mr. and - Mrs." Roy E. Norton, 95 Flanders street . Miss Bessie Kelly of Oregon City at tended the Portland academy "prom" last Baturdsyr Mrs. E. M. Wlngate of The Dalles Is a Portland visitor this week. - . . Mrs., Frank Waters of Salem Is Jn ths city on a brief visit. ; Mr. snd Mrs. W.' A. Moores, promi nent people of Salem, were in the city t-irly In the week. Miss M. McKlnnon snd Miss Food sre at Sea aide. They spent a few dsys lsst week In Astoria. - Mrs, J. A. Morrison of Salem wss one of last -week's visitors here. .. Mra Nelson. Troyer returned Thursday from a visit with Mr. snd-'Mrs.- G. W. Lounsberry at -Astoria. ; - ". -7- Mra. Jerome R, Btelnbach Js visiting her sister,. Mrs. M. A. Herschman, at her; country home In Belvedere, California. " Mrs. Lydla Smith la the guest of 1905 Model. PERSONAL, - J n ? J. Mra MT 12 Butler at the Bterilnky pix" wmu ana l oucn streets. , . 1 -, Mrs, J. O. Juliiisuil.'hl'FTntTearghteT" Frances snd - her mother, Mra Nettle Anderson,, have- Juat returned from a' vlalt to Lyle, Washington. - - - V. W. Stevens, formerly of this city, Is now residing in Bpokane.- Miss Eleanor Haber of San Francisco a member of the Belasco Stock company, has arrived and Is making her borne with Mrs. J., Bloch. 'Mra Ruiur tnrf 111,.' I,., . i - .-- . n wc, v, . nivwr . 1 1 (I?7T)n ra f-rh e -pretty-su brrrtMr-of-t "M- cagovare the guests or Mrs. James Boper -of Rodney avanua They will remaln ln ruruina until iuiy.,. . . . ; Mlas Bessie Church and Miss Julia Coman are spending the week at"thu ' 17.., .1 1LfA..wA tJ . , . J - Dr. Byron E.' Miller.- who haa beeh In.'i- eania osrDara; t-anrornia, aa a dele gate to the" California Btate Medical so- . clety. will return Mondsy morning. ' " -MIsS 8adieBennetr"of Tacoma lsThe- guaat-of -Mtae Whatley. snd MPClVsh- tertalnlng, Is. being done for her. . -Mra Hodgson of Bt-Psul Is the guest of Mrs. Daniel 8hindler. . ' , 7 George Stelnman. of Bend, Oregon. Is the guest ot, Portland friends. -- Mr. anil MVa - Vn ron. t-l(.h.J " at Seaalde. -..... ' ,J, Mlaa Iji Velio of Oakland, California,'"" , . i.iiiB ananaa u roruina Mra. CharlAa MairtiM im ul.l, I. . parents. Mr, and Mrs. George B. Dorrls, at Eugene, ... ; .;. ; ,,. - . - I ENGAGEMENTS NTsrr Mra - - hm,(wii vi i wuuir- ton ,uaa -sent- out invitations for-theT1 marriage of her daughter, Mies Ida -Thompsorrro-Seth CaHIlt" of "this "city Wedneedsy evening, June ?, at the Church of the Redeemer. A number Of-Poj-tland friends will attend. - --. . .'. Mr., and Mrs. Hofner H. Hillock an nounce the engagement of their daugh- tor,, Florence, to-James Burton Welcn. The wedding will take place June t. if. . ( . fThe wedding of , Miss" 'Henrietta' Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H v Meyar,- to Albert L.-Coie of Londotu Oatarlo. will -take place next Wednes- ' General and Mra T. M. Anderson . have issued lnvlutlons for the mar- , riaae of Hial , ,,u.; . . , . Calnea-of the Philippine Islands.-- x-iry t Mrs. Lucius T. Terry snnounces. ths r. engagement -of .her daughter, Florence"" Ellxabethr to Wilfred F. Bolre. ' 7 : t TiiTiiro mirti ron OTmTaa. From the Chicago Tnoune." - Experiments will soon be begun with three makes of. steel rails In Order to tnA An wht.k 1 i 1 . ... ,,,., anawor tne purpose on the heavjeaxjrrades. and euevea, Man- warn rail will be tested, a careful watch being Kane nn ine wear nn a aiim.i, - 200 feet long at, the Horseshoe eurve-lrvl H.. A lla.h... Jl ., - . jiiuuumiui. . g op .some time past nickel steel rail has beerr trled at this-; point without, entire sat lafactton. aa It hmm Kmm ,,,,.4 t rwBTSVerlhereTa a crack, although the " I nt1M.A mmm, h . . . , , . , . -t . . flint WnehTlKa Xirat rnn,linm,nt w.. T unloaded, tha n1rlrl ei- f I finally tested have been found .to st'snd r w insn oiners, but fesr ot their bresklng prevents their-extenslva use on tig curves.-. ' , . "Ths Voet'a Trials. .. . ... From the Chicago Journal. - "Don't vnn mnmmt In,.. V. . w n k . - a aakad- th soulful ywmg thing. that are"- nviuivir .unutieraDier I ao, miss,," answered the old poet. "And sometimes, when I am dia-eina for a - rhyme that won't rnma - 1 -- thouahta thst iM',haniiii,t ,...-(.. abla" LtJiiniWashlngton Sts Presents notable assembly of "LADIES' GARMENTS -The materials are of surpassing texture, and the designs are ' of a character pledg ing to the wearer a treasured exclusive-, nesa. .7 . . " ':: i- - -5. The Shirtwaist of Pe r f c-c tlon Forsythc iWaist :V: 1-S p ri n g .190$ . Style L. -'r - . .-. .v- ... v- - Showh 4 O nly b y Rob i;ns6nv Company ; "7289 Wa8htngon S'treet j. Litt ?4 11 . ,4,i - i . ' -