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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
. " ? loos: - ,i.:.t'. ''' "'" INDUSTRIAL case in the Spanish courts, which has" been running alnce 1617. May Defeat J. D. " . .-. : ' '' "The oil produrera of Kansas believe ltficlE JUtUt Xo- n-orn--m arker To T"t lie ir f oif and adequate transportation "faoilt rU ' tie at fair, rate la near lug, an end and that tJ"y have won. JTht-"mhimt the it producing uiKtrirta la a fueling or confidence that within a short time all the oil Kansas can produce will find an outlet through channels not controlled i-,by th Standard and that in time leg i lslarlon " by congress will -protect the Ptoducere against tha tinfajrneaantib Georgia's Boer Cedony., -' . jfUi-. pod-ftty; Georgia, will probably (i aeix'ia ,ior tne . proposed Boor col lony. Commander J. fkJioahof ff he iwoer-wtr aggregation, returned from ! visit to llmt,Kunty. where he Inspected fa tract Of 10.000 acres, which", hit aald, l is admirably, adapted .to the Boers' pur pose. It belongs to D. W. Dodge of New (York, who, he says, will be willing to sell at. a. fair ' price, and ' In whatever .,alsed tracts may be desired. With a 'nucleus of several Boars connected with .ithe Boer war aggregation - from St I Louis, 'iCHmmander Boahoff ays J& -l icrniiiaent inai many immigrants would ;iwm jrom xne -iranavaat ivvomcn roiui tierxi. Germany. In aplte of. entailer- terrl tory.'.v employs a greater numb7f wreen-postarrcJerks than the tilted States, having no-'fewer than 241.000 Un the combined postal and telegraph ? jaervioa. in America there are only :J9.00 women thus employed and Oreat Britain finds a place for only 184,090 - iwomra'lj the post and telegraph of floes. ' In France there are 11,000 and In Austria J SS.OO0. - Russia, Japan and British India 'etch give work to some I0,000t but In ftha other', countries In" the ' postal tinlqp women are not largely employed. Tha Bridge at Midnight i Work fsbelngjjUghfiLjapidly on the t;-jiew' West; Boston bridge. This great -fabric' of "sjeet snd granite, replacing . ... th. AlA hrfn .4 . . I fellow's - midnight - soliloquy, hii. rer- ,Vumr. now than.. local interest. For one thing,. II is said to be the first attempt in this country to make a steel .trldgaJllstlnctlr- ornamental In- char- . Meter not so ornamental perhaps as the Alexandrine across the Seine, but at least e-racefuL 'Anglo-American Coal Fields. - For the aecond . time In two yenfs coal producers to. eater the British field. :4The syndicate thla tima dlffem ntntert-J : In personnel from that of the first . . endeavor. It. tVFrlcfc was the fiend of the prevlouLjyndlcateand-EdwarA-C. r :Berwlnd Is the. bead of the . present .,;rtnn. Associated with Mr. Berwind are fttirract -Rem-of-Philadelphia and. a few orrrv Bermlnd's asaoclatea connected with the 8tandard OU company, although -this is nota Standard OU affair.,. . ' rinlrrmnite Trust lit the busy tbwi of Mllford. Maaaa- ' fchusetts, has been formed the very .'latest merger, the pink granite trust., -whlchr-hnmedlatnyioolt "a foromoet ; place among tha granite concerns. tf ' th-ountry and outbid 'all competitors . Ion the, Icrgest contract ever made, -ta . ..-.-sjupply granite for the mT-v Pe"nney!vtila - ratlroad station tn New York City at a r!ce of 11.(00.000. . - ; i , l' Many Mouth Organs. Although the United States la by far i the largest purchaser of mouth org.ins, comparatively few are made in this T-ountry. ifoet of the mouth organs sold "Tere are of German make and are 1m- jmrted from the Black Forest.- where one factory alone turns out 6,000,000 harmonicas yearly ' through' Its IS j branches, , In which - 2,000 hands are rmployed. .Berlin's-Telephones. "1. r nnaacnere 0tx),cntAr'tf'rP'' Ber" which now numbers over RS.000 sppara tusea actually in uae, The telephone department divides the system1 of con- tiectlcns Into several jieetions.--No. "1 1 ;"Hone has 1J.63I subscribers. , while No. i4 comes In a good second with 12.- 'tsi. Speedy Turbine Steamer, j, The turbine eiteanritatp Onward, which 'lll be Idaoed on the rover-Calals 1 ser Mee in a few days, attained a mean i - t.-pecd of 51.64 knots during her offlclsl trip In the Firth of Clyde. This Is - he record fnr pnsnenger turbine steam ' :"lHlps. Another feature of the trial was the remarkable pe.d"'irr . 1SV4 - knots 2 rhlch was attained with turbines re--: S'ersed. ,' - e . .. '.. U JLl; - irz... tr-""$teamship Subsidies. --! During the last year the Canadian 1 tovernmnt has paid out In steamship rubsldies a little mora thart 1500,000." - , ' , Thean subsidies have - -been paid partly for mall purposes and partly, appar . rntly. to entHtllli commercial ennnec- . -lions., " mf'.' f 1 1 EDUCATIONAL' Cpod Husbands Wanted. "l ' Ionklng upoti marrlaae with a kindly , yet critical eye,. Jt Vnuhg women who attend the Cummork School-of Oratory of Clilcaj, an institution' affmaTctf'wlth 'tlie North western- university, 'have formed a "Society for the prevention rt lTnhsppy-Marriages." .It, I founded - on the hypothesis that ench ' rrtah and , womim'haa an affinity, jit is the pre- rogatlve of this new c(ul to look into the lovoaf fairs of one aoiothar and da. - clde by vote -if they apprVive or disap prove the approaching nuptials. If the vote is negative It becoihes the duty of -alii members' of the society to, tell, the ' uig woman thut she must . discard Iee sulW,vnf!t her slaleYa rn find her " affinity. " ' ;. ..- l..;---: ! Corsets Condemned. 1 ' , 1; ' ' ' The Roumanian department of eduea : lion- Is ettendtng lis field of warfare against the corset. , Some time ago it , e le reed that none might attend the imhllo schools who wore' corsets. As mijbv Uve beecc. expected, lucre were , i . , u .. .. -v . ' "- -rT - a ' i- ... . . J-- ' .'( - -v .: jv, . - - - -- - - 83g;- - -T-.-;- , - - -. c!r-- From the First Photograph loud protests, but the minister of edu cation stood f irm,, a nl. w 1 1 lithetala to Indorse his actlonhe caj;riod.-4la Ptnfc BdncStBrn Is compulsory, . and since none might attend the public ccnoois who wore corsets, it resulted In the' practical abandonment -of this artH cle of . dress among .the girls.. Careful watch was kept upon the young women. and as tha result of a table of statistics recently submitted It hds been declared that. Ihe standard of health smong the school girls has . been - very mafc riglly Improved..; J ; , ' , a , - ! 1 .Three.scholar8hJpsJhavabeen J an. nounced In connection with the ninety- third annual commencement Axere-lftesT of Princeton. Tbaeiegtcar seminary. The Hebrew scholarahlp, valued at $.4 B0. was awarded to Oswald T. Allis of Philadel phia: the 1600 Biblical theology . prise to Finley Q. Mackintosh, Sprlngvllle. Nova Scotia, and the Greek scholarship of 1600 to John Q. : Machen. Baltimore. All these students will go to Europe for special work. , No Oil on Seal- - An official seal which suggests oil in any manner, shape or form will not do for the Vnlverslty of Chicago.- Just what. Its founder, John I). Rockefeller, will thlflk of this ' Is not known, but theMldwajf school has decided that tha varsity seal must nSfbe- suggestive of Standard OIL : - - at---' Bad Eyesight of Children. , : ' Dr. John J. Cronln, chief of the divis ion of school ' inspectors of the- health department, announces after careful In vestigation that 8 1-3. per cent of' the school children of New York are suf fering from defective eyesight. RELIGIOUS. Prince tof Be Cardinal. Prince' Max of Saxony will have de servedly won the cardinal's hat that It Is said the pope Intends io confer on him, state his friends.- Coming down from f his lofty station he gallantly de. voted himself to a self-sacrificing career, setting a tood example to the princes of the day and example that one might hop weold-nofr bo- lost, on Jhem. Kven Iflhey .ol-d it hot from bravery it would be' a -worldly wise policy or them to show thnt they could fill a man's placnin the world's economy, liven 'In the most conservative countries of Kiiropn the day is auprnirning jam wncn tney, will have to r up tie their own living. Sabbath or Sunday? X. The Rev. Arthur Maxwell Smith, pastor 01 ma '-first fresnyterinn church st Pees'tur. Michigan, offers te wage ll.OOO with men of .the. Artvenyat church that Sunday is the Sabbath of the Bible. According to: the Rev. Mr. SiVilth's proposition the evidence Is to be weighed by a jcomuatcni xonKrcgaLlon jnade- up of all clasacs Ip any community, competent meaning neutraj. The morey s to be put up In eny'gonrt. baik and go(to charity. The Itev. Mr. mlth -says he Is con strained to speak because the Adventlsta assert that Sunday as -Sabbath Is a child of the Roman Catholic church and finds plHce-4a-eripture, . r - , ' -'. . .. ' $5,000 Rob for Pope. -; Wealthy Itsllans " of "New York" will show their esteem for the pope bv pre sentlng Mm with a robe that will cot I5.0HO. Thlf Splendid vestment is how being made In, a Barclay street shop. Charles ttaclgalupo, a rloh undertaker, has bocn delegated to lake the gift to Rome and present It to Plus X. Rids Water Wagon.'. Frederick A. Bailey of Johnston,. Rheda. Island, better known as "Bif Chang "Sai- Received in Portland of the: Fearful - HARMLESS TOY - CANNON FOR.FOURTltT Professor .. William ,Suddrd Franklinr- head of ' the depart' raent-of physics st Lehigh uni- verslty, has invented a harmless d toy cannon, designed to-take the . rtln r. n f thm HmuiIIv rmmHrnn if. A 1 fair filled with gunpowder and' which reaps a harvest of victims every Fourth of July.- . d By . applying . a -well 1 known' principle of, chemistry he has .Troduced"annon which" makes d a report but cannot , explode. " hurls a mlesUe whichran 16 no a harm and has a flash or fire which does not scorch tissue paper.' This explosion Is caused by an electric spark igniting a com bination of alr and gaa, some what on the principle of m gas engine. This discharges a cork no other missile will do and produces a flame of so low a temperature that it does not burn. ... , ' . 444444444e4444 ley. Is on the water wagon and doing all within his power to help others to mount.' His tavern and road house, a fbig bnlldtng.1 lias had fur years pron nently painted upon the sign "Big Chang Bailey's Place." The landlord standa six feet seven Inches, tips the beam at-MOpounde, and for years graveled with Hie ' Ttariium" Alf!Tey curcus as "Chang, the Original Chinese Giant,' After S3 years as soldier, sailor, clre freak and tavern keeper.. Chang baa been converted. " ---- - ; .' Young Girl Preacher. Jv Miss Myrtle B. Parke, who has been oil pit to the naatorate of tha Christian church at Ramsey, Illinois, Is already noted as an evangelist. She Is a student of Eureka college, where she fitted herself for ' th ministry. She formerly '. occu pied the pulpit- to which she has been called, but resigned. 4o enter college. Mt a Parke's home Is at Staunton, Illi nola. She Is II years of sge and Is thought by her Instructors and church associates to have before her a successful future. LEGAL AND CRIMINAL. Yate't Fatal Class. . "After Investlgatltig' the " wieath"of Arthur ItHserol. iho" wealthy young yaie senior. Coroner Mix said that be was satlvified that it was M- caae of suicide. "The position ;of the wound Jn the head," he sal'l,-"the appearance , of the skin Which the bullet and "powder struck, and the course : taken by the bullet in passing through the head and striking the wall alt indicate that the pistol was held up to the young man's right temple and the bullet fired, v We hav no facta at our disposal to warrant announcing a motive." ,Therc jjiava been nve aenms in ne ciasa. inrre 01 mem suicides. - A side 'from Haaerol. Robert J. Rich of Fort Dodge, Iowa, ended his life by (leaping rrom the top of ' West rock, nnd Bowman Ksher- nf Chicago snot himself In a New York hotel after he had been told that-ho was a con sumptive. . wJ : : fr-r: ." .- -' ' Much Courted Cow. ,rWe state supreme court of Colorado has affirmed' the doclslon of the - four lower cburts in the famous Stevens Smith cow case, which war begun II years ago and has cost 12,600 In st tornxys' fees and court costs. The value of the cow waa liO and she has beeni dead 13 years. Stevens placed the. cow In a pasture II years ago. . While -lie waa la California the owner nf the pas ture old it, : with his herd. Including Steven' cow, to R. M. Smith.. Whes fit evens returned he'demffnUed the row, offering to psjr for , her pasturage. Wreck at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Last Smith refused to give her up, and the Llung JobhI daht oeKn. Stevens Hy he will carrylhe case to, the federal au Oreme court If nOasthle. ' .-. " ' : Nineteen Family Suicides. David Briggs. a Brookilelds.ContwwU. cut. farmer, the nineteenth member pt his family, to kill himself, was recently fouiTrt drowned. He. threw 'hirnnelf Into a mill pond' on the outskirts of Bridge port. .The suicides In the family have followed at Intervals, of a few years for nearly .half a- century. Six-years -ago Andrew Brlgga, a rich farmer, weighted hlms'eir with a stone led to dog collar neck and walked Into a pond, iiis neighbors found a stick fastened at the edge of Jhe-pond point-) lng to tne place where the body la, Creeks Want Money . The attempt on the part of United States Indian, agents to force payment or the tribal tx levied by the Creek Indians several years ago has occa sioned great excitement In Indian Terri tory. The measure affects almost every white man engaged in business" In the Creek nation snd it is bitterly opposed from every quarter. Government of ficials have sent out notices threatening ti close every place of business where the tax is not paid before June. 14. Practically -none has paid It thus fsr and violence Is feared should its collec- tton te atTempteor- : : .. .... . 7 Saloon License $4,000. The council of Bradford. Illinois, has passed the strictest ' Iieeiiterirdtnarfcf in the state. For many' years Bradford has been a "no license": village. At the recent spring election a license mayor and four councllmen were elected. At a session . this - week an ordinance waa passed placing the saloon license at $4,000 and restricting the number of sa loons to one. Several applications for license were reeelved. but none was ac cepted by the council, the llcenae com mittee being Instructed to Investigate and grant the license to one man who would make the best promises in regard to obeying the law. - Sell Liquor to Minors. "The supreme court of Ohiolhas af firmed the judgment! of the circuit court In setting aside the conviction of John T. Norrls, a detective,, sentenced to the penitentiary for alleged blackmail of a saloonkeeper. The judgment waa re versed on the ground-that th indict ment did not .specifically ' charge that Norrls accused the saloonkeeper of eell- niefrnlly to a -minor, ana that lluuora might be sold to a minor legaMyr-for in stance upon the prescription of a physi cian. ' ' - . j i-iii- Married 1,000 Couplea." . Oeorge K. Iiw, the marrying squire of Brazil, Indiana, holds the record in Indiana for the, number of . marriage ceremonies performed by one , tnan within six years and three months. Dur ing , this period, he ; has united -4,000 couples. Law waa elected a Justice, for Brazil township In November, 198. and performed his first marriage ceremony January 21, 1S9H. - Ills one thousandth certmony was solemitlzed April 19, FOREIGN. Csar'a Daily Journal. A dally..newpaper'--for the exclusive Information ,of the emperor of Russia IN printed at the foreign office in St. Petersburg. Before the Japanes war this journal At limited- but high-clans circulation contained clippings - and translatlona - from sll the Kuropean papers and was printed upon fine psper from special type. All items which might- be supposed to be disquieting to the emperor ere eliminated bv tha edi tors, and 1h freshly printed sheet con tained newS designed to please , him. Since the outbreak of the war - the .Wednesday in Which 25 Persons Were 444444e444 4 d-4 - "- ' .-v . . ENGLISH TOWN IS - ,'.--- RAISING BABIES 4 IiuddTSfleld."- tlje -most 4 gresslve of Yorkshire manufac- 4l- turlng-towns.-1 going in fora 4 form of municipal, eriterprlae d d which : is certainly unique In Great Britain baby-raising. Thes d 4 mayor of Hiiddersfleld. Alderman 4 Benjamin Broadbent, started the 4 campaign against the hiMh rate d of infant mortality bjr offering -d 4 . a reward of 120 forevery j;hild-4 - born in his otatrJ.cll-.lhat-ur "vived 12 monllia. '.,- According to the scheme which has Just been sdopted a payment nts Is to be made to the blrjh of achlld to the medical officer ' within 41 hours of the 4 event. The medical officer will' send fo "the mother printed-"dr 4 rections as to the best method of raising uables. Feminine 4 health visitors specially . ap- pointed for the purpose will calld at each house imne'poorais- 4 trlcts where births are reported . and supplement the advice thus 4 given with prsctlcal instruction. They will make frequent calls to 4 see that the babies arq receiving 4 proper care. Pure milk will M 4 supplied by the municipality. emperor has insisted -4"ipon alsy being "suppTTedwllh' "unbTacked ' copies of cer tain Kngllwh paprsr- - : Na Hangings There, r - Death sentence's are never carried out In Belgium because King Leopold prom ised his mother as she was dying that Tie would never sign his name to a death warrant. Consequently, although his statute prescribes the extreme penalty, it Is only carried out constructively. The condemned person Is regsrded as dead In the eyes of the law. In place of his personal appearance on the scaffold, the executioner substitutes- a broad sheet besrlng his nsme and sentence, posts this where it may be read by the people, anif-so leaves It, while the criminal is put tn prison, to stay there-for the term of his life. Chance for Ugly Girls. . The sum of 12.600 a year Is distributed llachmaniv In Germany.- A Polish nobleman' l4t the money for this- pur pose.', and Ihe amount of the marriage, portion tbaiearh girl receives is regu lated by the measure nf good looks that she posses. A plain bride Is given $360, nnd the prettier a girl is the less she receives from this fund. ' Thedonor's aim was to equalise the chances of mar riage of thfl plain and the pretty, Servants Hava Good Thing.- - - At - the Austrian court articles are' never permitted to appear a , second llnte at the royal table, but become the perquisites ' of the servants; the ' Un corked bottles of . probably the choicest of wines go to one. the Joints to another, the liquors left-hrtho glass to another, and so on, a sale of the dainties being held .in the lower regions of the pa lacs every morning.. At the. Spanish court,-! until, quite recenuy, a similar custom prevailed. T' . . " r- - v 1 Cody va. Cossacks. - - Colonel Cody Is having trouble with his Cossacks, 14 of .whom demsnrted a raise In salary this' week, considering the extra expense of living In Paris. Meet ing a refusal, they struck Snd left the show., The colonel promptly instituted a lawsuit, asking' 1100 damages from each. . lie also boxged the court te de cide at once, owing-4a. th urgency of Killed aad 150 Injured. the. case, as he Cossacks hare no fixed abode or property and are likeiy-to- escape fioiu -France. Schiller a Frenchman.! Apropos of the Schiller centenaryvjt now transpires that the great German poet war a French cltixen. In 1! the republic conferred "cltlsehshlp on aTT men Who had distinguished themselves 4n the cause of freedom. The list in cludes Washington, Franklin and Hamil ton.,. Schlller'a name appears in the list as -"ailleer," ' as th scribe who took Jtdown. hot kiiQwihg whohe :waa, spelled it'phOnetlcally. r - , " - . '- Kaiser's Tall Moor. . . 1 Emperor William ssw " a ' very tall fMoor - wlltle gf hore at-Tsngterrtalked to him and arranged that .the man Shotrf join his majesty's compsny of tsll men of -the First Gusrd regiment. The Moor has now been assigned to carry the regimental standard. lie stands exactly S feet 10 7-10 Inches high and otherwise Is of large proportions. . " '7 ;.:; . Absinthe Is Barred. , .: -The Belgian government has become so alarmed at the Increase of crime and insanity due to the use of poisonous alcoholic drinks by the lower classes that the chamber has voted a law for- rblddlng the Importation-Into Belgium and tha sale . of or manufacture of abetntheTTTha most, deadly of intoxi cants. .... , " ' . The prevalence of the bald head among London -men has' at last - received the attention not only of the hairdreaaer, but of h medical men.-and It has been ascertained that the fact bf continually wearing a hat with no proper ventila tion la responsible for the shining bald pate so common among the aterner sex. New South American Road. ' - 'The Buenos Ayrea' Central railway will expnd 118,000.000 for the comple tion of worka already authorised, in cluding the extension of the compsny 's docks at Bahta Blanca, the purchase of additional rolling stock, extensions of the lines and branches. V..-i, Autos May Kill Dogs. " : A bad time la coming for dogs along French country roads, Paris law courta having - Just -decided .that if an auto mobile runs over a dug the owner has' no claim for compensation, as he must not allow his dog to. run loose. If he does so he commits an .Imprudent act, of which he must support all- conse quences.' '.-, - Crinoline Not "If ' o The fashionable dressmakers of Lon don who have houses in Paris have de rided there l no indication of a re vival of the preaentven, though In Paris some dubiousness Is expressed about the future.- - . Liner Carriea One Letter. .: ' 7 'A rurloua result of .the recent dis location of the mall service between Australia" and the T'nlted Kingdom is shown in the fact thai the mall taken to Adelaide -by the Ornntes consisted of only one letter. f htwss' registered. Sword to Oyama. "'.'.''.:: A movement is on foot at Budapest to send Marshal Oyama a a word of honor from the Hungarian people. It Is proposed that a committee of promi nent Hungarians go to Japan In the summer ,to majte ,tbo presentation. . - .":. . tn Court Since 1S1T. , . ' Tt.WM' flmnni hB-a T.-nv,. va Jarhdyce-seertis but sq Infant.beslde a Berlin Bara Poker.4 -- T'.The Berlin .pollce authorities Intend ' to take severe measures to suppress the practice or "playtne1 okr- inTnbltt - places, -"'.. '-. - ..','..'.', miscellaneous; Captured Cork Limb. ' Fifty-eight yeara have, elapsed sine'. the cork, tea; of the' Mexican general -Santai Ana was captured by. American . goldlera in. the battle of Cerro Gordo, Mexico, on April It. 1I4T, yet the true . SroryT'of the Capture of "the rellQ-has ( never been fully written. Three sen- , eratlons of American schoolboys have road the acaounts in the ' histories of .1 this humorous Incident, " yet the name of the soldter who found tha discarded"-. limb has never been published. Major Joseph B.' Smith of Thackeray, llllnola.-? in a trying moment in a battle felt that the issue of the engagement waa of mora Importance than the possession of one. of the unique prises of a bat- ttefleht As -a-Tesutt-TfhlB- devotion to duty he allowed the hoaoF of making the-captur-of 'Santa .Ana's artificial -, limb to to to another, .. - - - ;- .!'.; . - '. "H- Wild Striped Horses. v' News to-1 Chihuahua from the Sierra v Madi-e mountains,-where. Professor II. Caesare Ewart of Edinburgh Scotland, and party are hunting for the lost race ' of striped horses,-la 4a the effect that a- drove of the, anlmala has been set-. v ually seen. Professor Ewart has fin ished an exhaustive research in Jamaica and Is convinced that .horses were once', striped like the schra, and hopes to prove rt in northern -Mexico:" Hampton Bradley, a prospector at Parral, reports that he sound the roaming place of , these horses and saw many hundreds of them In n wild location In the Sierra Madre mountains. - where Hone and : t m r m wnltn J tlia 4 - - I - hara . are going for. a hunt. It is for this regjen that - the"- profesaos lsctraveling. r - .--.--i. A-Real Stork-Club. The frequency- with which the stork vianea vine nojura ui iiuu . w-mppohed ooiatc4ub-at Wanatah. In dlana, nas caused a puouc coniessiun iu be made that the organlaatlonwas planned snd, perfected scarry - out " President Roosevelt's ideas against race suicide. Ths -society adopted a stork. -aa lta emblem, and today a letter was ' addressed .to President Roosevelt asa- lng thai n "tOTggt!aT,"K HloITO for 'tns -elubt The-4w-ofS00 people began .Z to gossip over the Juvenile growth, and"" Hie-L tha jof fenders decided .to maxe tne public conversant with the purposes of the club Thereare nearly core of happy mdThers In ihe village and the btork has not ceased his visits. Wireless Naval Orders. " : Officers of Rear Admiral Evans' bat. . tleshlp squadron, earning to Washing- ton from Hampton Roada, report that when the squadron waa 70 miles south' essr of Cspe Hatteras a wireless mes--" aagewas. received from the hatfleahlp Illlnoiawhicb was outside, tha .Virginia rapes with the Mareellus testing a coal-" 'lng device, and that an Interesting ex change of communications followed. . The distance was 110 miles. At another time the Iowa was dlstsnt from tha -squadrdh at nlghf. wTien It waS desired to glva her some orders A mere speck of light Indicated her. whereabouts. but the wireless picked he up.' the desired orders were glven,(and were acknowl edged within two -minutes. - Right Sort of Joke. ; . - ' From a penny collection, jokingly' taken up at the annual state meeting . of the I'nlted Commercial Travelers In Sioux City; four years ago,-that a bald headed traveling man might have atialr cut, has been formed ths nucleus of a fund whlehwlrTbulld. apatlonai home for widows and orphans of the knights of the grip.-This will be ullt In Iowa, Inasmuch as the national body b stowed upon this state that privilege IirTognttiunriBribirc Inal idea.- Des Moines, Sioux City, Ce- Oar Rapids and other clttea are desirous of securing ths location, - This will be decided at the coming meeting of the order. . '-. - . - ; - Fairbanks' Gold Inkstand. A doubts inkstand, constructed of gold, silver and cut glass, costing 1500. will be msde for Vice-President, Fair banks by Tlffsny of New York. The. government will pay the bill. The Inkr stand will be used by Mr. Fairbanks' during hla term as vice-president, and -at ita conclusion will become his per sonal property. This has been tha prac tice for years. - The Inkstand presented ; to Garret A. Mobart cost 1800. Those arranging for Mr, Falrbanka". aouvenlr placed the cost limit at l&oo. ; Returns Battle Flag. . '. Governor Stokes of New Jersey la being urged by his advisers to. person aJly return to South Carolina the fa mous ."plow boy" battle flag raptured by a Jersey regiment during the civil war. If he does he will take his per- -sonal staff and make the trip -the oc casion for a big celebration at Bran--, ford, South Carolina. ' He objects to the military display, but IS expected ', to yield oni'the ground .that Imposing ceremonies 'will tend to, Increase the friendship between the north end tha . south.) -" J ,-'---.-..- Death No Hindrance. - - tlonal iJewleh Hospital for Consump tives In lta. national aid t'o victims of the dreaded white plague, Mrs. Stella Letter, -widow of the millionaire dry ' goods merchant of Syracuse, New Tork, will carry (Out'the wishes of her hus band, whjxlled auddet)ly in-Naw-lferKr ettya' few days ago before he could draw up .4 codicil -to hie will leaving a bequest ofjjzf.000 to the Institution." i ,."".'.. .a. Won't Expel Saloonmen. ; . Orand Lodge Red Men of Oklahoma1' closed a three days' session recently, tn ( Shswnee. The officers elected aret Jo. S. Pearl of Kl Reno(, great sachem;. W. -B. Decker rtf Enid, senior sagamore; E. S. Hoops of Shawnee, junior sagamore. After a five hours' debate the delegates voted down, the motion to expel- all re- tsll 'sfid wholesale liquor dvalurs front tha orfanlsaUoa .t: ....... . -..i ----r- 1 t I