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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
THE-' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY-tfORNIJJC-, MAY 21.190 ) - WOULD CONSERVE SECOND STREET TO $5,CC3,C03 SPENT WIIER-GATESlOPEM ANYTHING TO ELECT MAYOR WILLIAMS CARNEGIE FAVORS CALL OFF INQUIRY TOEfl If ILL SEEu -FOiiEST VEALTI : GET GOOD-SERVICE IHTO -BEEF TRUST 4: Oregon ; Academy of ., Science Consolidated -- Accedes to Prop irty-OwnersDemandfor Vf . Cars Both Ways. . What the'Creat Fair Enterprise Means to Portland, Oregon, " r. and Concessionaires. That Is the Cryof Liquor-Dealers WhflrTry a Desperate Po-" i-i - litical Ciamer t Steel King Says'That Municipal SeWsationaJeportJTha j-" istration ' lsv 0 Suppress, Packers Investigation,, PIans-f-JTraveIert-AId:AssocU tioruConternpiateCare M2 ' - Visiting Girls, r --r -1 Favore Adequate - Protect tlbn: by the State. , r- " ities Should OwnAII Pub - lit Utilities. ASICS. GOVERNMENT. TO CA EVERY EICHTr:; TIDE OF EXPENSE" 1 ' - WILL- ROLL BACKWARD TRY TO CONFUSE VOTERS ' I: .'WITH SPURIOUS TICKET NO CITY SHOULD GIVE -PERPETUAL FRANCHISES GRAND JURY. HAS CONE r: " "TOO FAR NOW TO STOP INTERESTING MEETING i ; OF THE OROANiZATiON STUDY THE.CONDrTlONS f, MINUTES THE PLAN - V.T Interesting Program l Given a- Loop.Lald So That Third, Street ArtDepartment Will BV Liberal Petitions CirculajdrJomirva-4 SabwayfTSfreetcars, Cas. Elec tric and TelephoneJPIanta Be- 'j16ngrtot the People. Represantative of Armour: Car ,7 Lines a Constant Attendant r ' on Senate Committee. : ; Reports Made by the Officer rMeeting of -Scientific J ttr Cars Jrlay Use New Line Educatjonjtlhhousandsi fiofTof People Who Would Are of & Very-Encouraging Experts. . "Without Delays i-j..,. Who Visit Exposition. ' Aid Administration. Nat J L TOMESISTFCS lire-. ,.' Theae resolution wer adopted at th "r meeting -of th Oregon State Academy -of . science laat night: "Whereae. ThatalaZof-rego -ton " . lath within lta border on alzth ot tha i standing merchantable- Umber-in , the -;"' t'ntted State. , and more than. In any other atate; and :. . t "Wherea. The danger of the destruction '-. of Oregon' foreata by Are and Improper toggtn; methods t ef trtimwt rmponanee to the futui-wlffo( tut atev Pa -U , . "Reaolved. That thla academy . la In . . . . favor of a, ayaUraatlo study of Oregon' foreata by thev United State bureau o : - .forestry and the enactment of a atate law In OrMon which 'will Bra-vent the de- ': atructloit of thee foreata by flra and. by . improper logging; ana "Resolved, That thla academy, la In - favor If reforestation of landa In Oregon '' mutt Ttr? nil --ls of more value to 'produce a crop 'of - -' - tree than for agricultural purpose; and . be la further . 'Reaolved, That a eopyrif the reo!u- "lion be ent to-he United State bureau of torestry - at Waahlngton, District Of . . Columbia - It wa decided by the academy to aaaiat In exploiting the""Lw1g and Ctsrtr eien tlflo congress to be held September 11 to Ui Inclusive and t assist In entertaining.; ... . the visitor who will attend thl gainer Ing. A committee eonalatlng of J. D. lie, Dr. A. E. Roekey and M. W. Gorman wa ' 'appointed to solicit the necessary fund . " ' to carry, out the plana proposed. .Professor N. C. Thome of -Portland ... - ca)jemy read a -paper on? "The Preciplta- tlort of Barium Bromide tj hydrobromTc , . cld." Jr.JM,,ADynn. explained the ; process of curing and mounting wild flower and lllutrated with specimen from hla" coTTectlon r Prealdent Sheldon announced that F s Sampson Bcrlbner. who ha pent everal :z-r- year . In. itba Philippine Islands," would " deliver -an- illustrated 4ecture at the next ; meeting - ot the academy.- June , 17. - on ; " ' . "The-Philippine."- FAIR LILLIAN Will . v - BATHE FOR BEAUTY rsJhiwtterrtrTrTwe dred Thousand Dollaf Palace . -Z- for the Summer.- v - - -. i3otlll DKsatcb tr lytitri Wire te The Journal) . -j- New YdrK, W a y 3 Ocr11 1 iaJirJRuesell 'miSrenTed thOSSo.ftOO palao orThomas -,H. Tiiomae, in fiayRldge. and. will live targeat estatea In the cUy -and tewri -almont-a -whottrbtoclr Dctween Mrit and . Becond avenue- at : Beventr-f If th . and Seventy-sixths streets.- ' 1 . "I: need to make furl 'of "Brooklyn? Silas -Russell said, "but I now find the joke waa on me. - I wlah . I could re call the wantsd years when I did -not live. In Brooklyn." he simple life- will have to strive with the strenuous at the Russell home this summer.. She Intends to lead both. She lias mspped out a schednre- f or the whole summer and will live by this . schedule.- It I" a program overflowing .' with bath - Mlaa RuSaell believe to batha ab bwea her perennial beauty. Just licten to thla dally -program , i Morning devoted trenuoly to aleep. Rise at noon, maybe, If she feela like . Bath. ; . 7" A turn at tossing the" medicine balL fThla Is said to i good to keep down obrsity.) ; -. " Breakfast and then a horseback ride - " through Prospect park -andsurvey-f the baby carriages. i .Bath. I A few game of tennis. Bath. ;, .. ... . ... A whirl In her automobile to the race -iracV-J'henlna horeeg are ronnlng; dinner and back noma. .- " ' . Bath. ; "t . -rz ; ttha abouLflve tlmeaa day dufi Jng the summer," said Mlaa Ruaacll. - "Of courae, -1 exercise a , great deal 'more than the average woman and the exercise Is the kind to mak ma-need bath." . . .. . , ' FRENCH TAR THREATENS . TO EAT POLICEMAN ..-'4' French Conaut Labbe haa Exciting ex perience with sailors once In awhile. The other day a Frenchman who haa put , ; In the best part of bla life following the aa tailed at the conaul'a office 'and : -demanded that he be given transportation ' to Ban Francisco. ' . , He was politely Informed that 'the ieauest could jjot b granted. Z - Tf-"Wo?-Then I wUV-atajC-herer ea44 ' fh vlaltor7"untll yo give me the help "I need. ' I in "citlien of Franc and V remember that I ro on French--territory while In this office. Before you see me .last I think you witl agree It Is better - ,to pay the amall turn' I ask. Ahl", -. The consul went to the telephone, and "- railed up the police station, fll tin- welcome vtaltor laughed and said that no" police would dare touolvWm. while ; ' hr"waa on French territory. Moreover. - he declared there would be some fun : ' around the premises when the policeman .showed up. and Intimated that he at . , gent d'arme. a la Larry Sullivan. The man from the station anawarea me lummoiK-btitlliiliiL was a. raw-boned six-footer and bad not been long on the force, ' y hen twld-ef the- trouble : he - plrked up - the dapper Jittl VTenrnman and bastled him off to the city jail at a lively rate. No International compllca. tiona have arlsen-aver- the maftee; " - JURY.FINDS M'BAIN i i . GUILTY OF MURDER r-v , f. . -r-...r.- ?rr"L Oratid. Or., May 0. After being "nut it Hour; the Jury brought a -ver-diet of murder In the second degree " acalnst J. M. MeBalri at Enterprlae thla morning, for Wiling Charlea and Theo- dore - Trost, near Oroasman, Wallowa i county,-the first7 of laat month. It la v reported that the flrat ballot etood 10 to 1 for murder in 1 first degree, arid " ballot after ballot until after midnight stood t to' . -FlVially at o'clock this morning the Jury .sgraed on a verdict of murder In the Second -degree. -Sen- - tthte will be passed nrMondy. ' A aettlement of the difference be tween . the Property owner on Becond atreet, between. Morrtaon and Flander street, and-tbr Portland.: Conaolldated Railway company baa been effected,- the corporation agreeing to give an eight' minute streetcar aervlce on the street. It waa planned by the railway company to run ear south on Third atreet and north on Second In order to relieve the congeation of traffic In that vicinity, thua giving service in Only-one dlrec- ttlon. The corporation submitted the plan to the city, buUUia ..pruperty ownera Inter poaed an objection. . alleging that the company could not give service In one 'direction and retain Its franchise. They notified the eity executive board that If tha eity gave it consent to the cor peretlon .carrying out lta 'plans' they would brine suit In the circuit court to enjola the railway company from taytng Attorney MeNary gave an opinion that the franchla of. the oorporaton -called for service In' both, directlone and that the city ahould Inaiat on the railway company living qp to the provision of it: franchl.' ' ' ' ', : ' --v .. Th (company modified1t plana ac cordingly. However the orlglnaL-propo. altlon to' lay lta tracks to form a loop will be carried out. Cars running south ojLThtrd straet may paaa down Alder to Second, then north on Becond to- Wain Ington, on which treetcar. will, run west, or car: my continue 'north 'on Second atreet 'to Flandera atreet. on which the track loop back to. Third atreet. Double tracka will be laid on Second street and aervlce will be given In both directions. , , Second street I the scene of extensive improvements py tite streetcar company snd the Portland Oas company. While the streetcar company naa ue roaaDea torn uirthe gas company took advantage of the opportunity and laid a two-foot main, which will. meet the demand of consumer for several years. - As soon as the-gee mains and the -oar -tracks- are Utd-thaUeetwULJ)aJlmxroyiwjltb RIETCALF TO HAVE IlAfHORTFOLIO Secretary of Department of Commerce Slated to Have -frlorton' Piace.- QARPJEtpTiSUCCEED-l IN CABINET POSITION Morton Anxious -to Resign by -July If ReoseveirWill Per mit Retirement. - (Special Dlipatoa by Leased Wlre-te TaeTourrtat) Washington, -. May - 2ft. Secretary Morton will leave the cabinet July 1, If the president will accept his resigns t Ion on that date.. He has a number of offers tinder consideration. Morton will be succeeded In the navy department by Secretary Metcalf of the department of commerce' and labor, There are a number "of matters giving color tftThln rriirrtil fhange in ta cabinet. It waa understood last suin mer when Morton and Metcalf were appointed- that, the president, wanted Morton to" take the head of the depart ment of commerce and labor, but that he declined. ' The Offer was not made dtrert to Metcalf-frf the navy-portfolio; but It waa understood that the president had assured him that at the proper time he,- would- be appointed to the head -of the navy department if he would accept the more onerous 1 and dlatasteful taak of completing the organisation of ine commerce and labor-department, On this understanding th president ecured th service of both men. which waa his great desire at that time. Sec retary Metcalf would find much more congenial work, of , course, .In. the navy department, as -be. 1 familiar with na- al affaire by reason of hi long ser vice on the house naval committee. Metcalf's successor In the department of commerce and labor ha not been definitely settled, but the chance greatly favor Commissioner Garfield of th bureau of corporations. He la a close friend of the president who be lieve he i on ef the-coming men of tho country. i ' ' , "" MANY.MONTANANS.AT.. HEINZE'S COPPER DINNER (Special Dlepatek br Leased Wire ie-Tke JovraaU New York, May 20. The flrat step toward organising a Montana society on the; plan of the other famous aocletlea In this city, were taken tonight at a dinner at the Waldorf-Aatorla. There Were 10 eminent Montanans present, and the announcement -waa mads that 100 more had promised to become members of the society and help It with as liberal subscription a might be neceaaary. - There were no act speeches, -but after the' coffee a number, of thoae present talked thtialaertcallyrorr the-TrtrbJwt; A number of prominent men' from Mon tana- who-hv-aeeepted-trrt-city their home' are prospering greatly,- and mere was not one wno wouia not shed glory on any city he might, choose, at n abiding plac. - , .- v- . Among those present' were F. Augus. us Heinle and Venator V. A. Clark. who sat near each other. - oa Mother. ' : Tonaumbtlon run In oilr famllv. an4 through it 1 loat my mother." writ E. B. Reld. of Harmony. Me. "For the past five years, however, on the allght eat sign of a Cough or Cold, I 'nave taken Dr. Kine's New -tlcovry for Cmieumpt-lon, which hae saved me from erloue lung trouble." Ilia mothers death wss a sad loss for Mr. Reld, but a learned that lung trouble mut not be neglected, end how to cure It. Quick eat relief snd cure for owiishs snd cold. Price 6rte and II. 0? guaranteed St Hoi Croes Phsrmaoy. Slilh and Oak streets. on the way to the poatomc. Trial bot tle free.'- -- . , ' According to the most 'conservative estimates of the official of the Lewi and Clark exposition, when; the "big show :is opened one week from next Thursday It will represent an outlay of. fa, 000,000, "Including - the-appropriation of the government, of the atate of Ore gon, the realisation on the capital stock Of the Lewie and Clark corporation, the expenditures of exhibitors and conces sionaires and the expendlturea of ntatea that, Jva..-jwBte--ttinathlar'IV sum Is thla 15,000,000 -that waa not dreamed -of when the . exposition ' wa conceived... .T-. -W, ,)!,,. .How soon the total expenditure will roll back Into the coffers of the expo sition Is, a question., but It ahould not take a .great while. If tl estimate, of the. admissions department 1 made good. The expectation is that at least 74.000 people will pay for admission to the- m rounds-.nn.,the J8P J yug day, June centseachTsnd that there wfjlbe gr eater-days from the standpoint of attend ance in the four' month of the fair ther la no question. The railroad are making preparation for a crowd of fH.Ofto; and It- la a certainty that Portl and will furnJshtlleaat-lviW-mddr-' tJonatr"! " .... . ... .. . - -. ' - j" ; : ' Oar of Tickets. , ' - The departments of -dmiakm-Hias stored 1.000.000 ticket In a section of the administration building, and has 1.000.000 additional; at the docks, all of which are In. the care of a' custodian bonded In theaum of 45,00.A dally Inventory "will be made- of the tickets, and ' every . other precaution will be taken to conduct the revenue business properly. The important event of the pa at week was the arrival of the, pictures under the .care of F. V. DuMom), -TJie treaty urea came by express and, as an indica tion Pf theiy value.' If maybel stated that .the charge amounted- to ll.a. They were cared for by the express company-just -a bullion- la guarded--and were insured for $800,000, which stab- uahcatna selling value of the pictures at over: Jt.000.0OO. A London firm has t h e In s tfra nee cont racf ; K'waaTbb" large for -any-local firm -to-handlo.- The wtrh of installing the paintings in the build ing lor t their . accommodation will ba low. owing to th great care that-must be exerclsed-ln onloadlng them. - .. Vlrtfir .UurelU, the French coniuil inner, arrived yesterday, and wa ac eompanredfty a nlspTay offtne art tht astounded the . department of - exhibit. He has with him a great manv -.relfns of France; from the time Of the revolu tion o the present day, gnd tt-ft prumi lsed that the nation represented by f . ino paiaca oi ioraign exiilbltSn w- Led by Executive Commissioner MnrU trnrwnrklitirTorcJ'bf the 'Colorado' com- mission arrived yesterday and imrnedi ate4y-esrr-re-lnBtanattotrT)t The great mining exoidu collegleoT by that atate.- OisposiUon ef Torsstry Balldia. Following I the official letter written yesterday by President Myers of the 3UUiami eoneernlng the, dlspoalUorrzof TOregon' unique .Forestry ouwaing at the conclu sion of the fair: i.. Honorable George H.i William. mayor of the city of Portland. Portland, My PfsrHtf nr r n n-t nt the Iniri. latlve aaaemblr of the state nf nr. approved February 1. 1905. it waa or- oerea that the Liewl and Clark centen niaj exposition comrnlsalon la directed and empowered In their discretion to deliver , th building on the exposition grmincis known the Forestry build ing to tne city of Portland! nrovlded said '.clay -of Portland shall secure at least ons cne or mare -ofTgroundTupon which said building Is now situsted. and shall maintain and take care of . said BnlKHng; and Ty other provision which will be found on pages 265 and 166 of the general laws of Oregon for 1S0S. It is also provided- that 1 n-case the H y-l Of Portland should "not care to accept this building on th condition set forth lnthc acX that)Uierjul.ojLltjes. within -th state of. Oregon! they, being named In' the act; are to hare the same reapectrully . to . aak that . you -; present this proposition to th proper city au thorities ao that In case -tlx city of Portland doe not feel Justified In ac cepting - th provision grant lag thl building that the state commission may be taking steps to Insure some public society buying the .ground snd caring for this building. Awaiting your., reply at your convenience. I have the , honor to be, very respectfully ypurs. y JEFFERSON MYERS. -- "President. . "K. a. giLtner. - !-. "Becretary," BABIES RECEIVE AT THEIR NEW HOME The annual tea given at th Baby home, Waverly addition, yesterday af ternoon--waa-vry auceaafuL -Titers wa a' large attendance and , the sum cleared ' exceeded that - of former year This wa the first aoclal function 'in the' new home and many vjnlted the com fortable rooms. The Children were pre sented In their best frocka and in the constant; care of nurses. Mrs. Charles fttttoa received th guests and h wa assisted by th other members of th board. - - - Those conducting the -candy table and Tnt- prise- tnltp bed - were Mr.Cr- K. Curry, Mr. Oeorge McBride, Mia Maxwell-. -Miss-Lisa Wood,- Miss -Anita Burns, Mis Virginia Wilson, -Miss Montgomery. Miss GUtner. Mlsrf Parr, Mis Morrison and Mis Frances Wllaofl. Mrs. E. W.: Klngsley-and MrsT-w.rU. Fentoo poured. tea.-. i . - ' " 7- & l-.SlOaTTS Tat AACst3B.v---.. (gperlet Dlipitrt brLei'aed A'lrvlt The Jnarsal) Kew York, May I-The teamxnp Princess Alice, srrlvlnf thl afternoon. reported h v Ins; passed tho - yacht Apache under full sail at iv o cioca Frhhly night lxty miles east of Nan tucket.- 8he also report brisk westerly e northwesterly winds the. laat. WW dare.- The telteie L. 8. B. F the sym bol for the Apache, were displayed. 8hn wa In latitude 40 and longitude .vo. n the .report sent out bf tbo .Princess Alices th ych was a berk-rigged American boat, which show It Wa the Apacbe. . . . j A scheme waa hatched yeterdaajidLlSccll rnipatiky beeaed-wTrrrsT&e Joarnal) operations thereunder begun-to tioml nate a ticket of Independent candidate to confuse electora-whd are expecting to support the opposition to Mayor Wil liams and the- remainder of, th ticket that wa Indorsed by the .. wholesale liquor-dealer. , ; Yesterday afternoon at, 4 o'clock A. Crof ton. f man rer of lueuaviutlaai-as aoolatiom-.-iralkea in'tb the Kepubllcao headquarter and' asked 'for a' number of men to take nominating petitions for circulation In .FrltsV JSflckson',. Ftlaxler's and - other, nurth-end resorts; ti a day was promised for those -whv would work from . that hour ton til ,4 o'clock Monday afternoon. - - --Tlifv-Jntenttortwaa to- place in nomi nation a ticket recruited as to8lgner of petitions, and candidates to be named, from the disreputable placea In the north end, the names of these can- ..llin nfflr'Uf ballot as 'cltlsens' ' nominee or. under some-name purporting to represent tba element . that- la aupportlng thet civlo betterment ldeaa of the Williams oppo sition." - -" ' 'Thatth9.ipJawUt-rfarr--tsaicaTe by 'the discovery 'that nominations filed on Mondsy Will be Illegal under , tho statute . governing - such nomlnatlone. The law-. retuirea aH,..nomlnatlnr peti tion tofeba. filed with the city auditor It day before election, and by applying this-rule It Is found that If petition are filed Monday this-would be only 14 days before .election,, and therefor in valid. t - ,-- ,- . Although there was some confusion at first regarding this point, it has been cleared by closer liiyulryv-and It Is now asserted by competent legal authorities that mandamus proceedings would lio agalnat nom Inatlng petit Ions Died Mon-day- snd-tii names would be prevented from going on the official ballot. The candlda-tee nominated by th cUKI sen mass meeting were filed yesterday thus obviating th .danger of coming tinder the- bar that they would have met) had they been filed Monday. STOLENIN-FRISCO Ma'ngo$tofflce Entered by : : Sneak-Thieves ' Wbo M ake .. :;:. ,:.Bi Haul ,in . Stickersil OVERLOOrCTSAFir VVTTH : LARGE SUM OP MONEY In Vault Adjoining Stamp Room -Qy exiialt .a.MiIIifln-Waa ra fnrorl luiav '- (Special DUpateh by Leased Wire to Th Joarsal) Ban Francisco. May SO. Fourteen bun- from the stamproom of the msln post office tonight by burglara.. who just mlased getting 112,000 more In stamp and $200 In ch. . At 10 p. m. Klghtwatchman William CConnell . noticed that something wa wrong In the stamproom and hastened to notify Chief Stamp Clerk W, L. Stowell. . Together they- entered the stamproom and discovered the robbery. - The burglar had gained entrance to the room through a window on the Bat tery street side. - They had attempted to open ths safe In which $12,000 In tamp and $200 In raah were deposited. but-after pocketing the- IMOO in. stamps riea. Moie were round armed in tno vault above the combination lock. In the safe In the ctshler of Bee whlchaioTnrTfieTrtitmp.rnnm.witar I $600,000 In money. The oaken door cov- larlnc thiavauthad bcerijvemovedThe burglar alarm had failed to work. Had th robbers" got Into thla aafe they might have made a tremendous haul. PORTLAND PLEASES RAILROAD LEADER Vice-President Welling of Illinois Central Speaks Good Word for City. To recuperate his health, Thomas IE. Wetttngr-Tt? e-presldent-of the - Illinois Central railroad, is making a tour of th Pactfla-e)st-arHl-.hls-ltlnerry Iw eludes two daye In Portland. ' He' arrived here yesterdsy morning In1 hi private car. socompanled hy-Mr.- WUltiy son. John Paul,, and Mr. - and Mra. Thomas E. Well of Chicago. : "Portland la a .fascinating city for me," said Mr: Welling.-."I hsve vjgited It several times, the laat time about flv-yers' ago. It I were a young, man I believe I would cast my lor with lhn Pgclflc. northwest."""- - i- i " I Mr. Welling I a native nf New Jer ey. He began hi railroad service in lti In the office of the I ronton rail road. . He went to -the Illinois Central road-a -acting; -secretary In l7TanH hn been auccesslvely treaaurer auditor. controller and vlce-prlujntj . The Illinois Central agents her and in the east sre doing what tlley can to swell the-throng to your Lewis and Clark exposition," be. said. "Our road rune only to Omaha, but we are working In -dn) u net Ion with the Union Pnclflr. The . exrmsltlon grounds as we viewed them today In th rain are beautiful In every way. , Our party has been charmed 1th the profusion or .flowers, spe cially of roses, on Portland lawns." . The Welling party rame over the- Ore gon Short Hn and the Oregon Railroad Sc Navigation company lines from Salt Lake. They leave thl evening' for the sound cltte. . , , . Surely aa Affectionate Baby. Frlemlimi suppose lli baby I fond of you . 1 . . Papa Fond-of m7 Why: he ep nil day when I'm not af horn snd stay up all night Just to enjoy my society: $1400 IN STAMPS Ivondon. May 20. Andrew Carnegie received The Journal correspondent to day -in -th - sumptuous - utte- ef the Langham hotel,- which the Iron mater always occupies .when .in London. Al though . Mr. : Carnegie today ; la - the bulet man in the whole metropillsJ mil) gi uwwii awe- iwn 1 1 wlm"I'" " t Coming to .the .real business of th JnterY.lewLwhlch wa tqfecurejfrpm the steel magnate . an expreaelon" of oplntoa on the- aubject - of munlclnal ownership. Mr. Carnegie, resting his head an his hands, closing his ayes, , evi dently -pondering, oh each wordjand speaking with great deliberation, said: "Regarding municipal ownership. It seem clear to me that - whenever a f ranchiae Involve the creation nf. a monopoly In a city no perpetual, fran chise ought to be given. A city should invariably reserve its ownership- In a trejtuitt time on advantageous terms,, but should never psrt-wlth. the title. - -r- "The wharves and docka-of New York are the- heat lllustratlon-flf-thls, . The city Milt those dorks and leaae them on term for cettaln rent and even today the- rental.; received ar more than euf flcient ; to pay the Interest on their cost.-and also to1 provide a sinking fund, which In th course t JO years, t should think, will wipe out. the entire cost. When all theae.rents then-are p- plled toseneral -clty, purposes, -JJew-J I or a win D one or the biggest and richest landlord cUles In the. world. - -' "I annot give you. any better Illus tration than this of the . advantages of municipal pwnershtp.- v . - " -nbway aa Zxampls. ) VTake the New York ub way Ther la -another . greai Illustration. It - ha proved already a , great 14Ccks andli bound "to be enormoualv . nrnflf-ahle mm -the year roll by. - The city of New York Temtrtn-the ownerand trur x-hildrw ill reap- the benefit of the Institution. . The surplus revenues ---- which -- will accru from the subway will be applicable to relieving thelty-taxntlon.- -hv--'"So. with ga 'and electricity.'--rde-nof know anyi town -or city In Great Britain Mch doea not owh both."' Whether the city leaseil'.these'.: wltlt-- agreed-upon prices to be paid for gas and electricity or whether the city undertake their manufacture la a detail the great point is that a city should possess the gas and electricity f ranchicaL '-"A neh regarding -Us tramways, New York should control the franchises these and- be. prepared to : take -advantage- of lvic growth and-make. better a id better, bargains thatr h;.-1 exact higherndttherTayment tor their u :-PwarTepBnBrxuiiv ; ' 'O lasgo w has gone a step further and hasTr own telephones." If. , under "th lwr--NwYork can make the telnphon- fng privilege a franchise, then New York should leaae the franchise for a num ber of year 'and rats the' telephoning rent th bualneaa get mora profit able at th end of each lease. In other words, .a city- with an Increasing pop "UlatfUlf WW tn TlaH."silil f lTllnk u titt 'J duty, to receive tha Increment after, of course, allowing in lessee a nsnasome profit. - 1 "A franchise In New Tork, for In stance, Is . made valsable by no Indi vidual and no corporation; she mskes it valuable by her own growtn ana-tns benefit. therefrom belng to the city.' "Do you think that municipal owner ship of public utilities really tends to the purification of. public lifer .asked th correspondent. - ."Yes," replied Mr. Carnegie. Then he determinedly continued and waving his hand in order to impreas the fact, he said:- "I am a great believer In democ racy that' Is. the rule oflthe people, f believe that Institution auch a hospi tals, for Instance, are far better man. agedlf subject, to city authority, than when as, now, they are subject to Cliques Believe la the Veople. "There Is nothing like the purifying oreatn or public opinion blowing Into " Institutions, ri see thl clearly itTTQreat Britain. Tlielr unlversldrs, "for lntnceTjir--not ttlcarty-ar" R-eirTrianagedTaa oura. simply becaua tne racuttles manage the . unl vcraltlea here, and -alnce each faculty la bound togitner, becoming a solid body. resenting outside Interference, standing by each other and preserving the old privilege,-no wholesome reforms can be made. This became such a scandal in the Scottish universities that the govern. men appointed a University commission and now they are growing better. "Choosing between Irresponsible man agement and publicity management, I am certain the latter will finally- prove far purer and more beneficent. , There are abuses, but we can truat to. publicity to reveal and remove, them.'' LAND OFFICE-COMES TO PORTLAND JULY FIRST The Osnn City-land office wilt be closed-at: Oregon -City tha evening nf Jun HO. and;wllr-be opened th ful low- ling morning at Porthind, at quarters to n soiercreu. n. l. wenneii cr vraaning ton. D. C. Inspector for thw general, land office, has been In Portland several days looking for suitable -offices for th land densrtment. and yesterday sent half's doieu. propositions to Washington. He said: ' I have not been able to look thor oughly through the, business district In the limited time at my disposal, but 1 havr-received " five "OrVirtx- gooiV, fiffers. one of which will. I have no doubt, be chosen-by--tha -general. land office of-J flclal at Washington. All of the loca tions submitted ar central and ade quate for the buslnesBj, The hind office win require inrte or rour orjiur rooms. expect a final decision by wire-.with In the next : week." He said;) A soon the selection Is anneiinreil the new quarters will be made ready. and preparations for removal will begin at Oregon City. Mr. Pennett Is on his regular tour of Inspection, . snd Is now t work In tho office of the sm-veyrtr general. In the custom bouse. - If will conclude his work here this week. - 1 ' T: -ri-.. :: TM Biiierence, i t - From the Buffalo CninifcV. That Poughkefpsle mau who stole 1 cent' worth (f gas ami la required to serve 10 days for it will have Isstlng recollection, of the difference between tke larceny from corporation and by a, corporation, i. . ' tSpeeU! DUpatcb bf Leased Wire to th Journal) Washington. May 20. -The report that 'reached here that the administra tion - had - derided te - call f f -th beet trust Inquiry, created a large sensation and -led to-some important statement. On yl these is that aa. the beef trust. lnycs,lljiWnia iilar channel and has reached a grand Jury, the executive would, not dare to Interfere with that bulwark of public ilberty. :- . i ' HThia lr 4n fact, th-anwr of . the administration . to the report.' "There are, however, om curious, fscts re latlng't? this beet -triafc-Hrh trprei ISe n t appointed James Garfield to look Into rflie matter and push It -for all It. was worth. He. made a report and It la claimed that. It Is so full of secret sen sstlonsl data that only part of It could be given to the public. There la nevertheless aood reaaon to beUawhJtMaJl3r were amreriaiiieu-jujt iiiw. uiiT-iniaiv ituiii- merce commlasion and lhat-on the dt4 so ifurnlshed the suit, saj .determine upon. lriespet'tlve7'ofIhe work. ot-Mr. Garfield.' ; .' " It haa been noted and commented .on here that Mr. Urton. the representative of the' Armour private car line, came to Washington snd -ha-teen very -attentive to the character' of the testimony submitted to the senale-CorumUtee In vestigating railway ratee. It 1 denied here-bx-MrrtJTIoh'"tliat he had In any way indicated to -the president that he wished the caa agglnst the- beef trust annulled. '.. -V It la also denied that - tft ' admlnia trttion acceded to th proposition thTrt' the district attorney ,ln Chicago are not to be sealoua in th discharge of their duties. On the contrary, it la pointed out that nothing more savage 'could have been said against lhe beef-irust I tnan wnat wss asm oy the attorney - nunsetryjar-ii -:-argumnt against the trust In the recent case before) Jhe V, B. gupreme1 court.:: . JE1LRY STORE. IS LOOTED BY THIEF 'olttArtlcIes Worth Three Tfiousand Dollar Stolen In North' EncH LbjfParlnSBpbber,:j rfc BURGLAR-SHOWS ONLY "rcONTEMPTTOrTTOtTCE Enters Shop and Empties Trays of Contents in Full View of Passers. v. ; 1 Unlocking the front door of the Jew elry stor conducted - by 11. Arliu, a Japnnese, at 65 North Fourth atreet, last night, while people were continually walking; past and the proprietor wa In a barber shop only a, few feet distant, a daring thief stole diamond Jewelry, worth 13,000. , Thl I th boldest and most ucce. ful theft that ha occurred in month. For a few day not a larceny of con sequence had been reported and the po lice were lulled into the belief that th city wa practically 'clear of experi enced criminal operator. Th burglary Of thl store has ahown them otherwise. Arlzu locked hi store and went into the bsrber shop to-get: a shave a few minutes before 11 o'clock. When he re turned he found the front door unlocked. HI . suspicion ware Immediately aroused and he made a hurried Investi gation, which ahosved him that a num ber of travs had been taken from a showcase alidrTOlufTiedlrnnu tHeTr con tent ;. . ' . Tha tolenproDt-rty Lincludadiflmon,dI ring, studs and scan pins, and a quan tity of gold Jewelry not set with pre cious (tone. Th thief must hav entered the shop In full view of passers-by. as th lights Inside wer burning brightly. Th very boldnea-Ofiui.aclteildedlai rd-ff suspicion. Jyeavlng.hls place of business locked and guarded by th patrolman on the beat, Arlu hustened "to police head quarter and acquainted Captain Moore with hi loss. Detective Welner wa routed out of bed and assigned to duty on the case. Not a clew has yet been found. NO USE TO HURRY ; - FOR SOME DAYS YET Vtraiiiteineiilg mr-hrtng-Blade for Vht opening of the Portland publto batha on or before June 1. .Captain Morgan, e well-known swlmmln-tnaHuctor. who hsd charge of the baths last sea son, has been engaged tor in .coming summer. ' - Last seasnnth - bth were very popular among old -and young of both exes, snd every day. were crowded to their fulU-st capacity. In order to sc- rdmmodate' all who desire to enjoy th baths some cnary 'alteration 1 and repair will be made. U Samuel and Kdward llolman or the board Qf manager held, a conference yesterday and discussed the marTugement of th bath th doming season, but no dennll plans' were decided " oh. An other meeting will tie held next week to decide on whst improvement will be necessary ana to nx tno uai ior open- lnf the batha . Wbr the rroatg Are. - ' From the Toledo Blade. '' The Standard trust, say thataall It dividends, like those of tha beef trust, com from by-products. When th sub ject gets up to tha beer combine wa may expert to . hear : that foam Is a byz product, J f On ' Mr Great - OoafUoV To Admiral Lord Charles Beresfonl It seem altos-other probable that the Jap- T..m ukfll-t 1 1 1 1 . u .. m . , kl. fllll-l nnillHH W III , IT VI lt wars. Apparently he hasn't read about the Venexurlnn scheme for fnvadlng th I'nlted .flintf by way of New Orleans and the Mississippi valley, "Enthusiastic reports of results al ready sccompllshed and plan formed for work during ,4 he exposition wer heard last nlgta by the members of the -Travelers' Aid" association, organised te protect young women who mar come .ta.i..-- PjfcUand Mrmmwr"The ptaiis laid . last winter, when ths association waa formed, have been executed n part, and ' preparation are such as to' Insure th . uccessful Inauguration' here of the work that made a similar' association Ba potent a force for good in St. liQula last" . 5-Ai'- lastghr eetingrswTl "' , Honeyman. president; spoke on what haa been accomplished at Other expositions', ", , and showed the great Meed for providing ' sources' of Information for girl who come to the city Ignorant of th eon- - aitlong rrd-rlkriy-:t falUnto tempt' Hon.- Mr. C.Jt Jempleton-reported - -- mtttee- that - - some money had been received front ln dJVldugtJubacxtptlon. nd thgt'The 8ls tera of Mercy and the Christian En deaver society bad volunteered to sasist , In. finding rooms : for those who come under the car of the association. Good' Samaritan hospital also hs given it support by offering to furnish medical ' attandanCe'tand . hospital service taall young - wewenrrndTWiilj; 'beJnpe4 , throf,-- -7- --'" , The report of Mr. ILola &. Baldwlrt,! -superlntendentf-wae-replete with lnfor- .-' matlon thnt conveyed" an- adequate -Idea of the cop the work la' to take. Bh related Instance of young women, .who . hadeenJielped mlready. and gave the women a-ompieter" understanding ." of " what wa expected of them in their ev eraK departments. --4, - -a "Tha of flea . of th aaadclatloru". ald: . -Mr.. Baldwln.'reeetvea numerou let- . ter from girl who llv in other- plaev most of them tn -small towns and vtl- lages.-wh"m to - Portland and whos letter reveal absolute Ignor ance of the way of -th city..! They ln-i" . variably aak to be. gslted In ftndlng v work at low wages and do not reallsa- .. that what wouidaffardJBOmfoTtable- tii5ri. Ing -U their- home -town will not gip--r port them tn Portland. - - - --- - "The-aim of 'the aaaoclatlon 1 t-"" guide- young women ,wh? com here to find reputable place In which to lodge-and to aaalst. them to avold the ' -aUurlns: advertisements that are' appear ing in tbe newspapers art over thT'cdUn- J try, which sre Inserted by designing persons who wish to attract girls here, and who7 hope that whea tbey arrive and " -are embarrassed .lot. want "of ufflclnt.. means, will fall prey to owner of 41- repittable'teaorta.. 1 ' -1 '. - : -ij'Already- olo inyestlgatloa Jha bea : - had" of many plaoee for wfrloh advert! ment have been'rprlnted and the dle -coKerir haa been made-that they are pit ..fall for young and lnexpartonoed' women wno apply ior von. - inH .ua wen . especially true lit the case of advertise ments of. massage parlors, some-.' of which- are of tha moat vicious character Theae have been looked up, and In some . Instances have been compelled to close ttaslr dos It-la the- purpose of the aaoclatlon to prevent, rather than cure, the mls- fortune into which th girl would fall wer they left to their own device." Mr, tfrldwln ha been mad superin tendent In Charge of all th' associa tion's work and haa perfected her plana ao ' as to be fully prepared when the expoeltlon rush begin to care for alt young women who come to Portland in need of assistance, a Well as to save from misfortune those who ..unknow ingly would fall Into trap set for tha unwary. The color . seieciea to n worn by member were yellow with t- blaclc lettera. The- headquarter r lot1 Sixth street, where Mr. Bald-' win' of flea 1. and the officer arei Mra W. J. Honeyman, prealdent; Mrs. L H." F.- Addlton. first vice-president: ' Mrs. Bol. Hlrsch, second vlce-preldent; Mr. Oeorge C. Cressey, third vie- pr.iint; si m i narioiie. i-imtr, cor- , responding secretsry; Miss Carrl B. Hoi brook, recording eecretary; W. B Msckensle. treasurer; Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin! superintendent: " Mn. C. It. Templeton. chairman of the finance com- m1" ,. 1 r - i ., GRAVY BY THE BARREL SERVED WITH PRUNES Students-Co Out on Strike Over Food Served at Morgan Park Military Academy. (Special Dispatch by teased li'tt to lb Joernall' . Chlcsgo. May' 10. Oravy bought by. -the barrel "and served by .the plateful "" " betweenl never varying courses" of prunes, , CId ham and preserved pineapple, has Suhrnerg'ed the cullnsry department of v . tttef MrgatrllfrBT"CaaeIrT In' or a atrtKe. . . , . Charlea Falrbanka, a nephew of th vice-president of th Vnlted-B tataa-Ja leading th student faction and 0n Chase th faculty. - ' ' A food petttron drawn up by tn atudents and rejected by Dean Chase atarted the trouble for - the academy cuisine. . '- The atudent making tha charges marched Into luncheon prepared . to do their worst at th light of any on of th blacklisted delicacies. . Im mediately steaming bowl of gravy : sppeared, born by on of th waiter. till a heaping dish or prunes ws sighted" on a tray-Just behind. It wa more than the prune-fed boy ,.nuld stand,' and they deserted the-dtning-hs t st the sound of a previously arranged signal. They refused to return for din ner. - - Tha sfuderft' declare tht the grvy Is iwmlswl "pr JjarrelUn the gtwrd account,,and that It could be used ordinary paint if necessary, - . Pending a settlement by Dean wrias th atudent will be pnylng board al I mtn n)ara mm ftinff mMll St tn X'h ,t dining hall ar settled for In dvnee... Ji Professor Chase said h diubtd th Incerltv of ths strlk and tiallevea the . trouble could be adjusted In a few day . StUl Setter fot J. From ths Philadelphia Ladgaf.' "I hear Jal k Uodfeow I good a married to Mlsa Whltles" . vi w "Oh. better than that.' . ! t "Kh? llow do yoti'meanf. 1 "I. man the engagement J broken off." . : i .;.. '. n--."- ' .... -, -- -t :