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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
'VOLT" II. 7NO 10. PnT?TT.ANnr"OT?Trr;orJ, SIJNnA--:MORfH NOcA3fc&fcd8Qgj--FOTf ff SFf-'rTnM! ttttptv CTv-nApg LANE IMREiiLETiERslHK ii ii - SLURS BY MAYOR M11S BRINGEiaGGROUSfRERLY- ' V . . i : . . ' - . .... .. , FAIRLY SIZZLES flOliSHOllilllis BEhiOCRATIC LEADED His Gonception of. Qlly-ffomThatf-'tlie m r - .WhiskeyCandidate; iNo-Partnership With Gamblers and CrooksNo "Grafting in Gty Affairs If He Is Placed : : j ;. at Head -of Hunidpalv Government; A-n pen letter to Hon. ' George H. Portlahd77HHay 14. In toda y's - Oregon ta n - there appears- i Inter- . - view with you. at thla '. tibia mayor ,; of the clty.ajso at this, time a candidate for reflection to that of flea. In which ntrvlawott iiave deemed it proper to - speak of ma. your opponent lor --that - office, aa fpllowa; --"Dn taan baa -Httle- teemeeptlon of the dutlee of thla of floe. The moat Important eplaode of hla career waa his' appointment aa awpertntendent or the .;, Oregon atata inaane asylum,- from which ha waa removed by Governor Pennoyer." Thla remark waa not a kfndly one, and w C Its- tieud 1ato belittle .wo In .tlio,1 tryes -of the people, before whom I am a fundi data In opposition -to - ytmmrlf. and -aa auch entitled to your reapeetas an hon--orabW opponent, and. for that matter; aa ' ian Intelligent One. ao fofig aa I demean myself a aoeh. - -" I "r-Te peer-' to y.cmiceptlon-wTlteT dutlea 6T rlidfTlce of mayor 1 do not mind aaylng that I am quit w-ilJIng to concede that they differ radically ' from youra, If one. may be allowed to ' judge- them aa-they appear In, - your public acta duflrig Oio' Vat,thrt-Jrear: For me thing, tf 1 am elected, I ahall 1 not conceive It my- duty, or In good taate ' on my part aa a aervarit of the people, to mete out robuff to any auch honora- -V bla cltlaen aa may call . nfy attention to frauda which r, being practiced In the consummation of contracts Tor public work and for which the people have to pay; and If. !n-the public, out cry which anauea the work " of the con YORK WANTS STREET RAILWAYS Rpresent&tivet'of Eatttrn Cap. " ital to Arrive Tonight to Ap- ': prtiM Consolidated. T . SIX MILLION DOLLARS J l CONSIDERED FAIR PRICE J. and W. Seligman and Clarke . A Co. the Prospective . y purchasers. - - Wew Tork eapltallata have aaked the Portland Conaolldated Ball way company to nut -price on It entire property, 'the. company baa named a figure, nd the propoaltlon -haa proyed attractive enough tqcauee tha New Tork men to make a thorough examination of the treat rallwcy wUh.a-ylew toilmme- dtta aeeeDtanea. i -. BepreaanUUvea .of the Hew York bankera ara now on the wa ta ' Portland .and Will arrive thla . evening. Tha- proapectivei.pupchaaei .' W. ' 8ellgman, New York bankera.-and Clarke Co. of Philadelphia. Thelr.rep- ' reaentatlvea en route to Portland hum her elaht 4r 10 men. a ad include at- .'torneya; expert atreet railway joper--atlng men and engineer and account I ante. They wlli, devote the next, week J to 1 an axhauative JnytIgatlon of the lines of the Conaolldated. Ita equipment. franchleee and real aetata, and every . aaction- - the - city -of - Portland- aerved by the ayatem.- ;'r - - .It Jc believed by men In well Informed - niiartera that the New .TorlC people con-, template Immediate p'urchaae of the aya tem. The'dcal will amount t" approxi mately tt',000,000. The prollmlnarlee ave been conducted by Frank I Brown "of Ban Franclaco, a heavy atockholder In the- Conanltdated. who ' haa been m New Tork, for aevaral weeka. lie will aoenmpany the atents of the eaaternera td Portland. JjlJ. " i- - The local-ownero-of-the ayatem. In considering a poaalble aale, have put tm the property a price that they regard aa fairly repreaentlng Ita value., .There 1 haa been ho Jrllng by the New Tork - era, who are dlapoaed to took on the' property, aa a good Inveatment, 1 and ahould they decide, to accept the offer their action will be conclusive evi dence of the Importance that Portland and the Pacific northwest ara eaeumipg ! witera monry center, , . ' . ? - Duty Differs Radi- tractor haa to be dona over again, I do not-believe that I" ahalLever vaults able' to bring myaelf to .act that atyle of doing buslnees up aa a proper method to puraua to acquire the beat and moat economical results, and finally set it up agatn:aa "m "logfoal reaaoh T6ft6T reelection to- of t loe - :.. V T Upon' the contrary. It la my concep tion tbat It will be- my duty to demand of the contractor "an exact'fulflllment of hla contract, and, to aeethat he la protected by. fair and honorable auper vlalon and . paid for hla work when properly done anAjn&t before. Thla la but almple JuatlceT and ,1a a rule -which I anan.not una nam iw iyv, --Mjr conceptionr.Tir ny fluty wni. never allowve to deceive jnyeelf lnto-rheltew Ing -thaf'TcIty "cin honorably pay ita leglttmata akp'eniaea by going Into part nerahlp with' a parcel -of -'brace-game" garoblara for a hare of the 'Ynkeofr' h, f citiaena and tha atranger who cornea among ua. Nor 00 I believe that any' profit can b made by auch methoda of carrying on public bualnaaa. . Quite aa logical would It be. and more Profitable. DevbaDa.. to. imoort a few akilirul crackamen and turn tiiem looae upon the banka of thla city for a a ha re of the loot to. be thua acqulced. It will be" well within my concep tion of my duty if 1 am elected that-the peace and welfare of the poor, unhappy wlvaa and children of the tl-t)ma -of tno gamDiera-are or vaeiiy more im portance than that of "a claaa of men (Continued on Page Six.) IRA J. SANKEY IS WEARING THE END Famous . Singer -andHymn-: Writer Reported Dangerously - , III . in Brooklyn. BLINDN ESSJfsi Dl RECTLY1 CAUSE OF" AILMENT Since He Hae Found It Is Per manent He Has Been Failing Steadily in Health. (Special Dlsaatca by Leased Wire te The Joaraal) New Tork. May 10. Ira D. Bankev. Wmn-wtiter and alnger, whoso name la household word throughout the rell gloua world, haa been dangeroualy 111 at hla Brooklyn -horn. Hla life haa been deapalred of, and though he ir now aome- what Improved, hla Intimate frlenda and relatlvea are atlll . anxloua about., him, At. hla home It was aUted tonight hla family la planning to take' him out of the city for the aummer If hlf condition WlTlyeymU. ' " . ,' I when Sankay learned from famoua ocullata three years ago that hla blind nesa -would be permanent, hla. old-time cheerfulneea Hit him and he became de apondent. Hla brooding affected bla physical condition and he began to. waste away. - -' v. -,- Bankey la now (5 yeara old.' Ha gained an international, reputation through hla connection with the- late Rev. ' Dwlght L. Moody. - At a V. HI. C. A. meeting In Indlanapolla In 1ITA he met Moody and for many yeart traveled. with hlnw8an key'a alnging waa a great auxiliary to Moody'a .evangelical work. . . t :-im.x, M'M. ot A amuxi. n (Oopyrlf bt. . HMrst News "ervlce, by .Leased -' Wire- to The Jeurasl.) i London,. May XO. Mme. Mlo4 hav ing difficulties with the Covent Uarden muaagement and haa aerved notice that aha positively refuses to. sing Monday night In Rlgoletto. The reason la un known. . It la likely that aha will not tng the rest of the season. to imu mmuT rrnvrnr oaim. ; (Kpoel.l IMspatrh te The ' Joaraal) ' Helena. Mont. May . The Montana atata antl-truat law haa been held un winatllutlonat and the beef truat easea Hiat have been occupying the attention of the Montana courta for anp month wtu we apj-wuva). " . . trr-. a .. ..,.... , ;. C v - ! ,- t": r -i 1 ":t-::.' .-,'... ; ;- ? ' ; V I. ,.,.-!c--v-',-. -'t ft":,:''.4.-- V kv:.: .;" ;t' v ;l ' :. - : Thomai W. Lawson, Who FIERCE FIGHT- W R OvPR I .Throwing hla grip Into the Columbia river and plunging after It,' It A. Backett. a paaaenger from San Fran ctsoo, created a aenaatlon yesterday evening near -St. Helena on the steamer Costa Rica, bound for Portland. ' Second Officer 'William Holmes and '. awveral sallora awung a boat from the davits, and with a yo-heave-ho, went 'to tfie rescue. ,. j , -Backett was . Inaane and fought hla rescuers with all1 the vehemence of a madman. When Holmes seised him he atrtlck viciously at the mate. With one hand he caught the nearest aailor by the collar and with- the- other - tore and claweL at the .others.- The -man he' had In hla grasp waa also. duwa0Yerboaxd SUN SPOT BLAMED FOR MENINGITIS EPIDEMIC (SpeclafDlipatcb br Leased Wire to The JonrnI Wllkeabarrer May- 10. The. unusually large aunspot which scientists ara now discussing la believed by Dr. T. M. John- c.r:rv"S:uMAxiM gorky xmm, cerebral-spinal mentngt(iar7 Hfe porta thla concluaion after a sfieclal atijdy of the dtaeaae. J 1. '-.-r . 4- vIn a 'paper , presented today "to the Luserne County Homeopathic Medical society, hs says the sunspot Is the cause of. .the continued oold . weatherx and It haa been f6und that with vftrm vXither the epidemic la uaually reduced. Owing to the tfunspot-he. feans the epidemic will be more severe than ever next win ter. ::, ' ' . . EXAMINE THROATS r OF HELLO GIRLS '' (special Dispatch te Tbt Jourail.) . . . . Seattle. Wash., May .--The throats of ill the "hello" girls In bbtrT the Bur- aet and Independent Telephone enmpanlea have bem examined by, the board of health. The object of the examination la to make certain, InVeallxaUona aa to It Stirring Up the Standard Oil Millionaire. With a Live Wire. AITU EDATRDT-TO DR O W N and one side of his coat was. torn to shreds. - , Finally the maniac was overpowered, drawn Into the lifeboat and ' taken to the ateamer. . He completed the voyage to Portland under a heavy guard. . a '. Before Sackett attempted to commit suicide he waa observed standing near the rail talking to htmaelf. , Frequently he would ejaculate In low tonea: "That ventriloquist ta still after me." ' . He waa . traveling aecond-claaa. '! but waa neatly attired.. So far as known he had no acquaintances on board, and no one a0rns to know, anything about hla hlatory. - . - , . ,. . , , , i r Sackett,' waa turned 'over ( the authorltlea last night. - They .declare there la no doubt that-lnrnr'CTafy.The the danger of -spreading-contsgious dis eases by means if Infected telephone re ceivers. Two cases' of diphtheria oc curred d.urlng the last month among the operators, and "culture" for- each "cen tral" waa taken for analysis by the board. 'Reports! ori Iho "cultures" will be given early next week. a ; vITU AN fcAKLT UtAIH (foyrlght'C'HearsnWina" oVrrice.. by .Leased I Wire k The JunrqaL) Odessa, May' .10. Reports ', received from Yalta, in the Crimea, -regarding Maxim Oorky'a health are anything but encouraging. The physical and mental Sufferings. the last three montha have entirely rulnfd the famous author's al ways drllcate conatltutlon; though, It la still hoped that the balmy air of the south may prolong hla life' for 'soma tHne. That he Is doomed to an earlvi" a tT. a j..u. . t r 'i .'. .... i . 1 , ., ,. ,. .. . , WAITT BMXZ.TKM ox.osd. j (Rpeetal Nunatt-h te The Journal ! ' Helena.'- Mont.; 'May 20. Appllcallon haa been made by Montana farmora ta have the emeltere at Anaconda cloaed hecauao their irolaonoua fume damage crops,. ,,- . ; MANIAC grip, he -threw, overboard was not re covered. . The : Incident . detained the steamer, half an hour. , .- Sackett Is aald to have had a pocket ful.ot gold colne" when he boarded the steamer at the. Bay City. Hla money dlaappeared Immediately before or after he tried to end hla life. Conaiderable mystery attaches to the : whole affair. Backett Is a silhouette artist. The Coata Rica reached the Alnaworth dock at 1 o'clock, bringing a full Hat of -Daaaenaera from the Bay City. " She waa chartered to make one and poaalbly two trlpa until the St. Taul can be put In condition to -go back on me route. The paasage up the Coaat was prolonged somewhat by strong head wlnds.Cap- taln Randall la In command. LOVERS FIGHT BATTLE FOR. SWEETHEARTS'. SAKE . . . . .1 i j (Bpecla'l DlspStra ay Leased Wire te The Joaraal) Cheyenne. Wyo., May 10. Differences of opinion between two Cheyenne society girls regarding the pugilistic prowess of their respective aweethearta, Jed to' a prlfef Igbf.'on Tueadayni$ht between Howard, Bag Icy of Cheyenne and James Morrison -of Denver at V hall In- Chey enne. Bagley. received a fractured jaw and was knocked quV . t K'1 Morrison la the aon of James .Mor rison, Br., president of the Morrison Contracting company ,of Denver.- Hla father Is building the Capitol -Aventra' theatre In Cheyenne. . Young Morrlaon met and -fell In love with a society girl of Cheyenne. . It hap pened that thla young woman had a boaom friend, who hud for a lover How ard Bagley.- The four were on the moat amicable terms until recently, when the ratac tiaalon referred to took place. Then the glrla went to their respective lovers with their grievances and, or course, the latter felt bound to lake up the mat ter . i ?-- r - " . . The fight .was 'arranged, and about ldb -frlende) of 'the four were Invited and a. little hall engaged for the occa sion. Honora were even until Bagloy carelessly glanced at hla aweotbeait and Morrlaon landed, " . CRIME OF AMALGAMATED lllilttlili Frenzied Financier Tells'HowStand-: - ard-Oil - Growd-Flecced-the-Public, : Pocketing .$36,000,000 Profits. Rockefeller; Rogers and-Stillman Charged With Deliberate Falsehood and With Campaign : . of Robbery. Against . Stockholders ' -: -ThMnaa- Wr Lawaoo.ln . the ltth in- atallment of hla .VFTenaled Ftnance;; In the June number of EverybottyaUaga line, tella th "Crime of Amalgamated." Juet one year from the time that he be gan the aerlea, the writer deplete the Bcena atth-4.iiM of-puttlng -the ft rat tn- srallmnt of Amalgamated CoppeiL atock on the-, market. .In thla ha does not ml nee worda. Henry II. -Roaere la plcted aa. a merciless villain, while-the membera of "the ayatem" are connected directly with whit the "writer' terma a fraud upon the - public. The National i-n y nana a anare la aet forth, the ac- guleateiue uf William O. ROTteTTOeTTtno'n.TIegedlhat the bank waa a party to de- all of the Btandard OH clique. WUh this Installment -of -the - story" Mf.- Lawson publishes the advertisements - printed at the time' of the public subscription and goes .into: -details' bf-the Interview with Mr.. Rogers whan tha plaA of campaign was -mapped and begun. Mr.l.awson .says -thatrJlmalgA mated was- rganraed with a capital atock of T5.000,OilOt when but .0i.9iA hadbean pnbl for control - of tha coppers, mines brought Into the merger,, the difference $.1,OW,fln0 being clear profit for the organisers. At the first publlo stock sub scription Amalgamated received tT8.413.S04 from the people, which waa nearly enough to reimburse them for the origi nal purchase price, and yet leave them in control of the company. Partlculara at the time of the subscription Charge Presi dent Stillman of the National City bank, H. H. Rogers and William O. Rockefeller with deliberate falsehood In their prom isee to the publlo and with Inauguration HARRY M. ADAMS TO SUCCEED EDEN? Assistant Traffic . Manager of Great Northern Resigns . His Positions " TO ENTER COMMERCIAL BUSINESSTIN-BEATTLE t Portland Man- Does Not -Think , There Is Any Truth In Report. (special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) . Seattle, Wash.. May SO. JohnC. Eden, assistant general traffic manager of the Great Northern,. haa resigned his position to take effect at, once, and aa aoon aa his - resignation., la ' accepted Harry .. M.' Adama. assistant - general freight agent of tha, Oregon Railway A Navigation company,-wfll br appointed to succeed him. This Information waa given out at Great Northern headquar tera tonight. On being relleyedhewlj.i; tagerri commercTaT busiheas In Seat tle. Eden left Thuraday night "for St. Paul, and will present his resignation In peraon with the urgent requeat that It be accepted. For several weeka It haa practically been- before J. - D. Farrelt. assistant, to President Hill, who, when he left for New .York the first at this week, would not accept, hoping It would be recalled. , Two, days sfter Farrell left EdefP concluded to go to St. Paul and explain the situation, asking Immediate J? :JEdenjj:ame-Jiera--ae-aaalatant trarric manager-of .the western division of the Great Northern four yeara ago: Four montha ago hla Jurisdiction-waa extended' to Include the whole of the Qreat Northern system. At -.this end of the line he'' has been the cloaest man to Mr. Farrell. -He developed hla department of -the--road to a state of perfection, never before attained. Until after his resignations Is accepted Mr. Eden, -before--leaving here, dH lined to state what business enterprise. "he would enter. - Harry M- Adama, when aaked-last night about hla reported appointment. emphatically denied It, ' . "There Is no truth In the report, so far as I know." -he aald. "I have had ho communication with tharOreat-Wnrth-ern people, and f o vffer of any kind haa come to me front' them. I ant sure that I would not be appointed to any position-without first being consulted about it.. I had not even heard before that Mr. Eden had resigned. of tha campaign of - rob fcery- that bled r the Amalgamated aubscVlbera. ,e National City cank'a part la de-T- fined ' the advertisement - that atock would be apportioned In case there were over-auhacrtptlona, equitably among the : faobafrlbeia.yTtie mnotrthclnaiaeVrr" e ayatem"-are charged with puttlns;; ' In blda to' 'balance those being made bv the public; and to protect the company In-thla acheme tt waa neceaaary for the- National. City bank Officers to keep Amalgamated 'off Icera Informed of what the public waa bidding. By the pro visions of thla secut inwnmt " - f raudlng. subscribers - to- Stock ofiwo shares out of every -threes to which they were eniiiie ty - tne terma ef the ad vertianment. The actual aubacrtptlnns at that, time la said to have been 1133!- . 07.iOO. aa against the report that the -subcrp1oDa totaled -l.000.eoa Jn; -this mannerrTJrrLawaooT aays that . Amalgamated officers got enough froui. tbe-pubrtoto payfor tha property, and at the aame. time retained control In the- management,; '. ; ,- '. TT" Some of hla . strongest-points in the) :; June Installment are indicated by vari oua fxcerpta from Mr. LaWaon's article.: Of the organisation he saya: , "Then came the organiaation of Anil- - gamated by clerka and office boys, the paying In of Ita cash capital of $7S.0d0. 000 in . the form of a check by aald clerka and office boys iri exchange for the entire t7S.000.000 capital! stock: the (Continued on Page Six.) VALUED STOLEN Three Gems Cut From Wold-Fa Famous Excelsior Stone Pis'--: appear From Tiffany's. ROBBERY COMMITTED IN FIFTH AVENUE WORKSHOP Stones Are Left 'Unlocked and Wrapped Loosely in Paper ;. .; Employes Suspected. New York, May 10. Three diamonds, cut from the world-famous Kxcelalor stone and valued In the aggregate at IsO.OOO. have dlaappeared from 'the shop Z of Tiffany Co.. No. It Union Square. Satisfied that they were stolen by some person la their employ, but mystified . by the strange clrcu ma lances connected ; with the thet and the absence of clews, the companyi aet in motion the ilect-T ive forces of two-contljients In their en oa vor to recover the precloua atones. - the Excelsior last fall, shortly after Its purchase by Tffany from an English syndicate, . The f tone was found at Jagcfsfonteln. South Africa, In 18D3 and In the rough weighed m carats. It v was the isrgest diamond that has ever been cut. up snd tbe total value of the ten atones taken from It waa Sou,0ut. FIve-of-the diamond wsre -sold by the. Tiffany lira to.-well-krjown- New York people laat Christmas,'. Of the re maining Bve the company now has enly - tWO.-f.... :-r . . v- ,,'.... T 6 r obber y . aa - oomm itted- fit -thu worXshop on the fifth' floor of the Tif fany bulling in Union Square, en tbe afternoon of Thuraday, May 1: The) ' next morning when the maiuirr nf tt... department went to take them from tha safe In- which they should have beeit locked for. tha night, they had disappeared.'--" 1 - - ' In fact. -the three .diamonds, upo( which a trusted worxman had been .m. ployed all day on the 4th had - been placed In the safe. Loowelv wrsiiM.t 4o paper, the 0.000 worth of jewels DIAMONDS" AT $90,009 imu oy int workman en the ahelf of the window, of the wire cae -which aeparatcs tha office from it he -workshop, ; The man 'whose duty tt was to Iwk up the valuablea did not mis a the'dia tTionda, Thai three . diamonds, in Iargfat.of whlrh weighs II carala. la valued at OOO. Another or H carsla Is worthI.000. . The smallt ore, welghlngfOL carats, would bring too, All are pear-ahaped gad are pir white, -Tbcjt brilliant la ruai'. . '-, -V.;r-'-!;'' r ' r - 1 r'' , '; 1 j, i . .... ., x.ti .. , -i -J