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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
v., -. I : TtfET OREGON-DAILY..,.' JOURNAL. -PQlHTLAMD,-FrtlDAVUfcVEmNti-' MAY 19, 1805.,' ft JCP LIVELY THERE SAYS NEV CAPTAIN TO LEAD OTHERS Mineral 'Superintendent Already Arid .Crew of Fireboat George H. Williams Obeys Orders of Commander Smith. -...-.'' .( ''. - . . t." - , ' -'- - ;.' ' Anxious About.Spaca for ;. - r-xf 'a.m .? Double-One Means Eleven Dollars Buys $15 to $18 Worth at c rui to vonecuon. "it";-' i-' 'MEW ANNEX WILL ALL BE. PloTviOTrow ,':,,, FOR OREGON PRODUCT 1. 1 REMOVAL OF D0LS0N Other States Will HavelVlore Se yr lect Ores Sn Less Quant ;lt:---esTjhnjOjygon.'-;; Greater. Efficiency Expected IFrom ZtheCompanyJ"halJ r Guards tho Waterfront. , : OREGO EXHIBIT - -i-t..., ; -... I .-. t . - ' . -j - ; r ." ... ..y... . . - '. ; ,' .' ' -, - .. - - 1 - 1 1 v ; i a , 1 1 , 1 Tons of Are are being arranged lit the Mining; and Minerals building at the fair. Th frratesY display, of course, will l by the'-home, state. But all other western states are to pot forth their -Vest, products. From - gold . bullion to xuatrtria vtrttollLb able to behold everything that cornea IrOrrrarmln, Superintendent of the Oregon exhibit, iTamlih Hi Halite iias his work well advanced. fcHs cabinet andanwr-ara- mostly In place, and he Is rapidly ar ranelna the ore. labellnr It and brlnxlna out the moat effective featured H has the heavy; .work of the building; 'All -other Btates are sending In limited quan tlllfi of thelr-ralnaraiDroducts. but -Oregon mine owners are aendlng Ore by tons. Is already more 'in sight thar ran; possibly ba placed, and aU of (HO annex rx-ina aauea 10 me .mineral building will tap given UP to Oregon. Mr, Mellls is already looking., pussled, -H4 nja tu Ibjnk that not only the In Hide of the building, "TJOT-mmM -JHitside-.aBweli; would be required to hold I he Oregon product. It Is apparent that the miners of this 'Mate have been too generous in-their allowHnco. -They seem to have been In formed that there willbe no limit to exhibit space and that quantity la what Tfleatrefc Cut In case lt-isimpoaal. l.le to glva place to aUIthftTpre sent, -thauBuperintendent will have, Uio oppor tunity, of chooalnrthe oat-ttractlva and the best. . He has In sight by far the greatest Oregon exhibit ever brought together, and the eases are Just belnff unpacked, So it looks aa ir there would be enough Oregon ore to keep the stamp mill busy during the fair and yet have all reauired for the exhibit. The attractive features of the exhibit are Just being brought out. "Thara are rlarantc woclot-f -eoai-trero -wa iTuernETuTlk-Df-ore-howlng-eoppa, gold. lead, slrtff-andthe - rarer metals -aWHthrrb teh apecimens are beinr-a celved, end by the -time, the fair -opens there Wilt Te an' abundance o nuggets, bullion and gold duet In evldenee-- Mr. Melfls' office is the most attractive fea- line worked eut ei It is -the Quart bunding, with various aorta of quarts pafirta on the -sides- and ends. The min iature smelter sent by the Sumpter Smelting & Keflnlng conrnan'y haa just arrived, and Is a large exniDit fx win b one of the prettiest dlaplaya at the XUr. Tho Ore r on exhibit will be In place WiKTopStifng day, but it does notaeeih nosylble that alt the other" states will ba BQ prompts -iSeveral haye.Juat begun - -their tIi of arrangement,' and.neces Mrlly will require mora than -sv couple , uf weeks. .'.-'- IHiAitJREMILtlSON t-i Tn rrr-m an ft re?"frn xlii.' RIiia river diHtflct. WSS In th? city a' portion of the week, and has re turned t.r -the aotith.' where -he -la -u- tgndlrig the liMnafaaarn r new -mm-from-the-eldlng at SprfiigneTfr'W h. nnuwriv. The entire Diant" is saia . . k.. .... ih. rnilwav near Kuiene. aiKU . ' W-3 ."W . I as roads up the McKenaio are in oodi -rttlGn,- tt- wiuie posasoie- ,iar ! management to deliver the mill a6 the - mine as quickly aa norsei esn iuui n there. The wagon haul will be about mlles. 65 miles up the McKensle and six miles up Blue river, all over a, well graded -Wrhwayr - ' -' -Construction is to. be rushed ' on the 7ntll. which will ba.erected In the,n?ar future, as the materials , for building ' have been manufaoturedand . much of the framework is said to be iiniaried. CANADIAN PACIFIC IN NICOLA COAL FIELDS i Vli-nrtl 'illlft r-TM, 1 4wrltM 4 Port iHnd, of which-there ara many, lentued this week that the t'anadlan Pacifto had lot rnntracta for tue pnamieiion or a -4ina. frpni- Bpenccr. bridge to the Nicola unctlon. which will bring a railway iwmiii i in frit 'thIIi'w 'ef"ttm' prfim .. jnent properties.' " 'Both the. Canadian government and the British Columbia prolilCcJiave grrmtcrt the railway -t lionus for this Kxtenslbh, Trie "IH.'flO1) nHsuied being about equally divided. The - stretch ta be built will beabout-fS miles - -and? as the route follows th,e valley, work will be rapid. ' When ttti la fin '" Ifhed j branch line direct to the pr.ii-. crtlea la assured,' rtnd Jfrom that, time .... nn .iniit.r la felt that Nicola valley will becomtf a permanent prcduolng dla i,.f Af m tforwt 'ernrin of co;il. Many -jortIard penptrr are connected with coal ,. companies operating in n vauey, eii'i they' receive the news from the north ; ' wltji mqre than average Interejf. . ' Willis ' Smith, captain : of chemical company No. 4, Uuu been! promoted to the -captaincy of the fire boat Oedrga II. AVllliama tor Chief Campbell to suc ceed A. W, Dolson.- Captain Smith as sumed charge Monday and has formu lated a set of rules for the discipline of his (men. He has a 'house" drill " livery Jey-in-orderlhat. the men may become familiar with every piece "Ofrap--paratui snil h"TT It r"nil-1 be handled. W. C. MorrlsorTlftrBeW-inrninrjtefrl to aucceed Captain -Smith in chemical eompany- Xa. -i. -Other .appointments made by Chief Campbell which will ba" approved by the executive board today -T oaorar.Uell;rliosftnan.nalne com pany No. t; f 6. 'Knox, "driver -engine company no. i; Arinur a. uonnar, nose man, fireboat wagon; James T. Erartt, hoseman, fireboat wagon; WT FV Maas, hoseman, hose company No. s; Fred a. Proudflt. ladderman. truck company vviija(Ijr Au. , . II mini 0. Duvuuiri:,, hoseman, engine company No. t," Ottle rHinnr hoaeman. engine companyNo. 7; Charles A. Sylvester, ladderman, truck company- No. Robert H. Hunt, hose man, fireboat wagon i George Weygandt, lioatman, fireboat wagonr Claud-K Kent,- hoeeman, fireboat wagon; George Finn lr ladderman truck-XompanyNo. li ii. Beck, ladderman. truck company Na.l;A.' Wefel, ladderman truck company No. 1; O. M. Bliss, hoaemam hose "company"No.,L; Thomas Tfutter, hoseman, engine company No. 1; James, 8. Baldwin, ladderman, truck company No. 3; Lloyd Lambert, laxluermarv truck company No. 8: victor -Paterneaux, hoseman, hose company No. ; Clarence D. Whaue. hoseman, engine company No. J; Harry C-Wright, operator, truck company No.-l. ' . , Clilat -Campbell reaalvedthe reelgna tton jeatcrday of Captain J. W JJcAl- Jlster of chemical company No. 1. who has iert the . department lor- a,- mora lucrative position. Wlttliu. annolntment' -th new inen the new fireboat 1 wagon -is fully equipped - and ready .for action. Two large bay horses, unusuallv-lne nt 'malaTTiave been purchased. The wagon will vKsork. Jil.conjunctlon,, wltlt4U,jfira-J boat at all fires along .the waterfront lde ! about completed, nd the ore Is wider than the tunnel. . The roads from, tha railroad to Bo- hr-tola flri jr( rTlrli?ll!n-J!Jl', beav freight ls going In to tha dTReTSnt cam pa. -f--.-. Henry -Johnson j la.down-:from the Grltsly mine and reports the prpr-orty looking well. - - . . 1 There Is little snow In fcohemta now, and TrPctors! are-going -tn helr-hgfd Higs in gnoq rmmoera. innaioe ana ojci( work is being- prosecuted. TTTTT T Talklngton ' of Bu'em and Or. Oglesby- left for their "property lii Bo hernia, and will be there for some tfrr.e, ey gxpgt:t tu du euusidcrable work this summer. MILLING WITH AN OLD -'RKASWTN UHhUUNl ' (Special Ilplch to The loaraal) ' Applegate. Or May 13 Rilay Tomp son has milled. 10 tons of ore from-1. Is ledge, situated two miles south of the ApplQgate postofflee, on' the head tf Quarlx gulch. The mine is known as the old Tompson crect ledge. " It was worked In early days, but the ore was lost. In recent years a party of Grants Cs M-ople .formed a , : company and orked the property, drlvtng five tun nels. Disagreement among - the mem bersf Caused them to ceaae work. Kr two years lhe. mine lapsed again,, when Mr. lompinn gainp.a control. Mr. Tompson put.,10 tons of hi ore through an nrrastre and it-went lis to the' ton. He wlll ldock outore during tha summer and mill more this fall, us hlaarragtre is run by-water taken from an' Irrigating ditch. The owners need water , in summer, for. irrigation pur I poses. , ' OIAOLOCK bTEB XOAD. BLUE RIVER MEN SAY r WORK AT FAIR TSJ500D -"The mlhlng men of Blue river dlntrtet found that 'everything-possible was done "to make, an, pxcelrent exhibition of- tholr oren," said w.f II. Dodge this morning. "We have heard that Blue river was not setting a proper place, tand with one or two other r,ane county men I caller at Mining" Bnl1inr--4ntatvicwWr.,, Mellls. 'lie soon convinced me tnst this ' etate'would be In the -forefront of exr hlhltors, end that Blue river with all otht r districts would be properly repre- htCjl.. ;,.;;. ' - ' ,. . ..ScajJ "Ve have shipped a heavy tonnage of. ora.VronttmiKVHr. podge, j .'Tba camp la anxious to' make i, pnper show. Ing, giving an idea of the large shoots .mined and the exceptionally free char- a!tr of ores. To-do this properly," we have-sent In a large amount of ore. whtch will be arranged In the new. .an nex, and r believe that- Blue-lver. will receive great benefits from the fair.", SPRING WORK RUSHING ' . - IN THE BOHEMIA CAMP - - - Pli iVlipatcfc e We iojnraai)'--.:: .'. -. Cpttsge Orove, Or., May 1 Mahager j J. Hard of the Vesuvius mine and other properties of Bohemia has snivel .nftef'a trip In Ihn ewnt. He wrnt to 'i;hmla st nn'e to prem firaHnut, , uZ The ' tOO-f oot contract at the Hlver (Spwlal IKnimtrh to The Journal. V Chehalis. May 1. A. dispute ' has arisen .between Commfsslonesa Tilly st .1 1 . I . . . I ' nv iiini iiiultiw mttu 1 uuiih vi iuv sec ond dlHtrlrt over the question of where the new" Chehulls-Centralia road shall bo built.. Early In the '80s a high plank trestle was built between the two towns. but this has worn so badly that It has been condemned and was ' yesterday plosr-d to the public A new route along the hill about a quarter of a mile to the east of the trestle has recently been surveyed, but this Is about .800 feet longfr than-the trestle There se-ems to be a .deallock"Orl The aubjoot at this time and It will probably nof be settled until : Tho 1 regular session of. the -board early In June. .r - " ..'.. 1 " mrertal Mipttcli to Tte Joomsl.J -r Chehalis. May 1. The Chehalis, xlty council. bas taken up the matter of per manent " treets-r-lB an.f feet lye wajr. Mrst atreet la' now- being rebuilt of atone between Prlndle and West streets. At the last .council meeting ordinances were passed for three addltlonaT "local ' Inv, proyement districts, one of which pro vides for- Btohepavtng-ot West-etreefe also for rennayiv'anla avenue and St. Helens avenue. The city has a rock crusher busy almost every, day and it-getting. rine.jauaiUyLcf.a touejtocJ the new work. Several thousand dollars will -be .expended -bare this summer, on streotsv most of which will ha-jacssed to tho abutting property. - Health and Old Age. r - Come to thevman who,. uses . pure liquors moderately and In season. . Yoe will note we- cmphsalse lha- yord, poraLl It's the purity of our whiskies, bran dies, wines, and so fort h, of which we are Justly prow. Try a bottle of our fult quart A. D. G. Rye Whiskey and be convinced tha.t our statement 4a as pure as the goods ke offer In our line. - -, , D. GKRMANUB. X ' -'-.'-1" - -'The Family L4quor Dealer. Hi Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. No men' esf rur ponaiimptlon.1 Terf can pr"Vfit It though. Dr. .Wood's Nor. WAV Tlnrt Kyrun '.cures I'migh. colds. bronchitis, asthma. Never falls. - JZS,V?SrX,&S&- 69-71-73 Third St, Bet Oak and Pine Without-having to nic4iceityler iMty or workmanship. That is what We terttr saying money. There are milliona of dollan worth of clothing made in the. JLUnitedStatesieach year that can be sold at any oldVpriTthTW thevefy best knownTtiakes of high class tailor-made clothes. Any .suit bought at thui store costing from $8 to $40 is guaranteed to hold its shape at the shoulders and not to break or curl in front for one year. We- Ayill replace, any defective garments free. How is that for good clothing talk? The Chicago does not handle any unreliablermade clothes. " Every article bought at "this store is sold for just what it is and is warranted to give satisfaction and be of the dependable kind, no matter how low the price we quote." That's " the . - reason why The Chicago sells more clothing than any establishment m the northwest and is Portland's Greatest Top to Toe Outfitters.' n ii i -- : ' ' mm I . TJf I .1 J tv , !; '- ' 'i -Uressers r : ss for the Greatest EveiMade BIQ STORE Will buy a better Suit than has ever been offered in this city. -Blue serges, black - clayr worsteds," blue and black unfinished worsteds, double and single breasted styles; pure all-wool, hand-tailored, also imported tweeds,''cheviots, double-entwisted home-1- spuns cassimereg and pure all-wool and mercerized ; wire-twist fancy -worsteds a parade of $tyles,-100 .1 strong made by"Brandagee;7Kincaid & Wood, and The-Acorn. Not a suit r :- in the-entire lot but is a good $15 to $18 value ; but-The- Chicago is a store of Jive, up-to-date principles, and-just-before-the- world's f air wewilr-demon-- ..s'traie to iheoncnthafrweTiavli,o eqTJannTtheTPaKficTidrt pf bighies.-r Wsiwant the tratde;of -the ipprectattVe; lbHc; try giving- the best clothes for the money to be had.- anywhere.-- We fit all ' sizes and shapes men to 52-inch bust measure. ' . 3uys a; good All-! (M C Gives youj rVopI. . IlaadeTailor- eD 1 0 c Ft ed $10"or$12 Suit. "Suits, worth $80. e of a world of Inch class aWensipgleate4- Concise 'Weshow the newest Quaker Gray Gunmetal and thejyraze -ofMhe-hour---Broken-Steel-Tip-Grays; ' . A mos t "exliaustless variety of Brandagcc ..Wood's very latest tailor productions at $20 as a Or less than two thirds merchant tailor prices. Outing Suits Great-Half Price Sale of :We will Inaugurate the SummerjOuting Suit Season with: a sale that will move you to action at once. , Commencing tomorrow, we put on half price sale 300- All-Wool Outing Suits in men's and young men's styles, sizes 33 to 40, in small lots carried over and all sample suits sent to us to . select by this season. -: : . ' dC Afk Will take choice of all-wool, tailor-made, "plain )i)eUU and fancy.light and dark colors, worth $10. - M rti fftt choice of all fine $12, $15 and some even $ tOU -better suits in this lot. . Hand-tailored, splendid styles, homespuns, cheviots, tweeds, wool crash. . Mothers Tomorrow you can pick up some exceptional good things in Knee Pants Suits and save -money. P 1 C Will take choice of smaHTots op D 1 .lin-Ihistcr. Brans--Norfolk or' Dou ble Breasted Suits, that sell regularly up to - '.- $2.65 Will contain several . lines and broken , lots of decant All-Wool Materials that are worth at least' $4. . Ir"r-il nitr arrivala !n v.tra iniialitv lianrl- tailored Knee jpants Suits at ?3.85, $4.85 ' . : . , and $7.50. ... Yoiing Men's Suits Tomorrowwill offer some exceptional fine oppor. i - ' ' tunnies. ., , . -' - IWlir take choice, of several full Jines of 1 J J ti.'l a - J r c- i' i us j sinirte ana tiouuic urcasica jiu tuus. ana lrts of tw o. three and four of a kind that Were broken ' during the, Easter" rush, worth up to $12." rMl C f WilUbe a -. power. fkme of tSevery - ej)y eUJliAnu.soi1iest $12 single and .double breast ed styles and all stnalT or broken lots, worth up fo $13. Serges, unfinished worsteds and fancy "mix tures. : ,. . .. . -"'( ' ' 1 Yr S Furnish ings Portland's Largest All . New .Stock., ..... Negligee, Golf ancT king . Shirts. . the most 'extensive variety ant-best values-in-the City. ,.. 75 Golf and Negligee, a most handsome- assort 7 ment of the good aad ' nice kinds. Kxtra values in silk bosom, brilliantine, silicarpenaog- and mad -. ras..'- , , -: ? 1.50 , Cluett's most se- lect styles,' golf and neg- $2.00 Mohair, pongee, French flanneh, etc, r $2.50 Pure pongee and crea'rn, brilliants; etc. . . Underwear N e c k w e a r, . White - or Fancy Wash ' - , Vests, etc. Your Footwear Bought at this store insures comfort, style, -.service and low prices. Blucher, bals. and' J . Oxfords, in tan, chocolate, black and patent , leathers, aTso vici, colt, ..calf, etc. .-. $2.35, $1.85, $1.65 Boys' and Children's In Blucher "and bals., tan or black. Special - "' -V- ' '"' values, ;: - .... "-.'',: ' $1.35, $1.50, $1.65, $1.85, $2.00, $.25 and $2,50, r if ' . Every pair' of Men's : or " Boys" Shoes bought at this-store is gHanantecd. If a pair goes wrong a new pair freiC . . . . . . . iliwo-pth A Hat to Fit Your Face 30 Styles, 30 Sha&es and Colors America's Greatest . ..4--V---'.--ait- - h ' ' ' X-- -- d HA?- ": -- ' lmmmmmmm ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 .. 1 ! " I' , '. i i I i i f '' ' ...... . ' j , , j x -i'n'1 i. m' ,i- i ". " I xuii,, 7! Panama Hats via. s j Vhat? , "Kilimartin & Co.' Real fyijapl Water-woVen Hand-shaped Panamas $3J85 For choice eis shape of IS Panama Hats, unblaachrd. We display the Panama llafc beet stock la 1I gradea ; ' up to, each.j,...i., $2S STRAWLHATS Rsnrtlta. Milan, Manila tnd tvictn siraii atn. ll atvloa. 60r, T5, fl n up t $5. x 4".' taiL 4 ' V A 1