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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
THE OKECOU DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - FRIDAY " EVEHiNG, MAY 19, 1905. A- Saturday as on all daysThis Stdre closes at 6- p." m.' 'A ."Modern Store" of .,' Modern '. ; . "'ili-y Business Ethics. . ' V .Tins STORE CLOSES 'DAILY AT 6 P. M:r &$:6 &iVashinitoa Sis. ThtfBiffercn tls tore SATURDAYS...! N CLU DE D. Standing. of the leaders in the Pupil's Exposi tion Contest wiU be published uTMortday and Yisit the FRES CAKE-BAKING SCHOOL on" Third Floor. Lessons 9 to 12 and.l to "4 ... ' ' " V Uaily. . . - - ,,' Thursday . evening. papertTaadzTucSday and. J " Frldavr:",! fMtfn, i f , .i - T - g . I . T John Graham, Pork Packer From the" Missouri Valley, Once ; Said : "GIVE MOST MEN A GOODv LISTENER AND MOST WOMEN ENOUGH NOTE- PAPER. AND THEY'LL TELL ALL THEY KNQW." "John' might have been right, many' men love to talk, but an advertising man with the least bit -of tingling red cor puscles flowing thro his veins and the enthusiasm "bump, developed in the" slightest degree, would be tempted to infringe upon "woman's prerogative accord ing to "John's" idea, after a walk 'round this store and a gathering -up of such a bunch of bargain1 items as we have to tell you of for Saturday.1 i The pencil would run wild, else curbed, and note paper would grow warm in sympathy. Merry Mergenthalef s would catch the spirit and set the story in clicking types until this page would overrun its banks. But we desist Many bargains must talk for themselves to youT in person, tomorrow. .Quan- T tities are small, in so many instances that, should "we print 'em, the mail and telephone orders would devour them greedily ere- your arrivaland you would be dis appointed.' Yes the people who come to the store fare best, in that they get the full meal with all the bargain dessert. Saturday we set a generous, liberal feast, but 'come before 6 p. m., for this store closes then and the day is done. Bargains on this page for Saturday only ' , 8 a. m. 'til 6 p. m. 7 r Big Special Safe of Ladies' Collars and-Veilings for Saturday- IIRST-JTUXIIC- SAUCY.. FETCHING VEILINGS AT: HALF - FRICB P --. Pretty Veiling in th popular aid stylish combination of gray ana- otacx- Our JSo value; special at. the yard...... ...... ..,.., .18 pur 60c value;' special at. the yard .v;-.-; . .". .-. . . .'...25 Our J5o value; special at, the yard... ..,.38 ALSO a LOT of VEILINGS Irf black and white. In plain and fancy mesh, with dots In all the latest designs. ' . Soma block, and whlto Veilings, some with, and other without, dot. . b' -i .. Our regular IBo value." special at. the yard. .T;i777T:lH4 -Onr regular Hot; VBTuerTtPaTtZTO5Ttrd.'..rr. 'l..'! 2njP Our regular W valuer special at. the yardV, ......... pur .re-ulV-78e value; special at. the yard.., ...... . . . EMBROIDERED COLLARS. 1 " " - I6e COLLARS- I Or. " " - - Ladies' Embroidered Collars, In assorted pattern, all new and jvery pretty. We' bought an extra, large lot of them to sell at 25c-each. A great apecial valua at, each.. lO ....... .ne ........ 38 AalenpfrcefuHmerestKfe Saturday in, theShoe Stores: ' WEST A NNEX-t-FI R ST FLOOR. "THE BOOT SHOP ON THE ' FAIR WAT.' " A. SERIES OV BRILLIANT SALES CLOSE TOMORROW. SHOE VALUES THAT REACH A MAGNITUDE OF IMPORTANCE TO BUYERS UNPRECEDENTED BY ANY MAY SALE EVER HELD. AT- THIS OR ANY OTHER PORTLAND STORE. . Read the list of unmatchable values and sav money by doing the needed Shoe buying here tomorrow. . ... -x ... MEN'S $5.00 SHOES FOR H.4S. Men's Shoes made- by the Flngree Shoe-Company: here In best patent colt, either lace or button; made on a straight last Our best 16.00 grade; special for Friday 'Economy Sale, the - pair 93.45 FINE SHOES FOR WOMEN,' MISSES AND CHILDREN. These Shoes are made by the famous Plngree .Shoe Company, and are honeot -value all through.-' They are here In Corona patent colt, lace style. The Shoes for women have low, flat heels; for misses and children the spring hetla. All are good, sensible Shoes FOR WOMEN Our 63.00 value; special at, the pair l.OO FOR MI88KS Our 12.60 valuec special at, the pair SI. 59 FOR CHILDREN -pur $2. 00. value; apecial at, the pair.,.$1.49 CHILDREN'S 11.00 SHOE8 5c. : - Children's Fine Red Kid Lace Shoes; sixes 1 to (Regular value $1.00; special, 1 day only, pair...'. , .65 WOMEN'S $150 H ALP 8HOKH $1.S; : Beven lines of Low 8 hoes that-will be discontinued and hot sized igaJruJrlceswULJ)eutspJowthatbySalrdayn not expect to have a pair left. There are four discontinued ' t styles of "Gloria'' Low Shoes, Including vlcl kid.. patent kid and lau eaif, with, turd ot welt solas On ssgwlas- ni - special, , the pa'r 4..., -. $1.90 WOMEN'S 14.00 SHOES $1.95. , , , Women's Black Patent Kid Lace Shoes, French matt top, LouU -XV heels. slipper joleewQpdscTOurJreSulE-M'. value, : special at, pair 92.8ft WOMEN'S 6J.60 OXFORD TIE8 $1.0. 1 ' Three styles of tan, vlcl kid and Russia leather Iyw 8hbes and Oxford Ties; both heavy and thin soles Regular $1.00 and $2. 60, values; special,- pair - .'. .. .$?1.9Q ' ." MEN'S $6.00 OXFORDS $3.5. New shade of tan Ruasivcnlf Half-Button Oxfords; the "Florshelm 1 Shoe"; always sold for $6.00; special, pair 1 ............. -93.95 V MISSES' $2.25 SHOES $1.61.: . Mioses' Lace Shos, very fine vlcl kid. low heel, Inserted patent lace stay; regular value'$2.25; special, pair ........... ..91.69 , - ,. - - BOYS' $2.50 SHOES $1.0-. " , Boys' box calf Vlcl kid Lace Shoes, plump weight solid' and good- sixes 214 to ; regular vape $2.50 special, pair .... t .... .1.90 "OLD WOMEN'S $1.60 COMFORT SHOES $M, Saturday the Last Day of the Great Discount Sale of Women's Tailored Suits at One-Fourth Off YOUR FULL CHOICE OF. ANY TAILORED. SUIT IN THE HOUSE (Mo hair and Silk Shirtwaist Suits Not Included) at 'a quarter less , than its regular price". ' A ' BARGAIN EPOCH OF GREATEST MOMENT TO THRIFTY IWOMEN OF DRESSYROCXIVITIES-INJORTLAND'SJLARGEST-AND- FOREMOST " SUIT AND WRAP STORE Grand Salops Second Floor." '. Without exception, every model In this great sale Is abreast; with the hour.- Every, correct style. Including Jacket. Blouse and Eton models; .every wanted material, embracing Cheviots,' Broadcloths, Panamas, Imported Materials and Fancy ' Mannish Mixed Suitings. -- - Plain colors and fancy mixtures blacks, browns, blues, rrtn, grays tans, etc All shading light to dark. Plain tailored .and fancy-effects, including trimming ' Ideas too many and, varied for detailed description. - Values from - $16 to $1T6 at) ONE QUARTER OFF. . . - V The regular price tickets remain on the suited figure a quarter off and take the suits. The greatest bargains In Women's Attire ever offered In the month of May by any house In America! Off Suits atOne-Fourth;Off in Price--J Off A Grand Rqund-Upor theHeavier Suits : . Women's Suits, Values fa $35.00, for e ve scoured the parens; gatnererrevery- STrlt-teftf mm last season In one- group--only about 80 hn iimmt yie tfifim nw,T. . tomorrow in oraer to errect a clean, sweep .Every wanted material included; every size in the lot and every fashionable color- repre. sen ted. Not a suit under $20 in price most of them are the regular $28.60 to $36 values. . They are afl in, good styles,- plain tailored - and 11 smart trimming effects. These Suits arc particularly. adapted for-present wean- fr-rvlms-arfdvacatO!r garb. -Tin fo wear during the cool Summer evening while "doing" the Exposition. This sale Is beyond dispute pre-eminently the! "blggert bargatn- opponumty-ror eun Buyers orrered -this yesj ay any -western neue. josnmna:rTtirTS0.00. to $36.90 suits ivr , .,..,..,.,.. , 1$6.98 :$8.50.SilkWaists $5.95rSaturdayOnlyi: Beautiful Waists for calling or evening wear, peau de cygne arid taffeta silks In dainty whites and light Murs snd pinks, fronts and hnffks of "narrow and wide, plaltlnga, ancy sleeves with high cuffs and shirred shoulders w-egular $8.60 Waists, for Saturday h e f C ; only at ,, . . . . . .... ... J, ... . '.,......,,. , , . j J ; , ' Children Coats for Half-for Saturday y n Values $$.60 to $15. Cheviots) Coverts and fancy mannish, mixed Tweedlah materials In riavs,""blues and browns. r 1 UfMtlWI-ltT''liiyllVMy4..',.'ii7..wri.i)iaMIMliWi 'imj mumwmmjkA TKS9 .BATV&BMZ Among T the Under musliife : Wo men's 85c uslirrDfawers 57 c: pair -Special for ' Saturday Only : ANIx SALON8-T-8ECOND FLOOR. dles fine muslin Drawers, with , J clusters of 4 fine tucks each and 3 .fine embroidery edgings; regular- price R5c, Special at r -m-m'-t rt-t-rr-. .& Tf 1 Old Women's Comfort Shoes, plain toe, low heel,-turned sole; regular value 61.60; special; pair .... .... ...f 1.19 i WOMEN'S $! 00 SUPPERS $1.0. ' ' ' - ... ... S-strap all vlcl kid and patent kid. slippers,, thin . soles,,.medlum stylish heel; regular value $2.00; special, pair ..,..,01.09 MM f. C V swear- : ." sLj - am sj 4 v 'Li m m m - a juy ctiiu xxuii. Haberdasherie Saturday's Special Bargains in Glassware in the Crystal Shop Third Floor. " - .WATER. SETS ONE PITCHER AND 8IX GLASSES. TO SET . Clear glass, good decorations, regular value $1.00; special, set .. .80 'Clear glass, gold and spray decoration, fancy top pitcher, regular value $1.60; special, set , S1.20 Clear glass, elk decoration, regular value $1.00; special, set . . . jtl.ftO Ruby glass, rich- gold decoration, regular value $t.B0; special. $1.95 BEER SETS ONE PITCHER AND SIX TALL BEER QLASSES. Light blue glass, frosted effect, gold decorations, regular value $5.60; special, set..,...;... $3. SO ilUDy glass, rich decorations of gold and flowers, regular value $6.60; special, set i S4.25 Clear glass, cut utnf and fan decorated on sides and CuteL- : regular value $5.60; special, set , $4. 25 LIGHT. THIN BLOWN GLASSWARE. Qeblets, i sgular alUS" Jl.THpspcIaTT'dO.eir.i uiarets, regular value (l.40; special, dosen. Wines, regular value $1.S0; special, dosen :... 125- fll.OO Saucer Champagnes, regular value $1.60; special. doren.......$1.20 Saturday Specials in. Women's -Knit Underwear and Hosiery ' . ' FIRST FI.OOR. '" Special Values for Women. Infants snd Boys.' WOMEN'S 26c HOSE 1$ CENTS. " T Women's Black Gauss Cotton Hose, of fine Maco cotton, Ilerms - dorf dye.jrplicd heels, double sole,'" French toe, regular" value 25c; special, pair...-. ".18 WOMEN'S l$c VF.8T8. It 6ENTS. . .,' '" 1 Women's Extra 8Ue White Vests, low neck, no sleeves, regular . value lsc; special, each. ........... . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . ..11 .'" WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. , Men don't like to afion. We eliminate the necessity here by select- ftif the wanted goods for men's Saturday buying, and mark them at prices that iaie them time and money. -Men may buy quickly and safely here. . -, . r ' v.cvia in TTIsmiP.nWTCAR II CENTS. Men's light "Bummer Underwear 'In white mesh, ur best lOc i ' " . " ' - - - V" - ... - - C 4 tbauc, ipwiw, garment .'" .' : . MEN'S 11.00 QOL? 8HIRTB CENTS. ' , A line ot Men s Golf Shirts. In plain and plaited fronts, a largd assortment f patterns, regular value l.oo; special, eacn..uf MEN'S HEMSTITCHED 1 IA NDK ERCHIEF8 16 CENTS. A lot of Men's Pure White-Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs . s . with and H-ltich' hems, regular Value J. for 60c; special.. 10 i. -x c M a it. en rr irav 9i CutVTfl A new line of Men's 811k Lisle Hose. In tan, the newest thing for summer, regular value 35c; special, pair .L ........ .23c WOMEN'S $5c VESTS 21 CENTS. " . . Women's 8ummer-Welght White Long-Sleeved Vests, verytieatly . .trimmed,- regular value 16c; special, each..... .231 - - INFANTS 26c SOX 1 CENTS.- " ; ' Infanta' Mercerised Lisle Seamless 80s, In white, black, pink, blue, red and tan, regular value 25c: special, pair..; ...184 . -BOYS' 16o BLOUSE WAISTS 1 CENTS. i Boys' Blouse Walats. with light grounds, pretty stripes and figures, well made of-a good wash material, regular value $.5c; special, each- ...... irTrTYTCT;..trty'iT.iiui.l8: Saturday Bargains in the Small : . Vares Shop , i r'lr .. " . . 1 OA 8HELF PAPER T CFNTS. . S -Whlttflh'ilflmpefr'10 yards In piece, lace edge, extra fine quality. regular value 10c; special, piece. ...v '. ........7 ..20c PAPER NAPKINS 12 CENTS. - Fancy Decorated Crepe Paper. Napkins for ptCnlcs, lunches, stc - ... regular value 20c for 100; special, the 100... .:...12 15c MIRRORS 25 CENTS. ' Easel-Back Toilet or Shaving Mirrors, wltti heavy bevel glass, oak wood frame, slse 6Tt7, regular value $5c; special, each..25 SHOE PASTE AND POLISHER 20 CENTS. r JaxBlack-Ko -litat end Cntnrrtnatlon Felt Polisher, Tegular - - value of paste 10c and polisher 26c; special, both for 20e f 10c PAPER FINS 6 CENTS...-- ' ; ' Best Kngllsh-Made Solid Urasa-IJeaded Pins, 380 In paper, regu ' .. lar value 10c; special paper.. ..... .. ....... .......... . 5 SPOOL (c THREAD t CENTS. ' -Marshall' Best Black Linen Thread for heavy sswlngr, 10 yards on spool, regular value 6c; special, spool .................... .3 ... - 10C.BHOE LACES T CENTS. High-Grade Shoe Lsces, $0 Inches lont, for Oxfords, "black or tan, regular value 10c: special,, pair, f..". k. ..7 Special ! Millinery Values -BIJOlT'SALON . J ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. - .1 There's chic and charm abolll' Olds, "Wirt- ' man. Ktnr" Hats that prove they are the 'creations of real 'Millinery Artists'. No mat ter at what price the hat Is placed It's sure to be correct In style. " Not over-trimmed, but well trimmed and etyflsh. Ever so many new ones for tomorrow and a, host "of bar- , -n gains for Women and Children among them. . WOMEN'S' $5.00 TAILORED HATS $t.$S. 200 tailored and ready-to-wear Hats, large variety, suitable fn young and old; all colors and shapes; every one hand-made over frames;; an exceptionally-good value from- $6.60 t $5.00; special each . . 1.85 CHILDREN'S HATS. Children's new Hats Bo Peep, Jiapqleon and Sailors; vali:m each .................J ; ..,.25. to $5.00 - WOMEN'S-- TRIMMED HATB. - New shipment of Women's Trimmed Hats, ln"Maxlne Elliot," : "Tricon." Charlotte -Corday and French Sailor shapes, with -very pretty trimmings; values at, .. each... .......f6.00 $7.50 and 98.00 1 ' - ----- NEW "EXPO." CAPS c. The new "Expo- Cap Meet me on the-Trail Is on' sele here. -It Is thenobbie'st style jret shown. See them In the wlndowr values at. each , 98 School of Domestic Science Tea Room ,:1 - ..- - Second "Floor. ,; ; '. . Under the-Ausplees of Portland's Y W. C. A. MENU FOR SATUfeDAY, MAY 20.' TTea Coffee Chocolate; Milk in Bottles: Scotch Mutton Broth -"-- ':' V Creamed Eggs With Asparagus Tips " ; Tongue Sandwiches J . Bread and Butter lot-Rolls ; Bostoa Brown-Bread ' . . ."" , Henriits t:--''--v..i'.--7.--': ':- .The Dress Goods 4 Sensation of .:: . v, . the Hour r A SALE - THAT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN. TITE GREAT 8ALE ENDS SATURDAY A LAST CHANCE AT . ... UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITIES. ' ; $ 1 8,0 00 -Worth v of the -Newest Novelty Dress Fabrics Canceled By a leading Chicago house, never known to cancel an flrilnr liefure, eomes to our own Exposition City at a fraction-of-their worth and a less than mill price. We've turned the good lurk over and heaped It up by adding OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF NOVELTY SUITINGS AT SEN8ATJONAL BARGAIN PRICES 1 - ; -? j .T v ;, The great 'combination forms a bargain event without parallel In the annals of Portland storekesping, and hundreds of women-are' sharing' dally In the benefits. - Join the throngs tomorrow -dont miss this exceptional opportunity. - - - ...' ; - In this sale. we. Include every dollar's worth of our Novelty Suitings. In addition to the purchase of $16.090. worth of New Novelty Colored Suitings, Every -yard is th'la season's jnake. Worsteds In the popular hard-finished weaves. In all 'colors and .styles. Panamas In neat novelty effects. Novelty Mohairs In every new color and style; In fact, the choice of our entire ltne of 'oyeltyuWJngs marked for quick, snappy selling. Regular $z.oi grade; special Tor, yard. jsi.flT Regular $1.76 grade; special for, yard ... . Regular $1.60 grade; special for, yard..,,. JteutBT IXnramdexMMtnr3rxd;o ,..-....,.....i;i.31 ,. .-.-..'.JT.-Tr.TT-. 1.14 nTvim.-l .-Tr tirri Kfif Cream Silk and Wool, Mohairand All-Wool Dress Fabrics RegufaF!2.EOrarlesof 8(lkand WoorCrepeeParls7T'afTtarCfp Francaise.- Poplin de Chene. Mohair Siclian, -Coating, Serges -rgnd Chevlotsr special for Saturday only- : . . . i .a.Oft Regular $2.25 grades of 811k and Wool Crepe de; Paris,., PQpUn. de , Cheiio. Eollans," Melrose Sicilians,- Lace- -Etaminee, etc.; special for Saturday only-r,T -,$1.84 Regular $3.00. grade Silk and Wool Armure. Sangllnr Cloth.Crepe de Paris. Poplin de Chene. "Chiffon Voile. English Mohairs . In Sicilians snd Brilllantlne weaves ;'spec1al for Saturday, .$)1. 64 $1.60 regular grades of Cream Fabrics, In every new weave. In --all-wool and Silk an3 wool; special for Saturday rtnly. . .-. $1.10 Novelty Voiles'; Novelty Htamlnes, Crepe de Paris, Poplin 1 da. Chena and Jcdford Corda spyJal for .Saturday. oply81:lS. 36-lnch All-Pure 811k Peau de Sole, very heavy aud rich lustrous mack; specially made,. for.coatsregular $2.25. quality. e ' T Special for Saturday o,nly. r.-m ..., . . . ... . . .; . . .i. . . .$1.87 Regular $1.76 84-Inch Ralnjrroof Black Taffeta, warranted to give good, wear; special for Saturday only. ......... . ... .".$1.43 -Alt the short plows' of Plain' and Novlty--Sha,-H choioeet of all this season's best selling- makes lengths run from 3 TO 18 TaRDS" fully 100 suit1 lengths; lir the hit Hiey liriiiiw 1111 nil I'ulms, and" some of the makes are: Plain and Glare Peau de Cy-frnes, . Plain and Glace Chiffon ' Taf fetaa, Messallne flatins and Tafctas -and Neat Figured Suit Silks In an endless variety of makes, colors and designs ' ------ - - , ' - Regular 85e grades! special only, pr yard. .4n Regular $1.00 grades; special only, per Regular $1.26 grades; special only, per yard....... .... Regular $1.50 grades; special oply, per yard... .79 Regular $1.75 rrades; special only, per yard........... ...89 .41 Handsome Ribbons in Bargain Knots First Floor Wish' we 'could knot a bow of these Pretty Ribfions Touliii inii printed story. . Too bad types are so 'dull. If you could see the miles of ribbon beauty as the writer saw 'em the aisles wouldn't hold -the crowds that-would throng before- r-m. all elamorlng lor a share. About enough. t last -all day. BARGAINS IN LACES AND INSERTIONS, TOO.. .- ' 5o RIBBONS FOR IT CENTS. Elegant Brilliant Dotted Louleene Ribbons. In white and alt colors, fine quality and regular $5c value; special at.. yard. .1T VALENCIENNES LACES AND INSERTIONS. -A big -lot of Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, many pretty patterns, values to 25c; special at, the yard 8 ( : 1 - - ri . Bargains for Home-Fitters and Base Ball Outfits . Fpf Health American Boys or Any Sort of Boy , Who Needs Health ' ;. '., . '. "Play Ball" la the best health tonic beata phvule. Buy outfits here. 8ATVRDAT 8PECIAL8 RGM THE FOURTH FLOOR. , . ! 120 SILKOLINE 10 CENTS, 100 pieces -Fancy Figured SUkollno, in floral and oriental de signs, regular value 12Hc; special, yard. ...10 ' 16o CERTAIN RODS CENTS. Brass Vestibule. Curtalh Rodsregular valus15e special atl LFancy j. Drawn-Work- Bureau Scarf s slie i 1 x50 lucheg value a regular 5o scarf; special at, each.........,.,., SHEETS EXTRA SPECIAL VAfJfrE. .. .'-r 15ff"aOMn Sheets, slieT2i9(STJnchei; an extraordinary bargain at, each.................. '.i. ; . 68c SHEETS FOR 4$ CENTS. ." These Sheets are made of gcod, heavy sheeting right sixe for yard 7.9f A Group of -Stirring Special-Barn ' gains for Saturday in Wash :r -Goods anDomestic Quarters ' pjrat Floor.' ' '. T; ' " " 60c BUREAU BCARF8 38 CENTS. Bureau Scarfs, made ot good, heavy cloth, nicely hemstitched sixe 21x60 Inches our 50o value; special at. each 38 5c BTTtEAU SCARFS 4t CENTS.- 39i ISA. J PILLOW CASES 10 CENTS. 400 doxen Pillow Cases, made of good, heavy material sixe 46x36 the best value ever offered at the price special sale price. ch .., ....101 - - 12He COTTON CREPE 84 CENTS. )00 pieces f Cotton Crepe, all colors, regular value ItHc; special at, the yard. 8Hj 60c SILK OINGHAMS 25 ' CENTS. ' About 1.600 yards Fsncy Silk Ginghams. In Jacquard. open-work and fancy stripes, regular value 50c; special at, the yard..,. 25 ;: 15o FANCY DRESS GINGHAM 10 CENTS. 10,000 yards Fancy Dress Ginghams, In novelty plnlds. checks, stripes and Jacquard effects; the' best American .Gingham made, regular value 15c; apecial, the yard 10 " , TABLE LINENS 42 CENTS A YARD, ' Genuine Scotch Homespun, Heavy Cream TabVe Linen, 68 Inchee wide, a good wearing quality; special at, yard. ,..., sr-vr."".". 43 - HEMMED NAPKINS 84 CENTS DOZEN. ' tOi doxen Hemmed Linen Napkins," with fancy striped border)- ' 7 BASEBALL GOODS: I" Catchers Mitts at. each .504 65 Sl.OO 91.25 to f 2.30 Basemen' mitts at. each. ...... BO 75 81.00 91.25 to S2.50 Fielders' Gloves at, each,.. .50 f l.OO 81.50 to S2.00 : Complete assortment of Balls,-Masks, etc. . ." "' '. Alluring Attractions in Jewelry- and Leather jGoods Aisles ,' . . WEST ANNEX rtRST FIXKJR. Every ray cast by the Pretty Jewelry Pieces In a-bargaHn scintilla tion. A host of shining values little luxuries at necessity prices await Saturday, shoppers. ' .. . JEWELKT. . L - i SPECIAL 8ATURDAT 2f0 8hlrt Stud Sets, come S on clrd. In fine quality gold Tilled In Roman and polished gold and plain audi fancy designs, value op to (5c; special Saturday at. set.-.. 25 One lot of Ladles' Fsncy Gold-Mounted 2nd Jeweled Backcombs; - value up to $1.86; special Saturday at. each... ......08 -' V ' LEATHER GOODS. ' r ' , - Alot of Ladles Hartdbags,-good quality leather, fine metal frames, come. In .black, browns and tans; a special good valire at- .$1.60 Saturday at. each. 4- . ( - ' ....OS Al lot of Wh'te and Black Leather Belts, with gilt buckles,' . splendid f.'ttlpg belt, our regular $1.26 values; Saturday at. .80 Embroidery Outfits .-.jl. for Children at -10c Each " ' IN - THE ART SHOP ANNEX-r-SECOND FLOOR. -- ' Wherever there' a spot-fn the store con- alnlng- anything deer to the heart ef chili hood, "we Invade It' on the Children's day Saturday sand bring j. forth Its treasure. Here' on for . - , s . . "THE CHILD'S DELIGHT." '' . , VC ' It affords amuaeinent-a4 aakehv Httle -oner f1ngf r atable as well.'.'-.- . .. ... . ' -.. .. , An Embroidery Qutflt. rnnslstjng of twelve embroidery skulns. In assorted coloral--dollle stamped wMhrhlgn Of "Happy HoonganL ' Bunny." "Foxy Grandpa. "Old Women 1n the Hb," ' and various florI designs, and embroidery needles. Special, the whole outfit Saturday only, (at ...................... 10 - ; " -CHILDREN'S COATS REDUCED. ; , Children's Coats of pongee or. alpaca. In black, white" or. tan. plain - box and "Buster Brown" styles, lined and unllntrt. some with r capes; all very prettily trimmed with lace Insertions, fancy ' braids and Stitching; slse 3 to years Regular price ....$3.7-:. to 84.25 Special 82.TO ,$.1.2T Itegumr prices. .......... m.uv Speitlal t $16.10 ( 1 6 $7 f t- t flit rv.-'i r-