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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
..I ' FRIDAY : EVENING, ;'..MAY, 'JJ' rZT : "J ; , "7 'i i'"": ' : . I 1 fry) ' pz ui crp : . r - s " ' r w . 1 -.-n,' ' i Russian Admiral Nebogatoffi SOET DRINKS ONLY AT JIIE ORPIIEUM Chief. Hunt Must See That; No 2Z:JntokcantslAreSo!d "r-" " " ' " '"TnTh e aire . . ; ".V Y' ." " '. .. ". .. UCENSES REVOKED BY COUNCIL COMMITTEE -Vrrwaryeoptrttrctt Women Who Sold Wine- .ir y '. in Boxes. lu rte- 6rvhum thatr, th liquor 1 mmim revoKea OJ mo - wity council-Wednesday.. Deputy City - Auditor 3rutz offlcUnynottne T. Carnrrrr"fy of.tha reort, that th itoenscn iait bennTevoked! And ; lo t """"T";' -"wrott "m"coinraunlcoUon to Oilef Hunt, I T- woytfyinE htm that the pUcf no longer ? had any right to sell llquora. ' ' J. C. -Moreland, who .ha beenre 5 , '.'tmnd by the proprletbira, atsted that I ' - he did not know what atepe would be V "f ' taken to keep the pliee . open, but :. '. "thought that hlnga woultTKhape them-, . aelvfa by tomorrow ao that he could . make a atatement ot'what they Intended ""'.' to do. ..;' . . 1 . - It haa beenf elated .that If the city ' should ' proaette ' the proprietor for , nelllng liquor without a license they , . will preent the defenae that the ae- . " tlotl-of the city" council waa irregular; u . that the matter had -not been dlscusaed v ' .by a committee, and that the llcenace . - . . ,wf-revoki'il wltlinut any irrommcnda tlona fytg' n' inveatlgatlng body. ' ForfJ-il months the city iTcenn j ' commiMtyof which Mr. Flcg"l, who le.T .Uic .Uack,"Vediieaday-aKalnat the- Ori Plicuni. la a member, haa not held n .mealllig at it h I rr 1 1 auma nnaiplnlnt acalnal the revort haa not been dls : cuaed. The proprietors" have been no tified to run a decent-flare, but refused. A ahort time ago they promised the .committee that on May 1 -they would not allow women to solicit for drinks -lq the honea. and would comply with the ordinances. It waa stated that they had -iot kept their promise, and that a man had been Induced to part with 175 Fri day night and $-00 Saturday night In one of the boxes. Because the proprie tors naa not Kept their promises, the II . ; censes were revoked. Two' bare are running in, the theatre, requiring, two. liquor licenses.- Hen Idea these the place has a theatre license, The reaort will he permitted to run as a 'theatre, liquors will be allowed oiJie premises. ' for Baby's Path. fe bxretlfr the skin, firms the srtlp, grow tk S HT. '"! rkfluf. Itching Sn4 trntallna, Te the o-llrt tkia pun and swett, eepeclally Utile kttle, Ur' authlng like HARFiNASOAP "A Breath of Pins Bilsam In Every Cake." itMI-'atMl, dmAirialnr. fragrant. Multlta4ra of ' waaoes HarBua baa so equal t r ertry par '' W tifle, bats tad sui-Mry. Aldea kf Skin. , ' (talis Trea'ment. It deatmre all kuaor nna,. tiuk beallby sralp. totf akla asd b.ilfl kale. - idw. eskae, Snlan.- Aa fnr Hals Snap ' ens' hkiMfcralth TrraniM-nt. ".v., dnigrwta'. A etiiirt trial m-UI ent,.tne frm M fha eaennalee ' tiixrll of thra aiarrflnuS prrparatlnns. Rrfuae - uhalit. NO snap is mllrat'd Ilk n.rfltia. Maanfarinred by Phils ' ltr Hew-laltlee Or... Kw.r. K, J. Take axrlklnf without Ibis e'enaturenn . f , j.a.. k. - 'nvt raipt(t !-.. - . 'J. 1. ' , Mil ireodMd, Clark Co, rourtft Ad Wssbisgtoa aKreets. u -. ., J 0 11 W Squadron, Novr With Rojettvemky't FREES FRIENDS A3 KANGAROO JUDGE Hunt" Open Prifion Doorsto Twenty PeopIe, Nearly AH of Whorn votevr BAD MAN NAMED KOPF " AMONG LUCKY ONES AsElection--AppToachesr"htef Becomes' Busier Ardun d . ---- the Drunk Pen. -rr: f wenfy persons were "arrested "yes terday and Uat night and not one was sent to the policaturtAU-we'-41"' charged by Chief of Police Hunt. aUtlng as kangaroo Judge. This breaks all ecords of the.kangarodcourt, - . opf was-taken Into custody by DetectiveT'esIirand Carpenter.- pn complaint of Edwin waa discharged, from cuatody yesterday after having been held for 10-days Jn Uie city ' prison. -. Previous to his ar rest, it Is said, be threatened to smash Schmidt, who in fear of his life caused him to be placed behind the bars. - "I will be a better man." said. Kopf lo " Municipal .' Judge Hogue. "My troubles have all arisen through drJnk- tng too much. In future I will cut It out and I will pasa Schmidt up Jlke a, white chip, how." He's got it in for me, anyt But Kopf failed to kee-a his word snd got drunk again last night. Shortly afterward came, a frantlo ntessage over the phone from Schmidt, who told the1 police that hla life waa again In danger, aiJyo(nf -w- at-4ha - Hot I man -aaloon threalenlng-to-jn-jure him. Wanted to tick chmldt. Deteetlvea Reslng and ' Carpenter WW I slier hl,m, 'but he Tipped "out ,the side door and rah. "They found him as he was leaving the Orpheum theatre wlisig Ii" mill lliaiTfff"fi'r'a''sB5rrtlm e. Kopf fought desperately with the de tectives, saying he wanted to give Schmidt a beating. before hFas taken to the city prison. 'TNer Koprs head" hiing'a suspended sentence, but Chief of Polic Jtunt dis charged him from custody as 'drunk." Judge Hogue' was informed and sent word to the chief to bring Kopf Into court immediately. - 1 1 Then it waa that The dl-plomacy of the kangaroo magistrate ' waa revealed. Though discharging Kopf from custody as "drunk,' he had quleljy held him at the city prison as Insane. Accordingly Kopf was sent to the county jail, to be examined as to his sanity. ' Schmidt will appear to testify against him. and it Is probabie.the prisoner will be sent some where (or safekeeping, so that Schmidt HAiRHEALTH SAVED HIS TiON- Kept Him looking roung, . Tboaaands ina uir poalilona t Deraua fray airs aaaa thp si lwik old.BIgh fiias . Ralr Orowef drraaine foe saea ana womea. Wot dye. Oeat rasa At o mt hair was arar. frlasd lost bis yb bacaoae gray hair mad blm lunk old. rmfltlng br 'bis esperlaoce Hay's nalrhealth, and bare the skiue dark brows kalr that I bad at 21. Hold my pnaltlos, - though yminir men, wbnae ealy tarjit was gray sair, nave Den eiamiaaa. . Li.Ank TiMf fur bdv vjosltins. R. B Onmlurtne. , Larg t. kotllra. drug-flata. Take Both lag WlUuut Si (aatura fhllo Bay Spec Oo. Fret Soap Offer fUga thla, take to any of following dragf tatr Snd set IKV. bottle llalrbrallh and Zh. rake HarSaa Soar, medicated, both fnr bor.l mm lar price T&r.; or avnt by Phtlo Hay tvi., Newark. It. J., rirenaid, for any. and this ad. rre soap not gl l.y drtift without tblt .entire a dr. aad oo. for llairbealta. ream'. . ,,..,. I Address MM wm law SSBa aw , ri -1 i a 141 tasjsaaaaaal Fleet Thia View Was Taken From may again breathe easily and not keep the police busy locating his nemesis, Voters Among These. The following irere discharged by the kangaroo 'judge: - . 1 Jessie M. Smith, arrested by Patrol men.; Roberts And - Patton .at Third.and Ash atreetrtsmi charge of drunk. r Mrs. Mary ( "Mother") Riley, by Pa- trolmefl-obwand-Mtton, -i ntra una Ash st rcctsT Intoxicated. , -3ohrt "Murphy, by ratrolman Patton. Third and - Bunsld- - etreetsj-tiBtTtgtoo much: baa whUkeyI-- ;.T;- Kd Karjaiarner, by Patrolman Patton, Third and Burnslde streets; under the influence of liquor. F." Johnson, by'Pafrolmart Patton, Second and Burnslde streets; drunk. . -James "Martin," by 'Patrolman Kay, Third and Davis streets; begging. K. P. O'Connor, by Detective Weiner, Sixth tmd Davia treatniaBfe, loKn Howard. by Patrolmen Carr and Daly, Fourth " and Davis atieets; tern porarlly incapacitated from the use of rttm. . - .; F.C. Kop1. y Detectlras Reslng and Carpenter, Fourth "and Stark, streets; drunk: and disorderly. . - Carr Lanhalen, by Patrolman O. Nel son,. Parkgnd Flanders streetsf r Inebriated.-' '-7' - M. Hocklnson. by Patrolman Hoi ts, Russell and Delay streets; too much grog.- ---;- --- George Butts, by Patrolman Wese, Third and Mill streets; ditto. T James Anderson," by Patrolman 15n- dltto. E. Roberta, by Patrolman Murphy, Front and Burnslde streets;dttto, only more of it. J.RrJTamllton, by Patrolmih Crad- docH, Union depot; after hours. Jennie Holland, by Patrolman Crad dock. Union depot; after hours. Frank Bonner, by Courtney and Jones, Third and Couch streets; ex cessive use of intoxicants. C. A. Bonen, by Courtney and Jones. Third and Couch streets; after hours. uoariea wens, Dy etation - umoer Llllla. Second and 'Oak streets; sick. James McCarthy, by Patrolman Courtney. Third and Pins streets; drunk." '- "T-" " i...", CAMPAIGN IS STARTED -FOR SUNDAY CtOSING PresbytertartsAsrr-Droggistr-of Country to. Shut Up Their ' Shops on Sunday. ZL. '(Jsurnal Bpeelal gervice.) Winona Lake, Ind., May 19. Justice Harlan, of the United States supreme court, waa this -morning named as vice moderator of the' Presbyterian, assem bly. The convention this morning de voted its time to receiving reports of special committees. A general cam paign for Sabbath Observance will be started by asking the druggists . of every large city to close on Sunday. The woman'a board of home missions, Mrs. D. R. Estries of New YorkV'preet dent, will convene this afternoon. - Sev eral hundred women afe In attendance. A hoi discussion of polygamy-r Is- ex pec ted. - Mrs. James in an interview today says that the board has received information that The Mormon .church is, a party to a scneme to aereai nena. tor Dubois of Idaho and steal the entire state machine, and Is also seeking to- secure the election of a total jof eight United States senators. , " The day was largely oceupiea Jn dls cussing the question of uniting with the Cumberland branch. Dr. James D. Mof fatt,. president of the Washington and Jefferson college of Washington, Penn sylvania, waa elected moderator wlth otit oppoaltlog. " , (. f v , MIU 'ZWTXXTIOM jKO0. - I ' Though' AnAreaa Schenk was held to answer a statutory charge perore tus grand jury by Police Judge Hogue this morning, his bond was placed in the small 'amount of $.100, on account of ex tenuating circumstances. The main ob ject of holding Schenk Is to cause htm to keep away from Julia Auer, whom he brought hers from Germany. - Hchenk la married, but has been separated from ilia wife, who is ,now In the east, for some tlms. There appears little reason for doubt r f ; his Intention ' to. marry Miss Auer as soon ha he succeeds ig securing a dl force from his wife. mruionD om xjtb.,--. v (Special Diapatrh te The Journal.) Uosehurg, Or., May U. N. A. Foster, who yesterday pleaded guilty tA as asnlt'oii his dapghter, was seUKucsd ' todajr 4 imprUoomtat iQXc uit , the Bridge of One of the Vessels Before It Sailed for the Orient PLAN TO REGULATE RATfS OiYSTOCK Oregon Vitally Interested In -Work of Interstate Commerce- ; Law"Association. -. 1 SHIPPERS URGED TO ' JOIN HANDS WITH EAST J.VvTT)bwTelOOh of Regulation in . the Scale.- - -StockmenoitAlaratff'kroTin receipt of a lroular from the Interstate Com merce Law-convention, organised at St. Louis last year toVtpromota the , work of the Interstate commerce , Commis sion, In which Individuals and organlzat tlons are urged o work with' their dele gation to congress for-the purpose of having a unanimous sentiment in favor of railway regulation by the time that 'COTHrftsss Luufeiim. 1 The interstate Commerce Law asso ciation la composed of 40-commercial and other-organisations. . Its offices are now in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which will- be permanent Tieadquartera. All affected by freight ratea are Invited to oln, that the aentlmant . of shippers may ds maae Known , in ine most explicit manner. - - J.-W. Dowty, proprietor of ths Oak Grove stock farm," at Currlnsvllle, Ore gon, was-In , the city thla morning and said .that-the - work - of - the association would havs "the hearty approval of atockmen of the stats. He does not know that any systematlo canvass has been 4 made among, them yet, but . ex pects! something to develop soon. "Oregon atocKmen peueve in regulat ing eateB.,, aald.Mr. Dowty. "I could cite .individual Instances where the need exists. Suffice) It to-say that the I believe that sometning wm no reconi menced In this direction. I and others will ihave every possible Influence brought toHbesf ttC tfi"'Oregl tlon to aupport th rate measure that before the senate , of the United wss States at ths time of its adjournment.- We .have not noticed now tne uregon men stood in the prior yote, but assume that they are with tho'general shippitig interests. That there may be no doubt on this subject at tie next session. If will be our purpose' to draw general attention to the measure and munioatlons to the memoers or ine delegation ssklng them to stand by the shippers." oxkmait sTAiroxuaTZO cajctaioh At last night's meeting' In the German rvintfnearatlonal church in Alblna the at tendance wa .Targex than on any pre vious evening. Ths Maennercnor or ins South Portland German Baptist cnurcn rendered a. fine anthem. N. B. Roller, the Kvangeiist, preavneo- m lcl meeting waa well attended. . . , V ' lltn TOM OFXJTTirO WXZK. The sals of seats for the opening week:, of the Belasco theatre begins to morrow morning at two box offices at the theatre and the Dolly vafflen candy shop. Seats may be reserved by., tele phone at tus tneatre oniy. - ... - . Standing or Hatand Oxydifd Cotpr-Vry HandnomtJutt th. Thing ' for Office or Homm. -, OtTB $1.00 Jt BIG SJtOt N G If The J: K. GILL iii iii BAPTISTS ARE TO , MEET IN PORTLAND Invitation of Dr. Brougher Brings The nv to the Rose City Nex Year.. UNION OF TWO BRANCHES L0F CHURCH ACCOMPLISHED Western Pastors Carry Conven tion by j Storm and t lnvit y "Members" to 'Exposition. - (Speetal Dlapatek (to Iba -JoarnaL) 2i St,' Loula,Mo,' May A most re markable meeting of ths American Bap tist Home Mission society was held yesterday. ..Ths union of northern and southern Baptists into a great general convention after .60 "yeara f separa tion marks an epoch -in ths history of the Baptist denomination. cided to undertake a special evangells tic campaign under -the auspice of ths society. It will probably follow 'in part the method, of the Chapman campaign now under the direction of ths Pres byterian church. " , A general subject for, 'discussion at the sfternoon session waa ths evangel ization of the west. Dr. Sunderland of California spoke on ths pressing needs of Sanv Francisco.' - Mlaionarles .from the western states thrilled ths au dience with the storlea of their work, but the greatest triumph for ths west fallowed a forceful . speech by ; Dr. Brougher of Portland. He presented an invitation to the Baptists ,to meet in that city next year. , It is customary to refer all Invjta tlona to the executive" committee, but Dr. Brougher carried -the convention by storm and got it to vote practically unanimously to go to Portland. . - Dr. Van Osflel of PpftH-anaalsoTip6Ke on the marvelous growth of the north west In population and opportunities for service. spoke of the Lewis and Clark exposition and 'invited the people to come ana see That ths thtnga they said about the west were sober truth. NEW JEKYLL-HYDE " V GETS THIRTY YEARS - (Journal Special ger.fc.) C ,' Somervllle, N. J.. May Ths trial of George, II. Wood, the New York Ironworker, for the murder of Grocet George SV Williams of Plalnlleld. was stopped today. Wood pleaded guilty of murder tn ths second degree snd waa sentenced to 10 years Imprisonment. The case hss attracted wide attention owing to the alleged double personal ity , of the defendant. r -AJlKAKAS KAS BOODLZml. ' ' ' (Joaraat Special WTtce.) - Llfile Rock, Ark, May !. The Pu laski county grand Jury has Indicted four ' members of ths Arkansas legisla ture for bribery In connection with the of the Killoush levee bill. Those Indiejed are SermtorA-W Rise nr W'll-. Ham C. Gross, ttepresentRiive B. Chaplain and J. M. Andrews. . for the Wall XiU BACK YOU BVY FROM VS CO. '33-l3s 3rdst- Coat Racks ; : AND IF IT'S HERE ITS RIGHT. . - . "Wholesale manufacturers ho longer copy stj lcs, but ' " ' invent therji," anl the make-to-order tailor nowaday tin,- ply imitates the style I of ClothingNve'scll. . -t -Here are extreme patterns in the new gray and new 1 green-browns the new subdued checks on black. . ' ; 7 : " YOU SHOULD SEE THESE . v, ; .:.V f iSplendWailorediiit -7-' -j--r- ln Special Values at - . lO, $12 aiid $14 ; aeNUirsE Panama hats FJ in Special Values at " ?5.00.:.T'v7r7'y- GOLFAND NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, in Special : Values at . . . .. e ..- . a . . . . 75e ..: SUMMER WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, in Special ' - " - Values at ....50t- ' "' ' " ' " ' - ' " -- -'- ' - ' " asJuhTiProt)- . . y. EVERYTHING FOR-MEN ANDBOYSrr' 166 AND .168 THIRD STREET, NEAR MORRISON , ApplyElVnight -andomorrbw At THIRD AND BUR.NSIDE STREETS We want live,; active, - polished gentlemen, capable of attend ing'to tJie . wants of a multitude Tbf people, , crowding the store ' - during pur Great Half-Price ' Clothing Sale.v " ' ': ' Our patrons' wants MUST i be carefully cared for, and Iwe C ;y want salesmen : w h o under . " stand this important feature - - of our business. Store Opeft .Evenings " - , i - -1 i ; i. m V ... . .... - - : t- . . r- - ..-'V ' -.r- 4-.J.