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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1905)
, . jj: . v ' t . . . ..i. .' i. ' ... . ''.;r ; THE OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIPAV EVENJNO, MAY 19, 1SCX ELLIOTT JELLS OF Pianos W:m$m lRepeati.onWitness. Stand Story Told Grand Jury of How Coun tiimait Rumetin Mad ApruAtMBJ'HIrTirWith Offer of Money to Have Maney's Bid Rejected. BITTER, xiCity Auditot-Devlin Goes on Stand and Civet the OfficiaT Record X i of thVProwedings for Building the MarquamT ., : -- Gulch Front Street Bridge. , - , - - 'William C. Elliott.' former ev leer, who eawMuHMHWHw. w-r,t on th witness stand thl afternoon I . district attorney. It 11o" "lr davit that formed th aU ' Information on which he ia bln, trleA Mrt Elliotts atory la eaaot--a. -to-datee 1 '"" He avr that Councilman Rumelln came o him c June. 15, 1904. In th. ) of flea t tha cty engineer, and. In th Presnoe of Aaalatant Engineer Qeors " Scoaaln. tried to Induce them ( on the 151.908 bid of "TTjrManeircrBvmett. WaahlnKton a nd . .ib inwn the atreet wn iiinrhMin. took Klllott apart by hlraselr. and pleaded further for the- . verao report tnat worn a permit "itmt" the yanry bid and tha 10 ii percent depoait. and n icwpuuic.". ihe $&,000 bid of r. Jt Bntler for 'lb '--- CaUfornia Construction company;, that, Xlndlna- KlUott obdurate, when reasoned - ' with- in the. ordinary ' manner, Jtumelln " ' ' aa!d to him that the Maney bid must ba " ' got out of the way, that ther waa $5,000 n H' to ba divided among several per ' amia. and that, If Elliott would, report ; against tha Maney bid. he, (Rumelln) would aea thatha tElliott) . got. hi; share. Elllntt states that ha rejected ,v "Ttn. ottn wnj, indignation. ;f i . . aittac Tight of sAttoray. . T In tha trUO, Judge beam' court room . may ba likened to a. battleflold. in which . 5 ' every inch of the ground ja contested u with bitter determination to overlook no vantaga point To ever-ou"v k baa been aaked by the atate e attorneys, objection baa been offered by tha de- .i ---ifenaa. -Aa thfrUt aavanceav " step into ita case, counsel for Rumella ' Interposed objectlon-and took exceptions .j..V whan th--oourt -overruled, and Judge , V -! Bearg did overrul virtually every time. .Tha evident Intention -f the-defenaa . '' . - waa to 6nd aoma technical flaw in tha - : J preaeautton of the case of tha com- m on wealth, and to this and endeavored ; to prevent he introduction of every original report of tba proceedings of the rcouncil and the executive board, or oven -'T'tt eertlfled copieo thereof." Tha OO T y " - JecUona flnaJly brought from Jidge l Bean la ataaemeaii in.i ,ll,,"n . alona from th reccrds when they were ; s, not -aaaentUl would; not be permitted - to prevent the etate from arriving at : "ZZ sr. the, main alleged facta chi rged ; in the . HO blttar becam lla , coulttlili of - the attorneya that Judge Sears at one tlm Informed tuera that. If they did not observe tba rules of tbo court, he ami aome way to compel them ta" Devlin's Teetlmosy. City Auditor Devlid wai on Th,-lti naaa ftand and from him waa pro cured tha official records Jhat must ba offered as tbe formal beginning or -tn atate'a Orteinale or . copies Of minutes and resolution and ordioancea 'relating the, Marquam gulch Front street bridge wer ;given in eviaence, and Mr. t)evln waa aaked. questions that brought the vital Issues of tha cause to the front. From him were drawn theee facta: rhat h.JianerT)lr Trarwitnorawn, nd the Butter btd -for tha California s company waa aubatltuted at a cost !, eoo greater than . ihat . Jltlpulaled by " ' Maney; that Maney represented by lct Vter, which tha mayor transmitted to tha ." executive board, that be would lone r monfy If ompelledj to carry-ut the contract and that aome atlor'ney ap ' paared to explain the matter for Maney. ... Cross-questioning him. Colonel Wood fox. th defense Attempted 10 show "that ' Devlin closed his office t 1 o'clock oa " June 2$. 1904, and that the atatements were not consistent with the trutiC inasmuch as he (Devlin)- was . wot 'In his office M the afternoon, of June 25, 1901, and could not bava sc- bids wht-h had been eferred to him by ' the board T KrT DirvTTfrTFsrTirtffJrabji!Pt?dr TO close qurstlonlng by the state on re 7,rllrecf examination, when the attempt ws made tojrove that Mr. Devlin might have Rone to his office after 1 nVlnrk and thitt It wss.lmoos ". him to swear that He did not do ao, Both Mr. Devlin and R. U Qliaan. of the executive board, sttfted that ao far " as they knew no ono waa approacned by Rumelln on t-he subject of tha Maney . 53.00 bid in an endeavor to Induce Ita ! ' withdrawal and the substitution of tha " Butier btd for f 5.000 more. . To Qnartax Oivea. "The defense will concede' hothlna. Wa will abow no courtestea to the state in the trial-of this cause. This man . . 'pointing to Rumelln) faces the peni tentiary, and ,we cannot make any con cessions of 'an sort at any time," Bald . Colonel C. E. 8. Wood yesterday, when tha district" attorney desired -to -expedite -, mattera by using the original , records - -f the lt y executive fonrd. later wltlj- : drawing them and substituting certified r- copies. f "Very -well, then." replied Hrj-Man- nlng. -"w wlll-'iry Jth case without . eourteslea on either Hle. Without rpufrve, both sides toldl the All Run Down " Wanting !n vitality, v.gor, vim, tha is a condition I that, no one can safely ne- : gleet,, for ; IL b the most. r,-.t common predisposins cause . of disease. ' The blood is at rV fault ;( it needs purifying or enriching and the best medi cine to take is . - t Hood'sSarsaparilla - the ' great ' alterative and -tonic builds up the whole for taatimonUla of ramerkabla enrwi , MM for Book on That Tlrw rteBng, ft. C LHoo4 CoU Lowa. Maaa. Jury exactly what they would attempt toprove Deputy Plat r let Attorney Bert U. Jiapey made the opening state ment for the state, saying: - "Tha defendant Charles Ki Rumelln, a TOmWmr tn ulty council, la chat with going to the. city englneer'a office and laboring with Mr. Elliott and his chief deputy, Oeorge Scoggtn, to inter vene with objections to tha im.uou Dia of J. J, Maney. for th Marquam g'ulch Front atreet contract, auoh aa wouia form a, -reasonable-ground for rejecting it.. The 1'actflo Construct Ion Company of California, . by K. M. . BuUsr. acre tery, had bid' l&MOO for. tha contract, and Councilman Rumelln' waa desirous for some reason to aeoura the with hawal of tha Maney bid, and tha aub- aUtuli3n.pft.hat of Butler, i lV Pf Bt JbrBWett.- : Harud Wit.. Elliott at sam lenath. and. falling t convince tha city engineer and his aaalatant, the three left the-Tf fice--of Mr.-Elliott-atnTl - walked down the atreet, Rumelln nmtlly calling Elliott to oae aide ana tailing mm na the-Maney bid must be got out of the way, and that there waa it.uuv in 11 for them. If they .In. disposing of it in some manner, ao that the executive board " would reject - it. - Mr. Rumelln Bald to Elliott that there were three or four persons among whom tha 16.000 muat be pllt. but that Elliott would) get bis pro rata. Tha allegation ia plain, and the evidence will be plain and direct, establishing beyond reason able doubt, so We believe, -that Mr. Rumelln offered .and - urgea on tar. Elliott the acceptance of the money aa tha price of hla official perfidy. . - Colonel-Wood tnen laia out xne line to be followed by the defense."' It will be competent lor tne aerense, he said, "to 'go Into' the question of a motive for the alleged crime, ana to Drove that the facta .ahow there .could have-been Jicl motive for Mr. Rumelln to have committed tola alleged crime; that on the, contrary, there wa very reason why he would have been doing something entlrtly unnecessary m tak ing It on hlmaelf . to aecure act!o-by Mr: Elliott agalnat tha Maney bid. Xaney Made ft Mistake. -- f he" defenaa will prove thai J. J. v-..., mvr,m -tn tnrtini1-. htrrrtedlv-nro cured blanka and-wvot hla I5J.000 Mt" fjrnra.1 Bpeeial SenrtceT frifriaarkorEeTCWaah Ington, tha promise to finance the deal if h. secured -tha contract; that the Pa cific Construction company of California also" bid f ot the contract, aeKlng its,- 0tt. and Ihat. that fM---t-l" for materials and work, and that "the California, company, put rn-such a bid for tha purpose of protecting tha City at Suburban Railway company, wnicn -yg tu ay ouo third of tna coat or Tna bridge; -that tha ' California company was glad when it heard that aome one elaa had bid lower; and we will ahow by bridge experta that the bid of the Cali fornia company waa at a figure allowing no profits: that; when tha Everett bank leamed'thar- tha eontrct!iaa-TeB underestimated by Maney and tiiat tne pay would be in city warrants that muat be dlacouhted heavily. It demanded tha return of the certlflcaterof deposit, and that the axeoutlve board consented t tha withdrawal of the Maney bid and the return of the detolt. because to in- slat -oa-thw carrying out oi tn Maney bid would have meant the forfeit of th depoalt, or tha ruin of Manay, if ha went ahead with th contract -yuat Kaveng. Oefasis Aaaerta. , W will show ' that Councilman Rumelln madeitha flrstmotlon for the inveatlgation of the Tanner craek sewer, and that aa a result the aewer waa found to be defective and the olty BHVed a bad pTeca of "work; that there after the grand Jury indicted Mr. Elliott Xohlaacts In connecllonwlthtt eewerr and that when his case came on for trial it was postponed and Boon thereafter came his affidavit against Rumelln: "that - Elliott- Bald -to - several that of a Rumelln for what hi had done In reference to the sewer." TERRORIST BLOWN UP Continued from rage On.) porta Bay that tha Japanese are Bonding large reinforcements to . Korea, pre sumabljr - for a movement against Vladivostok. Heavy ralna hav ruined the roada, preventing military activity and increasing alcknens. , '"TJoitrnal Hpenl.l Berviee,) v." lit. Petersburg. May 19. Llnevltch report that a detachment of the enemy occupied. Yatldt psas May It. , Their at tempt to occupy Bhahotaa was repulsed aa. wf.U as ftas-thapproach . to Honu aohu. J . ; MRS. RICHARD IRVINE' ' : j. C0MMIT$ SUICIDE 1 '' (Spnrlal Dl.patrk to The journal) 2.'. rnn-alUa, Or , ..May lLMr.Jtiftharil Irvine, resiuing'is miles south of Cor vallls, aged nearly 10 yeara. Jumped head foremoet into' a 'curbed well at T o'clock this mornmg, at the family resident'.' Hhe had been ill for several moot hs and conflned-lo. her bed eiwte the deutli of her son Jamea two montha ago and had been considered chtjdish. A nurse mho was in the yard heard the aound and found Mra. Irvine In , th wall dressed In her nightgown. -Help recovered the body. half, an hour later and,, she waa found to be dead. Th Ir vine -oam to Oregon in 1M and -were wealthy and respected penton pioneers. Richard: Irvln died 10 years ago.' The family 'resided some years tn -'Portland. The only survivor of ths family Is x Commmto.nrlrvlne. a son. - r ; "tapiMlsl Dinpitcli to The lourwl.) '" Barlow, Or., May 19,-rA.lbert Orlbble, ft farmer living near here,' was kicked by horse- yrsterdsy and his leg broken Just-below the, knee. Pavtd Kidd. who left her With his family for Zetland April S, died at hla old horn In that country April it, aftor week's" Illness of pleurisy. V v. : - --1 i fl,y : Yw. : MV 'I j , 1 - - - 1 4 V. ..? -..! 1. - ,, i ' ! " ' y:". j I Mme. Eleanor Cianeros, the Operatic 'Emmarit.". Mme. Cisneroa in Her 'European, Tour Waa Constantly Hailed aa Evapgeline Cianeroa, Whd Waa Released Prom, a" Cuban' Prison Just Before the Spanish-Amefl&in Warv---Copjrright, 1905, by W. R. Hearst." r:-. .rr SEARCHING FOR GIRL-. WHO DID HIM FAVOR Romance of a Pillow Presented to a Sick Soldier Returning -from the' Wan C Lydlck -of Colorado - has begun search to' find a . Babylon belle who seven yera ago did him a favor never to. ba forgotten. Judge Lydlck waa then ft private la company A. Beventh Unttefl Statea 4 Infantry, and after, serving tn the. Spanish-American .war at various points he waa taken to Montauk -Point, Lwhera ha partially recuperated. Then he waa granted a furlough and started home on n afternoon train. He waa. still very 111, bat remembers that when the train stopped at Babylon young woman, entered tbe car and placed . pillow under hla head. Attached to the pillow waa oard on which was! written the girl'a address.' II could do uo. more than thank her then, and be fore the train; had reached Long Island City .he had grown ao 111 that It waa necessary to take him to the hospital. When he recovered the pillow waa miss- Ing. 1 ' - ; - In the yeara that passed he always kept th Image of the girl's face In his mind, and now that he la tn prosperous circumstances, having been elevated to tha bench- of his native state, he Is de sirous of finding her, snd has so notified postmaster Fletcher of Babylon. MOTHS WAGING WAR UPON ROOSEVELT BEAR SKINS (JODrntl speelsl Serwlce7 Washington, May l.-At the time when Prealdent Roosevelt was. killing besrs in Colorado and adding to his tro thles of the hunt, the mntha ware wag ing ft war on the bear skins at h'Am. The twtha 'yiilwjg mny chniiym slt. tithe president added to his stock by his recent hunt. -- - Th president did not learn of the at tacka of the mot h-unt 11 he-returned horn. He has ft large collection of aklna of varioua animals. 1 1 repreaewts not only the result of hla -own hunting expeditions ftt various times, but in cludes many beautiful pelts sent him by friends. - m '-.' ; ; Part of them ' have been "In storag for Some months. Moth balli In liberal profualoh were placed among : the skins when they were put awsy, but seemingly, to no purpose. The moths got among them' and the result Is told In numerous bare spots. - A bare jipot on a bear akin deatroys Ita uae fulness s on object of ornamentation, being even more notlcable-than ft bald spot on a man's head. ....(.. j , : m livi - ' QKISir JUTXB BOA 0T. . . .,. j BBca gfrfle.' ""T7 M-oab. tTtah, May " !. Ths Oreen rlvr steamer City of Moab, which left Oreen- River on Friday ' last for - this plac is five . days overdue" and It la feared that the craft haa. been lost with-all on board. Including five pas- v rnro scmatxs ooooi. ; (gsorial 'Dbipatca tn Tk Vowail.) . Rbsehurg,. OrJtl.MayI9.-H9ectlon Foreman t'aulkner of the Southern Pa elflo with his gang of men while mov ing a scrap pile yesterday found" be neath It revolver and five knives. It I thought they wer 'left, there by th rnhher of 'the Medford Storey ' - y Two kinds of - goods and trad fi-bargain's a bargain and money back One rhekes friendi, and the 'other "loses em. - r A ScbiUing'i ; Best at your grocer'a. ' , ' Contralto, in. Her Character of , . . '.7' : -- EXPERTS DISCUSSING- GREAT-WHITE PLAGUE Treatment and Care of Advanced Stages of Tuberculosis .tDis UL cussed by Association, b . ... y4BrtM gpMid aerrlc.) ..jtZ WashlngtonrlX CTHay 1 . lit TntaUI- gent discussion by qualified experta will aid tha. antituberculosis . campaign It will certainly receive' Immeasurable ben efit from - today's proceeding Of the National -Association' fwrth atudif ajad Prevention of Tuberculosis. The sub jects treated of In the papers and din ouaslon numbered several score aind dealt WlUl lb ..treatment -and prevention-Of consumption from every viewpoint Vllllam' H. Baldwin of Woahlnirton spoke of the progresw of the sanltftrl-rm t-tovemrnt in America, and Ir. Norman Bridge, cf Los Angeles presented paper 'on "Some Usually Neglected Dangtra trrom Hpi.tum" rr r1. t. Oraene-f St. Paul read a paper on 'Clinical No menclature; the Relation of Tuberculo sis to I4fe-Insurance and Insurance Companies,' and Dr. William 8. Halt toad of Baltimore spoke of the open air. treat ment of surgical tuberculosis. Th treatment 'and cure of advanced stage of . pulmonary- tuberculosis,'-the home treatment of tuberculosis, either in . favorable or unfavorable climates. detention Institutions for ignorant . or vlcloua consumptives, channela of Infec tion rn tuberculosis. Influence of the ad vent of the tuberculosis upon native population nd tent column in lh management of tuberculosis were among other subjects dealt with In ft long list nf-tecnnicw papers. . Tne. participants In the' discussion Included several score of eminent physicians and surgeons snd state and local - health offlolala from almost every part of the country, - HAMBURG-LEADING! 1NTl!E"YACHrRACE Oneida Returns From Following Racers -Reports -Atlanti ; a Close Second. -t (Joaraal Special ftervtce.) . .- New York, ' May l.BnodJcfa steam yacht Oneida returned from fol lowing the cup racers last night and reports that the German schooner Ham burg was leading early yeaterday morn ing. She was then 130 miles out, head ing northeast, apparently for Nantucket lightship. - A mile and ft half - behind was th Atlantic. - Both: yachta war crowding full srII. On her return, th Oneida met the- Alsla 7t ' .miles Out. heading east. Apparently she had met with some accident and been delayed. - A - wireless message received-., at Liaaoonsett, Massachusetts, from the North German Lloyd steamer ' Grosser Kurfuerst laat night statea that ah passed th Apache, In .longitude 70:50 Weat, latitude 18:89 "north. - , . A wireless received at 2:11) this morn ing at Newport from the Nantucket lightship Btatcalhat ft "white rigged vessel, believed to have been th Val halla, passed at midnight. , . . BRADY PULLS OUTOF- MINIfyG' CORPORATION - , (Journal 'Special 8rvtce.) New tork. May II. It Is reported that Governor John O. prady haa with drawn from th directorate of the Alas kan mining concern and ths use of his name In advertising matter ceases.. Also that , tl'aahlngton authorities before whom 'tha matter Is pending hav been notified to this effeff. r- IL---.1. I . . - - - - ---I- ., IJ CASTOR I A " 1 lot Infuits ani-ChUdrsn. , Thi You HaT9 Alwajs Bought ( Bears tha Bignatora of Take a, look 1n out ehow window and see tha nice planoa and 'the low 'pricea we are making' thle wk. - If you need piano, now Is th time to-at it. In ouraatIlhow!, window i ft little beauly, only 18sv Toll can t dupllcaU It In thle elty ahort of l-BO. On the Sixth atreet aide you wlll Bee a most beautiful expo altion Btyle, the price of which, la MS0, but thla wek you can buy it for J4. Another very haadaoma. Empire atyla that aelle for 100. now only S24; one of our best m styles at $211; another that Bella at IJ25 only J5, and ft beau- tlfuV-onetn-eak -eaae 4ht-aalla every where at $30, this week only (.231. W also have a large lot .of-good, aecond- hamt and tinfll r''T' takea in exchange and back from renuFlhaC we will t'luse out at about on half their real, value. You will find aorrvethlng t suit you and prices range aU wis way from $7 up. If you will call and inspect them we ar aura jou will havs a piano tn your horn before the: nd U of th "Weefc, : for our easy-payment" Plan paves the way fr Immediate poaseealon. ; ' 1 Allen CBi Gilbcrt - Bamaker Co. XOJjNER SIXtH AND MORRISON. POLICE TELL-HOW CRIMINALS ESCAPE Department Officials Say Their Poor. Telephone Service Is ' . .' -Partly Responsible r . r Police station, officers say some c-f h in.Mi.iMrv of the department ,1a due t th podr private telephone and telegraph serlvce which baa piacea in city practically at the mercy of .thugs and burglars. ' . ' Parts of the system are always -out of orders it ha .hot worked satisfactor ily n months. . This is true, though the system was rewired not more than two years ago at heavy eapenae. There are times when the wires are all "dead." and -not a sound can be heard at either end of the receiver. JTre quentiy.thls occurs Jn ths early fnorn- Atleasi' 10 or IS reports en defects and fallurea to obtain . proper results from the system -re-1andd In dally, Tbeae reports are about aa valuable aa so much waste paper, as they-never ftcctfnrpUBh anything. it is aaid to be -ft thing -of regular occurrence for patrolmen'to be" Obliged towalk, j priaoner to th city prison on account otjnabillty to communicate with police headquarter over the po lice telegraph. During this time their beat's are . left .uncovered-and -resident hof the district have no protection against criminals. . , 1 Tim after time have captains, ser geants and other deak officers st po lice headquarters yelled themselves hoarse frying to make a patrolman on his beat underatand Bome order. - When a crime has n committed the desk officer tries to communicate as quickly as possible with, the patrol men nearest to th scene, and very often valuable time has been lost and malefactors have doubtless escaped de tection owing to the faulty Working of. the police telephone and telegraph ays tern. ---' - - - - SOCIETY WILL TAKE TEA WITH THE HOME BABIES Tfr knn. fat thaBaby horoe rill be given tomorrow afternoon in the new bulldlna-. and It la desired that ft large company Ibe IpreaentJThft man-, agement hnpea by this tea to be able to ralae a" goodly aum toward the debts 1 which ar unusually large tftia year, bca-us of -the extra expense of furnish ing the new building. Th visitors will ba riven nnportunlly-i to -.Inspect-the home, "and the rooms will be decorated prettily for th occasion. ..The - home, situated In ft pretty part of Waveily addition. Is very attractive, aurroundad as it Is by pretty grounds, which make It an Ideal plac for an afternoon tea, whar part of tha ntertalnlng Is dons out of "door. Mr. Charles K. Bltton,'. president, and the other member of the home board. will be hostesses for the day, and will recelv th guests. Mrs. H. C Eckn- beraer has charge of the general ar rangements. Tbe candy Uble will b presided ever by Mrs. C. K. Curry, who will be assisted by- miss It urn jaaxweii. Miss Lis Wood and MJas Anita Burns. A prise tulip bed will be conducted by Mrs. George W. McBrld. with ft gift hidden in each blossom. Mlfea Virginia Wilson. Miss Montgomery , and Mra. Oeorg Qlltner wilt b her assistants, Mrs.-W. D. Fenton and Mrs. K. D. Ktngsley wilt pour tea, and Miss Parr, Miss Morrison and Miss France Wilson will serve, - ' 1 Th Richmond -oar 'leaving IS and 45 minutes after th hour reaches the Baby home. . , ' - -r... , - '' . KILLS BROTHER IN K " : T A FIT OF, TEMPER (Continued, from Pag One.) f ' with lip set h Bald: If yo do that again I'll shrtot you." . The elder brother laughed, and when his sister reprove J him, Roland aaid that he.waa. pnly pooling. The teasing con tinued and Roland, without a word, ran ta the buffet and obtained ft revolver be- lnngtng to hi father, and began flourish ing It, i.-t ' Just what happened Is not daflnltel settled in th coroner's mind, but In an other Instant there was s puff of smoke. report, ft loud cream and William swayed and fell. - Death was Instantane ous and the slayer is panic-stricken.- .00 roa AEBV Negotiations ars in progress for th Installation of an organ in the Forestry building at the fair' grounda. The project la that of Colonel Dosch, Who considers It most appropriate for, an organ to be placed In a bulldlag- which auggests a catnearat. it tn instru ment Is furnished. It will be the privi lege bf local organists to use it day after day, and there Willi be no set re citals or concerts.- 'The acrtifatlo pmp. ertVea of tha building hav been tested and ar pronounced On. ' . Want to Make $5 or 510 Such a question would make any young man stop and think. . We can make that amount of money for you by saving that sum on your new Spring Suit, if if s bought here. Come in and see the nobby single and double breasted Suits in the new grays, browns, blues.'blacks - and cassimercs; We rrir't ci bave.: your:, size : at.'xmiw-. v , $7.50, 58.50, ... WE LEAD IN MEN'S Whr oay a tailor double patterns?- Come in and 7 -in ready-to-wear. merchant that ur new $ 10.00, $ 1 NEW SPRING . HATS - , ' $1.00 to $3.00 - ' NEW SPRING SHIRTS, 50c to $1.50 -Tile ilv.eG P Wm a I . ; c 226 Morrison St.. Dtt. First ftndL Second .-.L,-,---,-''; j TOBACCO AS USUAL ' . YOU CAN SEE after washing MUNYON'S . : Wl TC :S'- . ':'y And Using : ; MUNYON'S WITCH HAZEL HAIR INVIGORATOR .... ............ . --v ,.....' . ; . y -. - v . : . r. . 1 t t . . . , - -m. a. t t j . -1 hnzy: man cjLnc-naic Theyt make the hair grow strong. hevukthtTiairgfowtlfuV Munyon'a AVitch Hazel iSoap and Munyon'a Witch .Hazel Hair Invig- ' -"orator arrtmljr a blcssma; to-tlrose-trhrrarrosfnffltitir hair and becomina; bald. Munyon'a Witch Haael Soap, when used a'a shampoo, thoroughly .cleanse the scalp, -and Mui4 on' Witch Hazel. Hair Tonic is a food and " ' vitaliier, It stimulate and acts as a gentle tonic to the weak, and sick ' -roots, and gives then! new life and vigor. It promptly removes dandruff, scales, humors and all sores of tbe scalp. Give this Hair Tonie a fair trial, and if there is a particle of life, in tha roots, it will stimulate and invig r orata them Into new life arid healthy growth, Of course; you kn&w that Munyon'a Witclj Hazel Soap for -the complexion ahcT for the toilet is an--perior to any high-priced trench, aoap. mad. It rmikea-ihe "akin soft's ' velvet, and keeps one free from' pimples, blotches and. most skin erflptioTts.--"If you Wood is out of order, take Munyon'a Faw Paw Pills. They will drive all impurities from the system and make good, rich, red blood. '" ' Kojayea'a' WtSelt Kaael Memp,' price ls oaJia. - ' ' . - ' , ",- .' ' ' - Knajrea'e Wltoa. kaaet Hhaviaa Mtlek to sa, price SSa, i ' 7 "' t,-- "' acaayoa'a Wttek Xaaal Mai XavlforaeoT, prise 5M and 914)0. -'! MoBpea'a Wltoh Kaael Taos Ortin, price BBo. "I . ... -- -sraayea's WlSsai Xaeel Taleaaa Psw4e, prtoe SSe. rz-y.r': - y - ' To sale Trywhere, er seal prepali em seeetpS ef prloe. '- -- I . r ymrtOaT, failaaalphla, a JOURNAL VANT A 'i $10, $15, $18 SUITS fyy..' our pricea for the same see the vast improvement tailored clothes for men sprmg line otters, 5.00, $18.00 '. NEW SPRING TROUSERS $1.50 to $5.00 - - STRAW HATS. ; 5c to $L7S . -PANAMA HATS, $5. $6.50 and $7-50 i' v - ' .'7. - .'... HAIR GROW the scalp with - m : - grp w: i nin. ADS PAY DEST SOAP , .7"- . ;.'''-