The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 19, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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Bad Hearts, Too Much Fat, Not
Enough Chest Measurement,
- r and Too Languid. ;
Police 9ommIssloh Has No Sym
pathy for Ineligible. Who
; '."y Bought Uniforms. ;
Robert I Phillip. X M. Seanlon and
R..J.-.EUi-wa, placed on -the Hit: of
eliglbles for poaltlona as patrolman in
the police department' .ta meetlng ot
the municipal civil service commission
yesferdey. These men with four others
whd failed to pass the physical teat
Uly tkel rr e, -reeoneiaereiion m
, their cues. Dr. II. I. Keeney, tne ex
amlnlng physician, testified to the ex-
- animations given to the men. - -
: It was discovered that mistakes had
bean .made In the measurement of the
height of FhlUlpa and In the chest meas-
" urements of Bcanlon. and Ellis. All
three bad been given a, second examina
tion by the physician, who stated, that
" their physical conditions , came, within
the requirements. " . u .
i General Charles FV Beeba,' who; ad
mires a man of military bearing, naked
the commission to place James W. Reed
onJh eligible list, if jHwsible.--Heed
was a soldier for many years, and when
discharged held the .office of sergeant.
r He had excellent recommendations, and
slnee his appointment as temporary pa
trolman a month ago haa .'given satls
faction. Xfflcer Reed Js nine pounds
over weight and. the commission turned
: a deaf ear to thai general's petition.
Ray-N.- Bmith,-whose 'record Shows
that ha -did not run -the JO yards under
itbe required -1( seconds, appealed his
case. He stated , that the timekeepers
had mads a mistake In writing down his
- record, and that- he had covered the 100
yards In - less than s lS seconds., The
commission will allow the man to prove
that ha la capable of running the 100
r yards in lees than - It seconds - before
they act on the matter.
- . Lloyd Qlibon ' waa rejected . because
tieart latooapidIyrandrTred
Mullen because ha waa too Blender.
"Some of these men with temporary
appointments who purchased "uniforms
and who will now have to leave the
department will .. be greatly lnoon-
, venlenoed." " remarked Commissioner
WlM-JSome-proTlslon should be made
to allow them to. retain their poaltlona."
'-.--."A lot of these mn with temporary
- Hp pom tm en te," replied the msyor," are
- very anxious to remain on the force,'
; but if they have failed in the examina
tions they cannot do so. Ther were
all given warning before they ware ap-
" pointed that Itiey would have to take
. their chances,. with the other applicants.
. and that Rfobably. many of them 'would
not get on -the eligible list" '.
- i : Scenlo Excursion May 21 "
To The Dalles, stopping at Multnomah
falls, Hood JRIver and Cascade Locks.
" By Prospect Camp No. 140, W. o. W.
rntoif depot s.t :1 a, in. .Round trjjtl
ii.oo .- . . .. . . -
. -
Your" are not like Everybody Else's--perhaps not
-like Anybody; Else's.LY ourTeet deserve good Treats
menL Good feet deserve ,goodshoes.
; . ' Tr. a -,7 ...t:.
l : A.
. - Pi f X t -
i -- n -- - - V- -,- 1
Will appeal to, your pocketbook"taost: decidedly,
B For evening our high grade patent leathers -would''
g -be, just the thing; they, are, -strictly " speaking,- - -g
I -j SWELL. We will with pleasure show them to you. "
Those wishing a better
I ! $5.00 and $6.00 SHoes
. An Unusual Stock
i it,':'.
270 Washington Street ' .
, ...
E. M. Brannick Says Numbers of
Men Are Killed There
-- " Every Day. : " ;' y
Vast Crowds Are Coming to the
Fair Frdm the Middle
K. M. - Brannick,-who haa .returned
from . tii trip : to . Chicago. South. Bend.
Indiana, and other points in thoTmlddla
wee, says- he -thinks the teamsters'
strike, troubles in Chicago have been
exaggerated. He drove in a cab in
several parts of Chicago . and saw ho
sign of trouble, nor did -he--discover any
business man who was suffering incon
venience as a result of the strike.
,-4'On one street I saw, a few loads of
coal and. other material traveling along
under guard of, a number of policemen.
Had It not been for that I could not
have told there waa ' a . atrtka In Chi
cago," he said. The business streets
of the city were packed with people.
the stores full of. business, and every
thing looked prosperous.
"Business conditions In the'eaat are
excellent, and there is every indication
that this will be a good year for the
farmer and the business man. Aa for
Chicago's -troubles,- - number -of -men
are killed there every day in the--year
by violence and but little attention Is
paid to it. The city is srf large that
its affairs are not disturbed by such
aVents. - " "-. ' .- r r .
"The people gave President Roose
velt a great reception and every - one
seemed proud "and happy to have him
aa the city's, guest. The reply he made
to. threats .. of the president of the
teamsters' union pleaaed the public Im
menaely. The --"president - simply - tord
Mr. O'Shea that the men should ob
serve the taw and they wmiM come, out
all right."; : .
Mr. Brannick aaya there win be 1m
menae travel to the Paclflo northwest
this summer. - The people of the east
have had enough fairs, but they want
to sea the Oregon country. Lrg num
bars of"busthss ' men. inanufuutui
and homeaeekars will coma here. The
Dew spacers of the easthaye publlshe
a vast amount of matter for the Pa
clflo northwest and the fair la better
advertised than - was the Bt. - Louts - ex-
position.. The newspapers have many
things of interest to xaig snout m
connection with - the Lewis and Clark
territory. . , -
Two lectures by.. Arthur .Morrow
Lewis, the Socialist orator,- are an
nounced on Tuesday evening. His sub
ject will be '"Socialism and - flpencerhtn
Evolution' The- Tuesday, following he
will speak on "Socialism and Darwin
ism." Both lectures, wlu take placa In
Eagles' hallr Second and Yamhill atraets,
gnd the proceeds will gov to the 'Socialist,. : -
Whan doctors fall try Burdock Blood
Hitters, uures dyspepsia, constipation;
We have a combination
that : will give you " com-
,fort,T style and save you ;
money. We have no trou'
TrirTRfinYeosTei acting feet and the price-
grade. will find the , ,
of Pretty Hosiery
&:Waltdnv I
:'' ' v.'' v": "' "
..... . r. , n
Dr.-Thomas Condon, Leader! In
?r His Time, ; Retires rjrom ,
-r Oregon University. J
His Home at EugeneHas Been
Mecca for Wise Men -,
v v - From East,
Dr. Thomas Condon, the geologist long
known e,r-"th- grand -idmanrof -re
gon.'has retired from active duties
In the University "of ' Oregon, and hie
daughter,- Mrs. H. F. McOomack. will
do his work for the remainder of the
year. -It la with -sorrow-that bis friends
hear this, for Dr.. Condon has worked
unceasingly In the university since its
opening In 1876, and although H years of
agejhls. wonderful youthfulnees of mind
has remained unimpaired through failing
.. x . ; . . -
)r, Thomi Condon.
physical health. Jle is the only remain
ing mem k)t of Ihe Hret faouUy..Out of
eonaideratlonf or- his -ags-he-was -rong
ago onerea an Honorary chair, but de
clining to rive ud his active work, the
has continued Jo conduct his classes and
has counted mors students who
were eager ta grasp the fast -receding
opportunity to study with Dr. Condon.
Probably no one name In Oregon la bet
ter known to young and old" than that
of Profepsor Condon, ' His name as a
geologist reaches far beyond Oregon,
California ceolociats and .great eastern
men are continually stopping; 'olf ""at (
Eugens to meet Dim. and James Dwlght
Dana, ths great geologist of Tale, said
before his death that- Dr.-Condon was
one" of the "couhtfTs"1IveTTefcteBt "6616-
gists. lie was Born In Ireland, cams to
America as. a boy and to Oregon while
still a ypnng man. "
Dr. Condon Is devoted to ths university
to which he lias given the bf tier psrt of
youth ha has beencollectlng paleonto
logies! andfeologlcal specimens -4111 he
has, perhaps, the finest .and larfcest pri
vate museum In. the country. Harvard,
Tale. . the California universities and a
inumber of other institutions have of
fered large sums for this collection, but
have slwsys met with refusal 'and the
collection Is and always has been devoted
to the University of Oregon., Every .one
visiting Eugene makes It a point to see
Dr. Condon's museum, and not of least
interest is the Interesting recital which
accompanies his loving handling of speci
men after specimen. Ha makes the dull
est scentlflo facts appear entertaining.
Especially, Interesting Is1 the complete!
storyof -Oregon from the paleosolc era
to the modern period, which is encased
without a break under glass. Dr. Con
don was largely responsible for the un
covering of the John Day country 'In
eastern Oregon, which is considered one
of the richest geological fields on the
continent, and .his-specimens, from there
are exceedingly valuable. His book,
'The Two Islands,", recently published.
gives In his Inimitable style the rdstory
of Oregon formation. He has for years
been laboring on a more- extensive work.
which .tffll be his; masterpiece. Hy hli
present retirement from active work the
Institution loses an active worker, but
his v Interests ' will always 'te'ln'entlcal
with the college he has loved and cherished-
and -from "which -his -six children
wnrft rrsduated. Every student and mem
ber of the 7acuTTjr'fels ward" him" asJ
to a father and eaen year nis nirtnaay
is-remembered wtth-Showers or noweri
and gifts from the students.
! f .
' Commander Eva Booth of tha Salva
tion 1 Army ' will .arrive1 tomorrow, . ac
companled by members of her staff, "and
will conduct. two meetings st,tne war
quam Grand theatre at, and "-o'clock
m. Sunday.". She left Kansas-city at
noon yesterday, after addressing 15.000
people at Convention hall In that -city.
Colonel -C Miles, territorial secretary
of the department of the west, who is
accompanying Commander Booth, Will
conduct., services St the First Presby
teiisn church. Twelfth and Alder streets,
Sunday morning. . Colonel French pf
Ban Francisco will conduct a united
holiness convention- In the First street
hall Sunday morning at 11' o'clock, at
which visiting officers will ba present.
There will be special musical "services.
-'A special meeting will be held Satur
day night at Salvation Army hall. ZSS
Davis street, at which some of the most
prominent visiting officers will take
part. . '
At the hail on First street tnera wm
be a receptlhn to tha visiting' of fleers
gAturdey ntshV with a-musloal program
and refreshments. - . ,T
...,. . ,
Contratstorg for the Oregon Traction
dompany In construction of an alec-
trio railway Una from- Portland to For
est Grove announce that they will be-,
gin work next week, arid will have tha
construction well under way by June
1, They are now assembling all Jnoe-
essary materials, and shipments of iron
will be made' the first , of tha. week. 1
Ties ara being purchased In Oregon.
Construction work will begin on
Stark street, and about the same time
work will be commenced "On' tha big
trestle to be built acroer Batch's jrulch.
This at-lu .highest point, will na 10
feet above the-little stream .thst turn.
bles down through the gulch. ' The steel
' i ."vV :
: f r
Suits equaLto those of other stores at '415.
' I , ' not take long to convince you of the truth
1, f. T,v"v- T.';' - 'uteme'nta.T - : -
111 -f 1 1 .-x r .-.i "11 ix - . .
S m BB1 BT a SL - SV 1 IIS --r.nL . BV m M : :
1 1 it 1 1 1 - 1 i 1 1 1 1 , 1 r - " "
trestle of the Portland Heights Una la
yl HO feet higlu The Funat UI'UV4 llnl
wui oe a nign ciass scemo un in we
vicinity of Portland. . . At tha crossing
I -of Baleh'a gulch passengers may gain
wonderful view of tha - lewis and
Clark- exposition, tha harbor and city
of Portland, and the mountains, oeyona.
The ' line through ; the - csnyDn ; Is ex
tremely Dlcturesaue, West of the hills
the road will run through an agricul
tural country of unsurpassed beauty
and fertility. The company states that
the line will be complete and in oper
ation by December 1. . , ,
j -Clearing the Decks.
For the .new I C. Smith At-Bros, writ
ing In sUh machines, with which we
ara now filling orders. Sea our window
for snaps In partly used machines of
other makes, traded out for Mr. Smith's
lateat product, Li a II. Alexander St
Co., exclusive dealers entire coast, 121
Third street. , - .
By the O. W. P. A Ry. Co.
D'I'rbano's , Royal Italian Band at
Canemah Park next Sunday afternoon
and evening.
The World's Best Bit
. Hqse for Men
Wash -Vests
Tou'll want two.when you aea
them. .The smartest men this aea
in will- wear Washable Vesta,
fcxtaoslve showing in many neat
jpattems fast colors... We've your
lse Prices 93.SO, 4 g
J.n --- --
" ' ' '. '.
' "11
Corns in andMakeUs Prove It
H o
insist that you get all you pay for : Some clothes "are
cheaper than otherclothesinqualityT-and price. A suit
for ten dollars may be a ten dollar suit and it may
VSV clmm Te' mm SmsAm At- t Ca. lf.
wwi ui puu at 9 a uuui u o wui worm niiccn. : wc are pner
1 ing some good clothes at moderate prices and better clothes
at.moderate- prices. o - 4iwtter
. aincTcncc wrninc quauty you
WORSTED and CASSIMERE SUITS the stylish grays
and browns and mixed cut according to fashion's approval
hand tailored trimmings"and linings of the best quality
oiiuuiuua uuii tjxjiu uicir vaiiapc
9,7 5 to $25
e-r -i 1 z-. ' v. t
i i-hX-vx -v' i V-
J ' . 1 - ' A '
" " t-ii.-...r...,l -t. J . '-J-.'J. .ir"
5 It will'7
of these '
; - "4 - .i -
Is the wise man who gets Ills supply
, of paints In thla store. We ara just as
anxious to please him as hela to be
pieasea and that's the reason we hold
; . our' trade so long.jJtlsn't only, paint
Quauty-jr prices. . or even courteous
treatment pf patrons It's all three.
nence wa solicit, with confidence,
large slice of your paint upplying.
Fisher, Thorsen & Ca
Dot, Treat and Xorriso:
.ALL THI . P E O L t
- whaiprice.,you - pay - the -
get value received here.
in sizes to nt aii men
..I...,, j n y 1
Ladies' ; 2 and 3-Strap
i Sandals, all sizes
Saturday Special
Black Kid
... '., .. . - i ' ' '
Saturday Spedatx
Ladies" Viciy Oxfords,
hand-turned and exten
sion soles, military and
Cuban heels, $2.50 grade,
Saturday Special;
fan Oxfords
At Reduced Prices ;
4 ".
230:232 Morrison St
v - . . .
. . . Neat; Second ' r
Ladies' J
4- sc z r '-f ' - ' ;
- More